/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // Bitfield values used to specify which search bar features we want. [Flags] public enum SearchFilterCriteria { NONE = 0, RECURSIVE, TEXT, FLAG, MEDIA, RATING, SAVEDSEARCH, ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF } public enum RatingFilter { NO_FILTER = 0, REJECTED_OR_HIGHER = 1, UNRATED_OR_HIGHER = 2, ONE_OR_HIGHER = 3, TWO_OR_HIGHER = 4, THREE_OR_HIGHER = 5, FOUR_OR_HIGHER = 6, FIVE_OR_HIGHER = 7, REJECTED_ONLY = 8, UNRATED_ONLY = 9, ONE_ONLY = 10, TWO_ONLY = 11, THREE_ONLY = 12, FOUR_ONLY = 13, FIVE_ONLY = 14 } // Handles filtering via rating and text. public abstract class SearchViewFilter : ViewFilter { // If this is true, allow the current rating or higher. private bool rating_allow_higher = true; // Rating to filter by. private Rating rating = Rating.UNRATED; private RatingFilter rating_filter = RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER; // Show flagged only if set to true. public bool flagged { get; set; default = false; } // Media types. public bool show_media_video { get; set; default = true; } public bool show_media_photos { get; set; default = true; } public bool show_media_raw { get; set; default = true; } // Search text filter. Should only be set to lower-case. private string? search_filter = null; private string[]? search_filter_words = null; // Saved search filter public SavedSearch saved_search { get; set; default = null; } // Returns a bitmask of SearchFilterCriteria. // IMPORTANT: There is no signal on this, changing this value after the // view filter is installed will NOT update the GUI. public abstract uint get_criteria(); public void set_rating_filter(RatingFilter rf) { rating_filter = rf; switch (rating_filter) { case RatingFilter.REJECTED_ONLY: rating = Rating.REJECTED; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.REJECTED_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.REJECTED; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.ONE_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.ONE; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.ONE_ONLY: rating = Rating.ONE; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.TWO_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.TWO; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.TWO_ONLY: rating = Rating.TWO; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.THREE_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.THREE; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.THREE_ONLY: rating = Rating.THREE; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.FOUR_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.FOUR; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.FOUR_ONLY: rating = Rating.FOUR; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.FIVE_OR_HIGHER: rating = Rating.FIVE; rating_allow_higher = true; break; case RatingFilter.FIVE_ONLY: rating = Rating.FIVE; rating_allow_higher = false; break; case RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER: default: rating = Rating.UNRATED; rating_allow_higher = true; break; } } public bool has_search_filter() { return !is_string_empty(search_filter); } public unowned string? get_search_filter() { return search_filter; } public unowned string[]? get_search_filter_words() { return search_filter_words; } public void set_search_filter(string? text) { search_filter = !is_string_empty(text) ? text.down() : null; search_filter_words = search_filter != null ? search_filter.split(" ") : null; } public void clear_search_filter() { search_filter = null; search_filter_words = null; } public bool has_saved_search() { return saved_search != null; } public bool get_rating_allow_higher() { return rating_allow_higher; } public Rating get_rating() { return rating; } public bool filter_by_media_type() { return ((show_media_video || show_media_photos || show_media_raw) && !(show_media_video && show_media_photos && show_media_raw)); } } // This class provides a default predicate implementation used for CollectionPage // as well as Trash and Offline. public abstract class DefaultSearchViewFilter : SearchViewFilter { public override bool predicate(DataView view) { MediaSource source = ((Thumbnail) view).get_media_source(); uint criteria = get_criteria(); // Ratings filter if ((SearchFilterCriteria.RATING & criteria) != 0) { if (get_rating_allow_higher() && source.get_rating() < get_rating()) return false; else if (!get_rating_allow_higher() && source.get_rating() != get_rating()) return false; } // Flag state. if ((SearchFilterCriteria.FLAG & criteria) != 0) { if (flagged && source is Flaggable && !((Flaggable) source).is_flagged()) return false; } // Media type. if (((SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA & criteria) != 0) && filter_by_media_type()) { if (source is VideoSource) { if (!show_media_video) return false; } else if (source is Photo) { Photo photo = source as Photo; if (photo.get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) { if (photo.is_raw_developer_available(RawDeveloper.CAMERA)) { if (!show_media_photos && !show_media_raw) return false; } else if (!show_media_raw) { return false; } } else if (!show_media_photos) return false; } } // Text if (((SearchFilterCriteria.TEXT & criteria) != 0) && has_search_filter()) { unowned string? media_keywords = source.get_indexable_keywords(); unowned string? event_keywords = null; Event? event = source.get_event(); if (event != null) event_keywords = event.get_indexable_keywords(); Gee.List<Tag>? tags = Tag.global.fetch_for_source(source); int tags_size = (tags != null) ? tags.size : 0; foreach (unowned string word in get_search_filter_words()) { if (media_keywords != null && media_keywords.contains(word)) continue; if (event_keywords != null && event_keywords.contains(word)) continue; if (tags_size > 0) { bool found = false; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < tags_size; ctr++) { unowned string? tag_keywords = tags[ctr].get_indexable_keywords(); if (tag_keywords != null && tag_keywords.contains(word)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; } // failed all tests (this even works if none of the Indexables have strings, // as they fail the implicit AND test) return false; } } // Saved search if (((SearchFilterCriteria.SAVEDSEARCH & criteria) != 0) && has_saved_search()) { return saved_search.predicate(source); } return true; } } public class DisabledViewFilter : SearchViewFilter { public override bool predicate(DataView view) { return true; } public override uint get_criteria() { return SearchFilterCriteria.RATING; } } public class TextAction { public string? value { get { return text; } } private string? text = null; private bool sensitive = true; private bool visible = true; public signal void text_changed(string? text); public signal void sensitivity_changed(bool sensitive); public signal void visibility_changed(bool visible); public TextAction(string? init = null) { text = init; } public void set_text(string? text) { if (this.text != text) { this.text = text; text_changed(text); } } public void clear() { set_text(null); } public bool is_sensitive() { return sensitive; } public void set_sensitive(bool sensitive) { if (this.sensitive != sensitive) { this.sensitive = sensitive; sensitivity_changed(sensitive); } } public bool is_visible() { return visible; } public void set_visible(bool visible) { if (this.visible != visible) { this.visible = visible; visibility_changed(visible); } } } public class SearchFilterActions { public unowned Gtk.ToggleAction? flagged { get { return get_action("CommonDisplayFlagged") as Gtk.ToggleAction; } } public unowned Gtk.ToggleAction? photos { get { return get_action("CommonDisplayPhotos") as Gtk.ToggleAction; } } public unowned Gtk.ToggleAction? videos { get { return get_action("CommonDisplayVideos") as Gtk.ToggleAction; } } public unowned Gtk.ToggleAction? raw { get { return get_action("CommonDisplayRaw") as Gtk.ToggleAction; } } public unowned Gtk.RadioAction? rating { get { return get_action("CommonDisplayUnratedOrHigher") as Gtk.RadioAction; } } public unowned TextAction text { get { assert(_text != null); return _text; } } private Gtk.ActionGroup action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup("SearchFilterActionGroup"); private SearchFilterCriteria criteria = SearchFilterCriteria.ALL; private TextAction? _text = null; private bool has_flagged = true; private bool has_photos = true; private bool has_videos = true; private bool has_raw = true; private bool can_filter_by_stars = true; public signal void flagged_toggled(bool on); public signal void photos_toggled(bool on); public signal void videos_toggled(bool on); public signal void raw_toggled(bool on); public signal void rating_changed(RatingFilter filter); public signal void text_changed(string? text); /** * fired when the kinds of media present in the current view change (e.g., a video becomes * available in the view through a new import operation or no raw photos are available in * the view anymore because the last one was moved to the trash) */ public signal void media_context_changed(bool has_photos, bool has_videos, bool has_raw, bool has_flagged); // Ticket #3290 - Hide some search bar fields when they // cannot be used. // Part 1 - we use this to announce when the criteria have changed, // and the toolbar can listen for it and hide or show widgets accordingly. public signal void criteria_changed(); public SearchFilterActions() { // the getters defined above should not be used until register() returns register(); text.text_changed.connect(on_text_changed); } public Gtk.ActionGroup get_action_group() { return action_group; } public SearchFilterCriteria get_criteria() { return criteria; } public unowned Gtk.Action? get_action(string name) { return action_group.get_action(name); } public void set_action_sensitive(string name, bool sensitive) { Gtk.Action? action = get_action(name); if (action != null) action.sensitive = sensitive; } public void reset() { flagged.active = false; photos.active = false; raw.active = false; videos.active = false; rating.current_value = RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER; text.set_text(null); } public void set_sensitive_for_search_criteria(SearchFilterCriteria criteria) { this.criteria = criteria; update_sensitivities(); // Announce that we've gotten a new criteria... criteria_changed(); } public void monitor_page_contents(Page? old_page, Page? new_page) { CheckerboardPage? old_tracked_page = old_page as CheckerboardPage; if (old_tracked_page != null) { Core.ViewTracker? tracker = old_tracked_page.get_view_tracker(); if (tracker is MediaViewTracker) tracker.updated.disconnect(on_media_tracker_updated); else if (tracker is CameraViewTracker) tracker.updated.disconnect(on_camera_tracker_updated); } CheckerboardPage? new_tracked_page = new_page as CheckerboardPage; if (new_tracked_page != null) { can_filter_by_stars = true; Core.ViewTracker? tracker = new_tracked_page.get_view_tracker(); if (tracker is MediaViewTracker) { tracker.updated.connect(on_media_tracker_updated); on_media_tracker_updated(tracker); return; } else if (tracker is CameraViewTracker) { tracker.updated.connect(on_camera_tracker_updated); on_camera_tracker_updated(tracker); return; } } // go with default behavior of making none of the filters available. has_flagged = false; has_photos = false; has_videos = false; has_raw = false; can_filter_by_stars = false; update_sensitivities(); } private void on_media_tracker_updated(Core.Tracker t) { MediaViewTracker tracker = (MediaViewTracker) t; has_flagged = tracker.all.flagged > 0; has_photos = tracker.all.photos > 0; has_videos = tracker.all.videos > 0; has_raw = tracker.all.raw > 0; update_sensitivities(); } private void on_camera_tracker_updated(Core.Tracker t) { CameraViewTracker tracker = (CameraViewTracker) t; has_flagged = false; has_photos = tracker.all.photos > 0; has_videos = tracker.all.videos > 0; has_raw = tracker.all.raw > 0; update_sensitivities(); } private void update_sensitivities() { flagged.set_stock_id(((SearchFilterCriteria.FLAG & criteria) != 0 && has_flagged) ? Resources.ICON_FILTER_FLAGGED : Resources.ICON_FILTER_FLAGGED_DISABLED); bool allow_media = (SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA & criteria) != 0; videos.set_stock_id((allow_media && has_videos) ? Resources.ICON_FILTER_VIDEOS : Resources.ICON_FILTER_VIDEOS_DISABLED); photos.set_stock_id((allow_media && has_photos) ? Resources.ICON_FILTER_PHOTOS : Resources.ICON_FILTER_PHOTOS_DISABLED); raw.set_stock_id((allow_media && has_raw) ? Resources.ICON_FILTER_RAW : Resources.ICON_FILTER_RAW_DISABLED); bool allow_ratings = (SearchFilterCriteria.RATING & criteria) != 0; set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayRejectedOnly", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayRejectedOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayUnratedOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayOneOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayTwoOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayThreeOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayFourOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); set_action_sensitive("CommonDisplayFiveOrHigher", allow_ratings & can_filter_by_stars); // Ticket #3343 - Don't disable the text field, even // when no searchable items are available. text.set_sensitive(true); media_context_changed(has_photos, has_videos, has_raw, has_flagged); } private void on_text_changed(TextAction action, string? text) { text_changed(text); } private void register() { _text = new TextAction(); Gtk.RadioActionEntry[] view_filter_actions = new Gtk.RadioActionEntry[0]; Gtk.RadioActionEntry rejected_only = { "CommonDisplayRejectedOnly", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>8", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.REJECTED_ONLY }; rejected_only.label = Resources.DISPLAY_REJECTED_ONLY_MENU; rejected_only.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_REJECTED_ONLY_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += rejected_only; Gtk.RadioActionEntry rejected_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayRejectedOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>9", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.REJECTED_OR_HIGHER }; rejected_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_REJECTED_OR_HIGHER_MENU; rejected_or_higher.tooltip = GLib.dpgettext2 (null, "Tooltip", Resources.DISPLAY_REJECTED_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP); view_filter_actions += rejected_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry unrated_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayUnratedOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>0", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER }; unrated_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_UNRATED_OR_HIGHER_MENU; unrated_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_UNRATED_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += unrated_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry one_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayOneOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>1", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.ONE_OR_HIGHER }; one_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_ONE_OR_HIGHER_MENU; one_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_ONE_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += one_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry two_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayTwoOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>2", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.TWO_OR_HIGHER }; two_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_TWO_OR_HIGHER_MENU; two_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_TWO_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += two_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry three_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayThreeOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>3", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.THREE_OR_HIGHER }; three_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_THREE_OR_HIGHER_MENU; three_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_THREE_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += three_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry four_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayFourOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>4", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.FOUR_OR_HIGHER }; four_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_FOUR_OR_HIGHER_MENU; four_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_FOUR_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += four_or_higher; Gtk.RadioActionEntry five_or_higher = { "CommonDisplayFiveOrHigher", null, TRANSLATABLE, "<Ctrl>5", TRANSLATABLE, RatingFilter.FIVE_OR_HIGHER }; five_or_higher.label = Resources.DISPLAY_FIVE_OR_HIGHER_MENU; five_or_higher.tooltip = Resources.DISPLAY_FIVE_OR_HIGHER_TOOLTIP; view_filter_actions += five_or_higher; action_group.add_radio_actions(view_filter_actions, RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER, on_rating_changed); Gtk.ToggleActionEntry[] toggle_actions = new Gtk.ToggleActionEntry[0]; Gtk.ToggleActionEntry flagged_action = { "CommonDisplayFlagged", Resources.ICON_FILTER_FLAGGED, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE, on_flagged_toggled, false }; flagged_action.label = _("Flagged"); flagged_action.tooltip = _("Flagged"); toggle_actions += flagged_action; Gtk.ToggleActionEntry photos_action = { "CommonDisplayPhotos", Resources.ICON_FILTER_PHOTOS, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE, on_photos_toggled, false }; photos_action.label = _("Photos"); photos_action.tooltip = _("Photos"); toggle_actions += photos_action; Gtk.ToggleActionEntry videos_action = { "CommonDisplayVideos", Resources.ICON_FILTER_VIDEOS, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE, on_videos_toggled, false }; videos_action.label = _("Videos"); videos_action.tooltip = _("Videos"); toggle_actions += videos_action; Gtk.ToggleActionEntry raw_action = { "CommonDisplayRaw", Resources.ICON_FILTER_RAW, TRANSLATABLE, null, TRANSLATABLE, on_raw_toggled, false }; raw_action.label = _("RAW Photos"); raw_action.tooltip = _("RAW photos"); toggle_actions += raw_action; action_group.add_toggle_actions(toggle_actions, this); } private void on_rating_changed(Gtk.Action action, Gtk.Action current) { rating_changed((RatingFilter) ((Gtk.RadioAction) current).get_current_value()); } private void on_flagged_toggled(Gtk.Action action) { flagged_toggled(((Gtk.ToggleAction) action).active); } private void on_photos_toggled(Gtk.Action action) { photos_toggled(((Gtk.ToggleAction) action).active); } private void on_videos_toggled(Gtk.Action action) { videos_toggled(((Gtk.ToggleAction) action).active); } private void on_raw_toggled(Gtk.Action action) { raw_toggled(((Gtk.ToggleAction) action).active); } public bool get_has_photos() { return has_photos; } public bool get_has_videos() { return has_videos; } public bool get_has_raw() { return has_raw; } public bool get_has_flagged() { return has_flagged; } } public class SearchFilterToolbar : Gtk.Revealer { private Gtk.Toolbar toolbar; private const int FILTER_BUTTON_MARGIN = 12; // the distance between icon and edge of button private const float FILTER_ICON_STAR_SCALE = 0.65f; // changes the size of the filter icon private const float FILTER_ICON_SCALE = 0.75f; // changes the size of the all photos icon // filter_icon_base_width is the width (in px) of a single filter icon such as one star or an "X" private const int FILTER_ICON_BASE_WIDTH = 30; // filter_icon_plus_width is the width (in px) of the plus icon private const int FILTER_ICON_PLUS_WIDTH = 20; private class LabelToolItem : Gtk.ToolItem { private Gtk.Label label; public LabelToolItem(string s, int left_padding = 0, int right_padding = 0) { label = new Gtk.Label(s); if (left_padding != 0 || right_padding != 0) { Gtk.Alignment alignment = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0.5f, 0, 0); alignment.add(label); alignment.left_padding = left_padding; alignment.right_padding = right_padding; add(alignment); } else { add(label); } } } private class ToggleActionToolButton : Gtk.ToolItem { private Gtk.ToggleButton button; private Gtk.ToggleAction action; public ToggleActionToolButton(Gtk.ToggleAction action) { this.action = action; button = new Gtk.ToggleButton(); button.set_can_focus(false); button.set_active(action.active); button.clicked.connect(on_button_activate); button.set_has_tooltip(true); button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE); button.set_margin_start(2); this.add(button); } ~ToggleActionToolButton() { button.clicked.disconnect(on_button_activate); } private void on_button_activate() { action.activate(); } public void set_icon_name(string icon_name) { Gtk.Image? image = null; button.set_always_show_image(true); if (icon_name.contains("disabled")) image = new Gtk.Image.from_stock(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); else image = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); image.set_margin_end(6); button.set_image(image); } public void set_label(string label) { button.set_label(label); } } // Ticket #3260 - Add a 'close' context menu to // the searchbar. // The close menu. Populated below in the constructor. private Gtk.Menu close_menu = new Gtk.Menu(); private Gtk.MenuItem close_item = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // Text search box. protected class SearchBox : Gtk.ToolItem { private Gtk.SearchEntry search_entry; private TextAction action; public SearchBox(TextAction action) { this.action = action; search_entry = new Gtk.SearchEntry(); search_entry.width_chars = 23; search_entry.key_press_event.connect(on_escape_key); add(search_entry); set_nullable_text(action.value); action.text_changed.connect(on_action_text_changed); action.sensitivity_changed.connect(on_sensitivity_changed); action.visibility_changed.connect(on_visibility_changed); search_entry.buffer.deleted_text.connect(on_entry_changed); search_entry.buffer.inserted_text.connect(on_entry_changed); } ~SearchBox() { action.text_changed.disconnect(on_action_text_changed); action.sensitivity_changed.disconnect(on_sensitivity_changed); action.visibility_changed.disconnect(on_visibility_changed); search_entry.buffer.deleted_text.disconnect(on_entry_changed); search_entry.buffer.inserted_text.disconnect(on_entry_changed); } public void get_focus() { search_entry.has_focus = true; } // Ticket #3124 - user should be able to clear // the search textbox by typing 'Esc'. private bool on_escape_key(Gdk.EventKey e) { if(Gdk.keyval_name(e.keyval) == "Escape") action.clear(); // Continue processing this event, since the // text entry functionality needs to see it too. return false; } private void on_action_text_changed(string? text) { search_entry.buffer.deleted_text.disconnect(on_entry_changed); search_entry.buffer.inserted_text.disconnect(on_entry_changed); set_nullable_text(text); search_entry.buffer.deleted_text.connect(on_entry_changed); search_entry.buffer.inserted_text.connect(on_entry_changed); } private void on_entry_changed() { action.text_changed.disconnect(on_action_text_changed); action.set_text(search_entry.get_text()); action.text_changed.connect(on_action_text_changed); } private void on_sensitivity_changed(bool sensitive) { this.sensitive = sensitive; } private void on_visibility_changed(bool visible) { ((Gtk.Widget) this).visible = visible; } private void set_nullable_text(string? text) { search_entry.set_text(text != null ? text : ""); } } // Handles ratings filters. protected class RatingFilterButton : Gtk.ToolItem { public Gtk.Menu filter_popup = null; public Gtk.Button button; public signal void clicked(); public RatingFilterButton() { button = new Gtk.Button(); button.set_image(get_filter_icon(RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER)); button.set_can_focus(false); button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE); button.set_margin_start(2); button.clicked.connect(on_clicked); set_homogeneous(false); this.add(button); } ~RatingFilterButton() { button.clicked.disconnect(on_clicked); } private void on_clicked() { clicked(); } private Gtk.Widget get_filter_icon(RatingFilter filter) { string filename = null; switch (filter) { case RatingFilter.ONE_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_ONE_OR_BETTER; break; case RatingFilter.TWO_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_TWO_OR_BETTER; break; case RatingFilter.THREE_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_THREE_OR_BETTER; break; case RatingFilter.FOUR_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_FOUR_OR_BETTER; break; case RatingFilter.FIVE_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_FIVE; break; case RatingFilter.REJECTED_OR_HIGHER: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_REJECTED_OR_BETTER; break; case RatingFilter.REJECTED_ONLY: filename = Resources.ICON_RATING_REJECTED; break; case RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER: default: filename = Resources.ICON_FILTER_UNRATED_OR_BETTER; break; } Gtk.Image image = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf(Resources.load_icon(filename, get_filter_icon_size(filter))); image.set_margin_end(6); return image; } private int get_filter_icon_size(RatingFilter filter) { int icon_base = (int) (FILTER_ICON_BASE_WIDTH * FILTER_ICON_SCALE); int icon_star_base = (int) (FILTER_ICON_BASE_WIDTH * FILTER_ICON_STAR_SCALE); int icon_plus = (int) (FILTER_ICON_PLUS_WIDTH * FILTER_ICON_STAR_SCALE); switch (filter) { case RatingFilter.ONE_OR_HIGHER: return icon_star_base + icon_plus; case RatingFilter.TWO_OR_HIGHER: return icon_star_base * 2 + icon_plus; case RatingFilter.THREE_OR_HIGHER: return icon_star_base * 3 + icon_plus; case RatingFilter.FOUR_OR_HIGHER: return icon_star_base * 4 + icon_plus; case RatingFilter.FIVE_OR_HIGHER: case RatingFilter.FIVE_ONLY: return icon_star_base * 5; case RatingFilter.REJECTED_OR_HIGHER: return Resources.ICON_FILTER_REJECTED_OR_BETTER_FIXED_SIZE; case RatingFilter.UNRATED_OR_HIGHER: return Resources.ICON_FILTER_UNRATED_OR_BETTER_FIXED_SIZE; case RatingFilter.REJECTED_ONLY: return icon_plus; default: return icon_base; } } public void set_filter_icon(RatingFilter filter) { button.set_always_show_image(true); button.set_image(get_filter_icon(filter)); set_size_request(get_filter_button_size(filter), -1); set_tooltip_text(Resources.get_rating_filter_tooltip(filter)); set_has_tooltip(true); show_all(); } private int get_filter_button_size(RatingFilter filter) { return get_filter_icon_size(filter) + 2 * FILTER_BUTTON_MARGIN; } public void set_label(string label) { button.set_label(label); } } protected class SavedSearchFilterButton : Gtk.ToolItem { public SavedSearchPopover filter_popup = null; public Gtk.ToggleButton button; public signal void clicked(); public SavedSearchFilterButton() { button = new Gtk.ToggleButton(); button.set_always_show_image(true); Gtk.Image? image = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name("find", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); image.set_margin_end(6); button.set_image(image); button.set_can_focus(false); button.clicked.connect(on_clicked); restyle(); set_homogeneous(false); this.add(button); } ~SavedSearchFilterButton() { button.clicked.disconnect(on_clicked); } private void on_clicked() { clicked(); } public void set_active(bool active) { button.set_active(active); } public void set_label(string label) { button.set_label(label); } public void restyle() { button.set_size_request(24, 24); button.relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE; } } protected class SavedSearchPopover { private Gtk.Popover popover = null; private Gtk.ListBox list_box = null; private DataButton[] edit_buttons = null; private DataButton[] delete_buttons = null; Gtk.Button add = null; public signal void search_activated(SavedSearch search); public signal void edit_clicked(SavedSearch search); public signal void delete_clicked(SavedSearch search); public signal void add_clicked(); public signal void closed(); private class DataButton : Gtk.Bin { private Gtk.Button button = null; public SavedSearch search { get; private set; } public signal void clicked(SavedSearch search); public DataButton(SavedSearch search, string name) { button = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name(name, Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); this.search = search; this.add(button); restyle(); button.clicked.connect(on_click); } ~DataButton() { button.clicked.disconnect(on_click); } public void restyle() { button.set_size_request(24, 24); button.relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE; } private void on_click() { clicked(this.search); } } public SavedSearchPopover(Gtk.Widget relative_to) { popover = new Gtk.Popover(relative_to); popover.closed.connect(on_popover_closed); list_box = new Gtk.ListBox(); edit_buttons = new DataButton[0]; delete_buttons = new DataButton[0]; foreach (SavedSearch search in SavedSearchTable.get_instance().get_all()) { Gtk.Box row = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 1); row.set_homogeneous(false); Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label(search.get_name()); label.halign = Gtk.Align.START; row.pack_start(label, true, true, 3); DataButton delete_button = new DataButton(search, "edit-delete-symbolic"); row.pack_end(delete_button, false, false); delete_button.clicked.connect(on_delete_click); delete_buttons += delete_button; DataButton edit_button = new DataButton(search, "text-editor-symbolic"); row.pack_end(edit_button, false, false); edit_button.clicked.connect(on_edit_click); edit_buttons += edit_button; list_box.insert(row, -1); } add = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name("list-add-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON); add.clicked.connect(on_add_click); list_box.insert(add, -1); list_box.row_activated.connect(on_activate_row); list_box.selection_mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE; popover.add(list_box); restyle(); } ~SavedSearchPopover() { foreach (DataButton button in edit_buttons) button.clicked.disconnect(on_edit_click); foreach (DataButton button in delete_buttons) button.clicked.disconnect(on_delete_click); add.clicked.disconnect(on_add_click); list_box.row_activated.disconnect(on_activate_row); popover.closed.disconnect(on_popover_closed); } public void restyle() { add.relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE; foreach (DataButton button in edit_buttons) button.restyle(); foreach (DataButton button in delete_buttons) button.restyle(); } private bool is_search_row(Gtk.ListBoxRow? row) { if (row == null) return false; if (row.get_children().last().data is Gtk.Button) return false; return true; } private SavedSearch get_search(Gtk.ListBoxRow row) { DataButton button = (row.get_children().first().data as Gtk.Box).get_children().last().data as DataButton; return button.search; } private void on_activate_row(Gtk.ListBoxRow? row) { if (is_search_row(row)) search_activated(get_search(row)); popover.hide(); } private void on_edit_click(SavedSearch search) { edit_clicked(search); } private void on_delete_click(SavedSearch search) { delete_clicked(search); } private void on_add_click() { add_clicked(); } private void on_popover_closed() { closed(); } public void show_all() { popover.show_all(); } public void hide() { popover.hide(); } } public Gtk.UIManager ui = new Gtk.UIManager(); private SearchFilterActions actions; private SavedSearch saved_search = null; private SearchBox search_box; private RatingFilterButton rating_button = new RatingFilterButton(); private SavedSearchFilterButton saved_search_button = new SavedSearchFilterButton(); private bool elide_showing_again = false; private SearchViewFilter? search_filter = null; private LabelToolItem label_type; private ToggleActionToolButton toolbtn_photos; private ToggleActionToolButton toolbtn_videos; private ToggleActionToolButton toolbtn_raw; private ToggleActionToolButton toolbtn_flag; private Gtk.SeparatorToolItem sepr_mediatype_flagged; private Gtk.SeparatorToolItem sepr_flagged_rating; private Gtk.SeparatorToolItem sepr_rating_saved; public SearchFilterToolbar(SearchFilterActions actions) { this.actions = actions; toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar(); actions.media_context_changed.connect(on_media_context_changed); search_box = new SearchBox(actions.text); toolbar.set_name("search-filter-toolbar"); toolbar.set_icon_size(Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); File ui_file = Resources.get_ui("search_bar.ui"); try { ui.add_ui_from_file(ui_file.get_path()); } catch (Error err) { AppWindow.panic(_("Error loading UI file %s: %s").printf( ui_file.get_path(), err.message)); } ui.insert_action_group(actions.get_action_group(), 0); // Ticket #3260 - Add a 'close' context menu to // the searchbar. // Prepare the close menu for use, but don't // display it yet; we'll connect it to secondary // click later on. close_item.set_label(_("Close")); close_item.show(); close_item.activate.connect(on_context_menu_close_chosen); close_menu.append(close_item); // Type label and toggles label_type = new LabelToolItem(_("Type"), 10, 5); toolbar.insert(label_type, -1); toolbtn_photos = new ToggleActionToolButton(actions.photos); toolbtn_photos.set_tooltip_text(actions.get_action_group().get_action("CommonDisplayPhotos").tooltip); toolbtn_videos = new ToggleActionToolButton(actions.videos); toolbtn_videos.set_tooltip_text(actions.get_action_group().get_action("CommonDisplayVideos").tooltip); toolbtn_raw = new ToggleActionToolButton(actions.raw); toolbtn_raw.set_tooltip_text(actions.get_action_group().get_action("CommonDisplayRaw").tooltip); toolbar.insert(toolbtn_photos, -1); toolbar.insert(toolbtn_videos, -1); toolbar.insert(toolbtn_raw, -1); // separator sepr_mediatype_flagged = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(); toolbar.insert(sepr_mediatype_flagged, -1); // Flagged button toolbtn_flag = new ToggleActionToolButton(actions.flagged); toolbtn_flag.set_label(_("Flagged")); toolbtn_flag.set_tooltip_text(actions.get_action_group().get_action("CommonDisplayFlagged").tooltip); toolbar.insert(toolbtn_flag, -1); // separator sepr_flagged_rating = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(); toolbar.insert(sepr_flagged_rating, -1); // Rating button rating_button.filter_popup = (Gtk.Menu) ui.get_widget("/FilterPopupMenu"); rating_button.set_label(_("Rating")); rating_button.set_expand(false); rating_button.clicked.connect(on_filter_button_clicked); toolbar.insert(rating_button, -1); // separator sepr_rating_saved = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(); toolbar.insert(sepr_rating_saved, -1); // Saved search button saved_search_button.set_expand(false); saved_search_button.set_label(_("Saved Search")); saved_search_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Use a saved search to filter items in the current view")); saved_search_button.clicked.connect(on_saved_search_button_clicked); toolbar.insert(saved_search_button, -1); // Separator to right-align the text box Gtk.SeparatorToolItem separator_align = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(); separator_align.set_expand(true); separator_align.set_draw(false); toolbar.insert(separator_align, -1); // Search box. toolbar.insert(search_box, -1); add(toolbar); // hook up signals to actions to be notified when they change actions.flagged_toggled.connect(on_flagged_toggled); actions.photos_toggled.connect(on_photos_toggled); actions.videos_toggled.connect(on_videos_toggled); actions.raw_toggled.connect(on_raw_toggled); actions.rating_changed.connect(on_rating_changed); actions.text_changed.connect(on_search_text_changed); actions.criteria_changed.connect(on_criteria_changed); // #3260 part II Hook up close menu. toolbar.popup_context_menu.connect(on_context_menu_requested); on_media_context_changed(actions.get_has_photos(), actions.get_has_videos(), actions.get_has_raw(), actions.get_has_flagged()); } ~SearchFilterToolbar() { actions.media_context_changed.disconnect(on_media_context_changed); actions.flagged_toggled.disconnect(on_flagged_toggled); actions.photos_toggled.disconnect(on_photos_toggled); actions.videos_toggled.disconnect(on_videos_toggled); actions.raw_toggled.disconnect(on_raw_toggled); actions.rating_changed.disconnect(on_rating_changed); actions.text_changed.disconnect(on_search_text_changed); actions.criteria_changed.disconnect(on_criteria_changed); toolbar.popup_context_menu.disconnect(on_context_menu_requested); } private void on_media_context_changed(bool has_photos, bool has_videos, bool has_raw, bool has_flagged) { if (has_photos) toolbtn_photos.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_PHOTOS); else toolbtn_photos.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_PHOTOS_DISABLED); if (has_videos) toolbtn_videos.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_VIDEOS); else toolbtn_videos.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_VIDEOS_DISABLED); if (has_raw) toolbtn_raw.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_RAW); else toolbtn_raw.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_RAW_DISABLED); if (has_flagged) toolbtn_flag.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_FLAGGED); else toolbtn_flag.set_icon_name(Resources.ICON_FILTER_FLAGGED_DISABLED); } // Ticket #3260 part IV - display the context menu on secondary click private bool on_context_menu_requested(int x, int y, int button) { close_menu.popup(null, null, null, button, Gtk.get_current_event_time()); return false; } // Ticket #3260 part III - this runs whenever 'close' // is chosen in the context menu. private void on_context_menu_close_chosen() { AppWindow aw = LibraryWindow.get_app(); // Try to obtain the action for toggling the searchbar. If // it's null, then we're probably in direct edit mode, and // shouldn't do anything anyway. Gtk.ToggleAction searchbar_toggle = aw.get_common_action("CommonDisplaySearchbar") as Gtk.ToggleAction; // Could we find the appropriate action? if(searchbar_toggle != null) { // Yes, hide the search bar. searchbar_toggle.set_active(false); } } private void on_flagged_toggled() { update(); } private void on_videos_toggled() { update(); } private void on_photos_toggled() { update(); } private void on_raw_toggled() { update(); } private void on_search_text_changed() { update(); } private void on_rating_changed() { AppWindow aw = LibraryWindow.get_app(); if (aw == null) return; Gtk.ToggleAction searchbar_toggle = aw.get_common_action("CommonDisplaySearchbar") as Gtk.ToggleAction; if(searchbar_toggle != null) searchbar_toggle.set_active(true); update(); } // Ticket #3290, part II - listen for criteria change signals, // and show or hide widgets based on the criteria we just // changed to. private void on_criteria_changed() { update(); } public void set_view_filter(SearchViewFilter search_filter) { if (search_filter == this.search_filter) return; this.search_filter = search_filter; // Enable/disable toolbar features depending on what the filter offers actions.set_sensitive_for_search_criteria((SearchFilterCriteria) search_filter.get_criteria()); rating_button.sensitive = (SearchFilterCriteria.RATING & search_filter.get_criteria()) != 0; update(); } public void unset_view_filter() { set_view_filter(new DisabledViewFilter()); } // Forces an update of the search filter. public void update() { if (null == search_filter) { // Search bar isn't being shown, need to toggle it. LibraryWindow.get_app().show_search_bar(true); } assert(null != search_filter); search_filter.set_search_filter(actions.text.value); search_filter.flagged = actions.flagged.active; search_filter.show_media_video = actions.videos.active; search_filter.show_media_photos = actions.photos.active; search_filter.show_media_raw = actions.raw.active; RatingFilter filter = (RatingFilter) actions.rating.current_value; search_filter.set_rating_filter(filter); rating_button.set_filter_icon(filter); search_filter.saved_search = saved_search; // Ticket #3290, part III - check the current criteria // and show or hide widgets as needed. SearchFilterCriteria criteria = actions.get_criteria(); search_box.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.TEXT) != 0); rating_button.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.RATING) != 0); toolbtn_flag.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.FLAG) != 0); label_type.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA) != 0); toolbtn_photos.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA) != 0); toolbtn_videos.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA) != 0); toolbtn_raw.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.MEDIA) != 0); saved_search_button.visible = ((criteria & SearchFilterCriteria.SAVEDSEARCH) != 0); // Ticket #3290, part IV - ensure that the separators // are shown and/or hidden as needed. sepr_mediatype_flagged.visible = (label_type.visible && toolbtn_flag.visible); sepr_flagged_rating.visible = ((label_type.visible && rating_button.visible) || (toolbtn_flag.visible && rating_button.visible)); // Send update to view collection. search_filter.refresh(); } private void position_filter_popup(Gtk.Menu menu, out int x, out int y, out bool push_in) { menu.realize(); int rx, ry; rating_button.get_window().get_root_origin(out rx, out ry); Gtk.Allocation rating_button_allocation; rating_button.get_allocation(out rating_button_allocation); Gtk.Allocation menubar_allocation; AppWindow.get_instance().get_current_page().get_menubar().get_allocation(out menubar_allocation); int sidebar_w = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_sidebar_position(); x = rx + rating_button_allocation.x + sidebar_w; y = ry + rating_button_allocation.y + rating_button_allocation.height + menubar_allocation.height; push_in = false; } private void on_filter_button_clicked() { rating_button.filter_popup.popup(null, null, position_filter_popup, 0, Gtk.get_current_event_time()); } private void on_savedsearch_selected(SavedSearch saved_search) { this.saved_search = saved_search; update(); } private void disable_savedsearch() { this.saved_search = null; update(); } private void edit_dialog(SavedSearch search) { saved_search_button.filter_popup.hide(); SavedSearchDialog ssd = new SavedSearchDialog.edit_existing(search); ssd.show(); } private void delete_dialog(SavedSearch search) { saved_search_button.filter_popup.hide(); if (Dialogs.confirm_delete_saved_search(search)) AppWindow.get_command_manager().execute(new DeleteSavedSearchCommand(search)); } private void add_dialog() { saved_search_button.filter_popup.hide(); (new SavedSearchDialog()).show(); } private void on_popover_closed() { // set_active emits clicked, so have a flag to not actually do anything elide_showing_again = true; saved_search_button.set_active(saved_search != null); saved_search_button.filter_popup.hide(); } private void on_saved_search_button_clicked() { if (elide_showing_again && saved_search == null) { } else if (saved_search != null) { saved_search = null; saved_search_button.set_active(false); disable_savedsearch(); } else { if (saved_search_button.filter_popup != null) { saved_search_button.filter_popup.edit_clicked.disconnect(edit_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.search_activated.disconnect(on_savedsearch_selected); saved_search_button.filter_popup.delete_clicked.disconnect(delete_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.add_clicked.disconnect(add_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.closed.disconnect(on_popover_closed); } saved_search_button.filter_popup = new SavedSearchPopover(saved_search_button); saved_search_button.filter_popup.edit_clicked.connect(edit_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.search_activated.connect(on_savedsearch_selected); saved_search_button.filter_popup.delete_clicked.connect(delete_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.add_clicked.connect(add_dialog); saved_search_button.filter_popup.closed.connect(on_popover_closed); saved_search_button.filter_popup.show_all(); } elide_showing_again = false; } public void take_focus() { search_box.get_focus(); } }