/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ class SlideshowPage : SinglePhotoPage { private const int READAHEAD_COUNT = 5; private const int CHECK_ADVANCE_MSEC = 250; private SourceCollection sources; private ViewCollection controller; private Photo current; private Gtk.ToolButton play_pause_button; private Gtk.ToolButton settings_button; private PixbufCache cache = null; private Timer timer = new Timer(); private bool playing = true; private bool exiting = false; private string[] transitions; private Screensaver screensaver; public signal void hide_toolbar(); [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/Shotwell/ui/slideshow_settings.ui")] private class SettingsDialog : Gtk.Dialog { [GtkChild] Gtk.Adjustment delay_adjustment; [GtkChild] Gtk.SpinButton delay_entry; [GtkChild] Gtk.ComboBoxText transition_effect_selector; [GtkChild] Gtk.Scale transition_effect_hscale; [GtkChild] Gtk.SpinButton transition_effect_entry; [GtkChild] Gtk.Adjustment transition_effect_adjustment; [GtkChild] Gtk.CheckButton show_title_button; public SettingsDialog() { double delay = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_delay(); set_transient_for(AppWindow.get_fullscreen()); delay_adjustment.value = delay; // get last effect id string effect_id = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_effect_id(); // null effect first, always, and set active in case no other one is found string null_display_name = TransitionEffectsManager.get_instance().get_effect_name( TransitionEffectsManager.NULL_EFFECT_ID); transition_effect_selector.append_text(null_display_name); transition_effect_selector.set_active(0); int i = 1; foreach (string display_name in TransitionEffectsManager.get_instance().get_effect_names(utf8_ci_compare)) { if (display_name == null_display_name) continue; transition_effect_selector.append_text(display_name); if (effect_id == TransitionEffectsManager.get_instance().get_id_for_effect_name(display_name)) transition_effect_selector.set_active(i); ++i; } transition_effect_selector.changed.connect(on_transition_changed); double transition_delay = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_delay(); transition_effect_adjustment.value = transition_delay; bool show_title = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_show_title(); show_title_button.active = show_title; on_transition_changed(); } private void on_transition_changed() { string selected = transition_effect_selector.get_active_text(); bool sensitive = selected != null && selected != TransitionEffectsManager.NULL_EFFECT_ID; transition_effect_hscale.sensitive = sensitive; transition_effect_entry.sensitive = sensitive; } public double get_delay() { return delay_entry.get_value(); } public double get_transition_delay() { return transition_effect_entry.get_value(); } public string get_transition_effect_id() { string? active = transition_effect_selector.get_active_text(); if (active == null) return TransitionEffectsManager.NULL_EFFECT_ID; string? id = TransitionEffectsManager.get_instance().get_id_for_effect_name(active); return (id != null) ? id : TransitionEffectsManager.NULL_EFFECT_ID; } public bool get_show_title() { return show_title_button.active; } } public SlideshowPage(SourceCollection sources, ViewCollection controller, Photo start) { base(_("Slideshow"), true); this.sources = sources; this.controller = controller; Gee.Collection<string> pluggables = TransitionEffectsManager.get_instance().get_effect_ids(); Gee.ArrayList<string> a = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); a.add_all(pluggables); a.remove(NullTransitionDescriptor.EFFECT_ID); a.remove(RandomEffectDescriptor.EFFECT_ID); transitions = a.to_array(); current = start; update_transition_effect(); // Set up toolbar Gtk.Toolbar toolbar = get_toolbar(); // add toolbar buttons Gtk.ToolButton previous_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, _("Back")); previous_button.set_icon_name("go-previous"); previous_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Go to the previous photo")); previous_button.clicked.connect(on_previous_photo); toolbar.insert(previous_button, -1); play_pause_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, _("Pause")); play_pause_button.set_icon_name("media-playback-pause"); play_pause_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Pause the slideshow")); play_pause_button.clicked.connect(on_play_pause); toolbar.insert(play_pause_button, -1); Gtk.ToolButton next_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, _("Next")); next_button.set_icon_name("go-next"); next_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Go to the next photo")); next_button.clicked.connect(on_next_photo); toolbar.insert(next_button, -1); settings_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, null); settings_button.set_icon_name("preferences-system"); settings_button.set_label(_("Settings")); settings_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Change slideshow settings")); settings_button.clicked.connect(on_change_settings); settings_button.is_important = true; toolbar.insert(settings_button, -1); screensaver = new Screensaver(); } public override void switched_to() { base.switched_to(); // create a cache for the size of this display cache = new PixbufCache(sources, PixbufCache.PhotoType.BASELINE, get_canvas_scaling(), READAHEAD_COUNT); Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf; if (get_next_photo(current, Direction.FORWARD, out current, out pixbuf)) set_pixbuf(pixbuf, current.get_dimensions(), Direction.FORWARD); // start the auto-advance timer Timeout.add(CHECK_ADVANCE_MSEC, auto_advance); timer.start(); screensaver.inhibit("Playing slideshow"); } public override void switching_from() { base.switching_from(); screensaver.uninhibit(); exiting = true; } private bool get_next_photo(Photo start, Direction direction, out Photo next, out Gdk.Pixbuf next_pixbuf) { next = start; for (;;) { try { // Fails if a photo source file is missing. next_pixbuf = cache.fetch(next); } catch (Error err) { warning("Unable to fetch pixbuf for %s: %s", next.to_string(), err.message); // Look for the next good photo DataView view = controller.get_view_for_source(next); view = (direction == Direction.FORWARD) ? controller.get_next(view) : controller.get_previous(view); next = (Photo) view.get_source(); // An entire slideshow set might be missing, so check for a loop. if ((next == start && next != current) || next == current) { AppWindow.error_message(_("All photo source files are missing."), get_container()); AppWindow.get_instance().end_fullscreen(); next = null; next_pixbuf = null; return false; } continue; } // prefetch this photo's extended neighbors: the next photo highest priority, the prior // one normal, and the extended neighbors lowest, to recognize immediate needs DataSource forward, back; controller.get_immediate_neighbors(next, out forward, out back, Photo.TYPENAME); cache.prefetch((Photo) forward, BackgroundJob.JobPriority.HIGHEST); cache.prefetch((Photo) back, BackgroundJob.JobPriority.NORMAL); Gee.Set<DataSource> neighbors = controller.get_extended_neighbors(next, Photo.TYPENAME); neighbors.remove(forward); neighbors.remove(back); cache.prefetch_many((Gee.Collection<Photo>) neighbors, BackgroundJob.JobPriority.LOWEST); return true; } } private void on_play_pause() { if (playing) { play_pause_button.set_icon_name("media-playback-start"); play_pause_button.set_label(_("Play")); play_pause_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Continue the slideshow")); } else { play_pause_button.set_icon_name("media-playback-pause"); play_pause_button.set_label(_("Pause")); play_pause_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Pause the slideshow")); } playing = !playing; // reset the timer timer.start(); } protected override void on_previous_photo() { DataView view = controller.get_view_for_source(current); Photo? prev_photo = null; DataView? start_view = controller.get_previous(view); DataView? prev_view = start_view; while (prev_view != null) { if (prev_view.get_source() is Photo) { prev_photo = (Photo) prev_view.get_source(); break; } prev_view = controller.get_previous(prev_view); if (prev_view == start_view) { warning("on_previous( ): can't advance to previous photo: collection has only videos"); return; } } advance(prev_photo, Direction.BACKWARD); } protected override void on_next_photo() { DataView view = controller.get_view_for_source(current); Photo? next_photo = null; DataView? start_view = controller.get_next(view); DataView? next_view = start_view; while (next_view != null) { if (next_view.get_source() is Photo) { next_photo = (Photo) next_view.get_source(); break; } next_view = controller.get_next(next_view); if (next_view == start_view) { warning("on_next( ): can't advance to next photo: collection has only videos"); return; } } if (Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_effect_id() == RandomEffectDescriptor.EFFECT_ID) { random_transition_effect(); } advance(next_photo, Direction.FORWARD); } private void advance(Photo photo, Direction direction) { current = photo; // set pixbuf Gdk.Pixbuf next_pixbuf; if (get_next_photo(current, direction, out current, out next_pixbuf)) set_pixbuf(next_pixbuf, current.get_dimensions(), direction); // reset the advance timer timer.start(); } private bool auto_advance() { if (exiting) return false; if (!playing) return true; if (timer.elapsed() < Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_delay()) return true; on_next_photo(); return true; } public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) { bool handled = true; switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) { case "space": on_play_pause(); break; default: handled = false; break; } if (handled) return true; return (base.key_press_event != null) ? base.key_press_event(event) : true; } private void on_change_settings() { SettingsDialog settings_dialog = new SettingsDialog(); settings_dialog.show_all(); bool slideshow_playing = playing; playing = false; hide_toolbar(); if (settings_dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) { // sync with the config setting so it will persist Config.Facade.get_instance().set_slideshow_delay(settings_dialog.get_delay()); Config.Facade.get_instance().set_slideshow_transition_delay(settings_dialog.get_transition_delay()); Config.Facade.get_instance().set_slideshow_transition_effect_id(settings_dialog.get_transition_effect_id()); Config.Facade.get_instance().set_slideshow_show_title(settings_dialog.get_show_title()); update_transition_effect(); } settings_dialog.destroy(); playing = slideshow_playing; timer.start(); } private void update_transition_effect() { string effect_id = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_effect_id(); double effect_delay = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_delay(); set_transition(effect_id, (int) (effect_delay * 1000.0)); } private void random_transition_effect() { double effect_delay = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_transition_delay(); string effect_id = TransitionEffectsManager.NULL_EFFECT_ID; if (0 < transitions.length) { int random = Random.int_range(0, transitions.length); effect_id = transitions[random]; } set_transition(effect_id, (int) (effect_delay * 1000.0)); } // Paint the title of the photo private void paint_title(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions ctx_dim) { string? title = current.get_title(); // If the photo doesn't have a title, don't paint anything if (title == null || title == "") return; Pango.Layout layout = create_pango_layout(title); Pango.AttrList list = new Pango.AttrList(); Pango.Attribute size = Pango.attr_scale_new(3); list.insert(size.copy()); layout.set_attributes(list); layout.set_width((int) ((ctx_dim.width * 0.9) * Pango.SCALE)); // Find the right position int title_width, title_height; layout.get_pixel_size(out title_width, out title_height); double x = ctx_dim.width * 0.2; double y = ctx_dim.height * 0.90; // Move the title up if it is too high if (y + title_height >= ctx_dim.height * 0.95) y = ctx_dim.height * 0.95 - title_height; // Move to the left if the title is too long if (x + title_width >= ctx_dim.width * 0.95) x = ctx_dim.width / 2 - title_width / 2; set_source_color_from_string(ctx, "#fff"); ctx.move_to(x, y); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_layout_path(ctx, layout); ctx.set_line_width(1.5); set_source_color_from_string(ctx, "#000"); ctx.stroke(); } public override void paint(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions ctx_dim) { base.paint(ctx, ctx_dim); if (Config.Facade.get_instance().get_slideshow_show_title() && !is_transition_in_progress()) paint_title(ctx, ctx_dim); } }