/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class TagSourceCollection : ContainerSourceCollection { private Gee.HashMap<string, Tag> name_map = new Gee.HashMap<string, Tag>(Tag.hash_name_string, Tag.equal_name_strings); private Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, Gee.List<Tag>> source_map = new Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, Gee.List<Tag>>(); private Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, Gee.SortedSet<Tag>> sorted_source_map = new Gee.HashMap<MediaSource, Gee.SortedSet<Tag>>(); public TagSourceCollection() { base (Tag.TYPENAME, "TagSourceCollection", get_tag_key); attach_collection(LibraryPhoto.global); attach_collection(Video.global); // deal with LibraryPhotos being reimported (and possibly their on-disk keywords changing) LibraryPhoto.global.source_reimported.connect(on_photo_source_reimported); } ~TagSourceCollection() { LibraryPhoto.global.source_reimported.disconnect(on_photo_source_reimported); } public override bool holds_type_of_source(DataSource source) { return source is Tag; } private static int64 get_tag_key(DataSource source) { return ((Tag) source).get_instance_id(); } protected override Gee.Collection<ContainerSource>? get_containers_holding_source(DataSource source) { return fetch_for_source((MediaSource) source); } public override ContainerSource? convert_backlink_to_container(SourceBacklink backlink) { TagID tag_id = TagID(backlink.instance_id); Tag? result = null; // see if the backlinked tag is already rehydrated and available Tag? tag = fetch(tag_id); if (tag != null) { result = tag; } else { // backlinked tag wasn't already available, so look for it in the holding tank foreach (ContainerSource container in get_holding_tank()) { tag = (Tag) container; if (tag.get_tag_id().id == tag_id.id) { result = tag; break; } } } // if we have pulled a hierarchical tag out of the holding tank and the tag we've pulled out // has a parent, its parent might need to be promoted (because it was flattened when put // into the holding tank), so check for this case and promote if necessary if (result != null) { if ((result.get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) && (HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(result.get_path()).size > 0)) { string top_level_with_prefix_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(result.get_path()).get(0); string top_level_no_prefix_path = HierarchicalTagUtilities.hierarchical_to_flat(top_level_with_prefix_path); foreach (ContainerSource container in get_holding_tank()) { Tag parent_candidate = (Tag) container; if (parent_candidate.get_path() == top_level_no_prefix_path) parent_candidate.promote(); } } } return result; } public Tag? fetch(TagID tag_id) { return (Tag) fetch_by_key(tag_id.id); } public bool exists(string name, bool treat_htags_as_root = false) { return fetch_by_name(name, treat_htags_as_root) != null; } public Gee.Collection<string> get_all_names() { return name_map.keys; } // Returns a list of all Tags associated with the media source in no particular order. // // NOTE: As a search optimization, this returns the list that is maintained by Tags.global. // Do NOT modify this list. public Gee.List<Tag>? fetch_for_source(MediaSource source) { return source_map.get(source); } // Returns a sorted set of all Tags associated with the media source (ascending by name). // // NOTE: As an optimization, this returns the list that is maintained by Tags.global. // Do NOT modify this list. public Gee.SortedSet<Tag>? fetch_sorted_for_source(MediaSource photo) { return sorted_source_map.get(photo); } // Returns null if not Tag with name exists. // treat_htags_as_root: set to true if you want this function to treat htags as root tags public Tag? fetch_by_name(string name, bool treat_htags_as_root = false) { if (treat_htags_as_root) { if (name.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { if (HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_path_components(name).size == 1) { Tag? tag = name_map.get(HierarchicalTagUtilities.hierarchical_to_flat(name)); if (tag != null) return tag; } } else { Tag? tag = name_map.get(HierarchicalTagUtilities.flat_to_hierarchical(name)); if (tag != null) return tag; } } return name_map.get(name); } public Tag? restore_tag_from_holding_tank(string name) { Tag? found = null; foreach (ContainerSource container in get_holding_tank()) { Tag tag = (Tag) container; if (tag.get_name() == name) { found = tag; break; } } if (found != null) { bool relinked = relink_from_holding_tank(found); assert(relinked); } return found; } protected override void notify_items_added(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> added) { foreach (DataObject object in added) { Tag tag = (Tag) object; assert(!name_map.has_key(tag.get_name())); name_map.set(tag.get_name(), tag); } base.notify_items_added(added); } protected override void notify_items_removed(Gee.Iterable<DataObject> removed) { foreach (DataObject object in removed) { Tag tag = (Tag) object; bool unset = name_map.unset(tag.get_name()); assert(unset); // if we just removed the last child tag of a top-level hierarchical tag, then convert // the top-level tag back to a flat tag Tag? parent = tag.get_hierarchical_parent(); if ((parent != null) && (parent.get_hierarchical_parent() == null)) { if (parent.get_hierarchical_children().size == 0) parent.flatten(); } } base.notify_items_removed(removed); } protected override void notify_items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) { foreach (DataObject object in map.keys) { Tag tag = (Tag) object; string? old_name = null; // look for this tag being renamed Gee.MapIterator<string, Tag> iter = name_map.map_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { if (!iter.get_value().equals(tag)) continue; old_name = iter.get_key(); break; } assert(old_name != null); if (tag.get_name() != old_name) { name_map.unset(old_name); name_map.set(tag.get_name(), tag); } } base.notify_items_altered(map); } protected override void notify_container_contents_added(ContainerSource container, Gee.Collection<DataObject> added, bool relinking) { Tag tag = (Tag) container; Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources = (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) added; foreach (MediaSource source in sources) { Gee.List<Tag>? tags = source_map.get(source); if (tags == null) { tags = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); source_map.set(source, tags); } bool is_added = tags.add(tag); assert(is_added); Gee.SortedSet<Tag>? sorted_tags = sorted_source_map.get(source); if (sorted_tags == null) { sorted_tags = new Gee.TreeSet<Tag>(Tag.compare_names); sorted_source_map.set(source, sorted_tags); } is_added = sorted_tags.add(tag); assert(is_added); } base.notify_container_contents_added(container, added, relinking); } protected override void notify_container_contents_removed(ContainerSource container, Gee.Collection<DataObject> removed, bool unlinking) { Tag tag = (Tag) container; Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources = (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) removed; foreach (MediaSource source in sources) { Gee.List<Tag>? tags = source_map.get(source); assert(tags != null); bool is_removed = tags.remove(tag); assert(is_removed); if (tags.size == 0) source_map.unset(source); Gee.SortedSet<Tag>? sorted_tags = sorted_source_map.get(source); assert(sorted_tags != null); is_removed = sorted_tags.remove(tag); assert(is_removed); if (sorted_tags.size == 0) sorted_source_map.unset(source); } base.notify_container_contents_removed(container, removed, unlinking); } private void on_photo_source_reimported(LibraryPhoto photo, PhotoMetadata? metadata) { // with the introduction of HTags, all of this logic has been moved to // Photo.apply_user_metadata_for_reimport( ) } } public class Tag : DataSource, ContainerSource, Proxyable, Indexable { public const string TYPENAME = "tag"; public const string PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING = "/"; public const string TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING = ", "; private class TagSnapshot : SourceSnapshot { private TagRow row; private Gee.HashSet<MediaSource> sources = new Gee.HashSet<MediaSource>(); public TagSnapshot(Tag tag) { // stash current state of Tag row = tag.row; // stash photos and videos attached to this tag ... if any are destroyed, the tag // cannot be reconstituted foreach (MediaSource source in tag.get_sources()) sources.add(source); LibraryPhoto.global.item_destroyed.connect(on_source_destroyed); Video.global.item_destroyed.connect(on_source_destroyed); } ~TagSnapshot() { LibraryPhoto.global.item_destroyed.disconnect(on_source_destroyed); Video.global.item_destroyed.disconnect(on_source_destroyed); } public TagRow get_row() { return row; } public override void notify_broken() { row = new TagRow(); sources.clear(); base.notify_broken(); } private void on_source_destroyed(DataSource source) { if (sources.contains((MediaSource) source)) notify_broken(); } } private class TagProxy : SourceProxy { public TagProxy(Tag tag) { base (tag); } public override DataSource reconstitute(int64 object_id, SourceSnapshot snapshot) { return Tag.reconstitute(object_id, ((TagSnapshot) snapshot).get_row()); } } public static TagSourceCollection global = null; private TagRow row; private ViewCollection media_views; private string? name_collation_key = null; private bool unlinking = false; private bool relinking = false; private string? indexable_keywords = null; private Tag(TagRow row, int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) { base (object_id); this.row = row; // normalize user text this.row.name = prep_tag_name(this.row.name); // convert source ids to MediaSources and ThumbnailViews for the internal ViewCollection Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> source_list = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>(); Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView> thumbnail_views = new Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView>(); if (this.row.source_id_list != null) { foreach (string source_id in this.row.source_id_list) { MediaSource? current_source = (MediaSource?) MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().fetch_media(source_id); if (current_source == null) continue; source_list.add(current_source); thumbnail_views.add(new ThumbnailView(current_source)); } } else { // allocate the source_id_list for use if/when media sources are added this.row.source_id_list = new Gee.HashSet<string>(); } // add to internal ViewCollection, which maintains media sources associated with this tag media_views = new ViewCollection("ViewCollection for tag %s".printf(row.tag_id.id.to_string())); media_views.add_many(thumbnail_views); // need to do this manually here because only want to monitor photo_contents_altered // after add_many() here; but need to keep the TagSourceCollection apprised if (source_list.size > 0) { global.notify_container_contents_added(this, source_list, false); global.notify_container_contents_altered(this, source_list, false, null, false); } // monitor ViewCollection to (a) keep the in-memory list of source ids up-to-date, and // (b) update the database whenever there's a change; media_views.contents_altered.connect(on_media_views_contents_altered); // monitor the global collections to trap when photos and videos are destroyed, then // automatically remove from the tag LibraryPhoto.global.items_destroyed.connect(on_sources_destroyed); Video.global.items_destroyed.connect(on_sources_destroyed); update_indexable_keywords(); } ~Tag() { media_views.contents_altered.disconnect(on_media_views_contents_altered); LibraryPhoto.global.items_destroyed.disconnect(on_sources_destroyed); Video.global.items_destroyed.disconnect(on_sources_destroyed); } public static void init(ProgressMonitor? monitor) { global = new TagSourceCollection(); // scoop up all the rows at once Gee.List<TagRow?> rows = null; try { rows = TagTable.get_instance().get_all_rows(); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } // turn the freshly-read TagRows into Tag objects. // a lookup table of fully-qualified path ancestries and their // attendant tag objects, used later for finding and deleting child // tags with missing parents or incorrect source counts, then // finally adding the remaining tags to the global media source list. Gee.TreeMap<string, Tag> ancestry_dictionary = new Gee.TreeMap<string, Tag>(); Gee.ArrayList<Tag> unlinked = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); int count = rows.size; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < count; ctr++) { TagRow row = rows.get(ctr); // make sure the tag name is valid string? name = prep_tag_name(row.name); if (name == null) { // TODO: More graceful handling of this situation would be to rename the tag or // alert the user. warning("Invalid tag name \"%s\": removing from database", row.name); try { TagTable.get_instance().remove(row.tag_id); } catch (DatabaseError err) { warning("Unable to delete tag \"%s\": %s", row.name, err.message); } continue; } row.name = name; Tag tag = new Tag(row); if (monitor != null) monitor(ctr, count); ancestry_dictionary.set(tag.get_path(), tag); if (tag.has_links()) { tag.rehydrate_backlinks(global, null); unlinked.add(tag); } } Gee.Set<Tag> victim_set = new Gee.HashSet<Tag>(); // look through the dictionary for pathological pairs of tags like so: // 'Tag Name' and '/Tag Name'; if we see these, merge the media sources // from '/Tag Name' into 'Tag Name' and delete the hierarchical version. foreach (string fq_tag_path in ancestry_dictionary.keys) { if (HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(fq_tag_path).size < 1) { if ((fq_tag_path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) && (ancestry_dictionary.has_key(HierarchicalTagUtilities.hierarchical_to_flat(fq_tag_path)))) { victim_set.add(ancestry_dictionary.get(fq_tag_path)); } } } foreach (Tag tag in victim_set) { Gee.Collection<MediaSource> source_collection = tag.get_sources(); string flat_version = tag.get_user_visible_name(); global.fetch_by_name(flat_version).attach_many(source_collection); ancestry_dictionary.unset(tag.get_path()); tag.detach_many(tag.get_sources()); tag.destroy_orphan(true); } // look through the dictionary for children with invalid source // counts and/or missing parents and reap them. we'll also flatten // any top-level parents who have 0 children remaining after the reap. victim_set.clear(); foreach (string fq_tag_path in ancestry_dictionary.keys) { Gee.List<string> parents_to_search = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_parent_paths(fq_tag_path); Tag curr_child = ancestry_dictionary.get(fq_tag_path); foreach (string parent_path in parents_to_search) { // if this tag has more sources than its parent, then we're // in an inconsistent state and need to remove this tag. int child_ref_count = curr_child.get_sources_count(); int parent_ref_count = -1; // does this parent even exist? if (ancestry_dictionary.has_key(parent_path)) { // yes, get its source count. parent_ref_count = ancestry_dictionary.get(parent_path).get_sources_count(); } // do we have more sources than our parent? if (child_ref_count > parent_ref_count) { // yes, ask to be reaped later. we can't kill ourselves // now because it would interfere with the dictionary's // iterator. victim_set.add(curr_child); // if we already know we're going to be reaped, // don't search anymore. break; } // is our parent being reaped? if (victim_set.contains(ancestry_dictionary.get(parent_path))) { // yes, we have to be reaped too. victim_set.add(curr_child); break; } } } // actually reap invalid children. foreach (Tag t in victim_set) { ancestry_dictionary.unset(t.get_path()); t.destroy_orphan(true); } // add remaining tags all at once to the SourceCollection global.add_many(ancestry_dictionary.values); global.init_add_many_unlinked(unlinked); // flatten root tags who have zero children; this will catch // both parents whose children were reaped and corrupted parents. foreach (Tag t in ancestry_dictionary.values) { // do we have no parent and no children? if ((t.get_hierarchical_children().size < 1) && (t.get_hierarchical_parent() == null)) { //yes, flatten. t.flatten(); } } } public static void terminate() { } public static int compare_names(Tag a, Tag b) { return String.precollated_compare(a.get_name(), a.get_name_collation_key(), b.get_name(), b.get_name_collation_key()); } public static int compare_user_visible_names(Tag a, Tag b) { return String.precollated_compare(a.get_user_visible_name(), a.get_name_collation_key(), b.get_user_visible_name(), b.get_name_collation_key()); } public static uint hash_name_string(string a) { return String.collated_hash(a); } public static bool equal_name_strings(string a, string b) { return String.collated_equals(a, b); } // Returns a Tag for the path, creating a new empty one if it does not already exist. // path should have already been prepared by prep_tag_name. public static Tag for_path(string name) { Tag? tag = global.fetch_by_name(name, true); if (tag == null) tag = global.restore_tag_from_holding_tank(name); if (tag != null) return tag; // create a new Tag for this name try { tag = new Tag(TagTable.get_instance().add(name)); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } global.add(tag); return tag; } public static Gee.Collection<Tag> get_terminal_tags(Gee.Collection<Tag> tags) { Gee.Set<string> result_paths = new Gee.HashSet<string>(); foreach (Tag tag in tags) { // if it's not hierarchical, it's terminal if (!tag.get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { result_paths.add(tag.get_path()); continue; } // okay, it is hierarchical // has it got a parent? if (tag.get_hierarchical_parent() != null) { // have we seen its parent? if so, remove its parent from the result set since // its parent clearly isn't terminal if (result_paths.contains(tag.get_hierarchical_parent().get_path())) result_paths.remove(tag.get_hierarchical_parent().get_path()); } result_paths.add(tag.get_path()); } Gee.ArrayList<Tag> result = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); foreach (string path in result_paths) { if (Tag.global.exists(path)) { result.add(Tag.for_path(path)); } else { foreach (Tag probed_tag in tags) { if (probed_tag.get_path() == path) result.add(probed_tag); } } } return result; } // Creates a sorted list of terminal tags, unique by user-visible-name public static Gee.List<Tag> make_user_visible_tag_list(Gee.Collection<Tag> tags) { Gee.HashSet<string> seen_tags = new Gee.HashSet<string>(); Gee.Collection<Tag> terminal_tags = get_terminal_tags(tags); Gee.ArrayList<Tag> sorted_tags = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); foreach (Tag tag in terminal_tags) { string user_visible_name = tag.get_user_visible_name(); if (!seen_tags.contains(user_visible_name)) { sorted_tags.add(tag); seen_tags.add(user_visible_name); } } sorted_tags.sort(Tag.compare_user_visible_names); return sorted_tags; } public static string make_tag_markup_string(Gee.List<Tag> tags, int highlight_index = -1) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("<small>"); int i = 0; bool first = true; foreach(Tag tag in tags) { string tag_name = tag.get_user_visible_name(); string esc_tag_name = guarded_markup_escape_text(tag_name); if (first) first = false; else builder.append(TAG_LIST_SEPARATOR_STRING); if (highlight_index == i) builder.append("<u>"); builder.append(esc_tag_name); if (highlight_index == i) builder.append("</u>"); ++i; } builder.append("</small>"); string built = builder.str; return built; } // Utility function to cleanup a tag name that comes from user input and prepare it for use // in the system and storage in the database. Returns null if the name is unacceptable. public static string? prep_tag_name(string name) { return prepare_input_text(name, PrepareInputTextOptions.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_USER_TEXT_INPUT_LENGTH); } // Akin to prep_tag_name. Returned array may be smaller than the in parameter (or empty!) if // names are discovered that cannot be used. public static string[] prep_tag_names(string[] names) { string[] result = new string[0]; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < names.length; ctr++) { string? new_name = prep_tag_name(names[ctr]); if (new_name != null) result += new_name; } return result; } private void set_raw_flat_name(string name) { string? prepped_name = prep_tag_name(name); assert(prepped_name != null); assert(!prepped_name.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)); try { TagTable.get_instance().rename(row.tag_id, prepped_name); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); return; } row.name = prepped_name; name_collation_key = null; update_indexable_keywords(); notify_altered(new Alteration.from_list("metadata:name, indexable:keywords")); } private void set_raw_path(string path, bool suppress_notify = false) { string? prepped_path = prep_tag_name(path); assert(prepped_path != null); assert(prepped_path.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)); assert(!Tag.global.exists(prepped_path)); try { TagTable.get_instance().rename(row.tag_id, prepped_path); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); return; } row.name = prepped_path; name_collation_key = null; if (!suppress_notify) { update_indexable_keywords(); notify_altered(new Alteration.from_list("metadata:name, indexable:keywords")); } } public override string get_typename() { return TYPENAME; } public override int64 get_instance_id() { return get_tag_id().id; } public override string get_name() { return row.name; } public string get_path() { return get_name(); } public string get_user_visible_name() { return HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_basename(get_path()); } public string get_searchable_name() { string istring = HierarchicalTagUtilities.get_basename(get_path()).down(); return String.remove_diacritics(istring); } public void flatten() { assert (get_hierarchical_parent() == null); set_raw_flat_name(get_user_visible_name()); } public void promote() { if (get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) return; set_raw_path(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + get_path()); } public Tag? get_hierarchical_parent() { // if this is a flat tag, it has no parent if (!get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) return null; Gee.List<string> components = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_path_components(get_path()); assert(components.size > 0); if (components.size == 1) { return null; } string parent_path = ""; for (int i = 0; i < (components.size - 1); i++) parent_path += (Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + components.get(i)); if (Tag.global.exists(parent_path)) return Tag.for_path(parent_path); else return null; } public int get_attachment_count(MediaSource source) { // if we don't contain the source, the attachment count is zero if (!contains(source)) return 0; // we ourselves contain the source, so that's one attachment int result = 1; // check to see if our children contain the source foreach (Tag child in get_hierarchical_children()) if (child.contains(source)) result++; return result; } /** * gets all hierarchical children of a tag recursively; tags are enumerated from most-derived * to least-derived */ public Gee.List<Tag> get_hierarchical_children() { Gee.ArrayList<Tag> result = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); Gee.ArrayList<Tag> result_reversed = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); // if it's a flag tag, it doesn't have children if (!get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) return result; // default lexicographic comparison for strings ensures hierarchical tag paths will be // sorted from least-derived to most-derived Gee.TreeSet<string> forward_sorted_paths = new Gee.TreeSet<string>(); string target_path = get_path() + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING; foreach (string path in Tag.global.get_all_names()) { if (path.has_prefix(target_path)) forward_sorted_paths.add(path); } foreach (string tmp in forward_sorted_paths) { result_reversed.add(Tag.for_path(tmp)); } for (int index = result_reversed.size - 1; index >= 0; index--) { result.add(result_reversed[index]); } return result; } // Gets the next "untitled" tag name available. // Note: Not thread-safe. private static string get_next_untitled_tag_name(string? _prefix = null) { string prefix = _prefix != null ? _prefix : ""; string candidate_name = _("untitled"); uint64 counter = 0; do { string path_candidate = prefix + candidate_name + ((counter == 0) ? "" : (" " + counter.to_string())); if (!Tag.global.exists(path_candidate)) return path_candidate; counter++; } while (counter < uint64.MAX); // If we get here, it means all untitled tags up to uint64.MAX were used. assert_not_reached(); } public Tag create_new_child() { string path_prefix = get_path(); if (!path_prefix.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { set_raw_path(HierarchicalTagUtilities.flat_to_hierarchical(get_path())); path_prefix = get_path(); } return Tag.for_path(get_next_untitled_tag_name(path_prefix + Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)); } public static Tag create_new_root() { return Tag.for_path(get_next_untitled_tag_name()); } public string get_name_collation_key() { if (name_collation_key == null) name_collation_key = row.name.collate_key(); return name_collation_key; } public override string to_string() { return "Tag %s (%d sources)".printf(row.name, media_views.get_count()); } public override bool equals(DataSource? source) { // Validate uniqueness of primary key Tag? tag = source as Tag; if (tag != null) { if (tag != this) { assert(tag.row.tag_id.id != row.tag_id.id); } } return base.equals(source); } public TagID get_tag_id() { return row.tag_id; } public override SourceSnapshot? save_snapshot() { return new TagSnapshot(this); } public SourceProxy get_proxy() { return new TagProxy(this); } public static Tag reconstitute(int64 object_id, TagRow row) { // fill in the row with the new TagID for this reconstituted tag try { row.tag_id = TagTable.get_instance().create_from_row(row); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } Tag tag = new Tag(row, object_id); global.add(tag); debug("Reconstituted %s", tag.to_string()); return tag; } public bool has_links() { return LibraryPhoto.global.has_backlink(get_backlink()); } public SourceBacklink get_backlink() { return new SourceBacklink.from_source(this); } public void break_link(DataSource source) { unlinking = true; detach((LibraryPhoto) source); unlinking = false; } public void break_link_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) { unlinking = true; detach_many((Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto>) sources); unlinking = false; } public void establish_link(DataSource source) { relinking = true; attach((LibraryPhoto) source); relinking = false; } public void establish_link_many(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) { relinking = true; attach_many((Gee.Collection<LibraryPhoto>) sources); relinking = false; } private void update_indexable_keywords() { indexable_keywords = prepare_indexable_string(get_searchable_name()); } public unowned string? get_indexable_keywords() { return indexable_keywords; } public void attach(MediaSource source) { Tag? attach_to = this; while (attach_to != null) { if (!attach_to.media_views.has_view_for_source(source)) { attach_to.media_views.add(new ThumbnailView(source)); } attach_to = attach_to.get_hierarchical_parent(); } } public void attach_many(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources) { Tag? attach_to = this; while (attach_to != null) { Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView> view_list = new Gee.ArrayList<ThumbnailView>(); foreach (MediaSource source in sources) { if (!attach_to.media_views.has_view_for_source(source)) view_list.add(new ThumbnailView(source)); } if (view_list.size > 0) attach_to.media_views.add_many(view_list); attach_to = attach_to.get_hierarchical_parent(); } } // Returns a list of Tags the MediaSource was detached from as a result of detaching it from // this Tag. (This Tag will always be in the list unless null is returned, indicating the // MediaSource isn't present at all.) public Gee.List<Tag>? detach(MediaSource source) { DataView? this_view = media_views.get_view_for_source(source); if (this_view == null) return null; Gee.List<Tag>? detached_from = new Gee.ArrayList<Tag>(); foreach (Tag child_tag in get_hierarchical_children()) { DataView? child_view = child_tag.media_views.get_view_for_source(source); if (child_view != null) { child_tag.media_views.remove_marked(child_tag.media_views.mark(child_view)); detached_from.add(child_tag); } } media_views.remove_marked(media_views.mark(this_view)); detached_from.add(this); return detached_from; } // Returns a map of Tags the MediaSource was detached from as a result of detaching it from // this Tag. (This Tag will always be in the list unless null is returned, indicating the // MediaSource isn't present at all.) public Gee.MultiMap<Tag, MediaSource>? detach_many(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources) { Gee.MultiMap<Tag, MediaSource>? detached_from = new Gee.HashMultiMap<Tag, MediaSource>(); Marker marker = media_views.start_marking(); foreach (MediaSource source in sources) { DataView? view = media_views.get_view_for_source(source); if (view == null) continue; foreach (Tag child_tag in get_hierarchical_children()) { DataView? child_view = child_tag.media_views.get_view_for_source(source); if (child_view != null) { child_tag.media_views.remove_marked(child_tag.media_views.mark(child_view)); detached_from.set(child_tag, source); } } marker.mark(view); detached_from.set(this, source); } media_views.remove_marked(marker); return (detached_from.size > 0) ? detached_from : null; } // Returns false if the name already exists or a bad name. public bool rename(string name) { if (name == get_user_visible_name()) return true; string? new_name = prep_tag_name(name); if (new_name == null) return false; // if this is a hierarchical tag, then parents and children come into play if (get_path().has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { string new_path = new_name; string old_path = get_path(); Tag? parent = get_hierarchical_parent(); if (parent != null) { new_path = parent.get_path() + PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + new_path; } else { new_path = Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + new_path; } if (Tag.global.exists(new_path, true)) return false; Gee.Collection<Tag> children = get_hierarchical_children(); set_raw_path(new_path, true); foreach (Tag child in children) { // keep these loop-local temporaries around -- it's useful to be able to print them // out when debugging string old_child_path = child.get_path(); // find the first instance of old_path in the child path -- we want to replace // the first and only the first instance int old_path_index = old_child_path.index_of(old_path); assert(old_path_index != -1); string child_subpath = old_child_path.substring(old_path_index + old_path.length); string new_child_path = new_path + child_subpath; child.set_raw_path(new_child_path, true); } update_indexable_keywords(); notify_altered(new Alteration.from_list("metadata:name, indexable:keywords")); foreach (Tag child in children) { child.notify_altered(new Alteration.from_list("metadata:name, indexable:keywords")); } } else { // if this is a flat tag, no problem -- just keep doing what we've always done if (Tag.global.exists(new_name, true)) return false; set_raw_flat_name(new_name); } return true; } public bool contains(MediaSource source) { return media_views.has_view_for_source(source); } public int get_sources_count() { return media_views.get_count(); } public Gee.Collection<MediaSource> get_sources() { return (Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) media_views.get_sources(); } public void mirror_sources(ViewCollection view, CreateView mirroring_ctor) { view.mirror(media_views, mirroring_ctor, null); } private void on_media_views_contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataView>? added, Gee.Iterable<DataView>? removed) { Gee.Collection<MediaSource> added_sources = null; if (added != null) { added_sources = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>(); foreach (DataView view in added) { MediaSource source = (MediaSource) view.get_source(); // possible a source is added twice if the same tag is in source ... add() // returns true only if the set has altered if (!row.source_id_list.contains(source.get_source_id())) { bool is_added = row.source_id_list.add(source.get_source_id()); assert(is_added); } bool is_added = added_sources.add(source); assert(is_added); } } Gee.Collection<MediaSource> removed_sources = null; if (removed != null) { removed_sources = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>(); foreach (DataView view in removed) { MediaSource source = (MediaSource) view.get_source(); bool is_removed = row.source_id_list.remove(source.get_source_id()); assert(is_removed); bool is_added = removed_sources.add(source); assert(is_added); } } try { TagTable.get_instance().set_tagged_sources(row.tag_id, row.source_id_list); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } // notify of changes to this tag if (added_sources != null) global.notify_container_contents_added(this, added_sources, relinking); if (removed_sources != null) global.notify_container_contents_removed(this, removed_sources, unlinking); if (added_sources != null || removed_sources != null) { global.notify_container_contents_altered(this, added_sources, relinking, removed_sources, unlinking); } } private void on_sources_destroyed(Gee.Collection<DataSource> sources) { detach_many((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) sources); } public override void destroy() { // detach all remaining sources from the tag, so observers are informed ... need to detach // the contents_altered handler because it will destroy this object when sources is empty, // which is bad reentrancy mojo (but hook it back up for the dtor's sake) if (media_views.get_count() > 0) { media_views.contents_altered.disconnect(on_media_views_contents_altered); Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource> removed = new Gee.ArrayList<MediaSource>(); removed.add_all((Gee.Collection<MediaSource>) media_views.get_sources()); media_views.clear(); global.notify_container_contents_removed(this, removed, false); global.notify_container_contents_altered(this, null, false, removed, false); media_views.contents_altered.connect(on_media_views_contents_altered); } try { TagTable.get_instance().remove(row.tag_id); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } base.destroy(); } }