/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // TimedQueue is a specialized collection class. It holds items in order, but rather than being // manually dequeued, they are dequeued automatically after a specified amount of time has elapsed // for that item. As of today, it's possible the item will be dequeued a bit later than asked // for, but it will never be early. Future implementations might tighten up the lateness. // // The original design was to use a signal to notify when an item has been dequeued, but Vala has // a bug with passing an unnamed type as a signal parameter: // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628639 // // The rate the items come off the queue can be spaced out. Note that this can cause items to back // up. As of today, TimedQueue makes no effort to combat this. public delegate void DequeuedCallback<G>(G item); public class HashTimedQueue<G> { private class Element<G> { public G item; public ulong ready; public Element(G item, ulong ready) { this.item = item; this.ready = ready; } public static int64 comparator(void *a, void *b) { return (int64) ((Element *) a)->ready - (int64) ((Element *) b)->ready; } } private uint hold_msec; private unowned DequeuedCallback<G> callback; private Gee.EqualDataFunc<G> equal_func; private int priority; private uint timer_id = 0; private SortedList<Element<G>> queue; private uint dequeue_spacing_msec = 0; private ulong last_dequeue = 0; private bool paused_state = false; private Gee.HashMap<G, int> item_count; public virtual signal void paused(bool is_paused) { } // Initial design was to have a signal that passed the dequeued G, but bug in valac meant // finding a workaround, namely using a delegate: // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628639 public HashTimedQueue(uint hold_msec, DequeuedCallback<G> callback, owned Gee.HashDataFunc<G>? hash_func = null, owned Gee.EqualDataFunc<G>? equal_func = null, int priority = Priority.DEFAULT) { this.hold_msec = hold_msec; this.callback = callback; if (equal_func != null) this.equal_func = (owned) equal_func; else this.equal_func = (Gee.EqualDataFunc<G>) (Gee.Functions.get_equal_func_for(typeof(G))); this.priority = priority; queue = new SortedList<Element<G>>(Element.comparator); timer_id = Timeout.add(get_heartbeat_timeout(), on_heartbeat, priority); item_count = new Gee.HashMap<G, int>((owned) hash_func, (owned) equal_func); } ~HashTimedQueue() { if (timer_id != 0) Source.remove(timer_id); } public uint get_dequeue_spacing_msec() { return dequeue_spacing_msec; } public void set_dequeue_spacing_msec(uint msec) { if (msec == dequeue_spacing_msec) return; if (timer_id != 0) Source.remove(timer_id); dequeue_spacing_msec = msec; timer_id = Timeout.add(get_heartbeat_timeout(), on_heartbeat, priority); } private uint get_heartbeat_timeout() { return ((dequeue_spacing_msec == 0) ? (hold_msec / 10) : (dequeue_spacing_msec / 2)).clamp(10, uint.MAX); } public bool is_paused() { return paused_state; } public void pause() { if (paused_state) return; paused_state = true; paused(true); } public void unpause() { if (!paused_state) return; paused_state = false; paused(false); } public void clear() { lock(queue) { item_count.clear(); queue.clear(); } } public bool contains(G item) { lock(queue) { return item_count.has_key(item); } } public bool enqueue(G item) { lock(queue) { if (!queue.add(new Element<G>(item, calc_ready_time()))) { return false; } item_count.set(item, item_count.has_key(item) ? item_count.get(item) + 1 : 1); return true; } } public bool enqueue_many(Gee.Collection<G> items) { ulong ready_time = calc_ready_time(); Gee.ArrayList<Element<G>> elements = new Gee.ArrayList<Element<G>>(); foreach (G item in items) elements.add(new Element<G>(item, ready_time)); lock(queue) { if (!queue.add_list(elements)) { return false; } foreach (G item in items) { item_count.set(item, item_count.has_key(item) ? item_count.get(item) + 1 : 1); } } return true; } public bool remove_first(G item) { lock(queue) { var item_removed = false; var iter = queue.iterator(); while (iter.next()) { Element<G> e = iter.get(); if (equal_func(item, e.item)) { iter.remove(); item_removed = true; break; } } if (!item_removed) { return false; } removed(item); } return true; } public int size { get { lock(queue) { return queue.size; } } } private ulong calc_ready_time() { return now_ms() + (ulong) hold_msec; } private bool on_heartbeat() { if (paused_state) return true; ulong now = 0; for (;;) { if (queue.size == 0) break; G? item = null; lock(queue) { Element<G>? head = queue.get_at(0); assert(head != null); if (now == 0) now = now_ms(); if (head.ready > now) break; // if a space of time is required between dequeues, check now if ((dequeue_spacing_msec != 0) && ((now - last_dequeue) < dequeue_spacing_msec)) break; Element<G>? h = queue.remove_at(0); assert(head == h); removed(head.item); item = head.item; } callback(item); last_dequeue = now; // if a dequeue spacing is in place, it's a lock that only one item is dequeued per // heartbeat if (dequeue_spacing_msec != 0) break; } return true; } // Not locking. This is always called with the lock hold private void removed(G item) { // item in question is either already removed // or was never added, safe to do nothing here if (!item_count.has_key(item)) return; int count = item_count.get(item); assert(count > 0); if (--count == 0) item_count.unset(item); else item_count.set(item, count); } }