/* Copyright 2010-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class TombstoneSourceCollection : DatabaseSourceCollection { private Gee.HashMap<File, Tombstone> file_map = new Gee.HashMap<File, Tombstone>(file_hash, file_equal); public TombstoneSourceCollection() { base ("Tombstones", get_tombstone_id); } public override bool holds_type_of_source(DataSource source) { return source is Tombstone; } private static int64 get_tombstone_id(DataSource source) { return ((Tombstone) source).get_tombstone_id().id; } protected override void notify_contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? added, Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? removed) { if (added != null) { foreach (DataObject object in added) { Tombstone tombstone = (Tombstone) object; file_map.set(tombstone.get_file(), tombstone); } } if (removed != null) { foreach (DataObject object in removed) { Tombstone tombstone = (Tombstone) object; // do we actually have this file? if (file_map.has_key(tombstone.get_file())) { // yes, try to remove it. bool is_removed = file_map.unset(tombstone.get_file()); assert(is_removed); } // if the hashmap didn't have the file to begin with, // we're already in the state we wanted to be in, so our // work is done; no need to assert. } } base.notify_contents_altered(added, removed); } protected override void notify_items_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> items) { foreach (DataObject object in items.keys) { Alteration alteration = items.get(object); if (!alteration.has_subject("file")) continue; Tombstone tombstone = (Tombstone) object; foreach (string detail in alteration.get_details("file")) { File old_file = File.new_for_path(detail); bool removed = file_map.unset(old_file); assert(removed); file_map.set(tombstone.get_file(), tombstone); break; } } } public Tombstone? locate(File file) { return file_map.get(file); } public bool matches(File file) { return file_map.has_key(file); } public void resurrect(Tombstone tombstone) { destroy_marked(mark(tombstone), false); } public void resurrect_many(Gee.Collection<Tombstone> tombstones) { Marker marker = mark_many(tombstones); freeze_notifications(); DatabaseTable.begin_transaction(); destroy_marked(marker, false); try { DatabaseTable.commit_transaction(); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } thaw_notifications(); } // This initiates a scan of the tombstoned files, resurrecting them if the file is no longer // present on disk. If a DirectoryMonitor is supplied, the scan will use that object's FileInfo // if available. If not available or not supplied, the scan will query for the file's // existence. // // Note that this call is non-blocking. public void launch_scan(DirectoryMonitor? monitor, Cancellable? cancellable) { async_scan.begin(monitor, cancellable); } private async void async_scan(DirectoryMonitor? monitor, Cancellable? cancellable) { // search through all tombstones for missing files, which indicate the tombstone can go away Marker marker = start_marking(); foreach (DataObject object in get_all()) { Tombstone tombstone = (Tombstone) object; File file = tombstone.get_file(); FileInfo? info = null; if (monitor != null) info = monitor.get_file_info(file); // Want to be conservative here; only resurrect a tombstone if file is actually detected // as not present, and not some other problem (which may be intermittant) if (info == null) { try { info = yield file.query_info_async(FileAttribute.STANDARD_NAME, FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, Priority.LOW, cancellable); } catch (Error err) { // watch for cancellation, which signals it's time to go if (err is IOError.CANCELLED) break; if (!(err is IOError.NOT_FOUND)) { warning("Unable to check for existence of tombstoned file %s: %s", file.get_path(), err.message); } } } // if not found, resurrect if (info == null) marker.mark(tombstone); Idle.add(async_scan.callback); yield; } if (marker.get_count() > 0) { debug("Resurrecting %d tombstones with no backing file", marker.get_count()); DatabaseTable.begin_transaction(); destroy_marked(marker, false); try { DatabaseTable.commit_transaction(); } catch (DatabaseError err2) { AppWindow.database_error(err2); } } } } public class TombstonedFile { public File file; public int64 filesize; public string? md5; public TombstonedFile(File file, int64 filesize, string? md5) { this.file = file; this.filesize = filesize; this.md5 = md5; } } public class Tombstone : DataSource { // These values are persisted. Do not change. public enum Reason { REMOVED_BY_USER = 0, AUTO_DETECTED_DUPLICATE = 1; public int serialize() { return (int) this; } public static Reason unserialize(int value) { switch ((Reason) value) { case AUTO_DETECTED_DUPLICATE: return AUTO_DETECTED_DUPLICATE; // 0 is the default in the database, so it should remain so here case REMOVED_BY_USER: default: return REMOVED_BY_USER; } } } public static TombstoneSourceCollection global = null; private TombstoneRow row; private File? file = null; private Tombstone(TombstoneRow row) { this.row = row; } public static void init() { global = new TombstoneSourceCollection(); TombstoneRow[]? rows = null; try { rows = TombstoneTable.get_instance().fetch_all(); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } if (rows != null) { Gee.ArrayList<Tombstone> tombstones = new Gee.ArrayList<Tombstone>(); foreach (TombstoneRow row in rows) tombstones.add(new Tombstone(row)); global.add_many(tombstones); } } public static void terminate() { } public static void entomb_many_sources(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> sources, Reason reason) throws DatabaseError { Gee.Collection<TombstonedFile> files = new Gee.ArrayList<TombstonedFile>(); foreach (MediaSource source in sources) { foreach (BackingFileState state in source.get_backing_files_state()) files.add(new TombstonedFile(state.get_file(), state.filesize, state.md5)); } entomb_many_files(files, reason); } public static void entomb_many_files(Gee.Collection<TombstonedFile> files, Reason reason) throws DatabaseError { // destroy any out-of-date tombstones so they may be updated Marker to_destroy = global.start_marking(); foreach (TombstonedFile file in files) { Tombstone? tombstone = global.locate(file.file); if (tombstone != null) to_destroy.mark(tombstone); } global.destroy_marked(to_destroy, false); Gee.ArrayList<Tombstone> tombstones = new Gee.ArrayList<Tombstone>(); foreach (TombstonedFile file in files) { tombstones.add(new Tombstone(TombstoneTable.get_instance().add(file.file.get_path(), file.filesize, file.md5, reason))); } global.add_many(tombstones); } public override string get_typename() { return "tombstone"; } public override int64 get_instance_id() { return get_tombstone_id().id; } public override string get_name() { return row.filepath; } public override string to_string() { return "Tombstone %s".printf(get_name()); } public TombstoneID get_tombstone_id() { return row.id; } public File get_file() { if (file == null) file = File.new_for_path(row.filepath); return file; } public string? get_md5() { return is_string_empty(row.md5) ? null : row.md5; } public Reason get_reason() { return row.reason; } public void move(File file) { try { TombstoneTable.get_instance().update_file(row.id, file.get_path()); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } string old_filepath = row.filepath; row.filepath = file.get_path(); this.file = file; notify_altered(new Alteration("file", old_filepath)); } public bool matches(File file, int64 filesize, string? md5) { if (row.filesize != filesize) return false; // normalize to deal with empty strings string? this_md5 = is_string_empty(row.md5) ? null : row.md5; string? other_md5 = is_string_empty(md5) ? null : md5; if (this_md5 != other_md5) return false; if (!get_file().equal(file)) return false; return true; } public override void destroy() { try { TombstoneTable.get_instance().remove(row.id); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } base.destroy(); } }