/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // Class for aggregating one-off "upgrade" tasks that occur at startup, such as // moving or deleting files. This occurs after the UI is shown, so it's not appropriate // for database updates and such. public class Upgrades { private static Upgrades? instance = null; private uint64 total_steps = 0; private Gee.LinkedList<UpgradeTask> task_list = new Gee.LinkedList<UpgradeTask>(); private Upgrades() { // Add all upgrade tasks here. add(new MimicsRemovalTask()); if (Application.get_instance().get_raw_thumbs_fix_required()) add(new FixupRawThumbnailsTask()); } // Call this to initialize the subsystem. public static void init() { assert(instance == null); instance = new Upgrades(); } public static Upgrades get_instance() { return instance; } // Gets the total number of steps for the progress monitor. public uint64 get_step_count() { return total_steps; } // Performs all upgrade tasks. public void execute(ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) { foreach (UpgradeTask task in task_list) task.execute(monitor); } private void add(UpgradeTask task) { total_steps += task.get_step_count(); task_list.add(task); } } // Interface for upgrades that happen on startup. // When creating a new upgrade task, you MUST add it to the constructor // supplied in Upgrades (see above.) private interface UpgradeTask : Object{ // Returns the number of steps involved in the ugprade. public abstract uint64 get_step_count(); // Performs the upgrade. Note that when using the progress // monitor, the total number of steps must be equal to the // step count above. public abstract void execute(ProgressMonitor? monitor = null); } // Deletes the mimics folder, if it still exists. // Note: for the step count to be consistent, files cannot be written // to the mimcs folder for the durration of this task. private class MimicsRemovalTask : Object, UpgradeTask { // Mimics folder (to be deleted, if present) private File mimic_dir = AppDirs.get_data_dir().get_child("mimics"); private uint64 num_mimics = 0; public uint64 get_step_count() { try { num_mimics = count_files_in_directory(mimic_dir); } catch (Error e) { debug("Error on deleting mimics: %s", e.message); } return num_mimics; } public void execute(ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) { try { delete_all_files(mimic_dir, null, monitor, num_mimics, null); mimic_dir.delete(); } catch (Error e) { debug("Could not delete mimics: %s", e.message); } } } // Deletes 'stale' thumbnails from camera raw files whose default developer was // CAMERA and who may have been incorrectly generated from the embedded preview by // previous versions of the application that had bug 4692. private class FixupRawThumbnailsTask : Object, UpgradeTask { public uint64 get_step_count() { int num_raw_files = 0; foreach (PhotoRow phr in PhotoTable.get_instance().get_all()) { if (phr.master.file_format == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) num_raw_files++; } return num_raw_files; } public void execute(ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) { debug("Executing thumbnail deletion and fixup"); foreach (PhotoRow phr in PhotoTable.get_instance().get_all()) { if ((phr.master.file_format == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) && (phr.developer == RawDeveloper.CAMERA)) { ThumbnailCache.remove(LibraryPhoto.global.fetch(phr.photo_id)); } } } }