/* Copyright 2010-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ private class VideoUpdates : MonitorableUpdates { public Video video; private bool check_interpretable = false; public VideoUpdates(Video video) { base (video); this.video = video; } public virtual void set_check_interpretable(bool check) { check_interpretable = check; } public override void mark_online() { base.mark_online(); set_check_interpretable(true); } public bool is_check_interpretable() { return check_interpretable; } public override bool is_all_updated() { return (check_interpretable == false) && base.is_all_updated(); } } private class VideoMonitor : MediaMonitor { private const int MAX_INTERPRETABLE_CHECKS_PER_CYCLE = 5; // Performs interpretable check on video. In a background job because // this will create a new thumbnail for the video. private class VideoInterpretableCheckJob : BackgroundJob { // IN public Video video; // OUT public Video.InterpretableResults? results = null; public VideoInterpretableCheckJob(Video video, CompletionCallback? callback = null) { base (video, callback); this.video = video; } public override void execute() { results = video.check_is_interpretable(); } } // Work queue for video thumbnailing. // Note: only using 1 thread. If we want to change this to use multiple // threads, we need to put a lock around background_jobs wherever it's modified. private Workers workers = new Workers(1, false); private uint64 background_jobs = 0; public VideoMonitor(Cancellable cancellable) { base (Video.global, cancellable); foreach (DataObject obj in Video.global.get_all()) { Video video = obj as Video; assert (video != null); if (!video.get_is_interpretable()) set_check_interpretable(video, true); } } protected override MonitorableUpdates create_updates(Monitorable monitorable) { assert(monitorable is Video); return new VideoUpdates((Video) monitorable); } public override MediaSourceCollection get_media_source_collection() { return Video.global; } public override bool is_file_represented(File file) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; return get_state(file, out state) != null; } public override MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile notify_file_discovered(File file, FileInfo info, out Monitorable monitorable) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; Video? video = get_state(file, out state); if (video == null) { monitorable = null; return MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.UNKNOWN; } switch (state) { case VideoSourceCollection.State.ONLINE: case VideoSourceCollection.State.OFFLINE: monitorable = video; return MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.REPRESENTED; case VideoSourceCollection.State.TRASH: default: // ignored ... trash always stays in trash monitorable = null; return MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.IGNORE; } } public override Gee.Collection<Monitorable>? candidates_for_unknown_file(File file, FileInfo info, out MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile result) { Gee.Collection<Video> matched = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); Video.global.fetch_by_matching_backing(info, matched); result = MediaMonitor.DiscoveredFile.UNKNOWN; return matched; } public override bool notify_file_created(File file, FileInfo info) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; Video? video = get_state(file, out state); if (video == null) return false; update_online(video); return true; } public override bool notify_file_moved(File old_file, File new_file, FileInfo new_file_info) { VideoSourceCollection.State old_state; Video? old_video = get_state(old_file, out old_state); VideoSourceCollection.State new_state; Video? new_video = get_state(new_file, out new_state); // Four possibilities: // // 1. Moving an existing photo file to a location where no photo is represented // Operation: have the Photo object move with the file. // 2. Moving a file with no representative photo to a location where a photo is represented // (i.e. is offline). Operation: Update the photo (backing has changed). // 3. Moving a file with no representative photo to a location with no representative // photo. Operation: Enqueue for import (if appropriate). // 4. Move a file with a representative photo to a location where a photo is represented // Operation: Mark the old photo as offline (or drop editable) and update new photo // (the backing has changed). if (old_video != null && new_video == null) { // 1. update_master_file(old_video, new_file); } else if (old_video == null && new_video != null) { // 2. set_check_interpretable(new_video, true); } else if (old_video == null && new_video == null) { // 3. return false; } else { assert(old_video != null && new_video != null); // 4. update_offline(old_video); set_check_interpretable(new_video, true); } return true; } public override bool notify_file_altered(File file) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; return get_state(file, out state) != null; } public override bool notify_file_attributes_altered(File file) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; Video? video = get_state(file, out state); if (video == null) return false; update_master_file_info_altered(video); update_master_file_in_alteration(video, true); return true; } public override bool notify_file_alteration_completed(File file, FileInfo info) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; Video? video = get_state(file, out state); if (video == null) return false; update_master_file_alterations_completed(video, info); return true; } public override bool notify_file_deleted(File file) { VideoSourceCollection.State state; Video? video = get_state(file, out state); if (video == null) return false; update_master_file_in_alteration(video, false); update_offline(video); return true; } private Video? get_state(File file, out VideoSourceCollection.State state) { File? real_file = null; foreach (Monitorable monitorable in get_monitorables()) { Video video = (Video) monitorable; VideoUpdates? updates = get_existing_video_updates(video); if (updates == null) continue; if (updates.get_master_file() != null && updates.get_master_file().equal(file)) { real_file = video.get_master_file(); break; } } return Video.global.get_state_by_file(real_file ?? file, out state); } public VideoUpdates fetch_video_updates(Video video) { VideoUpdates? updates = fetch_updates(video) as VideoUpdates; assert(updates != null); return updates; } public VideoUpdates? get_existing_video_updates(Video video) { return get_existing_updates(video) as VideoUpdates; } public void set_check_interpretable(Video video, bool check) { fetch_video_updates(video).set_check_interpretable(check); } protected override void process_updates(Gee.Collection<MonitorableUpdates> all_updates, TransactionController controller, ref int op_count) throws Error { base.process_updates(all_updates, controller, ref op_count); Gee.ArrayList<Video>? check = null; foreach (MonitorableUpdates monitorable_updates in all_updates) { if (op_count >= MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_CYCLE) break; // use a separate limit on interpretable checks because they're more expensive than // simple database commands if (check != null && check.size >= MAX_INTERPRETABLE_CHECKS_PER_CYCLE) break; VideoUpdates? updates = monitorable_updates as VideoUpdates; if (updates == null) continue; if (updates.is_check_interpretable()) { if (check == null) check = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); check.add(updates.video); updates.set_check_interpretable(false); op_count++; } } if (check != null) { mdbg("Checking interpretable for %d videos".printf(check.size)); Video.notify_offline_thumbs_regenerated(); background_jobs += check.size; foreach (Video video in check) workers.enqueue(new VideoInterpretableCheckJob(video, on_interpretable_check_complete)); } } void on_interpretable_check_complete(BackgroundJob j) { VideoInterpretableCheckJob job = (VideoInterpretableCheckJob) j; job.results.foreground_finish(); --background_jobs; if (background_jobs <= 0) Video.notify_normal_thumbs_regenerated(); } }