/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
 * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * (version 2.1 or later).  See the COPYING file in this distribution.

public class CameraTable {
    private const int UPDATE_DELAY_MSEC = 1000;
    // list of subsystems being monitored for events
    private const string[] SUBSYSTEMS = { "usb", "block", null };
    private static CameraTable instance = null;
    private GUdev.Client client = new GUdev.Client(SUBSYSTEMS);
    private OneShotScheduler camera_update_scheduler = null;
    private GPhoto.Context null_context = new GPhoto.Context();
    private GPhoto.CameraAbilitiesList abilities_list;
    private VolumeMonitor volume_monitor;
    private Gee.HashMap<string, DiscoveredCamera> camera_map = new Gee.HashMap<string, DiscoveredCamera>();

    public signal void camera_added(DiscoveredCamera camera);
    public signal void camera_removed(DiscoveredCamera camera);
    private CameraTable() {
        camera_update_scheduler = new OneShotScheduler("CameraTable update scheduler",
        // listen for interesting events on the specified subsystems

        Timeout.add_seconds(10, () => { camera_update_scheduler.after_timeout(UPDATE_DELAY_MSEC, true); return true; });
        volume_monitor = VolumeMonitor.get();
        // because loading the camera abilities list takes a bit of time and slows down app
        // startup, delay loading it (and notifying any observers) for a small period of time,
        // after the dust has settled
        Timeout.add(500, delayed_init);
    private bool delayed_init() {
        // We disable this here so cameras that are already connected at the time
        // the application is launched don't interfere with normal navigation...
        ((LibraryWindow) AppWindow.get_instance()).set_page_switching_enabled(false);
        try {
        } catch (GPhotoError err) {
            warning("Unable to initialize camera table: %s", err.message);
            return false;
        try {
        } catch (GPhotoError err) {
            warning("Unable to update camera table: %s", err.message);
        // ...and re-enable it here, so that cameras connected -after- the initial
        // populating of the table will trigger a switch to the import page, as before.
        ((LibraryWindow) AppWindow.get_instance()).set_page_switching_enabled(true);
        return false;
    public static CameraTable get_instance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new CameraTable();
        return instance;
    public Gee.Iterable<DiscoveredCamera> get_cameras() {
        return camera_map.values;
    public int get_count() {
        return camera_map.size;
    public DiscoveredCamera? get_for_uri(string uri) {
        return camera_map.get(uri);

    private void do_op(GPhoto.Result res, string op) throws GPhotoError {
        if (res != GPhoto.Result.OK)
            throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Unable to %s: %s", (int) res, op, res.as_string());
    private void init_camera_table() throws GPhotoError {
        do_op(GPhoto.CameraAbilitiesList.create(out abilities_list), "create camera abilities list");
        do_op(abilities_list.load(null_context), "load camera abilities list");
    public static string get_port_uri(string port) {
        return "gphoto2://[%s]/".printf(port);
    private void update_camera_table() throws GPhotoError {
        // need to do this because virtual ports come and go in the USB world (and probably others)
        GPhoto.PortInfoList port_info_list;
        do_op(GPhoto.PortInfoList.create(out port_info_list), "create port list");
        do_op(port_info_list.load(), "load port list");

        GPhoto.CameraList camera_list;
        do_op(GPhoto.CameraList.create(out camera_list), "create camera list");
        do_op(abilities_list.detect(port_info_list, camera_list, null_context), "detect cameras");
        Gee.HashMap<string, string> detected_map = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>();

        // go through the detected camera list and glean their ports
        for (int ctr = 0; ctr < camera_list.count(); ctr++) {
            string name;
            do_op(camera_list.get_name(ctr, out name), "get detected camera name");

            string port;
            do_op(camera_list.get_value(ctr, out port), "get detected camera port");
            debug("Detected %d/%d %s @ %s", ctr + 1, camera_list.count(), name, port);
            detected_map.set(port, name);
        // find cameras that have disappeared
        DiscoveredCamera[] missing = new DiscoveredCamera[0];
        foreach (DiscoveredCamera camera in camera_map.values) {
            GPhoto.PortInfo port_info;
            string tmp_path;
            do_op(camera.gcamera.get_port_info(out port_info), 
                "retrieve missing camera port information");
            port_info.get_path(out tmp_path);
            GPhoto.CameraAbilities abilities;
            do_op(camera.gcamera.get_abilities(out abilities), "retrieve camera abilities");
            if (detected_map.has_key(tmp_path)) {
                debug("Found camera for %s @ %s in detected map", abilities.model, tmp_path);
            debug("%s @ %s missing", abilities.model, tmp_path);
            missing += camera;
        // have to remove from hash map outside of iterator
        foreach (DiscoveredCamera camera in missing) {
            GPhoto.PortInfo port_info;
            string tmp_path;
            do_op(camera.gcamera.get_port_info(out port_info),
                "retrieve missing camera port information");
            port_info.get_path(out tmp_path);
            GPhoto.CameraAbilities abilities;
            do_op(camera.gcamera.get_abilities(out abilities), "retrieve missing camera abilities");

            debug("Removing from camera table: %s @ %s", abilities.model, tmp_path);


        // add cameras which were not present before
        foreach (string port in detected_map.keys) {
            string name = detected_map.get(port);
            string uri = get_port_uri(port);

            if (camera_map.has_key(uri)) {
                // already known about
                debug("%s @ %s already registered, skipping", name, port);

            int index = port_info_list.lookup_path(port);
            if (index < 0)
                do_op((GPhoto.Result) index, "lookup port %s".printf(port));
            GPhoto.PortInfo port_info;
            string tmp_path;
            do_op(port_info_list.get_info(index, out port_info), "get port info for %s".printf(port));
            port_info.get_path(out tmp_path);
            // this should match, every time
            assert(port == tmp_path);
            index = abilities_list.lookup_model(name);
            if (index < 0)
                do_op((GPhoto.Result) index, "lookup camera model %s".printf(name));

            GPhoto.CameraAbilities camera_abilities;
            do_op(abilities_list.get_abilities(index, out camera_abilities), 
                "lookup camera abilities for %s".printf(name));
            debug("Adding to camera table: %s @ %s", name, port);
            var camera = new DiscoveredCamera(name, port, port_info, camera_abilities);
            camera_map.set(uri, camera);
    private void on_udev_event(string action, GUdev.Device device) {
        debug("udev event: %s on %s", action, device.get_name());
        // Device add/removes often arrive in pairs; this allows for a single
        // update to occur when they come in all at once
        camera_update_scheduler.after_timeout(UPDATE_DELAY_MSEC, true);
    public void on_volume_changed(Volume volume) {
        camera_update_scheduler.after_timeout(UPDATE_DELAY_MSEC, true);
    private void on_update_cameras() {
        try {
        } catch (GPhotoError err) {
            warning("Error updating camera table: %s", err.message);