/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public errordomain GPhotoError { LIBRARY } namespace GPhoto { // ContextWrapper assigns signals to the various GPhoto.Context callbacks, as well as spins // the event loop at opportune times. public class ContextWrapper { public Context context = new Context(); public ContextWrapper() { context.set_idle_func(on_idle); context.set_error_func(on_error); context.set_status_func(on_status); context.set_message_func(on_message); context.set_progress_funcs(on_progress_start, on_progress_update, on_progress_stop); } public virtual void idle() { } public virtual void error(string text, void *data) { } public virtual void status(string text, void *data) { } public virtual void message(string text, void *data) { } public virtual void progress_start(float current, string text, void *data) { } public virtual void progress_update(float current, void *data) { } public virtual void progress_stop() { } private void on_idle(Context context) { idle(); } private void on_error(Context context, string text) { error(text, null); } private void on_status(Context context, string text) { status(text, null); } private void on_message(Context context, string text) { message(text, null); } private uint on_progress_start(Context context, float target, string text) { progress_start(target, text, null); return 0; } private void on_progress_update(Context context, uint id, float current) { progress_update(current, null); } private void on_progress_stop(Context context, uint id) { progress_stop(); } } public class SpinIdleWrapper : ContextWrapper { public SpinIdleWrapper() { } public override void idle() { base.idle(); spin_event_loop(); } public override void progress_update(float current, void *data) { base.progress_update(current, data); spin_event_loop(); } } public bool get_info(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename, out CameraFileInfo info) throws Error { Result res = camera.get_file_info(folder, filename, out info, context); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error retrieving file information for %s/%s: %s", (int) res, folder, filename, res.as_string()); return true; } public Bytes? camera_file_to_bytes (Context context, CameraFile file) { // if buffer can be loaded into memory, return a Bytes class with // CameraFile being the owner of the data. This way, the CameraFile is freed // when the Bytes are freed unowned uint8[] buffer = null; var res = file.get_data(out buffer); if (res != Result.OK) return null; return Bytes.new_with_owner<GPhoto.CameraFile>(buffer, file); } // Libgphoto will in some instances refuse to get metadata from a camera, but the camera is accessible as a // filesystem. In these cases shotwell can access the file directly. See: // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=716915 public PhotoMetadata? get_fallback_metadata(Camera camera, Context context, string folder, string filename) { // Fixme: Why do we need to query get_storageinfo here first? GPhoto.CameraStorageInformation[] sifs = null; camera.get_storageinfo(out sifs, context); GPhoto.PortInfo port_info; camera.get_port_info(out port_info); string path; port_info.get_path(out path); string prefix = "disk:"; if(path.has_prefix(prefix)) path = path[prefix.length:path.length]; else return null; PhotoMetadata? metadata = new PhotoMetadata(); try { metadata.read_from_file(File.new_for_path(path + folder + "/" + filename)); } catch { metadata = null; } return metadata; } public Gdk.Pixbuf? load_preview(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename, out string? preview_md5) throws Error { Bytes? raw = null; Bytes? out_bytes = null; preview_md5 = null; try { raw = load_file_into_buffer(context, camera, folder, filename, GPhoto.CameraFileType.PREVIEW); } catch { PhotoMetadata metadata = get_fallback_metadata(camera, context, folder, filename); if(null == metadata) return null; if(0 == metadata.get_preview_count()) return null; // Get the smallest preview from meta-data var preview = metadata.get_preview (metadata.get_preview_count() - 1); raw = preview.flatten(); preview_md5 = Checksum.compute_for_bytes(ChecksumType.MD5, raw); } out_bytes = raw; preview_md5 = Checksum.compute_for_bytes(ChecksumType.MD5, out_bytes); MemoryInputStream mins = new MemoryInputStream.from_bytes (raw); return new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_stream_at_scale(mins, ImportPreview.MAX_SCALE, ImportPreview.MAX_SCALE, true, null); } public Gdk.Pixbuf? load_image(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename) throws Error { InputStream ins = load_file_into_stream(context, camera, folder, filename, GPhoto.CameraFileType.NORMAL); if (ins == null) return null; return new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_stream(ins, null); } public void save_image(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename, File dest_file) throws Error { var fd = Posix.creat(dest_file.get_path(), 0640); if (fd < 0) { throw new IOError.FAILED("[%d] Error creating file %s: %m", GLib.errno, dest_file.get_path()); } GPhoto.CameraFile camera_file; GPhoto.Result res = GPhoto.CameraFile.create_from_fd(out camera_file, fd); if (res != Result.OK) { throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error allocating camera file: %s", (int) res, res.as_string()); } res = camera.get_file(folder, filename, GPhoto.CameraFileType.NORMAL, camera_file, context); if (res != Result.OK) { throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error retrieving file object for %s/%s: %s", (int) res, folder, filename, res.as_string()); } } public PhotoMetadata? load_metadata(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename) throws Error { Bytes? camera_raw = null; try { camera_raw = load_file_into_buffer(context, camera, folder, filename, GPhoto.CameraFileType.EXIF); } catch { return get_fallback_metadata(camera, context, folder, filename); } if (camera_raw == null || camera_raw.length == 0) return null; PhotoMetadata metadata = new PhotoMetadata(); metadata.read_from_app1_segment(camera_raw); return metadata; } // Returns an InputStream for the requested camera file. The stream should be used // immediately rather than stored, as the backing is temporary in nature. public InputStream load_file_into_stream(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename, GPhoto.CameraFileType filetype) throws Error { GPhoto.CameraFile camera_file; GPhoto.Result res = GPhoto.CameraFile.create(out camera_file); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error allocating camera file: %s", (int) res, res.as_string()); res = camera.get_file(folder, filename, filetype, camera_file, context); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error retrieving file object for %s/%s: %s", (int) res, folder, filename, res.as_string()); // if entire file fits in memory, return a stream from that ... // The camera_file is set as data on the object to keep it alive while // the MemoryInputStream is alive. var bytes = camera_file_to_bytes (context, camera_file); if (bytes != null) { return new MemoryInputStream.from_bytes(bytes); } // if not stored in memory, try copying it to a temp file and then reading out of that File temp = AppDirs.get_temp_dir().get_child("import.tmp"); res = camera_file.save(temp.get_path()); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error copying file %s/%s to %s: %s", (int) res, folder, filename, temp.get_path(), res.as_string()); return temp.read(null); } // Returns a buffer with the requested file, if within reason. Use load_file for larger files. public Bytes? load_file_into_buffer(Context context, Camera camera, string folder, string filename, CameraFileType filetype) throws Error { GPhoto.CameraFile camera_file; GPhoto.Result res = GPhoto.CameraFile.create(out camera_file); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error allocating camera file: %s", (int) res, res.as_string()); res = camera.get_file(folder, filename, filetype, camera_file, context); if (res != Result.OK) throw new GPhotoError.LIBRARY("[%d] Error retrieving file object for %s/%s: %s", (int) res, folder, filename, res.as_string()); return camera_file_to_bytes (context, camera_file); } }