/* Copyright 2011-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // // DataSet // // A DataSet is a collection class used for internal implementations of DataCollection // and its children. It may be of use to other classes, however. // // The general purpose of DataSet is to provide low-cost implementations of various collection // operations at a cost of internally maintaining its objects in more than one simple collection. // contains(), for example, can return a result with hash-table performance while notions of // ordering are maintained by a SortedList. The cost is in adding and removing objects (in general, // there are others). // // Because this class has no signalling mechanisms and does not manipulate DataObjects in ways // they expect to be manipulated (these features are performed by DataCollection), it's probably // best not to use this class. Even in cases of building a list of DataObjects for some quick // operation is probably best done by a Gee.ArrayList. // // ComparatorPredicate is used to determine if a re-sort operation is necessary; it has no // effect on adding a DataObject to a DataSet in sorted order. public delegate bool ComparatorPredicate(DataObject object, Alteration alteration); public class DataSet { private SortedList<DataObject> list = new SortedList<DataObject>(); private Gee.HashSet<DataObject> hash_set = new Gee.HashSet<DataObject>(); private unowned Comparator user_comparator = null; private unowned ComparatorPredicate? comparator_predicate = null; public DataSet() { reset_comparator(); } private int64 order_added_comparator(void *a, void *b) { return ((DataObject *) a)->internal_get_ordinal() - ((DataObject *) b)->internal_get_ordinal(); } private bool order_added_predicate(DataObject object, Alteration alteration) { // ordinals don't change (shouldn't change!) while a part of the DataSet return false; } private int64 comparator_wrapper(void *a, void *b) { if (a == b) return 0; // use the order-added comparator if the user's compare returns equal, to stabilize the // sort int64 result = 0; if (user_comparator != null) result = user_comparator(a, b); if (result == 0) result = order_added_comparator(a, b); assert(result != 0); return result; } public bool contains(DataObject object) { return hash_set.contains(object); } public inline int get_count() { return list.get_count(); } public void reset_comparator() { user_comparator = null; comparator_predicate = order_added_predicate; list.resort(order_added_comparator); } public unowned Comparator get_comparator() { return user_comparator; } public unowned ComparatorPredicate get_comparator_predicate() { return comparator_predicate; } public void set_comparator(Comparator user_comparator, ComparatorPredicate? comparator_predicate) { this.user_comparator = user_comparator; this.comparator_predicate = comparator_predicate; list.resort(comparator_wrapper); } public Gee.List<DataObject> get_all() { return list.read_only_view_as_list; } public DataSet copy() { DataSet clone = new DataSet(); clone.list = list.copy(); clone.hash_set.add_all(hash_set); return clone; } public DataObject? get_at(int index) { return list.get_at(index); } public int index_of(DataObject object) { return list.locate(object, false); } // DataObject's ordinal should be set before adding. public bool add(DataObject object) { if (!list.add(object)) return false; if (!hash_set.add(object)) { // attempt to back out of previous operation list.remove(object); return false; } return true; } // DataObjects' ordinals should be set before adding. public bool add_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects) { int count = objects.size; if (count == 0) return true; if (!list.add_all(objects)) return false; if (!hash_set.add_all(objects)) { // back out previous operation list.remove_all(objects); return false; } return true; } public bool remove(DataObject object) { bool success = true; if (!list.remove(object)) success = false; if (!hash_set.remove(object)) success = false; return success; } public bool remove_many(Gee.Collection<DataObject> objects) { bool success = true; if (!list.remove_all(objects)) success = false; if (!hash_set.remove_all(objects)) success = false; return success; } // Returns true if the item has moved. public bool resort_object(DataObject object, Alteration? alteration) { if (comparator_predicate != null && alteration != null && !comparator_predicate(object, alteration)) { return false; } return list.resort_item(object); } }