/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public struct TombstoneID { public const int64 INVALID = -1; public int64 id; public TombstoneID(int64 id = INVALID) { this.id = id; } public bool is_invalid() { return (id == INVALID); } public bool is_valid() { return (id != INVALID); } } public class TombstoneRow { public TombstoneID id; public string filepath; public int64 filesize; public string? md5; public int64 time_created; public Tombstone.Reason reason; } public class TombstoneTable : DatabaseTable { private static TombstoneTable instance = null; private TombstoneTable() { set_table_name("TombstoneTable"); Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + "TombstoneTable " + "(" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "filepath TEXT NOT NULL, " + "filesize INTEGER, " + "md5 TEXT, " + "time_created INTEGER, " + "reason INTEGER DEFAULT 0 " + ")", -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) fatal("create TombstoneTable", res); } public static TombstoneTable get_instance() { if (instance == null) instance = new TombstoneTable(); return instance; } public TombstoneRow add(string filepath, int64 filesize, string? md5, Tombstone.Reason reason) throws DatabaseError { Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("INSERT INTO TombstoneTable " + "(filepath, filesize, md5, time_created, reason) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); var time_created = now_sec(); res = stmt.bind_text(1, filepath); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(2, filesize); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_text(3, md5); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int64(4, (int64) time_created); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.bind_int(5, reason.serialize()); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); res = stmt.step(); if (res != Sqlite.DONE) throw_error("TombstoneTable.add", res); TombstoneRow row = new TombstoneRow(); row.id = TombstoneID(db.last_insert_rowid()); row.filepath = filepath; row.filesize = filesize; row.md5 = md5; row.time_created = time_created; row.reason = reason; return row; } public TombstoneRow[]? fetch_all() throws DatabaseError { int row_count = get_row_count(); if (row_count == 0) return null; Sqlite.Statement stmt; int res = db.prepare_v2("SELECT id, filepath, filesize, md5, time_created, reason " + "FROM TombstoneTable", -1, out stmt); assert(res == Sqlite.OK); TombstoneRow[] rows = new TombstoneRow[row_count]; int index = 0; for (;;) { res = stmt.step(); if (res == Sqlite.DONE) break; else if (res != Sqlite.ROW) throw_error("TombstoneTable.fetch_all", res); TombstoneRow row = new TombstoneRow(); row.id = TombstoneID(stmt.column_int64(0)); row.filepath = stmt.column_text(1); row.filesize = stmt.column_int64(2); row.md5 = stmt.column_text(3); row.time_created = stmt.column_int64(4); row.reason = Tombstone.Reason.unserialize(stmt.column_int(5)); rows[index++] = row; } assert(index == row_count); return rows; } public void update_file(TombstoneID tombstone_id, string filepath) throws DatabaseError { update_text_by_id_2(tombstone_id.id, "filepath", filepath); } public void remove(TombstoneID tombstone_id) throws DatabaseError { delete_by_id(tombstone_id.id); } }