/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * Copyright 2017 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org> * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // Entry completion for values separated by separators (e.g. comma in the case of tags) // Partly inspired by the class of the same name in gtkmm-utils by Marko Anastasov public class EntryMultiCompletion : Gtk.EntryCompletion { private string delimiter; public EntryMultiCompletion(Gee.Collection<string> completion_list, string? delimiter) { assert(delimiter == null || delimiter.length == 1); this.delimiter = delimiter; set_model(create_completion_store(completion_list)); set_text_column(0); set_match_func(match_func); } private static Gtk.ListStore create_completion_store(Gee.Collection<string> completion_list) { Gtk.ListStore completion_store = new Gtk.ListStore(1, typeof(string)); Gtk.TreeIter store_iter; Gee.Iterator<string> completion_iter = completion_list.iterator(); while (completion_iter.next()) { completion_store.append(out store_iter); completion_store.set(store_iter, 0, completion_iter.get(), -1); } return completion_store; } private bool match_func(Gtk.EntryCompletion completion, string key, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { Gtk.TreeModel model = completion.get_model(); string possible_match; model.get(iter, 0, out possible_match); // Normalize key and possible matches to allow comparison of non-ASCII characters. // Use a "COMPOSE" normalization to allow comparison to the position value returned by // Gtk.Entry, i.e. one character=one position. Using the default normalization a character // like "é" or "ö" would have a length of two. possible_match = possible_match.casefold().normalize(-1, NormalizeMode.ALL_COMPOSE); string normed_key = key.normalize(-1, NormalizeMode.ALL_COMPOSE); if (delimiter == null) { return possible_match.has_prefix(normed_key.strip()); } else { if (normed_key.contains(delimiter)) { // check whether cursor is before last delimiter int offset = normed_key.char_count(normed_key.last_index_of_char(delimiter[0])); int position = ((Gtk.Entry) get_entry()).get_position(); if (position <= offset) return false; // TODO: Autocompletion for tags not last in list } string last_part = get_last_part(normed_key.strip(), delimiter); if (last_part.length == 0) return false; // need at least one character to show matches return possible_match.has_prefix(last_part.strip()); } } public override bool match_selected(Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { string match; model.get(iter, 0, out match); Gtk.Entry entry = (Gtk.Entry)get_entry(); string old_text = entry.get_text().normalize(-1, NormalizeMode.ALL_COMPOSE); if (old_text.length > 0) { if (old_text.contains(delimiter)) { old_text = old_text.substring(0, old_text.last_index_of_char(delimiter[0]) + 1) + (delimiter != " " ? " " : ""); } else old_text = ""; } string new_text = old_text + match + delimiter + (delimiter != " " ? " " : ""); entry.set_text(new_text); entry.set_position((int) new_text.length); return true; } // Find last string after any delimiter private static string get_last_part(string s, string delimiter) { string[] split = s.split(delimiter); if((split != null) && (split[0] != null)) { return split[split.length - 1]; } else { return ""; } } }