/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * Copyright 2017 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org> * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class ProgressDialog : Gtk.Window { private Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); private Gtk.Button cancel_button = null; private Cancellable cancellable; private uint64 last_count = uint64.MAX; private int update_every = 1; private int minimum_on_screen_time_msec = 500; private ulong time_started; #if UNITY_SUPPORT UnityProgressBar uniprobar = UnityProgressBar.get_instance(); #endif public ProgressDialog(Gtk.Window? owner, string text, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { this.cancellable = cancellable; set_title(text); set_resizable(false); if (owner != null) set_transient_for(owner); set_modal(true); set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DIALOG); progress_bar.set_size_request(300, -1); progress_bar.set_show_text(true); Gtk.Box vbox_bar = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0); vbox_bar.pack_start(progress_bar, true, false, 0); if (cancellable != null) { cancel_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic(Resources.CANCEL_LABEL); cancel_button.clicked.connect(on_cancel); delete_event.connect(on_window_closed); } else { delete_event.connect(hide_on_delete); } Gtk.Box hbox = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 8); hbox.pack_start(vbox_bar, true, false, 0); if (cancel_button != null) hbox.pack_end(cancel_button, false, false, 0); Gtk.Label primary_text_label = new Gtk.Label(""); primary_text_label.set_markup("<span weight=\"bold\">%s</span>".printf(text)); primary_text_label.xalign = 0.0f; primary_text_label.yalign = 0.5f; Gtk.Box vbox = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 12); vbox.pack_start(primary_text_label, false, false, 0); vbox.pack_start(hbox, true, false, 0); vbox.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER; vbox.valign = Gtk.Align.CENTER; vbox.hexpand = true; vbox.vexpand = true; vbox.margin_start = 12; vbox.margin_end = 12; vbox.margin_top = 12; vbox.margin_bottom = 12; add(vbox); time_started = now_ms(); } public override void realize() { base.realize(); // if unable to cancel the progress bar, remove the close button if (cancellable == null) get_window().set_functions(Gdk.WMFunction.MOVE); } public void update_display_every(int update_every) { assert(update_every >= 1); this.update_every = update_every; } public void set_minimum_on_screen_time_msec(int minimum_on_screen_time_msec) { this.minimum_on_screen_time_msec = minimum_on_screen_time_msec; } public void set_fraction(int current, int total) { set_percentage((double) current / (double) total); } public void set_percentage(double pct) { pct = pct.clamp(0.0, 1.0); maybe_show_all(pct); progress_bar.set_fraction(pct); progress_bar.set_text(_("%d%%").printf((int) (pct * 100.0))); #if UNITY_SUPPORT //UnityProgressBar: set progress uniprobar.set_progress(pct); #endif } public void set_status(string text) { progress_bar.set_text(text); #if UNITY_SUPPORT //UnityProgressBar: try to draw progress bar uniprobar.set_visible(true); #endif show_all(); } // This can be used as a ProgressMonitor delegate. public bool monitor(uint64 count, uint64 total, bool do_event_loop = true) { if ((last_count == uint64.MAX) || (count - last_count) >= update_every) { set_percentage((double) count / (double) total); last_count = count; } bool keep_going = (cancellable != null) ? !cancellable.is_cancelled() : true; // TODO: get rid of this. non-trivial, as some progress-monitor operations are blocking // and need to allow the event loop to spin // // Important: Since it's possible the progress dialog might be destroyed inside this call, // avoid referring to "this" afterwards at all costs (in case all refs have been dropped) if (do_event_loop) spin_event_loop(); return keep_going; } public new void close() { #if UNITY_SUPPORT //UnityProgressBar: reset uniprobar.reset(); #endif hide(); destroy(); } private bool on_window_closed() { on_cancel(); return false; // return false so that the system handler will remove the window from // the screen } private void on_cancel() { if (cancellable != null) cancellable.cancel(); cancel_button.sensitive = false; } private void maybe_show_all(double pct) { // Appear only after a while because some jobs may take only a // fraction of second to complete so there's no point in showing progress. if (!this.visible && now_ms() - time_started > minimum_on_screen_time_msec) { // calculate percents completed in one ms double pps = pct * 100.0 / minimum_on_screen_time_msec; // calculate [very rough] estimate of time to complete in ms double ttc = 100.0 / pps; // If there is still more work to do for at least MINIMUM_ON_SCREEN_TIME_MSEC, // finally display the dialog. if (ttc > minimum_on_screen_time_msec) { #if UNITY_SUPPORT //UnityProgressBar: try to draw progress bar uniprobar.set_visible(true); #endif show_all(); spin_event_loop(); } } } }