/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class DirectWindow : AppWindow { private DirectPhotoPage direct_photo_page; public DirectWindow(File file) { base(); direct_photo_page = new DirectPhotoPage(file); direct_photo_page.get_view().items_altered.connect(on_photo_changed); direct_photo_page.get_view().items_state_changed.connect(on_photo_changed); set_current_page(direct_photo_page); update_title(file, false); direct_photo_page.switched_to(); // simple layout: menu on top, photo in center, toolbar along bottom (mimicking the // PhotoPage in the library, but without the sidebar) Gtk.Box layout = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0); layout.pack_start(direct_photo_page, true, true, 0); layout.pack_end(direct_photo_page.get_toolbar(), false, false, 0); Application.set_menubar (direct_photo_page.get_menubar ()); add(layout); } public static DirectWindow get_app() { return (DirectWindow) instance; } public DirectPhotoPage get_direct_page() { return (DirectPhotoPage) get_current_page(); } public void update_title(File file, bool modified) { title = "%s%s (%s) - %s".printf((modified) ? "•" : "", file.get_basename(), get_display_pathname(file.get_parent()), Resources.APP_TITLE); } // Expose on_fullscreen publicly so we can call it from the DirectPhotoPage public void do_fullscreen() { on_fullscreen(); } protected override void on_fullscreen() { File file = get_direct_page().get_current_file(); go_fullscreen(new DirectFullscreenPhotoPage(file)); } public override string get_app_role() { return Resources.APP_DIRECT_ROLE; } private void on_photo_changed() { Photo? photo = direct_photo_page.get_photo(); if (photo != null) update_title(photo.get_file(), photo.has_alterations()); } protected override void on_quit() { if (!get_direct_page().check_quit()) return; Config.Facade.get_instance().set_direct_window_state(maximized, dimensions); base.on_quit(); } public override bool delete_event(Gdk.EventAny event) { if (!get_direct_page().check_quit()) return true; return (base.delete_event != null) ? base.delete_event(event) : false; } public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) { // check for an escape if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape") { on_quit(); return true; } // ...then let the base class take over return (base.key_press_event != null) ? base.key_press_event(event) : false; } }