/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ class EventDirectoryItem : CheckerboardItem { private static int CROPPED_SCALE { get { return ThumbnailCache.Size.MEDIUM.get_scale() + ((ThumbnailCache.Size.BIG.get_scale() - ThumbnailCache.Size.MEDIUM.get_scale()) / 2); } } public static Scaling squared_scaling = Scaling.to_fill_viewport(Dimensions(CROPPED_SCALE, CROPPED_SCALE)); public Event event; private Gdk.Rectangle paul_lynde = Gdk.Rectangle(); public EventDirectoryItem(Event event) { base (event, Dimensions(CROPPED_SCALE, CROPPED_SCALE), get_formatted_title(event), event.get_comment(), true, Pango.Alignment.CENTER); this.event = event; // find the center square paul_lynde = get_paul_lynde_rect(event.get_primary_source()); // don't display yet, but claim its dimensions clear_image(Dimensions.for_rectangle(paul_lynde)); // monitor the event for changes Event.global.items_altered.connect(on_events_altered); } ~EventDirectoryItem() { Event.global.items_altered.disconnect(on_events_altered); } // square the photo's dimensions and locate the pixbuf's center square private static Gdk.Rectangle get_paul_lynde_rect(MediaSource source) { Dimensions scaled = squared_scaling.get_scaled_dimensions(source.get_dimensions()); Gdk.Rectangle paul_lynde = Gdk.Rectangle(); paul_lynde.x = (scaled.width - CROPPED_SCALE).clamp(0, scaled.width) / 2; paul_lynde.y = (scaled.height - CROPPED_SCALE).clamp(0, scaled.height) / 2; paul_lynde.width = CROPPED_SCALE; paul_lynde.height = CROPPED_SCALE; return paul_lynde; } // scale and crop the center square of the media private static Gdk.Pixbuf get_paul_lynde(MediaSource media, Gdk.Rectangle paul_lynde) throws Error { Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = media.get_preview_pixbuf(squared_scaling); Dimensions thumbnail_dimensions = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(pixbuf); if (thumbnail_dimensions.width > 2 * paul_lynde.width || thumbnail_dimensions.height > paul_lynde.height * 2 ) { LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) media; pixbuf = photo.get_pixbuf(squared_scaling); thumbnail_dimensions = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(pixbuf); } // to catch rounding errors in the two algorithms paul_lynde = clamp_rectangle(paul_lynde, thumbnail_dimensions); // crop the center square return new Gdk.Pixbuf.subpixbuf(pixbuf, paul_lynde.x, paul_lynde.y, paul_lynde.width, paul_lynde.height); } private static string get_formatted_title(Event event) { bool has_photos = MediaSourceCollection.has_photo(event.get_media()); bool has_videos = MediaSourceCollection.has_video(event.get_media()); int count = event.get_media_count(); string count_text = ""; if (has_photos && has_videos) count_text = ngettext("%d Photo/Video", "%d Photos/Videos", count).printf(count); else if (has_videos) count_text = ngettext("%d Video", "%d Videos", count).printf(count); else count_text = ngettext("%d Photo", "%d Photos", count).printf(count); string? daterange = event.get_formatted_daterange(); string name = event.get_name(); // if we don't have a daterange or if it's the same as name, then don't print it; otherwise // print it beneath the preview photo if (daterange == null || daterange == name) return "<b>%s</b>\n%s".printf(guarded_markup_escape_text(name), guarded_markup_escape_text(count_text)); else return "<b>%s</b>\n%s\n%s".printf(guarded_markup_escape_text(name), guarded_markup_escape_text(count_text), guarded_markup_escape_text(daterange)); } public override void exposed() { if (is_exposed()) return; try { set_image(get_paul_lynde(event.get_primary_source(), paul_lynde)); } catch (Error err) { critical("Unable to fetch preview for %s: %s", event.to_string(), err.message); } update_comment(); base.exposed(); } public override void unexposed() { if (!is_exposed()) return; clear_image(Dimensions.for_rectangle(paul_lynde)); base.unexposed(); } private void on_events_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) { update_comment(); if (map.has_key(event)) set_title(get_formatted_title(event), true, Pango.Alignment.CENTER); } protected override void thumbnail_altered() { MediaSource media = event.get_primary_source(); // get new center square paul_lynde = get_paul_lynde_rect(media); if (is_exposed()) { try { set_image(get_paul_lynde(media, paul_lynde)); } catch (Error err) { critical("Unable to fetch preview for %s: %s", event.to_string(), err.message); } } else { clear_image(Dimensions.for_rectangle(paul_lynde)); } base.thumbnail_altered(); } protected override void paint_shadow(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions dimensions, Gdk.Point origin, int radius, float initial_alpha) { Dimensions altered = Dimensions(dimensions.width - 25, dimensions.height - 25); base.paint_shadow(ctx, altered, origin, 36, initial_alpha); } protected override void paint_border(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions object_dimensions, Gdk.Point object_origin, int border_width) { Dimensions dimensions = get_border_dimensions(object_dimensions, border_width); Gdk.Point origin = get_border_origin(object_origin, border_width); draw_rounded_corners_filled(ctx, dimensions, origin, 6.0); } protected override void paint_image(Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Gdk.Point origin) { Dimensions dimensions = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(pixbuf); if (pixbuf.get_has_alpha()) draw_rounded_corners_filled(ctx, dimensions, origin, 6.0); // use rounded corners on events context_rounded_corners(ctx, dimensions, origin, 6.0); Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, pixbuf, origin.x, origin.y); ctx.paint(); } private void update_comment(bool init = false) { string comment = event.get_comment(); if (is_string_empty(comment)) clear_comment(); else if (!init) set_comment(comment); else set_comment(""); } }