/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class EventPage : CollectionPage { private Event page_event; public EventPage(Event page_event) { base (page_event.get_name()); this.page_event = page_event; page_event.mirror_photos(get_view(), create_thumbnail); init_page_context_menu("EventContextMenu"); Event.global.items_altered.connect(on_events_altered); } public Event get_event() { return page_event; } protected override bool on_app_key_pressed(Gdk.EventKey event) { // If and only if one image is selected, propagate F2 to the rest of // the window, otherwise, consume it here - if we don't do this, it'll // either let us re-title multiple images at the same time or // spuriously highlight the event name in the sidebar for editing... if (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "F2") { if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1) { return true; } } return base.on_app_key_pressed(event); } ~EventPage() { Event.global.items_altered.disconnect(on_events_altered); get_view().halt_mirroring(); } protected override void init_collect_ui_filenames(Gee.List<string> ui_filenames) { base.init_collect_ui_filenames(ui_filenames); ui_filenames.add("event.ui"); } private const GLib.ActionEntry[] entries = { { "MakePrimary", on_make_primary }, { "Rename", on_rename }, { "EditComment", on_edit_comment }, { "EditEventComment", on_edit_event_comment } }; protected override void add_actions(GLib.ActionMap map) { base.add_actions(map); map.add_action_entries(entries, this); } protected override void remove_actions(GLib.ActionMap map) { base.remove_actions(map); foreach (var entry in entries) { map.remove_action(entry.name); } } protected override void init_actions(int selected_count, int count) { base.init_actions(selected_count, count); } protected override void update_actions(int selected_count, int count) { set_action_sensitive("MakePrimary", selected_count == 1); // hide this command in CollectionPage, as it does not apply here set_action_sensitive("CommonJumpToEvent", false); base.update_actions(selected_count, count); // this is always valid; if the user has right-clicked in an empty area, // change the comment on the event itself. set_action_sensitive("EditEventComment", true); } protected override void get_config_photos_sort(out bool sort_order, out int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().get_event_photos_sort(out sort_order, out sort_by); } protected override void set_config_photos_sort(bool sort_order, int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().set_event_photos_sort(sort_order, sort_by); } private void on_events_altered(Gee.Map<DataObject, Alteration> map) { if (map.has_key(page_event)) set_page_name(page_event.get_name()); } private void on_edit_event_comment() { EditCommentDialog edit_comment_dialog = new EditCommentDialog(page_event.get_comment(), true); string? new_comment = edit_comment_dialog.execute(); if (new_comment == null) return; EditEventCommentCommand command = new EditEventCommentCommand(page_event, new_comment); get_command_manager().execute(command); return; } protected override void on_edit_comment() { base.on_edit_comment(); } private void on_make_primary() { if (get_view().get_selected_count() != 1) return; page_event.set_primary_source((MediaSource) get_view().get_selected_at(0).get_source()); } private void on_rename() { LibraryWindow.get_app().rename_event_in_sidebar(page_event); } } public class NoEventPage : CollectionPage { public const string NAME = _("No Event"); // This seems very similar to EventSourceCollection -> ViewManager private class NoEventViewManager : CollectionViewManager { public NoEventViewManager(NoEventPage page) { base (page); } // this is not threadsafe public override bool include_in_view(DataSource source) { return (((MediaSource) source).get_event_id().id != EventID.INVALID) ? false : base.include_in_view(source); } } private static Alteration no_event_page_alteration = new Alteration("metadata", "event"); public NoEventPage() { base (NAME); ViewManager filter = new NoEventViewManager(this); get_view().monitor_source_collection(LibraryPhoto.global, filter, no_event_page_alteration); get_view().monitor_source_collection(Video.global, filter, no_event_page_alteration); } protected override void get_config_photos_sort(out bool sort_order, out int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().get_event_photos_sort(out sort_order, out sort_by); } protected override void set_config_photos_sort(bool sort_order, int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().set_event_photos_sort(sort_order, sort_by); } }