/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public abstract class FaceShape : Object { public const string SHAPE_TYPE = null; protected const int FACE_WINDOW_MARGIN = 5; protected const int LABEL_MARGIN = 12; protected const int LABEL_PADDING = 9; public signal void add_me_requested(FaceShape face_shape); public signal void delete_me_requested(); protected FacesTool.EditingFaceToolWindow face_window; protected Gdk.CursorType current_cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER; protected EditingTools.PhotoCanvas canvas; protected string serialized = null; protected double[] face_vec; private bool editable = true; private bool visible = true; private bool known = true; private double guess = 0.0; private weak FacesTool.FaceWidget face_widget = null; protected FaceShape(EditingTools.PhotoCanvas canvas, double[] vec) { this.canvas = canvas; this.canvas.new_surface.connect(prepare_ctx); prepare_ctx(this.canvas.get_default_ctx(), this.canvas.get_surface_dim()); face_window = new FacesTool.EditingFaceToolWindow(this.canvas.get_container()); face_window.key_pressed.connect(key_press_event); face_window.show_all(); face_window.hide(); this.face_vec = vec; this.canvas.set_cursor(current_cursor_type); } ~FaceShape() { if (visible) { erase(); } face_window.destroy(); canvas.new_surface.disconnect(prepare_ctx); // make sure the cursor isn't set to a modify indicator canvas.set_cursor(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR); } public static FaceShape from_serialized(EditingTools.PhotoCanvas canvas, string serialized) throws FaceShapeError { FaceShape face_shape; string[] args = serialized.split(";"); switch (args[0]) { case "Rectangle": face_shape = FaceRectangle.from_serialized(canvas, args); break; default: assert_not_reached(); } face_shape.serialized = serialized; return face_shape; } public void set_name(string face_name) { face_window.entry.set_text(face_name); } public string? get_name() { string face_name = face_window.entry.get_text(); return face_name == "" ? null : face_name; } public void set_known(bool known) { this.known = known; } public bool get_known() { return known; } public void set_guess(double guess) { this.guess = guess; } public double get_guess() { return guess; } public void set_widget(FacesTool.FaceWidget face_widget) { this.face_widget = face_widget; } public FacesTool.FaceWidget get_widget() { assert(face_widget != null); return face_widget; } public void hide() { visible = false; erase(); if (editable) face_window.hide(); // make sure the cursor isn't set to a modify indicator canvas.set_cursor(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR); } public void show() { visible = true; paint(); if (editable) { update_face_window_position(); face_window.show(); face_window.present(); if (!known) face_window.entry.select_region(0, -1); } } public bool is_visible() { return visible; } public bool is_editable() { return editable; } public void set_editable(bool editable) { if (visible && editable != is_editable()) { hide(); this.editable = editable; show(); return; } this.editable = editable; } public bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) { switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) { case "Escape": delete_me_requested(); break; case "Return": case "KP_Enter": add_me_requested(this); break; default: return false; } return true; } public abstract string serialize(bool geometry_only = false); public abstract void update_face_window_position(); public abstract void prepare_ctx(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions dim); public abstract void on_resized_pixbuf(Dimensions old_dim, Gdk.Pixbuf scaled); public abstract void on_motion(int x, int y, Gdk.ModifierType mask); public abstract void on_left_released(int x, int y); public abstract bool on_left_click(int x, int y); public abstract bool cursor_is_over(int x, int y); public abstract bool equals(FaceShape face_shape); public abstract double get_distance(int x, int y); public abstract double[] get_face_vec(); protected abstract void paint(); protected abstract void erase(); } public class FaceRectangle : FaceShape { public new const string SHAPE_TYPE = "Rectangle"; private const int FACE_MIN_SIZE = 8; public const int NULL_SIZE = 0; private Box box; private Box? label_box; private BoxLocation in_manipulation = BoxLocation.OUTSIDE; private Cairo.Context wide_black_ctx = null; private Cairo.Context wide_white_ctx = null; private int last_grab_x = -1; private int last_grab_y = -1; public FaceRectangle(EditingTools.PhotoCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int half_width = NULL_SIZE, int half_height = NULL_SIZE, double[] vec = {}) { double[] int_vec; if (vec.length == 0) int_vec = create_empty_vec(); else int_vec = vec; base(canvas, int_vec); Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); x -= scaled_pixbuf_pos.x; y -= scaled_pixbuf_pos.y; // If half_width is NULL_SIZE we are creating a new FaceShape, // otherwise we are only showing a previously created one. if (half_width == NULL_SIZE) { box = Box(x, y, x, y); in_manipulation = BoxLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT; last_grab_x = x; last_grab_y = y; } else { Dimensions pixbuf_dimensions = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf()); int right = (x + half_width).clamp(x, pixbuf_dimensions.width); int bottom = (y + half_height).clamp(y, pixbuf_dimensions.height); box = Box(x - half_width, y - half_height, right, bottom); } } ~FaceRectangle() { if (!is_editable()) erase_label(); } public static double[] create_empty_vec() { double[] empty_vec = new double[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { empty_vec[i] = 0; } return empty_vec; } public static new FaceRectangle from_serialized(EditingTools.PhotoCanvas canvas, string[] args) throws FaceShapeError { assert(args[0] == SHAPE_TYPE); Photo photo = canvas.get_photo(); Dimensions raw_dim = photo.get_raw_dimensions(); // 1, 2 is the center of the rectangle, 3, 4 is the half width / height of the rectangle, // normalized int x = (int) (raw_dim.width * double.parse(args[1])); int y = (int) (raw_dim.height * double.parse(args[2])); int half_width = (int) (raw_dim.width * double.parse(args[3])); int half_height = (int) (raw_dim.height * double.parse(args[4])); Box box = Box(x - half_width, y - half_height, x + half_width, y + half_height); Dimensions current_dim = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf()); Box raw_cropped; if (photo.get_raw_crop(out raw_cropped)) { box.left = box.left.clamp(raw_cropped.left, box.left) - raw_cropped.left; box.right = box.right.clamp(box.right, raw_cropped.right) - raw_cropped.left; box.top = box.top.clamp(raw_cropped.top, box.top) - raw_cropped.top; box.bottom = box.bottom.clamp(box.bottom, raw_cropped.bottom) - raw_cropped.top; box = photo.get_orientation().rotate_box(raw_cropped.get_dimensions(), box); Box cropped; photo.get_crop(out cropped); box = box.get_scaled_similar(cropped.get_dimensions(), current_dim); } else { box = photo.get_orientation().rotate_box(raw_dim, box); box = box.get_scaled_similar(photo.get_dimensions(), current_dim); } Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); box.left += scaled_pixbuf_pos.x; box.right += scaled_pixbuf_pos.x; box.top += scaled_pixbuf_pos.y; box.bottom += scaled_pixbuf_pos.y; half_width = box.get_width() / 2; half_height = box.get_height() / 2; if (half_width < FACE_MIN_SIZE || half_height < FACE_MIN_SIZE) throw new FaceShapeError.CANT_CREATE("FaceShape is out of cropped photo area"); string[] vec_str; if (args.length == 6) vec_str = args[5].split(","); else vec_str = {}; double[] vec = new double[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (vec_str.length > i) vec[i] = double.parse(vec_str[i]); else vec[i] = 0; } return new FaceRectangle(canvas, box.left + half_width, box.top + half_height, half_width, half_height, vec); } public override void update_face_window_position() { AppWindow appWindow = AppWindow.get_instance(); Gtk.Allocation face_window_alloc; Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); int x = 0; int y = 0; if (canvas.get_container() == appWindow) { appWindow.get_current_page().get_window().get_origin(out x, out y); } else assert(canvas.get_container() is FullscreenWindow); face_window.get_allocation(out face_window_alloc); var scale = Application.get_scale(); var left = (int)Math.lround((scaled_pixbuf_pos.x + box.left) / scale); var width = (int)Math.lround(box.get_width() / scale); var top = (int)Math.lround((scaled_pixbuf_pos.y + box.bottom) / scale); x += (left + ((width - face_window_alloc.width) >> 1)); y += top + FACE_WINDOW_MARGIN; face_window.move(x, y); } protected override void paint() { // The box is in image coordinates. Need to scale down to device coordinates canvas.draw_box(wide_black_ctx, box); canvas.draw_box(wide_white_ctx, box.get_reduced(1)); canvas.draw_box(wide_white_ctx, box.get_reduced(2)); //canvas.invalidate_area(box); if (!is_editable()) paint_label(); } protected override void erase() { canvas.invalidate_area(box); if (!is_editable()) erase_label(); // canvas.repaint(); } private void paint_label() { Cairo.Context ctx = canvas.get_default_ctx(); Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); ctx.save(); ctx.select_font_face("Sans", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL); ctx.set_font_size(10.0 * Application.get_scale()); Cairo.TextExtents text_extents = Cairo.TextExtents(); ctx.text_extents(get_name(), out text_extents); int width = (int) text_extents.width + LABEL_PADDING; int height = (int) text_extents.height; int x = box.left + (box.get_width() - width) / 2; int y = box.bottom + LABEL_MARGIN; label_box = Box(x, y, x + width, y + height + LABEL_PADDING); x += scaled_pixbuf_pos.x; y += scaled_pixbuf_pos.y; ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height + LABEL_PADDING); ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); ctx.fill(); ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1); ctx.move_to(x + LABEL_PADDING / 2, y + height + LABEL_PADDING / 2); ctx.show_text(get_name()); ctx.restore(); } private void erase_label() { if (label_box == null) return; Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); int x = scaled_pixbuf_pos.x + label_box.left; int y = scaled_pixbuf_pos.y + label_box.top; Cairo.Context ctx = canvas.get_default_ctx(); ctx.save(); ctx.set_operator(Cairo.Operator.OVER); ctx.rectangle(x, y, label_box.get_width(), label_box.get_height()); ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); ctx.fill_preserve(); ctx.set_source_surface(canvas.get_scaled_surface(), scaled_pixbuf_pos.x, scaled_pixbuf_pos.y); ctx.fill(); canvas.invalidate_area(label_box); label_box = null; ctx.restore(); } public override string serialize(bool geometry_only = false) { if (serialized != null) return serialized; double x; double y; double half_width; double half_height; get_geometry(out x, out y, out half_width, out half_height); serialized = "%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;".printf(SHAPE_TYPE, x.to_string(), y.to_string(), half_width.to_string(), half_height.to_string()); if (!geometry_only) { string face_vec_str = ""; foreach (var d in face_vec[0:-2]) face_vec_str += d.to_string() + ","; face_vec_str += face_vec[-1].to_string(); serialized += face_vec_str; } return serialized; } public void get_geometry(out double x, out double y, out double half_width, out double half_height) { Photo photo = canvas.get_photo(); Dimensions raw_dim = photo.get_raw_dimensions(); Box temp_box = box; Dimensions current_dim = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf()); Box cropped; if (photo.get_crop(out cropped)) { temp_box = temp_box.get_scaled_similar(current_dim, cropped.get_dimensions()); Box raw_cropped; photo.get_raw_crop(out raw_cropped); temp_box = photo.get_orientation().derotate_box(raw_cropped.get_dimensions(), temp_box); temp_box.left += raw_cropped.left; temp_box.right += raw_cropped.left; temp_box.top += raw_cropped.top; temp_box.bottom += raw_cropped.top; } else { temp_box = temp_box.get_scaled_similar(current_dim, photo.get_dimensions()); temp_box = photo.get_orientation().derotate_box(raw_dim, temp_box); } x = (temp_box.left + (temp_box.get_width() / 2)) / (double) raw_dim.width; y = (temp_box.top + (temp_box.get_height() / 2)) / (double) raw_dim.height; double width_left_end = temp_box.left / (double) raw_dim.width; double width_right_end = temp_box.right / (double) raw_dim.width; double height_top_end = temp_box.top / (double) raw_dim.height; double height_bottom_end = temp_box.bottom / (double) raw_dim.height; half_width = (width_right_end - width_left_end) / 2; half_height = (height_bottom_end - height_top_end) / 2; } public override double[] get_face_vec() { return face_vec; } public override bool equals(FaceShape face_shape) { return serialize(true) == face_shape.serialize(true); } public override void prepare_ctx(Cairo.Context ctx, Dimensions dim) { wide_black_ctx = new Cairo.Context(ctx.get_target()); set_source_color_from_string(wide_black_ctx, "#000"); wide_black_ctx.set_line_width(1 * Application.get_scale()); wide_white_ctx = new Cairo.Context(ctx.get_target()); set_source_color_from_string(wide_white_ctx, "#FFF"); wide_white_ctx.set_line_width(1 * Application.get_scale()); } private bool on_canvas_manipulation(int x, int y) { Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); // box is maintained in coordinates non-relative to photo's position on canvas ... // but bound tool to photo itself x -= scaled_pos.x; if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= scaled_pos.width) x = scaled_pos.width - 1; y -= scaled_pos.y; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= scaled_pos.height) y = scaled_pos.height - 1; // need to make manipulations outside of box structure, because its methods do sanity // checking int left = box.left; int top = box.top; int right = box.right; int bottom = box.bottom; // get extra geometric information needed to enforce constraints int photo_right_edge = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf().width - 1; int photo_bottom_edge = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf().height - 1; switch (in_manipulation) { case BoxLocation.LEFT_SIDE: left = x; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_SIDE: top = y; break; case BoxLocation.RIGHT_SIDE: right = x; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_SIDE: bottom = y; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_LEFT: top = y; left = x; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT: bottom = y; left = x; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_RIGHT: top = y; right = x; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT: bottom = y; right = x; break; case BoxLocation.INSIDE: assert(last_grab_x >= 0); assert(last_grab_y >= 0); int delta_x = (x - last_grab_x); int delta_y = (y - last_grab_y); last_grab_x = x; last_grab_y = y; int width = right - left + 1; int height = bottom - top + 1; left += delta_x; top += delta_y; right += delta_x; bottom += delta_y; // bound box inside of photo if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (right >= scaled_pos.width) right = scaled_pos.width - 1; if (bottom >= scaled_pos.height) bottom = scaled_pos.height - 1; int adj_width = right - left + 1; int adj_height = bottom - top + 1; // don't let adjustments affect the size of the box if (adj_width != width) { if (delta_x < 0) right = left + width - 1; else left = right - width + 1; } if (adj_height != height) { if (delta_y < 0) bottom = top + height - 1; else top = bottom - height + 1; } break; default: // do nothing, not even a repaint return false; } // Check if the mouse has gone out of bounds, and if it has, make sure that the // face shape edges stay within the photo bounds. int width = right - left + 1; int height = bottom - top + 1; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (right > photo_right_edge) right = photo_right_edge; if (bottom > photo_bottom_edge) bottom = photo_bottom_edge; width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; switch (in_manipulation) { case BoxLocation.LEFT_SIDE: case BoxLocation.TOP_LEFT: case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT: if (width < FACE_MIN_SIZE) left = right - FACE_MIN_SIZE; break; case BoxLocation.RIGHT_SIDE: case BoxLocation.TOP_RIGHT: case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT: if (width < FACE_MIN_SIZE) right = left + FACE_MIN_SIZE; break; default: break; } switch (in_manipulation) { case BoxLocation.TOP_SIDE: case BoxLocation.TOP_LEFT: case BoxLocation.TOP_RIGHT: if (height < FACE_MIN_SIZE) top = bottom - FACE_MIN_SIZE; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_SIDE: case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT: case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT: if (height < FACE_MIN_SIZE) bottom = top + FACE_MIN_SIZE; break; default: break; } Box new_box = Box(left, top, right, bottom); if (!box.equals(new_box)) { canvas.invalidate_area(box); if (in_manipulation != BoxLocation.INSIDE) check_resized_box(new_box); box = new_box; paint(); canvas.invalidate_area(new_box); } if (is_editable()) update_face_window_position(); canvas.repaint(); serialized = null; return false; } private void check_resized_box(Box new_box) { Box horizontal; bool horizontal_enlarged; Box vertical; bool vertical_enlarged; BoxComplements complements = box.resized_complements(new_box, out horizontal, out horizontal_enlarged, out vertical, out vertical_enlarged); // this should never happen ... this means that the operation wasn't a resize assert(complements != BoxComplements.NONE); } private void update_cursor(int x, int y) { // box is not maintained relative to photo's position on canvas Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); Box offset_scaled_box = box.get_offset(scaled_pos.x, scaled_pos.y); Gdk.CursorType cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR; switch (offset_scaled_box.approx_location(x, y)) { case BoxLocation.LEFT_SIDE: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_SIDE; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_SIDE: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.TOP_SIDE; break; case BoxLocation.RIGHT_SIDE: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.RIGHT_SIDE; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_SIDE: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.BOTTOM_SIDE; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_LEFT: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.TOP_LEFT_CORNER; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER; break; case BoxLocation.TOP_RIGHT: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.TOP_RIGHT_CORNER; break; case BoxLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER; break; case BoxLocation.INSIDE: cursor_type = Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR; break; default: // use Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR break; } if (cursor_type != current_cursor_type) { canvas.set_cursor(cursor_type); current_cursor_type = cursor_type; } } public override void on_motion(int x, int y, Gdk.ModifierType mask) { // only deal with manipulating the box when click-and-dragging one of the edges // or the interior if (in_manipulation != BoxLocation.OUTSIDE) on_canvas_manipulation(x, y); update_cursor(x, y); } public override bool on_left_click(int x, int y) { Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pixbuf_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); // box is not maintained relative to photo's position on canvas Box offset_scaled_box = box.get_offset(scaled_pixbuf_pos.x, scaled_pixbuf_pos.y); // determine where the mouse down landed and store for future events in_manipulation = offset_scaled_box.approx_location(x, y); last_grab_x = x -= scaled_pixbuf_pos.x; last_grab_y = y -= scaled_pixbuf_pos.y; return box.approx_location(x, y) != BoxLocation.OUTSIDE; } public override void on_left_released(int x, int y) { if (box.get_width() < FACE_MIN_SIZE) { delete_me_requested(); return; } if (is_editable()) { face_window.show(); face_window.present(); } // nothing to do if released outside of the face box if (in_manipulation == BoxLocation.OUTSIDE) return; // end manipulation in_manipulation = BoxLocation.OUTSIDE; last_grab_x = -1; last_grab_y = -1; update_cursor(x, y); } public override void on_resized_pixbuf(Dimensions old_dim, Gdk.Pixbuf scaled) { Dimensions new_dim = Dimensions.for_pixbuf(scaled); Dimensions uncropped_dim = canvas.get_photo().get_original_dimensions(); Box new_box = box.get_scaled_similar(old_dim, uncropped_dim); // rescale back to new size box = new_box.get_scaled_similar(uncropped_dim, new_dim); update_face_window_position(); } public override bool cursor_is_over(int x, int y) { // box is not maintained relative to photo's position on canvas Gdk.Rectangle scaled_pos = canvas.get_scaled_pixbuf_position(); Box offset_scaled_box = box.get_offset(scaled_pos.x, scaled_pos.y); return offset_scaled_box.approx_location(x, y) != BoxLocation.OUTSIDE; } public override double get_distance(int x, int y) { double center_x = box.left + box.get_width() / 2.0; double center_y = box.top + box.get_height() / 2.0; return Math.sqrt((center_x - x) * (center_x - x) + (center_y - y) * (center_y - y)); } }