/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class Folders.Branch : Sidebar.Branch { private Gee.HashMap<File, Folders.SidebarEntry> entries = new Gee.HashMap<File, Folders.SidebarEntry>(file_hash, file_equal); private File home_dir; public class Branch() { base (new Folders.Root(), Sidebar.Branch.Options.STARTUP_OPEN_GROUPING, comparator); home_dir = File.new_for_path(Environment.get_home_dir()); foreach (MediaSourceCollection sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) { // seed on_media_contents_altered(sources.get_all(), null); // monitor sources.contents_altered.connect(on_media_contents_altered); } } ~Branch() { foreach (MediaSourceCollection sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) sources.contents_altered.disconnect(on_media_contents_altered); } private static int comparator(Sidebar.Entry a, Sidebar.Entry b) { if (a == b) return 0; int coll_key_equality = strcmp(((Folders.SidebarEntry) a).collation, ((Folders.SidebarEntry) b).collation); if (coll_key_equality == 0) { // Collation keys were the same, double-check that // these really are the same string... return strcmp(((Folders.SidebarEntry) a).get_sidebar_name(), ((Folders.SidebarEntry) b).get_sidebar_name()); } return coll_key_equality; } private void on_master_source_replaced(MediaSource media_source, File old_file, File new_file) { remove_entry(old_file); add_entry(media_source); } private void on_media_contents_altered(Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? added, Gee.Iterable<DataObject>? removed) { if (added != null) { foreach (DataObject object in added) { add_entry((MediaSource) object); ((MediaSource) object).master_replaced.connect(on_master_source_replaced); } } if (removed != null) { foreach (DataObject object in removed) { remove_entry(((MediaSource) object).get_file()); ((MediaSource) object).master_replaced.disconnect(on_master_source_replaced); } } } void add_entry(MediaSource media) { File file = media.get_file(); Gee.ArrayList<File> elements = new Gee.ArrayList<File>(); // add the path elements in reverse order up to home directory File? parent = file.get_parent(); while (parent != null) { // don't process paths above the user's home directory if (parent.equal(home_dir.get_parent())) break; elements.add(parent); parent = parent.get_parent(); } // walk path elements in order from home directory down, building needed sidebar entries // along the way Folders.SidebarEntry? parent_entry = null; for (int ctr = elements.size - 1; ctr >= 0; ctr--) { File parent_dir = elements[ctr]; // save current parent, needed if this entry needs to be grafted Folders.SidebarEntry? old_parent_entry = parent_entry; parent_entry = entries.get(parent_dir); if (parent_entry == null) { parent_entry = new Folders.SidebarEntry(parent_dir); entries.set(parent_dir, parent_entry); graft((old_parent_entry == null) ? get_root() : old_parent_entry, parent_entry); } // only increment entry's file count if File is going in this folder if (ctr == 0) parent_entry.count++; } } private void remove_entry(File file) { Folders.SidebarEntry? folder_entry = entries.get(file.get_parent()); if (folder_entry == null) return; assert(folder_entry.count > 0); // decrement file count for folder of photo if (--folder_entry.count > 0 || get_child_count(folder_entry) > 0) return; // empty folder so prune tree Folders.SidebarEntry? prune_point = folder_entry; assert(prune_point != null); for (;;) { bool removed = entries.unset(prune_point.dir); assert(removed); Folders.SidebarEntry? parent = get_parent(prune_point) as Folders.SidebarEntry; if (parent == null || parent.count != 0 || get_child_count(parent) > 1) break; prune_point = parent; } prune(prune_point); } } private class Folders.Root : Sidebar.Header { public Root() { base (_("Folders")); } } public class Folders.SidebarEntry : Sidebar.SimplePageEntry, Sidebar.ExpandableEntry { public File dir { get; private set; } public string collation { get; private set; } private int _count = 0; public int count { get { return _count; } set { int prev_count = _count; _count = value; // when count change 0->1 and 1->0 may need refresh icon if ((prev_count == 0 && _count == 1) || (prev_count == 1 && _count == 0)) sidebar_icon_changed(get_sidebar_icon()); } } public SidebarEntry(File dir) { this.dir = dir; collation = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename(dir.get_path()); } public override string get_sidebar_name() { return dir.get_basename(); } public override string? get_sidebar_icon() { return count == 0 ? icon : have_photos_icon; } public override string to_string() { return dir.get_path(); } public bool expand_on_select() { return true; } protected override global::Page create_page() { return new Folders.Page(dir); } }