/* Copyright 2011-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class Library.Branch : Sidebar.Branch { private const string POSITION_DATA = "x-photos-entry-position"; public Library.PhotosEntry photos_entry { get; private set; } public Library.FlaggedSidebarEntry flagged_entry { get; private set; } public Library.LastImportSidebarEntry last_imported_entry { get; private set; } public Library.ImportQueueSidebarEntry import_queue_entry { get; private set; } public Library.OfflineSidebarEntry offline_entry { get; private set; } public Library.TrashSidebarEntry trash_entry { get; private set; } // This lists the order of the library items in the sidebar. To re-order, simply move // the item in this list to a new position. These numbers should *not* persist anywhere // outside the app. private enum EntryPosition { PHOTOS, FLAGGED, LAST_IMPORTED, IMPORT_QUEUE, OFFLINE, TRASH } public Branch() { base(new Sidebar.Header(_("Library")), Sidebar.Branch.Options.STARTUP_OPEN_GROUPING, comparator); photos_entry = new Library.PhotosEntry(); trash_entry = new Library.TrashSidebarEntry(); last_imported_entry = new Library.LastImportSidebarEntry(); flagged_entry = new Library.FlaggedSidebarEntry(); offline_entry = new Library.OfflineSidebarEntry(); import_queue_entry = new Library.ImportQueueSidebarEntry(); insert(photos_entry, EntryPosition.PHOTOS); insert(trash_entry, EntryPosition.TRASH); flagged_entry.visibility_changed.connect(on_flagged_visibility_changed); on_flagged_visibility_changed(); last_imported_entry.visibility_changed.connect(on_last_imported_visibility_changed); on_last_imported_visibility_changed(); import_queue_entry.visibility_changed.connect(on_import_queue_visibility_changed); on_import_queue_visibility_changed(); offline_entry.visibility_changed.connect(on_offline_visibility_changed); on_offline_visibility_changed(); } private void insert(Sidebar.Entry entry, int position) { entry.set_data<int>(POSITION_DATA, position); graft(get_root(), entry); } private void on_flagged_visibility_changed() { update_entry_visibility(flagged_entry, EntryPosition.FLAGGED); } private void on_last_imported_visibility_changed() { update_entry_visibility(last_imported_entry, EntryPosition.LAST_IMPORTED); } private void on_import_queue_visibility_changed() { update_entry_visibility(import_queue_entry, EntryPosition.IMPORT_QUEUE); } private void on_offline_visibility_changed() { update_entry_visibility(offline_entry, EntryPosition.OFFLINE); } private void update_entry_visibility(Library.HideablePageEntry entry, int position) { if (entry.visible) { if (!has_entry(entry)) insert(entry, position); } else if (has_entry(entry)) { prune(entry); } } private static int comparator(Sidebar.Entry a, Sidebar.Entry b) { return a.get_data<int>(POSITION_DATA) - b.get_data<int>(POSITION_DATA); } } public class Library.PhotosEntry : Sidebar.SimplePageEntry { public PhotosEntry() { } public override string get_sidebar_name() { return _("Photos"); } public override string? get_sidebar_icon() { return Resources.ICON_PHOTOS; } protected override Page create_page() { return new Library.MainPage(); } } public abstract class Library.HideablePageEntry : Sidebar.SimplePageEntry { // container branch should listen to this signal public signal void visibility_changed(bool visible); private bool show_entry = false; public bool visible { get { return show_entry; } set { if (value == show_entry) return; show_entry = value; visibility_changed(value); } } public HideablePageEntry() { } } public class Library.MainPage : CollectionPage { public const string NAME = _("Library"); public MainPage(ProgressMonitor? monitor = null) { base (NAME); foreach (MediaSourceCollection sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) get_view().monitor_source_collection(sources, new CollectionViewManager(this), null, null, monitor); } protected override void get_config_photos_sort(out bool sort_order, out int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().get_library_photos_sort(out sort_order, out sort_by); } protected override void set_config_photos_sort(bool sort_order, int sort_by) { Config.Facade.get_instance().set_library_photos_sort(sort_order, sort_by); } }