/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class Library.TrashBranch : Sidebar.RootOnlyBranch { public TrashBranch() { base (new Library.TrashSidebarEntry()); } } public class Library.TrashSidebarEntry : Sidebar.SimplePageEntry, Sidebar.InternalDropTargetEntry { private static Icon? full_icon = null; private static Icon? empty_icon = null; public TrashSidebarEntry() { foreach (MediaSourceCollection media_sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) media_sources.trashcan_contents_altered.connect(on_trashcan_contents_altered); } ~TrashSidebarEntry() { foreach (MediaSourceCollection media_sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) media_sources.trashcan_contents_altered.disconnect(on_trashcan_contents_altered); } internal static void init() { full_icon = new ThemedIcon(Resources.ICON_TRASH_FULL); empty_icon = new ThemedIcon(Resources.ICON_TRASH_EMPTY); } internal static void terminate() { full_icon = null; empty_icon = null; } public override string get_sidebar_name() { return TrashPage.NAME; } public override Icon? get_sidebar_icon() { return get_current_icon(); } private static Icon get_current_icon() { foreach (MediaSourceCollection media_sources in MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance().get_all()) { if (media_sources.get_trashcan_count() > 0) return full_icon; } return empty_icon; } public bool internal_drop_received(Gee.List<MediaSource> media) { AppWindow.get_command_manager().execute(new TrashUntrashPhotosCommand(media, true)); return true; } public bool internal_drop_received_arbitrary(Gtk.SelectionData data) { return false; } protected override Page create_page() { return new TrashPage(); } private void on_trashcan_contents_altered() { sidebar_icon_changed(get_current_icon()); } }