/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ enum ShotwellCommand { // user-defined commands must be positive ints MOUNTED_CAMERA = 1 } private Timer startup_timer = null; private bool was_already_running = false; void library_exec(string[] mounts) { was_already_running = Application.get_is_remote(); if (was_already_running) { // Send attached cameras out to the primary instance. // The primary instance will get a 'command-line' signal with mounts[] // as an argument, and an 'activate', which will present the window. // // This will also take care of killing us when it sees that another // instance was already registered. Application.present_primary_instance(); Application.send_to_primary_instance(mounts); return; } // preconfigure units Db.preconfigure(AppDirs.get_data_subdir("data").get_child("photo.db")); // initialize units try { Library.app_init(); } catch (Error err) { AppWindow.panic(err.message); return; } // validate the databases prior to using them message("Verifying database…"); string errormsg = null; string app_version; int schema_version; Db.VerifyResult result = Db.verify_database(out app_version, out schema_version); switch (result) { case Db.VerifyResult.OK: // do nothing; no problems break; case Db.VerifyResult.FUTURE_VERSION: errormsg = _("Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s (schema %d). Please use the latest version of Shotwell.").printf( app_version, schema_version, Resources.APP_VERSION, DatabaseTable.SCHEMA_VERSION); break; case Db.VerifyResult.UPGRADE_ERROR: errormsg = _("Shotwell was unable to upgrade your photo library from version %s (schema %d) to %s (schema %d). For more information please check the Shotwell Wiki at %s").printf( app_version, schema_version, Resources.APP_VERSION, DatabaseTable.SCHEMA_VERSION, Resources.HOME_URL); break; case Db.VerifyResult.NO_UPGRADE_AVAILABLE: errormsg = _("Your photo library is not compatible with this version of Shotwell. It appears it was created by Shotwell %s (schema %d). This version is %s (schema %d). Please clear your library by deleting %s and re-import your photos.").printf( app_version, schema_version, Resources.APP_VERSION, DatabaseTable.SCHEMA_VERSION, AppDirs.get_data_dir().get_path()); break; default: errormsg = _("Unknown error attempting to verify Shotwell’s database: %s").printf( result.to_string()); break; } if (errormsg != null) { Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(null, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "%s", errormsg); dialog.title = Resources.APP_TITLE; dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); DatabaseTable.terminate(); return; } Upgrades.init(); ProgressDialog progress_dialog = null; AggregateProgressMonitor aggregate_monitor = null; ProgressMonitor monitor = null; if (!CommandlineOptions.no_startup_progress) { // only throw up a startup progress dialog if over a reasonable amount of objects ... multiplying // photos by two because there's two heavy-duty operations on them: creating the LibraryPhoto // objects and then populating the initial page with them. uint64 grand_total = PhotoTable.get_instance().get_row_count() + EventTable.get_instance().get_row_count() + TagTable.get_instance().get_row_count() + VideoTable.get_instance().get_row_count() + Upgrades.get_instance().get_step_count(); if (grand_total > 5000) { progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog(null, _("Loading Shotwell")); progress_dialog.update_display_every(100); progress_dialog.set_minimum_on_screen_time_msec(250); try { string icon_path = AppDirs.get_resources_dir().get_child("icons").get_child("shotwell.svg").get_path(); progress_dialog.icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(icon_path); } catch (Error err) { debug("Warning - could not load application icon for loading window: %s", err.message); } aggregate_monitor = new AggregateProgressMonitor(grand_total, progress_dialog.monitor); monitor = aggregate_monitor.monitor; } } ThumbnailCache.init(); Tombstone.init(); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("LibraryPhoto.init"); LibraryPhoto.init(monitor); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("Video.init"); Video.init(monitor); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("Upgrades.execute"); Upgrades.get_instance().execute(); LibraryMonitorPool.init(); MediaCollectionRegistry.init(); MediaCollectionRegistry registry = MediaCollectionRegistry.get_instance(); registry.register_collection(LibraryPhoto.global); registry.register_collection(Video.global); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("Event.init"); Event.init(monitor); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("Tag.init"); Tag.init(monitor); MetadataWriter.init(); DesktopIntegration.init(); Application.get_instance().init_done(); // create main library application window if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("LibraryWindow"); LibraryWindow library_window = new LibraryWindow(monitor); if (aggregate_monitor != null) aggregate_monitor.next_step("done"); // destroy and tear down everything ... no need for them to stick around the lifetime of the // application monitor = null; aggregate_monitor = null; if (progress_dialog != null) progress_dialog.destroy(); progress_dialog = null; // report mount points foreach (string mount in mounts) library_window.mounted_camera_shell_notification(mount, true); library_window.show_all(); WelcomeServiceEntry[] selected_import_entries = new WelcomeServiceEntry[0]; if (Config.Facade.get_instance().get_show_welcome_dialog() && LibraryPhoto.global.get_count() == 0) { WelcomeDialog welcome = new WelcomeDialog(library_window); Config.Facade.get_instance().set_show_welcome_dialog(welcome.execute(out selected_import_entries, out do_system_pictures_import)); } else { Config.Facade.get_instance().set_show_welcome_dialog(false); } if (selected_import_entries.length > 0) { do_external_import = true; foreach (WelcomeServiceEntry entry in selected_import_entries) entry.execute(); } if (do_system_pictures_import) { /* Do the system import even if other plugins have run as some plugins may not as some plugins may not import pictures from the system folder. */ run_system_pictures_import(); } debug("%lf seconds to Gtk.main()", startup_timer.elapsed()); Application.get_instance().start(); DesktopIntegration.terminate(); MetadataWriter.terminate(); Tag.terminate(); Event.terminate(); LibraryPhoto.terminate(); MediaCollectionRegistry.terminate(); LibraryMonitorPool.terminate(); Tombstone.terminate(); ThumbnailCache.terminate(); Video.terminate(); Library.app_terminate(); } private bool do_system_pictures_import = false; private bool do_external_import = false; public void run_system_pictures_import(ImportManifest? external_exclusion_manifest = null) { if (!do_system_pictures_import) return; Gee.ArrayList<FileImportJob> jobs = new Gee.ArrayList<FileImportJob>(); jobs.add(new FileImportJob(AppDirs.get_import_dir(), false)); LibraryWindow library_window = (LibraryWindow) AppWindow.get_instance(); BatchImport batch_import = new BatchImport(jobs, "startup_import", report_system_pictures_import, null, null, null, null, external_exclusion_manifest); library_window.enqueue_batch_import(batch_import, true); library_window.switch_to_import_queue_page(); } private void report_system_pictures_import(ImportManifest manifest, BatchImportRoll import_roll) { /* Don't report the manifest to the user if exteral import was done and the entire manifest is empty. An empty manifest in this case results from files that were already imported in the external import phase being skipped. Note that we are testing against manifest.all, not manifest.success; manifest.all is zero when no files were enqueued for import in the first place and the only way this happens is if all files were skipped -- even failed files are counted in manifest.all */ if (do_external_import && (manifest.all.size == 0)) return; ImportUI.report_manifest(manifest, true); } void editing_exec(string filename) { File initial_file = File.new_for_commandline_arg(filename); // preconfigure units Direct.preconfigure(initial_file); Db.preconfigure(null); // initialize units for direct-edit mode try { Direct.app_init(); } catch (Error err) { AppWindow.panic(err.message); return; } // init modules direct-editing relies on DesktopIntegration.init(); // TODO: At some point in the future, to support mixed-media in direct-edit mode, we will // refactor DirectPhotoSourceCollection to be a MediaSourceCollection. At that point, // we'll need to register DirectPhoto.global with the MediaCollectionRegistry DirectWindow direct_window = new DirectWindow(initial_file); direct_window.show_all(); debug("%lf seconds to Gtk.main()", startup_timer.elapsed()); Application.get_instance().start(); DesktopIntegration.terminate(); // terminate units for direct-edit mode Direct.app_terminate(); } namespace CommandlineOptions { bool no_startup_progress = false; string data_dir = null; bool show_version = false; bool no_runtime_monitoring = false; private OptionEntry[]? entries = null; public OptionEntry[] get_options() { if (entries != null) return entries; OptionEntry datadir = { "datadir", 'd', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME, &data_dir, _("Path to Shotwell’s private data"), _("DIRECTORY") }; entries += datadir; OptionEntry no_monitoring = { "no-runtime-monitoring", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, &no_runtime_monitoring, _("Do not monitor library directory at runtime for changes"), null }; entries += no_monitoring; OptionEntry no_startup = { "no-startup-progress", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, &no_startup_progress, _("Don’t display startup progress meter"), null }; entries += no_startup; OptionEntry version = { "version", 'V', 0, OptionArg.NONE, &show_version, _("Show the application’s version"), null }; entries += version; OptionEntry terminator = { null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null }; entries += terminator; return entries; } } void main(string[] args) { // Call AppDirs init *before* calling Gtk.init_with_args, as it will strip the // exec file from the array AppDirs.init(args[0]); // This has to be done before the AppWindow is created in order to ensure the XMP // parser is initialized in a thread-safe fashion; please see // http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/4120 for details. GExiv2.initialize(); // following the GIO programming guidelines at http://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.26/ch03.html, // set the GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR environment variable to allow us to load GSettings schemas from // the build directory. this allows us to access local GSettings schemas without having to // muck with the user's XDG_... directories, which is seriously frowned upon if (AppDirs.get_install_dir() == null) { GLib.Environment.set_variable("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", AppDirs.get_exec_dir().get_path() + "/misc", true); } // init GTK (valac has already called g_threads_init()) try { Gtk.init_with_args(ref args, _("[FILE]"), CommandlineOptions.get_options(), Resources.APP_GETTEXT_PACKAGE); } catch (Error e) { print(e.message + "\n"); print(_("Run “%s --help” to see a full list of available command line options.\n"), args[0]); AppDirs.terminate(); return; } if (CommandlineOptions.show_version) { if (Resources.GIT_VERSION != null) print("%s %s (%s)\n", Resources.APP_TITLE, Resources.APP_VERSION, Resources.GIT_VERSION); else print("%s %s\n", Resources.APP_TITLE, Resources.APP_VERSION); AppDirs.terminate(); return; } // init debug prior to anything else (except Gtk, which it relies on, and AppDirs, which needs // to be set ASAP) ... since we need to know what mode we're in, examine the command-line // first // walk command-line arguments for camera mounts or filename for direct editing ... only one // filename supported for now, so take the first one and drop the rest ... note that URIs for // filenames are currently not permitted, to differentiate between mount points string[] mounts = new string[0]; string filename = null; for (int ctr = 1; ctr < args.length; ctr++) { string arg = args[ctr]; if (LibraryWindow.is_mount_uri_supported(arg)) { mounts += arg; } else if (is_string_empty(filename) && !arg.contains("://")) { filename = arg; } } Debug.init(is_string_empty(filename) ? Debug.LIBRARY_PREFIX : Debug.VIEWER_PREFIX); if (Resources.GIT_VERSION != null) message("Shotwell %s %s (%s)", is_string_empty(filename) ? Resources.APP_LIBRARY_ROLE : Resources.APP_DIRECT_ROLE, Resources.APP_VERSION, Resources.GIT_VERSION); else message("Shotwell %s %s", is_string_empty(filename) ? Resources.APP_LIBRARY_ROLE : Resources.APP_DIRECT_ROLE, Resources.APP_VERSION); debug ("Shotwell is running in timezone %s", new DateTime.now_local().get_timezone_abbreviation ()); // Have a filename here? If so, configure ourselves for direct // mode, otherwise, default to library mode. Application.init(!is_string_empty(filename)); // set custom data directory if it's been supplied if (CommandlineOptions.data_dir != null) AppDirs.set_data_dir(CommandlineOptions.data_dir); else AppDirs.try_migrate_data(); // Verify the private data directory before continuing AppDirs.verify_data_dir(); AppDirs.verify_cache_dir(); // init internationalization with the default system locale InternationalSupport.init(Resources.APP_GETTEXT_PACKAGE, args); startup_timer = new Timer(); startup_timer.start(); // set up GLib environment GLib.Environment.set_application_name(Resources.APP_TITLE); // in both the case of running as the library or an editor, Resources is always // initialized Resources.init(); // since it's possible for a mount name to be passed that's not supported (and hence an empty // mount list), or for nothing to be on the command-line at all, only go to direct editing if a // filename is spec'd if (is_string_empty(filename)) library_exec(mounts); else editing_exec(filename); // terminate mode-inspecific modules Resources.terminate(); Application.terminate(); Debug.terminate(); AppDirs.terminate(); // Back up db on successful run so we have something to roll back to if // it gets corrupted in the next session. Don't do this if another shotwell // is open or if we're in direct mode. if (is_string_empty(filename) && !was_already_running) { string orig_path = AppDirs.get_data_subdir("data").get_child("photo.db").get_path(); string backup_path = orig_path + ".bak"; try { File src = File.new_for_commandline_arg(orig_path); File dest = File.new_for_commandline_arg(backup_path); src.copy(dest, FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE | FileCopyFlags.ALL_METADATA); } catch(Error error) { warning("Failed to create backup file of database: %s", error.message); } Posix.sync(); } }