/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public errordomain PhotoFormatError { READ_ONLY } // // PhotoFileFormat // namespace PhotoFileFormatData { private static PhotoFileFormat[] writeable = null; private static PhotoFileFormat[] image_writeable = null; private static PhotoFileFormat[] metadata_writeable = null; private delegate bool ApplicableTest(PhotoFileFormat format); private PhotoFileFormat[] find_applicable(ApplicableTest test) { PhotoFileFormat[] applicable = new PhotoFileFormat[0]; foreach (PhotoFileFormat format in PhotoFileFormat.get_supported()) { if (test(format)) applicable += format; } return applicable; } public PhotoFileFormat[] get_writeable() { if (writeable == null) writeable = find_applicable((format) => { return format.can_write(); }); return writeable; } public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_image_writeable() { if (image_writeable == null) image_writeable = find_applicable((format) => { return format.can_write_image(); }); return image_writeable; } public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_metadata_writeable() { if (metadata_writeable == null) metadata_writeable = find_applicable((format) => { return format.can_write_metadata(); }); return metadata_writeable; } } public enum PhotoFileFormat { JFIF, RAW, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, WEBP, AVIF, HEIF, JPEGXL, UNKNOWN; // This is currently listed in the order of detection, that is, the file is examined from // left to right. (See PhotoFileInterrogator.) public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_supported() { return { JFIF, RAW, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, WEBP, AVIF, HEIF, JPEGXL }; } public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_writeable() { return PhotoFileFormatData.get_writeable(); } public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_image_writeable() { return PhotoFileFormatData.get_image_writeable(); } public static PhotoFileFormat[] get_metadata_writeable() { return PhotoFileFormatData.get_metadata_writeable(); } public static PhotoFileFormat get_by_basename_extension(string basename) { string name, ext; disassemble_filename(basename, out name, out ext); if (is_string_empty(ext)) return UNKNOWN; foreach (PhotoFileFormat file_format in get_supported()) { if (file_format.get_driver().get_properties().is_recognized_extension(ext)) return file_format; } return UNKNOWN; } public static bool is_file_supported(File file) { return is_basename_supported(file.get_basename()); } public static bool is_basename_supported(string basename) { string name, ext; disassemble_filename(basename, out name, out ext); if (is_string_empty(ext)) return false; foreach (PhotoFileFormat format in get_supported()) { if (format.get_driver().get_properties().is_recognized_extension(ext)) return true; } return false; } // Guaranteed to be writeable. public static PhotoFileFormat get_system_default_format() { return JFIF; } public static PhotoFileFormat get_by_file_extension(File file) { return get_by_basename_extension(file.get_basename()); } // These values are persisted in the database. DO NOT CHANGE THE INTEGER EQUIVALENTS. public int serialize() { switch (this) { case JFIF: return 0; case RAW: return 1; case PNG: return 2; case TIFF: return 3; case BMP: return 4; case GIF: return 5; case WEBP: return 6; case AVIF: return 7; case HEIF: return 8; case JPEGXL: return 9; case UNKNOWN: default: return -1; } } // These values are persisted in the database. DO NOT CHANGE THE INTEGER EQUIVALENTS. public static PhotoFileFormat unserialize(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return JFIF; case 1: return RAW; case 2: return PNG; case 3: return TIFF; case 4: return BMP; case 5: return GIF; case 6: return WEBP; case 7: return AVIF; case 8: return HEIF; case 9: return JPEGXL; default: return UNKNOWN; } } public static PhotoFileFormat from_gphoto_type(string type) { switch (type) { case GPhoto.MIME.JPEG: return PhotoFileFormat.JFIF; case GPhoto.MIME.RAW: case GPhoto.MIME.CRW: return PhotoFileFormat.RAW; case GPhoto.MIME.PNG: return PhotoFileFormat.PNG; case GPhoto.MIME.TIFF: return PhotoFileFormat.TIFF; case GPhoto.MIME.BMP: return PhotoFileFormat.BMP; // GPhoto does not have GIF default: // check file extension against those we support return PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN; } } // Converts GDK's pixbuf library's name to a PhotoFileFormat public static PhotoFileFormat from_pixbuf_name(string name) { switch (name) { case "jpeg": return PhotoFileFormat.JFIF; case "png": return PhotoFileFormat.PNG; case "tiff": return PhotoFileFormat.TIFF; case "bmp": return PhotoFileFormat.BMP; case "gif": return PhotoFileFormat.GIF; case "heif/avif": case "avif": return PhotoFileFormat.AVIF; case "heif": return PhotoFileFormat.HEIF; case "jxl": return PhotoFileFormat.JPEGXL; default: return PhotoFileFormat.UNKNOWN; } } public void init() { switch (this) { case JFIF: JfifFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case RAW: RawFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case PNG: PngFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case TIFF: Photos.TiffFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case BMP: Photos.BmpFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case GIF: Photos.GifFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case WEBP: Photos.WebpFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case AVIF: AvifFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case HEIF: HeifFileFormatDriver.init(); break; case JPEGXL: JpegXLFileFormatDriver.init(); break; default: error("Unsupported file format %s", this.to_string()); } } private PhotoFileFormatDriver get_driver() { switch (this) { case JFIF: return JfifFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case RAW: return RawFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case PNG: return PngFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case TIFF: return Photos.TiffFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case BMP: return Photos.BmpFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case GIF: return Photos.GifFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case WEBP: return Photos.WebpFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case AVIF: return AvifFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case HEIF: return HeifFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); case JPEGXL: return JpegXLFileFormatDriver.get_instance(); default: error("Unsupported file format %s", this.to_string()); } } public PhotoFileFormatProperties get_properties() { return get_driver().get_properties(); } // Supplied with a name, returns the name with the file format's default extension. public string get_default_basename(string name) { return "%s.%s".printf(name, get_properties().get_default_extension()); } public PhotoFileReader create_reader(string filepath) { return get_driver().create_reader(filepath); } // This means the image and its metadata are writeable. public bool can_write() { return can_write_image() && can_write_metadata(); } public bool can_write_image() { return get_driver().can_write_image(); } public bool can_write_metadata() { return get_driver().can_write_metadata(); } public PhotoFileWriter create_writer(string filepath) throws PhotoFormatError { PhotoFileWriter writer = get_driver().create_writer(filepath); if (writer == null) throw new PhotoFormatError.READ_ONLY("File format %s is read-only", this.to_string()); return writer; } public PhotoFileMetadataWriter create_metadata_writer(string filepath) throws PhotoFormatError { PhotoFileMetadataWriter writer = get_driver().create_metadata_writer(filepath); if (writer == null) throw new PhotoFormatError.READ_ONLY("File format %s metadata is read-only", this.to_string()); return writer; } public PhotoFileSniffer create_sniffer(File file, PhotoFileSniffer.Options options) { return get_driver().create_sniffer(file, options); } public PhotoMetadata create_metadata() { return get_driver().create_metadata(); } public string get_default_mime_type() { return get_driver().get_properties().get_default_mime_type(); } public string[] get_mime_types() { return get_driver().get_properties().get_mime_types(); } public static string[] get_editable_mime_types() { string[] mime_types = {}; foreach (PhotoFileFormat file_format in PhotoFileFormat.get_supported()) { foreach (string mime_type in file_format.get_mime_types()) mime_types += mime_type; } return mime_types; } } // // PhotoFileFormatDriver // // Each supported file format is expected to have a PhotoFileFormatDriver that returns all possible // resources that are needed to operate on file of its particular type. It's expected that each // format subsystem will only create and cache a single instance of this driver, although it's // not required. // // Like the other elements in the PhotoFileFormat family, this class should be thread-safe. // public abstract class PhotoFileFormatDriver { public abstract PhotoFileFormatProperties get_properties(); public abstract PhotoFileReader create_reader(string filepath); public abstract PhotoMetadata create_metadata(); public abstract bool can_write_image(); public abstract bool can_write_metadata(); public abstract PhotoFileWriter? create_writer(string filepath); public abstract PhotoFileMetadataWriter? create_metadata_writer(string filepath); public abstract PhotoFileSniffer create_sniffer(File file, PhotoFileSniffer.Options options); } // // PhotoFileFormatProperties // // Although each PhotoFileFormatProperties is expected to be largely static and immutable, these // classes should be thread-safe. // public enum PhotoFileFormatFlags { NONE = 0x00000000, } public abstract class PhotoFileFormatProperties { public abstract PhotoFileFormat get_file_format(); public abstract PhotoFileFormatFlags get_flags(); // Default implementation will search for ext in get_known_extensions(), assuming they are // all stored in lowercase. public virtual bool is_recognized_extension(string ext) { return is_in_ci_array(ext, get_known_extensions()); } public abstract string get_default_extension(); public abstract string[] get_known_extensions(); public abstract string get_default_mime_type(); public abstract string[] get_mime_types(); // returns the user-visible name of the file format -- this name is used in user interface // strings whenever the file format needs to named. This name is not the same as the format // enum value converted to a string. The format enum value is meaningful to developers and is // constant across languages (e.g. "JFIF", "TGA") whereas the user-visible name is translatable // and is meaningful to users (e.g. "JPEG", "Truevision TARGA") public abstract string get_user_visible_name(); // Takes a given file and returns one with the file format's default extension, unless it // already has one of the format's known extensions public File convert_file_extension(File file) { string name, ext; disassemble_filename(file.get_basename(), out name, out ext); if (ext != null && is_recognized_extension(ext)) return file; return file.get_parent().get_child("%s.%s".printf(name, get_default_extension())); } }