/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // // PhotoMetadata // // PhotoMetadata is a wrapper class around gexiv2. The reasoning for this is (a) to facilitate // interface changes to meet Shotwell's requirements without needing modifications of the library // itself, and (b) some requirements for this class (i.e. obtaining raw metadata) is not available // in gexiv2, and so must be done by hand. // // Although it's perceived that Exiv2 will remain Shotwell's metadata library of choice, this // may change in the future, and so this wrapper helps with that as well. // // There is no expectation of thread-safety in this class (yet). // // Tags come from Exiv2's naming scheme: // http://www.exiv2.org/metadata.html // public enum MetadataDomain { UNKNOWN, EXIF, XMP, IPTC } public abstract class KeywordTransformer { public abstract Gee.List<string> transform (string input) throws Error; } public class NullKeywordTransformer : KeywordTransformer { public override Gee.List<string> transform (string input) throws Error { var result = new Gee.ArrayList<string> (); result.add (input); return result; } } /* Transforms ACDSEE's pseudo-XML category format into Lightroom format * <Categories> * <Category Assigned=\"1\">Alben * <Category Assigned=\"1\">Flowers</Category> * </Category> * <Category Assigned=\"1\">Orte</Category> * <Category Assigned=\"1\">Verschiedenes</Category> * </Categories> * * Will be transformed to a list of Alben, Alben|Flowers, Orte, Verschiedenes */ public class ACDSeeKeywordTransformer : KeywordTransformer { private MarkupParser parser; private Error error; private Gee.ArrayQueue<string> stack; private Gee.ArrayList<string> result; private bool assigned; public ACDSeeKeywordTransformer() { this.parser = MarkupParser (); this.parser.start_element = this.on_start; this.parser.end_element = this.on_end; this.parser.text = this.on_text; this.parser.error = this.on_error; this.result = new Gee.ArrayList<string> (); this.stack = new Gee.ArrayQueue<string> (); } public override Gee.List<string> transform (string input) throws Error { this.stack.clear(); this.result.clear(); var ctx = new MarkupParseContext (this.parser, 0, this, null); ctx.parse (input, input.length); return result; } private void on_start (MarkupParseContext ctx, string name, [CCode (array_null_terminated = true, array_length = false)] string[] attribute_names, [CCode (array_null_terminated = true, array_length = false)] string[] attribute_values) throws MarkupError { this.assigned = false; if (name == "Categories") { return; } if (name != "Category") { return; } Markup.collect_attributes (name, attribute_names, attribute_values, Markup.CollectType.BOOLEAN, "Assigned", out assigned); } private void on_end (MarkupParseContext ctx, string name) throws MarkupError { if (name == "Category") { this.stack.poll_tail (); } } private void on_text (MarkupParseContext ctx, string text) throws MarkupError { if (text == "") { return; } this.stack.offer_tail (text); if (this.assigned) { var builder = new StringBuilder (); foreach (var f in this.stack) { builder.append_printf ("%s|", f); } if (builder.len > 0) { builder.truncate (builder.len - 1); } this.result.add (builder.str); } } private void on_error (MarkupParseContext ctx, Error error) { this.error = error; } } public class HierarchicalKeywordField { public string field_name; public string path_separator; public bool wants_leading_separator; public bool is_writeable; public KeywordTransformer transformer; public HierarchicalKeywordField(string field_name, string path_separator, bool wants_leading_separator, bool is_writeable, KeywordTransformer transformer = new NullKeywordTransformer ()) { this.field_name = field_name; this.path_separator = path_separator; this.wants_leading_separator = wants_leading_separator; this.is_writeable = is_writeable; this.transformer = transformer; } } public abstract class PhotoPreview { private string name; private Dimensions dimensions; private uint32 size; private string mime_type; private string extension; protected PhotoPreview(string name, Dimensions dimensions, uint32 size, string mime_type, string extension) { this.name = name; this.dimensions = dimensions; this.size = size; this.mime_type = mime_type; this.extension = extension; } public string get_name() { return name; } public Dimensions get_pixel_dimensions() { return dimensions; } public uint32 get_size() { return size; } public string get_mime_type() { return mime_type; } public string get_extension() { return extension; } public abstract Bytes flatten() throws Error; public virtual Gdk.Pixbuf? get_pixbuf() throws Error { var flattened = flatten(); // Need to create from stream or file for decode ... catch decode error and return null, // different from an I/O error causing the problem try { return new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_stream(new MemoryInputStream.from_bytes(flattened)); } catch (Error err) { warning("Unable to decode thumbnail for %s: %s", name, err.message); return null; } } } public class PhotoMetadata : MediaMetadata { public enum SetOption { ALL_DOMAINS, ONLY_IF_DOMAIN_PRESENT, AT_LEAST_DEFAULT_DOMAIN } public const PrepareInputTextOptions PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS = PrepareInputTextOptions.INVALID_IS_NULL | PrepareInputTextOptions.EMPTY_IS_NULL | PrepareInputTextOptions.STRIP | PrepareInputTextOptions.STRIP_CRLF | PrepareInputTextOptions.NORMALIZE | PrepareInputTextOptions.VALIDATE; private class InternalPhotoPreview : PhotoPreview { public PhotoMetadata owner; public uint number; public InternalPhotoPreview(PhotoMetadata owner, string name, uint number, GExiv2.PreviewProperties props) { base (name, Dimensions((int) props.get_width(), (int) props.get_height()), props.get_size(), props.get_mime_type(), props.get_extension()); this.owner = owner; this.number = number; } public override Bytes flatten() throws Error { unowned GExiv2.PreviewProperties?[] props = owner.exiv2.get_preview_properties(); assert(props != null && props.length > number); return new Bytes(owner.exiv2.get_preview_image(props[number]).get_data()); } } private GExiv2.Metadata exiv2 = new GExiv2.Metadata(); private Exif.Data? exif = null; string source_name = "<uninitialized>"; private string? metadata_hash = null; private string? thumbnail_md5 = null; public PhotoMetadata() { } public override void read_from_file(File file) throws Error { exiv2 = new GExiv2.Metadata(); exif = null; exiv2.open_path(file.get_path()); exif = Exif.Data.new_from_file(file.get_path()); source_name = file.get_basename(); } public void write_to_file(File file) throws Error { exiv2.save_file(file.get_path()); } public void read_from_buffer(uint8[] buffer, int length = 0) throws Error { if (length <= 0) length = buffer.length; assert(buffer.length >= length); exiv2 = new GExiv2.Metadata(); exif = null; #if NEW_GEXIV2_API exiv2.open_buf(buffer[0:length]); #else exiv2.open_buf(buffer, length); #endif exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer); source_name = "<memory buffer %d bytes>".printf(length); } public void read_from_app1_segment(Bytes buffer) throws Error { exiv2 = new GExiv2.Metadata(); exif = null; #if NEW_GEXIV2_API exiv2.from_app1_segment(buffer.get_data()); #else exif = Exif.Data.new_from_data(buffer.get_data()); #endif source_name = "<app1 segment %zu bytes>".printf(buffer.get_size()); } public static MetadataDomain get_tag_domain(string tag) { if (GExiv2.Metadata.is_exif_tag(tag)) return MetadataDomain.EXIF; if (GExiv2.Metadata.is_xmp_tag(tag)) return MetadataDomain.XMP; if (GExiv2.Metadata.is_iptc_tag(tag)) return MetadataDomain.IPTC; return MetadataDomain.UNKNOWN; } public bool has_domain(MetadataDomain domain) { switch (domain) { case MetadataDomain.EXIF: return exiv2.has_exif(); case MetadataDomain.XMP: return exiv2.has_xmp(); case MetadataDomain.IPTC: return exiv2.has_iptc(); case MetadataDomain.UNKNOWN: default: return false; } } public bool has_exif() { return has_domain(MetadataDomain.EXIF); } public bool has_xmp() { return has_domain(MetadataDomain.XMP); } public bool has_iptc() { return has_domain(MetadataDomain.IPTC); } public bool can_write_to_domain(MetadataDomain domain) { switch (domain) { case MetadataDomain.EXIF: return exiv2.get_supports_exif(); case MetadataDomain.XMP: return exiv2.get_supports_xmp(); case MetadataDomain.IPTC: return exiv2.get_supports_iptc(); case MetadataDomain.UNKNOWN: default: return false; } } public bool can_write_exif() { return can_write_to_domain(MetadataDomain.EXIF); } public bool can_write_xmp() { return can_write_to_domain(MetadataDomain.XMP); } public bool can_write_iptc() { return can_write_to_domain(MetadataDomain.IPTC); } public bool has_tag(string tag) { return exiv2.has_tag(tag); } private Gee.Set<string> create_string_set(owned CompareDataFunc<string>? compare_func) { // ternary doesn't work here if (compare_func == null) return new Gee.HashSet<string>(); else return new Gee.TreeSet<string>((owned) compare_func); } public Gee.Collection<string>? get_tags(MetadataDomain domain, owned CompareDataFunc<string>? compare_func = null) { string[] tags = null; switch (domain) { case MetadataDomain.EXIF: tags = exiv2.get_exif_tags(); break; case MetadataDomain.XMP: tags = exiv2.get_xmp_tags(); break; case MetadataDomain.IPTC: tags = exiv2.get_iptc_tags(); break; } if (tags == null || tags.length == 0) return null; Gee.Collection<string> collection = create_string_set((owned) compare_func); foreach (string tag in tags) collection.add(tag); return collection; } public Gee.Collection<string> get_all_tags( owned CompareDataFunc<string>? compare_func = null) { Gee.Collection<string> all_tags = create_string_set((owned) compare_func); Gee.Collection<string>? exif_tags = get_tags(MetadataDomain.EXIF); if (exif_tags != null && exif_tags.size > 0) all_tags.add_all(exif_tags); Gee.Collection<string>? xmp_tags = get_tags(MetadataDomain.XMP); if (xmp_tags != null && xmp_tags.size > 0) all_tags.add_all(xmp_tags); Gee.Collection<string>? iptc_tags = get_tags(MetadataDomain.IPTC); if (iptc_tags != null && iptc_tags.size > 0) all_tags.add_all(iptc_tags); return all_tags.size > 0 ? all_tags : null; } public string? get_tag_label(string tag) { return GExiv2.Metadata.get_tag_label(tag); } public string? get_tag_description(string tag) { return GExiv2.Metadata.get_tag_description(tag); } public string? get_string(string tag, PrepareInputTextOptions options = PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS) { return prepare_input_text(exiv2.get_tag_string(tag), options, DEFAULT_USER_TEXT_INPUT_LENGTH); } public string? get_string_interpreted(string tag, PrepareInputTextOptions options = PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS) { return prepare_input_text(exiv2.get_tag_interpreted_string(tag), options, DEFAULT_USER_TEXT_INPUT_LENGTH); } public string? get_first_string(string[] tags) { foreach (string tag in tags) { string? value = get_string(tag); if (value != null) return value; } return null; } public string? get_first_string_interpreted(string[] tags) { foreach (string tag in tags) { string? value = get_string_interpreted(tag); if (value != null) return value; } return null; } // Returns a List that has been filtered through a Set, so no duplicates will be returned. // // NOTE: get_tag_multiple() in gexiv2 currently does not work with EXIF tags (as EXIF can // never return a list of strings). It will quietly return NULL if attempted. Until fixed // (there or here), don't use this function to access EXIF. See: // http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/2966 public Gee.List<string>? get_string_multiple(string tag) { string[] values = exiv2.get_tag_multiple(tag); if (values == null || values.length == 0) return null; Gee.List<string> list = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); Gee.HashSet<string> collection = new Gee.HashSet<string>(); foreach (string value in values) { string? prepped = prepare_input_text(value, PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_USER_TEXT_INPUT_LENGTH); if (prepped != null && !collection.contains(prepped)) { list.add(prepped); collection.add(prepped); } } return list.size > 0 ? list : null; } // Returns a List that has been filtered through a Set, so no duplicates will be found. // // NOTE: get_tag_multiple() in gexiv2 currently does not work with EXIF tags (as EXIF can // never return a list of strings). It will quietly return NULL if attempted. Until fixed // (there or here), don't use this function to access EXIF. See: // http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/2966 public Gee.List<string>? get_first_string_multiple(string[] tags) { foreach (string tag in tags) { Gee.List<string>? values = get_string_multiple(tag); if (values != null && values.size > 0) return values; } return null; } public void set_string(string tag, string value, PrepareInputTextOptions options = PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS) { string? prepped = prepare_input_text(value, options, DEFAULT_USER_TEXT_INPUT_LENGTH); if (prepped == null) { warning("Not setting tag %s to string %s: invalid UTF-8", tag, value); return; } if (!exiv2.set_tag_string(tag, prepped)) warning("Unable to set tag %s to string %s from source %s", tag, value, source_name); } private delegate void SetGenericValue(string tag); private void set_all_generic(string[] tags, SetOption option, SetGenericValue setter) { bool written = false; foreach (string tag in tags) { if (option == SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS || has_domain(get_tag_domain(tag))) { setter(tag); written = true; } } if (option == SetOption.AT_LEAST_DEFAULT_DOMAIN && !written && tags.length > 0) { MetadataDomain default_domain = get_tag_domain(tags[0]); // write at least the first one, as it's the default setter(tags[0]); // write the remainder, if they are of the same domain for (int ctr = 1; ctr < tags.length; ctr++) { if (get_tag_domain(tags[ctr]) == default_domain) setter(tags[ctr]); } } } public void set_all_string(string[] tags, string value, SetOption option) { set_all_generic(tags, option, (tag) => { set_string(tag, value); }); } public void set_string_multiple(string tag, Gee.Collection<string> collection) { string[] values = new string[0]; foreach (string value in collection) { string? prepped = prepare_input_text(value, PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS,-1); if (prepped != null) values += prepped; else warning("Unable to set string %s to %s: invalid UTF-8", value, tag); } if (values.length == 0) return; // append a null pointer to the end of the string array -- this is a necessary // workaround for http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/3264. See also // http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/3257, which describes the user-visible behavior // seen in the Flickr Connector as a result of the former bug. values += null; if (!exiv2.set_tag_multiple(tag, values)) warning("Unable to set %d strings to tag %s from source %s", values.length, tag, source_name); } public void set_all_string_multiple(string[] tags, Gee.Collection<string> values, SetOption option) { set_all_generic(tags, option, (tag) => { set_string_multiple(tag, values); }); } public bool get_long(string tag, out long value) { if (!has_tag(tag)) { value = 0; return false; } value = exiv2.get_tag_long(tag); return true; } public bool get_first_long(string[] tags, out long value) { foreach (string tag in tags) { if (get_long(tag, out value)) return true; } value = 0; return false; } public void set_long(string tag, long value) { if (!exiv2.set_tag_long(tag, value)) warning("Unable to set tag %s to long %ld from source %s", tag, value, source_name); } public void set_all_long(string[] tags, long value, SetOption option) { set_all_generic(tags, option, (tag) => { set_long(tag, value); }); } public bool get_rational(string tag, out MetadataRational rational) { int numerator, denominator; bool result = exiv2.get_exif_tag_rational(tag, out numerator, out denominator); rational = MetadataRational(numerator, denominator); return result; } public bool get_first_rational(string[] tags, out MetadataRational rational) { foreach (string tag in tags) { if (get_rational(tag, out rational)) return true; } rational = MetadataRational(0, 0); return false; } public void set_rational(string tag, MetadataRational rational) { if (!exiv2.set_exif_tag_rational(tag, rational.numerator, rational.denominator)) { warning("Unable to set tag %s to rational %s from source %s", tag, rational.to_string(), source_name); } } public void set_all_rational(string[] tags, MetadataRational rational, SetOption option) { set_all_generic(tags, option, (tag) => { set_rational(tag, rational); }); } public MetadataDateTime? get_date_time(string tag) { string? value = get_string(tag); if (value == null) return null; try { switch (get_tag_domain(tag)) { case MetadataDomain.XMP: return new MetadataDateTime.from_xmp(value); // TODO: IPTC date/time support (which is tricky here, because date/time values // are stored in separate tags) case MetadataDomain.IPTC: return null; case MetadataDomain.EXIF: default: return new MetadataDateTime.from_exif(value); } } catch (Error err) { warning("Unable to read date/time %s from source %s: %s", tag, source_name, err.message); return null; } } public MetadataDateTime? get_first_date_time(string[] tags) { foreach (string tag in tags) { MetadataDateTime? date_time = get_date_time(tag); if (date_time != null) return date_time; } return null; } public void set_date_time(string tag, MetadataDateTime date_time) { switch (get_tag_domain(tag)) { case MetadataDomain.EXIF: set_string(tag, date_time.get_exif_label()); break; case MetadataDomain.XMP: set_string(tag, date_time.get_xmp_label()); break; // TODO: Support IPTC date/time (which are stored in separate tags) case MetadataDomain.IPTC: default: warning("Cannot set date/time for %s from source %s: unsupported metadata domain %s", tag, source_name, get_tag_domain(tag).to_string()); break; } } public void set_all_date_time(string[] tags, MetadataDateTime date_time, SetOption option) { set_all_generic(tags, option, (tag) => { set_date_time(tag, date_time); }); } // Returns raw bytes of EXIF metadata, including signature and optionally the preview (if present). public string? exif_hash() { if (exif == null) return null; if (this.metadata_hash != null) { return this.metadata_hash; } string? hash = null; var thumb = exif.data; var thumb_size = exif.size; // Strip potential thumbnail exif.data = null; exif.size = 0; uchar *saved_data = null; uint saved_size = 0; exif.save_data(&saved_data, &saved_size); exif.data = thumb; exif.size = thumb_size; if (saved_size > 0 && saved_data != null) { var md5 = new Checksum(ChecksumType.MD5); md5.update((uchar []) saved_data, saved_size); Exif.Mem.new_default().free(saved_data); this.metadata_hash = md5.get_string (); } return hash; } // Returns raw bytes of EXIF preview, if present public string? thumbnail_hash() { if (this.thumbnail_md5 != null) { return this.thumbnail_md5; } uchar[] buffer; if (exiv2.get_exif_thumbnail(out buffer)) { var md5 = new Checksum(ChecksumType.MD5); md5.update(buffer, buffer.length); this.thumbnail_md5 = md5.get_string(); return this.thumbnail_md5; } return null; } public uint get_preview_count() { unowned GExiv2.PreviewProperties?[] props = exiv2.get_preview_properties(); return (props != null) ? props.length : 0; } // Previews are sorted from smallest to largest (width x height) public PhotoPreview? get_preview(uint number) { unowned GExiv2.PreviewProperties?[] props = exiv2.get_preview_properties(); if (props == null || props.length <= number) return null; return new InternalPhotoPreview(this, source_name, number, props[number]); } public void remove_exif_thumbnail() { exiv2.erase_exif_thumbnail(); if (exif != null) { Exif.Mem.new_default().free(exif.data); exif.data = null; exif.size = 0; } } public void remove_tag(string tag) { exiv2.clear_tag(tag); } public void remove_tags(string[] tags) { foreach (string tag in tags) remove_tag(tag); } public void clear_domain(MetadataDomain domain) { switch (domain) { case MetadataDomain.EXIF: exiv2.clear_exif(); break; case MetadataDomain.XMP: exiv2.clear_xmp(); break; case MetadataDomain.IPTC: exiv2.clear_iptc(); break; } } public void clear() { exiv2.clear(); } private static string[] DATE_TIME_TAGS = { "Exif.Image.DateTime", "Xmp.tiff.DateTime", "Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate", "Xmp.acdsee.datetime" }; public MetadataDateTime? get_modification_date_time() { return get_first_date_time(DATE_TIME_TAGS); } public void set_modification_date_time(MetadataDateTime? date_time, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { if (date_time != null) set_all_date_time(DATE_TIME_TAGS, date_time, option); else remove_tags(DATE_TIME_TAGS); } private static string[] EXPOSURE_DATE_TIME_TAGS = { "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal", "Xmp.exif.DateTimeOriginal", "Xmp.xmp.CreateDate", "Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized", "Xmp.exif.DateTimeDigitized", "Exif.Image.DateTime" }; public MetadataDateTime? get_exposure_date_time() { return get_first_date_time(EXPOSURE_DATE_TIME_TAGS); } public void set_exposure_date_time(MetadataDateTime? date_time, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { if (date_time != null) set_all_date_time(EXPOSURE_DATE_TIME_TAGS, date_time, option); else remove_tags(EXPOSURE_DATE_TIME_TAGS); } private static string[] DIGITIZED_DATE_TIME_TAGS = { "Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized", "Xmp.exif.DateTimeDigitized" }; public MetadataDateTime? get_digitized_date_time() { return get_first_date_time(DIGITIZED_DATE_TIME_TAGS); } public void set_digitized_date_time(MetadataDateTime? date_time, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { if (date_time != null) set_all_date_time(DIGITIZED_DATE_TIME_TAGS, date_time, option); else remove_tags(DIGITIZED_DATE_TIME_TAGS); } public override MetadataDateTime? get_creation_date_time() { MetadataDateTime? creation = get_exposure_date_time(); if (creation == null) creation = get_digitized_date_time(); return creation; } private static string[] WIDTH_TAGS = { "Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension", "Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension", "Xmp.tiff.ImageWidth", "Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension" }; public static string[] HEIGHT_TAGS = { "Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension", "Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension", "Xmp.tiff.ImageHeight", "Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension" }; public Dimensions? get_pixel_dimensions() { // walk the tag arrays concurrently, returning the dimensions of the first found pair assert(WIDTH_TAGS.length == HEIGHT_TAGS.length); for (int ctr = 0; ctr < WIDTH_TAGS.length; ctr++) { // Can't turn this into a single if statement with an || bailing out due to this bug: // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=565385 long width; if (!get_long(WIDTH_TAGS[ctr], out width)) continue; long height; if (!get_long(HEIGHT_TAGS[ctr], out height)) continue; return Dimensions((int) width, (int) height); } return null; } public void set_pixel_dimensions(Dimensions? dim, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { if (dim != null) { set_all_long(WIDTH_TAGS, dim.width, option); set_all_long(HEIGHT_TAGS, dim.height, option); } else { remove_tags(WIDTH_TAGS); remove_tags(HEIGHT_TAGS); } } // // A note regarding titles and descriptions: // // iPhoto stores its title in Iptc.Application2.ObjectName and its description in // Iptc.Application2.Caption. Most others use .Caption for the title and another // (sometimes) appropriate tag for the description. And there's general confusion about // whether Exif.Image.ImageDescription is a description (which is what the tag name // suggests) or a title (which is what the specification states). // See: http://trac.yorba.org/wiki/PhotoTags // // Hence, the following logic tries to do the right thing in most of these cases. If // the iPhoto title tag is detected, it and the iPhoto description tag are used. Otherwise, // the title/description are searched out from a list of standard tags. // // Exif.Image.ImageDescription seems to be abused, both in that iPhoto uses it as a multiline // description and that some cameras insert their make & model information there (IN ALL CAPS, // to really rub it in). We are ignoring the field until a compelling reason to support it // is found. // private const string IPHOTO_TITLE_TAG = "Iptc.Application2.ObjectName"; private static string[] STANDARD_TITLE_TAGS = { "Iptc.Application2.Caption", "Xmp.dc.title", "Iptc.Application2.Headline", "Xmp.photoshop.Headline", "Xmp.acdsee.caption" }; public override string? get_title() { // using get_string_multiple()/get_first_string_multiple() because it's possible for // multiple strings to be specified in XMP for different language codes, and want to // retrieve only the first one (other get_string variants will return ugly strings like // // lang="x-default" Xyzzy // // but get_string_multiple will return a list of titles w/o language information Gee.List<string>? titles = has_tag(IPHOTO_TITLE_TAG) ? get_string_multiple(IPHOTO_TITLE_TAG) : get_first_string_multiple(STANDARD_TITLE_TAGS); // use the first string every time (assume it's default) // TODO: We could get a list of all titles by their lang="<iso code>" and attempt to find // the right one for the user's locale, but this does not seem to be a normal use case string? title = (titles != null && titles.size > 0) ? titles[0] : null; // strip out leading and trailing whitespace if (title != null) title = title.strip(); // check for \n and \r to prevent multiline titles, which have been spotted in the wild return (!is_string_empty(title) && !title.contains("\n") && !title.contains("\r")) ? title : null; } public void set_title(string? title, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { if (!is_string_empty(title)) { if (has_tag(IPHOTO_TITLE_TAG)) set_string(IPHOTO_TITLE_TAG, title); else set_all_string(STANDARD_TITLE_TAGS, title, option); } else { remove_tags(STANDARD_TITLE_TAGS); } } private static string[] COMMENT_TAGS = { "Exif.Photo.UserComment", "Xmp.acdsee.notes" }; public override string? get_comment() { return get_first_string_interpreted (COMMENT_TAGS); } public void set_comment(string? comment, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { /* https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=781897 - Do not strip * newlines from comments */ if (!is_string_empty(comment)) set_all_generic(COMMENT_TAGS, option, (tag) => { set_string(tag, comment, PREPARE_STRING_OPTIONS & ~PrepareInputTextOptions.STRIP_CRLF); }); else remove_tags(COMMENT_TAGS); } private static string[] KEYWORD_TAGS = { "Xmp.dc.subject", "Iptc.Application2.Keywords", "Xmp.xmp.Label" }; private static HierarchicalKeywordField[] HIERARCHICAL_KEYWORD_TAGS = { // Xmp.lr.hierarchicalSubject should be writeable but isn't due to this bug // in libexiv2: http://dev.exiv2.org/issues/784 new HierarchicalKeywordField("Xmp.lr.hierarchicalSubject", "|", false, false), new HierarchicalKeywordField("Xmp.acdsee.keywords", "|", false, false), new HierarchicalKeywordField("Xmp.acdsee.categories", "|", false, false, new ACDSeeKeywordTransformer ()), new HierarchicalKeywordField("Xmp.digiKam.TagsList", "/", false, true), new HierarchicalKeywordField("Xmp.MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP", "/", false, true) }; public Gee.Set<string>? get_keywords(owned CompareDataFunc<string>? compare_func = null) { Gee.Set<string> keywords = null; foreach (string tag in KEYWORD_TAGS) { Gee.Collection<string>? values = get_string_multiple(tag); if (values != null && values.size > 0) { if (keywords == null) keywords = create_string_set((owned) compare_func); foreach (string current_value in values) keywords.add(HierarchicalTagUtilities.make_flat_tag_safe(current_value)); } } return (keywords != null && keywords.size > 0) ? keywords : null; } private void internal_set_hierarchical_keywords(HierarchicalTagIndex? index) { foreach (HierarchicalKeywordField current_field in HIERARCHICAL_KEYWORD_TAGS) remove_tag(current_field.field_name); if (index == null) return; foreach (HierarchicalKeywordField current_field in HIERARCHICAL_KEYWORD_TAGS) { if (!current_field.is_writeable) continue; Gee.Set<string> writeable_set = new Gee.TreeSet<string>(); foreach (string current_path in index.get_all_paths()) { string writeable_path = current_path.replace(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING, current_field.path_separator); if (!current_field.wants_leading_separator) writeable_path = writeable_path.substring(1); writeable_set.add(writeable_path); } set_string_multiple(current_field.field_name, writeable_set); } } public void set_keywords(Gee.Collection<string>? keywords, SetOption option = SetOption.ALL_DOMAINS) { HierarchicalTagIndex htag_index = new HierarchicalTagIndex(); Gee.Set<string> flat_keywords = new Gee.TreeSet<string>(); if (keywords != null) { foreach (string keyword in keywords) { if (keyword.has_prefix(Tag.PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { Gee.Collection<string> path_components = HierarchicalTagUtilities.enumerate_path_components(keyword); foreach (string component in path_components) htag_index.add_path(component, keyword); } else { flat_keywords.add(keyword); } } flat_keywords.add_all(htag_index.get_all_tags()); } if (keywords != null) { set_all_string_multiple(KEYWORD_TAGS, flat_keywords, option); internal_set_hierarchical_keywords(htag_index); } else { remove_tags(KEYWORD_TAGS); internal_set_hierarchical_keywords(null); } } public bool has_hierarchical_keywords() { foreach (HierarchicalKeywordField field in HIERARCHICAL_KEYWORD_TAGS) { Gee.Collection<string>? values = get_string_multiple(field.field_name); if (values != null && values.size > 0) return true; } return false; } public Gee.Set<string> get_hierarchical_keywords() { assert(has_hierarchical_keywords()); Gee.Set<string> h_keywords = create_string_set(null); foreach (HierarchicalKeywordField field in HIERARCHICAL_KEYWORD_TAGS) { Gee.Collection<string>? values = get_string_multiple(field.field_name); if (values == null || values.size < 1) continue; var transformed_values = new Gee.ArrayList<string> (); foreach (var current_value in values) { try { var transformed = field.transformer.transform (current_value); transformed_values.add_all (transformed); } catch (Error error) { critical ("Failed to transform tag value %s: %s", current_value, error.message); } } foreach (var current_value in transformed_values) { string? canonicalized = HierarchicalTagUtilities.canonicalize(current_value, field.path_separator); if (canonicalized != null) h_keywords.add(canonicalized); } } return h_keywords; } public bool has_orientation() { return exiv2.get_orientation() == GExiv2.Orientation.UNSPECIFIED; } // If not present, returns Orientation.TOP_LEFT. public Orientation get_orientation() { // GExiv2.Orientation is the same value-wise as Orientation, with one exception: // GExiv2.Orientation.UNSPECIFIED must be handled GExiv2.Orientation orientation = exiv2.get_orientation(); if (orientation == GExiv2.Orientation.UNSPECIFIED || orientation < Orientation.MIN || orientation > Orientation.MAX) return Orientation.TOP_LEFT; else return (Orientation) orientation; } public void set_orientation(Orientation orientation) { // GExiv2.Orientation is the same value-wise as Orientation exiv2.set_orientation((GExiv2.Orientation) orientation); } public bool get_gps(out double longitude, out string long_ref, out double latitude, out string lat_ref, out double altitude) { longitude = 0.0; latitude = 0.0; altitude = 0.0; if (!exiv2.get_gps_longitude(out longitude) || !exiv2.get_gps_latitude(out latitude)) { long_ref = null; lat_ref = null; return false; } exiv2.get_gps_altitude(out altitude); long_ref = get_string("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"); lat_ref = get_string("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"); return true; } public bool get_exposure(out MetadataRational exposure) { return get_rational("Exif.Photo.ExposureTime", out exposure); } public string? get_exposure_string() { MetadataRational exposure_time; if (!get_rational("Exif.Photo.ExposureTime", out exposure_time)) return null; if (!exposure_time.is_valid()) return null; return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Photo.ExposureTime"); } public bool get_iso(out long iso) { bool fetched_ok = get_long("Exif.Photo.ISOSpeedRatings", out iso); if (fetched_ok == false) return false; // lower boundary is original (ca. 1935) Kodachrome speed, the lowest ISO rated film ever // manufactured; upper boundary is 4 x fastest high-speed digital camera speeds if ((iso < 6) || (iso > 409600)) return false; return true; } public string? get_iso_string() { long iso; if (!get_iso(out iso)) return null; return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Photo.ISOSpeedRatings"); } public bool get_aperture(out MetadataRational aperture) { return get_rational("Exif.Photo.FNumber", out aperture); } public string? get_aperture_string(bool pango_formatted = false) { MetadataRational aperture; if (!get_aperture(out aperture)) return null; double aperture_value = ((double) aperture.numerator) / ((double) aperture.denominator); aperture_value = ((int) (aperture_value * 10.0)) / 10.0; return (pango_formatted ? "<i>f</i>/" : "f/") + ((aperture_value % 1 == 0) ? "%.0f" : "%.1f").printf(aperture_value); } public string? get_camera_make() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Image.Make"); } public string? get_camera_model() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Image.Model"); } public bool get_flash(out long flash) { // Exif.Image.Flash does not work for some reason return get_long("Exif.Photo.Flash", out flash); } public string? get_flash_string() { // Exif.Image.Flash does not work for some reason return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Photo.Flash"); } public bool get_focal_length(out MetadataRational focal_length) { return get_rational("Exif.Photo.FocalLength", out focal_length); } public string? get_focal_length_string() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Photo.FocalLength"); } private static string[] ARTIST_TAGS = { "Exif.Image.Artist", "Exif.Canon.OwnerName", // Custom tag used by Canon DSLR cameras "Xmp.acdsee.author" // Custom tag used by ACDSEE software }; public string? get_artist() { return get_first_string_interpreted(ARTIST_TAGS); } public string? get_copyright() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Image.Copyright"); } public string? get_software() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Image.Software"); } public void set_software(string software, string version) { // always set this one, even if EXIF not present set_string("Exif.Image.Software", "%s %s".printf(software, version)); if (has_iptc()) { set_string("Iptc.Application2.Program", software); set_string("Iptc.Application2.ProgramVersion", version); } } public void remove_software() { remove_tag("Exif.Image.Software"); remove_tag("Iptc.Application2.Program"); remove_tag("Iptc.Application2.ProgramVersion"); } public string? get_exposure_bias() { return get_string_interpreted("Exif.Photo.ExposureBiasValue"); } private static string[] RATING_TAGS = { "Xmp.xmp.Rating", "Iptc.Application2.Urgency", "Xmp.photoshop.Urgency", "Exif.Image.Rating", "Xmp.acdsee.rating", }; public Rating get_rating() { string? rating_string = get_first_string(RATING_TAGS); if(rating_string != null) return Rating.unserialize(int.parse(rating_string)); rating_string = get_string("Exif.Image.RatingPercent"); if(rating_string == null) { return Rating.UNRATED; } int int_percent_rating = int.parse(rating_string); for(int i = 5; i >= 0; --i) { if(int_percent_rating >= Resources.rating_thresholds[i]) return Rating.unserialize(i); } return Rating.unserialize(-1); } // Among photo managers, Xmp.xmp.Rating tends to be the standard way to represent ratings. // Other photo managers, notably F-Spot, take hints from Urgency fields about what the rating // of an imported photo should be, and we have decided to do as well. Xmp.xmp.Rating is the only // field we've seen photo manages export ratings to, while Urgency fields seem to have a fundamentally // different meaning. See http://trac.yorba.org/wiki/PhotoTags#Rating for more information. public void set_rating(Rating rating) { int int_rating = rating.serialize(); set_string("Xmp.xmp.Rating", int_rating.to_string()); set_string("Exif.Image.Rating", int_rating.to_string()); if( 0 <= int_rating ) set_string("Exif.Image.RatingPercent", Resources.rating_thresholds[int_rating].to_string()); else // in this case we _know_ int_rating is -1 set_string("Exif.Image.RatingPercent", int_rating.to_string()); } }