/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ namespace Publishing.Glue { public class MediaSourcePublishableWrapper : Spit.Publishing.Publishable, GLib.Object { private static int name_ticker = 0; private MediaSource wrapped; private GLib.File? serialized_file = null; private Gee.Map<string, string> param_string = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>(); public MediaSourcePublishableWrapper(MediaSource to_wrap) { wrapped = to_wrap; setup_parameters(); } public void clean_up() { if (serialized_file == null) return; debug("cleaning up temporary publishing file '%s'.", serialized_file.get_path()); try { serialized_file.delete(null); } catch (Error err) { warning("couldn't delete temporary publishing file '%s'.", serialized_file.get_path()); } serialized_file = null; } private void setup_parameters() { param_string.set(PARAM_STRING_BASENAME, wrapped.get_basename()); param_string.set(PARAM_STRING_TITLE, wrapped.get_title()); param_string.set(PARAM_STRING_COMMENT, wrapped.get_comment()); if (wrapped.get_event() != null) param_string.set(PARAM_STRING_EVENTCOMMENT, wrapped.get_event().get_comment()); else param_string.set(PARAM_STRING_EVENTCOMMENT, ""); } public GLib.File serialize_for_publishing(int content_major_axis, bool strip_metadata = false) throws Spit.Publishing.PublishingError { if (wrapped is LibraryPhoto) { LibraryPhoto photo = (LibraryPhoto) wrapped; GLib.File to_file = AppDirs.get_temp_dir().get_child("publishing-%d.jpg".printf(name_ticker++)); debug("writing photo '%s' to temporary file '%s' for publishing.", photo.get_source_id(), to_file.get_path()); try { Scaling scaling = (content_major_axis > 0) ? Scaling.for_best_fit(content_major_axis, false) : Scaling.for_original(); photo.export(to_file, scaling, Jpeg.Quality.HIGH, PhotoFileFormat.JFIF, false, !strip_metadata); } catch (Error err) { throw new Spit.Publishing.PublishingError.LOCAL_FILE_ERROR( "unable to serialize photo '%s' for publishing.", photo.get_name()); } serialized_file = to_file; } else if (wrapped is Video) { Video video = (Video) wrapped; string basename; string extension; disassemble_filename(video.get_file().get_basename(), out basename, out extension); GLib.File to_file = GLib.File.new_for_path("publishing-%d.%s".printf(name_ticker++, extension)); debug("writing video '%s' to temporary file '%s' for publishing.", video.get_source_id(), to_file.get_path()); try { video.export(to_file); } catch (Error err) { throw new Spit.Publishing.PublishingError.LOCAL_FILE_ERROR( "unable to serialize video '%s' for publishing.", video.get_name()); } serialized_file = to_file; } else { error("MediaSourcePublishableWrapper.serialize_for_publishing( ): unknown media type."); } return serialized_file; } public string get_publishing_name() { return wrapped.get_title() != null ? wrapped.get_title() : ""; } public string? get_param_string(string name) { return param_string.get(name); } public string[] get_publishing_keywords() { string[] result = new string[0]; Gee.Collection<Tag>? tagset = Tag.global.fetch_sorted_for_source(wrapped); if (tagset != null) { foreach (Tag tag in tagset) { result += tag.get_name(); } } return (result.length > 0) ? result : null; } public Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType get_media_type() { if (wrapped is LibraryPhoto) return Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO; else if (wrapped is Video) return Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO; else return Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.NONE; } public GLib.File? get_serialized_file() { return serialized_file; } public GLib.DateTime get_exposure_date_time() { return new GLib.DateTime.from_unix_local(wrapped.get_exposure_time()); } } }