/* Copyright 2011-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ namespace PublishingUI { public class ConcreteDialogPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, GLib.Object { protected Gtk.Box pane_widget = null; protected Gtk.Builder builder = null; public ConcreteDialogPane() { builder = AppWindow.create_builder(); } public Gtk.Widget get_widget() { return pane_widget; } public Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions get_preferred_geometry() { return Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.NONE; } public void on_pane_installed() { } public void on_pane_uninstalled() { } } public class StaticMessagePane : ConcreteDialogPane { private Gtk.Label msg_label = null; public StaticMessagePane(string message_string, bool enable_markup = false) { base(); msg_label = builder.get_object("static_msg_label") as Gtk.Label; pane_widget = builder.get_object("static_msg_pane_widget") as Gtk.Box; if (enable_markup) { msg_label.set_markup(message_string); msg_label.set_line_wrap(true); msg_label.set_use_markup(true); } else { msg_label.set_label(message_string); } } } public class LoginWelcomePane : ConcreteDialogPane { private Gtk.Button login_button = null; private Gtk.Label not_logged_in_label = null; public signal void login_requested(); public LoginWelcomePane(string service_welcome_message) { base(); pane_widget = builder.get_object("welcome_pane_widget") as Gtk.Box; login_button = builder.get_object("login_button") as Gtk.Button; not_logged_in_label = builder.get_object("not_logged_in_label") as Gtk.Label; login_button.clicked.connect(on_login_clicked); not_logged_in_label.set_use_markup(true); not_logged_in_label.set_markup(service_welcome_message); } private void on_login_clicked() { login_requested(); } } public class ProgressPane : ConcreteDialogPane { private Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar = null; public ProgressPane() { base(); pane_widget = (Gtk.Box) builder.get_object("progress_pane_widget"); progress_bar = (Gtk.ProgressBar) builder.get_object("publishing_progress_bar"); } public void set_text(string text) { progress_bar.set_text(text); } public void set_progress(double progress) { progress_bar.set_fraction(progress); } public void set_status(string status_text, double progress) { if (status_text != progress_bar.get_text()) progress_bar.set_text(status_text); set_progress(progress); } } public class SuccessPane : StaticMessagePane { public SuccessPane(Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType published_media, int num_uploaded = 1) { string? message_string = null; // Here, we check whether more than one item is being uploaded, and if so, display // an alternate message. if(num_uploaded > 1) { if (published_media == (Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO | Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO)) message_string = _("The selected photos/videos were successfully published."); else if (published_media == Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO) message_string = _("The selected videos were successfully published."); else message_string = _("The selected photos were successfully published."); } else { if (published_media == Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO) message_string = _("The selected video was successfully published."); else message_string = _("The selected photo was successfully published."); } base(message_string); } } public class AccountFetchWaitPane : StaticMessagePane { public AccountFetchWaitPane() { base(_("Fetching account information...")); } } public class LoginWaitPane : StaticMessagePane { public LoginWaitPane() { base(_("Logging in...")); } } public class PublishingDialog : Gtk.Dialog { private const int LARGE_WINDOW_WIDTH = 860; private const int LARGE_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 688; private const int COLOSSAL_WINDOW_WIDTH = 1024; private const int COLOSSAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 688; private const int STANDARD_WINDOW_WIDTH = 632; private const int STANDARD_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 540; private const int BORDER_REGION_WIDTH = 16; private const int BORDER_REGION_HEIGHT = 100; public const int STANDARD_CONTENT_LABEL_WIDTH = 500; public const int STANDARD_ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH = 128; private static PublishingDialog active_instance = null; private Gtk.ListStore service_selector_box_model; private Gtk.ComboBox service_selector_box; private Gtk.Box central_area_layouter; private Gtk.Button close_cancel_button; private Spit.Publishing.DialogPane active_pane; private Spit.Publishing.Publishable[] publishables; private Spit.Publishing.ConcretePublishingHost host; private Spit.PluggableInfo info; protected PublishingDialog(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> to_publish) { assert(to_publish.size > 0); Object(use_header_bar: 1); ((Gtk.HeaderBar) get_header_bar()).set_show_close_button(false); resizable = false; delete_event.connect(on_window_close); publishables = new Spit.Publishing.Publishable[0]; bool has_photos = false; bool has_videos = false; foreach (MediaSource media in to_publish) { Spit.Publishing.Publishable publishable = new Publishing.Glue.MediaSourcePublishableWrapper(media); if (publishable.get_media_type() == Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO) has_photos = true; else if (publishable.get_media_type() == Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO) has_videos = true; else assert_not_reached(); publishables += publishable; } string title = null; string label = null; if (has_photos && !has_videos) { title = _("Publish Photos"); label = _("Publish photos _to:"); } else if (!has_photos && has_videos) { title = _("Publish Videos"); label = _("Publish videos _to"); } else { title = _("Publish Photos and Videos"); label = _("Publish photos and videos _to"); } set_title(title); service_selector_box_model = new Gtk.ListStore(2, typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string)); service_selector_box = new Gtk.ComboBox.with_model(service_selector_box_model); Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf renderer_pix = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(); service_selector_box.pack_start(renderer_pix,true); service_selector_box.add_attribute(renderer_pix, "pixbuf", 0); Gtk.CellRendererText renderer_text = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); service_selector_box.pack_start(renderer_text,true); service_selector_box.add_attribute(renderer_text, "text", 1); service_selector_box.set_active(0); // get the name of the service the user last used string? last_used_service = Config.Facade.get_instance().get_last_used_service(); Spit.Publishing.Service[] loaded_services = load_services(has_photos, has_videos); Gtk.TreeIter iter; foreach (Spit.Publishing.Service service in loaded_services) { service_selector_box_model.append(out iter); string curr_service_id = service.get_id(); service.get_info(ref info); if (null != info.icons && 0 < info.icons.length) { // check if the icons object is set -- if set use that icon service_selector_box_model.set(iter, 0, info.icons[0], 1, service.get_pluggable_name()); // in case the icons object is not set on the next iteration info.icons[0] = Resources.get_icon(Resources.ICON_GENERIC_PLUGIN); } else { // if icons object is null or zero length use a generic icon service_selector_box_model.set(iter, 0, Resources.get_icon( Resources.ICON_GENERIC_PLUGIN), 1, service.get_pluggable_name()); } if (last_used_service == null) { service_selector_box.set_active_iter(iter); last_used_service = service.get_id(); } else if (last_used_service == curr_service_id) { service_selector_box.set_active_iter(iter); } } service_selector_box.changed.connect(on_service_changed); central_area_layouter = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0); get_content_area().pack_start(central_area_layouter, true, true, 0); close_cancel_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic("_Cancel"); close_cancel_button.set_can_default(true); close_cancel_button.clicked.connect(on_close_cancel_clicked); ((Gtk.HeaderBar) get_header_bar()).pack_start(close_cancel_button); ((Gtk.HeaderBar) get_header_bar()).pack_end(service_selector_box); set_standard_window_mode(); show_all(); } private static Spit.Publishing.Service[] load_all_services() { Spit.Publishing.Service[] loaded_services = new Spit.Publishing.Service[0]; // load publishing services from plug-ins Gee.Collection<Spit.Pluggable> pluggables = Plugins.get_pluggables_for_type( typeof(Spit.Publishing.Service)); debug("PublisingDialog: discovered %d pluggable publishing services.", pluggables.size); foreach (Spit.Pluggable pluggable in pluggables) { int pluggable_interface = pluggable.get_pluggable_interface( Spit.Publishing.CURRENT_INTERFACE, Spit.Publishing.CURRENT_INTERFACE); if (pluggable_interface != Spit.Publishing.CURRENT_INTERFACE) { warning("Unable to load publisher %s: reported interface %d.", Plugins.get_pluggable_module_id(pluggable), pluggable_interface); continue; } Spit.Publishing.Service service = (Spit.Publishing.Service) pluggable; debug("PublishingDialog: discovered pluggable publishing service '%s'.", service.get_pluggable_name()); loaded_services += service; } // Sort publishing services by name. Posix.qsort(loaded_services, loaded_services.length, sizeof(Spit.Publishing.Service), (a, b) => {return utf8_cs_compare((*((Spit.Publishing.Service**) a))->get_pluggable_name(), (*((Spit.Publishing.Service**) b))->get_pluggable_name()); }); return loaded_services; } private static Spit.Publishing.Service[] load_services(bool has_photos, bool has_videos) { assert (has_photos || has_videos); Spit.Publishing.Service[] filtered_services = new Spit.Publishing.Service[0]; Spit.Publishing.Service[] all_services = load_all_services(); foreach (Spit.Publishing.Service service in all_services) { if (has_photos && !has_videos) { if ((service.get_supported_media() & Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO) != 0) filtered_services += service; } else if (!has_photos && has_videos) { if ((service.get_supported_media() & Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO) != 0) filtered_services += service; } else { if (((service.get_supported_media() & Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.PHOTO) != 0) && ((service.get_supported_media() & Spit.Publishing.Publisher.MediaType.VIDEO) != 0)) filtered_services += service; } } return filtered_services; } // Because of this bug: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/3623, we use some extreme measures. The // bug occurs because, in some cases, when publishing is started asynchronous network // transactions are performed. The mechanism inside libsoup that we use to perform asynchronous // network transactions isn't based on threads but is instead based on the GLib event loop. So // whenever we run a network transaction, the GLib event loop gets spun. One consequence of // this is that PublishingDialog.go( ) can be called multiple times. Note that since events // are processed sequentially, PublishingDialog.go( ) is never called re-entrantly. It just // gets called twice back-to-back in quick succession. So use a timer to do a short circuit // return if this call to go( ) follows immediately on the heels of another call to go( ). private static Timer since_last_start = null; private static bool elapsed_is_valid = false; public static void go(Gee.Collection<MediaSource> to_publish) { if (active_instance != null) return; if (since_last_start == null) { // GLib.Timers start themselves automatically when they're created, so stop our // new timer and reset it to zero 'til were ready to start timing. since_last_start = new Timer(); since_last_start.stop(); since_last_start.reset(); elapsed_is_valid = false; } else { double elapsed = since_last_start.elapsed(); if ((elapsed < 0.05) && (elapsed_is_valid)) return; } Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto> photos = new Gee.ArrayList<LibraryPhoto>(); Gee.ArrayList<Video> videos = new Gee.ArrayList<Video>(); MediaSourceCollection.filter_media(to_publish, photos, videos); Spit.Publishing.Service[] avail_services = load_services((photos.size > 0), (videos.size > 0)); if (avail_services.length == 0) { // There are no enabled publishing services that accept this media type, // warn the user. AppWindow.error_message_with_title(_("Unable to publish"), _("Shotwell cannot publish the selected items because you do not have a compatible publishing plugin enabled. To correct this, choose <b>Edit %s Preferences</b> and enable one or more of the publishing plugins on the <b>Plugins</b> tab.").printf("▸"), null, false); return; } // If we get down here, it means that at least one publishing service // was found that could accept this type of media, so continue normally. debug("PublishingDialog.go( )"); active_instance = new PublishingDialog(to_publish); active_instance.run(); active_instance = null; // start timing just before we return since_last_start.start(); elapsed_is_valid = true; } private bool on_window_close(Gdk.EventAny evt) { host.stop_publishing(); host = null; hide(); destroy(); return true; } private void on_service_changed() { Gtk.TreeIter iter; bool have_active_iter = false; have_active_iter = service_selector_box.get_active_iter(out iter); // this occurs when the user removes the last active publisher if (!have_active_iter) { // default to the first in the list (as good as any) service_selector_box.set_active(0); // and get active again service_selector_box.get_active_iter(out iter); } Value service_name_val; service_selector_box_model.get_value(iter, 1, out service_name_val); string service_name = (string) service_name_val; Spit.Publishing.Service? selected_service = null; Spit.Publishing.Service[] services = load_all_services(); foreach (Spit.Publishing.Service service in services) { if (service.get_pluggable_name() == service_name) { selected_service = service; break; } } assert(selected_service != null); Config.Facade.get_instance().set_last_used_service(selected_service.get_id()); host = new Spit.Publishing.ConcretePublishingHost(selected_service, this, publishables); host.start_publishing(); } private void on_close_cancel_clicked() { debug("PublishingDialog: on_close_cancel_clicked( ): invoked."); host.stop_publishing(); host = null; hide(); destroy(); } private void set_large_window_mode() { set_size_request(LARGE_WINDOW_WIDTH, LARGE_WINDOW_HEIGHT); central_area_layouter.set_size_request(LARGE_WINDOW_WIDTH - BORDER_REGION_WIDTH, LARGE_WINDOW_HEIGHT - BORDER_REGION_HEIGHT); resizable = false; } private void set_colossal_window_mode() { set_size_request(COLOSSAL_WINDOW_WIDTH, COLOSSAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT); central_area_layouter.set_size_request(COLOSSAL_WINDOW_WIDTH - BORDER_REGION_WIDTH, COLOSSAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT - BORDER_REGION_HEIGHT); resizable = false; } private void set_standard_window_mode() { set_size_request(STANDARD_WINDOW_WIDTH, STANDARD_WINDOW_HEIGHT); central_area_layouter.set_size_request(STANDARD_WINDOW_WIDTH - BORDER_REGION_WIDTH, STANDARD_WINDOW_HEIGHT - BORDER_REGION_HEIGHT); resizable = false; } private void set_free_sizable_window_mode() { resizable = true; } private void clear_free_sizable_window_mode() { resizable = false; } public Spit.Publishing.DialogPane get_active_pane() { return active_pane; } public void set_close_button_mode() { close_cancel_button.set_label(_("_Close")); set_default(close_cancel_button); } public void set_cancel_button_mode() { close_cancel_button.set_label(_("_Cancel")); } public void lock_service() { service_selector_box.set_sensitive(false); } public void unlock_service() { service_selector_box.set_sensitive(true); } public void install_pane(Spit.Publishing.DialogPane pane) { debug("PublishingDialog: install_pane( ): invoked."); if (active_pane != null) { debug("PublishingDialog: install_pane( ): a pane is already installed; removing it."); active_pane.on_pane_uninstalled(); central_area_layouter.remove(active_pane.get_widget()); } central_area_layouter.pack_start(pane.get_widget(), true, true, 0); show_all(); Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions geometry_options = pane.get_preferred_geometry(); if ((geometry_options & Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.EXTENDED_SIZE) != 0) set_large_window_mode(); else if ((geometry_options & Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.COLOSSAL_SIZE) != 0) set_colossal_window_mode(); else set_standard_window_mode(); if ((geometry_options & Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.RESIZABLE) != 0) set_free_sizable_window_mode(); else clear_free_sizable_window_mode(); active_pane = pane; pane.on_pane_installed(); } public new int run() { on_service_changed(); int result = base.run(); host = null; return result; } } }