/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). * See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ // For specifying whether a search should be ORed (any) or ANDed (all). public enum SearchOperator { ANY = 0, ALL, NONE; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case SearchOperator.ANY: return "ANY"; case SearchOperator.ALL: return "ALL"; case SearchOperator.NONE: return "NONE"; default: error("unrecognized search operator enumeration value"); } } public static SearchOperator from_string(string str) { if (str == "ANY") return SearchOperator.ANY; else if (str == "ALL") return SearchOperator.ALL; else if (str == "NONE") return SearchOperator.NONE; else error("unrecognized search operator name: %s", str); } } // Important note: if you are adding, removing, or otherwise changing // this table, you're going to have to modify SavedSearchDBTable.vala // as well. public abstract class SearchCondition { // Type of search condition. public enum SearchType { ANY_TEXT = 0, TITLE, TAG, EVENT_NAME, FILE_NAME, FACE, MEDIA_TYPE, FLAG_STATE, MODIFIED_STATE, RATING, COMMENT, DATE; // Note: when adding new types, be sure to update all functions below. public static SearchType[] as_array() { return { ANY_TEXT, TITLE, TAG, COMMENT, EVENT_NAME, FILE_NAME, FACE, MEDIA_TYPE, FLAG_STATE, MODIFIED_STATE, RATING, DATE }; } // Sorts an array alphabetically by display name. public static void sort_array(ref SearchType[] array) { Posix.qsort(array, array.length, sizeof(SearchType), (a, b) => { return utf8_cs_compare(((*(SearchType*) a)).display_text(), ((*(SearchType*) b)).display_text()); }); } public string to_string() { switch (this) { case SearchType.ANY_TEXT: return "ANY_TEXT"; case SearchType.TITLE: return "TITLE"; case SearchType.TAG: return "TAG"; case SearchType.COMMENT: return "COMMENT"; case SearchType.EVENT_NAME: return "EVENT_NAME"; case SearchType.FILE_NAME: return "FILE_NAME"; case SearchType.FACE: return "FACE"; case SearchType.MEDIA_TYPE: return "MEDIA_TYPE"; case SearchType.FLAG_STATE: return "FLAG_STATE"; case SearchType.MODIFIED_STATE: return "MODIFIED_STATE"; case SearchType.RATING: return "RATING"; case SearchType.DATE: return "DATE"; default: error("unrecognized search type enumeration value"); } } public static SearchType from_string(string str) { if (str == "ANY_TEXT") return SearchType.ANY_TEXT; else if (str == "TITLE") return SearchType.TITLE; else if (str == "TAG") return SearchType.TAG; else if (str == "COMMENT") return SearchType.COMMENT; else if (str == "EVENT_NAME") return SearchType.EVENT_NAME; else if (str == "FILE_NAME") return SearchType.FILE_NAME; else if (str == "FACE") return SearchType.FACE; else if (str == "MEDIA_TYPE") return SearchType.MEDIA_TYPE; else if (str == "FLAG_STATE") return SearchType.FLAG_STATE; else if (str == "MODIFIED_STATE") return SearchType.MODIFIED_STATE; else if (str == "RATING") return SearchType.RATING; else if (str == "DATE") return SearchType.DATE; else error("unrecognized search type name: %s", str); } public string display_text() { switch (this) { case SearchType.ANY_TEXT: return _("Any text"); case SearchType.TITLE: return _("Title"); case SearchType.TAG: return _("Tag"); case SearchType.COMMENT: return _("Comment"); case SearchType.EVENT_NAME: return _("Event name"); case SearchType.FILE_NAME: return _("File name"); case SearchType.FACE: return _("Face"); case SearchType.MEDIA_TYPE: return _("Media type"); case SearchType.FLAG_STATE: return _("Flag state"); case SearchType.MODIFIED_STATE: return _("Photo state"); case SearchType.RATING: return _("Rating"); case SearchType.DATE: return _("Date"); default: error("unrecognized search type enumeration value"); } } } public SearchType search_type { get; protected set; } // Determines whether the source is included. public abstract bool predicate(MediaSource source); } // Condition for text matching. public class SearchConditionText : SearchCondition { public enum Context { CONTAINS = 0, IS_EXACTLY, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, DOES_NOT_CONTAIN, IS_NOT_SET, IS_SET; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case Context.CONTAINS: return "CONTAINS"; case Context.IS_EXACTLY: return "IS_EXACTLY"; case Context.STARTS_WITH: return "STARTS_WITH"; case Context.ENDS_WITH: return "ENDS_WITH"; case Context.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN: return "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN"; case Context.IS_NOT_SET: return "IS_NOT_SET"; case Context.IS_SET: return "IS_SET"; default: error("unrecognized text search context enumeration value"); } } public static Context from_string(string str) { if (str == "CONTAINS") return Context.CONTAINS; else if (str == "IS_EXACTLY") return Context.IS_EXACTLY; else if (str == "STARTS_WITH") return Context.STARTS_WITH; else if (str == "ENDS_WITH") return Context.ENDS_WITH; else if (str == "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN") return Context.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN; else if (str == "IS_NOT_SET") return Context.IS_NOT_SET; else if (str == "IS_SET") return Context.IS_SET; else error("unrecognized text search context name: %s", str); } } // What to search for. public string text { get; private set; } // How to match. public Context context { get; private set; } public SearchConditionText(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, string? text, Context context) { this.search_type = search_type; this.text = (text != null) ? String.remove_diacritics(text.down()) : ""; this.context = context; } // Match string by context. private bool string_match(string needle, string? haystack) { switch (context) { case Context.CONTAINS: case Context.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN: return !is_string_empty(haystack) && haystack.contains(needle); case Context.IS_EXACTLY: return !is_string_empty(haystack) && haystack == needle; case Context.STARTS_WITH: return !is_string_empty(haystack) && haystack.has_prefix(needle); case Context.ENDS_WITH: return !is_string_empty(haystack) && haystack.has_suffix(needle); case Context.IS_NOT_SET: return (is_string_empty(haystack)); case Context.IS_SET: return (!is_string_empty(haystack)); } return false; } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { bool ret = false; // title if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.TITLE == search_type) { string? title = (null != source.get_title()) ? String.remove_diacritics(source.get_title().down()) : null; ret |= string_match(text, title); } // tags if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.TAG == search_type) { Gee.List<Tag>? tag_list = Tag.global.fetch_for_source(source); if (null != tag_list) { string itag; foreach (Tag tag in tag_list) { itag = tag.get_searchable_name().down(); // get_searchable already remove diacritics ret |= string_match(text, itag); } } else { ret |= string_match(text, null); // for IS_NOT_SET } } // event name if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.EVENT_NAME == search_type) { string? event_name = (null != source.get_event()) ? String.remove_diacritics(source.get_event().get_name().down()) : null; ret |= string_match(text, event_name); } // comment if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.COMMENT == search_type) { string? comment = source.get_comment(); if(null != comment) ret |= string_match(text, String.remove_diacritics(comment.down())); } // file name if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.FILE_NAME == search_type) { ret |= string_match(text, String.remove_diacritics(source.get_basename().down())); } if (SearchType.ANY_TEXT == search_type || SearchType.FACE == search_type) { Gee.List<Face>? face_list = Face.global.fetch_for_source(source); if (null != face_list) { foreach (Face face in face_list) { ret |= string_match(text, face.get_name().down()); } } else { ret |= string_match(text, null); // for IS_NOT_SET } } return (context == Context.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN) ? !ret : ret; } } // Condition for media type matching. public class SearchConditionMediaType : SearchCondition { public enum Context { IS = 0, IS_NOT; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case Context.IS: return "IS"; case Context.IS_NOT: return "IS_NOT"; default: error("unrecognized media search context enumeration value"); } } public static Context from_string(string str) { if (str == "IS") return Context.IS; else if (str == "IS_NOT") return Context.IS_NOT; else error("unrecognized media search context name: %s", str); } } public enum MediaType { PHOTO_ALL = 0, PHOTO_RAW, VIDEO; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case MediaType.PHOTO_ALL: return "PHOTO_ALL"; case MediaType.PHOTO_RAW: return "PHOTO_RAW"; case MediaType.VIDEO: return "VIDEO"; default: error("unrecognized media search type enumeration value"); } } public static MediaType from_string(string str) { if (str == "PHOTO_ALL") return MediaType.PHOTO_ALL; else if (str == "PHOTO_RAW") return MediaType.PHOTO_RAW; else if (str == "VIDEO") return MediaType.VIDEO; else error("unrecognized media search type name: %s", str); } } // What to search for. public MediaType media_type { get; private set; } // How to match. public Context context { get; private set; } public SearchConditionMediaType(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, Context context, MediaType media_type) { this.search_type = search_type; this.context = context; this.media_type = media_type; } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { // For the given type, check it against the MediaSource type // and the given search context. switch (media_type) { case MediaType.PHOTO_ALL: if (source is Photo) return context == Context.IS; else return context == Context.IS_NOT; case MediaType.PHOTO_RAW: if (source is Photo && ((Photo) source).get_master_file_format() == PhotoFileFormat.RAW) return context == Context.IS; else return context == Context.IS_NOT; case MediaType.VIDEO: if (source is VideoSource) return context == Context.IS; else return context == Context.IS_NOT; default: error("unrecognized media search type enumeration value"); } } } // Condition for flag state matching. public class SearchConditionFlagged : SearchCondition { public enum State { FLAGGED = 0, UNFLAGGED; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case State.FLAGGED: return "FLAGGED"; case State.UNFLAGGED: return "UNFLAGGED"; default: error("unrecognized flagged search state enumeration value"); } } public static State from_string(string str) { if (str == "FLAGGED") return State.FLAGGED; else if (str == "UNFLAGGED") return State.UNFLAGGED; else error("unrecognized flagged search state name: %s", str); } } // What to match. public State state { get; private set; } public SearchConditionFlagged(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, State state) { this.search_type = search_type; this.state = state; } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { if (state == State.FLAGGED) { return ((Flaggable) source).is_flagged(); } else if (state == State.UNFLAGGED) { return !((Flaggable) source).is_flagged(); } else { error("unrecognized flagged search state"); } } } // Condition for modified state matching. public class SearchConditionModified : SearchCondition { public enum Context { HAS = 0, HAS_NO; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case Context.HAS: return "HAS"; case Context.HAS_NO: return "HAS_NO"; default: error("unrecognized modified search context enumeration value"); } } public static Context from_string(string str) { if (str == "HAS") return Context.HAS; else if (str == "HAS_NO") return Context.HAS_NO; else error("unrecognized modified search context name: %s", str); } } public enum State { MODIFIED = 0, INTERNAL_CHANGES, EXTERNAL_CHANGES; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case State.MODIFIED: return "MODIFIED"; case State.INTERNAL_CHANGES: return "INTERNAL_CHANGES"; case State.EXTERNAL_CHANGES: return "EXTERNAL_CHANGES"; default: error("unrecognized modified search state enumeration value"); } } public static State from_string(string str) { if (str == "MODIFIED") return State.MODIFIED; else if (str == "INTERNAL_CHANGES") return State.INTERNAL_CHANGES; else if (str == "EXTERNAL_CHANGES") return State.EXTERNAL_CHANGES; else error("unrecognized modified search state name: %s", str); } } // What to match. public State state { get; private set; } // How to match. public Context context { get; private set; } public SearchConditionModified(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, Context context, State state) { this.search_type = search_type; this.context = context; this.state = state; } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { // check against state and the given search context. Photo? photo = source as Photo; if (photo == null) return false; bool match; if (state == State.MODIFIED) match = photo.has_transformations() || photo.has_editable(); else if (state == State.INTERNAL_CHANGES) match = photo.has_transformations(); else if (state == State.EXTERNAL_CHANGES) match = photo.has_editable(); else error("unrecognized modified search state"); if (match) return context == Context.HAS; else return context == Context.HAS_NO; } } // Condition for rating matching. public class SearchConditionRating : SearchCondition { public enum Context { AND_HIGHER = 0, ONLY, AND_LOWER; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case Context.AND_HIGHER: return "AND_HIGHER"; case Context.ONLY: return "ONLY"; case Context.AND_LOWER: return "AND_LOWER"; default: error("unrecognized rating search context enumeration value"); } } public static Context from_string(string str) { if (str == "AND_HIGHER") return Context.AND_HIGHER; else if (str == "ONLY") return Context.ONLY; else if (str == "AND_LOWER") return Context.AND_LOWER; else error("unrecognized rating search context name: %s", str); } } // Rating to check against. public Rating rating { get; private set; } // How to match. public Context context { get; private set; } public SearchConditionRating(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, Rating rating, Context context) { this.search_type = search_type; this.rating = rating; this.context = context; } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { Rating source_rating = source.get_rating(); if (context == Context.AND_HIGHER) return source_rating >= rating; else if (context == Context.ONLY) return source_rating == rating; else if (context == Context.AND_LOWER) return source_rating <= rating; else error("unknown rating search context"); } } // Condition for date range. public class SearchConditionDate : SearchCondition { public enum Context { EXACT = 0, AFTER, BEFORE, BETWEEN, IS_NOT_SET; public string to_string() { switch (this) { case Context.EXACT: return "EXACT"; case Context.AFTER: return "AFTER"; case Context.BEFORE: return "BEFORE"; case Context.BETWEEN: return "BETWEEN"; case Context.IS_NOT_SET: return "IS_NOT_SET"; default: error("unrecognized date search context enumeration value"); } } public static Context from_string(string str) { if (str == "EXACT") return Context.EXACT; if (str == "AFTER") return Context.AFTER; else if (str == "BEFORE") return Context.BEFORE; else if (str == "BETWEEN") return Context.BETWEEN; else if (str == "IS_NOT_SET") return Context.IS_NOT_SET; else error("unrecognized date search context name: %s", str); } } // Date to check against. Second date only used for between searches. public DateTime date_one { get; private set; } public DateTime date_two { get; private set; } // How to match. public Context context { get; private set; } public SearchConditionDate(SearchCondition.SearchType search_type, Context context, DateTime date_one, DateTime date_two) { this.search_type = search_type; this.context = context; if (context != Context.BETWEEN || date_two.compare(date_one) >= 1) { this.date_one = date_one; this.date_two = date_two; } else { this.date_one = date_two; this.date_two = date_one; } } // Determines whether the source is included. public override bool predicate(MediaSource source) { time_t exposure_time = source.get_exposure_time(); if (exposure_time == 0) return context == Context.IS_NOT_SET; DateTime dt = new DateTime.from_unix_local(exposure_time); switch (context) { case Context.EXACT: DateTime second = date_one.add_days(1); return (dt.compare(date_one) >= 0 && dt.compare(second) < 0); case Context.AFTER: return (dt.compare(date_one) >= 0); case Context.BEFORE: return (dt.compare(date_one) <= 0); case Context.BETWEEN: DateTime second = date_two.add_days(1); return (dt.compare(date_one) >= 0 && dt.compare(second) < 0); case Context.IS_NOT_SET: return false; // Already checked above. default: error("unrecognized date search context enumeration value"); } } } // Contains the logic of a search. // A saved search requires a name, an AND/OR (all/any) operator, as well as a list of one or more conditions. public class SavedSearch : DataSource { public const string TYPENAME = "saved_search"; // Row from the database. private SavedSearchRow row; public SavedSearch(SavedSearchRow row, int64 object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID) { base (object_id); this.row = row; } public override string get_name() { return row.name; } public override string to_string() { return "SavedSearch " + get_name(); } public override string get_typename() { return TYPENAME; } public SavedSearchID get_saved_search_id() { return row.search_id; } public override int64 get_instance_id() { return get_saved_search_id().id; } public static int compare_names(void *a, void *b) { SavedSearch *asearch = (SavedSearch *) a; SavedSearch *bsearch = (SavedSearch *) b; return String.collated_compare(asearch->get_name(), bsearch->get_name()); } public bool predicate(MediaSource source) { bool ret; if (SearchOperator.ALL == row.operator || SearchOperator.NONE == row.operator) ret = true; else ret = false; // assumes conditions.size() > 0 foreach (SearchCondition c in row.conditions) { if (SearchOperator.ALL == row.operator) ret &= c.predicate(source); else if (SearchOperator.ANY == row.operator) ret |= c.predicate(source); else if (SearchOperator.NONE == row.operator) ret &= !c.predicate(source); } return ret; } public void reconstitute() { try { row.search_id = SavedSearchDBTable.get_instance().create_from_row(row); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } SavedSearchTable.get_instance().add_to_map(this); debug("Reconstituted %s", to_string()); } // Returns false if the name already exists or a bad name. public bool rename(string new_name) { if (is_string_empty(new_name)) return false; if (SavedSearchTable.get_instance().exists(new_name)) return false; try { SavedSearchDBTable.get_instance().rename(row.search_id, new_name); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); return false; } SavedSearchTable.get_instance().remove_from_map(this); row.name = new_name; SavedSearchTable.get_instance().add_to_map(this); LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_saved_search(this); return true; } public Gee.List<SearchCondition> get_conditions() { return row.conditions.read_only_view; } public SearchOperator get_operator() { return row.operator; } } // This table contains every saved search. It's the preferred way to add and destroy a saved // search as well, since this table's create/destroy methods are tied to the database. public class SavedSearchTable { private static SavedSearchTable? instance = null; private Gee.HashMap<string, SavedSearch> search_map = new Gee.HashMap<string, SavedSearch>(); public signal void search_added(SavedSearch search); public signal void search_removed(SavedSearch search); private SavedSearchTable() { // Load existing searches from DB. try { foreach(SavedSearchRow row in SavedSearchDBTable.get_instance().get_all_rows()) add_to_map(new SavedSearch(row)); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } } public static SavedSearchTable get_instance() { if (instance == null) instance = new SavedSearchTable(); return instance; } public Gee.Collection<SavedSearch> get_all() { return search_map.values; } // Creates a saved search with the given name, operator, and conditions. The saved search is // added to the database and to this table. public SavedSearch create(string name, SearchOperator operator, Gee.ArrayList<SearchCondition> conditions) { SavedSearch? search = null; // Create a new SavedSearch in the database. try { search = new SavedSearch(SavedSearchDBTable.get_instance().add(name, operator, conditions)); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } // Add search to table. add_to_map(search); LibraryWindow.get_app().switch_to_saved_search(search); return search; } // Removes a saved search, both from here and from the table. public void remove(SavedSearch search) { try { SavedSearchDBTable.get_instance().remove(search.get_saved_search_id()); } catch (DatabaseError err) { AppWindow.database_error(err); } remove_from_map(search); } public void add_to_map(SavedSearch search) { search_map.set(search.get_name(), search); search_added(search); } public void remove_from_map(SavedSearch search) { search_map.unset(search.get_name()); search_removed(search); } public Gee.Iterable<SavedSearch> get_saved_searches() { return search_map.values; } public int get_count() { return search_map.size; } public bool exists(string search_name) { return search_map.has_key(search_name); } // Generate a unique search name (not thread safe) public string generate_unique_name() { for (int ctr = 1; ctr < int.MAX; ctr++) { string name = "%s %d".printf(Resources.DEFAULT_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME, ctr); if (!exists(name)) return name; } return ""; // If all names are used (unlikely!) } }