/* Copyright 2011-2015 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public interface Sidebar.Entry : Object { public signal void sidebar_tooltip_changed(string? tooltip); public signal void sidebar_icon_changed(string? icon); public abstract string get_sidebar_name(); public abstract string? get_sidebar_tooltip(); public abstract string? get_sidebar_icon(); public abstract string to_string(); internal virtual void grafted(Sidebar.Tree tree) { } internal virtual void pruned(Sidebar.Tree tree) { } } public interface Sidebar.ExpandableEntry : Sidebar.Entry { public abstract bool expand_on_select(); } public interface Sidebar.SelectableEntry : Sidebar.Entry { } public interface Sidebar.PageRepresentative : Sidebar.Entry, Sidebar.SelectableEntry { // Fired after the page has been created public signal void page_created(Page page); // Fired before the page is destroyed. public signal void destroying_page(Page page); public abstract bool has_page(); public abstract Page get_page(); } public interface Sidebar.RenameableEntry : Sidebar.Entry { public signal void sidebar_name_changed(string name); public abstract void rename(string new_name); // Return true to allow the user to rename the sidebar entry in the UI. public abstract bool is_user_renameable(); } public interface Sidebar.EmphasizableEntry : Sidebar.Entry { public signal void is_emphasized_changed(bool emphasized); public abstract bool is_emphasized(); } public interface Sidebar.DestroyableEntry : Sidebar.Entry { public abstract void destroy_source(); } public interface Sidebar.InternalDropTargetEntry : Sidebar.Entry { // Returns true if drop was successful public abstract bool internal_drop_received(Gee.List<MediaSource> sources); public abstract bool internal_drop_received_arbitrary(Gtk.SelectionData data); } public interface Sidebar.InternalDragSourceEntry : Sidebar.Entry { public abstract void prepare_selection_data(Gtk.SelectionData data); }