/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ public class KeyValueMap { private string group; private Gee.HashMap<string, string> map = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>(); public KeyValueMap(string group) { this.group = group; } public KeyValueMap copy() { KeyValueMap clone = new KeyValueMap(group); foreach (string key in map.keys) clone.map.set(key, map.get(key)); return clone; } public string get_group() { return group; } public Gee.Set<string> get_keys() { return map.keys; } public bool has_key(string key) { return map.has_key(key); } public void set_string(string key, string value) { assert(key != null); map.set(key, value); } public void set_int(string key, int value) { assert(key != null); map.set(key, value.to_string()); } public void set_double(string key, double value) { assert(key != null); map.set(key, value.to_string()); } public void set_float(string key, float value) { assert(key != null); map.set(key, value.to_string()); } public void set_bool(string key, bool value) { assert(key != null); map.set(key, value.to_string()); } public string get_string(string key, string? def) { string value = map.get(key); return (value != null) ? value : def; } public int get_int(string key, int def) { string value = map.get(key); return (value != null) ? int.parse(value) : def; } public double get_double(string key, double def) { string value = map.get(key); return (value != null) ? double.parse(value) : def; } public float get_float(string key, float def) { string value = map.get(key); return (value != null) ? (float) double.parse(value) : def; } public bool get_bool(string key, bool def) { string value = map.get(key); return (value != null) ? bool.parse(value) : def; } // REDEYE: redeye reduction operates on circular regions defined by // (Gdk.Point, int) pairs, where the Gdk.Point specifies the // bounding circle's center and the the int specifies the circle's // radius so, get_point( ) and set_point( ) functions have been // added here to easily encode/decode Gdk.Points as strings. public Gdk.Point get_point(string key, Gdk.Point def) { string value = map.get(key); if (value == null) { return def; } else { Gdk.Point result = {0}; if (value.scanf("(%d, %d)", &result.x, &result.y) == 2) return result; else return def; } } public void set_point(string key, Gdk.Point point) { map.set(key, "(%d, %d)".printf(point.x, point.y)); } }