/* ui.c generated by valac 0.32.1, the Vala compiler * generated from ui.vala, do not modify */ /* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc. * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ #include <glib.h> #include <glib-object.h> #include "shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <gdk/gdk.h> #define TYPE_ADJUSTMENT_RELATION (adjustment_relation_get_type ()) #define TYPE_COMPASS_POINT (compass_point_get_type ()) #define TYPE_DIRECTION (direction_get_type ()) #define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL)) #define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL))) #define _g_list_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_list_free (var), NULL))) typedef enum { ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_BELOW, ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_IN_RANGE, ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_ABOVE } AdjustmentRelation; typedef enum { COMPASS_POINT_NORTH, COMPASS_POINT_SOUTH, COMPASS_POINT_EAST, COMPASS_POINT_WEST } CompassPoint; typedef enum { DIRECTION_FORWARD, DIRECTION_BACKWARD } Direction; GType adjustment_relation_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GType compass_point_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GType direction_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; SpitTransitionsDirection direction_to_transition_direction (Direction self); const gchar* direction_to_string (Direction self); void spin_event_loop (void); AdjustmentRelation get_adjustment_relation (GtkAdjustment* adjustment, gint value); void get_adjustment_page (GtkAdjustment* hadj, GtkAdjustment* vadj, GdkRectangle* result); gboolean has_only_key_modifier (GdkModifierType field, GdkModifierType mask); gchar* build_dummy_ui_string (GtkActionGroup** groups, int groups_length1); GType adjustment_relation_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize adjustment_relation_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&adjustment_relation_type_id__volatile)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = {{ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_BELOW, "ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_BELOW", "below"}, {ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_IN_RANGE, "ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_IN_RANGE", "in-range"}, {ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_ABOVE, "ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_ABOVE", "above"}, {0, NULL, NULL}}; GType adjustment_relation_type_id; adjustment_relation_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("AdjustmentRelation", values); g_once_init_leave (&adjustment_relation_type_id__volatile, adjustment_relation_type_id); } return adjustment_relation_type_id__volatile; } GType compass_point_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize compass_point_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&compass_point_type_id__volatile)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = {{COMPASS_POINT_NORTH, "COMPASS_POINT_NORTH", "north"}, {COMPASS_POINT_SOUTH, "COMPASS_POINT_SOUTH", "south"}, {COMPASS_POINT_EAST, "COMPASS_POINT_EAST", "east"}, {COMPASS_POINT_WEST, "COMPASS_POINT_WEST", "west"}, {0, NULL, NULL}}; GType compass_point_type_id; compass_point_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("CompassPoint", values); g_once_init_leave (&compass_point_type_id__volatile, compass_point_type_id); } return compass_point_type_id__volatile; } SpitTransitionsDirection direction_to_transition_direction (Direction self) { SpitTransitionsDirection result = 0; #line 25 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" switch (self) { #line 25 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" case DIRECTION_FORWARD: #line 91 "ui.c" { #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = SPIT_TRANSITIONS_DIRECTION_FORWARD; #line 27 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 97 "ui.c" } #line 25 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" case DIRECTION_BACKWARD: #line 101 "ui.c" { #line 30 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = SPIT_TRANSITIONS_DIRECTION_BACKWARD; #line 30 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 107 "ui.c" } default: { GEnumValue* _tmp0_; #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = g_enum_get_value (g_type_class_ref (TYPE_DIRECTION), self); #line 33 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" g_error ("ui.vala:33: Unknown Direction %s", (_tmp0_ != NULL) ? _tmp0_->value_name : NULL); #line 116 "ui.c" } } } GType direction_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize direction_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&direction_type_id__volatile)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = {{DIRECTION_FORWARD, "DIRECTION_FORWARD", "forward"}, {DIRECTION_BACKWARD, "DIRECTION_BACKWARD", "backward"}, {0, NULL, NULL}}; GType direction_type_id; direction_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("Direction", values); g_once_init_leave (&direction_type_id__volatile, direction_type_id); } return direction_type_id__volatile; } void spin_event_loop (void) { #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" while (TRUE) { #line 137 "ui.c" gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE; #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = gtk_events_pending (); #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" if (!_tmp0_) { #line 39 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" break; #line 145 "ui.c" } #line 40 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" gtk_main_iteration (); #line 149 "ui.c" } } AdjustmentRelation get_adjustment_relation (GtkAdjustment* adjustment, gint value) { AdjustmentRelation result = 0; gint _tmp0_ = 0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp1_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp2_ = 0.0; #line 43 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ADJUSTMENT (adjustment), 0); #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = value; #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp1_ = adjustment; #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp2_ = gtk_adjustment_get_value (_tmp1_); #line 44 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" if (_tmp0_ < ((gint) _tmp2_)) { #line 45 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_BELOW; #line 45 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 173 "ui.c" } else { gint _tmp3_ = 0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp4_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp5_ = 0.0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp6_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp7_ = 0.0; #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp3_ = value; #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp4_ = adjustment; #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp5_ = gtk_adjustment_get_value (_tmp4_); #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp6_ = adjustment; #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp7_ = gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (_tmp6_); #line 46 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" if (_tmp3_ > ((gint) (_tmp5_ + _tmp7_))) { #line 47 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_ABOVE; #line 47 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 196 "ui.c" } else { #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = ADJUSTMENT_RELATION_IN_RANGE; #line 49 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 202 "ui.c" } } } void get_adjustment_page (GtkAdjustment* hadj, GtkAdjustment* vadj, GdkRectangle* result) { GdkRectangle rect = {0}; GtkAdjustment* _tmp0_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp1_ = 0.0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp2_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp3_ = 0.0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp4_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp5_ = 0.0; GtkAdjustment* _tmp6_ = NULL; gdouble _tmp7_ = 0.0; #line 52 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ADJUSTMENT (hadj)); #line 52 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ADJUSTMENT (vadj)); #line 53 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" memset (&rect, 0, sizeof (GdkRectangle)); #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = hadj; #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp1_ = gtk_adjustment_get_value (_tmp0_); #line 54 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" rect.x = (gint) _tmp1_; #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp2_ = vadj; #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp3_ = gtk_adjustment_get_value (_tmp2_); #line 55 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" rect.y = (gint) _tmp3_; #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp4_ = hadj; #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp5_ = gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (_tmp4_); #line 56 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" rect.width = (gint) _tmp5_; #line 57 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp6_ = vadj; #line 57 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp7_ = gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (_tmp6_); #line 57 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" rect.height = (gint) _tmp7_; #line 59 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" *result = rect; #line 59 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return; #line 252 "ui.c" } gboolean has_only_key_modifier (GdkModifierType field, GdkModifierType mask) { gboolean result = FALSE; GdkModifierType _tmp0_ = 0; GdkModifierType _tmp1_ = 0; #line 77 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = field; #line 77 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp1_ = mask; #line 77 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = (_tmp0_ & ((((((((GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK) | GDK_MOD1_MASK) | GDK_MOD3_MASK) | GDK_MOD4_MASK) | GDK_MOD5_MASK) | GDK_SUPER_MASK) | GDK_HYPER_MASK) | GDK_META_MASK)) == _tmp1_; #line 77 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 268 "ui.c" } static gpointer _g_object_ref0 (gpointer self) { #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return self ? g_object_ref (self) : NULL; #line 275 "ui.c" } gchar* build_dummy_ui_string (GtkActionGroup** groups, int groups_length1) { gchar* result = NULL; gchar* ui_string = NULL; gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL; GtkActionGroup** _tmp1_ = NULL; gint _tmp1__length1 = 0; const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL; #line 90 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp0_ = g_strdup ("<ui>"); #line 90 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" ui_string = _tmp0_; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp1_ = groups; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp1__length1 = groups_length1; #line 295 "ui.c" { GtkActionGroup** group_collection = NULL; gint group_collection_length1 = 0; gint _group_collection_size_ = 0; gint group_it = 0; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" group_collection = _tmp1_; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" group_collection_length1 = _tmp1__length1; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" for (group_it = 0; group_it < _tmp1__length1; group_it = group_it + 1) { #line 307 "ui.c" GtkActionGroup* _tmp2_ = NULL; GtkActionGroup* group = NULL; #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp2_ = _g_object_ref0 (group_collection[group_it]); #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" group = _tmp2_; #line 314 "ui.c" { GtkActionGroup* _tmp3_ = NULL; GList* _tmp4_ = NULL; #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp3_ = group; #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp4_ = gtk_action_group_list_actions (_tmp3_); #line 322 "ui.c" { GList* action_collection = NULL; GList* action_it = NULL; #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" action_collection = _tmp4_; #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" for (action_it = action_collection; action_it != NULL; action_it = action_it->next) { #line 330 "ui.c" GtkAction* _tmp5_ = NULL; GtkAction* action = NULL; #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp5_ = _g_object_ref0 ((GtkAction*) action_it->data); #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" action = _tmp5_; #line 337 "ui.c" { const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL; GtkAction* _tmp7_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL; GtkAction* _tmp10_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL; const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp6_ = ui_string; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp7_ = action; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp8_ = gtk_action_get_name (_tmp7_); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp9_ = _tmp8_; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp10_ = action; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp11_ = gtk_action_get_name (_tmp10_); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp12_ = _tmp11_; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp13_ = g_strdup_printf ("<accelerator name=\"%s\" action=\"%s\" />", _tmp9_, _tmp12_); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp14_ = _tmp13_; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp15_ = g_strconcat (_tmp6_, _tmp14_, NULL); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_free0 (ui_string); #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" ui_string = _tmp15_; #line 93 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_free0 (_tmp14_); #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_object_unref0 (action); #line 377 "ui.c" } } #line 92 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_list_free0 (action_collection); #line 382 "ui.c" } #line 91 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_object_unref0 (group); #line 386 "ui.c" } } } #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp16_ = ui_string; #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _tmp17_ = g_strconcat (_tmp16_, "</ui>", NULL); #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" _g_free0 (ui_string); #line 95 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" ui_string = _tmp17_; #line 97 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" result = ui_string; #line 97 "/home/jens/Source/shotwell/src/util/ui.vala" return result; #line 402 "ui.c" }