<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN' 'http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd'> <node> <!-- org.gnome.Shotwell.Faces1: @short_description: Face detection/recognition --> <interface name="org.gnome.Shotwell.Faces1"> <!-- DetectFaces @image: Image file to run face detection on @cascade: Cascade XML file - unused @scale: Scaling to apply on image @infer: Provide an Returns an array of face bounding boxes (x,y,w,h) in dimensionless units --> <method name="DetectFaces"> <arg type="s" name="image" direction="in" /> <arg type="s" name="cascade" direction="in" /> <arg type="d" name="scale" direction="in" /> <arg type="b" name="infer" direction="in" /> <arg type="a(ddddad)" name="faces" direction="out" /> </method> <!-- LoadNet @net: path to folder containing the DNN Returns non-zero on any error --> <method name="LoadNet"> <arg type="s" name="net" direction="in" /> <arg type="b" name="ret" direction="out" /> </method> <!-- Terminate --> <method name="Terminate"> </method> </interface> </node>