This is the source code to "Simple Scan" a simple GNOME scanning application,
using the sane scanning libraries.

The Simple Scan homepage with further information is located at:


Unfortunatly Simple Scan is a little bit picky about dependencies when building.
The latest version of Simple Scan is primarily developed on

* Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

and know to successfully build using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch lp:simple-scan simple-scan && cd simple-scan
sudo apt-get build-dep simple-scan
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt-get install valac-0.16 vala-0.16
sudo update-alternatives --config valac # select vala-0.16

# one of the follwing
./autogen.sh                           # system-wide installation
./autogen.sh --prefix=`pwd`/install    # for development purposes

make install

Due to popular demand we have an experimental git mirror at
You can clone from there should you prefer git over bzr.
Please keep in mind that the sync bzr->git is done manually.


The following tips might be helpful when debugging.

There is a --debug command line switch to enable more verbose logging:
./install/bin/simple-scan --debug

Log messages can also be found in the $HOME/.cache/simple-scan folder.

Simple Scan config goes to $HOME/.gconf/apps/simple-scan/%gconf.xml
and that file is best edited with the gconf-editor tool.

If you don't have a scanner ready, you can use a virtual "test" scanner:
./install/bin/simple-scan --debug test

When debugging hardware issues always check xsane and especially scanimage.

* http://xsane.org/
* http://www.sane-project.org/man/scanimage.1.html


The preferred way to contribute code to Simple Scan is
to create a merge request on Launchpad.

* Creating a merge request on Launchpad involves creating an account:
* You need set up a SSH key with Launchpad:
* How to configure bazaar (whoami) and create commits: 
* Push the changes to a personal repository on Launchpad:
bzr push lp:~$USER/simple-scan/$BRANCHNAME
where $USER is your Launchpad Id and $COMMENT is a newly created branch name.
* Propose merging your new branch to the master branch on:

If everything is set up correctly the following should work:
bzr branch lp:simple-scan simple-scan-$FEATURE && cd simple-scan-$FEATURE
bzr add .
bzr commit -m "add $FEATURE"
bzr push lp:~$LAUNCHPADID/simple-scan/$FEATURE
xdg-open "https://code.launchpad.net/~"

If this does not work for you, feel free to contact us
via one of the channels listed below.


### Websites
* https://launchpad.net/simple-scan
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/simple-scan
* https://answers.launchpad.net/simple-scan

### Mailing Lists
* https://launchpad.net/~simple-scan-users
* https://launchpad.net/~simple-scan-team

### IRC
* Freenode (irc.ubuntu.com): #simple-scan