<schemalist> <enum id="org.gnome.SimpleScan.PageSide"> <value value="1" nick="front"/> <value value="2" nick="back"/> <value value="3" nick="both"/> </enum> <schema id="org.gnome.SimpleScan" path="/org/gnome/simple-scan/" gettext-domain="simple-scan"> <key name="selected-device" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Device to scan from</_summary> <_description>SANE device to acquire images from.</_description> </key> <key name="document-type" type="s"> <default>'photo'</default> <choices> <choice value="text"/> <choice value="photo"/> </choices> <_summary>Type of document being scanned</_summary> <_description>Type of document being scanned. This setting decides on the scan resolution, colors and post-processing.</_description> </key> <key name="paper-width" type="i"> <default>0</default> <_summary>Width of paper in tenths of a mm</_summary> <_description>The width of the paper in tenths of a mm (or 0 for automatic paper detection).</_description> </key> <key name="paper-height" type="i"> <default>0</default> <_summary>Height of paper in tenths of a mm</_summary> <_description>The height of the paper in tenths of a mm (or 0 for automatic paper detection).</_description> </key> <key name="brightness" type="i"> <default>0</default> <_summary>Brightness of scan</_summary> <_description>The brightness adjustment from -100 to 100 (0 being none).</_description> </key> <key name="contrast" type="i"> <default>0</default> <_summary>Contrast of scan</_summary> <_description>The contrast adjustment from -100 to 100 (0 being none).</_description> </key> <key name="text-dpi" type="i"> <default>150</default> <_summary>Resolution for text scans</_summary> <_description>The resolution in dots-per-inch to use when scanning text.</_description> </key> <key name="photo-dpi" type="i"> <default>300</default> <_summary>Resolution for photo scans</_summary> <_description>The resolution in dots-per-inch to use when scanning photos.</_description> </key> <key name="page-side" enum="org.gnome.SimpleScan.PageSide"> <default>'both'</default> <_summary>Page side to scan</_summary> <_description>The page side to scan.</_description> </key> <key name="save-directory" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Directory to save files to</_summary> <_description>The directory to save files to. Defaults to the documents directory if unset.</_description> </key> <key name="jpeg-quality" type="i"> <range min="0" max="100"/> <default>75</default> <_summary>Quality value to use for JPEG compression</_summary> <_description>Quality value to use for JPEG compression.</_description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>