<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"

        <revision pkgversion="3.35.90" date="2020-02-07"/>
        <credit type="author" its:translate="no">
            <name>Robert Ancell</name>
        <credit type="author" its:translate="no">
            <name>Ali Shtarbanov</name>
        <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
        <link type="guide" xref="index#acquire"/>
	<title>Setting the Scan Resolution</title>

    The default resolution for document type <gui><em>Text</em></gui> is 150 dpi (dots per inch)
    and for document type <gui><em>Image</em></gui> is 300 dpi. To change these settings:

        <p>Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select
        <gui style="menuitem">Preferences</gui>.</p>
        <p>In <gui style="group">Quality</gui> section change the <gui>Text Resolution</gui> or <gui>Image Resolution</gui> value.</p>
        <p>Close the dialog.</p>
    <p>The available scanning resolutions for both document types (Text and Image) are the same
    and are listed in the following table:</p>
    <table frame="bottom left right" rules="rows cols" shade="rows">
		<td><p><em>Text Resolution</em></p></td>
		<td><p><em>Image Resolution</em></p></td>
		<td><p>75 dpi (draft)</p></td>
		<td><p>75 dpi (draft)</p></td>
		<td><p>150 dpi (default)</p></td>
		<td><p>150 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>200 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>200 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>300 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>300 dpi (default)</p></td>
		<td><p>600 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>600 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>1200 dpi (high resolution)</p></td>
		<td><p>1200 dpi (high resolution)</p></td>
		<td><p>2400 dpi</p></td>
		<td><p>2400 dpi</p></td>
    <note style="important"><p><gui><em>Text</em></gui> documents are always scanned in black
      and white, while <gui><em>Image</em></gui> documents are always scanned in color, at any
