# Gaelic; Scottish translation for simple-scan
# Copyright (c) 2011 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2011
# This file is distributed under the same license as the simple-scan package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: simple-scan\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-29 12:47+1200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-17 06:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Launchpad Translations Administrators <Unknown>\n"
"Language-Team: Gaelic; Scottish <gd@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-11-18 05:52+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 18269)\n"

#. Button to submit authorization dialog
#: data/simple-scan.ui:24
msgid "_Authorize"
msgstr "Ùg_hdarraich"

#. Label beside username entry
#: data/simple-scan.ui:102
msgid "_Username for resource:"
msgstr "_An t-ainm-cleachdaiche airson a' ghoireis:"

#. Label beside password entry
#: data/simple-scan.ui:117
msgid "_Password:"
msgstr "_Facal-faire:"

#. Combo box label for scanning both sides of a page
#: data/simple-scan.ui:188
msgid "Front and Back"
msgstr "A h-aghaidh 's a cùl"

#. Combo box label for scanning the front side of a page
#: data/simple-scan.ui:192
msgid "Front"
msgstr "A h-aghaidh"

#. Combo box label for scanning the back side of a page
#: data/simple-scan.ui:196
msgid "Back"
msgstr "A cùl"

#. Title of scan window
#: data/simple-scan.ui:225 data/simple-scan.ui:809
#: data/simple-scan.desktop.in:3 data/simple-scan.appdata.xml.in:6
msgid "Simple Scan"
msgstr "Sganadh simplidh"

#. Label on document menu (contains actions for this document, e.g. save, print)
#: data/simple-scan.ui:241
msgid "_Document"
msgstr "_Sgrìobhainn"

#. Scan menu item
#: data/simple-scan.ui:260
msgid "Sc_an"
msgstr "Sg_anaich"

#. Scan menu item to scan a single page from the scanner
#. Toolbar scan menu item to scan a single page from the scanner
#: data/simple-scan.ui:273 data/simple-scan.ui:1306 data/simple-scan.ui:1356
msgid "Single _Page"
msgstr "_Duilleag shingilte"

#. Scan menu item to scan all pages from a document feeder
#. Toolbar scan menu item to scan all pages from a document feeder
#: data/simple-scan.ui:283 data/simple-scan.ui:1315 data/simple-scan.ui:1365
msgid "All Pages From _Feeder"
msgstr "Gach duilleag a tha san _bhiathadair"

#. Menu entry to stop current scan
#: data/simple-scan.ui:294
msgid "_Stop Scan"
msgstr "Cuir _stad air an sganadh"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:310 data/simple-scan.ui:1330 data/simple-scan.ui:1380
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:320 data/simple-scan.ui:1340 data/simple-scan.ui:1390
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Dealbh"

#. Title of dialog to reorder pages
#: ../src/ui.vala:1183 ../src/ui.vala:1841
msgid "Reorder Pages"
msgstr "Atharraich òrdugh nan duilleagan"

#. Label on email menu item
#: data/simple-scan.ui:367
msgid "_Email"
msgstr "_Post-d"

#. Page menu (contains action for each page, e.g. delete, crop)
#: data/simple-scan.ui:430
msgid "_Page"
msgstr "_Duilleag"

#. Menu item to rotate page to left (anti-clockwise)
#: data/simple-scan.ui:440
msgid "Rotate _Left"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu _tuathail"

#. Menu item to rotate page to right (clockwise)
#: data/simple-scan.ui:450
msgid "Rotate _Right"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu _deiseil"

#. Label for page crop submenu
#: data/simple-scan.ui:460
msgid "_Crop"
msgstr "_Bearr"

#. Radio button for no crop
#: data/simple-scan.ui:470
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Cha_n eil gin"

#. Radio button for cropping page to A4 size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:481
msgid "A_4"
msgstr "A_4"

#. Radio button for cropping page to A5 size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:492
msgid "A_5"
msgstr "A_5"

#. Radio button for cropping page to A6 size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:503
msgid "A_6"
msgstr "A_6"

#. Radio button for cropping page to US letter size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:514
msgid "_Letter"
msgstr "_Litir"

#. Radio button for cropping to page to US legal size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:525
msgid "Le_gal"
msgstr "Le_gal"

#. Radio button for cropping page to 4x6 inch
#: data/simple-scan.ui:536
msgid "4×6"
msgstr "4×6"

#. Radio button for cropping to custom page size
#: data/simple-scan.ui:547
msgid "_Custom"
msgstr "_Gnàthaichte"

#. Menu item to rotate the crop area
#: data/simple-scan.ui:565
msgid "_Rotate Crop"
msgstr "_Cuairtich an raon bearraidh"

#. Menu item to move the selected page to the left
#: data/simple-scan.ui:578
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Gluais gun taobh chlì"

#. Menu item to move the selected page to the right
#: data/simple-scan.ui:587
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Gluais gun taobh deas"

#. Label on help menu
#: data/simple-scan.ui:624
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Cobhair"

#. Help|Contents menu
#: data/simple-scan.ui:632
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Clàr-innse"

#. Tooltip for new document button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:674 data/simple-scan.ui:885
msgid "Start a new document"
msgstr "Tòisich air sgrìobhainn ùr"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:675
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ùr"

#. Tooltip for scan toolbar button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:689 data/simple-scan.ui:836
msgid "Scan a single page from the scanner"
msgstr "Sganaich duilleag shingilte on sganair"

#. Label on scan toolbar item
#: data/simple-scan.ui:691 data/simple-scan.ui:837
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Sganaich"

#. Tooltip for save toolbar button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:707 data/simple-scan.ui:864
msgid "Save document to a file"
msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn mar fhaidhle"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1842
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sàbhail"

#. Tooltip for stop button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:724 data/simple-scan.ui:824
msgid "Stop the current scan"
msgstr "Cuir stad air an sganadh làithreach"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:725 data/simple-scan.ui:825
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stad"

#. Tooltip for rotate left (counter-clockwise) button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:749 data/simple-scan.ui:936
msgid "Rotate the page to the left (counter-clockwise)"
msgstr "Cuairtich an duilleag gu tuathail"

#. Label on rotate page left (anti-clockwise) item
#: data/simple-scan.ui:750
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu tuathail"

#. Tooltip for rotate right (clockwise) button
#: data/simple-scan.ui:764 data/simple-scan.ui:914
msgid "Rotate the page to the right (clockwise)"
msgstr "Cuairtich an duilleag gu deiseil"

#. Label on rotate page right (clockwise) item
#: data/simple-scan.ui:765
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Cuairtich gu deiseil"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:779 data/simple-scan.ui:963
msgid "Crop the selected page"
msgstr "Bearr an duilleag a thagh thu"

#: data/simple-scan.ui:781
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Bearr"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1849
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Roghainnean"

#. Label beside scan source combo box
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1048
msgid "Scan S_ource:"
msgstr "Tùs an _sganaidh:"

#. Label beside scan source combo box
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1079
msgid "_Text Resolution:"
msgstr "_Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh an teacsa:"

#. Label beside scan source combo box
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1095
msgid "_Photo Resolution:"
msgstr "_Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh an deilbh:"

#. Label beside scan side combo box
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1139
msgid "Scan Side:"
msgstr "Sganaich taobh:"

#. Label beside page size combo box
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1169
msgid "Page Size:"
msgstr "Meud na duilleige:"

#. Label beside brightness scale
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1199
msgid "Brightness:"
msgstr "Soilleireachd:"

#. Label beside contrast scale
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1229
msgid "Contrast:"
msgstr "Iomsgaradh:"

#. Label beside quality scale
#: data/simple-scan.ui:1260
msgid "Quality:"
msgstr "Càileachd:"

#: data/simple-scan.desktop.in:4
msgid "Document Scanner"
msgstr "Sganair sgrìobhainnean"

#: data/simple-scan.desktop.in:5
msgid "Scan Documents"
msgstr "Sganaich sgrìobhainnean"

#: data/simple-scan.desktop.in:6
msgid "scan;scanner;flatbed;adf;"
msgstr "scan;scanner;flatbed;adf;sganair;sganaich;sganadh;"

#: data/simple-scan.desktop.in:8
msgid "scanner"
msgstr ""

#: data/simple-scan.appdata.xml.in:8
msgid ""
"A really easy way to scan both documents and photos. You can crop out the "
"bad parts of a photo and rotate it if it is the wrong way round. You can "
"print your scans, export them to pdf, or save them in a range of image "
msgstr ""
"Seo dòigh glè fhurasta gus an dà chuid sgrìobhainnean is dealbhan a sganadh. "
"'S urrainn dhut na pàirtean dona dhen dhealbh a bhearradh air falbh agus an "
"dealbh a chuairteachadh mur eil a' chomhair cheart air. 'S urrainn dhut na "
"sganaich thu a chlò-bhualadh, às-phortadh gu PDF no a shàbhaladh ann an "
"taghadh de fhòrmatan deilbh."

#: data/simple-scan.appdata.xml.in:13
msgid ""
"Simple Scan uses the SANE framework to support most existing scanners."
msgstr ""
"Cleachdaidh Sganadh simplidh a' framework SANE gus taic a thoirt dhan "
"mhòrchuid a sganairean a tha ann."

#. Error displayed when no scanners to scan with
#: ../src/scanner.vala:841
msgid "No scanners available.  Please connect a scanner."
msgstr "Chan eil sganair sam bith ri làimh. Feuch is ceangail sganair ris."

#. Error displayed when cannot connect to scanner
#: ../src/scanner.vala:871
msgid "Unable to connect to scanner"
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ris an sganair."

#. Error display when unable to start scan
#: ../src/scanner.vala:1223
msgid "Unable to start scan"
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn tòiseachadh air an sganadh"

#. Error displayed when communication with scanner broken
#: ../src/scanner.vala:1236 ../src/scanner.vala:1333
msgid "Error communicating with scanner"
msgstr "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a' conaltradh ris an sganair"

#. Help string for command line --version flag
#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:21
msgid "Show release version"
msgstr "Seall tionndadh an sgaoilidh"

#. Help string for command line --debug flag
#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:24
msgid "Print debugging messages"
msgstr "Clò-bhuail teachdaireachdan dì-bhugachaidh"

#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:26
msgid "Fix PDF files generated with older versions of Simple Scan"
msgstr ""
"Càirich faidhlichean PDF a chaidh a chruthachadh le seann-tionndaidhean dhe "
"Sganadh simplidh"

#. Title of error dialog when scan failed
#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:391
msgid "Failed to scan"
msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an sganadh"

#. Arguments and description for --help text
#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:621
msgid "[DEVICE...] - Scanning utility"
msgstr "[DEVICE...] - Goireas sganaidh"

#. Text printed out when an unknown command-line argument provided
#: ../src/simple-scan.vala:632
#, c-format
msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
msgstr ""
"Ruith \"%s --help\" airson liosta shlàn dhe na roghainnean command line a "
"tha ri làimh fhaicinn."

#: ../src/ui.vala:318 ../src/ui.vala:1602 ../src/ui.vala:1887
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Dùin"

#. Label in authorization dialog.  '%s' is replaced with the name of the resource requesting authorization
#: ../src/ui.vala:327
#, c-format
msgid "Username and password required to access '%s'"
msgstr ""
"Tha feum air ainm-cleachdaiche agus facal-faire mus faighear cothrom air "

#. Warning displayed when no scanners are detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:375
msgid "No scanners detected"
msgstr "Cha deach sganair sam bith a lorg"

#. Hint to user on why there are no scanners detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:377
msgid "Please check your scanner is connected and powered on"
msgstr "Dèan cinnteach gu bheil sganair ceangailte ris agus gu bheil e air"

#. Warning displayed when no drivers are installed but a compatible scanner is detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:382
msgid "Additional software needed"
msgstr "Tha bathar-bog a dhìth"

#. Instructions to install driver software
#: ../src/ui.vala:384
msgid "You need to install driver software for your scanner."
msgstr "Feumaidh tu bathar-bog draibheir a stàladh airson an sganair agad."

#. Save dialog: Dialog title
#: ../src/ui.vala:506 ../src/ui.vala:1843
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Sàbhail mar..."

#: ../src/ui.vala:509 ../src/ui.vala:675
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Sguir dheth"

#: ../src/ui.vala:510 ../src/ui.vala:676
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Sàbhail"

#. Default filename to use when saving document
#: ../src/ui.vala:516
msgid "Scanned Document.pdf"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn sganaichte.pdf"

#. Save dialog: Filter name to show only image files
#: ../src/ui.vala:521
msgid "Image Files"
msgstr "Faidhlichean deilbh"

#. Save dialog: Filter name to show all files
#: ../src/ui.vala:527
msgid "All Files"
msgstr "Na h-uile faidhle"

#. Save dialog: Label for saving in PDF format
#: ../src/ui.vala:536
msgid "PDF (multi-page document)"
msgstr "PDF {sgrìobhainn ioma-dhuilleagach}"

#. Save dialog: Label for saving in JPEG format
#: ../src/ui.vala:542
msgid "JPEG (compressed)"
msgstr "JPEG (dùmhlaichte)"

#. Save dialog: Label for saving in PNG format
#: ../src/ui.vala:548
msgid "PNG (lossless)"
msgstr "PNG (gun chall càileachd)"

#. Label in save dialog beside combo box to choose file format (PDF, JPEG, PNG)
#: ../src/ui.vala:557
msgid "File format:"
msgstr "Fòrmat an fhaidhle:"

#. Title of error dialog when save failed
#: ../src/ui.vala:650
msgid "Failed to save file"
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn a shàbhaladh ann am faidhle"

#. Text in dialog warning when a document is about to be lost
#: ../src/ui.vala:673
msgid "If you don't save, changes will be permanently lost."
msgstr ""
"Mur an sàbhail thu e, thèid atharrachadh sam bith a rinn thu air chall."

#. Text in dialog warning when a document is about to be lost
#: ../src/ui.vala:708
msgid "Save current document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn làithreach a shàbhaladh?"

#. Button in dialog to create new document and discard unsaved document
#: ../src/ui.vala:710
msgid "Discard Changes"
msgstr "Tilg air falbh na h-atharraichean"

#. Error message display when unable to save image for preview
#: ../src/ui.vala:992
msgid "Unable to save image for preview"
msgstr "Cha ghabh an ìomhaigh a shàbhaladh airson a ro-shealladh"

#. Error message display when unable to preview image
#: ../src/ui.vala:1004
msgid "Unable to open image preview application"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an aplacaid fhosgladh a ro-sheallas an ìomhaigh"

#. Label on button for combining sides in reordering dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1206
msgid "Combine sides"
msgstr "Cuir còmhla na duilleagan"

#. Label on button for combining sides in reverse order in reordering dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1216
msgid "Combine sides (reverse)"
msgstr "Cuir còmhla na duilleagan (ann an òrdugh contrarra)"

#. Label on button for reversing in reordering dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1226
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Contrarra"

#. Label on button for cancelling page reordering dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1236
msgid "Keep unchanged"
msgstr "Cum gun atharrachadh"

#. Error message displayed when unable to launch help browser
#: ../src/ui.vala:1451
msgid "Unable to open help file"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn faidhle na cobharach fhosgladh"

#. The license this software is under (GPL3+)
#: ../src/ui.vala:1472
msgid ""
"This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
msgstr ""
"This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."

#. Title of about dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1475
msgid "About Simple Scan"
msgstr "Mu dhèidhinn Sganadh simplidh"

#. Description of program
#: ../src/ui.vala:1478
msgid "Simple document scanning tool"
msgstr "Inneal simplidh airson sganadh sgrìobhainnean"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1487
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
"  Akerbeltz https://launchpad.net/~fios\n"
"  GunChleoc https://launchpad.net/~gunchleoc\n"
"  alasdair caimbeul https://launchpad.net/~alexd-deactivatedaccount"

#. Text in dialog warning when a document is about to be lost
#: ../src/ui.vala:1509
msgid "Save document before quitting?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mus dèan sinn fàgail?"

#. Button in dialog to quit and discard unsaved document
#: ../src/ui.vala:1511
msgid "Quit without Saving"
msgstr "Fàg gun a shàbhaladh"

#. Message to indicate a Brother scanner has been detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:1579
msgid "You appear to have a Brother scanner."
msgstr "Tha coltas gu bheil sganair Brother agad."

#. Instructions on how to install Brother scanner drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1581
msgid ""
"Drivers for this are available on the <a "
"href=\"http://support.brother.com\">Brother website</a>."
msgstr ""
"Tha draibhearan dha ri am faighinn air <a "
"href=\"http://support.brother.com\">làrach-lìn Brother</a>."

#. Message to indicate a Samsung scanner has been detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:1585
msgid "You appear to have a Samsung scanner."
msgstr "Tha coltas gu bheil sganair Samsung agad."

#. Instructions on how to install Samsung scanner drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1587
msgid ""
"Drivers for this are available on the <a "
"href=\"http://samsung.com/support\">Samsung website</a>."
msgstr ""
"Tha draibhearan dha ri am faighinn air <a "
"href=\"http://samsung.com/support\">làrach-lìn Samsung</a>."

#. Message to indicate a HP scanner has been detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:1591
msgid "You appear to have an HP scanner."
msgstr "Tha coltas gu bheil sganair HP agad."

#. Message to indicate an Epson scanner has been detected
#: ../src/ui.vala:1596
msgid "You appear to have an Epson scanner."
msgstr "Tha coltas gu bheil sganair Epson agad."

#. Instructions on how to install Epson scanner drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1598
msgid ""
"Drivers for this are available on the <a "
"href=\"http://support.epson.com\">Epson website</a>."
msgstr ""
"Tha draibhearan dha ri am faighinn air <a "
"href=\"http://support.epson.com\">làrach-lìn Epson</a>."

#. Title of dialog giving instructions on how to install drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1602
msgid "Install drivers"
msgstr "Stàlaich na draibhearan"

#. Message in driver install dialog
#: ../src/ui.vala:1633
msgid "Once installed you will need to restart Simple Scan."
msgstr ""
"Bidh Sganadh simplidh feumach air ath-thòiseachadh às dèidh seo a stàladh."

#. Label shown while installing drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1645
msgid "Installing drivers..."
msgstr "A' stàladh nan draibhearan..."

#. Label shown once drivers successfully installed
#: ../src/ui.vala:1653
msgid "Drivers installed successfully!"
msgstr "Tha na draibhearan air an stàladh!"

#. Label shown if failed to install drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1663
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to install drivers (error code %d)."
msgstr "Cha deach leinn na draibhearan a stàladh (còd na mearachd: %d)."

#. Label shown if failed to install drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1669
msgid "Failed to install drivers."
msgstr "Cha deach leinn na draibhearan a stàladh."

#. Label shown to prompt user to install packages (when PackageKit not available)
#: ../src/ui.vala:1676
#, c-format
msgid "You need to install the %s package(s)."
msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' phacaid / na pacaidean %s a stàladh."

#. Preferences dialog: Label for default resolution in resolution list
#: ../src/ui.vala:1784
#, c-format
msgid "%d dpi (default)"
msgstr "%d dpi (bun-roghainn)"

#. Preferences dialog: Label for minimum resolution in resolution list
#: ../src/ui.vala:1787
#, c-format
msgid "%d dpi (draft)"
msgstr "%d dpi (dreachd)"

#. Preferences dialog: Label for maximum resolution in resolution list
#: ../src/ui.vala:1790
#, c-format
msgid "%d dpi (high resolution)"
msgstr "%d dpi (dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh àrd)"

#. Preferences dialog: Label for resolution value in resolution list (dpi = dots per inch)
#: ../src/ui.vala:1793
#, c-format
msgid "%d dpi"
msgstr "%d dpi"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1835
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1840
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1844
msgid "Email..."
msgstr "Post-d..."

#: ../src/ui.vala:1845
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Clò-bhuail..."

#: ../src/ui.vala:1853
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Cobhair"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1854
msgid "About"
msgstr "Mu dhèidhinn"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1855
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Fàg an-seo"

#. Button in error infobar to open preferences dialog and change scanner
#: ../src/ui.vala:1889
msgid "Change _Scanner"
msgstr "Atharraich an _sganair"

#. Button in error infobar to prompt user to install drivers
#: ../src/ui.vala:1891
msgid "_Install Drivers"
msgstr "Stàlaich na dra_ibhearan"

#. Combo box value for automatic paper size
#: ../src/ui.vala:1897
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1947
msgid "Darker"
msgstr "Nas duirche"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1949
msgid "Lighter"
msgstr "Nas soilleire"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1957
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Nas lugha"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1959
msgid "More"
msgstr "Barrrachd"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1967
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "As lugha"

#: ../src/ui.vala:1969
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "As motha"

#: ../src/ui.vala:2008
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "A' sàbhaladh na sgrìobhainn..."

#: ../src/ui.vala:2173
#, c-format
msgid "Saving page %d out of %d"
msgstr "A' sàbhaladh duilleag %d a-mach à %d"

#~ msgid "4&#xD7;6"
#~ msgstr "4&#xD7;6"

#~ msgid "Window height in pixels"
#~ msgstr "Àirde na h-uinneige ann am piosgailean"

#~ msgid "Window width in pixels"
#~ msgstr "Leud na h-uinneige ann am piosgailean"

#~ msgid "Device to scan from"
#~ msgstr "An t-uidheam a nì an sganadh"

#~ msgid "TRUE if the application window is maximized"
#~ msgstr "TRUE ma tha uinneag na h-aplacaid air a làn-mheudachadh"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Type of document being scanned. This setting decides on the scan resolution, "
#~ "colors and post-processing."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Seòrsa na sgrìobhainne a tha 'ga sganadh. Tha an roghainn seo a' "
#~ "suidheachadh dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh, dathan agus iar-ghiullachd an sgana."

#~ msgid "The direction of the scanner across the scanned page."
#~ msgstr "Comhair an sganair thairis air an duilleag a tha 'ga sganadh."

#~ msgid "Type of document being scanned"
#~ msgstr "Seòrsa na sgrìobhainne a tha 'ga sganadh"

#~ msgid "Direction of scan"
#~ msgstr "Comhair an sgana"

#~ msgid "Height of scanned image in pixels"
#~ msgstr "Àirde na h-ìomhaigh a tha 'ga sganadh ann am piosgailean"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The width of scanned image in pixels. This value is updated to what the last "
#~ "scanned page was."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Leud na h-ìomhaigh a tha 'ga sganadh ann am piogsailean. Thèid leud na "
#~ "duilleige mu dheireadh a chaidh a sganadh a chur an-seo."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The height of scanned image in pixels. This value is updated to what the "
#~ "last scanned page was."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Àirde na h-ìomhaigh a tha 'ga sganadh ann am piogsailean. Thèid àirde na "
#~ "duilleige mu dheireadh a chaidh a sganadh a chur an-seo."

#~ msgid "SANE device to acquire images from."
#~ msgstr "An t-uidheam SANE a gheibhear na h-ìomhaighean uaithe."

#~ msgid "Width of paper in tenths of a mm"
#~ msgstr "Leud a' phàipeir ann an deicheamhan de mm"

#~ msgid "Width of scanned image in pixels"
#~ msgstr "Leud na h-ìomhaigh a tha 'ga sganadh ann am piogsailean"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The width of the paper in tenths of a mm (or 0 for automatic paper "
#~ "detection)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Leud a' phàipeir ann an deicheamhan de mm (no 0 airson mothachadh fèin-"
#~ "obrachail do leud a' phàipeir)."

#~ msgid "The contrast adjustment from -100 to 100 (0 being none)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Socrachadh an iomsgaraidh eadar -100 agus 100 ('s ciall dha 0 nach bi gin "
#~ "ann)"

#~ msgid "Contrast of scan"
#~ msgstr "Iomsgaradh an sgana"

#~ msgid "The brightness adjustment from -100 to 100 (0 being none)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Socrachadh na soilleireachd eadar -100 agus 100 ('s ciall dha 0 nach bi gin "
#~ "ann)"

#~ msgid "Brightness of scan"
#~ msgstr "Soilleireachd an sgana"

#~ msgid "Resolution for text scans"
#~ msgstr "An dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh airson sganadh teacsa"

#~ msgid "The resolution in dots-per-inch of the previously scanned image."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh, ann a dotagan gach òirleach, na h-ìomhaighe a chaidh a "
#~ "sganadh roimhe."

#~ msgid "Resolution of last scanned image"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh na h-ìomhaighe a chaidh a sganadh turas mu dheireadh"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The height of the paper in tenths of a mm (or 0 for automatic paper "
#~ "detection)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Àirde a' phàipeir ann an deicheamhan de mm (no 0 airson mothachadh fèin-"
#~ "obrachail do dh'àirde a' phàipeir)."

#~ msgid "Height of paper in tenths of a mm"
#~ msgstr "Àirde a' phàipeir ann an deicheamhan de mm"

#~ msgid "The page side to scan."
#~ msgstr "Dè taobh na duilleige a tha ri sganadh."

#~ msgid "Quality value to use for JPEG compression."
#~ msgstr "Ìre na càileachd a thèid a chleachdadh airson dùmhlachdh JPEG."

#~ msgid "Page side to scan"
#~ msgstr "Dè taobh na duilleige a tha ri sganadh"

#~ msgid "Quality value to use for JPEG compression"
#~ msgstr "Ìre na càileachd a thèid a chleachdadh airson dùmhlachdh JPEG"

#~ msgid "Resolution for photo scans"
#~ msgstr "An dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh airson sganadh dhealbhan"

#~ msgid "The resolution in dots-per-inch to use when scanning text."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh, ann a dotagan gach òirleach, a chleachdar airson "
#~ "sganadh teacsa."

#~ msgid "The resolution in dots-per-inch to use when scanning photos."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh, ann a dotagan gach òirleach, a chleachdar airson "
#~ "sganadh dhealbhan."

#~ msgid "Directory to save files to"
#~ msgstr "Am pasgan san dèid na faidhlichean a shàbhaladh ann"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The directory to save files to. Defaults to the documents directory if unset."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Am pasgan san dèid na faidhlichean a shàbhaladh ann. Thèid an sàbhaladh ann "
#~ "am pasgan nan sgrìobhainnean a ghnàth mur an deach seo atharrachadh."

#~ msgid "Scanned Document"
#~ msgstr "Sgrìobhainn sganaichte"

#~ msgid "Select File _Type"
#~ msgstr "Tagh _seòrsa an fhaidhle"

#~ msgid "Please check your installation"
#~ msgstr "Thoir sùil air an stàladh agad"

#~ msgid "Files missing"
#~ msgstr "Tha faidhlichean a dhìth"