/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Bartłomiej Maryńczak * Author: Bartłomiej Maryńczak <marynczakbartlomiej@gmail.com>, * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/SimpleScan/ui/drivers-dialog.ui")] private class DriversDialog : Gtk.Window { [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Revealer header_revealer; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Label main_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Label main_sublabel; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Revealer progress_revealer; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Label result_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Label result_sublabel; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Image result_icon; [GtkChild] private unowned Gtk.Stack stack; private uint pulse_timer; private string? missing_driver; public DriversDialog (Gtk.Window parent, string? missing_driver) { this.missing_driver = missing_driver; set_transient_for (parent); } ~DriversDialog () { pulse_stop (); } private void pulse_start () { pulse_stop (); pulse_timer = GLib.Timeout.add(100, () => { progress_bar.pulse (); return Source.CONTINUE; }); } private void pulse_stop () { Source.remove (pulse_timer); } public async void open () { var message = "", instructions = ""; string[] packages_to_install = {}; switch (missing_driver) { case "brscan": case "brscan2": case "brscan3": case "brscan4": /* Message to indicate a Brother scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have a Brother scanner."); /* Instructions on how to install Brother scanner drivers */ instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"http://support.brother.com\">Brother website</a>."); break; case "pixma": /* Message to indicate a Canon Pixma scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have a Canon scanner, which is supported by the <a href=\"http://www.sane-project.org/man/sane-pixma.5.html\">Pixma SANE backend</a>."); /* Instructions on how to resolve issue with SANE scanner drivers */ instructions = _("Please check if your <a href=\"http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html\">scanner is supported by SANE</a>, otherwise report the issue to the <a href=\"https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel\">SANE mailing list</a>."); break; case "samsung": /* Message to indicate a Samsung scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have a Samsung scanner."); /* Instructions on how to install Samsung scanner drivers. Because HP acquired Samsung's global printing business in 2017, the support is made on HP site. */ instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"https://support.hp.com\">HP website</a> (HP acquired Samsung's printing business)."); break; case "hpaio": case "smfp": /* Message to indicate a HP scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have an HP scanner."); if (missing_driver == "hpaio") packages_to_install = { "libsane-hpaio" }; else /* Instructions on how to install HP scanner drivers. smfp is rebranded and slightly modified Samsung devices, for example: HP Laser MFP 135a is rebranded Samsung Xpress SL-M2070. It require custom drivers, not available in hpaio package */ instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"https://support.hp.com\">HP website</a>."); break; case "epkowa": /* Message to indicate an Epson scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have an Epson scanner."); /* Instructions on how to install Epson scanner drivers */ instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"http://support.epson.com\">Epson website</a>."); break; case "lexmark_nscan": /* Message to indicate a Lexmark scanner has been detected */ message = _("You appear to have a Lexmark scanner."); /* Instructions on how to install Lexmark scanner drivers */ instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"http://support.lexmark.com\">Lexmark website</a>."); break; } main_label.label = message; main_sublabel.label = instructions; if (packages_to_install.length > 0) { #if HAVE_PACKAGEKIT this.progress_revealer.reveal_child = true; pulse_start(); main_sublabel.set_text (/* Label shown while installing drivers */ _("Installing drivers…")); present (); /* Label shown once drivers successfully installed */ var result_text = _("Drivers installed successfully!"); var success = true; try { var results = yield install_packages(packages_to_install, () => {}); if (results.get_error_code () != null) { var e = results.get_error_code (); /* Label shown if failed to install drivers */ result_text = _("Failed to install drivers (error code %d).").printf (e.code); success = false; } } catch (Error e) { /* Label shown if failed to install drivers */ result_text = _("Failed to install drivers."); success = false; warning ("Failed to install drivers: %s", e.message); } result_label.label = result_text; if (success) { result_sublabel.label = _("Once installed you will need to restart this app."); result_icon.icon_name = "emblem-ok-symbolic"; } else { result_sublabel.visible = false; result_icon.icon_name = "emblem-important-symbolic"; } stack.set_visible_child_name ("result"); header_revealer.reveal_child = false; progress_revealer.reveal_child = false; pulse_stop (); #else main_sublabel.set_text (/* Label shown to prompt user to install packages (when PackageKit not available) */ ngettext ("You need to install the %s package.", "You need to install the %s packages.", packages_to_install.length).printf (string.joinv (", ", packages_to_install))); present (); #endif } } #if HAVE_PACKAGEKIT private async Pk.Results? install_packages (string[] packages, Pk.ProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error { var task = new Pk.Task (); Pk.Results results; results = yield task.resolve_async (Pk.Filter.NOT_INSTALLED, packages, null, progress_callback); if (results == null || results.get_error_code () != null) return results; var package_array = results.get_package_array (); var package_ids = new string[package_array.length + 1]; package_ids[package_array.length] = null; for (var i = 0; i < package_array.length; i++) package_ids[i] = package_array.data[i].get_id (); return yield task.install_packages_async (package_ids, null, progress_callback); } #endif }