/* page-view.c generated by valac 0.16.0, the Vala compiler * generated from page-view.vala, do not modify */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd. * Author: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include <glib.h> #include <glib-object.h> #include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <gdk/gdk.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cairo.h> #include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h> #define TYPE_CROP_LOCATION (crop_location_get_type ()) #define TYPE_PAGE_VIEW (page_view_get_type ()) #define PAGE_VIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, PageView)) #define PAGE_VIEW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, PageViewClass)) #define IS_PAGE_VIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)) #define IS_PAGE_VIEW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)) #define PAGE_VIEW_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, PageViewClass)) typedef struct _PageView PageView; typedef struct _PageViewClass PageViewClass; typedef struct _PageViewPrivate PageViewPrivate; #define TYPE_PAGE (page_get_type ()) #define PAGE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), TYPE_PAGE, Page)) #define PAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_PAGE, PageClass)) #define IS_PAGE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), TYPE_PAGE)) #define IS_PAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), TYPE_PAGE)) #define PAGE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), TYPE_PAGE, PageClass)) typedef struct _Page Page; typedef struct _PageClass PageClass; #define TYPE_SCAN_DIRECTION (scan_direction_get_type ()) #define _page_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (page_unref (var), NULL))) #define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL))) #define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL)) typedef struct _ParamSpecPageView ParamSpecPageView; typedef enum { CROP_LOCATION_NONE = 0, CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE, CROP_LOCATION_TOP, CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM, CROP_LOCATION_LEFT, CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT, CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT, CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT, CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT, CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT } CropLocation; struct _PageView { GTypeInstance parent_instance; volatile int ref_count; PageViewPrivate * priv; }; struct _PageViewClass { GTypeClass parent_class; void (*finalize) (PageView *self); }; typedef enum { SCAN_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM, SCAN_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, SCAN_DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP, SCAN_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT } ScanDirection; struct _PageViewPrivate { Page* page; GdkPixbuf* image; gboolean selected; gint border_width; gboolean update_image; ScanDirection scan_direction; gint scan_line; gint width; gint height; gint x_offset; gint y_offset; CropLocation crop_location; gdouble selected_crop_px; gdouble selected_crop_py; gint selected_crop_x; gint selected_crop_y; gint selected_crop_w; gint selected_crop_h; GdkCursorType cursor; gint animate_n_segments; gint animate_segment; guint animate_timeout; }; struct _ParamSpecPageView { GParamSpec parent_instance; }; static gpointer page_view_parent_class = NULL; GType crop_location_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; gpointer page_view_ref (gpointer instance); void page_view_unref (gpointer instance); GParamSpec* param_spec_page_view (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags); void value_set_page_view (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); void value_take_page_view (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); gpointer value_get_page_view (const GValue* value); GType page_view_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; gpointer page_ref (gpointer instance); void page_unref (gpointer instance); GParamSpec* param_spec_page (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags); void value_set_page (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); void value_take_page (GValue* value, gpointer v_object); gpointer value_get_page (const GValue* value); GType page_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GType scan_direction_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; #define PAGE_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, PageViewPrivate)) enum { PAGE_VIEW_DUMMY_PROPERTY }; PageView* page_view_new (Page* page); PageView* page_view_construct (GType object_type, Page* page); static void page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p); static void _page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb_page_pixels_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self); static void page_view_page_size_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p); static void _page_view_page_size_changed_cb_page_size_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self); static void page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p); static void _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_crop_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self); static void _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_scan_line_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self); static void page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p); static void _page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb_page_scan_direction_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self); Page* page_view_get_page (PageView* self); void page_view_set_selected (PageView* self, gboolean selected); gboolean page_view_get_selected (PageView* self); void page_view_set_x_offset (PageView* self, gint offset); void page_view_set_y_offset (PageView* self, gint offset); gint page_view_get_x_offset (PageView* self); gint page_view_get_y_offset (PageView* self); static guchar page_view_get_sample (PageView* self, guchar* pixels, int pixels_length1, gint offset, gint x, gint depth, gint sample); static void page_view_get_pixel (PageView* self, Page* page, gint x, gint y, guchar* pixel, int pixel_length1); ScanDirection page_get_scan_direction (Page* self); gint page_get_scan_width (Page* self); gint page_get_scan_height (Page* self); gint page_get_depth (Page* self); gint page_get_n_channels (Page* self); guchar* page_get_pixels (Page* self, int* result_length1); gint page_get_rowstride (Page* self); static void page_view_set_pixel (PageView* self, Page* page, gdouble l, gdouble r, gdouble t, gdouble b, guchar* output, int output_length1, gint offset); static void page_view_update_preview (PageView* self, Page* page, GdkPixbuf** output_image, gint output_width, gint output_height, ScanDirection scan_direction, gint old_scan_line, gint scan_line); gint page_get_width (Page* self); gint page_get_height (Page* self); gboolean page_has_data (Page* self); static gint page_view_get_preview_width (PageView* self); static gint page_view_get_preview_height (PageView* self); static void page_view_update_page_view (PageView* self); gint page_get_scan_line (Page* self); static gint page_view_page_to_screen_x (PageView* self, gint x); static gint page_view_page_to_screen_y (PageView* self, gint y); static gint page_view_screen_to_page_x (PageView* self, gint x); static gint page_view_screen_to_page_y (PageView* self, gint y); static CropLocation page_view_get_crop_location (PageView* self, gint x, gint y); gboolean page_has_crop (Page* self); void page_get_crop (Page* self, gint* x, gint* y, gint* width, gint* height); gchar* page_get_named_crop (Page* self); void page_view_button_press (PageView* self, gint x, gint y); void page_view_motion (PageView* self, gint x, gint y); void page_move_crop (Page* self, gint x, gint y); void page_set_custom_crop (Page* self, gint width, gint height); void page_view_button_release (PageView* self, gint x, gint y); GdkCursorType page_view_get_cursor (PageView* self); static gboolean page_view_animation_cb (PageView* self); static void page_view_update_animation (PageView* self); gboolean page_is_scanning (Page* self); static gboolean _page_view_animation_cb_gsource_func (gpointer self); void page_view_render (PageView* self, cairo_t* context); void page_view_set_width (PageView* self, gint width); void page_view_set_height (PageView* self, gint height); gint page_view_get_width (PageView* self); gint page_view_get_height (PageView* self); static void page_view_finalize (PageView* obj); GType crop_location_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize crop_location_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&crop_location_type_id__volatile)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = {{CROP_LOCATION_NONE, "CROP_LOCATION_NONE", "none"}, {CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE, "CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE", "middle"}, {CROP_LOCATION_TOP, "CROP_LOCATION_TOP", "top"}, {CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM, "CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM", "bottom"}, {CROP_LOCATION_LEFT, "CROP_LOCATION_LEFT", "left"}, {CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT, "CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT", "right"}, {CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT, "CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT", "top-left"}, {CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT, "CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT", "top-right"}, {CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT, "CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT", "bottom-left"}, {CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT, "CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "bottom-right"}, {0, NULL, NULL}}; GType crop_location_type_id; crop_location_type_id = g_enum_register_static ("CropLocation", values); g_once_init_leave (&crop_location_type_id__volatile, crop_location_type_id); } return crop_location_type_id__volatile; } static gpointer _page_ref0 (gpointer self) { return self ? page_ref (self) : NULL; } static void _page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb_page_pixels_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self) { page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb (self, _sender); } static void _page_view_page_size_changed_cb_page_size_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self) { page_view_page_size_changed_cb (self, _sender); } static void _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_crop_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self) { page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb (self, _sender); } static void _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_scan_line_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self) { page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb (self, _sender); } static void _page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb_page_scan_direction_changed (Page* _sender, gpointer self) { page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb (self, _sender); } PageView* page_view_construct (GType object_type, Page* page) { PageView* self = NULL; Page* _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; Page* _tmp2_; Page* _tmp3_; Page* _tmp4_; Page* _tmp5_; Page* _tmp6_; g_return_val_if_fail (page != NULL, NULL); self = (PageView*) g_type_create_instance (object_type); _tmp0_ = page; _tmp1_ = _page_ref0 (_tmp0_); _page_unref0 (self->priv->page); self->priv->page = _tmp1_; _tmp2_ = page; g_signal_connect (_tmp2_, "pixels-changed", (GCallback) _page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb_page_pixels_changed, self); _tmp3_ = page; g_signal_connect (_tmp3_, "size-changed", (GCallback) _page_view_page_size_changed_cb_page_size_changed, self); _tmp4_ = page; g_signal_connect (_tmp4_, "crop-changed", (GCallback) _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_crop_changed, self); _tmp5_ = page; g_signal_connect (_tmp5_, "scan-line-changed", (GCallback) _page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb_page_scan_line_changed, self); _tmp6_ = page; g_signal_connect (_tmp6_, "scan-direction-changed", (GCallback) _page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb_page_scan_direction_changed, self); return self; } PageView* page_view_new (Page* page) { return page_view_construct (TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, page); } Page* page_view_get_page (PageView* self) { Page* result = NULL; Page* _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL); _tmp0_ = self->priv->page; _tmp1_ = _page_ref0 (_tmp0_); result = _tmp1_; return result; } void page_view_set_selected (PageView* self, gboolean selected) { gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp2_; gboolean _tmp4_; gboolean _tmp9_; gboolean _tmp10_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp2_ = self->priv->selected; if (_tmp2_) { gboolean _tmp3_; _tmp3_ = selected; _tmp1_ = _tmp3_; } else { _tmp1_ = FALSE; } _tmp4_ = _tmp1_; if (_tmp4_) { _tmp0_ = TRUE; } else { gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp6_; gboolean _tmp8_; _tmp6_ = self->priv->selected; if (!_tmp6_) { gboolean _tmp7_; _tmp7_ = selected; _tmp5_ = !_tmp7_; } else { _tmp5_ = FALSE; } _tmp8_ = _tmp5_; _tmp0_ = _tmp8_; } _tmp9_ = _tmp0_; if (_tmp9_) { return; } _tmp10_ = selected; self->priv->selected = _tmp10_; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } gboolean page_view_get_selected (PageView* self) { gboolean result = FALSE; gboolean _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE); _tmp0_ = self->priv->selected; result = _tmp0_; return result; } void page_view_set_x_offset (PageView* self, gint offset) { gint _tmp0_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = offset; self->priv->x_offset = _tmp0_; } void page_view_set_y_offset (PageView* self, gint offset) { gint _tmp0_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = offset; self->priv->y_offset = _tmp0_; } gint page_view_get_x_offset (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->x_offset; result = _tmp0_; return result; } gint page_view_get_y_offset (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->y_offset; result = _tmp0_; return result; } static guchar page_view_get_sample (PageView* self, guchar* pixels, int pixels_length1, gint offset, gint x, gint depth, gint sample) { guchar result = '\0'; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, '\0'); result = (guchar) 0xFF; return result; } static void page_view_get_pixel (PageView* self, Page* page, gint x, gint y, guchar* pixel, int pixel_length1) { Page* _tmp0_; ScanDirection _tmp1_ = 0; Page* _tmp18_; gint _tmp19_ = 0; gint depth; Page* _tmp20_; gint _tmp21_ = 0; gint n_channels; Page* _tmp22_; gint _tmp23_ = 0; guchar* _tmp24_ = NULL; guchar* pixels; gint pixels_length1; gint _pixels_size_; Page* _tmp25_; gint _tmp26_ = 0; gint _tmp27_; gint offset; gboolean _tmp28_ = FALSE; gint _tmp29_; gboolean _tmp31_; guchar* _tmp102_; gint _tmp102__length1; guchar* _tmp103_; gint _tmp103__length1; gint _tmp104_; gint _tmp105_; gint _tmp106_; gint _tmp107_; gint _tmp108_; guchar _tmp109_ = '\0'; guchar _tmp110_; guchar* _tmp111_; gint _tmp111__length1; guchar* _tmp112_; gint _tmp112__length1; gint _tmp113_; gint _tmp114_; gint _tmp115_; gint _tmp116_; gint _tmp117_; guchar _tmp118_ = '\0'; guchar _tmp119_; guchar* _tmp120_; gint _tmp120__length1; guchar* _tmp121_; gint _tmp121__length1; gint _tmp122_; gint _tmp123_; gint _tmp124_; gint _tmp125_; gint _tmp126_; guchar _tmp127_ = '\0'; guchar _tmp128_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (page != NULL); _tmp0_ = page; _tmp1_ = page_get_scan_direction (_tmp0_); switch (_tmp1_) { case SCAN_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: { break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: { Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; gint _tmp4_; Page* _tmp5_; gint _tmp6_ = 0; gint _tmp7_; _tmp2_ = page; _tmp3_ = page_get_scan_width (_tmp2_); _tmp4_ = x; x = (_tmp3_ - _tmp4_) - 1; _tmp5_ = page; _tmp6_ = page_get_scan_height (_tmp5_); _tmp7_ = y; y = (_tmp6_ - _tmp7_) - 1; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT: { gint _tmp8_; gint t; Page* _tmp9_; gint _tmp10_ = 0; gint _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_; _tmp8_ = x; t = _tmp8_; _tmp9_ = page; _tmp10_ = page_get_scan_width (_tmp9_); _tmp11_ = y; x = (_tmp10_ - _tmp11_) - 1; _tmp12_ = t; y = _tmp12_; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: { gint _tmp13_; gint t; gint _tmp14_; Page* _tmp15_; gint _tmp16_ = 0; gint _tmp17_; _tmp13_ = x; t = _tmp13_; _tmp14_ = y; x = _tmp14_; _tmp15_ = page; _tmp16_ = page_get_scan_height (_tmp15_); _tmp17_ = t; y = (_tmp16_ - _tmp17_) - 1; break; } default: break; } _tmp18_ = page; _tmp19_ = page_get_depth (_tmp18_); depth = _tmp19_; _tmp20_ = page; _tmp21_ = page_get_n_channels (_tmp20_); n_channels = _tmp21_; _tmp22_ = page; _tmp24_ = page_get_pixels (_tmp22_, &_tmp23_); pixels = _tmp24_; pixels_length1 = _tmp23_; _pixels_size_ = pixels_length1; _tmp25_ = page; _tmp26_ = page_get_rowstride (_tmp25_); _tmp27_ = y; offset = _tmp26_ * _tmp27_; _tmp29_ = depth; if (_tmp29_ == 8) { gint _tmp30_; _tmp30_ = n_channels; _tmp28_ = _tmp30_ == 3; } else { _tmp28_ = FALSE; } _tmp31_ = _tmp28_; if (_tmp31_) { gint _tmp32_; gint _tmp33_; gint _tmp34_; gint o; guchar* _tmp35_; gint _tmp35__length1; guchar* _tmp36_; gint _tmp36__length1; gint _tmp37_; guchar _tmp38_; guchar _tmp39_; guchar* _tmp40_; gint _tmp40__length1; guchar* _tmp41_; gint _tmp41__length1; gint _tmp42_; guchar _tmp43_; guchar _tmp44_; guchar* _tmp45_; gint _tmp45__length1; guchar* _tmp46_; gint _tmp46__length1; gint _tmp47_; guchar _tmp48_; guchar _tmp49_; _tmp32_ = offset; _tmp33_ = x; _tmp34_ = n_channels; o = _tmp32_ + (_tmp33_ * _tmp34_); _tmp35_ = pixel; _tmp35__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp36_ = pixels; _tmp36__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp37_ = o; _tmp38_ = _tmp36_[_tmp37_]; _tmp35_[0] = _tmp38_; _tmp39_ = _tmp35_[0]; _tmp40_ = pixel; _tmp40__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp41_ = pixels; _tmp41__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp42_ = o; _tmp43_ = _tmp41_[_tmp42_ + 1]; _tmp40_[1] = _tmp43_; _tmp44_ = _tmp40_[1]; _tmp45_ = pixel; _tmp45__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp46_ = pixels; _tmp46__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp47_ = o; _tmp48_ = _tmp46_[_tmp47_ + 2]; _tmp45_[2] = _tmp48_; _tmp49_ = _tmp45_[2]; return; } else { gboolean _tmp50_ = FALSE; gint _tmp51_; gboolean _tmp53_; _tmp51_ = depth; if (_tmp51_ == 8) { gint _tmp52_; _tmp52_ = n_channels; _tmp50_ = _tmp52_ == 1; } else { _tmp50_ = FALSE; } _tmp53_ = _tmp50_; if (_tmp53_) { guchar* _tmp54_; gint _tmp54__length1; guchar* _tmp55_; gint _tmp55__length1; guchar* _tmp56_; gint _tmp56__length1; guchar* _tmp57_; gint _tmp57__length1; gint _tmp58_; gint _tmp59_; guchar _tmp60_; guchar _tmp61_; guchar _tmp62_; guchar _tmp63_; _tmp54_ = pixel; _tmp54__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp55_ = pixel; _tmp55__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp56_ = pixel; _tmp56__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp57_ = pixels; _tmp57__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp58_ = offset; _tmp59_ = x; _tmp60_ = _tmp57_[_tmp58_ + _tmp59_]; _tmp56_[2] = _tmp60_; _tmp61_ = _tmp56_[2]; _tmp55_[1] = _tmp61_; _tmp62_ = _tmp55_[1]; _tmp54_[0] = _tmp62_; _tmp63_ = _tmp54_[0]; return; } else { gboolean _tmp64_ = FALSE; gint _tmp65_; gboolean _tmp67_; _tmp65_ = depth; if (_tmp65_ == 1) { gint _tmp66_; _tmp66_ = n_channels; _tmp64_ = _tmp66_ == 1; } else { _tmp64_ = FALSE; } _tmp67_ = _tmp64_; if (_tmp67_) { gint _tmp68_; gint _tmp69_; gint o; gint _tmp70_ = 0; guchar* _tmp71_; gint _tmp71__length1; gint _tmp72_; guchar _tmp73_; gint _tmp74_; guchar* _tmp75_; gint _tmp75__length1; guchar* _tmp76_; gint _tmp76__length1; guchar* _tmp77_; gint _tmp77__length1; gint _tmp78_; guchar _tmp79_; guchar _tmp80_; guchar _tmp81_; _tmp68_ = offset; _tmp69_ = x; o = _tmp68_ + (_tmp69_ / 8); _tmp71_ = pixels; _tmp71__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp72_ = o; _tmp73_ = _tmp71_[_tmp72_]; _tmp74_ = x; if (((gint) (_tmp73_ & (0x80 >> (_tmp74_ % 8)))) != 0) { _tmp70_ = 0x00; } else { _tmp70_ = 0xFF; } _tmp75_ = pixel; _tmp75__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp76_ = pixel; _tmp76__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp77_ = pixel; _tmp77__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp78_ = _tmp70_; _tmp77_[2] = (guchar) _tmp78_; _tmp79_ = _tmp77_[2]; _tmp76_[1] = _tmp79_; _tmp80_ = _tmp76_[1]; _tmp75_[0] = _tmp80_; _tmp81_ = _tmp75_[0]; return; } else { gboolean _tmp82_ = FALSE; gint _tmp83_; gboolean _tmp85_; _tmp83_ = depth; if (_tmp83_ == 2) { gint _tmp84_; _tmp84_ = n_channels; _tmp82_ = _tmp84_ == 1; } else { _tmp82_ = FALSE; } _tmp85_ = _tmp82_; if (_tmp85_) { gint _tmp86_[4] = {0}; gint block_shift[4]; gint _tmp87_; gint _tmp88_; gint o; guchar* _tmp89_; gint _tmp89__length1; gint _tmp90_; guchar _tmp91_; gint _tmp92_; gint _tmp93_; gint sample; gint _tmp94_; guchar* _tmp95_; gint _tmp95__length1; guchar* _tmp96_; gint _tmp96__length1; guchar* _tmp97_; gint _tmp97__length1; gint _tmp98_; guchar _tmp99_; guchar _tmp100_; guchar _tmp101_; _tmp86_[0] = 6; _tmp86_[1] = 4; _tmp86_[2] = 2; _tmp86_[3] = 0; memcpy (block_shift, _tmp86_, 4 * sizeof (gint)); _tmp87_ = offset; _tmp88_ = x; o = _tmp87_ + (_tmp88_ / 4); _tmp89_ = pixels; _tmp89__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp90_ = o; _tmp91_ = _tmp89_[_tmp90_]; _tmp92_ = x; _tmp93_ = block_shift[_tmp92_ % 4]; sample = (_tmp91_ >> _tmp93_) & 0x3; _tmp94_ = sample; sample = (_tmp94_ * 255) / 3; _tmp95_ = pixel; _tmp95__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp96_ = pixel; _tmp96__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp97_ = pixel; _tmp97__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp98_ = sample; _tmp97_[2] = (guchar) _tmp98_; _tmp99_ = _tmp97_[2]; _tmp96_[1] = _tmp99_; _tmp100_ = _tmp96_[1]; _tmp95_[0] = _tmp100_; _tmp101_ = _tmp95_[0]; return; } } } } _tmp102_ = pixel; _tmp102__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp103_ = pixels; _tmp103__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp104_ = offset; _tmp105_ = x; _tmp106_ = depth; _tmp107_ = x; _tmp108_ = n_channels; _tmp109_ = page_view_get_sample (self, _tmp103_, _tmp103__length1, _tmp104_, _tmp105_, _tmp106_, _tmp107_ * _tmp108_); _tmp102_[0] = _tmp109_; _tmp110_ = _tmp102_[0]; _tmp111_ = pixel; _tmp111__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp112_ = pixels; _tmp112__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp113_ = offset; _tmp114_ = x; _tmp115_ = depth; _tmp116_ = x; _tmp117_ = n_channels; _tmp118_ = page_view_get_sample (self, _tmp112_, _tmp112__length1, _tmp113_, _tmp114_, _tmp115_, (_tmp116_ * _tmp117_) + 1); _tmp111_[1] = _tmp118_; _tmp119_ = _tmp111_[1]; _tmp120_ = pixel; _tmp120__length1 = pixel_length1; _tmp121_ = pixels; _tmp121__length1 = pixels_length1; _tmp122_ = offset; _tmp123_ = x; _tmp124_ = depth; _tmp125_ = x; _tmp126_ = n_channels; _tmp127_ = page_view_get_sample (self, _tmp121_, _tmp121__length1, _tmp122_, _tmp123_, _tmp124_, (_tmp125_ * _tmp126_) + 2); _tmp120_[2] = _tmp127_; _tmp128_ = _tmp120_[2]; } static void page_view_set_pixel (PageView* self, Page* page, gdouble l, gdouble r, gdouble t, gdouble b, guchar* output, int output_length1, gint offset) { gdouble _tmp0_; gint L; gint _tmp1_; gdouble _tmp2_; gdouble _tmp4_; gint R; gdouble _tmp5_; gint T; gint _tmp6_; gdouble _tmp7_; gdouble _tmp9_; gint B; gdouble red; gdouble green; gdouble blue; gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp12_; gdouble _tmp13_; gboolean _tmp16_; gboolean _tmp23_; gboolean _tmp293_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp294_; gint _tmp295_; gboolean _tmp298_; gboolean _tmp320_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp321_; gint _tmp322_; gboolean _tmp325_; gboolean _tmp347_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp348_; gint _tmp349_; gboolean _tmp352_; gboolean _tmp374_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp375_; gint _tmp376_; gboolean _tmp379_; gdouble _tmp401_; gdouble _tmp402_; gdouble _tmp403_; gdouble _tmp404_; gdouble scale; guchar* _tmp405_; gint _tmp405__length1; gint _tmp406_; gdouble _tmp407_; gdouble _tmp408_; guchar _tmp409_; guchar* _tmp410_; gint _tmp410__length1; gint _tmp411_; gdouble _tmp412_; gdouble _tmp413_; guchar _tmp414_; guchar* _tmp415_; gint _tmp415__length1; gint _tmp416_; gdouble _tmp417_; gdouble _tmp418_; guchar _tmp419_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (page != NULL); _tmp0_ = l; L = (gint) _tmp0_; _tmp1_ = L; _tmp2_ = l; if (((gdouble) _tmp1_) != _tmp2_) { gint _tmp3_; _tmp3_ = L; L = _tmp3_ + 1; } _tmp4_ = r; R = (gint) _tmp4_; _tmp5_ = t; T = (gint) _tmp5_; _tmp6_ = T; _tmp7_ = t; if (((gdouble) _tmp6_) != _tmp7_) { gint _tmp8_; _tmp8_ = T; T = _tmp8_ + 1; } _tmp9_ = b; B = (gint) _tmp9_; red = 0.0; green = 0.0; blue = 0.0; _tmp12_ = r; _tmp13_ = l; if ((_tmp12_ - _tmp13_) <= 1.0) { gdouble _tmp14_; gdouble _tmp15_; _tmp14_ = r; _tmp15_ = l; _tmp11_ = ((gint) _tmp14_) == ((gint) _tmp15_); } else { _tmp11_ = FALSE; } _tmp16_ = _tmp11_; if (_tmp16_) { _tmp10_ = TRUE; } else { gboolean _tmp17_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp18_; gdouble _tmp19_; gboolean _tmp22_; _tmp18_ = b; _tmp19_ = t; if ((_tmp18_ - _tmp19_) <= 1.0) { gdouble _tmp20_; gdouble _tmp21_; _tmp20_ = b; _tmp21_ = t; _tmp17_ = ((gint) _tmp20_) == ((gint) _tmp21_); } else { _tmp17_ = FALSE; } _tmp22_ = _tmp17_; _tmp10_ = _tmp22_; } _tmp23_ = _tmp10_; if (_tmp23_) { gboolean _tmp24_ = FALSE; gdouble _tmp25_; gdouble _tmp26_; gboolean _tmp29_; gint _tmp45_; gint _tmp46_; gdouble _tmp173_; gdouble _tmp174_; gdouble _tmp175_; gdouble _tmp176_; gdouble scale; guchar* _tmp177_; gint _tmp177__length1; gint _tmp178_; gdouble _tmp179_; gdouble _tmp180_; guchar _tmp181_; guchar* _tmp182_; gint _tmp182__length1; gint _tmp183_; gdouble _tmp184_; gdouble _tmp185_; guchar _tmp186_; guchar* _tmp187_; gint _tmp187__length1; gint _tmp188_; gdouble _tmp189_; gdouble _tmp190_; guchar _tmp191_; _tmp25_ = l; _tmp26_ = r; if (((gint) _tmp25_) == ((gint) _tmp26_)) { _tmp24_ = TRUE; } else { gdouble _tmp27_; gdouble _tmp28_; _tmp27_ = t; _tmp28_ = b; _tmp24_ = ((gint) _tmp27_) == ((gint) _tmp28_); } _tmp29_ = _tmp24_; if (_tmp29_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp30_; gdouble _tmp31_; gdouble _tmp32_; guchar* _tmp33_; gint _tmp33__length1; gint _tmp34_; guchar _tmp35_; guchar _tmp36_; guchar* _tmp37_; gint _tmp37__length1; gint _tmp38_; guchar _tmp39_; guchar _tmp40_; guchar* _tmp41_; gint _tmp41__length1; gint _tmp42_; guchar _tmp43_; guchar _tmp44_; _tmp30_ = page; _tmp31_ = l; _tmp32_ = t; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp30_, (gint) _tmp31_, (gint) _tmp32_, p, 3); _tmp33_ = output; _tmp33__length1 = output_length1; _tmp34_ = offset; _tmp35_ = p[0]; _tmp33_[_tmp34_] = _tmp35_; _tmp36_ = _tmp33_[_tmp34_]; _tmp37_ = output; _tmp37__length1 = output_length1; _tmp38_ = offset; _tmp39_ = p[1]; _tmp37_[_tmp38_ + 1] = _tmp39_; _tmp40_ = _tmp37_[_tmp38_ + 1]; _tmp41_ = output; _tmp41__length1 = output_length1; _tmp42_ = offset; _tmp43_ = p[2]; _tmp41_[_tmp42_ + 2] = _tmp43_; _tmp44_ = _tmp41_[_tmp42_ + 2]; return; } _tmp45_ = L; _tmp46_ = R; if (_tmp45_ > _tmp46_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp47_; gint _tmp48_; gint _tmp49_; gdouble _tmp50_; guchar _tmp51_; gdouble _tmp52_; gdouble _tmp53_; gint _tmp54_; gdouble _tmp55_; gdouble _tmp56_; guchar _tmp57_; gdouble _tmp58_; gdouble _tmp59_; gint _tmp60_; gdouble _tmp61_; gdouble _tmp62_; guchar _tmp63_; gdouble _tmp64_; gdouble _tmp65_; gint _tmp66_; gdouble _tmp67_; Page* _tmp89_; gint _tmp90_; gint _tmp91_; gdouble _tmp92_; guchar _tmp93_; gdouble _tmp94_; gdouble _tmp95_; gdouble _tmp96_; gint _tmp97_; gdouble _tmp98_; guchar _tmp99_; gdouble _tmp100_; gdouble _tmp101_; gdouble _tmp102_; gint _tmp103_; gdouble _tmp104_; guchar _tmp105_; gdouble _tmp106_; gdouble _tmp107_; gdouble _tmp108_; gint _tmp109_; _tmp47_ = page; _tmp48_ = R; _tmp49_ = T; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp47_, _tmp48_, _tmp49_ - 1, p, 3); _tmp50_ = red; _tmp51_ = p[0]; _tmp52_ = r; _tmp53_ = l; _tmp54_ = T; _tmp55_ = t; red = _tmp50_ + ((_tmp51_ * (_tmp52_ - _tmp53_)) * (_tmp54_ - _tmp55_)); _tmp56_ = green; _tmp57_ = p[1]; _tmp58_ = r; _tmp59_ = l; _tmp60_ = T; _tmp61_ = t; green = _tmp56_ + ((_tmp57_ * (_tmp58_ - _tmp59_)) * (_tmp60_ - _tmp61_)); _tmp62_ = blue; _tmp63_ = p[2]; _tmp64_ = r; _tmp65_ = l; _tmp66_ = T; _tmp67_ = t; blue = _tmp62_ + ((_tmp63_ * (_tmp64_ - _tmp65_)) * (_tmp66_ - _tmp67_)); { gint _tmp68_; gint y; _tmp68_ = T; y = _tmp68_; { gboolean _tmp69_; _tmp69_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp70_; gint _tmp72_; gint _tmp73_; Page* _tmp74_; gint _tmp75_; gint _tmp76_; gdouble _tmp77_; guchar _tmp78_; gdouble _tmp79_; gdouble _tmp80_; gdouble _tmp81_; guchar _tmp82_; gdouble _tmp83_; gdouble _tmp84_; gdouble _tmp85_; guchar _tmp86_; gdouble _tmp87_; gdouble _tmp88_; _tmp70_ = _tmp69_; if (!_tmp70_) { gint _tmp71_; _tmp71_ = y; y = _tmp71_ + 1; } _tmp69_ = FALSE; _tmp72_ = y; _tmp73_ = B; if (!(_tmp72_ < _tmp73_)) { break; } _tmp74_ = page; _tmp75_ = R; _tmp76_ = y; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp74_, _tmp75_, _tmp76_, p, 3); _tmp77_ = red; _tmp78_ = p[0]; _tmp79_ = r; _tmp80_ = l; red = _tmp77_ + (_tmp78_ * (_tmp79_ - _tmp80_)); _tmp81_ = green; _tmp82_ = p[1]; _tmp83_ = r; _tmp84_ = l; green = _tmp81_ + (_tmp82_ * (_tmp83_ - _tmp84_)); _tmp85_ = blue; _tmp86_ = p[2]; _tmp87_ = r; _tmp88_ = l; blue = _tmp85_ + (_tmp86_ * (_tmp87_ - _tmp88_)); } } } _tmp89_ = page; _tmp90_ = R; _tmp91_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp89_, _tmp90_, _tmp91_, p, 3); _tmp92_ = red; _tmp93_ = p[0]; _tmp94_ = r; _tmp95_ = l; _tmp96_ = b; _tmp97_ = B; red = _tmp92_ + ((_tmp93_ * (_tmp94_ - _tmp95_)) * (_tmp96_ - _tmp97_)); _tmp98_ = green; _tmp99_ = p[1]; _tmp100_ = r; _tmp101_ = l; _tmp102_ = b; _tmp103_ = B; green = _tmp98_ + ((_tmp99_ * (_tmp100_ - _tmp101_)) * (_tmp102_ - _tmp103_)); _tmp104_ = blue; _tmp105_ = p[2]; _tmp106_ = r; _tmp107_ = l; _tmp108_ = b; _tmp109_ = B; blue = _tmp104_ + ((_tmp105_ * (_tmp106_ - _tmp107_)) * (_tmp108_ - _tmp109_)); } else { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp110_; gint _tmp111_; gint _tmp112_; gdouble _tmp113_; guchar _tmp114_; gdouble _tmp115_; gdouble _tmp116_; gint _tmp117_; gdouble _tmp118_; gdouble _tmp119_; guchar _tmp120_; gdouble _tmp121_; gdouble _tmp122_; gint _tmp123_; gdouble _tmp124_; gdouble _tmp125_; guchar _tmp126_; gdouble _tmp127_; gdouble _tmp128_; gint _tmp129_; gdouble _tmp130_; Page* _tmp152_; gint _tmp153_; gint _tmp154_; gdouble _tmp155_; guchar _tmp156_; gdouble _tmp157_; gdouble _tmp158_; gdouble _tmp159_; gint _tmp160_; gdouble _tmp161_; guchar _tmp162_; gdouble _tmp163_; gdouble _tmp164_; gdouble _tmp165_; gint _tmp166_; gdouble _tmp167_; guchar _tmp168_; gdouble _tmp169_; gdouble _tmp170_; gdouble _tmp171_; gint _tmp172_; _tmp110_ = page; _tmp111_ = L; _tmp112_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp110_, _tmp111_ - 1, _tmp112_, p, 3); _tmp113_ = red; _tmp114_ = p[0]; _tmp115_ = b; _tmp116_ = t; _tmp117_ = L; _tmp118_ = l; red = _tmp113_ + ((_tmp114_ * (_tmp115_ - _tmp116_)) * (_tmp117_ - _tmp118_)); _tmp119_ = green; _tmp120_ = p[1]; _tmp121_ = b; _tmp122_ = t; _tmp123_ = L; _tmp124_ = l; green = _tmp119_ + ((_tmp120_ * (_tmp121_ - _tmp122_)) * (_tmp123_ - _tmp124_)); _tmp125_ = blue; _tmp126_ = p[2]; _tmp127_ = b; _tmp128_ = t; _tmp129_ = L; _tmp130_ = l; blue = _tmp125_ + ((_tmp126_ * (_tmp127_ - _tmp128_)) * (_tmp129_ - _tmp130_)); { gint _tmp131_; gint x; _tmp131_ = L; x = _tmp131_; { gboolean _tmp132_; _tmp132_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp133_; gint _tmp135_; gint _tmp136_; Page* _tmp137_; gint _tmp138_; gint _tmp139_; gdouble _tmp140_; guchar _tmp141_; gdouble _tmp142_; gdouble _tmp143_; gdouble _tmp144_; guchar _tmp145_; gdouble _tmp146_; gdouble _tmp147_; gdouble _tmp148_; guchar _tmp149_; gdouble _tmp150_; gdouble _tmp151_; _tmp133_ = _tmp132_; if (!_tmp133_) { gint _tmp134_; _tmp134_ = x; x = _tmp134_ + 1; } _tmp132_ = FALSE; _tmp135_ = x; _tmp136_ = R; if (!(_tmp135_ < _tmp136_)) { break; } _tmp137_ = page; _tmp138_ = x; _tmp139_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp137_, _tmp138_, _tmp139_, p, 3); _tmp140_ = red; _tmp141_ = p[0]; _tmp142_ = b; _tmp143_ = t; red = _tmp140_ + (_tmp141_ * (_tmp142_ - _tmp143_)); _tmp144_ = green; _tmp145_ = p[1]; _tmp146_ = b; _tmp147_ = t; green = _tmp144_ + (_tmp145_ * (_tmp146_ - _tmp147_)); _tmp148_ = blue; _tmp149_ = p[2]; _tmp150_ = b; _tmp151_ = t; blue = _tmp148_ + (_tmp149_ * (_tmp150_ - _tmp151_)); } } } _tmp152_ = page; _tmp153_ = R; _tmp154_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp152_, _tmp153_, _tmp154_, p, 3); _tmp155_ = red; _tmp156_ = p[0]; _tmp157_ = b; _tmp158_ = t; _tmp159_ = r; _tmp160_ = R; red = _tmp155_ + ((_tmp156_ * (_tmp157_ - _tmp158_)) * (_tmp159_ - _tmp160_)); _tmp161_ = green; _tmp162_ = p[1]; _tmp163_ = b; _tmp164_ = t; _tmp165_ = r; _tmp166_ = R; green = _tmp161_ + ((_tmp162_ * (_tmp163_ - _tmp164_)) * (_tmp165_ - _tmp166_)); _tmp167_ = blue; _tmp168_ = p[2]; _tmp169_ = b; _tmp170_ = t; _tmp171_ = r; _tmp172_ = R; blue = _tmp167_ + ((_tmp168_ * (_tmp169_ - _tmp170_)) * (_tmp171_ - _tmp172_)); } _tmp173_ = r; _tmp174_ = l; _tmp175_ = b; _tmp176_ = t; scale = 1.0 / ((_tmp173_ - _tmp174_) * (_tmp175_ - _tmp176_)); _tmp177_ = output; _tmp177__length1 = output_length1; _tmp178_ = offset; _tmp179_ = red; _tmp180_ = scale; _tmp177_[_tmp178_] = (guchar) ((_tmp179_ * _tmp180_) + 0.5); _tmp181_ = _tmp177_[_tmp178_]; _tmp182_ = output; _tmp182__length1 = output_length1; _tmp183_ = offset; _tmp184_ = green; _tmp185_ = scale; _tmp182_[_tmp183_ + 1] = (guchar) ((_tmp184_ * _tmp185_) + 0.5); _tmp186_ = _tmp182_[_tmp183_ + 1]; _tmp187_ = output; _tmp187__length1 = output_length1; _tmp188_ = offset; _tmp189_ = blue; _tmp190_ = scale; _tmp187_[_tmp188_ + 2] = (guchar) ((_tmp189_ * _tmp190_) + 0.5); _tmp191_ = _tmp187_[_tmp188_ + 2]; return; } { gint _tmp192_; gint x; _tmp192_ = L; x = _tmp192_; { gboolean _tmp193_; _tmp193_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp194_; gint _tmp196_; gint _tmp197_; _tmp194_ = _tmp193_; if (!_tmp194_) { gint _tmp195_; _tmp195_ = x; x = _tmp195_ + 1; } _tmp193_ = FALSE; _tmp196_ = x; _tmp197_ = R; if (!(_tmp196_ < _tmp197_)) { break; } { gint _tmp198_; gint y; _tmp198_ = T; y = _tmp198_; { gboolean _tmp199_; _tmp199_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp200_; gint _tmp202_; gint _tmp203_; guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp204_; gint _tmp205_; gint _tmp206_; gdouble _tmp207_; guchar _tmp208_; gdouble _tmp209_; guchar _tmp210_; gdouble _tmp211_; guchar _tmp212_; _tmp200_ = _tmp199_; if (!_tmp200_) { gint _tmp201_; _tmp201_ = y; y = _tmp201_ + 1; } _tmp199_ = FALSE; _tmp202_ = y; _tmp203_ = B; if (!(_tmp202_ < _tmp203_)) { break; } _tmp204_ = page; _tmp205_ = x; _tmp206_ = y; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp204_, _tmp205_, _tmp206_, p, 3); _tmp207_ = red; _tmp208_ = p[0]; red = _tmp207_ + _tmp208_; _tmp209_ = green; _tmp210_ = p[1]; green = _tmp209_ + _tmp210_; _tmp211_ = blue; _tmp212_ = p[2]; blue = _tmp211_ + _tmp212_; } } } } } } { gint _tmp213_; gint x; _tmp213_ = L; x = _tmp213_; { gboolean _tmp214_; _tmp214_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp215_; gint _tmp217_; gint _tmp218_; gdouble _tmp219_; gint _tmp220_; gdouble _tmp236_; gint _tmp237_; _tmp215_ = _tmp214_; if (!_tmp215_) { gint _tmp216_; _tmp216_ = x; x = _tmp216_ + 1; } _tmp214_ = FALSE; _tmp217_ = x; _tmp218_ = R; if (!(_tmp217_ < _tmp218_)) { break; } _tmp219_ = t; _tmp220_ = T; if (_tmp219_ != ((gdouble) _tmp220_)) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp221_; gint _tmp222_; gint _tmp223_; gdouble _tmp224_; guchar _tmp225_; gint _tmp226_; gdouble _tmp227_; gdouble _tmp228_; guchar _tmp229_; gint _tmp230_; gdouble _tmp231_; gdouble _tmp232_; guchar _tmp233_; gint _tmp234_; gdouble _tmp235_; _tmp221_ = page; _tmp222_ = x; _tmp223_ = T; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp221_, _tmp222_, _tmp223_ - 1, p, 3); _tmp224_ = red; _tmp225_ = p[0]; _tmp226_ = T; _tmp227_ = t; red = _tmp224_ + (_tmp225_ * (_tmp226_ - _tmp227_)); _tmp228_ = green; _tmp229_ = p[1]; _tmp230_ = T; _tmp231_ = t; green = _tmp228_ + (_tmp229_ * (_tmp230_ - _tmp231_)); _tmp232_ = blue; _tmp233_ = p[2]; _tmp234_ = T; _tmp235_ = t; blue = _tmp232_ + (_tmp233_ * (_tmp234_ - _tmp235_)); } _tmp236_ = b; _tmp237_ = B; if (_tmp236_ != ((gdouble) _tmp237_)) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp238_; gint _tmp239_; gint _tmp240_; gdouble _tmp241_; guchar _tmp242_; gdouble _tmp243_; gint _tmp244_; gdouble _tmp245_; guchar _tmp246_; gdouble _tmp247_; gint _tmp248_; gdouble _tmp249_; guchar _tmp250_; gdouble _tmp251_; gint _tmp252_; _tmp238_ = page; _tmp239_ = x; _tmp240_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp238_, _tmp239_, _tmp240_, p, 3); _tmp241_ = red; _tmp242_ = p[0]; _tmp243_ = b; _tmp244_ = B; red = _tmp241_ + (_tmp242_ * (_tmp243_ - _tmp244_)); _tmp245_ = green; _tmp246_ = p[1]; _tmp247_ = b; _tmp248_ = B; green = _tmp245_ + (_tmp246_ * (_tmp247_ - _tmp248_)); _tmp249_ = blue; _tmp250_ = p[2]; _tmp251_ = b; _tmp252_ = B; blue = _tmp249_ + (_tmp250_ * (_tmp251_ - _tmp252_)); } } } } { gint _tmp253_; gint y; _tmp253_ = T; y = _tmp253_; { gboolean _tmp254_; _tmp254_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp255_; gint _tmp257_; gint _tmp258_; gdouble _tmp259_; gint _tmp260_; gdouble _tmp276_; gint _tmp277_; _tmp255_ = _tmp254_; if (!_tmp255_) { gint _tmp256_; _tmp256_ = y; y = _tmp256_ + 1; } _tmp254_ = FALSE; _tmp257_ = y; _tmp258_ = B; if (!(_tmp257_ < _tmp258_)) { break; } _tmp259_ = l; _tmp260_ = L; if (_tmp259_ != ((gdouble) _tmp260_)) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp261_; gint _tmp262_; gint _tmp263_; gdouble _tmp264_; guchar _tmp265_; gint _tmp266_; gdouble _tmp267_; gdouble _tmp268_; guchar _tmp269_; gint _tmp270_; gdouble _tmp271_; gdouble _tmp272_; guchar _tmp273_; gint _tmp274_; gdouble _tmp275_; _tmp261_ = page; _tmp262_ = L; _tmp263_ = y; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp261_, _tmp262_ - 1, _tmp263_, p, 3); _tmp264_ = red; _tmp265_ = p[0]; _tmp266_ = L; _tmp267_ = l; red = _tmp264_ + (_tmp265_ * (_tmp266_ - _tmp267_)); _tmp268_ = green; _tmp269_ = p[1]; _tmp270_ = L; _tmp271_ = l; green = _tmp268_ + (_tmp269_ * (_tmp270_ - _tmp271_)); _tmp272_ = blue; _tmp273_ = p[2]; _tmp274_ = L; _tmp275_ = l; blue = _tmp272_ + (_tmp273_ * (_tmp274_ - _tmp275_)); } _tmp276_ = r; _tmp277_ = R; if (_tmp276_ != ((gdouble) _tmp277_)) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp278_; gint _tmp279_; gint _tmp280_; gdouble _tmp281_; guchar _tmp282_; gdouble _tmp283_; gint _tmp284_; gdouble _tmp285_; guchar _tmp286_; gdouble _tmp287_; gint _tmp288_; gdouble _tmp289_; guchar _tmp290_; gdouble _tmp291_; gint _tmp292_; _tmp278_ = page; _tmp279_ = R; _tmp280_ = y; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp278_, _tmp279_, _tmp280_, p, 3); _tmp281_ = red; _tmp282_ = p[0]; _tmp283_ = r; _tmp284_ = R; red = _tmp281_ + (_tmp282_ * (_tmp283_ - _tmp284_)); _tmp285_ = green; _tmp286_ = p[1]; _tmp287_ = r; _tmp288_ = R; green = _tmp285_ + (_tmp286_ * (_tmp287_ - _tmp288_)); _tmp289_ = blue; _tmp290_ = p[2]; _tmp291_ = r; _tmp292_ = R; blue = _tmp289_ + (_tmp290_ * (_tmp291_ - _tmp292_)); } } } } _tmp294_ = l; _tmp295_ = L; if (_tmp294_ != ((gdouble) _tmp295_)) { gdouble _tmp296_; gint _tmp297_; _tmp296_ = t; _tmp297_ = T; _tmp293_ = _tmp296_ != ((gdouble) _tmp297_); } else { _tmp293_ = FALSE; } _tmp298_ = _tmp293_; if (_tmp298_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp299_; gint _tmp300_; gint _tmp301_; gdouble _tmp302_; guchar _tmp303_; gint _tmp304_; gdouble _tmp305_; gint _tmp306_; gdouble _tmp307_; gdouble _tmp308_; guchar _tmp309_; gint _tmp310_; gdouble _tmp311_; gint _tmp312_; gdouble _tmp313_; gdouble _tmp314_; guchar _tmp315_; gint _tmp316_; gdouble _tmp317_; gint _tmp318_; gdouble _tmp319_; _tmp299_ = page; _tmp300_ = L; _tmp301_ = T; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp299_, _tmp300_ - 1, _tmp301_ - 1, p, 3); _tmp302_ = red; _tmp303_ = p[0]; _tmp304_ = L; _tmp305_ = l; _tmp306_ = T; _tmp307_ = t; red = _tmp302_ + ((_tmp303_ * (_tmp304_ - _tmp305_)) * (_tmp306_ - _tmp307_)); _tmp308_ = green; _tmp309_ = p[1]; _tmp310_ = L; _tmp311_ = l; _tmp312_ = T; _tmp313_ = t; green = _tmp308_ + ((_tmp309_ * (_tmp310_ - _tmp311_)) * (_tmp312_ - _tmp313_)); _tmp314_ = blue; _tmp315_ = p[2]; _tmp316_ = L; _tmp317_ = l; _tmp318_ = T; _tmp319_ = t; blue = _tmp314_ + ((_tmp315_ * (_tmp316_ - _tmp317_)) * (_tmp318_ - _tmp319_)); } _tmp321_ = r; _tmp322_ = R; if (_tmp321_ != ((gdouble) _tmp322_)) { gdouble _tmp323_; gint _tmp324_; _tmp323_ = t; _tmp324_ = T; _tmp320_ = _tmp323_ != ((gdouble) _tmp324_); } else { _tmp320_ = FALSE; } _tmp325_ = _tmp320_; if (_tmp325_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp326_; gint _tmp327_; gint _tmp328_; gdouble _tmp329_; guchar _tmp330_; gdouble _tmp331_; gint _tmp332_; gint _tmp333_; gdouble _tmp334_; gdouble _tmp335_; guchar _tmp336_; gdouble _tmp337_; gint _tmp338_; gint _tmp339_; gdouble _tmp340_; gdouble _tmp341_; guchar _tmp342_; gdouble _tmp343_; gint _tmp344_; gint _tmp345_; gdouble _tmp346_; _tmp326_ = page; _tmp327_ = R; _tmp328_ = T; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp326_, _tmp327_, _tmp328_ - 1, p, 3); _tmp329_ = red; _tmp330_ = p[0]; _tmp331_ = r; _tmp332_ = R; _tmp333_ = T; _tmp334_ = t; red = _tmp329_ + ((_tmp330_ * (_tmp331_ - _tmp332_)) * (_tmp333_ - _tmp334_)); _tmp335_ = green; _tmp336_ = p[1]; _tmp337_ = r; _tmp338_ = R; _tmp339_ = T; _tmp340_ = t; green = _tmp335_ + ((_tmp336_ * (_tmp337_ - _tmp338_)) * (_tmp339_ - _tmp340_)); _tmp341_ = blue; _tmp342_ = p[2]; _tmp343_ = r; _tmp344_ = R; _tmp345_ = T; _tmp346_ = t; blue = _tmp341_ + ((_tmp342_ * (_tmp343_ - _tmp344_)) * (_tmp345_ - _tmp346_)); } _tmp348_ = r; _tmp349_ = R; if (_tmp348_ != ((gdouble) _tmp349_)) { gdouble _tmp350_; gint _tmp351_; _tmp350_ = b; _tmp351_ = B; _tmp347_ = _tmp350_ != ((gdouble) _tmp351_); } else { _tmp347_ = FALSE; } _tmp352_ = _tmp347_; if (_tmp352_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp353_; gint _tmp354_; gint _tmp355_; gdouble _tmp356_; guchar _tmp357_; gdouble _tmp358_; gint _tmp359_; gdouble _tmp360_; gint _tmp361_; gdouble _tmp362_; guchar _tmp363_; gdouble _tmp364_; gint _tmp365_; gdouble _tmp366_; gint _tmp367_; gdouble _tmp368_; guchar _tmp369_; gdouble _tmp370_; gint _tmp371_; gdouble _tmp372_; gint _tmp373_; _tmp353_ = page; _tmp354_ = R; _tmp355_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp353_, _tmp354_, _tmp355_, p, 3); _tmp356_ = red; _tmp357_ = p[0]; _tmp358_ = r; _tmp359_ = R; _tmp360_ = b; _tmp361_ = B; red = _tmp356_ + ((_tmp357_ * (_tmp358_ - _tmp359_)) * (_tmp360_ - _tmp361_)); _tmp362_ = green; _tmp363_ = p[1]; _tmp364_ = r; _tmp365_ = R; _tmp366_ = b; _tmp367_ = B; green = _tmp362_ + ((_tmp363_ * (_tmp364_ - _tmp365_)) * (_tmp366_ - _tmp367_)); _tmp368_ = blue; _tmp369_ = p[2]; _tmp370_ = r; _tmp371_ = R; _tmp372_ = b; _tmp373_ = B; blue = _tmp368_ + ((_tmp369_ * (_tmp370_ - _tmp371_)) * (_tmp372_ - _tmp373_)); } _tmp375_ = l; _tmp376_ = L; if (_tmp375_ != ((gdouble) _tmp376_)) { gdouble _tmp377_; gint _tmp378_; _tmp377_ = b; _tmp378_ = B; _tmp374_ = _tmp377_ != ((gdouble) _tmp378_); } else { _tmp374_ = FALSE; } _tmp379_ = _tmp374_; if (_tmp379_) { guchar p[3] = {0}; Page* _tmp380_; gint _tmp381_; gint _tmp382_; gdouble _tmp383_; guchar _tmp384_; gint _tmp385_; gdouble _tmp386_; gdouble _tmp387_; gint _tmp388_; gdouble _tmp389_; guchar _tmp390_; gint _tmp391_; gdouble _tmp392_; gdouble _tmp393_; gint _tmp394_; gdouble _tmp395_; guchar _tmp396_; gint _tmp397_; gdouble _tmp398_; gdouble _tmp399_; gint _tmp400_; _tmp380_ = page; _tmp381_ = L; _tmp382_ = B; page_view_get_pixel (self, _tmp380_, _tmp381_ - 1, _tmp382_, p, 3); _tmp383_ = red; _tmp384_ = p[0]; _tmp385_ = L; _tmp386_ = l; _tmp387_ = b; _tmp388_ = B; red = _tmp383_ + ((_tmp384_ * (_tmp385_ - _tmp386_)) * (_tmp387_ - _tmp388_)); _tmp389_ = green; _tmp390_ = p[1]; _tmp391_ = L; _tmp392_ = l; _tmp393_ = b; _tmp394_ = B; green = _tmp389_ + ((_tmp390_ * (_tmp391_ - _tmp392_)) * (_tmp393_ - _tmp394_)); _tmp395_ = blue; _tmp396_ = p[2]; _tmp397_ = L; _tmp398_ = l; _tmp399_ = b; _tmp400_ = B; blue = _tmp395_ + ((_tmp396_ * (_tmp397_ - _tmp398_)) * (_tmp399_ - _tmp400_)); } _tmp401_ = r; _tmp402_ = l; _tmp403_ = b; _tmp404_ = t; scale = 1.0 / ((_tmp401_ - _tmp402_) * (_tmp403_ - _tmp404_)); _tmp405_ = output; _tmp405__length1 = output_length1; _tmp406_ = offset; _tmp407_ = red; _tmp408_ = scale; _tmp405_[_tmp406_] = (guchar) ((_tmp407_ * _tmp408_) + 0.5); _tmp409_ = _tmp405_[_tmp406_]; _tmp410_ = output; _tmp410__length1 = output_length1; _tmp411_ = offset; _tmp412_ = green; _tmp413_ = scale; _tmp410_[_tmp411_ + 1] = (guchar) ((_tmp412_ * _tmp413_) + 0.5); _tmp414_ = _tmp410_[_tmp411_ + 1]; _tmp415_ = output; _tmp415__length1 = output_length1; _tmp416_ = offset; _tmp417_ = blue; _tmp418_ = scale; _tmp415_[_tmp416_ + 2] = (guchar) ((_tmp417_ * _tmp418_) + 0.5); _tmp419_ = _tmp415_[_tmp416_ + 2]; } static void page_view_update_preview (PageView* self, Page* page, GdkPixbuf** output_image, gint output_width, gint output_height, ScanDirection scan_direction, gint old_scan_line, gint scan_line) { Page* _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_ = 0; gint input_width; Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; gint input_height; gint L = 0; gint R = 0; gint T = 0; gint B = 0; gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; GdkPixbuf* _tmp6_; gboolean _tmp10_; gboolean _tmp14_; gint _tmp56_; gint _tmp57_; gint _tmp59_; gint _tmp60_; gint _tmp62_; gint _tmp63_; gint _tmp64_; gint _tmp65_; gint _tmp66_; gint _tmp67_; GdkPixbuf* _tmp68_; GdkPixbuf* _tmp69_; guint8* _tmp70_ = NULL; guchar* output; gint output_length1; gint _output_size_; GdkPixbuf* _tmp71_; gint _tmp72_ = 0; gint output_rowstride; GdkPixbuf* _tmp73_; gint _tmp74_ = 0; gint output_n_channels; Page* _tmp75_; gboolean _tmp76_ = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (page != NULL); _tmp0_ = page; _tmp1_ = page_get_width (_tmp0_); input_width = _tmp1_; _tmp2_ = page; _tmp3_ = page_get_height (_tmp2_); input_height = _tmp3_; _tmp6_ = *output_image; if (_tmp6_ == NULL) { _tmp5_ = TRUE; } else { GdkPixbuf* _tmp7_; gint _tmp8_ = 0; gint _tmp9_; _tmp7_ = *output_image; _tmp8_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (_tmp7_); _tmp9_ = output_width; _tmp5_ = _tmp8_ != _tmp9_; } _tmp10_ = _tmp5_; if (_tmp10_) { _tmp4_ = TRUE; } else { GdkPixbuf* _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_ = 0; gint _tmp13_; _tmp11_ = *output_image; _tmp12_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (_tmp11_); _tmp13_ = output_height; _tmp4_ = _tmp12_ != _tmp13_; } _tmp14_ = _tmp4_; if (_tmp14_) { gint _tmp15_; gint _tmp16_; GdkPixbuf* _tmp17_; gint _tmp18_; gint _tmp19_; _tmp15_ = output_width; _tmp16_ = output_height; _tmp17_ = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, _tmp15_, _tmp16_); _g_object_unref0 (*output_image); *output_image = _tmp17_; L = 0; _tmp18_ = output_width; R = _tmp18_ - 1; T = 0; _tmp19_ = output_height; B = _tmp19_ - 1; } else { ScanDirection _tmp20_; _tmp20_ = scan_direction; switch (_tmp20_) { case SCAN_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: { gint _tmp21_; gint _tmp22_; gint _tmp23_; gint _tmp24_; gint _tmp25_; gint _tmp26_; gint _tmp27_; L = 0; _tmp21_ = output_width; R = _tmp21_ - 1; _tmp22_ = old_scan_line; _tmp23_ = output_height; _tmp24_ = input_height; T = (gint) ((((gdouble) _tmp22_) * _tmp23_) / _tmp24_); _tmp25_ = scan_line; _tmp26_ = output_height; _tmp27_ = input_height; B = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp25_) * _tmp26_) / _tmp27_) + 0.5); break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT: { gint _tmp28_; gint _tmp29_; gint _tmp30_; gint _tmp31_; gint _tmp32_; gint _tmp33_; gint _tmp34_; _tmp28_ = old_scan_line; _tmp29_ = output_width; _tmp30_ = input_width; L = (gint) ((((gdouble) _tmp28_) * _tmp29_) / _tmp30_); _tmp31_ = scan_line; _tmp32_ = output_width; _tmp33_ = input_width; R = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp31_) * _tmp32_) / _tmp33_) + 0.5); T = 0; _tmp34_ = output_height; B = _tmp34_ - 1; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: { gint _tmp35_; gint _tmp36_; gint _tmp37_; gint _tmp38_; gint _tmp39_; gint _tmp40_; gint _tmp41_; gint _tmp42_; gint _tmp43_; L = 0; _tmp35_ = output_width; R = _tmp35_ - 1; _tmp36_ = input_height; _tmp37_ = scan_line; _tmp38_ = output_height; _tmp39_ = input_height; T = (gint) ((((gdouble) (_tmp36_ - _tmp37_)) * _tmp38_) / _tmp39_); _tmp40_ = input_height; _tmp41_ = old_scan_line; _tmp42_ = output_height; _tmp43_ = input_height; B = (gint) (((((gdouble) (_tmp40_ - _tmp41_)) * _tmp42_) / _tmp43_) + 0.5); break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: { gint _tmp44_; gint _tmp45_; gint _tmp46_; gint _tmp47_; gint _tmp48_; gint _tmp49_; gint _tmp50_; gint _tmp51_; gint _tmp52_; _tmp44_ = input_width; _tmp45_ = scan_line; _tmp46_ = output_width; _tmp47_ = input_width; L = (gint) ((((gdouble) (_tmp44_ - _tmp45_)) * _tmp46_) / _tmp47_); _tmp48_ = input_width; _tmp49_ = old_scan_line; _tmp50_ = output_width; _tmp51_ = input_width; R = (gint) (((((gdouble) (_tmp48_ - _tmp49_)) * _tmp50_) / _tmp51_) + 0.5); T = 0; _tmp52_ = output_height; B = _tmp52_ - 1; break; } default: { gint _tmp53_; gint _tmp54_; gint _tmp55_; T = 0; _tmp53_ = T; B = _tmp53_; _tmp54_ = B; R = _tmp54_; _tmp55_ = R; L = _tmp55_; break; } } } _tmp56_ = R; _tmp57_ = output_width; if (_tmp56_ >= _tmp57_) { gint _tmp58_; _tmp58_ = output_width; R = _tmp58_ - 1; } _tmp59_ = B; _tmp60_ = output_height; if (_tmp59_ >= _tmp60_) { gint _tmp61_; _tmp61_ = output_height; B = _tmp61_ - 1; } _tmp62_ = L; g_return_if_fail (_tmp62_ >= 0); _tmp63_ = R; _tmp64_ = output_width; g_return_if_fail (_tmp63_ < _tmp64_); _tmp65_ = T; g_return_if_fail (_tmp65_ >= 0); _tmp66_ = B; _tmp67_ = output_height; g_return_if_fail (_tmp66_ < _tmp67_); _tmp68_ = *output_image; g_return_if_fail (_tmp68_ != NULL); _tmp69_ = *output_image; _tmp70_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (_tmp69_); output = _tmp70_; output_length1 = -1; _output_size_ = output_length1; _tmp71_ = *output_image; _tmp72_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (_tmp71_); output_rowstride = _tmp72_; _tmp73_ = *output_image; _tmp74_ = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (_tmp73_); output_n_channels = _tmp74_; _tmp75_ = page; _tmp76_ = page_has_data (_tmp75_); if (!_tmp76_) { { gint _tmp77_; gint x; _tmp77_ = L; x = _tmp77_; { gboolean _tmp78_; _tmp78_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp79_; gint _tmp81_; gint _tmp82_; _tmp79_ = _tmp78_; if (!_tmp79_) { gint _tmp80_; _tmp80_ = x; x = _tmp80_ + 1; } _tmp78_ = FALSE; _tmp81_ = x; _tmp82_ = R; if (!(_tmp81_ <= _tmp82_)) { break; } { gint _tmp83_; gint y; _tmp83_ = T; y = _tmp83_; { gboolean _tmp84_; _tmp84_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp85_; gint _tmp87_; gint _tmp88_; gint _tmp89_; gint _tmp90_; gint _tmp91_; gint _tmp92_; gint o; guchar* _tmp93_; gint _tmp93__length1; gint _tmp94_; guchar* _tmp95_; gint _tmp95__length1; gint _tmp96_; guchar* _tmp97_; gint _tmp97__length1; gint _tmp98_; guchar _tmp99_; guchar _tmp100_; guchar _tmp101_; _tmp85_ = _tmp84_; if (!_tmp85_) { gint _tmp86_; _tmp86_ = y; y = _tmp86_ + 1; } _tmp84_ = FALSE; _tmp87_ = y; _tmp88_ = B; if (!(_tmp87_ <= _tmp88_)) { break; } _tmp89_ = output_rowstride; _tmp90_ = y; _tmp91_ = x; _tmp92_ = output_n_channels; o = (_tmp89_ * _tmp90_) + (_tmp91_ * _tmp92_); _tmp93_ = output; _tmp93__length1 = output_length1; _tmp94_ = o; _tmp95_ = output; _tmp95__length1 = output_length1; _tmp96_ = o; _tmp97_ = output; _tmp97__length1 = output_length1; _tmp98_ = o; _tmp97_[_tmp98_ + 2] = (guchar) 0xFF; _tmp99_ = _tmp97_[_tmp98_ + 2]; _tmp95_[_tmp96_ + 1] = _tmp99_; _tmp100_ = _tmp95_[_tmp96_ + 1]; _tmp93_[_tmp94_] = _tmp100_; _tmp101_ = _tmp93_[_tmp94_]; } } } } } } return; } { gint _tmp102_; gint x; _tmp102_ = L; x = _tmp102_; { gboolean _tmp103_; _tmp103_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp104_; gint _tmp106_; gint _tmp107_; gint _tmp108_; gint _tmp109_; gint _tmp110_; gdouble l; gint _tmp111_; gint _tmp112_; gint _tmp113_; gdouble r; _tmp104_ = _tmp103_; if (!_tmp104_) { gint _tmp105_; _tmp105_ = x; x = _tmp105_ + 1; } _tmp103_ = FALSE; _tmp106_ = x; _tmp107_ = R; if (!(_tmp106_ <= _tmp107_)) { break; } _tmp108_ = x; _tmp109_ = input_width; _tmp110_ = output_width; l = (((gdouble) _tmp108_) * _tmp109_) / _tmp110_; _tmp111_ = x; _tmp112_ = input_width; _tmp113_ = output_width; r = (((gdouble) (_tmp111_ + 1)) * _tmp112_) / _tmp113_; { gint _tmp114_; gint y; _tmp114_ = T; y = _tmp114_; { gboolean _tmp115_; _tmp115_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp116_; gint _tmp118_; gint _tmp119_; gint _tmp120_; gint _tmp121_; gint _tmp122_; gdouble t; gint _tmp123_; gint _tmp124_; gint _tmp125_; gdouble b; Page* _tmp126_; gdouble _tmp127_; gdouble _tmp128_; gdouble _tmp129_; gdouble _tmp130_; guchar* _tmp131_; gint _tmp131__length1; gint _tmp132_; gint _tmp133_; gint _tmp134_; gint _tmp135_; _tmp116_ = _tmp115_; if (!_tmp116_) { gint _tmp117_; _tmp117_ = y; y = _tmp117_ + 1; } _tmp115_ = FALSE; _tmp118_ = y; _tmp119_ = B; if (!(_tmp118_ <= _tmp119_)) { break; } _tmp120_ = y; _tmp121_ = input_height; _tmp122_ = output_height; t = (((gdouble) _tmp120_) * _tmp121_) / _tmp122_; _tmp123_ = y; _tmp124_ = input_height; _tmp125_ = output_height; b = (((gdouble) (_tmp123_ + 1)) * _tmp124_) / _tmp125_; _tmp126_ = page; _tmp127_ = l; _tmp128_ = r; _tmp129_ = t; _tmp130_ = b; _tmp131_ = output; _tmp131__length1 = output_length1; _tmp132_ = output_rowstride; _tmp133_ = y; _tmp134_ = x; _tmp135_ = output_n_channels; page_view_set_pixel (self, _tmp126_, _tmp127_, _tmp128_, _tmp129_, _tmp130_, _tmp131_, _tmp131__length1, (_tmp132_ * _tmp133_) + (_tmp134_ * _tmp135_)); } } } } } } } static gint page_view_get_preview_width (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->width; _tmp1_ = self->priv->border_width; result = _tmp0_ - (_tmp1_ * 2); return result; } static gint page_view_get_preview_height (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->height; _tmp1_ = self->priv->border_width; result = _tmp0_ - (_tmp1_ * 2); return result; } static void page_view_update_page_view (PageView* self) { gboolean _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; gint old_scan_line; Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; gint scan_line; ScanDirection _tmp4_; Page* _tmp5_; ScanDirection _tmp6_ = 0; ScanDirection left_steps; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; ScanDirection _tmp8_; gboolean _tmp10_; Page* _tmp11_; ScanDirection _tmp12_ = 0; Page* _tmp13_; gint _tmp14_ = 0; gint _tmp15_ = 0; Page* _tmp16_; ScanDirection _tmp17_ = 0; gint _tmp18_; gint _tmp19_; gint _tmp20_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = self->priv->update_image; if (!_tmp0_) { return; } _tmp1_ = self->priv->scan_line; old_scan_line = _tmp1_; _tmp2_ = self->priv->page; _tmp3_ = page_get_scan_line (_tmp2_); scan_line = _tmp3_; _tmp4_ = self->priv->scan_direction; _tmp5_ = self->priv->page; _tmp6_ = page_get_scan_direction (_tmp5_); left_steps = _tmp4_ - _tmp6_; _tmp8_ = left_steps; if (_tmp8_ != 0) { GdkPixbuf* _tmp9_; _tmp9_ = self->priv->image; _tmp7_ = _tmp9_ != NULL; } else { _tmp7_ = FALSE; } _tmp10_ = _tmp7_; if (_tmp10_) { _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->image); self->priv->image = NULL; } _tmp11_ = self->priv->page; _tmp12_ = page_get_scan_direction (_tmp11_); self->priv->scan_direction = _tmp12_; _tmp13_ = self->priv->page; _tmp14_ = page_view_get_preview_width (self); _tmp15_ = page_view_get_preview_height (self); _tmp16_ = self->priv->page; _tmp17_ = page_get_scan_direction (_tmp16_); _tmp18_ = old_scan_line; _tmp19_ = scan_line; page_view_update_preview (self, _tmp13_, &self->priv->image, _tmp14_, _tmp15_, _tmp17_, _tmp18_, _tmp19_); self->priv->update_image = FALSE; _tmp20_ = scan_line; self->priv->scan_line = _tmp20_; } static gint page_view_page_to_screen_x (PageView* self, gint x) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_ = 0; Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = x; _tmp1_ = page_view_get_preview_width (self); _tmp2_ = self->priv->page; _tmp3_ = page_get_width (_tmp2_); result = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp1_) / _tmp3_) + 0.5); return result; } static gint page_view_page_to_screen_y (PageView* self, gint y) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_ = 0; Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = y; _tmp1_ = page_view_get_preview_height (self); _tmp2_ = self->priv->page; _tmp3_ = page_get_height (_tmp2_); result = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp1_) / _tmp3_) + 0.5); return result; } static gint page_view_screen_to_page_x (PageView* self, gint x) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; gint _tmp2_ = 0; gint _tmp3_ = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = x; _tmp1_ = self->priv->page; _tmp2_ = page_get_width (_tmp1_); _tmp3_ = page_view_get_preview_width (self); result = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp2_) / _tmp3_) + 0.5); return result; } static gint page_view_screen_to_page_y (PageView* self, gint y) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; gint _tmp2_ = 0; gint _tmp3_ = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = y; _tmp1_ = self->priv->page; _tmp2_ = page_get_height (_tmp1_); _tmp3_ = page_view_get_preview_height (self); result = (gint) (((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp2_) / _tmp3_) + 0.5); return result; } static CropLocation page_view_get_crop_location (PageView* self, gint x, gint y) { CropLocation result = 0; Page* _tmp0_; gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE; gint cx = 0; gint cy = 0; gint cw = 0; gint ch = 0; Page* _tmp2_; gint _tmp3_ = 0; gint _tmp4_ = 0; gint _tmp5_ = 0; gint _tmp6_ = 0; gint _tmp7_; gint _tmp8_ = 0; gint dx; gint _tmp9_; gint _tmp10_ = 0; gint dy; gint _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_ = 0; gint dw; gint _tmp13_; gint _tmp14_ = 0; gint dh; gint _tmp15_; gint _tmp16_; gint ix; gint _tmp17_; gint _tmp18_; gint iy; gboolean _tmp19_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp20_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp21_ = FALSE; gint _tmp22_; gboolean _tmp25_; gboolean _tmp27_; gboolean _tmp30_; Page* _tmp31_; gchar* _tmp32_ = NULL; gchar* name; const gchar* _tmp33_; gint crop_border; gint _tmp34_; gint _tmp35_; gint _tmp37_; gint _tmp38_; gboolean _tmp40_ = FALSE; gint _tmp41_; gint _tmp42_; gboolean _tmp45_; gboolean _tmp46_ = FALSE; gint _tmp47_; gint _tmp48_; gint _tmp49_; gboolean _tmp52_; gboolean _tmp53_ = FALSE; gint _tmp54_; gint _tmp55_; gboolean _tmp59_; gboolean _tmp60_ = FALSE; gint _tmp61_; gint _tmp62_; gint _tmp63_; gboolean _tmp67_; gint _tmp68_; gint _tmp69_; gint _tmp70_; gint _tmp71_; gint _tmp72_; gint _tmp73_; gint _tmp74_; gint _tmp75_; gint _tmp76_; gint _tmp77_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->page; _tmp1_ = page_has_crop (_tmp0_); if (!_tmp1_) { result = 0; return result; } _tmp2_ = self->priv->page; page_get_crop (_tmp2_, &_tmp3_, &_tmp4_, &_tmp5_, &_tmp6_); cx = _tmp3_; cy = _tmp4_; cw = _tmp5_; ch = _tmp6_; _tmp7_ = cx; _tmp8_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp7_); dx = _tmp8_; _tmp9_ = cy; _tmp10_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp9_); dy = _tmp10_; _tmp11_ = cw; _tmp12_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp11_); dw = _tmp12_; _tmp13_ = ch; _tmp14_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp13_); dh = _tmp14_; _tmp15_ = x; _tmp16_ = dx; ix = _tmp15_ - _tmp16_; _tmp17_ = y; _tmp18_ = dy; iy = _tmp17_ - _tmp18_; _tmp22_ = ix; if (_tmp22_ < 0) { _tmp21_ = TRUE; } else { gint _tmp23_; gint _tmp24_; _tmp23_ = ix; _tmp24_ = dw; _tmp21_ = _tmp23_ > _tmp24_; } _tmp25_ = _tmp21_; if (_tmp25_) { _tmp20_ = TRUE; } else { gint _tmp26_; _tmp26_ = iy; _tmp20_ = _tmp26_ < 0; } _tmp27_ = _tmp20_; if (_tmp27_) { _tmp19_ = TRUE; } else { gint _tmp28_; gint _tmp29_; _tmp28_ = iy; _tmp29_ = dh; _tmp19_ = _tmp28_ > _tmp29_; } _tmp30_ = _tmp19_; if (_tmp30_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_NONE; return result; } _tmp31_ = self->priv->page; _tmp32_ = page_get_named_crop (_tmp31_); name = _tmp32_; _tmp33_ = name; if (_tmp33_ != NULL) { result = CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE; _g_free0 (name); return result; } crop_border = 20; _tmp34_ = dw; _tmp35_ = crop_border; if (_tmp34_ < (_tmp35_ * 3)) { gint _tmp36_; _tmp36_ = dw; crop_border = _tmp36_ / 3; } _tmp37_ = dh; _tmp38_ = crop_border; if (_tmp37_ < (_tmp38_ * 3)) { gint _tmp39_; _tmp39_ = dh; crop_border = _tmp39_ / 3; } _tmp41_ = ix; _tmp42_ = crop_border; if (_tmp41_ < _tmp42_) { gint _tmp43_; gint _tmp44_; _tmp43_ = iy; _tmp44_ = crop_border; _tmp40_ = _tmp43_ < _tmp44_; } else { _tmp40_ = FALSE; } _tmp45_ = _tmp40_; if (_tmp45_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp47_ = ix; _tmp48_ = dw; _tmp49_ = crop_border; if (_tmp47_ > (_tmp48_ - _tmp49_)) { gint _tmp50_; gint _tmp51_; _tmp50_ = iy; _tmp51_ = crop_border; _tmp46_ = _tmp50_ < _tmp51_; } else { _tmp46_ = FALSE; } _tmp52_ = _tmp46_; if (_tmp52_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp54_ = ix; _tmp55_ = crop_border; if (_tmp54_ < _tmp55_) { gint _tmp56_; gint _tmp57_; gint _tmp58_; _tmp56_ = iy; _tmp57_ = dh; _tmp58_ = crop_border; _tmp53_ = _tmp56_ > (_tmp57_ - _tmp58_); } else { _tmp53_ = FALSE; } _tmp59_ = _tmp53_; if (_tmp59_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp61_ = ix; _tmp62_ = dw; _tmp63_ = crop_border; if (_tmp61_ > (_tmp62_ - _tmp63_)) { gint _tmp64_; gint _tmp65_; gint _tmp66_; _tmp64_ = iy; _tmp65_ = dh; _tmp66_ = crop_border; _tmp60_ = _tmp64_ > (_tmp65_ - _tmp66_); } else { _tmp60_ = FALSE; } _tmp67_ = _tmp60_; if (_tmp67_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp68_ = ix; _tmp69_ = crop_border; if (_tmp68_ < _tmp69_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_LEFT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp70_ = ix; _tmp71_ = dw; _tmp72_ = crop_border; if (_tmp70_ > (_tmp71_ - _tmp72_)) { result = CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp73_ = iy; _tmp74_ = crop_border; if (_tmp73_ < _tmp74_) { result = CROP_LOCATION_TOP; _g_free0 (name); return result; } _tmp75_ = iy; _tmp76_ = dh; _tmp77_ = crop_border; if (_tmp75_ > (_tmp76_ - _tmp77_)) { result = CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM; _g_free0 (name); return result; } result = CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE; _g_free0 (name); return result; } void page_view_button_press (PageView* self, gint x, gint y) { CropLocation location = 0; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; CropLocation _tmp2_ = 0; CropLocation _tmp3_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = x; _tmp1_ = y; _tmp2_ = page_view_get_crop_location (self, _tmp0_, _tmp1_); location = _tmp2_; _tmp3_ = location; if (_tmp3_ != CROP_LOCATION_NONE) { CropLocation _tmp4_; gint _tmp5_; gint _tmp6_; Page* _tmp7_; gint _tmp8_ = 0; gint _tmp9_ = 0; gint _tmp10_ = 0; gint _tmp11_ = 0; _tmp4_ = location; self->priv->crop_location = _tmp4_; _tmp5_ = x; self->priv->selected_crop_px = (gdouble) _tmp5_; _tmp6_ = y; self->priv->selected_crop_py = (gdouble) _tmp6_; _tmp7_ = self->priv->page; page_get_crop (_tmp7_, &_tmp8_, &_tmp9_, &_tmp10_, &_tmp11_); self->priv->selected_crop_x = _tmp8_; self->priv->selected_crop_y = _tmp9_; self->priv->selected_crop_w = _tmp10_; self->priv->selected_crop_h = _tmp11_; } } void page_view_motion (PageView* self, gint x, gint y) { gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; CropLocation _tmp2_ = 0; CropLocation location; GdkCursorType cursor = 0; CropLocation _tmp3_; CropLocation _tmp4_; Page* _tmp6_; gint _tmp7_ = 0; gint pw; Page* _tmp8_; gint _tmp9_ = 0; gint ph; gint cx = 0; gint cy = 0; gint cw = 0; gint ch = 0; Page* _tmp10_; gint _tmp11_ = 0; gint _tmp12_ = 0; gint _tmp13_ = 0; gint _tmp14_ = 0; gint _tmp15_; gdouble _tmp16_; gint _tmp17_ = 0; gint dx; gint _tmp18_; gdouble _tmp19_; gint _tmp20_ = 0; gint dy; gint _tmp21_; gint new_x; gint _tmp22_; gint new_y; gint _tmp23_; gint new_w; gint _tmp24_; gint new_h; gint _tmp25_ = 0; gint min_size; gboolean _tmp26_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp27_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp28_; gboolean _tmp30_; gboolean _tmp32_; gboolean _tmp41_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp42_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp43_; gboolean _tmp45_; gboolean _tmp47_; gboolean _tmp56_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp57_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp58_; gboolean _tmp60_; gboolean _tmp62_; gboolean _tmp75_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp76_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp77_; gboolean _tmp79_; gboolean _tmp81_; CropLocation _tmp94_; CropLocation _tmp115_; gboolean _tmp120_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp121_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp122_; gboolean _tmp124_; gboolean _tmp126_; gboolean _tmp131_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp132_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp133_; gboolean _tmp135_; gboolean _tmp137_; gboolean _tmp142_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp143_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp144_; gboolean _tmp146_; gboolean _tmp148_; gboolean _tmp151_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp152_ = FALSE; CropLocation _tmp153_; gboolean _tmp155_; gboolean _tmp157_; Page* _tmp160_; gint _tmp161_; gint _tmp162_; gboolean _tmp163_ = FALSE; gint _tmp164_; gint _tmp165_; gboolean _tmp168_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = x; _tmp1_ = y; _tmp2_ = page_view_get_crop_location (self, _tmp0_, _tmp1_); location = _tmp2_; _tmp3_ = location; switch (_tmp3_) { case CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE: { cursor = GDK_HAND1; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_TOP: { cursor = GDK_TOP_SIDE; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM: { cursor = GDK_BOTTOM_SIDE; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_LEFT: { cursor = GDK_LEFT_SIDE; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT: { cursor = GDK_RIGHT_SIDE; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT: { cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_CORNER; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT: { cursor = GDK_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT: { cursor = GDK_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER; break; } case CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT: { cursor = GDK_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER; break; } default: { cursor = GDK_ARROW; break; } } _tmp4_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp4_ == CROP_LOCATION_NONE) { GdkCursorType _tmp5_; _tmp5_ = cursor; self->priv->cursor = _tmp5_; return; } _tmp6_ = self->priv->page; _tmp7_ = page_get_width (_tmp6_); pw = _tmp7_; _tmp8_ = self->priv->page; _tmp9_ = page_get_height (_tmp8_); ph = _tmp9_; _tmp10_ = self->priv->page; page_get_crop (_tmp10_, &_tmp11_, &_tmp12_, &_tmp13_, &_tmp14_); cx = _tmp11_; cy = _tmp12_; cw = _tmp13_; ch = _tmp14_; _tmp15_ = x; _tmp16_ = self->priv->selected_crop_px; _tmp17_ = page_view_screen_to_page_x (self, _tmp15_ - ((gint) _tmp16_)); dx = _tmp17_; _tmp18_ = y; _tmp19_ = self->priv->selected_crop_py; _tmp20_ = page_view_screen_to_page_y (self, _tmp18_ - ((gint) _tmp19_)); dy = _tmp20_; _tmp21_ = self->priv->selected_crop_x; new_x = _tmp21_; _tmp22_ = self->priv->selected_crop_y; new_y = _tmp22_; _tmp23_ = self->priv->selected_crop_w; new_w = _tmp23_; _tmp24_ = self->priv->selected_crop_h; new_h = _tmp24_; _tmp25_ = page_view_screen_to_page_x (self, 15); min_size = _tmp25_; _tmp28_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp28_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT) { _tmp27_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp29_; _tmp29_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp27_ = _tmp29_ == CROP_LOCATION_LEFT; } _tmp30_ = _tmp27_; if (_tmp30_) { _tmp26_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp31_; _tmp31_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp26_ = _tmp31_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT; } _tmp32_ = _tmp26_; if (_tmp32_) { gint _tmp33_; gint _tmp34_; gint _tmp35_; gint _tmp38_; gint _tmp39_; _tmp33_ = dx; _tmp34_ = new_w; _tmp35_ = min_size; if (_tmp33_ > (_tmp34_ - _tmp35_)) { gint _tmp36_; gint _tmp37_; _tmp36_ = new_w; _tmp37_ = min_size; dx = _tmp36_ - _tmp37_; } _tmp38_ = new_x; _tmp39_ = dx; if ((_tmp38_ + _tmp39_) < 0) { gint _tmp40_; _tmp40_ = new_x; dx = -_tmp40_; } } _tmp43_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp43_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT) { _tmp42_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp44_; _tmp44_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp42_ = _tmp44_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP; } _tmp45_ = _tmp42_; if (_tmp45_) { _tmp41_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp46_; _tmp46_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp41_ = _tmp46_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT; } _tmp47_ = _tmp41_; if (_tmp47_) { gint _tmp48_; gint _tmp49_; gint _tmp50_; gint _tmp53_; gint _tmp54_; _tmp48_ = dy; _tmp49_ = new_h; _tmp50_ = min_size; if (_tmp48_ > (_tmp49_ - _tmp50_)) { gint _tmp51_; gint _tmp52_; _tmp51_ = new_h; _tmp52_ = min_size; dy = _tmp51_ - _tmp52_; } _tmp53_ = new_y; _tmp54_ = dy; if ((_tmp53_ + _tmp54_) < 0) { gint _tmp55_; _tmp55_ = new_y; dy = -_tmp55_; } } _tmp58_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp58_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT) { _tmp57_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp59_; _tmp59_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp57_ = _tmp59_ == CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT; } _tmp60_ = _tmp57_; if (_tmp60_) { _tmp56_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp61_; _tmp61_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp56_ = _tmp61_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } _tmp62_ = _tmp56_; if (_tmp62_) { gint _tmp63_; gint _tmp64_; gint _tmp65_; gint _tmp68_; gint _tmp69_; gint _tmp70_; gint _tmp71_; _tmp63_ = dx; _tmp64_ = min_size; _tmp65_ = new_w; if (_tmp63_ < (_tmp64_ - _tmp65_)) { gint _tmp66_; gint _tmp67_; _tmp66_ = min_size; _tmp67_ = new_w; dx = _tmp66_ - _tmp67_; } _tmp68_ = new_x; _tmp69_ = new_w; _tmp70_ = dx; _tmp71_ = pw; if (((_tmp68_ + _tmp69_) + _tmp70_) > _tmp71_) { gint _tmp72_; gint _tmp73_; gint _tmp74_; _tmp72_ = pw; _tmp73_ = new_x; _tmp74_ = new_w; dx = (_tmp72_ - _tmp73_) - _tmp74_; } } _tmp77_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp77_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT) { _tmp76_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp78_; _tmp78_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp76_ = _tmp78_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM; } _tmp79_ = _tmp76_; if (_tmp79_) { _tmp75_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp80_; _tmp80_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp75_ = _tmp80_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } _tmp81_ = _tmp75_; if (_tmp81_) { gint _tmp82_; gint _tmp83_; gint _tmp84_; gint _tmp87_; gint _tmp88_; gint _tmp89_; gint _tmp90_; _tmp82_ = dy; _tmp83_ = min_size; _tmp84_ = new_h; if (_tmp82_ < (_tmp83_ - _tmp84_)) { gint _tmp85_; gint _tmp86_; _tmp85_ = min_size; _tmp86_ = new_h; dy = _tmp85_ - _tmp86_; } _tmp87_ = new_y; _tmp88_ = new_h; _tmp89_ = dy; _tmp90_ = ph; if (((_tmp87_ + _tmp88_) + _tmp89_) > _tmp90_) { gint _tmp91_; gint _tmp92_; gint _tmp93_; _tmp91_ = ph; _tmp92_ = new_y; _tmp93_ = new_h; dy = (_tmp91_ - _tmp92_) - _tmp93_; } } _tmp94_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp94_ == CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE) { gint _tmp95_; gint _tmp96_; gint _tmp97_; gint _tmp98_; gint _tmp102_; gint _tmp103_; gint _tmp105_; gint _tmp106_; gint _tmp107_; gint _tmp108_; gint _tmp112_; gint _tmp113_; _tmp95_ = new_x; _tmp96_ = dx; _tmp97_ = new_w; _tmp98_ = pw; if (((_tmp95_ + _tmp96_) + _tmp97_) > _tmp98_) { gint _tmp99_; gint _tmp100_; gint _tmp101_; _tmp99_ = pw; _tmp100_ = new_x; _tmp101_ = new_w; dx = (_tmp99_ - _tmp100_) - _tmp101_; } _tmp102_ = new_x; _tmp103_ = dx; if ((_tmp102_ + _tmp103_) < 0) { gint _tmp104_; _tmp104_ = new_x; dx = -_tmp104_; } _tmp105_ = new_y; _tmp106_ = dy; _tmp107_ = new_h; _tmp108_ = ph; if (((_tmp105_ + _tmp106_) + _tmp107_) > _tmp108_) { gint _tmp109_; gint _tmp110_; gint _tmp111_; _tmp109_ = ph; _tmp110_ = new_y; _tmp111_ = new_h; dy = (_tmp109_ - _tmp110_) - _tmp111_; } _tmp112_ = new_y; _tmp113_ = dy; if ((_tmp112_ + _tmp113_) < 0) { gint _tmp114_; _tmp114_ = new_y; dy = -_tmp114_; } } _tmp115_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp115_ == CROP_LOCATION_MIDDLE) { gint _tmp116_; gint _tmp117_; gint _tmp118_; gint _tmp119_; _tmp116_ = new_x; _tmp117_ = dx; new_x = _tmp116_ + _tmp117_; _tmp118_ = new_y; _tmp119_ = dy; new_y = _tmp118_ + _tmp119_; } _tmp122_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp122_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT) { _tmp121_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp123_; _tmp123_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp121_ = _tmp123_ == CROP_LOCATION_LEFT; } _tmp124_ = _tmp121_; if (_tmp124_) { _tmp120_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp125_; _tmp125_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp120_ = _tmp125_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT; } _tmp126_ = _tmp120_; if (_tmp126_) { gint _tmp127_; gint _tmp128_; gint _tmp129_; gint _tmp130_; _tmp127_ = new_x; _tmp128_ = dx; new_x = _tmp127_ + _tmp128_; _tmp129_ = new_w; _tmp130_ = dx; new_w = _tmp129_ - _tmp130_; } _tmp133_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp133_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT) { _tmp132_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp134_; _tmp134_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp132_ = _tmp134_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP; } _tmp135_ = _tmp132_; if (_tmp135_) { _tmp131_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp136_; _tmp136_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp131_ = _tmp136_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT; } _tmp137_ = _tmp131_; if (_tmp137_) { gint _tmp138_; gint _tmp139_; gint _tmp140_; gint _tmp141_; _tmp138_ = new_y; _tmp139_ = dy; new_y = _tmp138_ + _tmp139_; _tmp140_ = new_h; _tmp141_ = dy; new_h = _tmp140_ - _tmp141_; } _tmp144_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp144_ == CROP_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT) { _tmp143_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp145_; _tmp145_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp143_ = _tmp145_ == CROP_LOCATION_RIGHT; } _tmp146_ = _tmp143_; if (_tmp146_) { _tmp142_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp147_; _tmp147_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp142_ = _tmp147_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } _tmp148_ = _tmp142_; if (_tmp148_) { gint _tmp149_; gint _tmp150_; _tmp149_ = new_w; _tmp150_ = dx; new_w = _tmp149_ + _tmp150_; } _tmp153_ = self->priv->crop_location; if (_tmp153_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT) { _tmp152_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp154_; _tmp154_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp152_ = _tmp154_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM; } _tmp155_ = _tmp152_; if (_tmp155_) { _tmp151_ = TRUE; } else { CropLocation _tmp156_; _tmp156_ = self->priv->crop_location; _tmp151_ = _tmp156_ == CROP_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } _tmp157_ = _tmp151_; if (_tmp157_) { gint _tmp158_; gint _tmp159_; _tmp158_ = new_h; _tmp159_ = dy; new_h = _tmp158_ + _tmp159_; } _tmp160_ = self->priv->page; _tmp161_ = new_x; _tmp162_ = new_y; page_move_crop (_tmp160_, _tmp161_, _tmp162_); _tmp164_ = new_w; _tmp165_ = cw; if (_tmp164_ != _tmp165_) { _tmp163_ = TRUE; } else { gint _tmp166_; gint _tmp167_; _tmp166_ = new_h; _tmp167_ = ch; _tmp163_ = _tmp166_ != _tmp167_; } _tmp168_ = _tmp163_; if (_tmp168_) { Page* _tmp169_; gint _tmp170_; gint _tmp171_; _tmp169_ = self->priv->page; _tmp170_ = new_w; _tmp171_ = new_h; page_set_custom_crop (_tmp169_, _tmp170_, _tmp171_); } } void page_view_button_release (PageView* self, gint x, gint y) { g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); self->priv->crop_location = CROP_LOCATION_NONE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } GdkCursorType page_view_get_cursor (PageView* self) { GdkCursorType result = 0; GdkCursorType _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->cursor; result = _tmp0_; return result; } static gboolean page_view_animation_cb (PageView* self) { gboolean result = FALSE; gint _tmp0_; gint _tmp1_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE); _tmp0_ = self->priv->animate_segment; _tmp1_ = self->priv->animate_n_segments; self->priv->animate_segment = (_tmp0_ + 1) % _tmp1_; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); result = TRUE; return result; } static gboolean _page_view_animation_cb_gsource_func (gpointer self) { gboolean result; result = page_view_animation_cb (self); return result; } static void page_view_update_animation (PageView* self) { gboolean animate = FALSE; gboolean is_animating = FALSE; gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE; Page* _tmp1_; gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp5_; guint _tmp6_; gboolean _tmp7_; gboolean _tmp8_; gboolean _tmp9_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp1_ = self->priv->page; _tmp2_ = page_is_scanning (_tmp1_); if (_tmp2_) { Page* _tmp3_; gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE; _tmp3_ = self->priv->page; _tmp4_ = page_has_data (_tmp3_); _tmp0_ = !_tmp4_; } else { _tmp0_ = FALSE; } _tmp5_ = _tmp0_; animate = _tmp5_; _tmp6_ = self->priv->animate_timeout; is_animating = _tmp6_ != ((guint) 0); _tmp7_ = animate; _tmp8_ = is_animating; if (_tmp7_ == _tmp8_) { return; } _tmp9_ = animate; if (_tmp9_) { guint _tmp10_; self->priv->animate_segment = 0; _tmp10_ = self->priv->animate_timeout; if (_tmp10_ == ((guint) 0)) { guint _tmp11_ = 0U; _tmp11_ = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, (guint) 150, _page_view_animation_cb_gsource_func, page_view_ref (self), page_view_unref); self->priv->animate_timeout = _tmp11_; } } else { guint _tmp12_; _tmp12_ = self->priv->animate_timeout; if (_tmp12_ != ((guint) 0)) { guint _tmp13_; _tmp13_ = self->priv->animate_timeout; g_source_remove (_tmp13_); } self->priv->animate_timeout = (guint) 0; } } void page_view_render (PageView* self, cairo_t* context) { gint _tmp0_ = 0; gint w; gint _tmp1_ = 0; gint h; cairo_t* _tmp2_; cairo_t* _tmp3_; gint _tmp4_; gint _tmp5_; cairo_t* _tmp6_; cairo_t* _tmp7_; gint _tmp8_; cairo_t* _tmp9_; gint _tmp10_; gint _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_; gint _tmp13_; gint _tmp14_; gint _tmp15_; cairo_t* _tmp16_; cairo_t* _tmp17_; gint _tmp18_; gint _tmp19_; cairo_t* _tmp20_; GdkPixbuf* _tmp21_; cairo_t* _tmp22_; gboolean _tmp23_ = FALSE; Page* _tmp24_; gboolean _tmp25_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp28_; gboolean _tmp70_ = FALSE; Page* _tmp71_; gboolean _tmp72_ = FALSE; gboolean _tmp75_; Page* _tmp115_; gboolean _tmp116_ = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); page_view_update_animation (self); page_view_update_page_view (self); _tmp0_ = page_view_get_preview_width (self); w = _tmp0_; _tmp1_ = page_view_get_preview_height (self); h = _tmp1_; _tmp2_ = context; cairo_set_line_width (_tmp2_, (gdouble) 1); _tmp3_ = context; _tmp4_ = self->priv->x_offset; _tmp5_ = self->priv->y_offset; cairo_translate (_tmp3_, (gdouble) _tmp4_, (gdouble) _tmp5_); _tmp6_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp6_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0); _tmp7_ = context; _tmp8_ = self->priv->border_width; cairo_set_line_width (_tmp7_, (gdouble) _tmp8_); _tmp9_ = context; _tmp10_ = self->priv->border_width; _tmp11_ = self->priv->border_width; _tmp12_ = self->priv->width; _tmp13_ = self->priv->border_width; _tmp14_ = self->priv->height; _tmp15_ = self->priv->border_width; cairo_rectangle (_tmp9_, ((gdouble) _tmp10_) / 2, ((gdouble) _tmp11_) / 2, (gdouble) (_tmp12_ - _tmp13_), (gdouble) (_tmp14_ - _tmp15_)); _tmp16_ = context; cairo_stroke (_tmp16_); _tmp17_ = context; _tmp18_ = self->priv->border_width; _tmp19_ = self->priv->border_width; cairo_translate (_tmp17_, (gdouble) _tmp18_, (gdouble) _tmp19_); _tmp20_ = context; _tmp21_ = self->priv->image; gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (_tmp20_, _tmp21_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0); _tmp22_ = context; cairo_paint (_tmp22_); _tmp24_ = self->priv->page; _tmp25_ = page_is_scanning (_tmp24_); if (_tmp25_) { Page* _tmp26_; gboolean _tmp27_ = FALSE; _tmp26_ = self->priv->page; _tmp27_ = page_has_data (_tmp26_); _tmp23_ = !_tmp27_; } else { _tmp23_ = FALSE; } _tmp28_ = _tmp23_; if (_tmp28_) { gdouble outer_radius = 0.0; gint _tmp29_; gint _tmp30_; gint _tmp33_; gdouble arc; gdouble _tmp34_; gdouble _tmp35_; gdouble _tmp36_ = 0.0; gdouble x; gdouble _tmp37_; gdouble _tmp38_; gdouble _tmp39_ = 0.0; gdouble y; gdouble _tmp40_; gdouble _tmp41_; gdouble _tmp42_; gdouble _tmp43_; gdouble _tmp44_ = 0.0; gdouble inner_radius; gdouble offset; _tmp29_ = w; _tmp30_ = h; if (_tmp29_ > _tmp30_) { gint _tmp31_; _tmp31_ = w; outer_radius = 0.15 * _tmp31_; } else { gint _tmp32_; _tmp32_ = h; outer_radius = 0.15 * _tmp32_; } _tmp33_ = self->priv->animate_n_segments; arc = G_PI / _tmp33_; _tmp34_ = outer_radius; _tmp35_ = arc; _tmp36_ = sin (_tmp35_); x = _tmp34_ * _tmp36_; _tmp37_ = outer_radius; _tmp38_ = arc; _tmp39_ = cos (_tmp38_); y = _tmp37_ * (_tmp39_ - 1.0); _tmp40_ = x; _tmp41_ = x; _tmp42_ = y; _tmp43_ = y; _tmp44_ = sqrt ((_tmp40_ * _tmp41_) + (_tmp42_ * _tmp43_)); inner_radius = 0.6 * _tmp44_; offset = 0.0; { gint i; i = 0; { gboolean _tmp45_; _tmp45_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp46_; gint _tmp50_; gint _tmp51_; gint _tmp52_; gdouble _tmp53_; gdouble _tmp54_; gdouble _tmp55_ = 0.0; gint _tmp56_; gdouble _tmp57_; gdouble _tmp58_; gdouble _tmp59_ = 0.0; cairo_t* _tmp60_; gdouble _tmp61_; gdouble _tmp62_; gdouble _tmp63_; gint _tmp64_; gint _tmp65_; cairo_t* _tmp68_; cairo_t* _tmp69_; _tmp46_ = _tmp45_; if (!_tmp46_) { gint _tmp47_; gdouble _tmp48_; gdouble _tmp49_; _tmp47_ = i; i = _tmp47_ + 1; _tmp48_ = offset; _tmp49_ = arc; offset = _tmp48_ + (_tmp49_ * 2); } _tmp45_ = FALSE; _tmp50_ = i; _tmp51_ = self->priv->animate_n_segments; if (!(_tmp50_ < _tmp51_)) { break; } _tmp52_ = w; _tmp53_ = outer_radius; _tmp54_ = offset; _tmp55_ = sin (_tmp54_); x = (_tmp52_ / 2) + (_tmp53_ * _tmp55_); _tmp56_ = h; _tmp57_ = outer_radius; _tmp58_ = offset; _tmp59_ = cos (_tmp58_); y = (_tmp56_ / 2) - (_tmp57_ * _tmp59_); _tmp60_ = context; _tmp61_ = x; _tmp62_ = y; _tmp63_ = inner_radius; cairo_arc (_tmp60_, _tmp61_, _tmp62_, _tmp63_, (gdouble) 0, 2 * G_PI); _tmp64_ = i; _tmp65_ = self->priv->animate_segment; if (_tmp64_ == _tmp65_) { cairo_t* _tmp66_; cairo_t* _tmp67_; _tmp66_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp66_, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75); _tmp67_ = context; cairo_fill_preserve (_tmp67_); } _tmp68_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp68_, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); _tmp69_ = context; cairo_stroke (_tmp69_); } } } } _tmp71_ = self->priv->page; _tmp72_ = page_is_scanning (_tmp71_); if (_tmp72_) { Page* _tmp73_; gint _tmp74_ = 0; _tmp73_ = self->priv->page; _tmp74_ = page_get_scan_line (_tmp73_); _tmp70_ = _tmp74_ > 0; } else { _tmp70_ = FALSE; } _tmp75_ = _tmp70_; if (_tmp75_) { Page* _tmp76_; gint _tmp77_ = 0; gint scan_line; gdouble s = 0.0; gdouble x1 = 0.0; gdouble y1 = 0.0; gdouble x2 = 0.0; gdouble y2 = 0.0; Page* _tmp78_; ScanDirection _tmp79_ = 0; cairo_t* _tmp107_; gdouble _tmp108_; gdouble _tmp109_; cairo_t* _tmp110_; gdouble _tmp111_; gdouble _tmp112_; cairo_t* _tmp113_; cairo_t* _tmp114_; _tmp76_ = self->priv->page; _tmp77_ = page_get_scan_line (_tmp76_); scan_line = _tmp77_; _tmp78_ = self->priv->page; _tmp79_ = page_get_scan_direction (_tmp78_); switch (_tmp79_) { case SCAN_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: { gint _tmp80_; gint _tmp81_ = 0; gdouble _tmp82_; gint _tmp83_; gdouble _tmp84_; _tmp80_ = scan_line; _tmp81_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp80_); s = (gdouble) _tmp81_; x1 = (gdouble) 0; _tmp82_ = s; y1 = _tmp82_ + 0.5; _tmp83_ = w; x2 = (gdouble) _tmp83_; _tmp84_ = s; y2 = _tmp84_ + 0.5; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: { gint _tmp85_; gint _tmp86_ = 0; gint _tmp87_; gdouble _tmp88_; gint _tmp89_; gint _tmp90_; gdouble _tmp91_; _tmp85_ = scan_line; _tmp86_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp85_); s = (gdouble) _tmp86_; x1 = (gdouble) 0; _tmp87_ = h; _tmp88_ = s; y1 = (_tmp87_ - _tmp88_) + 0.5; _tmp89_ = w; x2 = (gdouble) _tmp89_; _tmp90_ = h; _tmp91_ = s; y2 = (_tmp90_ - _tmp91_) + 0.5; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT: { gint _tmp92_; gint _tmp93_ = 0; gdouble _tmp94_; gdouble _tmp95_; gint _tmp96_; _tmp92_ = scan_line; _tmp93_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp92_); s = (gdouble) _tmp93_; _tmp94_ = s; x1 = _tmp94_ + 0.5; y1 = (gdouble) 0; _tmp95_ = s; x2 = _tmp95_ + 0.5; _tmp96_ = h; y2 = (gdouble) _tmp96_; break; } case SCAN_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: { gint _tmp97_; gint _tmp98_ = 0; gint _tmp99_; gdouble _tmp100_; gint _tmp101_; gdouble _tmp102_; gint _tmp103_; _tmp97_ = scan_line; _tmp98_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp97_); s = (gdouble) _tmp98_; _tmp99_ = w; _tmp100_ = s; x1 = (_tmp99_ - _tmp100_) + 0.5; y1 = (gdouble) 0; _tmp101_ = w; _tmp102_ = s; x2 = (_tmp101_ - _tmp102_) + 0.5; _tmp103_ = h; y2 = (gdouble) _tmp103_; break; } default: { gdouble _tmp104_; gdouble _tmp105_; gdouble _tmp106_; y2 = (gdouble) 0; _tmp104_ = y2; x2 = _tmp104_; _tmp105_ = x2; y1 = _tmp105_; _tmp106_ = y1; x1 = _tmp106_; break; } } _tmp107_ = context; _tmp108_ = x1; _tmp109_ = y1; cairo_move_to (_tmp107_, _tmp108_, _tmp109_); _tmp110_ = context; _tmp111_ = x2; _tmp112_ = y2; cairo_line_to (_tmp110_, _tmp111_, _tmp112_); _tmp113_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp113_, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); _tmp114_ = context; cairo_stroke (_tmp114_); } _tmp115_ = self->priv->page; _tmp116_ = page_has_crop (_tmp115_); if (_tmp116_) { gint x = 0; gint y = 0; gint crop_width = 0; gint crop_height = 0; Page* _tmp117_; gint _tmp118_ = 0; gint _tmp119_ = 0; gint _tmp120_ = 0; gint _tmp121_ = 0; gint _tmp122_; gint _tmp123_ = 0; gint dx; gint _tmp124_; gint _tmp125_ = 0; gint dy; gint _tmp126_; gint _tmp127_ = 0; gint dw; gint _tmp128_; gint _tmp129_ = 0; gint dh; cairo_t* _tmp130_; gint _tmp131_; gint _tmp132_; cairo_t* _tmp133_; cairo_t* _tmp134_; gint _tmp135_; gint _tmp136_; gint _tmp137_; gint _tmp138_; cairo_t* _tmp139_; cairo_t* _tmp140_; cairo_t* _tmp141_; cairo_t* _tmp142_; gint _tmp143_; gint _tmp144_; gint _tmp145_; gint _tmp146_; cairo_t* _tmp147_; cairo_t* _tmp148_; cairo_t* _tmp149_; gint _tmp150_; gint _tmp151_; gint _tmp152_; gint _tmp153_; cairo_t* _tmp154_; cairo_t* _tmp155_; _tmp117_ = self->priv->page; page_get_crop (_tmp117_, &_tmp118_, &_tmp119_, &_tmp120_, &_tmp121_); x = _tmp118_; y = _tmp119_; crop_width = _tmp120_; crop_height = _tmp121_; _tmp122_ = x; _tmp123_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp122_); dx = _tmp123_; _tmp124_ = y; _tmp125_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp124_); dy = _tmp125_; _tmp126_ = crop_width; _tmp127_ = page_view_page_to_screen_x (self, _tmp126_); dw = _tmp127_; _tmp128_ = crop_height; _tmp129_ = page_view_page_to_screen_y (self, _tmp128_); dh = _tmp129_; _tmp130_ = context; _tmp131_ = w; _tmp132_ = h; cairo_rectangle (_tmp130_, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) 0, (gdouble) _tmp131_, (gdouble) _tmp132_); _tmp133_ = context; cairo_new_sub_path (_tmp133_); _tmp134_ = context; _tmp135_ = dx; _tmp136_ = dy; _tmp137_ = dw; _tmp138_ = dh; cairo_rectangle (_tmp134_, (gdouble) _tmp135_, (gdouble) _tmp136_, (gdouble) _tmp137_, (gdouble) _tmp138_); _tmp139_ = context; cairo_set_fill_rule (_tmp139_, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); _tmp140_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgba (_tmp140_, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.2); _tmp141_ = context; cairo_fill (_tmp141_); _tmp142_ = context; _tmp143_ = dx; _tmp144_ = dy; _tmp145_ = dw; _tmp146_ = dh; cairo_rectangle (_tmp142_, _tmp143_ - 1.5, _tmp144_ - 1.5, (gdouble) (_tmp145_ + 3), (gdouble) (_tmp146_ + 3)); _tmp147_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp147_, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); _tmp148_ = context; cairo_stroke (_tmp148_); _tmp149_ = context; _tmp150_ = dx; _tmp151_ = dy; _tmp152_ = dw; _tmp153_ = dh; cairo_rectangle (_tmp149_, _tmp150_ - 0.5, _tmp151_ - 0.5, (gdouble) (_tmp152_ + 1), (gdouble) (_tmp153_ + 1)); _tmp154_ = context; cairo_set_source_rgb (_tmp154_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); _tmp155_ = context; cairo_stroke (_tmp155_); } } void page_view_set_width (PageView* self, gint width) { gint _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; gint _tmp2_ = 0; Page* _tmp3_; gint _tmp4_ = 0; gint height; gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; gint _tmp6_; gint _tmp7_; gboolean _tmp10_; gint _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = width; _tmp1_ = self->priv->page; _tmp2_ = page_get_height (_tmp1_); _tmp3_ = self->priv->page; _tmp4_ = page_get_width (_tmp3_); height = (gint) ((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp2_) / _tmp4_); _tmp6_ = self->priv->width; _tmp7_ = width; if (_tmp6_ == _tmp7_) { gint _tmp8_; gint _tmp9_; _tmp8_ = self->priv->height; _tmp9_ = height; _tmp5_ = _tmp8_ == _tmp9_; } else { _tmp5_ = FALSE; } _tmp10_ = _tmp5_; if (_tmp10_) { return; } _tmp11_ = width; self->priv->width = _tmp11_; _tmp12_ = height; self->priv->height = _tmp12_; self->priv->update_image = TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "size-changed"); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } void page_view_set_height (PageView* self, gint height) { gint _tmp0_; Page* _tmp1_; gint _tmp2_ = 0; Page* _tmp3_; gint _tmp4_ = 0; gint width; gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE; gint _tmp6_; gint _tmp7_; gboolean _tmp10_; gint _tmp11_; gint _tmp12_; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = height; _tmp1_ = self->priv->page; _tmp2_ = page_get_width (_tmp1_); _tmp3_ = self->priv->page; _tmp4_ = page_get_height (_tmp3_); width = (gint) ((((gdouble) _tmp0_) * _tmp2_) / _tmp4_); _tmp6_ = self->priv->width; _tmp7_ = width; if (_tmp6_ == _tmp7_) { gint _tmp8_; gint _tmp9_; _tmp8_ = self->priv->height; _tmp9_ = height; _tmp5_ = _tmp8_ == _tmp9_; } else { _tmp5_ = FALSE; } _tmp10_ = _tmp5_; if (_tmp10_) { return; } _tmp11_ = width; self->priv->width = _tmp11_; _tmp12_ = height; self->priv->height = _tmp12_; self->priv->update_image = TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "size-changed"); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } gint page_view_get_width (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->width; result = _tmp0_; return result; } gint page_view_get_height (PageView* self) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp0_; g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0); _tmp0_ = self->priv->height; result = _tmp0_; return result; } static void page_view_page_pixels_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p) { g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (p != NULL); self->priv->update_image = TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } static void page_view_page_size_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p) { g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (p != NULL); self->priv->update_image = TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "size-changed"); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } static void page_view_page_overlay_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p) { g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (p != NULL); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } static void page_view_scan_direction_changed_cb (PageView* self, Page* p) { g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); g_return_if_fail (p != NULL); self->priv->update_image = TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "size-changed"); g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "changed"); } static void value_page_view_init (GValue* value) { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } static void value_page_view_free_value (GValue* value) { if (value->data[0].v_pointer) { page_view_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer); } } static void value_page_view_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) { if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) { dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = page_view_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer); } else { dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } } static gpointer value_page_view_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) { return value->data[0].v_pointer; } static gchar* value_page_view_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) { if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) { PageView* object; object = collect_values[0].v_pointer; if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) { return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL); } else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) { return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL); } value->data[0].v_pointer = page_view_ref (object); } else { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } return NULL; } static gchar* value_page_view_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) { PageView** object_p; object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer; if (!object_p) { return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value)); } if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) { *object_p = NULL; } else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) { *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer; } else { *object_p = page_view_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer); } return NULL; } GParamSpec* param_spec_page_view (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) { ParamSpecPageView* spec; g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW), NULL); spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags); G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type; return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec); } gpointer value_get_page_view (const GValue* value) { g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW), NULL); return value->data[0].v_pointer; } void value_set_page_view (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) { PageView* old; g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)); old = value->data[0].v_pointer; if (v_object) { g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)); g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))); value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object; page_view_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer); } else { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } if (old) { page_view_unref (old); } } void value_take_page_view (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) { PageView* old; g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)); old = value->data[0].v_pointer; if (v_object) { g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, TYPE_PAGE_VIEW)); g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))); value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object; } else { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } if (old) { page_view_unref (old); } } static void page_view_class_init (PageViewClass * klass) { page_view_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); PAGE_VIEW_CLASS (klass)->finalize = page_view_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (PageViewPrivate)); g_signal_new ("size_changed", TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); g_signal_new ("changed", TYPE_PAGE_VIEW, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void page_view_instance_init (PageView * self) { self->priv = PAGE_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE (self); self->priv->image = NULL; self->priv->border_width = 1; self->priv->update_image = TRUE; self->priv->cursor = GDK_ARROW; self->priv->animate_n_segments = 7; self->ref_count = 1; } static void page_view_finalize (PageView* obj) { PageView * self; self = PAGE_VIEW (obj); _page_unref0 (self->priv->page); _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->image); } GType page_view_get_type (void) { static volatile gsize page_view_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&page_view_type_id__volatile)) { static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { value_page_view_init, value_page_view_free_value, value_page_view_copy_value, value_page_view_peek_pointer, "p", value_page_view_collect_value, "p", value_page_view_lcopy_value }; static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (PageViewClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) page_view_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (PageView), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) page_view_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table }; static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) }; GType page_view_type_id; page_view_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "PageView", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0); g_once_init_leave (&page_view_type_id__volatile, page_view_type_id); } return page_view_type_id__volatile; } gpointer page_view_ref (gpointer instance) { PageView* self; self = instance; g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count); return instance; } void page_view_unref (gpointer instance) { PageView* self; self = instance; if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) { PAGE_VIEW_GET_CLASS (self)->finalize (self); g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self); } }