/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Canonical Ltd. * Author: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ public enum CropLocation { NONE = 0, MIDDLE, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT } public class PageView : Object { /* Page being rendered */ public Page page { get; private set; } /* Image to render at current resolution */ private PageViewTexture page_texture; /* Border around image */ private bool selected_ = false; public bool selected { get { return selected_; } set { if ((this.selected && selected) || (!this.selected && !selected)) return; this.selected = selected; changed (); } } private int ruler_width = 8; private int border_width = 2; /* True if image needs to be regenerated */ private bool update_image = true; /* Dimensions of image to generate */ private int width_; private int height_; /* Location to place this page */ public int x_offset { get; set; } public int y_offset { get; set; } private CropLocation crop_location; private double selected_crop_px; private double selected_crop_py; private int selected_crop_x; private int selected_crop_y; private int selected_crop_w; private int selected_crop_h; /* Cursor over this page */ public string cursor { get; private set; default = "arrow"; } private int animate_n_segments = 7; private int animate_segment; private uint animate_timeout; public signal void size_changed (); public signal void changed (); public PageView (Page page) { this.page = page; page.pixels_changed.connect (page_pixels_changed_cb); page.size_changed.connect (page_size_changed_cb); page.crop_changed.connect (page_overlay_changed_cb); page.scan_line_changed.connect (page_overlay_changed_cb); page.scan_direction_changed.connect (scan_direction_changed_cb); page_texture = new PageViewTexture(page); page_texture.new_buffer.connect (new_buffer_cb); } ~PageView () { page.pixels_changed.disconnect (page_pixels_changed_cb); page.size_changed.disconnect (page_size_changed_cb); page.crop_changed.disconnect (page_overlay_changed_cb); page.scan_line_changed.disconnect (page_overlay_changed_cb); page.scan_direction_changed.disconnect (scan_direction_changed_cb); page_texture.new_buffer.disconnect (new_buffer_cb); } private void new_buffer_cb() { changed (); } private int get_preview_width () { return width_ - (border_width + ruler_width) * 2; } private int get_preview_height () { return height_ - (border_width + ruler_width) * 2; } private int page_to_screen_x (int x) { return (int) ((double)x * get_preview_width () / page.width + 0.5); } private int page_to_screen_y (int y) { return (int) ((double)y * get_preview_height () / page.height + 0.5); } private int screen_to_page_x (int x) { return (int) ((double)x * page.width / get_preview_width () + 0.5); } private int screen_to_page_y (int y) { return (int) ((double)y * page.height / get_preview_height () + 0.5); } private CropLocation get_crop_location (int x, int y) { if (!page.has_crop) return CropLocation.NONE; var cx = page.crop_x; var cy = page.crop_y; var cw = page.crop_width; var ch = page.crop_height; var dx = page_to_screen_x (cx) + border_width + ruler_width; var dy = page_to_screen_y (cy) + border_width + ruler_width; var dw = page_to_screen_x (cw) + border_width + ruler_width; var dh = page_to_screen_y (ch) + border_width + ruler_width; var ix = x - dx; var iy = y - dy; if (ix < 0 || ix > dw || iy < 0 || iy > dh) return CropLocation.NONE; /* Can't resize named crops */ var name = page.crop_name; if (name != null) return CropLocation.MIDDLE; /* Adjust borders so can select */ int crop_border = 20; if (dw < crop_border * 3) crop_border = dw / 3; if (dh < crop_border * 3) crop_border = dh / 3; /* Top left */ if (ix < crop_border && iy < crop_border) return CropLocation.TOP_LEFT; /* Top right */ if (ix > dw - crop_border && iy < crop_border) return CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT; /* Bottom left */ if (ix < crop_border && iy > dh - crop_border) return CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT; /* Bottom right */ if (ix > dw - crop_border && iy > dh - crop_border) return CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT; /* Left */ if (ix < crop_border) return CropLocation.LEFT; /* Right */ if (ix > dw - crop_border) return CropLocation.RIGHT; /* Top */ if (iy < crop_border) return CropLocation.TOP; /* Bottom */ if (iy > dh - crop_border) return CropLocation.BOTTOM; /* In the middle */ return CropLocation.MIDDLE; } public void button_press (int x, int y) { /* See if selecting crop */ var location = get_crop_location (x, y); if (location != CropLocation.NONE) { crop_location = location; selected_crop_px = x; selected_crop_py = y; selected_crop_x = page.crop_x; selected_crop_y = page.crop_y; selected_crop_w = page.crop_width; selected_crop_h = page.crop_height; } } public void motion (int x, int y) { var location = get_crop_location (x, y); string cursor; switch (location) { case CropLocation.MIDDLE: cursor = "hand1"; break; case CropLocation.TOP: cursor = "top_side"; break; case CropLocation.BOTTOM: cursor = "bottom_side"; break; case CropLocation.LEFT: cursor = "left_side"; break; case CropLocation.RIGHT: cursor = "right_side"; break; case CropLocation.TOP_LEFT: cursor = "top_left_corner"; break; case CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT: cursor = "top_right_corner"; break; case CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT: cursor = "bottom_left_corner"; break; case CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT: cursor = "bottom_right_corner"; break; default: cursor = "arrow"; break; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.NONE) { this.cursor = cursor; return; } /* Move the crop */ var pw = page.width; var ph = page.height; var cw = page.crop_width; var ch = page.crop_height; var dx = screen_to_page_x (x - (int) selected_crop_px); var dy = screen_to_page_y (y - (int) selected_crop_py); var new_x = selected_crop_x; var new_y = selected_crop_y; var new_w = selected_crop_w; var new_h = selected_crop_h; /* Limit motion to remain within page and minimum crop size */ var min_size = screen_to_page_x (15); if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT) { if (dx > new_w - min_size) dx = new_w - min_size; if (new_x + dx < 0) dx = -new_x; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.TOP || crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT) { if (dy > new_h - min_size) dy = new_h - min_size; if (new_y + dy < 0) dy = -new_y; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT || crop_location == CropLocation.RIGHT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT) { if (dx < min_size - new_w) dx = min_size - new_w; if (new_x + new_w + dx > pw) dx = pw - new_x - new_w; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT) { if (dy < min_size - new_h) dy = min_size - new_h; if (new_y + new_h + dy > ph) dy = ph - new_y - new_h; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.MIDDLE) { if (new_x + dx + new_w > pw) dx = pw - new_x - new_w; if (new_x + dx < 0) dx = -new_x; if (new_y + dy + new_h > ph) dy = ph - new_y - new_h; if (new_y + dy < 0) dy = -new_y; } /* Move crop */ if (crop_location == CropLocation.MIDDLE) { new_x += dx; new_y += dy; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT) { new_x += dx; new_w -= dx; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.TOP || crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT) { new_y += dy; new_h -= dy; } if (crop_location == CropLocation.TOP_RIGHT || crop_location == CropLocation.RIGHT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT) new_w += dx; if (crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM || crop_location == CropLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT) new_h += dy; page.move_crop (new_x, new_y); /* If reshaped crop, must be a custom crop */ if (new_w != cw || new_h != ch) page.set_custom_crop (new_w, new_h); } public void button_release (int x, int y) { /* Complete crop */ crop_location = CropLocation.NONE; changed (); } private bool animation_cb () { animate_segment = (animate_segment + 1) % animate_n_segments; changed (); return true; } private void update_animation () { bool animate, is_animating; animate = page.is_scanning && !page.has_data; is_animating = animate_timeout != 0; if (animate == is_animating) return; if (animate) { animate_segment = 0; if (animate_timeout == 0) animate_timeout = Timeout.add (150, animation_cb); } else { if (animate_timeout != 0) Source.remove (animate_timeout); animate_timeout = 0; } } /* It is necessary to ask the ruler color since it is themed with the GTK */ /* theme foreground color, and this class doesn't have any GTK widget */ /* available to lookup the color. */ public void render (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.RGBA ruler_color) { update_animation (); page_texture.request_resize (get_preview_width (), get_preview_height ()); try { page_texture.queue_update (); } catch (Error e) { warning ("Failed to queue_update of the texture: %s", e.message); // Ask for another redraw changed (); } var w = get_preview_width (); var h = get_preview_height (); context.set_line_width (1); context.translate (x_offset, y_offset); /* Draw image */ context.translate (border_width + ruler_width, border_width + ruler_width); if (page_texture.pixbuf != null) { float x_scale = (float) w / (float) page_texture.pixbuf.width; float y_scale = (float) h / (float) page_texture.pixbuf.height; context.save (); context.scale(x_scale, y_scale); // context.rectangle (0, 0.0, w, h); Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf (context, page_texture.pixbuf, 0, 0); context.paint (); context.restore (); } else { Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba (context, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}); context.rectangle (0, 0.0, w, h); context.fill (); } /* Draw page border */ Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba (context, ruler_color); context.set_line_width (border_width); context.rectangle (0, 0.0, w, h); context.stroke (); /* Draw horizontal ruler */ context.set_line_width (1); var ruler_tick = 0; var line = 0.0; var big_ruler_tick = 5; while (ruler_tick <= page.width) { line = page_to_screen_x (ruler_tick) + 0.5; if (big_ruler_tick == 5) { context.move_to (line, 0); context.line_to (line, -ruler_width); context.move_to (line, h); context.line_to (line, h + ruler_width); big_ruler_tick = 0; } else { context.move_to (line, -2); context.line_to (line, -5); context.move_to (line, h + 2); context.line_to (line, h + 5); } ruler_tick = ruler_tick + page.dpi/5; big_ruler_tick = big_ruler_tick + 1; } context.stroke (); /* Draw vertical ruler */ ruler_tick = 0; line = 0.0; big_ruler_tick = 5; while (ruler_tick <= page.height) { line = page_to_screen_y (ruler_tick) + 0.5; if (big_ruler_tick == 5) { context.move_to (0, line); context.line_to (-ruler_width, line); context.move_to (w, line); context.line_to (w + ruler_width, line); big_ruler_tick = 0; } else { context.move_to (-2, line); context.line_to (-5, line); context.move_to (w + 2, line); context.line_to (w + 5, line); } ruler_tick = ruler_tick + page.dpi/5; big_ruler_tick = big_ruler_tick + 1; } context.stroke (); /* Draw scan line */ if (page.is_scanning && page.scan_line > 0) { var scan_line = page.scan_line; double s; double x1, y1, x2, y2; switch (page.scan_direction) { case ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: s = page_to_screen_y (scan_line); x1 = 0; y1 = s + 0.5; x2 = w; y2 = s + 0.5; break; case ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP: s = page_to_screen_y (scan_line); x1 = 0; y1 = h - s + 0.5; x2 = w; y2 = h - s + 0.5; break; case ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: s = page_to_screen_x (scan_line); x1 = s + 0.5; y1 = 0; x2 = s + 0.5; y2 = h; break; case ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: s = page_to_screen_x (scan_line); x1 = w - s + 0.5; y1 = 0; x2 = w - s + 0.5; y2 = h; break; default: x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0; break; } context.move_to (x1, y1); context.line_to (x2, y2); context.set_source_rgb (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); context.stroke (); } /* Draw crop */ if (page.has_crop) { var x = page.crop_x; var y = page.crop_y; var crop_width = page.crop_width; var crop_height = page.crop_height; var dx = page_to_screen_x (x); var dy = page_to_screen_y (y); var dw = page_to_screen_x (crop_width); var dh = page_to_screen_y (crop_height); /* Shade out cropped area */ context.rectangle (0, 0, w, h); context.new_sub_path (); context.rectangle (dx, dy, dw, dh); context.set_fill_rule (Cairo.FillRule.EVEN_ODD); context.set_source_rgba (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.2); context.fill (); /* Show new edge */ context.set_source_rgb (1.0, 1.0, 1.0); context.move_to (-border_width, dy - 1.5); context.line_to (border_width + w, dy - 1.5); context.move_to (-border_width, dy + dh + 1.5); context.line_to (border_width + w, dy + dh + 1.5); context.stroke (); context.move_to (dx - 1.5, -border_width); context.line_to (dx - 1.5, border_width + h); context.move_to (dx + dw + 1.5, -border_width); context.line_to (dx + dw + 1.5, border_width + h); context.stroke (); context.rectangle (dx - 0.5, dy - 0.5, dw + 1, dh + 1); context.set_source_rgb (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); context.stroke (); } } public int width { get { return width_; } set { // FIXME: Automatically update when get updated image var h = (int) ((double) value * page.height / page.width); if (width_ == value && height_ == h) return; width_ = value; height_ = h; /* Regenerate image */ update_image = true; size_changed (); changed (); } } public int height { get { return height_; } set { // FIXME: Automatically update when get updated image var w = (int) ((double) value * page.width / page.height); if (width_ == w && height_ == value) return; width_ = w; height_ = value; /* Regenerate image */ update_image = true; size_changed (); changed (); } } private void page_pixels_changed_cb (Page p) { /* Regenerate image */ update_image = true; page_texture.request_update (); changed (); } private void page_size_changed_cb (Page p) { /* Regenerate image */ update_image = true; size_changed (); changed (); } private void page_overlay_changed_cb (Page p) { changed (); } private void scan_direction_changed_cb (Page p) { /* Regenerate image */ update_image = true; page_texture.request_update (); size_changed (); changed (); } }