/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd. * Author: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell@canonical.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ public enum ScanDirection { TOP_TO_BOTTOM, LEFT_TO_RIGHT, BOTTOM_TO_TOP, RIGHT_TO_LEFT } public class Page { /* Resolution of page */ private int dpi; /* Number of rows in this page or -1 if currently unknown */ private int expected_rows; /* Bit depth */ private int depth; /* Color profile */ private string? color_profile; /* Scanned image data */ private int width; private int n_rows; private int rowstride; private int n_channels; private uchar[] pixels; /* Page is getting data */ private bool scanning; /* true if have some page data */ private bool has_data_; /* Expected next scan row */ private int scan_line; /* Rotation of scanned data */ private ScanDirection scan_direction = ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; /* Crop */ private bool has_crop_; private string? crop_name; private int crop_x; private int crop_y; private int crop_width; private int crop_height; public signal void pixels_changed (); public signal void size_changed (); public signal void scan_line_changed (); public signal void scan_direction_changed (); public signal void crop_changed (); public signal void scan_finished (); public Page (int width, int height, int dpi, ScanDirection scan_direction) { if (scan_direction == ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM || scan_direction == ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP) { this.width = width; n_rows = height; } else { this.width = height; n_rows = width; } this.dpi = dpi; this.scan_direction = scan_direction; } public void set_page_info (ScanPageInfo info) { expected_rows = info.height; dpi = (int) info.dpi; /* Create a white page */ width = info.width; n_rows = info.height; /* Variable height, try 50% of the width for now */ if (n_rows < 0) n_rows = width / 2; depth = info.depth; n_channels = info.n_channels; rowstride = (width * depth * n_channels + 7) / 8; pixels.resize (n_rows * rowstride); return_if_fail (pixels != null); /* Fill with white */ if (depth == 1) Memory.set (pixels, 0x00, n_rows * rowstride); else Memory.set (pixels, 0xFF, n_rows * rowstride); size_changed (); pixels_changed (); } public void start () { scanning = true; scan_line_changed (); } public bool is_scanning () { return scanning; } public bool has_data () { return has_data_; } public bool is_color () { return n_channels > 1; } public int get_scan_line () { return scan_line; } private void parse_line (ScanLine line, int n, out bool size_changed) { int line_number; line_number = line.number + n; /* Extend image if necessary */ size_changed = false; while (line_number >= get_scan_height ()) { int rows; /* Extend image */ rows = n_rows; n_rows = rows + width / 2; debug ("Extending image from %d lines to %d lines", rows, n_rows); pixels.resize (n_rows * rowstride); size_changed = true; } /* Copy in new row */ var offset = line_number * rowstride; var line_offset = n * line.data_length; for (var i = 0; i < line.data_length; i++) pixels[offset+i] = line.data[line_offset+i]; scan_line = line_number; } public void parse_scan_line (ScanLine line) { bool size_has_changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < line.n_lines; i++) parse_line (line, i, out size_has_changed); has_data_ = true; if (size_has_changed) size_changed (); scan_line_changed (); pixels_changed (); } public void finish () { bool size_has_changed = false; /* Trim page */ if (expected_rows < 0 && scan_line != get_scan_height ()) { int rows; rows = n_rows; n_rows = scan_line; pixels.resize (n_rows * rowstride); debug ("Trimming page from %d lines to %d lines", rows, n_rows); size_has_changed = true; } scanning = false; if (size_has_changed) size_changed (); scan_line_changed (); scan_finished (); } public ScanDirection get_scan_direction () { return scan_direction; } private void set_scan_direction (ScanDirection direction) { int left_steps, t; bool size_has_changed = false; int width, height; if (scan_direction == direction) return; /* Work out how many times it has been rotated to the left */ left_steps = direction - scan_direction; if (left_steps < 0) left_steps += 4; if (left_steps != 2) size_has_changed = true; width = get_width (); height = get_height (); /* Rotate crop */ if (has_crop_) { switch (left_steps) { /* 90 degrees counter-clockwise */ case 1: t = crop_x; crop_x = crop_y; crop_y = width - (t + crop_width); t = crop_width; crop_width = crop_height; crop_height = t; break; /* 180 degrees */ case 2: crop_x = width - (crop_x + crop_width); crop_y = width - (crop_y + crop_height); break; /* 90 degrees clockwise */ case 3: t = crop_y; crop_y = crop_x; crop_x = height - (t + crop_height); t = crop_width; crop_width = crop_height; crop_height = t; break; } } scan_direction = direction; if (size_has_changed) size_changed (); scan_direction_changed (); if (has_crop_) crop_changed (); } public void rotate_left () { var direction = scan_direction; switch (direction) { case ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: direction = ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: direction = ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP; break; case ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP: direction = ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; case ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: direction = ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; break; } set_scan_direction (direction); } public void rotate_right () { var direction = scan_direction; switch (direction) { case ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: direction = ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; case ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: direction = ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; break; case ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP: direction = ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: direction = ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP; break; } set_scan_direction (direction); } public int get_dpi () { return dpi; } public bool is_landscape () { return get_width () > get_height (); } public int get_width () { if (scan_direction == ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM || scan_direction == ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP) return width; else return n_rows; } public int get_height () { if (scan_direction == ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM || scan_direction == ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP) return n_rows; else return width; } public int get_depth () { return depth; } public int get_n_channels () { return n_channels; } public int get_rowstride () { return rowstride; } public int get_scan_width () { return width; } public int get_scan_height () { return n_rows; } public void set_color_profile (string? color_profile) { this.color_profile = color_profile; } public string get_color_profile () { return color_profile; } public void set_no_crop () { if (!has_crop_) return; has_crop_ = false; crop_changed (); } public void set_custom_crop (int width, int height) { //int pw, ph; return_if_fail (width >= 1); return_if_fail (height >= 1); if (crop_name == null && has_crop_ && crop_width == width && crop_height == height) return; crop_name = null; has_crop_ = true; crop_width = width; crop_height = height; /*pw = get_width (); ph = get_height (); if (crop_width < pw) crop_x = (pw - crop_width) / 2; else crop_x = 0; if (crop_height < ph) crop_y = (ph - crop_height) / 2; else crop_y = 0;*/ crop_changed (); } public void set_named_crop (string name) { double width, height; switch (name) { case "A4": width = 8.3; height = 11.7; break; case "A5": width = 5.8; height = 8.3; break; case "A6": width = 4.1; height = 5.8; break; case "letter": width = 8.5; height = 11; break; case "legal": width = 8.5; height = 14; break; case "4x6": width = 4; height = 6; break; default: warning ("Unknown paper size '%s'", name); return; } crop_name = name; has_crop_ = true; var pw = get_width (); var ph = get_height (); /* Rotate to match original aspect */ if (pw > ph) { double t; t = width; width = height; height = t; } /* Custom crop, make slightly smaller than original */ crop_width = (int) (width * dpi + 0.5); crop_height = (int) (height * dpi + 0.5); if (crop_width < pw) crop_x = (pw - crop_width) / 2; else crop_x = 0; if (crop_height < ph) crop_y = (ph - crop_height) / 2; else crop_y = 0; crop_changed (); } public void move_crop (int x, int y) { return_if_fail (x >= 0); return_if_fail (y >= 0); return_if_fail (x < get_width ()); return_if_fail (y < get_height ()); crop_x = x; crop_y = y; crop_changed (); } public void rotate_crop () { int t; if (!has_crop_) return; t = crop_width; crop_width = crop_height; crop_height = t; /* Clip custom crops */ if (crop_name == null) { int w, h; w = get_width (); h = get_height (); if (crop_x + crop_width > w) crop_x = w - crop_width; if (crop_x < 0) { crop_x = 0; crop_width = w; } if (crop_y + crop_height > h) crop_y = h - crop_height; if (crop_y < 0) { crop_y = 0; crop_height = h; } } crop_changed (); } public bool has_crop () { return has_crop_; } public void get_crop (out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height) { x = crop_x; y = crop_y; width = crop_width; height = crop_height; } public string get_named_crop () { return crop_name; } public unowned uchar[] get_pixels () { return pixels; } public void set_pixels (uchar[] new_pixels) { pixels = new_pixels; has_data_ = new_pixels != null; pixels_changed (); } // FIXME: Copied from page-view, should be shared code private uchar get_sample (uchar[] pixels, int offset, int x, int depth, int n_channels, int channel) { // FIXME return 0xFF; } // FIXME: Copied from page-view, should be shared code private void get_pixel (int x, int y, uchar[] pixel, int offset) { switch (get_scan_direction ()) { case ScanDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: break; case ScanDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP: x = get_scan_width () - x - 1; y = get_scan_height () - y - 1; break; case ScanDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: var t = x; x = get_scan_width () - y - 1; y = t; break; case ScanDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: var t = x; x = y; y = get_scan_height () - t - 1; break; } var depth = get_depth (); var n_channels = get_n_channels (); var line_offset = get_rowstride () * y; /* Optimise for 8 bit images */ if (depth == 8 && n_channels == 3) { var o = line_offset + x * n_channels; pixel[offset+0] = pixels[o]; pixel[offset+1] = pixels[o+1]; pixel[offset+2] = pixels[o+2]; return; } else if (depth == 8 && n_channels == 1) { var p = pixels[line_offset + x]; pixel[offset+0] = pixel[offset+1] = pixel[offset+2] = p; return; } /* Optimise for bitmaps */ else if (depth == 1 && n_channels == 1) { var p = pixels[line_offset + (x / 8)]; pixel[offset+0] = pixel[offset+1] = pixel[offset+2] = (p & (0x80 >> (x % 8))) != 0 ? 0x00 : 0xFF; return; } /* Optimise for 2 bit images */ else if (depth == 2 && n_channels == 1) { int block_shift[4] = { 6, 4, 2, 0 }; var p = pixels[line_offset + (x / 4)]; var sample = (p >> block_shift[x % 4]) & 0x3; sample = sample * 255 / 3; pixel[offset+0] = pixel[offset+1] = pixel[offset+2] = (uchar) sample; return; } /* Use slow method */ pixel[offset+0] = get_sample (pixels, line_offset, x, depth, n_channels, 0); pixel[offset+1] = get_sample (pixels, line_offset, x, depth, n_channels, 1); pixel[offset+2] = get_sample (pixels, line_offset, x, depth, n_channels, 2); } public Gdk.Pixbuf get_image (bool apply_crop) { int l, r, t, b; if (apply_crop && has_crop_) { l = crop_x; r = l + crop_width; t = crop_y; b = t + crop_height; if (l < 0) l = 0; if (r > get_width ()) r = get_width (); if (t < 0) t = 0; if (b > get_height ()) b = get_height (); } else { l = 0; r = get_width (); t = 0; b = get_height (); } var image = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.RGB, false, 8, r - l, b - t); unowned uint8[] image_pixels = image.get_pixels (); for (var y = t; y < b; y++) { var offset = image.get_rowstride () * (y - t); for (var x = l; x < r; x++) get_pixel (x, y, image_pixels, offset + (x - l) * 3); } return image; } private string? get_icc_data_encoded (string icc_profile_filename) { /* Get binary data */ string contents; try { FileUtils.get_contents (icc_profile_filename, out contents); } catch (Error e) { warning ("failed to get icc profile data: %s", e.message); return null; } /* Encode into base64 */ return Base64.encode ((uchar[]) contents.to_utf8 ()); } public void copy_to_clipboard (Gtk.Window window) { Gdk.Display display = window.get_display (); Gtk.Clipboard clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get_for_display (display, Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); var image = get_image (true); clipboard.set_image(image); } public void save (string type, int quality, File file) throws Error { var stream = file.replace (null, false, FileCreateFlags.NONE, null); var writer = new PixbufWriter (stream); var image = get_image (true); string? icc_profile_data = null; if (color_profile != null) icc_profile_data = get_icc_data_encoded (color_profile); if (strcmp (type, "jpeg") == 0) { string[] keys = { "quality", "density-unit", "x-density", "y-density", "icc-profile", null }; string[] values = { "%d".printf (quality), "dots-per-inch", "%d".printf (dpi), "%d".printf (dpi), icc_profile_data, null }; if (icc_profile_data == null) keys[4] = null; writer.save (image, "jpeg", keys, values); } else if (strcmp (type, "png") == 0) { string[] keys = { "icc-profile", null }; string[] values = { icc_profile_data, null }; if (icc_profile_data == null) keys[0] = null; writer.save (image, "png", keys, values); } else if (strcmp (type, "tiff") == 0) { string[] keys = { "compression", "icc-profile", null }; string[] values = { "8" /* Deflate compression */, icc_profile_data, null }; if (icc_profile_data == null) keys[1] = null; writer.save (image, "tiff", keys, values); } else ; // FIXME: Throw Error } } public class PixbufWriter { public FileOutputStream stream; public PixbufWriter (FileOutputStream stream) { this.stream = stream; } public void save (Gdk.Pixbuf image, string type, string[] option_keys, string[] option_values) throws Error { image.save_to_callbackv (write_pixbuf_data, type, option_keys, option_values); } private bool write_pixbuf_data (uint8[] buf) throws Error { stream.write_all (buf, null, null); return true; } }