 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.
 * Author: Robert Ancell <robert.ancell@canonical.com>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the
 * license.

/* TODO: Could indicate the start of the next page immediately after the last page is received (i.e. before the sane_cancel()) */

public class ScanDevice
    public string name;
    public string label;

public class ScanPageInfo
    /* Width, height in pixels */
    public int width;
    public int height;

    /* Bit depth */
    public int depth;

    /* Number of colour channels */
    public int n_channels;

    /* Resolution */
    public double dpi;

    /* The device this page came from */
    public string device;

public class ScanLine
    /* Line number */
    public int number;

    /* Number of lines in this packet */
    public int n_lines;

    /* Width in pixels and format */
    public int width;
    public int depth;

    /* Channel for this line or -1 for all channels */
    public int channel;

    /* Raw line data */
    public uchar[] data;
    public int data_length;

public enum ScanMode

public enum ScanType

public class ScanOptions
    public int dpi;
    public ScanMode scan_mode;
    public int depth;
    public ScanType type;
    public int paper_width;
    public int paper_height;

private class ScanJob
    public int id;
    public string device;
    public double dpi;
    public ScanMode scan_mode;
    public int depth;
    public ScanType type;
    public int page_width;
    public int page_height;

private class Request {}

private class RequestRedetect : Request {}

private class RequestCancel : Request {}

private class RequestStartScan : Request
    public ScanJob job;

private class RequestQuit : Request {}

private class Credentials
    public string username;
    public string password;

private enum ScanState
    IDLE = 0,

private class Notify
    public virtual void run (Scanner scanner) {}

private class NotifyScanningChanged : Notify
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.scanning_changed (); }

private class NotifyUpdateDevices : Notify
    public NotifyUpdateDevices (owned List<ScanDevice> devices) { this.devices = (owned) devices; }
    private List<ScanDevice> devices;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.update_devices (devices); }

private class NotifyRequestAuthorization : Notify
    public NotifyRequestAuthorization (string resource) { this.resource = resource; }
    private string resource;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.request_authorization (resource); }

private class NotifyScanFailed : Notify
    public NotifyScanFailed (int error_code, string error_string) { this.error_code = error_code; this.error_string = error_string; }
    private int error_code;
    private string error_string;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.scan_failed (error_code, error_string); }

private class NotifyDocumentDone : Notify
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.document_done (); }

private class NotifyExpectPage : Notify
    public override void run (Scanner scanner) { scanner.expect_page (); }

private class NotifyGotPageInfo : Notify
    public NotifyGotPageInfo (int job_id, ScanPageInfo info) { this.job_id = job_id; this.info = info; }
    private int job_id;
    private ScanPageInfo info;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner)
        if (job_id >= scanner.first_job_id && job_id < scanner.job_id)
            scanner.got_page_info (info);

private class NotifyPageDone : Notify
    public NotifyPageDone (int job_id) { this.job_id = job_id; }
    private int job_id;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner)
        if (job_id >= scanner.first_job_id && job_id < scanner.job_id)
            scanner.page_done ();

private class NotifyGotLine : Notify
    public NotifyGotLine (int job_id, ScanLine line) { this.job_id = job_id; this.line = line; }
    private int job_id;
    private ScanLine line;
    public override void run (Scanner scanner)
        if (job_id >= scanner.first_job_id && job_id < scanner.job_id)
            scanner.got_line (line);

public class Scanner
    /* Singleton object */
    private static Scanner scanner_object = null;

    /* Thread communicating with SANE */
    private unowned Thread<void*> thread;

    /* Queue of requests from main thread */
    private AsyncQueue<Request> request_queue;

    /* Queue of events to notify in main queue */
    private AsyncQueue<Notify> notify_queue;

    /* Queue of responses to authorization requests */
    private AsyncQueue<Credentials> authorize_queue;

    /* ID for the current job */
    public int first_job_id;
    public int job_id;

    private string? default_device;

    private ScanState state;
    private bool need_redetect;

    private List<ScanJob> job_queue;

    /* Handle to SANE device */
    private Sane.Handle handle;
    private bool have_handle;
    private string? current_device;

    private Sane.Parameters parameters;

    /* Last option read */
    private Sane.Int option_index;

    /* Table of options */
    private HashTable<string, int> options;

    /* Buffer for received line */
    private uchar[] buffer;
    private int n_used;

    //private int bytes_remaining;
    private int line_count;
    private int pass_number;
    private int page_number;
    private int notified_page;

    private bool scanning;

    public signal void update_devices (List<ScanDevice> devices);
    public signal void request_authorization (string resource);
    public signal void expect_page ();
    public signal void got_page_info (ScanPageInfo info);
    public signal void got_line (ScanLine line);
    public signal void scan_failed (int error_code, string error_string);
    public signal void page_done ();
    public signal void document_done ();
    public signal void scanning_changed ();

    private Scanner ()
        request_queue = new AsyncQueue<Request> ();
        notify_queue = new AsyncQueue<Notify> ();
        authorize_queue = new AsyncQueue<Credentials> ();

    public static Scanner get_instance ()
        if (scanner_object == null)
            scanner_object = new Scanner ();
        return scanner_object;

    private bool notify_idle_cb ()
        var notification = notify_queue.pop ();
        notification.run (this);
        return false;

    private void notify (Notify notification)
        notify_queue.push (notification);
        Idle.add (notify_idle_cb);

    private void set_scanning (bool is_scanning)
        if ((scanning && !is_scanning) || (!scanning && is_scanning))
            scanning = is_scanning;
            notify (new NotifyScanningChanged ());

    private static int get_device_weight (string device)
        /* NOTE: This is using trends in the naming of SANE devices, SANE should be able to provide this information better */

        /* Use webcams as a last resort */
        if (device.has_prefix ("vfl:"))
           return 2;

        /* Use locally connected devices first */
        if (device.contains ("usb"))
           return 0;

        return 1;

    private static int compare_devices (ScanDevice device1, ScanDevice device2)
        /* TODO: Should do some fuzzy matching on the last selected device and set that to the default */

        var weight1 = get_device_weight (device1.name);
        var weight2 = get_device_weight (device2.name);
        if (weight1 != weight2)
            return weight1 - weight2;

        return strcmp (device1.label, device2.label);

    private void do_redetect ()
        unowned Sane.Device[] device_list = null;
        var status = Sane.get_devices (out device_list, false);
        debug ("sane_get_devices () -> %s", Sane.status_to_string (status));
        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Unable to get SANE devices: %s", Sane.strstatus(status));
            need_redetect = false;
            state = ScanState.IDLE;

        List<ScanDevice> devices = null;
        for (var i = 0; device_list[i] != null; i++)
            debug ("Device: name=\"%s\" vendor=\"%s\" model=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"",
                   device_list[i].name, device_list[i].vendor, device_list[i].model, device_list[i].type);

            var scan_device = new ScanDevice ();
            scan_device.name = device_list[i].name;

            /* Abbreviate HP as it is a long string and does not match what is on the physical scanner */
            var vendor = device_list[i].vendor;
            if (vendor == "Hewlett-Packard")
                vendor = "HP";

            scan_device.label = "%s %s".printf (vendor, device_list[i].model);
            /* Replace underscores in name */
            scan_device.label.replace ("_", " ");

            devices.append (scan_device);

        /* Sort devices by priority */
        devices.sort (compare_devices);

        need_redetect = false;
        state = ScanState.IDLE;

        if (devices != null)
            var device = devices.nth_data (0);
            default_device = device.name;
            default_device = null;

        notify (new NotifyUpdateDevices ((owned) devices));

    private bool set_default_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index)
        /* Check if supports automatic option */
        if ((option.cap & Sane.Capability.AUTOMATIC) == 0)
            return false;

        var status = Sane.control_option (handle, option_index, Sane.Action.SET_AUTO, null, null);
        debug ("sane_control_option (%d, SANE_ACTION_SET_AUTO) -> %s", (int) option_index, Sane.status_to_string (status));
        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Error setting default option %s: %s", option.name, Sane.strstatus(status));

        return status == Sane.Status.GOOD;

    private void set_bool_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index, bool value, out bool result)
        return_if_fail (option.type == Sane.ValueType.BOOL);

        Sane.Bool v = (Sane.Bool) value;
        var status = Sane.control_option (handle, option_index, Sane.Action.SET_VALUE, &v, null);
        result = (bool) v;
        debug ("sane_control_option (%d, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, %s) -> (%s, %s)", (int) option_index, value ? "SANE_TRUE" : "SANE_FALSE", Sane.status_to_string (status), result ? "SANE_TRUE" : "SANE_FALSE");

    private void set_int_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index, int value, out int result)
        return_if_fail (option.type == Sane.ValueType.INT);

        Sane.Int v = (Sane.Int) value;
        if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.RANGE)
            if (option.range.quant != 0)
                v *= option.range.quant;
            if (v < option.range.min)
                v = option.range.min;
            if (v > option.range.max)
                v = option.range.max;
        else if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.WORD_LIST)
            int distance = int.MAX, nearest = 0;

            /* Find nearest value to requested */
            for (var i = 0; i < option.word_list[0]; i++)
                var x = (int) option.word_list[i+1];
                var d = (int) (x - v);
                d = d.abs ();
                if (d < distance)
                    distance = d;
                    nearest = x;
            v = (Sane.Int) nearest;

        var status = Sane.control_option (handle, option_index, Sane.Action.SET_VALUE, &v, null);
        debug ("sane_control_option (%d, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, %d) -> (%s, %d)", (int) option_index, value, Sane.status_to_string (status), (int) v);
        result = (int) v;

    private void set_fixed_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index, double value, out double result)
        double v = value;
        Sane.Fixed v_fixed;

        return_if_fail (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED);

        if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.RANGE)
            double min = Sane.UNFIX (option.range.min);
            double max = Sane.UNFIX (option.range.max);

            if (v < min)
                v = min;
            if (v > max)
                v = max;
        else if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.WORD_LIST)
            double distance = double.MAX, nearest = 0.0;

            /* Find nearest value to requested */
            for (var i = 0; i < option.word_list[0]; i++)
                double x = Sane.UNFIX (option.word_list[i+1]);
                if (Math.fabs (x - v) < distance)
                    distance = Math.fabs (x - v);
                    nearest = x;
            v = nearest;

        v_fixed = Sane.FIX (v);
        var status = Sane.control_option (handle, option_index, Sane.Action.SET_VALUE, &v_fixed, null);
        debug ("sane_control_option (%d, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, %f) -> (%s, %f)", (int) option_index, value, Sane.status_to_string (status), Sane.UNFIX (v_fixed));

        result = Sane.UNFIX (v_fixed);

    private bool set_string_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index, string value, out string result)
        result = "";

        return_val_if_fail (option.type == Sane.ValueType.STRING, false);

        var s = new char[option.size];
        var i = 0;
        for (; i < (option.size - 1) && value[i] != '\0'; i++)
            s[i] = value[i];
        s[i] = '\0';
        var status = Sane.control_option (handle, option_index, Sane.Action.SET_VALUE, s, null);
        result = (string) s;
        debug ("sane_control_option (%d, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, \"%s\") -> (%s, \"%s\")", (int) option_index, value, Sane.status_to_string (status), result);

        return status == Sane.Status.GOOD;

    private bool set_constrained_string_option (Sane.Handle handle, Sane.OptionDescriptor option, Sane.Int option_index, string[] values, out string result)
        return_val_if_fail (option.type == Sane.ValueType.STRING, false);
        return_val_if_fail (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.STRING_LIST, false);

        for (var i = 0; values[i] != null; i++)
            var j = 0;
            for (; option.string_list[j] != null; j++)
                if (values[i] == option.string_list[j])

            if (option.string_list[j] != null)
                return set_string_option (handle, option, option_index, values[i], out result);

        result = "";
        return false;

    private void log_option (Sane.Int index, Sane.OptionDescriptor option)
        var s = "Option %d:".printf ((int) index);

        if (option.name != "")
            s += " name='%s'".printf (option.name);

        if (option.title != "")
            s += " title='%s'".printf (option.title);

        switch (option.type)
        case Sane.ValueType.BOOL:
            s += " type=bool";
        case Sane.ValueType.INT:
            s += " type=int";
        case Sane.ValueType.FIXED:
            s += " type=fixed";
        case Sane.ValueType.STRING:
            s += " type=string";
        case Sane.ValueType.BUTTON:
            s += " type=button";
        case Sane.ValueType.GROUP:
            s += " type=group";
            s += " type=%d".printf (option.type);

        s += " size=%d".printf ((int) option.size);

        switch (option.unit)
        case Sane.Unit.NONE:
        case Sane.Unit.PIXEL:
            s += " unit=pixels";
        case Sane.Unit.BIT:
            s += " unit=bits";
        case Sane.Unit.MM:
            s += " unit=mm";
        case Sane.Unit.DPI:
            s += " unit=dpi";
        case Sane.Unit.PERCENT:
            s += " unit=percent";
        case Sane.Unit.MICROSECOND:
            s += " unit=microseconds";
            s += " unit=%d".printf (option.unit);

        switch (option.constraint_type)
        case Sane.ConstraintType.RANGE:
            if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                s += " min=%f, max=%f, quant=%d".printf (Sane.UNFIX (option.range.min), Sane.UNFIX (option.range.max), (int) option.range.quant);
                s += " min=%d, max=%d, quant=%d".printf ((int) option.range.min, (int) option.range.max, (int) option.range.quant);
        case Sane.ConstraintType.WORD_LIST:
            s += " values=[";
            for (var i = 0; i < option.word_list[0]; i++)
                if (i != 0)
                    s += ", ";
                if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.INT)
                    s += "%d".printf ((int) option.word_list[i+1]);
                    s += "%f".printf (Sane.UNFIX (option.word_list[i+1]));
            s += "]";
        case Sane.ConstraintType.STRING_LIST:
            s += " values=[";
            for (var i = 0; option.string_list[i] != null; i++)
                if (i != 0)
                    s += ", ";
                s += "\"%s\"".printf (option.string_list[i]);
            s += "]";

        var cap = option.cap;
        if (cap != 0)
            s += " cap=";
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.SOFT_SELECT) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "soft-select";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.SOFT_SELECT;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.HARD_SELECT) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "hard-select";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.HARD_SELECT;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.SOFT_DETECT) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "soft-detect";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.SOFT_DETECT;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.EMULATED) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "emulated";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.EMULATED;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.AUTOMATIC) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "automatic";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.AUTOMATIC;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.INACTIVE) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "inactive";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.INACTIVE;
            if ((cap & Sane.Capability.ADVANCED) != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "advanced";
                cap &= ~Sane.Capability.ADVANCED;
            /* Unknown capabilities */
            if (cap != 0)
                if (s != "")
                    s += ",";
                s += "%x".printf ((int) cap);

        debug ("%s", s);

        if (option.desc != null)
            debug ("  Description: %s", option.desc);

    private static void authorization_cb (string resource, char[] username, char[] password)
        scanner_object.notify (new NotifyRequestAuthorization (resource));

        var credentials = scanner_object.authorize_queue.pop ();
        for (var i = 0; credentials.username[i] != '\0' && i < Sane.MAX_USERNAME_LEN; i++)
            username[i] = credentials.username[i];
        for (var i = 0; credentials.password[i] != '\0' && i < Sane.MAX_PASSWORD_LEN; i++)
            password[i] = credentials.password[i];

    public void authorize (string username, string password)
        var credentials = new Credentials ();
        credentials.username = username;
        credentials.password = password;
        authorize_queue.push (credentials);

    private void close_device ()
        if (have_handle)
            Sane.cancel (handle);
            debug ("sane_cancel ()");

            Sane.close (handle);
            debug ("sane_close ()");
            have_handle = false;
            options = null;

        buffer = null;
        job_queue = null;

        set_scanning (false);

    private void fail_scan (int error_code, string error_string)
        close_device ();
        state = ScanState.IDLE;
        notify (new NotifyScanFailed (error_code, error_string));

    private bool handle_requests ()
        /* Redetect when idle */
        if (state == ScanState.IDLE && need_redetect)
            state = ScanState.REDETECT;

        /* Process all requests */
        int request_count = 0;
        while (true)
            Request request;
            if ((state == ScanState.IDLE && request_count == 0) ||
                request_queue.length () > 0)
                request = request_queue.pop ();
                return true;

            debug ("Processing request");

            if (request is RequestStartScan)
                var r = (RequestStartScan) request;
                job_queue.append (r.job);
            else if (request is RequestCancel)
                fail_scan (Sane.Status.CANCELLED, "Scan cancelled - do not report this error");
            else if (request is RequestQuit)
                close_device ();
                return false;

    private void do_open ()
        var job = (ScanJob) job_queue.data;

        line_count = 0;
        pass_number = 0;
        page_number = 0;
        notified_page = -1;
        option_index = 0;

        if (job.device == null && default_device != null)
            job.device = default_device;

        if (job.device == null)
            warning ("No scan device available");
            fail_scan (0,
                       /* Error displayed when no scanners to scan with */
                       _("No scanners available.  Please connect a scanner."));

        /* See if we can use the already open device */
        if (have_handle)
            if (current_device == job.device)
                state = ScanState.GET_OPTION;

            Sane.close (handle);
            debug ("sane_close ()");
            have_handle = false;

        current_device = null;

        have_handle = false;
        options = new HashTable <string, int> (str_hash, str_equal);
        var status = Sane.open (job.device, out handle);
        debug ("sane_open (\"%s\") -> %s", job.device, Sane.status_to_string (status));

        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Unable to get open device: %s", Sane.strstatus (status));
            fail_scan (status,
                       /* Error displayed when cannot connect to scanner */
                       _("Unable to connect to scanner"));
        have_handle = true;

        current_device = job.device;
        state = ScanState.GET_OPTION;

    private void do_get_option ()
        var job = (ScanJob) job_queue.data;

        var option = Sane.get_option_descriptor (handle, option_index);
        debug ("sane_get_option_descriptor (%d)", (int) option_index);
        var index = option_index;

        /* Options complete, apply settings */
        if (option == null)
            /* Pick source */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_SCAN_SOURCE, out index);
            if (option != null)
                string[] flatbed_sources =
                    Sane.I18N ("Auto"),
                    Sane.I18N ("Flatbed"),
                    Sane.I18N ("Normal")

                string[] adf_sources =
                    "Automatic Document Feeder",
                    Sane.I18N ("Automatic Document Feeder"),
                    "Automatic Document Feeder(left aligned)", /* Seen in the proprietary brother3 driver */
                    "Automatic Document Feeder(centrally aligned)" /* Seen in the proprietary brother3 driver */

                string[] adf_front_sources =
                    "ADF Front",
                    Sane.I18N ("ADF Front")

                string[] adf_back_sources =
                    "ADF Back",
                    Sane.I18N ("ADF Back")

                string[] adf_duplex_sources =
                    "ADF Duplex",
                    Sane.I18N ("ADF Duplex")

                switch (job.type)
                case ScanType.SINGLE:
                    if (!set_default_option (handle, option, index))
                        if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, flatbed_sources, null))
                            warning ("Unable to set single page source, please file a bug");
                case ScanType.ADF_FRONT:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_front_sources, null))
                        if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_sources, null))
                            warning ("Unable to set front ADF source, please file a bug");
                case ScanType.ADF_BACK:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_back_sources, null))
                        if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_sources, null))
                            warning ("Unable to set back ADF source, please file a bug");
                case ScanType.ADF_BOTH:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_duplex_sources, null))
                        if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, adf_sources, null))
                            warning ("Unable to set duplex ADF source, please file a bug");

            /* Scan mode (before resolution as it tends to affect that */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_SCAN_MODE, out index);
            if (option != null)
                /* The names of scan modes often used in drivers, as taken from the sane-backends source */
                string[] color_scan_modes =
                    "24bit Color" /* Seen in the proprietary brother3 driver */
                string[] gray_scan_modes =
                    Sane.I18N ("Grayscale"),
                    "True Gray" /* Seen in the proprietary brother3 driver */
                string[] lineart_scan_modes =
                    Sane.I18N ("LineArt"),
                    "Black & White",
                    Sane.I18N ("Black & White"),
                    Sane.I18N ("Binary"),
                    Sane.I18N ("Grayscale"),
                    "True Gray" /* Seen in the proprietary brother3 driver */

                switch (job.scan_mode)
                case ScanMode.COLOR:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, color_scan_modes, null))
                        warning ("Unable to set Color mode, please file a bug");
                case ScanMode.GRAY:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, gray_scan_modes, null))
                        warning ("Unable to set Gray mode, please file a bug");
                case ScanMode.LINEART:
                    if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, lineart_scan_modes, null))
                        warning ("Unable to set Lineart mode, please file a bug");

            /* Duplex */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, "duplex", out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.BOOL)
                    set_bool_option (handle, option, index, job.type == ScanType.ADF_BOTH, null);

            /* Multi-page options */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, "batch-scan", out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.BOOL)
                    set_bool_option (handle, option, index, job.type != ScanType.SINGLE, null);

            /* Disable compression, we will compress after scanning */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, "compression", out index);
            if (option != null)
                string[] disable_compression_names =
                    Sane.I18N ("None"),
                    Sane.I18N ("none"),

                if (!set_constrained_string_option (handle, option, index, disable_compression_names, null))
                    warning ("Unable to disable compression, please file a bug");

            /* Set resolution and bit depth */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_SCAN_RESOLUTION, out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                    set_fixed_option (handle, option, index, job.dpi, out job.dpi);
                    int dpi;
                    set_int_option (handle, option, index, (int) job.dpi, out dpi);
                    job.dpi = dpi;
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_BIT_DEPTH, out index);
                if (option != null)
                    if (job.depth > 0)
                        set_int_option (handle, option, index, job.depth, null);

            /* Always use maximum scan area - some scanners default to using partial areas.  This should be patched in sane-backends */
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_SCAN_BR_X, out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.RANGE)
                    if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                        set_fixed_option (handle, option, index, Sane.UNFIX (option.range.max), null);
                        set_int_option (handle, option, index, (int) option.range.max, null);
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_SCAN_BR_Y, out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (option.constraint_type == Sane.ConstraintType.RANGE)
                    if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                        set_fixed_option (handle, option, index, Sane.UNFIX (option.range.max), null);
                        set_int_option (handle, option, index, (int) option.range.max, null);

            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_PAGE_WIDTH, out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (job.page_width > 0.0)
                    if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                        set_fixed_option (handle, option, index, job.page_width / 10.0, null);
                        set_int_option (handle, option, index, job.page_width / 10, null);
            option = get_option_by_name (handle, Sane.NAME_PAGE_HEIGHT, out index);
            if (option != null)
                if (job.page_height > 0.0)
                    if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.FIXED)
                        set_fixed_option (handle, option, index, job.page_height / 10.0, null);
                        set_int_option (handle, option, index, job.page_height / 10, null);

            /* Test scanner options (hoping will not effect other scanners...) */
            if (current_device == "test")
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, "hand-scanner", out index);
                if (option != null)
                    set_bool_option (handle, option, index, false, null);
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, "three-pass", out index);
                if (option != null)
                    set_bool_option (handle, option, index, false, null);
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, "test-picture", out index);
                if (option != null)
                    set_string_option (handle, option, index, "Color pattern", null);
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, "read-delay", out index);
                if (option != null)
                    set_bool_option (handle, option, index, true, null);
                option = get_option_by_name (handle, "read-delay-duration", out index);
                if (option != null)
                    set_int_option (handle, option, index, 200000, null);

            state = ScanState.START;

        log_option (index, option);

        /* Ignore groups */
        if (option.type == Sane.ValueType.GROUP)

        /* Option disabled */
        if ((option.cap & Sane.Capability.INACTIVE) != 0)

        /* Some options are unnammed (e.g. Option 0) */
        if (option.name == null)

        options.insert (option.name, (int) index);

    private Sane.OptionDescriptor? get_option_by_name (Sane.Handle handle, string name, out int index)
        index = options.lookup (name);
        if (index == 0)
            return null;

        return Sane.get_option_descriptor (handle, index);

    private void do_complete_document ()
        Sane.cancel (handle);
        debug ("sane_cancel ()");

        job_queue.remove_link (job_queue);

        state = ScanState.IDLE;

        /* Continue onto the next job */
        if (job_queue != null)
            state = ScanState.OPEN;

        /* Trigger timeout to close */
        // TODO

        notify (new NotifyDocumentDone ());
        set_scanning (false);

    private void do_start ()
        Sane.Status status;

        notify (new NotifyExpectPage ());

        status = Sane.start (handle);
        debug ("sane_start (page=%d, pass=%d) -> %s", page_number, pass_number, Sane.status_to_string (status));
        if (status == Sane.Status.GOOD)
            state = ScanState.GET_PARAMETERS;
        else if (status == Sane.Status.NO_DOCS)
            do_complete_document ();
            warning ("Unable to start device: %s", Sane.strstatus (status));
            fail_scan (status,
                       /* Error display when unable to start scan */
                       _("Unable to start scan"));

    private void do_get_parameters ()
        var status = Sane.get_parameters (handle, out parameters);
        debug ("sane_get_parameters () -> %s", Sane.status_to_string (status));
        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Unable to get device parameters: %s", Sane.strstatus (status));
            fail_scan (status,
                       /* Error displayed when communication with scanner broken */
                       _("Error communicating with scanner"));

        var job = (ScanJob) job_queue.data;

        debug ("Parameters: format=%s last_frame=%s bytes_per_line=%d pixels_per_line=%d lines=%d depth=%d",
               Sane.frame_to_string (parameters.format),
               parameters.last_frame ? "SANE_TRUE" : "SANE_FALSE",

        var info = new ScanPageInfo ();
        info.width = parameters.pixels_per_line;
        info.height = parameters.lines;
        info.depth = parameters.depth;
        /* Reduce bit depth if requested lower than received */
        // FIXME: This a hack and only works on 8 bit gray to 2 bit gray
        if (parameters.depth == 8 && parameters.format == Sane.Frame.GRAY && job.depth == 2 && job.scan_mode == ScanMode.GRAY)
            info.depth = job.depth;
        info.n_channels = parameters.format == Sane.Frame.GRAY ? 1 : 3;
        info.dpi = job.dpi; // FIXME: This is the requested DPI, not the actual DPI
        info.device = current_device;

        if (page_number != notified_page)
            notify (new NotifyGotPageInfo (job.id, info));
            notified_page = page_number;

        /* Prepare for read */
        var buffer_size = parameters.bytes_per_line + 1; /* Use +1 so buffer is not resized if driver returns one line per read */
        buffer = new uchar[buffer_size];
        n_used = 0;
        line_count = 0;
        pass_number = 0;
        state = ScanState.READ;

    private void do_complete_page ()
        var job = (ScanJob) job_queue.data;

        notify (new NotifyPageDone (job.id));

        /* If multi-pass then scan another page */
        if (!parameters.last_frame)
            state = ScanState.START;

        /* Go back for another page */
        if (job.type != ScanType.SINGLE)
            pass_number = 0;
            notify (new NotifyPageDone (job.id));
            state = ScanState.START;

        do_complete_document ();

    private void do_read ()
        var job = (ScanJob) job_queue.data;

        /* Read as many bytes as we expect */
        var n_to_read = buffer.length - n_used;

        Sane.Int n_read;
        var b = (uchar *) buffer;
        var status = Sane.read (handle, (uint8[]) (b + n_used), (Sane.Int) n_to_read, out n_read);
        debug ("sane_read (%d) -> (%s, %d)", n_to_read, Sane.status_to_string (status), (int) n_read);

        /* Completed read */
        if (status == Sane.Status.EOF)
            if (parameters.lines > 0 && line_count != parameters.lines)
                warning ("Scan completed with %d lines, expected %d lines", line_count, parameters.lines);
            if (n_used > 0)
                warning ("Scan complete with %d bytes of unused data", n_used);
            do_complete_page ();

        /* Communication error */
        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Unable to read frame from device: %s", Sane.strstatus (status));
            fail_scan (status,
                       /* Error displayed when communication with scanner broken */
                       _("Error communicating with scanner"));

        bool full_read = false;
        if (n_used == 0 && n_read == buffer.length)
            full_read = true;
        n_used += (int) n_read;

        /* Feed out lines */
        if (n_used >= parameters.bytes_per_line)
            var line = new ScanLine ();
            switch (parameters.format)
            case Sane.Frame.GRAY:
                line.channel = 0;
            case Sane.Frame.RGB:
                line.channel = -1;
            case Sane.Frame.RED:
                line.channel = 0;
            case Sane.Frame.GREEN:
                line.channel = 1;
            case Sane.Frame.BLUE:
                line.channel = 2;
            line.width = parameters.pixels_per_line;
            line.depth = parameters.depth;
            line.data = (owned) buffer;
            line.data_length = parameters.bytes_per_line;
            line.number = line_count;
            line.n_lines = n_used / line.data_length;

            line_count += line.n_lines;

            /* Increase buffer size if did full read */
            var buffer_size = buffer.length;
            if (full_read)
                buffer_size += parameters.bytes_per_line;

            buffer = new uchar[buffer_size];
            var n_remaining = n_used - (line.n_lines * line.data_length);
            n_used = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < n_remaining; i++)
                buffer[i] = line.data[i + (line.n_lines * line.data_length)];

            /* Reduce bit depth if requested lower than received */
            // FIXME: This a hack and only works on 8 bit gray to 2 bit gray
            if (parameters.depth == 8 && parameters.format == Sane.Frame.GRAY &&
                job.depth == 2 && job.scan_mode == ScanMode.GRAY)
                uchar block = 0;
                var write_offset = 0;
                var block_shift = 6;
                for (var i = 0; i < line.n_lines; i++)
                    var offset = i * line.data_length;
                    for (var x = 0; x < line.width; x++)
                         var p = line.data[offset + x];

                         uchar sample;
                         if (p >= 192)
                             sample = 3;
                         else if (p >= 128)
                             sample = 2;
                         else if (p >= 64)
                             sample = 1;
                             sample = 0;

                         block |= sample << block_shift;
                         if (block_shift == 0)
                             line.data[write_offset] = block;
                             block = 0;
                             block_shift = 6;
                             block_shift -= 2;

                    /* Finish each line on a byte boundary */
                    if (block_shift != 6)
                        line.data[write_offset] = block;
                        block = 0;
                        block_shift = 6;

                line.data_length = (line.width * 2 + 7) / 8;

            notify (new NotifyGotLine (job.id, line));

    private void* scan_thread ()
        state = ScanState.IDLE;

        Sane.Int version_code;
        var status = Sane.init (out version_code, authorization_cb);
        debug ("sane_init () -> %s", Sane.status_to_string (status));
        if (status != Sane.Status.GOOD)
            warning ("Unable to initialize SANE backend: %s", Sane.strstatus(status));
            return null;
        debug ("SANE version %d.%d.%d",

        /* Scan for devices on first start */
        redetect ();

        while (handle_requests ())
            switch (state)
            case ScanState.IDLE:
                 if (job_queue != null)
                     set_scanning (true);
                     state = ScanState.OPEN;
            case ScanState.REDETECT:
                do_redetect ();
            case ScanState.OPEN:
                do_open ();
            case ScanState.GET_OPTION:
                do_get_option ();
            case ScanState.START:
                do_start ();
            case ScanState.GET_PARAMETERS:
                do_get_parameters ();
            case ScanState.READ:
                do_read ();

        return null;

    public void start ()
            thread = Thread.create<void*> (scan_thread, true);
        catch (Error e)
            critical ("Unable to create thread: %s", e.message);

    public void redetect ()
        if (need_redetect)
        need_redetect = true;

        debug ("Requesting redetection of scan devices");

        request_queue.push (new RequestRedetect ());

    public bool is_scanning ()
        return scanning;

    private string get_scan_mode_string (ScanMode mode)
        switch (mode)
        case ScanMode.DEFAULT:
            return "ScanMode.DEFAULT";
        case ScanMode.COLOR:
            return "ScanMode.COLOR";
        case ScanMode.GRAY:
            return "ScanMode.GRAY";
        case ScanMode.LINEART:
            return "ScanMode.LINEART";
            return "%d".printf (mode);

    private string get_scan_type_string (ScanType type)
        switch (type)
        case ScanType.SINGLE:
            return "ScanType.SINGLE";
        case ScanType.ADF_FRONT:
            return "ScanType.ADF_FRONT";
        case ScanType.ADF_BACK:
            return "ScanType.ADF_BACK";
        case ScanType.ADF_BOTH:
            return "ScanType.ADF_BOTH";
            return "%d".printf (type);

    public void scan (string? device, ScanOptions options)
        debug ("Scanner.scan (\"%s\", dpi=%d, scan_mode=%s, depth=%d, type=%s, paper_width=%d, paper_height=%d)",
               device != null ? device : "(null)", options.dpi, get_scan_mode_string (options.scan_mode), options.depth,
               get_scan_type_string (options.type), options.paper_width, options.paper_height);
        var request = new RequestStartScan ();
        request.job = new ScanJob ();
        request.job.id = job_id++;
        request.job.device = device;
        request.job.dpi = options.dpi;
        request.job.scan_mode = options.scan_mode;
        request.job.depth = options.depth;
        request.job.type = options.type;
        request.job.page_width = options.paper_width;
        request.job.page_height = options.paper_height;
        request_queue.push (request);

    public void cancel ()
        first_job_id = job_id;
        request_queue.push (new RequestCancel ());

    public void free ()
        debug ("Stopping scan thread");

        request_queue.push (new RequestQuit ());

        if (thread != null)
            thread.join ();

        Sane.exit ();
        debug ("sane_exit ()");