path: root/app/bin/draw.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/bin/draw.h')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/bin/draw.h b/app/bin/draw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9f1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/bin/draw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/draw.h,v 1.4 2008-10-11 06:03:06 m_fischer Exp $
+ */
+/* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef DRAW_H
+#define DRAW_H
+#define MSG_BASE (1000)
+#include "messages.h"
+#define DC_TICKS (1<<1)
+#define DC_PRINT (1<<2)
+#define DC_NOCLIP (1<<3)
+#define DC_QUICK (1<<4)
+#define DC_DASH (1<<5)
+#define DC_SIMPLE (1<<6)
+#define DC_GROUP (1<<7)
+#define DC_CENTERLINE (1<<8)
+#define DC_SEGTRACK (1<<9)
+#define DC_TIES (1<<10)
+typedef struct drawCmd_t * drawCmd_p;
+typedef struct {
+ long options;
+ void (*drawLine)( drawCmd_p, coOrd, coOrd, wDrawWidth, wDrawColor );
+ void (*drawArc)( drawCmd_p, coOrd, DIST_T, ANGLE_T, ANGLE_T, BOOL_T, wDrawWidth, wDrawColor );
+ void (*drawString)( drawCmd_p, coOrd, ANGLE_T, char *, wFont_p, FONTSIZE_T, wDrawColor );
+ void (*drawBitMap)( drawCmd_p, coOrd, wDrawBitMap_p, wDrawColor );
+ void (*drawFillPoly) (drawCmd_p, int, coOrd *, wDrawColor );
+ void (*drawFillCircle) (drawCmd_p, coOrd, DIST_T, wDrawColor );
+ } drawFuncs_t;
+typedef void (*drawConvertPix2CoOrd)( drawCmd_p, wPos_t, wPos_t, coOrd * );
+typedef void (*drawConvertCoOrd2Pix)( drawCmd_p, coOrd, wPos_t *, wPos_t * );
+typedef struct drawCmd_t {
+ wDraw_p d;
+ drawFuncs_t * funcs;
+ long options;
+ DIST_T scale;
+ ANGLE_T angle;
+ coOrd orig;
+ coOrd size;
+ drawConvertPix2CoOrd Pix2CoOrd;
+ drawConvertCoOrd2Pix CoOrd2Pix;
+ FLOAT_T dpi;
+ } drawCmd_t;
+#define SCALEX(D,X) ((X)/(D).dpi)
+#define SCALEY(D,Y) ((Y)/(D).dpi)
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+#define LBORDER (33)
+#define BBORDER (32)
+#define LBORDER (26)
+#define BBORDER (27)
+#define RBORDER (9)
+#define TBORDER (8)
+#ifdef LATER
+#define Pix2CoOrd( D, pos, X, Y ) { \
+ pos.x = ((long)(((POS_T)((X)-LBORDER)*pixelBins)/D.dpi))/pixelBins * D.scale + D.orig.x; \
+ pos.y = ((long)(((POS_T)((Y)-BBORDER)*pixelBins)/D.dpi))/pixelBins * D.scale + D.orig.y; \
+ }
+void Pix2CoOrd( drawCmd_p, wPos_t, wPos_t, coOrd * );
+void CoOrd2Pix( drawCmd_p, coOrd, wPos_t *, wPos_t * );
+extern BOOL_T inError;
+extern DIST_T pixelBins;
+extern wWin_p mapW;
+extern BOOL_T mapVisible;
+extern drawCmd_t mainD;
+extern coOrd mainCenter;
+extern drawCmd_t mapD;
+extern drawCmd_t tempD;
+#define RoomSize (mapD.size)
+extern coOrd oldMarker;
+extern wPos_t closePixels;
+#define dragDistance (dragPixels*mainD.scale / mainD.dpi)
+extern long dragPixels;
+extern long dragTimeout;
+extern long autoPan;
+extern long minGridSpacing;
+extern long drawCount;
+extern BOOL_T drawEnable;
+extern long currRedraw;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorBlack;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorWhite;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorRed;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorBlue;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorGreen;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorAqua;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorPurple;
+extern wDrawColor drawColorGold;
+#define wDrawColorBlack drawColorBlack
+#define wDrawColorWhite drawColorWhite
+#define wDrawColorBlue drawColorBlue
+extern wDrawColor markerColor;
+extern wDrawColor borderColor;
+extern wDrawColor crossMajorColor;
+extern wDrawColor crossMinorColor;
+extern wDrawColor snapGridColor;
+extern wDrawColor selectedColor;
+extern wDrawColor profilePathColor;
+BOOL_T IsClose( DIST_T );
+drawFuncs_t screenDrawFuncs;
+drawFuncs_t tempDrawFuncs;
+drawFuncs_t tempSegDrawFuncs;
+drawFuncs_t printDrawFuncs;
+#define DrawLine( D, P0, P1, W, C ) (D)->funcs->drawLine( D, P0, P1, W, C )
+#define DrawArc( D, P, R, A0, A1, F, W, C ) (D)->funcs->drawArc( D, P, R, A0, A1, F, W, C )
+#define DrawString( D, P, A, S, FP, FS, C ) (D)->funcs->drawString( D, P, A, S, FP, FS, C )
+#define DrawBitMap( D, P, B, C ) (D)->funcs->drawBitMap( D, P, B, C )
+#define DrawFillPoly( D, N, P, C ) (D)->funcs->drawFillPoly( D, N, P, C );
+#define DrawFillCircle( D, P, R, C ) (D)->funcs->drawFillCircle( D, P, R, C );
+#define REORIGIN( Q, P, A, O ) { \
+ (Q) = (P); \
+ REORIGIN1( Q, A, O ) \
+ }
+#define REORIGIN1( Q, A, O ) { \
+ if ( (A) != 0.0 ) \
+ Rotate( &(Q), zero, (A) ); \
+ (Q).x += (O).x; \
+ (Q).y += (O).y; \
+ }
+#define OFF_D( ORIG, SIZE, LO, HI ) \
+ ( (HI).x < (ORIG).x || \
+ (LO).x > (ORIG).x+(SIZE).x || \
+ (HI).y < (ORIG).y || \
+ (LO).y > (ORIG).y+(SIZE).y )
+#define OFF_MAIND( LO, HI ) \
+ OFF_D( mainD.orig, mainD.size, LO, HI )
+void DrawHilight( drawCmd_p, coOrd, coOrd );
+void DrawHilightPolygon( drawCmd_p, coOrd *, int );
+#define BOX_NONE (0)
+#define BOX_UNDERLINE (1)
+#define BOX_BOX (2)
+#define BOX_INVERT (3)
+#define BOX_ARROW (4)
+#define BOX_BACKGROUND (5)
+void DrawBoxedString( int, drawCmd_p, coOrd, char *, wFont_p, wFontSize_t, wDrawColor, ANGLE_T );
+void DrawTextSize2( drawCmd_p, char *, wFont_p, wFontSize_t, BOOL_T, coOrd *, POS_T * );
+void DrawTextSize( drawCmd_p, char *, wFont_p, wFontSize_t, BOOL_T, coOrd * );
+BOOL_T SetRoomSize( coOrd );
+void GetRoomSize( coOrd * );
+void DoRedraw( void );
+void SetMainSize( void );
+void MainRedraw( void );
+void DrawMarkers( void );
+void DrawMapBoundingBox( BOOL_T );
+void DrawTicks( drawCmd_p, coOrd );
+void DrawRuler( drawCmd_p, coOrd, coOrd, DIST_T, int, int, wDrawColor );
+void MainProc( wWin_p, winProcEvent, void * );
+void InitInfoBar( void );
+void DrawInit( int );
+void DoZoomUp( void * );
+void DoZoomDown( void * );
+void DoZoom( DIST_T * );
+void InitCmdZoom( wMenu_p, wMenu_p );
+void InfoPos( coOrd );
+void InfoCount( wIndex_t );
+void SetMessage( char * );
+void InfoSubstituteControls( wControl_p *, char * * );
+void MapGrid( coOrd, coOrd, ANGLE_T, coOrd, ANGLE_T, POS_T, POS_T, int *, int *, int *, int * );
+void DrawGrid( drawCmd_p, coOrd *, POS_T, POS_T, long, long, coOrd, ANGLE_T, wDrawColor, BOOL_T );
+STATUS_T GridAction( wAction_t, coOrd, coOrd *, DIST_T * );
+void ResetMouseState( void );
+void FakeDownMouseState( void );
+void GetMousePosition( int *x, int *y );
+void RecordMouse( char *, wAction_t, POS_T, POS_T );
+extern long playbackDelay;
+void MovePlaybackCursor( drawCmd_p, wPos_t, wPos_t );
+typedef void (*playbackProc)( wAction_t, coOrd );
+void PlaybackMouse( playbackProc, drawCmd_p, wAction_t, coOrd, wDrawColor );