path: root/app/doc/navigation.but
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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/app/doc/navigation.but b/app/doc/navigation.but
index f648a70..ff20b41 100644
--- a/app/doc/navigation.but
+++ b/app/doc/navigation.but
@@ -138,12 +138,13 @@ Eg. in Germany, where the comma is used, the correct value would be\c{LargeIcon
\b "@" key in \f{Select}, \f{Modify} and \f{Pan/Zoom}.
-\b Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} key or the \e{Mouse Middle Button} will Pan the screen. adding \e{Ctrl} as well makes up Pan left and down Pan right.
+\b Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} key will Pan the screen up and down. Adding \e{Ctrl} as well Pans left and right.
-\b Horizontal Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} or the \e{Mouse Middle Button} will Pan the screen left and Right (if available)
+\b Horizontal Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} key will Pan the screen left and Right (if available)
\b Scroll Left and Right - if the scroll left and right guestures are mapped to the trackpad by the operating system, with \e{Shift} depressed the screen will Pan.
+\b On mice and systems that support Three Button Mice, holding the \e{Middle Mouse Button} while dragging, will Pan the canvas.
\dd The \f{Main Canvas} can be panned so that the area beyond the room boundaries is shown (the \f{grey} area). The \f{Constrain Drawing Area to Room Boundaries} option on the \f{Display} (\K{cmdDisplay}) dialog under the \f{Options} (\K{optionM}) menu forces the \f{Main Canvas} stop panning once the room boundary is reached.
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ Several Shortcut key commands are used in conjunction with the mouse. These comm
-\dd Split flex track - \e{Ctrl+Shift+S}
+\dd Split flex-track - \e{Ctrl+Shift+S}
@@ -756,6 +757,8 @@ Note Dialog
+\dd On some systems support Three Button Mice, holding down the \e{Middle Mouse Button} and dragging will pan the Canvas. Note: not all system support this operation, even with a Three Button Mouse.
\S{cmdManage} Manage Commands
@@ -938,7 +941,7 @@ Some other commands use the \c{Shift} or \c{Ctrl} key to modify the meaning of b
-\S{mouseBcmd} Context Sensitive Menus
+\S{mouseBcmd} \i{Context Sensitive Menus}
For all commands listed below, a \e{Right-Click} will display a context sensitive pop-up command list menu. For some commands (noted below), a \e{Shift+Right-Click} will display a context sensitive pop-up command options menu. The operation of \e{Right-Click} and \e{Shift+Right-Click} can be reversed by an item on the Command Options (\K{cmdCmdopt}) dialog.
@@ -1236,7 +1239,7 @@ The Shortcut key for each command is listed after the command name.
-\dt Turnout Command (\K{cmdTurnout}) - \e{Ctrl+T}
+\dt Turnout Command (\K{cmdNewFixedTrack}) - \e{Ctrl+T}
\dd Choose next Active endpoint when placing Turnouts - \e{Shift+Left-Click}