/* * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/bdf2xtp.c,v 1.1 2005-12-07 15:46:58 rc-flyer Exp $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef _MSDOS #include <unistd.h> #else #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define strncasecmp strnicmp #endif #include <stdlib.h> char helpStr[] = "Bdf2xtp translates .bdf files (which are source files for Winrail track\n" "libraries) to .xtp files (which are XTrkCad parameter files).\n" "Bdf2xtp is a MS-DOS command and must be in run in a DOS box under MS-Windows.\n" "\n" "Usage: bdf2xtp OPTIONS SOURCE.BDF TARGET.XTP\n" "\n" "OPTIONS:\n" " -c CONTENTS description of contents\n" " -k COLOR color of non-track segments\n" " -s SCALE scale of turnouts (ie. HO HOn3 N O S ... )\n" " -v verbose - include .bdf source as comments in .xtp file\n" "\n" "For example:\n" " bdf2xtp -c \"Faller HO Structures\" -k ff0000 -s HO fallerh0.bdf fallerh0.xtp\n" "\n" "Turnouts are composed of rails (which are Black) and lines. Structures are\n" "composed of only lines. By default lines are Purple but you change this with\n" "the -k optioon. The color is specified as a 6 digit hexidecimal value, where\n" "the first 2 digits are the Red value, the middle 2 digits are the Green value\n" "and the last 2 digits are the Blue value\n" " ff0000 Red\n" " 00ff00 Green\n" " 00ffff Yellow\n" ; /* NOTES: BDF files have a number of constructors for different types of turnouts with different ways of describing the track segements that comprise them. XTP files have a orthogonal description which is: TURNOUT .... header line P ... paths E ... endpoints S ... straight track segments C ... curved track segments L ... straight line segments A ... curved (arc) line segments Structures are similar but with only L and A lines. Paths describe the routing from one end-point to some other. The routes are a sequence of indices (1-based) in the list of segments. Some things (like crossings, crossovers and slip switches) have more than one route for a path (which are then separated by 0: --1--+--2--+--3-- \ / 4 5 x / \ / \ --6--+--7--+--8-- The normal routes would be 1,2,3 and 6,7,8. The reverse routes would be 1,4,8 and 6,5,3. The path lines are: P "Normal" 1 2 3 0 6 7 8 P "Reverse" 1 4 8 0 6 5 3 Paths are not currently being used but will be when you can run trains on the layout. Processing: A table (tokens) describes each type of source line. For each type the segments and end-points are computed and added to lists (segs and endPoints). When the END for a turnout is reached the Path lines are computed by searching for routes between end-points through the segments. Then the list of segments is written out to the output file. */ #define MAXSEG (40) /* Maximum number of segments in an object */ typedef struct { /* a co-ordinate */ double x; double y; } coOrd; FILE * fin; /* input file */ FILE * fout; /* output file */ int inch; /* metric or english units */ char * scale = NULL; /* scale from command line */ int verbose = 0; /* include source as comments? */ char line[1024]; /* input line buffer */ int lineCount; /* source line number */ int lineLen; /* source line length */ int inBody; /* seen header? */ long color = 0x00FF00FF;/* default color */ double normalizeAngle( double angle ) /* make sure <angle> is >= 0.0 and < 360.0 */ { while (angle<0) angle += 360.0; while (angle>=360) angle -= 360.0; return angle; } double D2R( double angle ) /* convert degrees to radians: for trig functions */ { return angle/180.0 * M_PI; } double R2D( double R ) /* concert radians to degrees */ { return normalizeAngle( R * 360.0 / (M_PI*2) ); } double findDistance( coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) /* find distance between two points */ { double dx = p1.x-p0.x, dy = p1.y-p0.y; return sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); } int small(double v ) /* is <v> close to 0.0 */ { return (fabs(v) < 0.0001); } double findAngle( coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) /* find angle between two points */ { double dx = p1.x-p0.x, dy = p1.y-p0.y; if (small(dx)) { if (dy >=0) return 0.0; else return 180.0; } if (small(dy)) { if (dx >=0) return 90.0; else return 270.0; } return R2D(atan2( dx,dy )); } /* Where do we expect each input line? */ typedef enum { CLS_NULL, CLS_START, CLS_END, CLS_BODY } class_e; /* Type of input line */ typedef enum { ACT_UNKNOWN, ACT_DONE, ACT_STRAIGHT, ACT_CURVE, ACT_TURNOUT_LEFT, ACT_TURNOUT_RIGHT, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_LEFT, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_RIGHT, ACT_THREEWAYTURNOUT, ACT_CROSSING_LEFT, ACT_CROSSING_RIGHT, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_LEFT, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_RIGHT, ACT_CROSSING_SYMMETRIC, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_SYMMETRIC, ACT_TURNTABLE, ACT_ENDTURNTABLE, ACT_TRANSFERTABLE, ACT_ENDTRANSFERTABLE, ACT_TRACK, ACT_STRUCTURE, ACT_ENDSTRUCTURE, ACT_FILL_POINT, ACT_LINE, ACT_CURVEDLINE, ACT_CIRCLE, ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS, ACT_ARTICLENOPOS, ACT_CONNECTINGPOINT, ACT_STRAIGHTTRACK, ACT_CURVEDTRACK, ACT_STRAIGHT_BODY, ACT_CURVE_BODY, ACT_PRICE } action_e; /* input line description */ typedef struct { char * name; /* first token on line */ class_e class; /* where do we expect this? */ action_e action;/* what type of line is it */ char *args; /* what else is on the line */ } tokenDesc_t; /* first token on each line tells what kind of line it is */ tokenDesc_t tokens[] = { { "Straight", CLS_START, ACT_STRAIGHT, "SSNN" }, { "EndStraight", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Curve", CLS_START, ACT_CURVE, "SSNNN" }, { "EndCurve", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Turnout_Left", CLS_START, ACT_TURNOUT_LEFT, "SSN" }, { "Turnout_Right", CLS_START, ACT_TURNOUT_RIGHT, "SSN" }, { "EndTurnout", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "CurvedTurnout_Left", CLS_START, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_LEFT, "SSN" }, { "CurvedTurnout_Right", CLS_START, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_RIGHT, "SSN" }, { "ThreeWayTurnout", CLS_START, ACT_THREEWAYTURNOUT, "SSN" }, { "Crossing_Left", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_LEFT, "SSNNNN" }, { "Crossing_Right", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_RIGHT, "SSNNNN" }, { "DoubleSlip_Left", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_LEFT, "SSNNNNN" }, { "DoubleSlip_Right", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_RIGHT, "SSNNNNN" }, { "Crossing_Symetric", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_SYMMETRIC, "SSNNN" }, { "DoubleSlip_Symetric", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_SYMMETRIC, "SSNNNN" }, { "EndCrossing", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Turntable", CLS_START, ACT_TURNTABLE, "SSNNNN" }, { "EndTurntable", CLS_END, ACT_ENDTURNTABLE, NULL }, { "TravellingPlatform", CLS_START, ACT_TRANSFERTABLE, "SSNNNNN" }, { "EndTravellingPlatform", CLS_END, ACT_ENDTRANSFERTABLE, NULL }, { "Track", CLS_START, ACT_TRACK, "SSN" }, { "EndTrack", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Structure", CLS_START, ACT_STRUCTURE, "SS" }, { "EndStructure", CLS_END, ACT_ENDSTRUCTURE, NULL }, { "FillPoint", CLS_BODY, ACT_FILL_POINT, "NNI" }, { "Line", CLS_BODY, ACT_LINE, "NNNN" }, { "CurvedLine", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVEDLINE, "NNNNN" }, { "CurveLine", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVEDLINE, "NNNNN" }, { "Circle", CLS_BODY, ACT_CIRCLE, "NNN" }, { "DescriptionPos", CLS_BODY, ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS, "NN" }, { "ArticleNoPos", CLS_BODY, ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS, "NN" }, { "ConnectingPoint", CLS_BODY, ACT_CONNECTINGPOINT, "NNN" }, { "StraightTrack", CLS_BODY, ACT_STRAIGHTTRACK, "NNNN" }, { "CurvedTrack", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVEDTRACK, "NNNNN" }, { "Straight", CLS_BODY, ACT_STRAIGHT_BODY, "N" }, { "Curve", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVE_BODY, "NNN" }, { "Price", CLS_BODY, ACT_PRICE, "N" }, { "Gerade", CLS_START, ACT_STRAIGHT, "SSNN" }, { "EndGerade", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Bogen", CLS_START, ACT_CURVE, "SSNNN" }, { "EndBogen", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Weiche_links", CLS_START, ACT_TURNOUT_LEFT, "SSN" }, { "Weiche_Rechts", CLS_START, ACT_TURNOUT_RIGHT, "SSN" }, { "EndWeiche", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Bogenweiche_Links", CLS_START, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_LEFT, "SSN" }, { "Bogenweiche_Rechts", CLS_START, ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_RIGHT, "SSN" }, { "Dreiwegweiche", CLS_START, ACT_THREEWAYTURNOUT, "SSN" }, { "Kreuzung_Links", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_LEFT, "SSNNNN" }, { "Kreuzung_Rechts", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_RIGHT, "SSNNNN" }, { "DKW_Links", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_LEFT, "SSNNNNN" }, { "DKW_Rechts", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_RIGHT, "SSNNNNN" }, { "Kreuzung_Symmetrisch", CLS_START, ACT_CROSSING_SYMMETRIC, "SSNNN" }, { "DKW_Symmetrisch", CLS_START, ACT_DOUBLESLIP_SYMMETRIC, "SSNNNN" }, { "EndKreuzung", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Drehscheibe", CLS_START, ACT_TURNTABLE, "SSNNNN" }, { "EndDrehscheibe", CLS_END, ACT_ENDTURNTABLE, NULL }, { "Schiebebuehne", CLS_START, ACT_TRANSFERTABLE, "SSNNNNN" }, { "EndSchiebebuehne", CLS_END, ACT_ENDTRANSFERTABLE, NULL }, { "Schiene", CLS_START, ACT_TRACK, "SSN" }, { "EndSchiene", CLS_END, ACT_DONE, NULL }, { "Haus", CLS_START, ACT_STRUCTURE, "SS" }, { "EndHaus", CLS_END, ACT_ENDSTRUCTURE, NULL }, { "FuellPunkt", CLS_BODY, ACT_FILL_POINT, "NNI" }, { "Linie", CLS_BODY, ACT_LINE, "NNNN" }, { "Bogenlinie", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVEDLINE, "NNNNN" }, { "Kreislinie", CLS_BODY, ACT_CIRCLE, "NNN" }, { "BezeichnungsPos", CLS_BODY, ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS, "NN" }, { "ArtikelNrPos", CLS_BODY, ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS, "NN" }, { "Anschlusspunkt", CLS_BODY, ACT_CONNECTINGPOINT, "NNN" }, { "GeradesGleis", CLS_BODY, ACT_STRAIGHTTRACK, "NNNN" }, { "BogenGleis", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVEDTRACK, "NNNNN" }, { "Gerade", CLS_BODY, ACT_STRAIGHT_BODY, "N" }, { "Bogen", CLS_BODY, ACT_CURVE_BODY, "NNN" }, { "Preis", CLS_BODY, ACT_PRICE, "N" } }; /* argument description */ typedef union { char * string; double number; long integer; } arg_t; /* description of a curve */ typedef struct { char type; coOrd pos[2]; double radius, a0, a1; coOrd center; } line_t; /* state info for the current object */ int curAction; line_t lines[MAXSEG]; line_t *line_p; char * name; char * partNo; double params[10]; int right = 0; /* A XTrkCad End-Point */ typedef struct { int busy; coOrd pos; double a; } endPoint_t; endPoint_t endPoints[MAXSEG]; endPoint_t *endPoint_p; /* the segments */ typedef struct { double radius; coOrd pos[2]; int mark; endPoint_t * ep[2]; } segs_t; segs_t segs[MAXSEG]; segs_t *seg_p; /* the segment paths */ typedef struct { int index; int count; int segs[MAXSEG]; } paths_t; paths_t paths[MAXSEG]; paths_t *paths_p; int curPath[MAXSEG]; int curPathInx; char * pathNames[] = { "Normal", "Reverse" }; int isclose( coOrd a, coOrd b ) { if ( fabs(a.x-b.x) < 0.1 && fabs(a.y-b.y) < 0.1 ) return 1; else return 0; } void searchSegs( segs_t * sp, int ep ) /* Recursively search the segs looking for the next segement that begins where this (sp->pos[ep]) one ends. We mark the ones we have already used (sp->mark). Returns when we can't continue. Leaves the path in curPath[] */ { segs_t *sp1; int inx; sp->mark = 1; curPath[curPathInx] = (ep==0?-((sp-segs)+1):((sp-segs)+1)); if (sp->ep[ep] != NULL) { inx = abs(curPath[0]); if ( (sp-segs)+1 < inx ) return; paths_p->index = 0; paths_p->count = curPathInx+1; for (inx=0;inx<=curPathInx;inx++) paths_p->segs[inx] = curPath[inx]; paths_p++; return; } curPathInx++; for ( sp1 = segs; sp1<seg_p; sp1++ ) { if (!sp1->mark) { if ( isclose( sp->pos[ep], sp1->pos[0] ) ) searchSegs( sp1, 1 ); else if ( isclose( sp->pos[ep], sp1->pos[1] ) ) searchSegs( sp1, 0 ); } } curPathInx--; } void computePaths( void ) /* Generate the path lines. Search the segments for nonoverlapping routes between end-points. */ { char **name = pathNames; segs_t * sp, *sp1; endPoint_t *ep, *ep2; int inx; char bitmap[MAXSEG]; paths_t * pp; int pathIndex; int pathCount; int firstPath; int segNo; int epNo; paths_p = paths; for ( sp = segs; sp<seg_p; sp++ ) { sp->ep[0] = sp->ep[1] = NULL; for ( ep = endPoints; ep<endPoint_p; ep++ ) { if ( isclose( ep->pos, sp->pos[0] ) ) { sp->ep[0] = ep; } else if ( isclose( ep->pos, sp->pos[1] ) ) { sp->ep[1] = ep; } } } for ( sp = segs; sp<seg_p; sp++ ) { for ( sp1 = segs; sp1<seg_p; sp1++ ) sp1->mark = 0; curPathInx = 0; if ( sp->ep[0] ) { searchSegs( sp, 1 ); } else if ( sp->ep[1] ) { searchSegs( sp, 0 ); } } pathIndex = 0; pathCount = paths_p-paths; while (pathCount>0) { if (pathIndex < 2) fprintf( fout, "\tP \"%s\"", pathNames[pathIndex] ); else fprintf( fout, "\tP \"%d\"", pathIndex+1 ); pathIndex++; firstPath = 1; memset( bitmap, 0, sizeof bitmap ); for ( ep = endPoints; ep<endPoint_p; ep++ ) { ep->busy = 0; } for (pp = paths; pp < paths_p; pp++) { if (pp->count == 0) continue; segNo = pp->segs[0]; epNo = (segNo>0?0:1); ep = segs[abs(segNo)-1].ep[epNo]; segNo = pp->segs[pp->count-1]; epNo = (segNo>0?1:0); ep2 = segs[abs(segNo)-1].ep[epNo]; if ( (ep && ep->busy) || (ep2 && ep2->busy) ) { goto nextPath; } if (ep) ep->busy = 1; if (ep2) ep2->busy = 1; for (inx=0; inx<pp->count; inx++) { segNo = abs(pp->segs[inx]); if (bitmap[segNo]) goto nextPath; } if (!firstPath) { fprintf( fout, " 0"); } else { firstPath = 0; } for (inx=0; inx<pp->count; inx++) { segNo = abs(pp->segs[inx]); bitmap[segNo] = 1; fprintf( fout, " %d", pp->segs[inx] ); } pp->count = 0; pathCount--; nextPath: ; } fprintf( fout, "\n" ); } } void translate( coOrd *res, coOrd orig, double a, double d ) { res->x = orig.x + d * sin( D2R(a) ); res->y = orig.y + d * cos( D2R(a) ); } static void computeCurve( coOrd pos0, coOrd pos1, double radius, coOrd * center, double * a0, double * a1 ) /* translate between curves described by 2 end-points and a radius to a curve described by a center, radius and angles. */ { double d, a, aa, aaa, s; d = findDistance( pos0, pos1 )/2.0; a = findAngle( pos0, pos1 ); s = fabs(d/radius); if (s > 1.0) s = 1.0; aa = R2D(asin( s )); if (radius > 0) { aaa = a + (90.0 - aa); *a0 = normalizeAngle( aaa + 180.0 ); translate( center, pos0, aaa, radius ); } else { aaa = a - (90.0 - aa); *a0 = normalizeAngle( aaa + 180.0 - aa *2.0 ); translate( center, pos0, aaa, -radius ); } *a1 = aa*2.0; } double X( double v ) { if ( -0.000001 < v && v < 0.000001 ) return 0.0; else return v; } void generateTurnout( void ) /* Seen the END so pump out the the TURNOUT Write out the header and the segment descriptions. */ { segs_t *sp; line_t *lp; endPoint_t *ep; double d, a, aa, aaa, a0, a1; coOrd center; fprintf( fout, "TURNOUT %s \"%s %s\"\n", scale, partNo, name ); computePaths(); for (ep=endPoints; ep<endPoint_p; ep++) fprintf( fout, "\tE %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", X(ep->pos.x), X(ep->pos.y), X(ep->a) ); for (lp=lines; lp<line_p; lp++) { switch (lp->type) { case 'L': fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->pos[0].x), X(lp->pos[0].y), X(lp->pos[1].x), X(lp->pos[1].y) ); break; case 'A': fprintf( fout, "\tA %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->radius), X(lp->center.x), X(lp->center.y), X(lp->a0), X(lp->a1) ); break; } } for (sp=segs; sp<seg_p; sp++) if (sp->radius == 0.0) { fprintf( fout, "\tS 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", X(sp->pos[0].x), X(sp->pos[0].y), X(sp->pos[1].x), X(sp->pos[1].y) ); } else { computeCurve( sp->pos[0], sp->pos[1], sp->radius, ¢er, &a0, &a1 ); fprintf( fout, "\tC 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", X(sp->radius), X(center.x), X(center.y), X(a0), X(a1) ); } fprintf( fout, "\tEND\n" ); } void reset( tokenDesc_t * tp, arg_t *args ) /* Start of a new turnout or structure */ { int inx; curAction = tp->action; line_p = lines; seg_p = segs; endPoint_p = endPoints; partNo = strdup( args[0].string ); name = strdup( args[1].string ); for (inx=2; tp->args[inx]; inx++) params[inx-2] = args[inx].number; } double getDim( double value ) /* convert to inches from tenths of a an inch or millimeters. */ { if (inch) return value/10.0; else return value/25.4; } char * getLine( void ) /* Get a source line, trim CR/LF, handle comments */ { char * cp; while (1) { if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fin) == NULL) return NULL; lineCount++; lineLen = strlen(line); if (lineLen > 0 && line[lineLen-1] == '\n') { line[lineLen-1] = '\0'; lineLen--; } if (lineLen > 0 && line[lineLen-1] == '\r') { line[lineLen-1] = '\0'; lineLen--; } cp = strchr( line, ';'); if (cp) { *cp = '\0'; lineLen = cp-line; } cp = line; while ( isspace(*cp) ) { cp++; lineLen--; } if (lineLen <= 0) continue; if (verbose) fprintf( fout, "# %s\n", line ); return cp; } } void flushInput( void ) /* Eat source until we see an END - error recovery */ { char *cp; while (cp=getLine()) { if (strncasecmp( cp, "End", 3 ) == 0 ) break; } inBody = 0; } void process( tokenDesc_t * tp, arg_t *args ) /* process a tokenized line */ { int inx; int count; int endNo; double radius, radius2; static double angle; double length, length2; double width, width2, offset; double a0, a1; static char bits[128]; int rc; char * cp; line_t * lp; coOrd pos0, pos1; static int threeway; switch (tp->action) { case ACT_DONE: generateTurnout(); right = 0; threeway = 0; break; case ACT_STRAIGHT: reset( tp, args ); seg_p->radius = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[0].x = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[0].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[1].x = getDim(args[2].number); endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[1].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 90.0; endPoint_p++; seg_p++; break; case ACT_CURVE: reset( tp, args ); radius = getDim(args[2].number); seg_p->radius = -radius; endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[0].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[0].x = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; angle = args[3].number; endPoint_p->a = 90.0-angle; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[1].x = radius * sin(D2R(angle)); endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[1].y = radius * (1-cos(D2R(angle))); endPoint_p++; seg_p++; break; case ACT_TURNOUT_RIGHT: right = 1; case ACT_TURNOUT_LEFT: reset( tp, args ); break; case ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_RIGHT: right = 1; case ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_LEFT: reset( tp, args ); endPoint_p->pos.y = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; if ((cp=getLine())==NULL) return; if ((rc=sscanf( line, "%lf %lf", &radius, &angle ) ) != 2) { fprintf( stderr, "syntax error: %d: %s\n", lineCount, line ); flushInput(); return; } radius = getDim( radius ); endPoint_p->pos.x = radius*sin(D2R(angle)); endPoint_p->pos.y = radius*(1-cos(D2R(angle))); endPoint_p->a = 90.0-angle; seg_p->pos[0].y = 0; seg_p->pos[0].x = 0; seg_p->pos[1] = endPoint_p->pos; seg_p->radius = -radius; endPoint_p++; seg_p++; if ((cp=getLine())==NULL) return; if ((rc=sscanf( line, "%lf %lf", &radius2, &angle ) ) != 2) { fprintf( stderr, "syntax error: %d: %s\n", lineCount, line ); flushInput(); return; } radius2 = getDim( radius2 ); endPoint_p->pos.x = radius*sin(D2R(angle)) + (radius2-radius); endPoint_p->pos.y = radius*(1-cos(D2R(angle))); endPoint_p->a = 90.0-angle; seg_p->pos[0] = seg_p[-1].pos[0]; seg_p->pos[1].x = radius2-radius; seg_p->pos[1].y = 0; seg_p->radius = 0; seg_p++; seg_p->pos[0].x = radius2-radius; seg_p->pos[0].y = 0; seg_p->pos[1] = endPoint_p->pos; seg_p->radius = -radius; endPoint_p++; seg_p++; if (tp->action == ACT_CURVEDTURNOUT_RIGHT) { endPoint_p[-1].pos.y = -endPoint_p[-1].pos.y; endPoint_p[-1].a = 180.0-endPoint_p[-1].a; seg_p[-1].pos[0].y = -seg_p[-1].pos[0].y; seg_p[-1].pos[1].y = -seg_p[-1].pos[1].y; seg_p[-1].radius = -seg_p[-1].radius; endPoint_p[-2].pos.y = -endPoint_p[-2].pos.y; endPoint_p[-2].a = 180.0-endPoint_p[-2].a; seg_p[-3].pos[0].y = -seg_p[-3].pos[0].y; seg_p[-3].pos[1].y = -seg_p[-3].pos[1].y; seg_p[-3].radius = -seg_p[-3].radius; } break; case ACT_THREEWAYTURNOUT: reset( tp, args ); threeway = 1; break; case ACT_CROSSING_LEFT: case ACT_CROSSING_RIGHT: case ACT_CROSSING_SYMMETRIC: case ACT_DOUBLESLIP_LEFT: case ACT_DOUBLESLIP_RIGHT: case ACT_DOUBLESLIP_SYMMETRIC: reset( tp, args ); angle = args[3].number; length = getDim(args[4].number); seg_p->radius = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[0].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[0].x = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[1].x = length; endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[1].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 90.0; endPoint_p++; seg_p++; length /= 2.0; if (tp->action == ACT_CROSSING_SYMMETRIC || tp->action == ACT_DOUBLESLIP_SYMMETRIC) { length2 = length; } else { length2 = getDim( args[5].number )/2.0; } seg_p->radius = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[0].x = length - length2*cos(D2R(angle)); endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[0].y = length2*sin(D2R(angle)); endPoint_p->a = normalizeAngle(270.0+angle); endPoint_p++; endPoint_p->pos.x = seg_p->pos[1].x = length*2.0-seg_p->pos[0].x; endPoint_p->pos.y = seg_p->pos[1].y = -seg_p->pos[0].y; endPoint_p->a = normalizeAngle(90.0+angle); endPoint_p++; seg_p++; if (tp->action == ACT_CROSSING_RIGHT || tp->action == ACT_DOUBLESLIP_RIGHT ) { endPoint_p[-1].pos.y = -endPoint_p[-1].pos.y; endPoint_p[-2].pos.y = -endPoint_p[-2].pos.y; seg_p[-1].pos[0].y = -seg_p[-1].pos[0].y; seg_p[-1].pos[1].y = -seg_p[-1].pos[1].y; endPoint_p[-1].a = normalizeAngle( 180.0 - endPoint_p[-1].a ); endPoint_p[-2].a = normalizeAngle( 180.0 - endPoint_p[-2].a ); } break; case ACT_TURNTABLE: reset( tp, args ); if ((cp=getLine())==NULL) return; if ((rc=sscanf( line, "%lf %s", &angle, bits ) ) != 2) { fprintf( stderr, "syntax error: %d: %s\n", lineCount, line ); flushInput(); return; } fprintf( fout, "TURNOUT %s \"%s %s\"\n", scale, partNo, name ); count = 360.0/angle; angle = 0; length = strlen( bits ); if (length < count) count = length; length = getDim( args[3].number ); length2 = getDim( args[5].number ); endNo = 1; for ( inx=0; inx<count; inx++ ) { if (bits[inx]!='0') { fprintf( fout, "\tP \"%d\" %d\n", endNo, endNo ); endNo++; } } for ( inx=0; inx<count; inx++ ) { angle = normalizeAngle( 90.0 - inx * ( 360.0 / count ) ); if (bits[inx]!='0') fprintf( fout, "\tE %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", X(length * sin(D2R(angle))), X(length * cos(D2R(angle))), X(angle) ); } for ( inx=0; inx<count; inx++ ) { angle = normalizeAngle( 90.0 - inx * ( 360.0 / count ) ); if (bits[inx]!='0') fprintf( fout, "\tS 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", X(length * sin(D2R(angle))), X(length * cos(D2R(angle))), X(length2 * sin(D2R(angle))), X(length2 * cos(D2R(angle))) ); } fprintf( fout, "\tA %ld 0 %0.6f 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 360.000000\n", color, length2 ); if (length != length2) fprintf( fout, "\tA %ld 0 %0.6f 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 360.000000\n", color, length ); break; case ACT_ENDTURNTABLE: for (lp=lines; lp<line_p; lp++) { switch (lp->type) { case 'L': fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->pos[0].x), X(lp->pos[0].y), X(lp->pos[1].x), X(lp->pos[1].y) ); break; case 'A': fprintf( fout, "\tA %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->radius), X(lp->center.x), X(lp->center.y), X(lp->a0), X(lp->a1) ); break; } } fprintf( fout, "\tEND\n" ); break; case ACT_TRANSFERTABLE: reset( tp, args ); fprintf( fout, "TURNOUT %s \"%s %s\"\n", scale, partNo, name ); width = getDim(args[3].number); width2 = getDim(args[5].number); length = getDim( args[6].number); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 %0.6f\n", color, length ); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 0.0000000 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, length, width, length ); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f 0.000000\n", color, width, length, width ); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000\n", color, width ); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, (width-width2)/2.0, 0.0, (width-width2)/2.0, length ); fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, width-(width-width2)/2.0, 0.0, width-(width-width2)/2.0, length ); if ((cp=getLine())==NULL) return; if ((rc=sscanf( line, "%lf %lf %s", &length2, &offset, bits ) ) != 3) { fprintf( stderr, "syntax error: %d: %s\n", lineCount, line ); flushInput(); return; } offset = getDim( offset ); length2 = getDim( length2 ); for (inx=0; bits[inx]; inx++) { if (bits[inx]=='1') { fprintf( fout, "\tE 0.000000 %0.6f 270.0\n", offset ); fprintf( fout, "\tS 0 0 0.000000 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", offset, (width-width2)/2.0, offset ); } offset += length2; } if ((cp=getLine())==NULL) return; if ((rc=sscanf( line, "%lf %lf %s", &length2, &offset, bits ) ) != 3) { fprintf( stderr, "syntax error: %d: %s\n", lineCount, line ); flushInput(); return; } offset = getDim( offset ); length2 = getDim( length2 ); for (inx=0; bits[inx]; inx++) { if (bits[inx]=='1') { fprintf( fout, "\tE %0.6f %0.6f 90.0\n", width, offset ); fprintf( fout, "\tS 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", width-(width-width2)/2.0, offset, width, offset ); } offset += length2; } fprintf( fout, "\tEND\n"); break; case ACT_ENDTRANSFERTABLE: break; case ACT_TRACK: reset( tp, args ); break; case ACT_STRUCTURE: reset( tp, args ); break; case ACT_ENDSTRUCTURE: fprintf( fout, "STRUCTURE %s \"%s %s\"\n", scale, partNo, name ); for (lp=lines; lp<line_p; lp++) { switch (lp->type) { case 'L': fprintf( fout, "\tL %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->pos[0].x), X(lp->pos[0].y), X(lp->pos[1].x), X(lp->pos[1].y) ); break; case 'A': fprintf( fout, "\tA %ld 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", color, X(lp->radius), X(lp->center.x), X(lp->center.y), X(lp->a0), X(lp->a1) ); break; } } fprintf( fout, "\tEND\n" ); break; case ACT_FILL_POINT: break; case ACT_LINE: line_p->type = 'L'; line_p->pos[0].x = getDim(args[0].number); line_p->pos[0].y = getDim(args[1].number); line_p->pos[1].x = getDim(args[2].number); line_p->pos[1].y = getDim(args[3].number); line_p++; break; case ACT_CURVEDLINE: line_p->type = 'A'; pos0.x = getDim(args[0].number); pos0.y = getDim(args[1].number); line_p->radius = getDim(args[2].number); length2 = 2*line_p->radius*sin(D2R(args[3].number/2.0)); angle = args[3].number/2.0 + args[4].number; pos1.x = pos0.x + length2*cos(D2R(angle)); pos1.y = pos0.y + length2*sin(D2R(angle)); computeCurve( pos0, pos1, line_p->radius, &line_p->center, &line_p->a0, &line_p->a1 ); line_p++; break; case ACT_CIRCLE: line_p->type = 'A'; line_p->center.x = getDim( args[0].number ); line_p->center.y = getDim( args[1].number ); line_p->radius = getDim( args[2].number ); line_p->a0 = 0.0; line_p->a1 = 360.0; line_p++; break; case ACT_DESCRIPTIONPOS: break; case ACT_ARTICLENOPOS: break; case ACT_CONNECTINGPOINT: endPoint_p->pos.x = getDim(args[0].number); endPoint_p->pos.y = getDim(args[1].number); endPoint_p->a = normalizeAngle( 90.0 - args[2].number ); endPoint_p++; break; case ACT_STRAIGHTTRACK: seg_p->radius = 0.0; seg_p->pos[0].x = getDim(args[0].number); seg_p->pos[0].y = getDim(args[1].number); seg_p->pos[1].x = getDim(args[2].number); seg_p->pos[1].y = getDim(args[3].number); seg_p++; break; case ACT_CURVEDTRACK: seg_p->pos[0].x = getDim(args[0].number); seg_p->pos[0].y = getDim(args[1].number); seg_p->radius = getDim(args[2].number); length2 = 2*seg_p->radius*sin(D2R(args[3].number/2.0)); angle = 90.0-args[4].number - args[3].number/2.0; seg_p->pos[1].x = seg_p->pos[0].x + length2*sin(D2R(angle)); seg_p->pos[1].y = seg_p->pos[0].y + length2*cos(D2R(angle)); seg_p->radius = - seg_p->radius; seg_p++; break; case ACT_STRAIGHT_BODY: seg_p->radius = 0; seg_p->pos[0].x = 0.0; seg_p->pos[0].y = 0.0; seg_p->pos[1].x = getDim(args[0].number); seg_p->pos[1].y = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos = seg_p->pos[0]; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; endPoint_p->pos = seg_p->pos[1]; endPoint_p->a = 90.0; endPoint_p++; seg_p++; break; case ACT_CURVE_BODY: if (endPoint_p == endPoints) { endPoint_p->pos.y = 0.0; endPoint_p->pos.x = 0.0; endPoint_p->a = 270.0; endPoint_p++; } seg_p->radius = getDim(args[0].number); angle = args[1].number; seg_p->pos[0].x = getDim(args[2].number); seg_p->pos[0].y = 0.0; seg_p->pos[1].x = seg_p->pos[0].x + seg_p->radius * sin( D2R( angle ) ); seg_p->pos[1].y = seg_p->radius * (1-cos( D2R( angle )) ); if (right || (threeway && (seg_p-segs == 2)) ) { seg_p->pos[1].y = - seg_p->pos[1].y; angle = - angle; } else { seg_p->radius = - seg_p->radius; } endPoint_p->pos = seg_p->pos[1]; endPoint_p->a = normalizeAngle( 90.0-angle ); endPoint_p++; seg_p++; break; case ACT_PRICE: break; } } void parse( void ) /* parse a line: figure out what it is, read the arguments, call process() */ { char *cp, *cpp; char strings[512], *sp; int len; tokenDesc_t *tp; int tlen; arg_t args[10]; int inx; inBody = 0; lineCount = 0; while ( cp=getLine() ) { if (strncasecmp( cp, "INCH", strlen("INCH") ) == 0) { inch++; continue; } for ( tp=tokens; tp<&tokens[ sizeof tokens / sizeof *tp ]; tp++ ){ tlen = strlen(tp->name); if ( strncasecmp( cp, tp->name, tlen) != 0 ) continue; if ( cp[tlen] != '\0' && cp[tlen] != ' ' && cp[tlen] != ',' ) continue; if ( (inBody) == (tp->class==CLS_START) ) { continue; } cp += tlen+1; if (tp->args) for ( inx=0, sp=strings; tp->args[inx]; inx++ ) { if (*cp == '\0') { fprintf( stderr, "%d: unexpected end of line\n", lineCount ); goto nextLine; } switch( tp->args[inx] ) { case 'S': args[inx].string = sp; while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp != '"') { fprintf( stderr, "%d: expected a \": %s\n", lineCount, cp ); goto nextLine; } cp++; while ( *cp ) { if ( *cp != '"' ) { *sp++ = *cp++; } else if ( cp[1] == '"' ) { *sp++ = '"'; *sp++ = '"'; cp += 2; } else { cp++; *sp++ = '\0'; break; } } break; case 'N': args[inx].number = strtod( cp, &cpp ); if (cpp == cp) { fprintf( stderr, "%d: expected a number: %s\n", lineCount, cp ); goto nextLine; } cp = cpp; break; case 'I': args[inx].integer = strtol( cp, &cpp, 10 ); if (cpp == cp) { fprintf( stderr, "%d: expected an integer: %s\n", lineCount, cp ); goto nextLine; } cp = cpp; break; } } process( tp, args ); if (tp->class == CLS_START) inBody = 1; else if (tp->class == CLS_END) inBody = 0; tp = NULL; break; } if (tp) { fprintf( stderr, "%d: Unknown token: %s\n", lineCount, cp ); } nextLine: ; } } int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) /* main: handle options, open files */ { char * contents = NULL; argv++; argc--; while (argc > 2) { if (strcmp(*argv,"-v")==0) { verbose++; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp( *argv, "-s" )==0) { argv++; argc--; scale = *argv; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp( *argv, "-c" )==0) { argv++; argc--; contents = *argv; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp( *argv, "-k" )==0) { argv++; argc--; color = strtol(*argv, NULL, 16); argv++; argc--; } } if (argc < 2) { fprintf( stderr, helpStr ); exit(1); } if (scale == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "scale must be defined\n" ); exit(1); } if ( strcmp( argv[0], argv[1] ) == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Input and output file names are the same!" ); exit(1); } fin = fopen( *argv, "r" ); if (fin == NULL) { perror(*argv); exit(1); } argv++; fout = fopen( *argv, "w" ); if (fout == NULL) { perror(*argv); exit(1); } if (contents) fprintf( fout, "CONTENTS %s\n", contents ); parse(); }