/** \file cblock.c
 * Implement blocks: a group of trackwork with a single occ. detector
 * Created by Robert Heller on Thu Mar 12 09:43:02 2009
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Modification History: $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
 * Modification History: Revision 1.4  2009/09/16 18:32:24  m_fischer
 * Modification History: Remove unused locals
 * Modification History:
 * Modification History: Revision 1.3  2009/09/05 16:40:53  m_fischer
 * Modification History: Make layout control commands a build-time choice
 * Modification History:
 * Modification History: Revision 1.2  2009/07/08 19:13:58  m_fischer
 * Modification History: Make compile under MSVC
 * Modification History:
 * Modification History: Revision 1.1  2009/07/08 18:40:27  m_fischer
 * Modification History: Add switchmotor and block for layout control
 * Modification History:
 * Modification History: Revision 1.1  2002/07/28 14:03:50  heller
 * Modification History: Add it copyright notice headers
 * Modification History:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Contents:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *     Generic Project
 *     Copyright (C) 2005  Robert Heller D/B/A Deepwoods Software
 * 			51 Locke Hill Road
 * 			Wendell, MA 01379-9728
 *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/cblock.c,v 1.5 2009-11-23 19:46:16 rheller Exp $

#include <ctype.h>
#include "track.h"
#include "compound.h"
#include "i18n.h"


#define BLOCKCMD

static int log_block = 0;


static void NoDrawLine(drawCmd_p d, coOrd p0, coOrd p1, wDrawWidth width,
		       wDrawColor color ) {}
static void NoDrawArc(drawCmd_p d, coOrd p, DIST_T r, ANGLE_T angle0,
		      ANGLE_T angle1, BOOL_T drawCenter, wDrawWidth width,
		      wDrawColor color ) {}
static void NoDrawString( drawCmd_p d, coOrd p, ANGLE_T a, char * s,
			  wFont_p fp, FONTSIZE_T fontSize, wDrawColor color ) {}
static void NoDrawBitMap( drawCmd_p d, coOrd p, wDrawBitMap_p bm,
			  wDrawColor color) {}
static void NoDrawFillPoly( drawCmd_p d, int cnt, coOrd * pts,
			    wDrawColor color ) {}
static void NoDrawFillCircle( drawCmd_p d, coOrd p, DIST_T r,
			      wDrawColor color ) {}

static drawFuncs_t noDrawFuncs = {
	NoDrawFillCircle };

static drawCmd_t blockD = {
	{0.0,0.0}, {0.0,0.0},
	Pix2CoOrd, CoOrd2Pix };

static char blockName[STR_SHORT_SIZE];
static char blockScript[STR_LONG_SIZE];
static long blockElementCount;

static paramData_t blockPLs[] = {
/*0*/ { PD_STRING, blockName, "name", PDO_NOPREF, (void*)200, N_("Name") },
/*1*/ { PD_STRING, blockScript, "script", PDO_NOPREF, (void*)350, N_("Script") }
static paramGroup_t blockPG = { "block", 0, blockPLs,  sizeof blockPLs/sizeof blockPLs[0] };
static dynArr_t blockTrk_da;
#define blockTrk(N) DYNARR_N( track_p , blockTrk_da, N )
static wWin_p blockW;

typedef struct blockData_t {
	char * name;
	char * script;
	wIndex_t numTracks;
	track_p  trackList;
} blockData_t, *blockData_p;

static blockData_p GetblockData ( track_p trk )
	return (blockData_p) GetTrkExtraData(trk);

static void DrawBlock (track_p t, drawCmd_p d, wDrawColor color )

static struct {
	char name[STR_SHORT_SIZE];
	char script[STR_LONG_SIZE];
	FLOAT_T length;
	coOrd endPt[2];
} blockData;

typedef enum { NM, SC, LN, E0, E1 } blockDesc_e;
static descData_t blockDesc[] = {
/*NM*/	{ DESC_STRING, N_("Name"), &blockData.name },
/*SC*/  { DESC_STRING, N_("Script"), &blockData.script },
/*LN*/  { DESC_DIM, N_("Length"), &blockData.length },
/*E0*/	{ DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 1: X"), &blockData.endPt[0] },
/*E1*/	{ DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 2: X"), &blockData.endPt[1] },
	{ DESC_NULL } };

static void UpdateBlock (track_p trk, int inx, descData_p descUpd, BOOL_T needUndoStart )
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(trk);
	const char * thename, *thescript;
	char *newName, *newScript;
	BOOL_T changed, nChanged, sChanged;

	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** UpdateBlock(): needUndoStart = %d\n",needUndoStart))
	if ( inx == -1 ) {
		nChanged = sChanged = changed = FALSE;
		thename = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)blockDesc[NM].control0 );
		if ( strcmp( thename, xx->name ) != 0 ) {
			nChanged = changed = TRUE;
			newName = MyStrdup(thename);
		thescript = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)blockDesc[SC].control0 );
		if ( strcmp( thescript, xx->script ) != 0 ) {
			sChanged = changed = TRUE;
			newScript = MyStrdup(thescript);
		if ( ! changed ) return;
		if ( needUndoStart )
			UndoStart( _("Change block"), "Change block" );
		UndoModify( trk );
		if (nChanged) {
			xx->name = newName;
		if (sChanged) {
			xx->script = newScript;

static DIST_T DistanceBlock (track_p t, coOrd * p )
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(t);
	DIST_T closest, current;
	int iTrk = 1;

	closest = GetTrkDistance ((&(xx->trackList))[0], *p);
	for (; iTrk < xx->numTracks; iTrk++) {
		current = GetTrkDistance ((&(xx->trackList))[iTrk], *p);
		if (current < closest) closest = current;
	return closest;

static void DescribeBlock (track_p trk, char * str, CSIZE_T len )
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(trk);
	wIndex_t tcount = 0;
	track_p lastTrk = NULL;
	long listLabelsOption = listLabels;

	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** DescribeBlock(): trk is T%d\n",GetTrkIndex(trk)))
	FormatCompoundTitle( listLabelsOption, xx->name );
	if (message[0] == '\0')
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabelsOption|LABEL_DESCR, xx->name );
	strcpy( str, _(GetTrkTypeName( trk )) );
	while (*str) {
		*str = tolower((unsigned char)*str);
	sprintf( str, _("(%d): Layer=%d %s"),
		GetTrkIndex(trk), GetTrkLayer(trk)+1, message );
	blockData.name[STR_SHORT_SIZE-1] = '\0';
	blockData.script[STR_LONG_SIZE-1] = '\0';
	blockData.length = 0;
	if (xx->numTracks > 0) {
		blockData.endPt[0] = GetTrkEndPos((&(xx->trackList))[0],0);
	for (tcount = 0; tcount < xx->numTracks; tcount++) {
		blockData.length += GetTrkLength((&(xx->trackList))[tcount],0,1);
		lastTrk = (&(xx->trackList))[tcount];
	if (lastTrk != NULL) blockData.endPt[1] = GetTrkEndPos(lastTrk,1);
	blockDesc[E0].mode =
	blockDesc[E1].mode =
	blockDesc[LN].mode = DESC_RO;
	blockDesc[NM].mode =
	blockDesc[SC].mode = DESC_NOREDRAW;
	DoDescribe(_("Block"), trk, blockDesc, UpdateBlock );


static blockDebug (track_p trk)
	wIndex_t iTrack;
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(trk);
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): trk = %08x\n",trk))
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): Index = %d\n",GetTrkIndex(trk)))
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): name = \"%s\"\n",xx->name))
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): script = \"%s\"\n",xx->script))
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): numTracks = %d\n",xx->numTracks))
	for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < xx->numTracks; iTrack++) {
		LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** blockDebug(): trackList[%d] = T%d, ",iTrack,GetTrkIndex((&(xx->trackList))[iTrack])))
		LOG( log_block, 1, ("%s\n",GetTrkTypeName((&(xx->trackList))[iTrack])))


static BOOL_T blockCheckContigiousPath()
	EPINX_T ep, epCnt, epN;
	int inx;
	track_p trk, trk1;
	DIST_T dist;
	ANGLE_T angle;
	int pathElemStart = 0;
	coOrd endPtOrig = zero;
	BOOL_T IsConnectedP;
	trkEndPt_p endPtP;
	DYNARR_RESET( trkEndPt_t, tempEndPts_da );

	for ( inx=0; inx<blockTrk_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
		trk = blockTrk(inx);
		epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk);
		IsConnectedP = FALSE;
		for ( ep=0; ep<epCnt; ep++ ) {
			trk1 = GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep);
			if ( trk1 == NULL || !GetTrkSelected(trk1) ) {
				/* boundary EP */
				for ( epN=0; epN<tempEndPts_da.cnt; epN++ ) {
					dist = FindDistance( GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep), tempEndPts(epN).pos );
					angle = NormalizeAngle( GetTrkEndAngle(trk,ep) - tempEndPts(epN).angle + connectAngle/2.0 );
					if ( dist < connectDistance && angle < connectAngle )
				if ( epN>=tempEndPts_da.cnt ) {
					DYNARR_APPEND( trkEndPt_t, tempEndPts_da, 10 );
					endPtP = &tempEndPts(tempEndPts_da.cnt-1);
					memset( endPtP, 0, sizeof *endPtP );
					endPtP->pos = GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep);
					endPtP->angle = GetTrkEndAngle(trk,ep);
					/*endPtP->track = trk1;*/
					/* These End Points are dummies --
					   we don't want DeleteTrack to look at
					   them. */
					endPtP->track = NULL;
					endPtP->index = (trk1?GetEndPtConnectedToMe(trk1,trk):-1);
					endPtOrig.x += endPtP->pos.x;
					endPtOrig.y += endPtP->pos.y;
			} else {
				IsConnectedP = TRUE;
		if (!IsConnectedP && blockTrk_da.cnt > 1) return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

static void DeleteBlock ( track_p t )
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(t);
	MyFree(xx->name); xx->name = NULL;
	MyFree(xx->script); xx->script = NULL;

static BOOL_T WriteBlock ( track_p t, FILE * f )
	BOOL_T rc = TRUE;
	wIndex_t iTrack;
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(t);

	rc &= fprintf(f, "BLOCK %d \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
		GetTrkIndex(t), xx->name, xx->script)>0;
	for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < xx->numTracks && rc; iTrack++) {
		rc &= fprintf(f, "\tTRK %d\n",
	rc &= fprintf( f, "\tEND\n" )>0;
	return rc;

static void ReadBlock ( char * line )
	TRKINX_T trkindex;
	wIndex_t index;
	track_p trk;
	char * cp = NULL;
	blockData_p xx;
	wIndex_t iTrack;
	EPINX_T ep;
	trkEndPt_p endPtP;
	char *name, *script;

	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** ReadBlock: line is '%s'\n",line))
	if (!GetArgs(line+6,"dqq",&index,&name,&script)) {
	DYNARR_RESET( track_p , blockTrk_da );
	while ( (cp = GetNextLine()) != NULL ) {
		while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp)) cp++;
		if ( strncmp( cp, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) {
		if ( *cp == '\n' || *cp == '#' ) {
		if ( strncmp( cp, "TRK", 3 ) == 0 ) {
			if (!GetArgs(cp+4,"d",&trkindex)) return;
			trk = FindTrack(trkindex);
			DYNARR_APPEND( track_p *, blockTrk_da, 10 );
			blockTrk(blockTrk_da.cnt-1) = trk;
	trk = NewTrack(index, T_BLOCK, tempEndPts_da.cnt, sizeof(blockData_t)+(sizeof(track_p)*(blockTrk_da.cnt-1))+1);
	for ( ep=0; ep<tempEndPts_da.cnt; ep++) {
		endPtP = &tempEndPts(ep);
		SetTrkEndPoint( trk, ep, endPtP->pos, endPtP->angle );
	xx = GetblockData( trk );
	xx->name = name;
	xx->script = script;
	xx->numTracks = blockTrk_da.cnt;
	for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < blockTrk_da.cnt; iTrack++) {
		LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** ReadBlock(): copying track T%d\n",GetTrkIndex(blockTrk(iTrack))))
		(&(xx->trackList))[iTrack] = blockTrk(iTrack);

static void MoveBlock (track_p trk, coOrd orig ) {}
static void RotateBlock (track_p trk, coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle ) {}
static void RescaleBlock (track_p trk, FLOAT_T ratio ) {}

static trackCmd_t blockCmds = {
	NULL, /* audit */
	NULL, /* getAngle */
	NULL, /* split */
	NULL, /* traverse */
	NULL, /* enumerate */
	NULL, /* redraw */
	NULL, /* trim */
	NULL, /* merge */
	NULL, /* modify */
	NULL, /* getLength */
	NULL, /* getTrkParams */
	NULL, /* moveEndPt */
	NULL, /* query */
	NULL, /* ungroup */
	NULL, /* flip */
	NULL, /* drawPositionIndicator */
	NULL, /* advancePositionIndicator */
	NULL, /* checkTraverse */
	NULL, /* makeParallel */
	NULL  /* drawDesc */

static BOOL_T TrackInBlock (track_p trk, track_p blk) {
	wIndex_t iTrack;
	blockData_p xx = GetblockData(blk);
	for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < xx->numTracks; iTrack++) {
		if (trk == (&(xx->trackList))[iTrack]) return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

static track_p FindBlock (track_p trk) {
	track_p a_trk;
	for (a_trk = NULL; TrackIterate( &a_trk ) ;) {
		if (GetTrkType(a_trk) == T_BLOCK &&
		    TrackInBlock(trk,a_trk)) return a_trk;
	return NULL;

static void BlockOk ( void * junk )
	blockData_p xx;
	track_p trk;
	wIndex_t iTrack;
	EPINX_T ep;
	trkEndPt_p endPtP;

	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** BlockOk()\n"))
	DYNARR_RESET( track_p *, blockTrk_da );

	ParamUpdate( &blockPG );
	if ( blockName[0]==0 ) {
		NoticeMessage( 0, "Block must have a name!", _("Ok"));
	wDrawDelayUpdate( mainD.d, TRUE );
	 * Collect tracks
	trk = NULL;
	while ( TrackIterate( &trk ) ) {
		if ( GetTrkSelected( trk ) ) {
			if ( IsTrack(trk) ) {
				DYNARR_APPEND( track_p *, blockTrk_da, 10 );
				LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** BlockOk(): adding track T%d\n",GetTrkIndex(trk)))
				blockTrk(blockTrk_da.cnt-1) = trk;
	if ( blockTrk_da.cnt>0 ) {
		if ( blockTrk_da.cnt > 128 ) {
			NoticeMessage( MSG_TOOMANYSEGSINGROUP, _("Ok"), NULL );
			wDrawDelayUpdate( mainD.d, FALSE );
			wHide( blockW );
		/* Need to check that all block elements are connected to each
		   other... */
		if (!blockCheckContigiousPath()) {
			NoticeMessage( _("Block is discontigious!"), _("Ok"), NULL );
			wDrawDelayUpdate( mainD.d, FALSE );
			wHide( blockW );
		UndoStart( _("Create block"), "Create block" );
		/* Create a block object */
		LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** BlockOk(): %d tracks in block\n",blockTrk_da.cnt))
		trk = NewTrack(0, T_BLOCK, tempEndPts_da.cnt, sizeof(blockData_t)+(sizeof(track_p)*(blockTrk_da.cnt-1))+1);
		for ( ep=0; ep<tempEndPts_da.cnt; ep++) {
			endPtP = &tempEndPts(ep);
			SetTrkEndPoint( trk, ep, endPtP->pos, endPtP->angle );
		xx = GetblockData( trk );
		xx->name = MyStrdup(blockName);
		xx->script = MyStrdup(blockScript);
		xx->numTracks = blockTrk_da.cnt;
		for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < blockTrk_da.cnt; iTrack++) {
			LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** BlockOk(): copying track T%d\n",GetTrkIndex(blockTrk(iTrack))))
			(&(xx->trackList))[iTrack] = blockTrk(iTrack);
	wHide( blockW );


static void NewBlockDialog()
	track_p trk = NULL;

	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** NewBlockDialog()\n"))
	blockElementCount = 0;

	while ( TrackIterate( &trk ) ) {
		if ( GetTrkSelected( trk ) ) {
			if ( !IsTrack( trk ) ) {
				ErrorMessage( _("Non track object skipped!") );
			if ( FindBlock( trk ) != NULL ) {
				ErrorMessage( _("Selected track is already in a block, skipped!") );

	if (blockElementCount == 0) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_NO_SELECTED_TRK );
	if ( log_block < 0 ) log_block = LogFindIndex( "block" );
	if ( !blockW ) {
		ParamRegister( &blockPG );
		blockW = ParamCreateDialog (&blockPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Create Block")), _("Ok"), BlockOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_BLOCK, NULL );
		blockD.dpi = mainD.dpi;
	ParamLoadControls( &blockPG );
	wShow( blockW );

static STATUS_T CmdBlockCreate( wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	LOG( log_block, 1, ("*** CmdBlockAction(%08x,{%f,%f})\n",action,pos.x,pos.y))
	switch (action & 0xFF) {
	case C_START:
		fprintf(stderr,"*** CmdBlockCreate(): C_START\n");
		return C_TERMINATE;
		return C_CONTINUE;

extern BOOL_T inDescribeCmd;

static STATUS_T CmdBlockEdit( wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	track_p trk,btrk;
	char msg[STR_SIZE];

	switch (action) {
	case C_START:
		InfoMessage( _("Select a track") );
		inDescribeCmd = TRUE;
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_DOWN:
		if ((trk = OnTrack(&pos, TRUE, TRUE )) == NULL) {
			return C_CONTINUE;
		btrk = FindBlock( trk );
		if ( !btrk ) {
			ErrorMessage( _("Not a block!") );
			return C_CONTINUE;
		DescribeTrack (btrk, msg, sizeof msg );
		InfoMessage( msg );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_REDRAW:
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_CANCEL:
		inDescribeCmd = FALSE;
		return C_TERMINATE;
		return C_CONTINUE;

static STATUS_T CmdBlockDelete( wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	track_p trk,btrk;
	blockData_p xx;

	switch (action) {
	case C_START:
		InfoMessage( _("Select a track") );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_DOWN:
		if ((trk = OnTrack(&pos, TRUE, TRUE )) == NULL) {
			return C_CONTINUE;
		btrk = FindBlock( trk );
		if ( !btrk ) {
			ErrorMessage( _("Not a block!") );
			return C_CONTINUE;
		/* Confirm Delete Block */
		xx = GetblockData(btrk);
		if ( NoticeMessage( _("Really delete block %s?"), _("Yes"), _("No"), xx->name) ) {
			UndoStart( _("Delete Block"), "delete" );
			DeleteTrack (btrk, FALSE);
			return C_TERMINATE;
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_REDRAW:
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_CANCEL:
		return C_TERMINATE;
		return C_CONTINUE;

#define BLOCK_CREATE 0
#define BLOCK_EDIT   1
#define BLOCK_DELETE 2

static STATUS_T CmdBlock (wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	fprintf(stderr,"*** CmdBlock(%08x,{%f,%f})\n",action,pos.x,pos.y);

	switch ((long)commandContext) {
	case BLOCK_CREATE: return CmdBlockCreate(action,pos);
	case BLOCK_EDIT:   return CmdBlockEdit(action,pos);
	case BLOCK_DELETE: return CmdBlockDelete(action,pos);
	default: return C_TERMINATE;

#include "bitmaps/blocknew.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/blockedit.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/blockdel.xpm"

EXPORT void InitCmdBlock( wMenu_p menu )
	blockName[0] = '\0';
	blockScript[0] = '\0';
	ButtonGroupBegin( _("Block"), "cmdBlockSetCmd", _("Blocks") );
	AddMenuButton( menu, CmdBlock, "cmdBlockCreate", _("Create Block"), wIconCreatePixMap(blocknew_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_CANCEL|IC_POPUP, ACCL_BLOCK1, (void*)BLOCK_CREATE );
	AddMenuButton( menu, CmdBlock, "cmdBlockEdit", _("Edit Block"), wIconCreatePixMap(blockedit_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_CANCEL|IC_POPUP, ACCL_BLOCK2, (void*)BLOCK_EDIT );
	AddMenuButton( menu, CmdBlock, "cmdBlockDelete", _("Delete Block"), wIconCreatePixMap(blockdel_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_CANCEL|IC_POPUP, ACCL_BLOCK3, (void*)BLOCK_DELETE );
	ParamRegister( &blockPG );

EXPORT void InitTrkBlock( void )
	T_BLOCK = InitObject ( &blockCmds );
	log_block = LogFindIndex ( "block" );