/** \file chotbar.c * HOT BAR */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "compound.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "ccornu.h" #include "track.h" #include "draw.h" EXPORT DIST_T curBarScale = -1; EXPORT long hotBarLabels = 0; EXPORT wWinPix_t hotBarHeight = 32; #include "bitmaps/hotbarl.xbm" #include "bitmaps/hotbarr.xbm" #define HOTBAR_LEFT 2 static wButton_p hotBarLeftB = NULL; static wButton_p hotBarRightB = NULL; static wMenu_p hotbarPopupM; static wMenuList_p hotBarML = NULL; static wIndex_t hotBarMLcnt = 0; static drawCmd_t hotBarD = { NULL, &screenDrawFuncs, 0, 1.0, 0.0, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, Pix2CoOrd, CoOrd2Pix }; static wWinPix_t hotBarDrawHeight[] = {26, 32, 40}; static wFontSize_t hotBarFontSize[] = {7, 11, 14}; typedef struct { DIST_T x; DIST_T w; DIST_T objectW; DIST_T labelW; coOrd size; coOrd orig; BOOL_T isFixed; void * context; hotBarProc_t proc; DIST_T barScale; } hotBarMap_t; static dynArr_t hotBarMap_da; #define hotBarMap(N) DYNARR_N( hotBarMap_t, hotBarMap_da, N ) static int hotBarCurrSelects[2] = { -1, -1 }; static int hotBarCurrStarts[2] = { -1, -1 }; static int hotBarCurrEnds[2] = { -1, -1 }; #define hotBarCurrSelect (hotBarCurrSelects[programMode]) #define hotBarCurrStart (hotBarCurrStarts[programMode]) #define hotBarCurrEnd (hotBarCurrEnds[programMode]) static DIST_T hotBarWidth = 0.0; static void HotBarHighlight( int inx, DIST_T fixed_x ) { if ( inx > 0 && ( inx < hotBarCurrStart || inx >= hotBarCurrEnd ) ) { return; } coOrd orig, size; hotBarD.scale = 1; if ( inx == 0 && hotBarMap_da.cnt>0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed) { orig.x = 0; } else { orig.x = hotBarMap(inx).x-hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x + (inx>0?fixed_x:0); } orig.y = 0; size.x = hotBarMap(inx).w - 2.0/hotBarD.dpi; size.y = toolbarHeight; #ifdef LATER printf( "HotBarHilite fixed_x:%0.3f X0:%d/%0.3f X:%d/%0.3f+%0.3f X=%0.3f\n", fixed_x, hotBarCurrStart, hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x, inx, hotBarMap(inx).x, hotBarMap(inx).w, orig.x ); #endif DrawRectangle( &hotBarD, orig, size, wDrawColorBlack, DRAW_TRANSPARENT ); } static wFont_p hotBarFp = NULL; static wFontSize_t hotBarFs = 8; static wWinPix_t hotBarTextHeight = 11; static void RedrawHotBar( wDraw_p dd, void * data, wWinPix_t w, wWinPix_t h ) { DIST_T hh = (double)(hotBarHeight + 1)/hotBarD.dpi; coOrd orig; int inx; hotBarMap_t * tbm; DIST_T barHeight = (DIST_T)(wControlGetHeight( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d ) - 2)/hotBarD.dpi; DIST_T barWidth = (DIST_T)(wControlGetWidth( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d ) - 2)/hotBarD.dpi; DIST_T barScale; DIST_T x; wDrawClear( hotBarD.d ); if (hotBarCurrStart >0) { wControlActive( (wControl_p)hotBarLeftB, TRUE ); } else { wButtonSetBusy(hotBarLeftB, FALSE); wControlActive( (wControl_p)hotBarLeftB, FALSE ); } if (hotBarCurrStart < 0) { wButtonSetBusy(hotBarRightB, FALSE); wControlActive( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, FALSE ); return; } if ( hotBarLabels && !hotBarFp ) { hotBarFp = wStandardFont( F_HELV, FALSE, FALSE ); } DIST_T fixed_x = 0.0; if (hotBarCurrStart>0 && hotBarMap_da.cnt>0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed) { //Do fixed element first - Cornu tbm = &hotBarMap(0); barScale = tbm->barScale; x = 0.0; orig.y = barScale/hotBarD.dpi + hh/2.0*barScale - tbm->size.y/2.0 - tbm->orig.y; if ( hotBarLabels ) { orig.y += hotBarTextHeight/hotBarD.dpi*barScale; if ( tbm->labelW > tbm->objectW ) { fixed_x = tbm->labelW; x += (tbm->labelW-tbm->objectW)/2; } else { fixed_x = tbm->objectW; } } else { fixed_x = tbm->objectW; } x *= barScale; orig.x = x; hotBarD.scale = barScale; hotBarD.size.x = barWidth*barScale; hotBarD.size.y = barHeight*barScale; tbm->proc( HB_DRAW, tbm->context, &hotBarD, &orig ); if ( hotBarLabels ) { hotBarD.scale = 1.0; orig.x = 0.0; orig.y = 2.0/hotBarD.dpi; //Draw Label under icon DrawString( &hotBarD, orig, 0.0, tbm->proc( HB_BARTITLE, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ), hotBarFp, hotBarFs, drawColorBlack ); } } for ( inx=hotBarCurrStart; inx < hotBarMap_da.cnt; inx++ ) { tbm = &hotBarMap(inx); barScale = tbm->barScale; x = tbm->x - hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x + fixed_x; if ( x + tbm->w > barWidth ) { break; } orig.y = barScale/hotBarD.dpi + hh/2.0*barScale - tbm->size.y/2.0 - tbm->orig.y; if ( hotBarLabels ) { orig.y += hotBarTextHeight/hotBarD.dpi*barScale; if ( tbm->labelW > tbm->objectW ) { x += (tbm->labelW-tbm->objectW)/2; } } x *= barScale; x -= tbm->orig.x; orig.x = x; hotBarD.scale = barScale; hotBarD.size.x = barWidth*barScale; hotBarD.size.y = barHeight*barScale; tbm->proc( HB_DRAW, tbm->context, &hotBarD, &orig ); if ( hotBarLabels ) { hotBarD.scale = 1.0; orig.x = tbm->x - hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x + fixed_x; orig.y = 2.0/hotBarD.dpi; //Draw Label under icon DrawString( &hotBarD, orig, 0.0, tbm->proc( HB_BARTITLE, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ), hotBarFp, hotBarFs, drawColorBlack ); } } hotBarCurrEnd = inx; if ((hotBarCurrSelect==0 && hotBarMap_da.cnt>0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed) || ((hotBarCurrSelect >= hotBarCurrStart) && (hotBarCurrSelect < hotBarCurrEnd)) ) { HotBarHighlight( hotBarCurrSelect, fixed_x ); } /* else hotBarCurrSelect = -1;*/ if (hotBarCurrEnd < hotBarMap_da.cnt) { wControlActive( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, TRUE ); } else { wButtonSetBusy(hotBarRightB, FALSE); wControlActive( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, FALSE ); } wPrefSetInteger( "misc", "hotbar-start", hotBarCurrStart ); } static void DoHotBarRight( void * data ) { DIST_T barWidth = ((DIST_T)wControlGetWidth( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d ) - 2.0)/hotBarD.dpi; int inx = hotBarCurrStart; DIST_T lastX = hotBarMap(hotBarMap_da.cnt-1).x + hotBarMap( hotBarMap_da.cnt-1).w + 2.0/hotBarD.dpi; if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_SHIFT) { inx += hotBarMap_da.cnt/8; } else { inx++; } if ( inx >= hotBarMap_da.cnt ) { inx = hotBarMap_da.cnt-1; } DIST_T fixed_x = 0.0; if (hotBarCurrStart>0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed) { fixed_x = hotBarMap(0).w; } while ( (inx > 1) && ((lastX - hotBarMap(inx-1).x) < (barWidth - fixed_x)) ) { inx--; } if ( inx != hotBarCurrStart ) { hotBarCurrStart = inx; RedrawHotBar( hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } static void DoHotBarLeft( void * data ) { int inx = hotBarCurrStart; if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_SHIFT) { inx -= hotBarMap_da.cnt/8; } else { inx --; } if ( inx < 0 ) { inx = 0; } if ( inx != hotBarCurrStart ) { hotBarCurrStart = inx; RedrawHotBar( hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } static void DoHotBarJump( int inx ) { DIST_T x, barWidth; inx -= '0'; if (inx < 0 || inx > 9) { return; } if (inx == 0) { inx = 9; } else { inx--; } barWidth = (DIST_T)wControlGetWidth( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d )/hotBarD.dpi; x = (inx*(hotBarWidth-barWidth))/9.0; for ( inx=0; inx<hotBarMap_da.cnt; inx++ ) { if (x <= hotBarMap(inx).x) { break; } } if ( hotBarCurrStart != inx ) { hotBarCurrStart = inx; RedrawHotBar( NULL, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } static void SelectHotBar( wDraw_p d, void * context, wAction_t action, wDrawPix_t w, wDrawPix_t h ) { int inx; // coOrd pos; DIST_T x; wWinPix_t px; hotBarMap_t * tbm; char * titleP; if ( hotBarMap_da.cnt <= 0 ) { return; } #if 0 if ( !CommandEnabled( hotBarCmdInx ) ) { return; } #endif if ( ( action & 0xff ) == wActionText ) { int key = (int)(action >> 8); if ( key >= '0' && key <= '9') { DoHotBarJump( key ); } else if ( key == 0x1B ) { ConfirmReset( FALSE ); } return; } if ( (action&0xFF) == wActionRUp ) { wMenuPopupShow( hotbarPopupM ); return; } inx = -1; x = hotBarMap(0).x; DIST_T fixed_x = 0.0; if (hotBarCurrStart>0 && hotBarMap_da.cnt>0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed) { fixed_x = hotBarMap(0).w; x = w/hotBarD.dpi + hotBarMap(0).x; if ( (x>= hotBarMap(0).x) && (x <=hotBarMap(0).w )) { inx = 0; } //Match on fixed } if (inx<0) { //NoMatch x = w/hotBarD.dpi + hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x; for ( inx=hotBarCurrStart; inx<hotBarCurrEnd; inx++ ) { if ((x >= hotBarMap(inx).x + fixed_x) && //leave spaces between buttons (x <= hotBarMap(inx).x + hotBarMap(inx).w + fixed_x )) { break; } } } if (inx >= hotBarCurrEnd) { return; } tbm = &hotBarMap(inx); if (inx==0) { px = (wWinPix_t)((tbm->x-hotBarMap(0).x)*hotBarD.dpi); } else { px = (wWinPix_t)(((tbm->x-hotBarMap(hotBarCurrStart).x)+fixed_x)*hotBarD.dpi); } px += (wWinPix_t)(tbm->w*hotBarD.dpi/2); titleP = tbm->proc( HB_LISTTITLE, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ); px -= wLabelWidth( titleP ) / 2; wControlSetBalloon( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d, px, -20, titleP ); switch (action & 0xff) { case wActionLDown: // pos.x = mainD.size.x+mainD.orig.x; // pos.y = mainD.size.y+mainD.orig.y; if ( hotBarCurrSelect >= 0 ) { //HotBarHighlight( hotBarCurrSelect ); hotBarCurrSelect = -1; RedrawHotBar(hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } tbm->proc( HB_SELECT, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ); hotBarCurrSelect = inx; HotBarHighlight( hotBarCurrSelect, fixed_x ); if (recordF) { fprintf( recordF, "HOTBARSELECT %s\n", tbm->proc( HB_FULLTITLE, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ) ); } FakeDownMouseState(); break; case wActionExtKey: switch ((wAccelKey_e)(action>>8)) { case wAccelKey_Right: DoHotBarRight(NULL); break; case wAccelKey_Left: DoHotBarLeft(NULL); break; case wAccelKey_Up: break; case wAccelKey_Down: break; default: break; } break; } } EXPORT void HotBarCancel( void ) { if ( hotBarCurrSelect >= 0 ) //HotBarHighlight( hotBarCurrSelect ); { hotBarCurrSelect = -1; } RedrawHotBar(hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } static BOOL_T HotBarSelectPlayback( char * line ) { while (*line && isspace((unsigned char)*line) ) { line++; } for ( int inx=0; inx<hotBarMap_da.cnt; inx++ ) { hotBarMap_t * tbm = &hotBarMap(inx); if ( strcmp( tbm->proc( HB_FULLTITLE, tbm->context, NULL, NULL ), line) == 0) { tbm->proc( HB_SELECT, hotBarMap(inx).context, NULL, NULL ); hotBarCurrSelect = inx; if ( hotBarCurrSelect < hotBarCurrStart || hotBarCurrSelect > hotBarCurrEnd ) { // Shift the hotbar so the selected object is visible hotBarCurrStart = hotBarCurrSelect; RedrawHotBar( hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } DIST_T fixed_x = 0.0; if ( inx > 0 && hotBarCurrStart > 0 && hotBarMap(0).isFixed ) { // Leave room for Flex object fixed_x = hotBarMap(0).w; } HotBarHighlight( hotBarCurrSelect, fixed_x ); FakeDownMouseState(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void HotbarJump( int inx, const char * name, void * arg ) { hotBarCurrStart = (int)VP2L(arg); RedrawHotBar( hotBarD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } static BOOL_T SetHotBarScale( char * line ) { curBarScale = atof( line + 9 ); return TRUE; } static char curContentsLabel[STR_SHORT_SIZE]; EXPORT void AddHotBarElement( char * contentsLabel, coOrd size, coOrd orig, BOOL_T isTrack, BOOL_T isFixed, DIST_T barScale, void * context, hotBarProc_t proc_p ) { hotBarMap_t * tbm; coOrd textsize; if ( contentsLabel && strncmp(contentsLabel, curContentsLabel, sizeof curContentsLabel) != 0 && !isFixed ) { wMenuListAdd( hotBarML, hotBarMLcnt++, contentsLabel, I2VP(hotBarMap_da.cnt) ); strncpy( curContentsLabel, contentsLabel, sizeof(curContentsLabel)-1 ); } if (barScale <= 0) { if (!isTrack) { barScale = size.y/(((double)hotBarHeight-2.0)/hotBarD.dpi); } else if (isTrack) { // size.y += 2.0 * trackGauge; barScale = (trackGauge>0.1)?trackGauge*(36-hotBarHeight/2):10.0; // barScale = 2.0 / ((hotBarHeight-2.0) / hotBarD.dpi); //if (size.y >= size.x) if (size.y/barScale > ((double)hotBarHeight-2.0)/hotBarD.dpi) { barScale = (size.y+2.0*trackGauge)/(((double)hotBarHeight-2.0)/hotBarD.dpi); } } // orig.y += 1.0/hotBarD.dpi; } DYNARR_APPEND( hotBarMap_t, hotBarMap_da, 10 ); tbm = &hotBarMap(hotBarMap_da.cnt-1); if (barScale < 1) { barScale = 1; } if (size.x > barScale) { barScale = size.x; } tbm->context = context; tbm->size = size; tbm->orig = orig; tbm->proc = proc_p; tbm->barScale = barScale; tbm->isFixed = isFixed; tbm->w = tbm->objectW = size.x/barScale + 5.0/hotBarD.dpi; tbm->labelW = 0; tbm->x = hotBarWidth; if ( hotBarLabels ) { DrawTextSize( &hotBarD, proc_p( HB_BARTITLE, context, NULL, NULL), hotBarFp, hotBarFs, FALSE, &textsize ); tbm->labelW = textsize.x+5/hotBarD.dpi; if ( tbm->labelW > tbm->w ) { tbm->w = tbm->labelW; } } hotBarWidth += tbm->w + 2/hotBarD.dpi; } static void ChangeHotBar( long changes ) { #ifdef LATER int curFileIndex = -3; char * name; #endif static long programModeOld = 0; if ( (changes&(CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_PARAMS|CHANGE_TOOLBAR)) == 0 ) { return; } if ( hotBarLabels && !hotBarFp ) { hotBarFp = wStandardFont( F_HELV, FALSE, FALSE ); } if (hotBarLeftB != NULL && curScaleName) { hotBarWidth = 0.0; hotBarMLcnt = 0; wMenuListClear( hotBarML ); DYNARR_RESET( hotBarMap_t, hotBarMap_da ); curContentsLabel[0] = '\0'; if ( programMode == MODE_DESIGN ) { if (showFlexTrack) { AddHotBarCornu(); } AddHotBarTurnouts(); AddHotBarStructures(); } else { AddHotBarCarDesc(); } if ( programModeOld != programMode ) { hotBarCurrSelects[0] = hotBarCurrSelects[1] = -1; programModeOld = programMode; } if (hotBarMap_da.cnt > 0 && (hotBarCurrStart >= hotBarMap_da.cnt ||hotBarCurrStart < 0)) { hotBarCurrStart = 0; } RedrawHotBar( NULL, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } EXPORT void InitHotBar( void ) { long v; AddParam( "BARSCALE", SetHotBarScale ); AddPlaybackProc( "HOTBARSELECT", (playbackProc_p)HotBarSelectPlayback, NULL ); RegisterChangeNotification( ChangeHotBar ); wPrefGetInteger( "misc", "hotbar-start", &v, hotBarCurrStart ); hotBarCurrStart = (int)v; hotbarPopupM = MenuRegister( "Hotbar Select" ); hotBarML = wMenuListCreate( hotbarPopupM, "", -1, HotbarJump ); hotBarHeight = hotBarDrawHeight[iconSize]; hotBarFs = hotBarFontSize[iconSize]; } EXPORT void LayoutHotBar( void * redraw ) { wWinPix_t buttonHeight, buttonWidth, winWidth, winHeight; wWinPix_t hbHeight = hotBarHeight; BOOL_T initialize = FALSE; wWinGetSize( mainW, &winWidth, &winHeight ); hotBarTextHeight = (wWinPix_t)round(wMessageGetHeight(0L) * (0.6 + 0.4 * (double)iconSize)); if ( hotBarLabels) { hbHeight += hotBarTextHeight; } if (hotBarLeftB == NULL) { wIcon_p bm_p; if (winWidth < 50) { return; } bm_p = wIconCreateBitMap( 16, 16, turnbarl_bits, wDrawColorBlack ); hotBarLeftB = wButtonCreate( mainW, 0, 0, "hotBarLeft", (char*)bm_p, BO_ICON|BO_REPEAT, 0, DoHotBarLeft, NULL ); bm_p = wIconCreateBitMap( 16, 16, turnbarr_bits, wDrawColorBlack ); hotBarRightB = wButtonCreate( mainW, 0, 0, "hotBarRight", (char*)bm_p, BO_ICON|BO_REPEAT, 0, DoHotBarRight, NULL ); hotBarD.d = wDrawCreate( mainW, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 100, hbHeight, NULL, RedrawHotBar, SelectHotBar ); hotBarD.dpi = wDrawGetDPI( hotBarD.d ); hotBarD.scale = 1.0; wSetCursor(hotBarD.d,wCursorNormal); initialize = TRUE; } buttonWidth = wControlGetWidth((wControl_p)hotBarLeftB); buttonHeight = wControlGetHeight((wControl_p)hotBarLeftB); wControlSetPos( (wControl_p)hotBarLeftB, HOTBAR_LEFT, toolbarHeight+(hbHeight-buttonHeight)/2 ); wControlSetPos( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, winWidth-20-buttonWidth+HOTBAR_LEFT+1, toolbarHeight+(hbHeight-buttonHeight)/2 ); wControlSetPos( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d, buttonWidth+HOTBAR_LEFT+1, toolbarHeight ); wDrawSetSize( hotBarD.d, winWidth-20-buttonWidth*2, hbHeight+2, redraw ); hotBarD.size.x = ((double)(winWidth-20 -buttonWidth*2))/hotBarD.dpi*hotBarD.scale; hotBarD.size.y = (double) hotBarHeight/hotBarD.dpi*hotBarD.scale; //Exclude Label from calc wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarLeftB, TRUE ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, TRUE ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d, TRUE ); if (initialize) { ChangeHotBar( CHANGE_PARAMS ); } else if (!redraw) { RedrawHotBar( NULL, NULL, 0, 0 ); } toolbarHeight += hbHeight+3; } void HideHotBar( void ) { if (hotBarLeftB != NULL) { wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarLeftB, FALSE ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarRightB, FALSE ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)hotBarD.d, FALSE ); } }