/** \file cmisc.c * Handling of the 'Describe' dialog */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdint.h> #include "common.h" #include "cundo.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "messages.h" #include "param.h" #include "track.h" EXPORT wIndex_t describeCmdInx; EXPORT BOOL_T inDescribeCmd; static track_p descTrk; static descData_p descData; static descUpdate_t descUpdateFunc; static coOrd descOrig, descSize; static POS_T descBorder; static wDrawColor descColor = 0; static BOOL_T descUndoStarted; static BOOL_T descNeedDrawHilite; static wPos_t describeW_posy; static wPos_t describeCmdButtonEnd; static unsigned int editableLayerList[NUM_LAYERS]; /**< list of non-frozen layers */ static int * layerValue; /**pointer to current Layer (int *) */ static paramFloatRange_t rdata = { 0, 0, 100, PDO_NORANGECHECK_HIGH|PDO_NORANGECHECK_LOW }; static paramIntegerRange_t idata = { 0, 0, 100, PDO_NORANGECHECK_HIGH|PDO_NORANGECHECK_LOW }; static paramTextData_t tdata = { 300, 150 }; static char * pivotLabels[] = { N_("First"), N_("Middle"), N_("Second"), NULL }; static paramData_t describePLs[] = { #define I_FLOAT_0 (0) { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F1", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F2", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F3", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F4", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F5", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F6", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F7", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F8", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F9", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F10", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F11", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F12", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F13", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F14", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F15", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F16", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F17", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F18", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F19", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F20", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F21", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F22", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F23", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F24", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F25", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F26", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F27", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F28", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F29", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F30", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F31", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F32", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F33", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F34", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F35", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F36", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F37", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F38", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F39", 0, &rdata }, { PD_FLOAT, NULL, "F40", 0, &rdata }, #define I_FLOAT_N I_FLOAT_0+40 #define I_LONG_0 I_FLOAT_N { PD_LONG, NULL, "I1", 0, &idata }, { PD_LONG, NULL, "I2", 0, &idata }, { PD_LONG, NULL, "I3", 0, &idata }, { PD_LONG, NULL, "I4", 0, &idata }, { PD_LONG, NULL, "I5", 0, &idata }, #define I_LONG_N I_LONG_0+5 #define I_STRING_0 I_LONG_N { PD_STRING, NULL, "S1", 0, (void*)300 }, { PD_STRING, NULL, "S2", 0, (void*)300 }, { PD_STRING, NULL, "S3", 0, (void*)300 }, { PD_STRING, NULL, "S4", 0, (void*)300 }, #define I_STRING_N I_STRING_0+4 #define I_LAYER_0 I_STRING_N { PD_DROPLIST, NULL, "Y1", 0, (void*)150, NULL, 0 }, #define I_LAYER_N I_LAYER_0+1 #define I_COLOR_0 I_LAYER_N { PD_COLORLIST, NULL, "C1", 0, NULL, N_("Color") }, #define I_COLOR_N I_COLOR_0+1 #define I_LIST_0 I_COLOR_N { PD_DROPLIST, NULL, "L1", 0, (void*)150, NULL, 0 }, { PD_DROPLIST, NULL, "L2", 0, (void*)150, NULL, 0 }, #define I_LIST_N I_LIST_0+2 #define I_EDITLIST_0 I_LIST_N { PD_DROPLIST, NULL, "LE1", 0, (void*)150, NULL, BL_EDITABLE }, #define I_EDITLIST_N I_EDITLIST_0+1 #define I_TEXT_0 I_EDITLIST_N { PD_TEXT, NULL, "T1", 0, &tdata, NULL, BT_HSCROLL }, #define I_TEXT_N I_TEXT_0+1 #define I_PIVOT_0 I_TEXT_N { PD_RADIO, NULL, "P1", 0, pivotLabels, N_("Pivot"), BC_HORZ|BC_NOBORDER, 0 } #define I_PIVOT_N I_PIVOT_0+1 }; static paramGroup_t describePG = { "describe", 0, describePLs, sizeof describePLs/sizeof describePLs[0] }; /** * A mapping table is used to map the index in the dropdown list to the layer * number. While usually this is a 1:1 translation, the values differ if there * are frozen layer. Frozen layers are not shown in the dropdown list. */ void CreateEditableLayersList() { int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i <= NUM_LAYERS) { if (!GetLayerFrozen(i)) { editableLayerList[j++] = i; } i++; } } /** * Search a layer in the list of editable layers. * * \param IN layer layer to search * \return the index into the list */ static int SearchEditableLayerList(unsigned int layer) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_LAYERS; i++) { if (editableLayerList[i] == layer) { return (i); } } return (-1); } static void DrawDescHilite(void) { wPos_t x, y, w, h; if (descNeedDrawHilite == FALSE) { return; } if (descColor==0) { descColor = wDrawColorGray(87); } w = (wPos_t)((descSize.x/mainD.scale)*mainD.dpi+0.5); h = (wPos_t)((descSize.y/mainD.scale)*mainD.dpi+0.5); mainD.CoOrd2Pix(&mainD,descOrig,&x,&y); wDrawFilledRectangle(mainD.d, x, y, w, h, descColor, wDrawOptTemp); } static void DescribeUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void * data) { coOrd hi, lo; descData_p ddp; if (inx < 0) { return; } ddp = (descData_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].context; if ((ddp->mode&(DESC_RO|DESC_IGNORE)) != 0) { return; } if (ddp->type == DESC_PIVOT) { return; } if ((ddp->mode&DESC_NOREDRAW) == 0) { DrawDescHilite(); } if (!descUndoStarted) { UndoStart(_("Change Track"), "Change Track"); descUndoStarted = TRUE; } if (!descTrk) { return; // In case timer pops after OK } UndoModify(descTrk); descUpdateFunc(descTrk, ddp-descData, descData, FALSE); if (descTrk) { GetBoundingBox(descTrk, &hi, &lo); if (OFF_D(mapD.orig, mapD.size, descOrig, descSize)) { ErrorMessage(MSG_MOVE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); } } if ((ddp->mode&DESC_NOREDRAW) == 0) { descOrig = lo; descSize = hi; descOrig.x -= descBorder; descOrig.y -= descBorder; descSize.x -= descOrig.x-descBorder; descSize.y -= descOrig.y-descBorder; DrawDescHilite(); } for (inx = 0; inx < sizeof describePLs/sizeof describePLs[0]; inx++) { if ((describePLs[inx].option & PDO_DLGIGNORE) != 0) { continue; } ddp = (descData_p)describePLs[inx].context; if ((ddp->mode&DESC_IGNORE) != 0) { continue; } if ((ddp->mode&DESC_CHANGE) == 0) { if ((ddp->mode&DESC_CHANGE2) == 0) continue; } ddp->mode &= ~DESC_CHANGE; if (ddp->type == DESC_POS) { //POS Has two fields if (ddp->mode&DESC_CHANGE2) { ddp->mode &= ~DESC_CHANGE2; //Second time } else { ddp->mode |= DESC_CHANGE2; //First time } } ParamLoadControl(&describePG, inx); } } static void DescOk(void * junk) { wHide(describePG.win); if (descTrk) { DrawDescHilite(); } if (layerValue && *layerValue>=0) { SetTrkLayer(descTrk, editableLayerList[*layerValue]); //int found that is really in the parm controls. } layerValue = NULL; // wipe out reference descUpdateFunc(descTrk, -1, descData, !descUndoStarted); descTrk = NULL; if (descUndoStarted) { UndoEnd(); descUndoStarted = FALSE; } descNeedDrawHilite = FALSE; Reset(); } static struct { parameterType pd_type; long option; int first; int last; } descTypeMap[] = { /*NULL*/ { 0, 0 }, /*POS*/ { PD_FLOAT, PDO_DIM, I_FLOAT_0, I_FLOAT_N }, /*FLOAT*/ { PD_FLOAT, 0, I_FLOAT_0, I_FLOAT_N }, /*ANGLE*/ { PD_FLOAT, PDO_ANGLE, I_FLOAT_0, I_FLOAT_N }, /*LONG*/ { PD_LONG, 0, I_LONG_0, I_LONG_N }, /*COLOR*/ { PD_LONG, 0, I_COLOR_0, I_COLOR_N }, /*DIM*/ { PD_FLOAT, PDO_DIM, I_FLOAT_0, I_FLOAT_N }, /*PIVOT*/ { PD_RADIO, 0, I_PIVOT_0, I_PIVOT_N }, /*LAYER*/ { PD_DROPLIST,PDO_LISTINDEX, I_LAYER_0, I_LAYER_N }, /*STRING*/ { PD_STRING,0, I_STRING_0, I_STRING_N }, /*TEXT*/ { PD_TEXT, PDO_DLGNOLABELALIGN, I_TEXT_0, I_TEXT_N }, /*LIST*/ { PD_DROPLIST, PDO_LISTINDEX, I_LIST_0, I_LIST_N }, /*EDITABLELIST*/{ PD_DROPLIST, 0, I_EDITLIST_0, I_EDITLIST_N } }; static wControl_p AllocateButt(descData_p ddp, void * valueP, char * label, wPos_t sep) { int inx; for (inx = descTypeMap[ddp->type].first; inx<descTypeMap[ddp->type].last; inx++) { if ((describePLs[inx].option & PDO_DLGIGNORE) != 0) { describePLs[inx].option = descTypeMap[ddp->type].option; if (describeW_posy > describeCmdButtonEnd) { describePLs[inx].option |= PDO_DLGUNDERCMDBUTT; } if (sep) describeW_posy += wControlGetHeight(describePLs[inx].control) + sep; describePLs[inx].context = ddp; describePLs[inx].valueP = valueP; if (label && ddp->type != DESC_TEXT) { wControlSetLabel(describePLs[inx].control, label); describePLs[inx].winLabel = label; } else { wControlSetLabel(describePLs[inx].control, ""); describePLs[inx].winLabel = ""; } return describePLs[inx].control; } } AbortProg("allocateButt: can't find %d", ddp->type); return NULL; } static void DescribeLayout( paramData_t * pd, int inx, wPos_t colX, wPos_t * x, wPos_t * y) { descData_p ddp; wPos_t w, h; if (inx < 0) { return; } if (pd->context == NULL) { return; } ddp = (descData_p)pd->context; *y = ddp->posy; if (ddp->type == DESC_POS && ddp->control0 != pd->control) { *x += wControlGetWidth(pd->control) + 3; } else if (ddp->type == DESC_TEXT) { w = tdata.width; h = tdata.height; wTextSetSize((wText_p)pd->control, w, h); } wControlShow(pd->control, TRUE); } /** * Creation and modification of the Describe dialog box is handled here. As the number * of values for a track element depends on the specific type, this dialog is dynamically * updated to hsow the changable parameters only * * \param IN title Description of the selected part, shown in window title bar * \param IN trk Track element to be described * \param IN data * \param IN update * */ static wList_p setLayerL; void DoDescribe(char * title, track_p trk, descData_p data, descUpdate_t update) { int inx; descData_p ddp; char * label; int ro_mode; if (!inDescribeCmd) { return; } CreateEditableLayersList(); descTrk = trk; descData = data; descUpdateFunc = update; describeW_posy = 0; if (describePG.win == NULL) { /* SDB 5.13.2005 */ ParamCreateDialog(&describePG, _("Description"), _("Done"), DescOk, (paramActionCancelProc) DescribeCancel, TRUE, DescribeLayout, F_RECALLPOS, DescribeUpdate); describeCmdButtonEnd = wControlBelow((wControl_p)describePG.helpB); } for (inx=0; inx<sizeof describePLs/sizeof describePLs[0]; inx++) { describePLs[inx].option = PDO_DLGIGNORE; wControlShow(describePLs[inx].control, FALSE); } ro_mode = (GetLayerFrozen(GetTrkLayer(trk))?DESC_RO:0); if (ro_mode) for (ddp=data; ddp->type != DESC_NULL; ddp++) { if (ddp->mode&DESC_IGNORE) { continue; } ddp->mode |= ro_mode; } for (ddp=data; ddp->type != DESC_NULL; ddp++) { if (ddp->mode&DESC_IGNORE) { continue; } label = _(ddp->label); ddp->posy = describeW_posy; ddp->control0 = AllocateButt(ddp, ddp->valueP, label, (ddp->type == DESC_POS?3:3)); wControlActive(ddp->control0, ((ddp->mode|ro_mode)&DESC_RO)==0); switch (ddp->type) { case DESC_POS: ddp->control1 = AllocateButt(ddp, &((coOrd*)(ddp->valueP))->y, NULL, 0); wControlActive(ddp->control1, ((ddp->mode|ro_mode)&DESC_RO)==0); break; case DESC_LAYER: wListClear((wList_p)ddp->control0); // Rebuild list on each invovation for (inx = 0; inx<NUM_LAYERS; inx++) { char *layerFormattedName; layerFormattedName = FormatLayerName(editableLayerList[inx]); wListAddValue((wList_p)ddp->control0, layerFormattedName, NULL, (void*)(long)inx); free(layerFormattedName); } *(int *)(ddp->valueP) = SearchEditableLayerList(*(int *)(ddp->valueP)); layerValue = (int *)(ddp->valueP); break; default: break; } } ParamLayoutDialog(&describePG); ParamLoadControls(&describePG); sprintf(message, "%s (T%d)", title, GetTrkIndex(trk)); wWinSetTitle(describePG.win, message); wShow(describePG.win); } static void DescChange(long changes) { if ((changes&CHANGE_UNITS) && describePG.win && wWinIsVisible(describePG.win)) { ParamLoadControls(&describePG); } } /***************************************************************************** * * SIMPLE DESCRIPTION * */ EXPORT void DescribeCancel(void) { if (describePG.win && wWinIsVisible(describePG.win)) { if (descTrk) { descUpdateFunc(descTrk, -1, descData, TRUE); descTrk = NULL; DrawDescHilite(); } wHide(describePG.win); if (descUndoStarted) { UndoEnd(); descUndoStarted = FALSE; } } descNeedDrawHilite = FALSE; } static STATUS_T CmdDescribe(wAction_t action, coOrd pos) { track_p trk; char msg[STR_SIZE]; switch (action) { case C_START: InfoMessage(_("Select track to describe")); descUndoStarted = FALSE; return C_CONTINUE; case C_DOWN: if ((trk = OnTrack(&pos, FALSE, FALSE)) != NULL) { if (describePG.win && wWinIsVisible(describePG.win) && descTrk) { DrawDescHilite(); descUpdateFunc(descTrk, -1, descData, TRUE); descTrk = NULL; } descBorder = mainD.scale*0.1; if (descBorder < trackGauge) { descBorder = trackGauge; } inDescribeCmd = TRUE; GetBoundingBox(trk, &descSize, &descOrig); descOrig.x -= descBorder; descOrig.y -= descBorder; descSize.x -= descOrig.x-descBorder; descSize.y -= descOrig.y-descBorder; descNeedDrawHilite = TRUE; DrawDescHilite(); DescribeTrack(trk, msg, 255); inDescribeCmd = FALSE; InfoMessage(msg); } else { InfoMessage(""); } return C_CONTINUE; case C_REDRAW: if (describePG.win && wWinIsVisible(describePG.win) && descTrk) { DrawDescHilite(); } break; case C_CANCEL: DescribeCancel(); return C_CONTINUE; } return C_CONTINUE; } #include "bitmaps/describe.xpm" void InitCmdDescribe(wMenu_p menu) { describeCmdInx = AddMenuButton(menu, CmdDescribe, "cmdDescribe", _("Properties"), wIconCreatePixMap(describe_xpm), LEVEL0, IC_CANCEL|IC_POPUP, ACCL_DESCRIBE, NULL); RegisterChangeNotification(DescChange); ParamRegister(&describePG); }