 * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/cmodify.c,v 1.4 2008-03-06 19:35:05 m_fischer Exp $

/*  XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "track.h"
#include "cjoin.h"
#include "ccurve.h"
#include "cstraigh.h"
#include "i18n.h"


static struct {
		track_p Trk;
		trackParams_t params;
		coOrd pos00, pos00x, pos01;
		ANGLE_T angle;
		curveData_t curveData;
		easementData_t jointD;
		DIST_T r1;
		BOOL_T valid;
		BOOL_T first;
		} Dex;

static int log_modify;

static STATUS_T CmdModify(
		wAction_t action,
		coOrd pos )
 * Extend a track with a curve or straight.

	track_p trk, trk1;
	ANGLE_T a0;
	DIST_T d;
	EPINX_T inx;
	curveType_e curveType;
	static BOOL_T changeTrackMode;
	static BOOL_T modifyRulerMode;

	static DIST_T trackGauge;

	if ( changeTrackMode ) {
		if ( action == C_MOVE )
			action = C_RMOVE;
		if ( action == C_UP )
			action = C_RUP;

	switch (action&0xFF) {

	case C_START:
		InfoMessage( _("Select track to modify") );
		Dex.Trk = NULL;
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		/*ChangeParameter( &easementPD );*/
		trackGauge = 0.0;
		changeTrackMode = modifyRulerMode = FALSE;
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_DOWN:
		changeTrackMode = modifyRulerMode = FALSE;
		DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 2 );
		tempSegs(0).color = wDrawColorBlack;
		tempSegs(0).width = 0;
		tempSegs(1).color = wDrawColorBlack;
		tempSegs(1).width = 0;
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		SnapPos( &pos );
		Dex.Trk = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, FALSE );
		if (Dex.Trk == NULL) {
			if ( ModifyRuler( C_DOWN, pos ) == C_CONTINUE )
				modifyRulerMode = TRUE;
			return C_CONTINUE;
		if (!CheckTrackLayer( Dex.Trk ) ) {
			Dex.Trk = NULL;
			return C_CONTINUE;
		trackGauge = (IsTrack(Dex.Trk)?GetTrkGauge(Dex.Trk):0.0);
		if ( (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_SHIFT) &&
			 QueryTrack( Dex.Trk, Q_CAN_MODIFYRADIUS ) &&
			 (inx=PickUnconnectedEndPoint(pos,Dex.Trk)) >= 0 ) {
			trk = Dex.Trk;
			while ( (trk1=GetTrkEndTrk(trk,1-inx)) &&
					QueryTrack(trk1, Q_CANNOT_BE_ON_END) ) {
				inx = GetEndPtConnectedToMe( trk1, trk );
				trk = trk1;
			if (trk1) {
				UndoStart( _("Change Track"), "Change( T%d[%d] )", GetTrkIndex(Dex.Trk), Dex.params.ep );
				inx = GetEndPtConnectedToMe( trk1, trk );
                Dex.Trk = NULL;
                DeleteTrack(trk, TRUE);
				if ( !GetTrkEndTrk( trk1, inx ) ) {
					Dex.Trk = trk1;
					Dex.pos00 = GetTrkEndPos( Dex.Trk, inx );
					changeTrackMode = TRUE;
					goto CHANGE_TRACK;
			ErrorMessage( MSG_CANNOT_CHANGE );
		rc = ModifyTrack( Dex.Trk, C_DOWN, pos );
		if ( rc != C_CONTINUE ) {
			Dex.Trk = NULL;
			rc = C_CONTINUE;
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		return rc;

	case C_MOVE:
		if ( modifyRulerMode )
			return ModifyRuler( C_MOVE, pos );
		if (Dex.Trk == NULL)
			return C_CONTINUE;
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		SnapPos( &pos );
		rc = ModifyTrack( Dex.Trk, C_MOVE, pos );
		if ( rc != C_CONTINUE ) {
			rc = C_CONTINUE;
			Dex.Trk = NULL;
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		return rc;

	case C_UP:
		if (Dex.Trk == NULL)
			return C_CONTINUE;
		if ( modifyRulerMode )
			return ModifyRuler( C_MOVE, pos );
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		SnapPos( &pos );
		UndoStart( _("Modify Track"), "Modify( T%d[%d] )", GetTrkIndex(Dex.Trk), Dex.params.ep );
		UndoModify( Dex.Trk );
		rc = ModifyTrack( Dex.Trk, C_UP, pos );
        //changeTrackMode = FALSE;
        Dex.Trk = NULL;
		return rc;

	case C_RDOWN:
		changeTrackMode = TRUE;
		modifyRulerMode = FALSE;
		Dex.Trk = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, TRUE );
		if (Dex.Trk) {
			if (!CheckTrackLayer( Dex.Trk ) ) {
				Dex.Trk = NULL;
				return C_CONTINUE;
			trackGauge = GetTrkGauge( Dex.Trk );
			Dex.pos00 = pos;
			if (GetTrackParams( PARAMS_EXTEND, Dex.Trk, Dex.pos00, &Dex.params)) {
				if (Dex.params.ep == -1) {
					Dex.Trk = NULL;
					return C_CONTINUE;
				if (Dex.params.ep == 0) {
					Dex.params.arcR = -Dex.params.arcR;
				Dex.pos00 = GetTrkEndPos(Dex.Trk,Dex.params.ep);
				Dex.angle = GetTrkEndAngle( Dex.Trk,Dex.params.ep);
				Translate( &Dex.pos00x, Dex.pos00, Dex.angle, 10.0 );
LOG( log_modify, 1, ("extend endPt[%d] = [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f\n",
							Dex.params.ep, Dex.pos00.x, Dex.pos00.y, Dex.angle ) )
				InfoMessage( _("Drag to create new track segment") );
			} else {
				return C_ERROR;
		Dex.first = TRUE;
#ifdef LATER
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_RMOVE:
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		Dex.valid = FALSE;
		if (Dex.Trk == NULL) return C_CONTINUE;
		SnapPos( &pos );
		if ( Dex.first && FindDistance( pos, Dex.pos00 ) <= minLength )
			return C_CONTINUE;
		Dex.first = FALSE;
		Dex.pos01 = Dex.pos00;
		PlotCurve( crvCmdFromEP1, Dex.pos00, Dex.pos00x, pos, &Dex.curveData, TRUE );
		curveType = Dex.curveData.type;
		if ( curveType == curveTypeStraight ) {
			Dex.r1 = 0.0;
			if (Dex.params.type == curveTypeCurve) {
				if (ComputeJoint( Dex.params.arcR, Dex.r1, &Dex.jointD ) == E_ERROR)
					return C_CONTINUE;
				d = Dex.params.len - Dex.jointD.d0;
				if (d <= minLength) {
					ErrorMessage( MSG_TRK_TOO_SHORT, "First ", PutDim(fabs(minLength-d)) );
					return C_CONTINUE;
				a0 = Dex.angle + (Dex.jointD.negate?-90.0:+90.0);
				Translate( &Dex.pos01, Dex.pos00, a0, Dex.jointD.x );
				Translate( &Dex.curveData.pos1, Dex.curveData.pos1,
						a0, Dex.jointD.x );
LOG( log_modify, 2, ("A=%0.3f X=%0.3f\n", a0, Dex.jointD.x ) )
			} else {
				Dex.jointD.d1 = 0.0;
			tempSegs(0).type = SEG_STRTRK;
			tempSegs(0).width = 0;
			tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = Dex.pos01;
			tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = Dex.curveData.pos1;
			d = FindDistance( Dex.pos01, Dex.curveData.pos1 );
			d -= Dex.jointD.d1;
			if (d <= minLength) {
				ErrorMessage( MSG_TRK_TOO_SHORT, "Extending ", PutDim(fabs(minLength-d)) );
				return C_CONTINUE;
			tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
			Dex.valid = TRUE;
			if (action != C_RDOWN)
				InfoMessage( _("Straight Track: Length=%s Angle=%0.3f"),
					FormatDistance( FindDistance( Dex.curveData.pos1, Dex.pos01 ) ),
					PutAngle( FindAngle( Dex.pos01, Dex.curveData.pos1 ) ) );
		} else if ( curveType == curveTypeNone ) {
			if (action != C_RDOWN)
				InfoMessage( _("Back") );
			return C_CONTINUE;
		} else if ( curveType == curveTypeCurve ) {
			Dex.r1 = Dex.curveData.curveRadius;
			if ( easeR > 0.0 && Dex.r1 < easeR ) {
				ErrorMessage( MSG_RADIUS_LSS_EASE_MIN,
					FormatDistance( Dex.r1 ), FormatDistance( easeR ) );
				return C_CONTINUE;
			if ( Dex.r1*2.0*M_PI*Dex.curveData.a1/360.0 > mapD.size.x+mapD.size.y ) {
				ErrorMessage( MSG_CURVE_TOO_LARGE );
				return C_CONTINUE;
			if ( NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( Dex.pos00, pos ) - Dex.angle ) > 180.0 )
				Dex.r1 = -Dex.r1;
			if ( QueryTrack( Dex.Trk, Q_IGNORE_EASEMENT_ON_EXTEND ) ) {
				/* Ignore easements when extending turnouts */
				Dex.jointD.x =
				Dex.jointD.r0 = Dex.jointD.r1 = 
				Dex.jointD.l0 = Dex.jointD.l1 = 
				Dex.jointD.d0 = Dex.jointD.d1 = 0.0;
				Dex.jointD.flip = Dex.jointD.negate = Dex.jointD.Scurve = FALSE;
			} else {
				if (ComputeJoint( Dex.params.arcR, Dex.r1, &Dex.jointD ) == E_ERROR)
					return C_CONTINUE;
				d = Dex.params.len - Dex.jointD.d0;
				if (d <= minLength) {
					ErrorMessage( MSG_TRK_TOO_SHORT, "First ", PutDim(fabs(minLength-d)) );
					return C_CONTINUE;
			d = Dex.curveData.curveRadius * Dex.curveData.a1 * 2.0*M_PI/360.0;
			d -= Dex.jointD.d1;
			if (d <= minLength) {
				ErrorMessage( MSG_TRK_TOO_SHORT, "Extending ", PutDim(fabs(minLength-d)) );
				return C_CONTINUE;
			a0 = Dex.angle + (Dex.jointD.negate?-90.0:+90.0);
			Translate( &Dex.pos01, Dex.pos00, a0, Dex.jointD.x );
			Translate( &Dex.curveData.curvePos, Dex.curveData.curvePos,
						a0, Dex.jointD.x );
LOG( log_modify, 2, ("A=%0.3f X=%0.3f\n", a0, Dex.jointD.x ) )
			tempSegs(0).type = SEG_CRVTRK;
			tempSegs(0).width = 0;
			tempSegs(0).u.c.center = Dex.curveData.curvePos;
			tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = Dex.curveData.curveRadius,
			tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = Dex.curveData.a0;
			tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = Dex.curveData.a1;
			tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
			d = D2R(Dex.curveData.a1);
			if (d < 0.0)
				d = 2*M_PI + d;
			a = NormalizeAngle( Dex.angle - FindAngle( Dex.pos00, Dex.curveData.curvePos ) );
			if ( a < 180.0 )
				a = NormalizeAngle( Dex.curveData.a0-90 );
				a = NormalizeAngle( Dex.curveData.a0+Dex.curveData.a1+90.0 );
			Dex.valid = TRUE;
			if (action != C_RDOWN)
				InfoMessage( _("Curve Track: Radius=%s Length=%s Angle=%0.3f"),
					FormatDistance( Dex.curveData.curveRadius ),
					FormatDistance( Dex.curveData.curveRadius * d),
					Dex.curveData.a1 );
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_RUP:
		changeTrackMode = FALSE;
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 0;
		if (Dex.Trk == NULL) return C_CONTINUE;
		if (!Dex.valid)
			return C_CONTINUE;
		UndoStart( _("Extend Track"), "Extend( T%d[%d] )", GetTrkIndex(Dex.Trk), Dex.params.ep );
		trk = NULL;
		curveType = Dex.curveData.type;
		if ( curveType == curveTypeStraight ) {
			if ( Dex.params.type == curveTypeStraight && Dex.params.len > 0 ) {
				//UndrawNewTrack( Dex.Trk );
				UndoModify( Dex.Trk );
				AdjustStraightEndPt( Dex.Trk, Dex.params.ep, Dex.curveData.pos1 );
				DrawNewTrack(Dex.Trk );
				return C_TERMINATE;
			trk = NewStraightTrack( Dex.pos01, Dex.curveData.pos1 );
			inx = 0;

		} else if ( curveType == curveTypeCurve ) {
LOG( log_modify, 1, ("A0 = %0.3f, A1 = %0.3f\n",
						Dex.curveData.a0, Dex.curveData.a1 ) )
			trk = NewCurvedTrack( Dex.curveData.curvePos, Dex.curveData.curveRadius,
						Dex.curveData.a0, Dex.curveData.a1, 0 );
			inx = PickUnconnectedEndPoint( Dex.pos01, trk );
			if (inx == -1)
				return C_ERROR;

		} else {
			return C_ERROR;
		//UndrawNewTrack( Dex.Trk );
		CopyAttributes( Dex.Trk, trk );
		JoinTracks( Dex.Trk, Dex.params.ep, Dex.pos00, trk, inx, Dex.pos01, &Dex.jointD );
		DrawNewTrack( trk );
		DrawNewTrack( Dex.Trk );
		Dex.Trk = NULL;
		return C_TERMINATE;

	case C_REDRAW:
		if ( (!changeTrackMode) && Dex.Trk && !QueryTrack( Dex.Trk,	 Q_MODIFY_REDRAW_DONT_UNDRAW_TRACK ) )
		   UndrawNewTrack( Dex.Trk );
		DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_TEXT:
		if ( !Dex.Trk )
			return C_CONTINUE;
		return ModifyTrack( Dex.Trk, action, pos );

		return C_CONTINUE;


#include "bitmaps/extend.xpm"

void InitCmdModify( wMenu_p menu )
	modifyCmdInx = AddMenuButton( menu, CmdModify, "cmdModify", _("Modify"), wIconCreatePixMap(extend_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_STICKY|IC_POPUP, ACCL_MODIFY, NULL );
	log_modify = LogFindIndex( "modify" );