/** \file compound.c * Compound tracks: Turnouts and Structures * */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "tbezier.h" #include "cjoin.h" #include "common.h" #include "compound.h" #include "cundo.h" #include "dynstring.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "shrtpath.h" #include "track.h" #include "trkendpt.h" #include "draw.h" #include "include/paramfile.h" #include "common-ui.h" /***************************************************************************** * * Paths * */ #ifndef NEWPATH /* GetPaths() * * Return the paths for 'trk'. * * \param trk IN Get paths for track 'trk' */ EXPORT PATHPTR_T GetPaths( track_p trk ) { struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t ); if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_STRUCTURE && xx->paths != NULL ) { LogPrintf( "GetPaths( STRUCTURE, paths!=NULL )\n" ); } if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT && xx->paths == NULL ) { LogPrintf( "GetPaths( TURNOUT, paths==NULL )\n" ); } return xx->paths; } #endif /* GetPathsLength() * * Return the length of the paths object * * \param paths IN paths object */ EXPORT wIndex_t GetPathsLength( PATHPTR_T paths ) { PATHPTR_T pp; CHECK( paths != NULL ); for ( pp = paths; pp[0]; pp+=2 ) for ( pp += strlen( (char*)pp ); pp[0] || pp[1]; pp++ ); return (wIndex_t)(pp - paths + 1); } #ifndef NEWPATH /* SetPaths() * * Set the paths for 'trk'. * Called when paths are read from a layout file, copied from a param def'n or * from a Spilt turnout. * * \param trk IN * \param paths IN */ EXPORT void SetPaths( track_p trk, PATHPTR_T paths ) { if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_STRUCTURE && paths != NULL ) { LogPrintf( "SetPaths( STRUCTURE, paths!=NULL )\n" ); } if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT && paths == NULL ) { LogPrintf( "SetPaths( TURNOUT, paths==NULL )\n" ); } struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t ); if ( xx->paths ) { MyFree( xx->paths ); } if ( paths == NULL ) { xx->paths = NULL; } else { wIndex_t pathLen = GetPathsLength( paths ); xx->paths = memdup( paths, pathLen * sizeof *xx->paths ); } xx->currPath = NULL; xx->currPathIndex = 0; } #endif /* GetCurrPath() * * Return the current path for 'trk'. * Current path is the .currPathIndex'th path * If the .currPathIndex is greater then the number of paths, return the first * * \param trk IN */ EXPORT PATHPTR_T GetCurrPath( track_p trk ) { struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk, T_TURNOUT, extraDataCompound_t ); if ( xx->currPath ) { return xx->currPath; } PATHPTR_T path = GetPaths( trk ); for ( wIndex_t position = xx->currPathIndex; position > 0 && path[0]; path+=2, position-- ) { for ( path += strlen( (char*)path ); path[0] || path[1]; path++ ); } if ( !path[0] ) { xx->currPathIndex = 0; path = GetPaths( trk ); } xx->currPath = path; return xx->currPath; } EXPORT long GetCurrPathIndex( track_p trk ) { if ( GetTrkType( trk ) != T_TURNOUT ) { return 0; } struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk, T_TURNOUT, extraDataCompound_t ); return xx->currPathIndex; } EXPORT void SetCurrPathIndex( track_p trk, long position ) { if ( GetTrkType( trk ) != T_TURNOUT ) { return; } struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk, T_TURNOUT, extraDataCompound_t ); xx->currPathIndex = position; xx->currPath = NULL; } #ifndef NEWPATH /* GetParamPaths() * * Return the paths for turnout parameter 'to'. * * \param to IN */ PATHPTR_T GetParamPaths( turnoutInfo_t * to ) { return to->paths; } /* SetParamPaths() * * Set paths for a Turnout Parameter 'to' * Used when creating a new turnout def'n * * \param to IN * \param paths IN */ void SetParamPaths( turnoutInfo_t * to, PATHPTR_T paths ) { if ( paths ) { wIndex_t len = GetPathsLength(paths); to->paths = (PATHPTR_T)memdup( paths, len * ( sizeof * to->paths ) ); } else { to->paths = NULL; } } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * * */ EXPORT BOOL_T WriteCompoundPathsEndPtsSegs( FILE * f, PATHPTR_T paths, wIndex_t segCnt, trkSeg_p segs, EPINX_T endPtCnt, trkEndPt_p endPts ) { int i; PATHPTR_T pp; BOOL_T rc = TRUE; if ( paths ) { for ( pp=paths; *pp; pp+=2 ) { rc &= fprintf( f, "\tP \"%s\"", pp )>0; for ( pp+=strlen((char *)pp)+1; pp[0]!=0 || pp[1]!=0; pp++ ) { rc &= fprintf( f, " %d", pp[0] )>0; } rc &= fprintf( f, "\n" )>0; } } for ( i=0; i 0; } rc &= WriteSegs( f, segCnt, segs )>0; return rc; } EXPORT void ParseCompoundTitle( char * title, char * * manufP, int * manufL, char * * nameP, int * nameL, char * * partnoP, int * partnoL ) { char * cp1, *cp2; size_t len; *manufP = *nameP = *partnoP = NULL; *manufL = *nameL = *partnoL = 0; len = strlen( title ); cp1 = strchr( title, '\t' ); if ( cp1 ) { cp2 = strchr( cp1+1, '\t' ); if ( cp2 ) { cp2++; *partnoP = cp2; *partnoL = (int)(title+len-cp2); len = cp2-title-1; } cp1++; *nameP = cp1; *nameL = (int)(title+len-cp1); *manufP = title; *manufL = (int)(cp1-title-1); } else { *nameP = title; *nameL = (int)len; } } EXPORT long listLabels = 7; EXPORT long layoutLabels = 1; EXPORT void FormatCompoundTitle( long format, char * title ) { char *cp1, *cp2=NULL, *cq; size_t len; FLOAT_T price; BOOL_T needSep; cq = message; if (format&LABEL_COST) { FormatCompoundTitle( LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_DESCR|LABEL_PARTNO, title ); wPrefGetFloat( "price list", message, &price, 0.0 ); if (price > 0.00) { sprintf( cq, "%7.2f\t", price ); } else { strcpy( cq, "\t" ); } cq += strlen(cq); } cp1 = strchr( title, '\t' ); if ( cp1 != NULL ) { cp2 = strchr( cp1+1, '\t' ); } if (cp2 == NULL) { if ( (format&LABEL_TABBED) ) { *cq++ = '\t'; *cq++ = '\t'; } strcpy( cq, title ); } else { len = 0; needSep = FALSE; if ((format&LABEL_MANUF) && cp1-title>1) { len = cp1-title; memcpy( cq, title, len ); cq += len; needSep = TRUE; } if ( (format&LABEL_TABBED) ) { *cq++ = '\t'; needSep = FALSE; } if ((format&LABEL_PARTNO) && *(cp2+1)) { if ( needSep ) { *cq++ = ' '; needSep = FALSE; } strcpy( cq, cp2+1 ); cq += strlen( cq ); needSep = TRUE; } if ( (format&LABEL_TABBED) ) { *cq++ = '\t'; needSep = FALSE; } if ((format&LABEL_DESCR) || !(format&LABEL_PARTNO)) { if ( needSep ) { *cq++ = ' '; needSep = FALSE; } if ( (format&LABEL_FLIPPED) ) { memcpy( cq, "Flipped ", 8 ); cq += 8; } if ( (format&LABEL_UNGROUPED) ) { memcpy( cq, "Ungrouped ", 10 ); cq += 10; } if ( (format&LABEL_SPLIT) ) { memcpy( cq, "Split ", 6 ); cq += 6; } memcpy( cq, cp1+1, cp2-cp1-1 ); cq += cp2-cp1-1; needSep = TRUE; } *cq = '\0'; } } void ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( track_p trk ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx; coOrd hi, lo; xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); GetSegBounds( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, &lo, &hi ); hi.x += lo.x; hi.y += lo.y; SetBoundingBox( trk, hi, lo ); } turnoutInfo_t * FindCompound( long type, char * scale, char * title ) { turnoutInfo_t * to; wIndex_t inx; SCALEINX_T scaleInx; if ( scale ) { scaleInx = LookupScale( scale ); } else { scaleInx = -1; } if ( type&FIND_TURNOUT ) for (inx=0; inxparamFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && (scaleInx == -1 || to->scaleInx == scaleInx ) && to->segCnt != 0 && strcmp( to->title, title ) == 0 ) { return to; } } if ( type&FIND_STRUCT ) for (inx=0; inxparamFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && (scaleInx == -1 || to->scaleInx == scaleInx ) && to->segCnt != 0 && strcmp( to->title, title ) == 0 ) { return to; } } return NULL; } char * CompoundGetTitle( turnoutInfo_t * to ) { return to->title; } EXPORT void CompoundClearDemoDefns( void ) { turnoutInfo_t * to; wIndex_t inx; for (inx=0; inxparamFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && strcasecmp( GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), "DEMO" ) == 0 ) { to->segCnt = 0; } } for (inx=0; inxparamFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && strcasecmp( GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), "DEMO" ) == 0 ) { to->segCnt = 0; } } } /***************************************************************************** * * Descriptions * */ void SetDescriptionOrig( track_p trk ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); int i, j; coOrd p0, p1; for (i=0,j=-1; isegCnt; i++) { if ( IsSegTrack( &xx->segs[i] ) ) { if (j == -1) { j = i; } else { j = -1; break; } } } if (j != -1 && xx->segs[j].type == SEG_CRVTRK) { REORIGIN( p0, xx->segs[j].u.c.center, xx->angle, xx->orig ) Translate( &p0, p0, xx->segs[j].u.c.a0 + xx->segs[j].u.c.a1/2.0 + xx->angle, fabs(xx->segs[j].u.c.radius) ); } else { GetBoundingBox( trk, (&p0), (&p1) ); p0.x = (p0.x+p1.x)/2.0; p0.y = (p0.y+p1.y)/2.0; } Rotate( &p0, xx->orig, -xx->angle ); xx->descriptionOrig.x = p0.x - xx->orig.x; xx->descriptionOrig.y = p0.y - xx->orig.y; } void DrawCompoundDescription( track_p trk, drawCmd_p d, wDrawColor color ) { wFont_p fp; coOrd p1; struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); char * desc; long layoutLabelsOption = layoutLabels; if (layoutLabels == 0) { return; } if ((labelEnable&LABELENABLE_TRKDESC)==0) { return; } if ( (d->options&(DC_SIMPLE|DC_SEGTRACK)) ) { return; } if ( xx->special == TOpier ) { desc = xx->u.pier.name; } else { if ( xx->flipped ) { layoutLabelsOption |= LABEL_FLIPPED; } if ( xx->ungrouped ) { layoutLabelsOption |= LABEL_UNGROUPED; } if ( xx->split ) { layoutLabelsOption |= LABEL_SPLIT; } FormatCompoundTitle( layoutLabelsOption, xtitle(xx) ); desc = message; } p1 = xx->descriptionOrig; Rotate( &p1, zero, xx->angle ); coOrd p0; p0.x = p1.x+xx->orig.x; p0.y = p1.y+xx->orig.y; p1.x += xx->orig.x + xx->descriptionOff.x; p1.y += xx->orig.y + xx->descriptionOff.y; if (color == drawColorPreviewSelected) { DrawLine( d, p0, p1, 0, color ); } fp = wStandardFont( F_TIMES, FALSE, FALSE ); DrawBoxedString( (xx->special==TOpier)?BOX_INVERT:BOX_NONE, d, p1, desc, fp, (wFontSize_t)descriptionFontSize, color, 0.0 ); } DIST_T CompoundDescriptionDistance( coOrd pos, track_p trk, coOrd * dpos, BOOL_T show_hidden, BOOL_T * hidden) { coOrd p1; if (GetTrkType(trk) != T_TURNOUT && GetTrkType(trk) != T_STRUCTURE) { return DIST_INF; } struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); if ( ((GetTrkBits( trk ) & TB_HIDEDESC) != 0 ) && !show_hidden) { return DIST_INF; } p1 = xx->descriptionOrig; coOrd offset = xx->descriptionOff; if ( (GetTrkBits( trk ) & TB_HIDEDESC) != 0 ) { offset = zero; } Rotate( &p1, zero, xx->angle ); p1.x += xx->orig.x + offset.x; p1.y += xx->orig.y + offset.y; if (hidden) { *hidden = (GetTrkBits( trk ) & TB_HIDEDESC); } *dpos = p1; coOrd tpos = pos; if (DistanceCompound(trk,&tpos)descriptionOrig, xx->angle, xx->orig ) DrawCompoundDescription( trk, &mainD, wDrawColorWhite ); case C_MOVE: case C_UP: color = GetTrkColor( trk, &mainD ); xx->descriptionOff.x = (pos.x-p0.x); xx->descriptionOff.y = (pos.y-p0.y); p1 = xx->descriptionOrig; Rotate( &p1, zero, xx->angle ); p1.x += xx->orig.x + xx->descriptionOff.x; p1.y += xx->orig.y + xx->descriptionOff.y; if (action == C_UP) { editMode = FALSE; } if ( action == C_UP ) { DrawCompoundDescription( trk, &mainD, color ); } return action==C_UP?C_TERMINATE:C_CONTINUE; break; case C_REDRAW: if (editMode) { DrawCompoundDescription( trk, &tempD, wDrawColorBlue ); DrawLine( &tempD, p0, p1, 0, wDrawColorBlue ); } } return C_CONTINUE; } /***************************************************************************** * * Generics * */ EXPORT void SetSegInxEP( signed char * segChar, int segInx, EPINX_T segEP ) { if (segEP == 1) { * segChar = -(segInx+1); } else { * segChar = (segInx+1); } } EXPORT void GetSegInxEP( signed char segChar, int * segInx, EPINX_T * segEP ) { int inx; inx = segChar; if (inx > 0 ) { *segInx = (inx)-1; *segEP = 0; } else { *segInx = (-inx)-1; *segEP = 1; } } DIST_T DistanceCompound( track_p t, coOrd * p ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(t, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); EPINX_T ep; DIST_T d0; // DIST_T d1; coOrd p0, p2; PATHPTR_T path; int segInx; EPINX_T segEP; segProcData_t segProcData; if ( onTrackInSplit && GetTrkEndPtCnt(t) > 0 ) { d0 = DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, p, NULL ); } else if ( programMode != MODE_TRAIN || GetTrkEndPtCnt(t) <= 0 ) { d0 = DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segCnt, xx->segs, p, NULL ); if (programMode != MODE_TRAIN && GetTrkEndPtCnt(t) > 0 && d0 < DIST_INF) { ep = PickEndPoint( *p, t ); *p = GetTrkEndPos(t,ep); } } else { p0 = *p; Rotate( &p0, xx->orig, -xx->angle ); p0.x -= xx->orig.x; p0.y -= xx->orig.y; d0 = DIST_INF; path = GetCurrPath( t ); for ( path += strlen((char *)path)+1; path[0] || path[1]; path++ ) { if ( path[0] != 0 ) { // d1 = DIST_INF; GetSegInxEP( *path, &segInx, &segEP ); segProcData.distance.pos1 = p0; SegProc( SEGPROC_DISTANCE, &xx->segs[segInx], &segProcData ); if ( segProcData.distance.dd < d0 ) { d0 = segProcData.distance.dd; p2 = segProcData.distance.pos1; } } } if ( d0 < DIST_INF ) { p2.x += xx->orig.x; p2.y += xx->orig.y; Rotate( &p2, xx->orig, xx->angle ); *p = p2; } } return d0; } static struct { coOrd endPt[4]; ANGLE_T endAngle[4]; DIST_T endRadius[4]; coOrd endCenter[4]; FLOAT_T elev[4]; coOrd orig; ANGLE_T angle; descPivot_t pivot; char manuf[STR_SIZE]; char name[STR_SIZE]; char partno[STR_SIZE]; long epCnt; long segCnt; long pathCnt; FLOAT_T grade; DIST_T length; drawLineType_e linetype; unsigned int layerNumber; } compoundData; typedef enum { E0, A0, C0, R0, Z0, E1, A1, C1, R1, Z1, E2, A2, C2, R2, Z2, E3, A3, C3, R3, Z3, GR, OR, AN, PV, MN, NM, PN, LT, SC, LY } compoundDesc_e; static descData_t compoundDesc[] = { /*E0*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 1: X,Y"), &compoundData.endPt[0] }, /*A0*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("Angle"), &compoundData.endAngle[0] }, /*C0*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Center X,Y"), &compoundData.endCenter[0] }, /*R0*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Radius"), &compoundData.endRadius[0] }, /*Z0*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Z1"), &compoundData.elev[0] }, /*E1*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 2: X,Y"), &compoundData.endPt[1] }, /*A1*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("Angle"), &compoundData.endAngle[1] }, /*C1*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Center X,Y"), &compoundData.endCenter[1] }, /*R1*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Radius"), &compoundData.endRadius[1] }, /*Z1*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Z2"), &compoundData.elev[1] }, /*E2*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 3: X,Y"), &compoundData.endPt[2] }, /*A2*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("Angle"), &compoundData.endAngle[2] }, /*C2*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Center X,Y"), &compoundData.endCenter[2] }, /*R2*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Radius"), &compoundData.endRadius[2] }, /*Z2*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Z3"), &compoundData.elev[2] }, /*E3*/ { DESC_POS, N_("End Pt 4: X,Y"), &compoundData.endPt[3] }, /*A3*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("Angle"), &compoundData.endAngle[3] }, /*C3*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Center X,Y"), &compoundData.endCenter[3] }, /*R3*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Radius"), &compoundData.endRadius[3] }, /*Z3*/ { DESC_DIM, N_("Z4"), &compoundData.elev[3] }, /*GR*/ { DESC_FLOAT, N_("Grade"), &compoundData.grade }, /*OR*/ { DESC_POS, N_("Origin: X,Y"), &compoundData.orig }, /*AN*/ { DESC_ANGLE, N_("Angle"), &compoundData.angle }, /*PV*/ { DESC_PIVOT, N_("Pivot"), &compoundData.pivot }, /*MN*/ { DESC_STRING, N_("Manufacturer"), &compoundData.manuf, sizeof(compoundData.manuf)}, /*NM*/ { DESC_STRING, N_("Name"), &compoundData.name, sizeof(compoundData.name) }, /*PN*/ { DESC_STRING, N_("Part No"), &compoundData.partno, sizeof(compoundData.partno)}, /*LT*/ { DESC_LIST, N_("LineType"), &compoundData.linetype }, /*SC*/ { DESC_LONG, N_("# Segments"), &compoundData.segCnt }, /*LY*/ { DESC_LAYER, N_("Layer"), &compoundData.layerNumber }, { DESC_NULL } }; #define MAX_DESCRIBE_ENDS 4 static void UpdateCompound( track_p trk, int inx, descData_p descUpd, BOOL_T needUndoStart ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); const char * manufS, * nameS, * partnoS; char * mP, *nP, *pP; int mL, nL, pL; coOrd hi, lo; coOrd pos; EPINX_T ep; BOOL_T titleChanged, flipped, ungrouped, split; char * newTitle; switch ( inx ) { case -1: case MN: case NM: case PN: titleChanged = FALSE; ParseCompoundTitle( xtitle(xx), &mP, &mL, &nP, &nL, &pP, &pL ); if (mP == NULL) { mP = ""; } if (nP == NULL) { nP = ""; } if (pP == NULL) { pP = ""; } manufS = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)compoundDesc[MN].control0 ); size_t max_manustr = 256, max_partstr = 256, max_namestr = 256; if (compoundDesc[MN].max_string) { max_manustr = compoundDesc[MN].max_string-1; } if (strlen(manufS)>max_manustr) { NoticeMessage2(0, MSG_ENTERED_STRING_TRUNCATED, _("Ok"), NULL, max_manustr-1); } message[0] = '\0'; strncat( message, manufS, max_manustr-1 ); if ( strncmp( manufS, mP, mL ) != 0 || mL != strlen(manufS) ) { titleChanged = TRUE; } flipped = xx->flipped; ungrouped = xx->ungrouped; split = xx->split; nameS = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)compoundDesc[NM].control0 ); max_namestr = 256; if (compoundDesc[NM].max_string) { max_namestr = compoundDesc[NM].max_string; } if (strlen(nameS)>max_namestr) { NoticeMessage2(0, MSG_ENTERED_STRING_TRUNCATED, _("Ok"), NULL, max_namestr-1); } if ( strncmp( nameS, "Flipped ", 8 ) == 0 ) { nameS += 8; flipped = TRUE; } else { flipped = FALSE; } if ( strncmp( nameS, "Ungrouped ", 10 ) == 0 ) { nameS += 10; ungrouped = TRUE; } else { ungrouped = FALSE; } if ( strncmp( nameS, "Split ", 6 ) == 0 ) { nameS += 6; split = TRUE; } else { split = FALSE; } if ( strncmp( nameS, nP, nL ) != 0 || nL != strlen(nameS) || xx->flipped != flipped || xx->ungrouped != ungrouped || xx->split != split ) { titleChanged = TRUE; } strcat( message, "\t" ); strncat( message, nameS, max_namestr-1 ); partnoS = wStringGetValue( (wString_p)compoundDesc[PN].control0 ); max_partstr = 256; if (compoundDesc[PN].max_string) { max_partstr = compoundDesc[PN].max_string; } if (strlen(partnoS)>max_partstr) { NoticeMessage2(0, MSG_ENTERED_STRING_TRUNCATED, _("Ok"), NULL, max_partstr-1); } strcat( message, "\t"); strncat( message, partnoS, max_partstr-1 ); newTitle = MyStrdup( message ); if ( strncmp( partnoS, pP, pL ) != 0 || pL != strlen(partnoS) ) { titleChanged = TRUE; } if ( ! titleChanged ) { MyFree(newTitle); return; } if ( needUndoStart ) { UndoStart( _("Change Track"), "Change Track" ); } UndoModify( trk ); GetBoundingBox( trk, &hi, &lo ); if ( labelScale >= mainD.scale && !OFF_MAIND( lo, hi ) ) { DrawCompoundDescription( trk, &mainD, wDrawColorWhite ); } /*sprintf( message, "%s\t%s\t%s", manufS, nameS, partnoS );*/ if (xx->title) { MyFree(xx->title); } xx->title = newTitle; xx->flipped = flipped; xx->ungrouped = ungrouped; xx->split = split; if ( labelScale >= mainD.scale && !OFF_MAIND( lo, hi ) ) { DrawCompoundDescription( trk, &mainD, GetTrkColor(trk,&tempD) ); } return; } UndrawNewTrack( trk ); coOrd orig; switch ( inx ) { case OR: pos.x = compoundData.orig.x - xx->orig.x; pos.y = compoundData.orig.y - xx->orig.y; MoveTrack( trk, pos ); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); break; case A0: case A1: case A2: case A3: if (inx==A3) { ep=3; } else if (inx==A2) { ep=2; } else if (inx==A1) { ep=1; } else { ep=0; } RotateTrack( trk, GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep), NormalizeAngle( compoundData.endAngle[ep]-GetTrkEndAngle(trk,ep) ) ); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); break; case AN: orig = xx->orig; GetBoundingBox(trk,&hi,&lo); switch (compoundData.pivot) { case DESC_PIVOT_MID: orig.x = (hi.x-lo.x)/2+lo.x; orig.y = (hi.y-lo.y)/2+lo.y; break; case DESC_PIVOT_SECOND: orig.x = (hi.x-lo.x)/2+lo.x; orig.y = (hi.y-lo.y)/2+lo.y; orig.x = (orig.x - xx->orig.x)*2+xx->orig.x; orig.y = (orig.y - xx->orig.y)*2+xx->orig.y; break; default: break; } RotateTrack( trk, orig, NormalizeAngle( compoundData.angle-xx->angle ) ); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); break; case E0: case E1: case E2: case E3: if (inx==E3) { ep=3; } else if (inx==E2) { ep=2; } else if (inx==E1) { ep=1; } else { ep=0; } pos = GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep); pos.x = compoundData.endPt[ep].x - pos.x; pos.y = compoundData.endPt[ep].y - pos.y; MoveTrack( trk, pos ); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); break; case Z0: case Z1: case Z2: case Z3: ep = (inx==Z0?0:(inx==Z1?1:(inx==Z2?2:3))); UpdateTrkEndElev( trk, ep, GetTrkEndElevUnmaskedMode(trk,ep), compoundData.elev[ep], NULL ); if ( GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) == 1 ) { break; } for (int i=0; i minLength ) { compoundData.grade = fabs( (compoundData.elev[0] -compoundData.elev[1])/compoundData.length )*100.0; } else { compoundData.grade = 0.0; } compoundDesc[GR].mode |= DESC_CHANGE; compoundDesc[Z0+(E1-E0)*inx].mode |= DESC_CHANGE; break; case LY: SetTrkLayer( trk, compoundData.layerNumber); break; default: break; } switch ( inx ) { case A0: case A1: case A2: case A3: case E0: case E1: case E2: case E3: case AN: case OR: for (int i=0; (iorig; compoundDesc[OR].mode |= DESC_CHANGE; compoundData.angle = xx->angle; compoundDesc[AN].mode |= DESC_CHANGE; break; case LT: xx->lineType = compoundData.linetype; break; default: break; }; DrawNewTrack( trk ); } void DescribeCompound( track_p trk, char * str, CSIZE_T len ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); int fix; EPINX_T ep, epCnt; char * mP, *nP, *pP, *cnP; int mL, nL, pL; long mode; long listLabelsOption = listLabels; DynString description; char *trackType; if ( xx->flipped ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_FLIPPED; } if ( xx->ungrouped ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_UNGROUPED; } if ( xx->split ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_SPLIT; } FormatCompoundTitle( listLabelsOption, xtitle(xx) ); if (message[0] == '\0') { FormatCompoundTitle( listLabelsOption|LABEL_DESCR, xtitle(xx) ); } if (GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) < 1) { trackType = _("Structure"); } else { trackType = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) > 2 ? _("Turnout") : _("Sectional Track"); } DynStringMalloc(&description, len); DynStringPrintf(&description, _("%s (%d) Layer= %d %s"), trackType, GetTrkIndex(trk), GetTrkLayer(trk) + 1, message); if (DynStringSize(&description) > (unsigned)len) { strncpy(str, DynStringToCStr(&description), len - 1); strcpy(str + len - 4, "..."); } else { strcpy(str, DynStringToCStr(&description)); } DynStringFree(&description); epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk); fix = 0; mode = 0; for ( ep=0; eporig; compoundData.angle = xx->angle; ParseCompoundTitle( xtitle(xx), &mP, &mL, &nP, &nL, &pP, &pL ); if (mP) { memcpy( compoundData.manuf, mP, mL ); compoundData.manuf[mL] = 0; } else { compoundData.manuf[0] = 0; } if (nP) { cnP = compoundData.name; if ( xx->flipped ) { memcpy( cnP, "Flipped ", 8 ); cnP += 8; } if ( xx->ungrouped ) { memcpy( cnP, "Ungrouped ", 10 ); cnP += 10; } if ( xx->split ) { memcpy( cnP, "Split ", 6 ); cnP += 6; } memcpy( cnP, nP, nL ); cnP[nL] = 0; } else { compoundData.name[0] = 0; } if (pP) { memcpy( compoundData.partno, pP, pL ); compoundData.partno[pL] = 0; } else { compoundData.partno[0] = 0; } compoundData.epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk); compoundData.segCnt = xx->segCnt; compoundData.length = 0; compoundData.layerNumber = GetTrkLayer( trk ); for ( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { compoundDesc[E0+(E1-E0)*i].mode = DESC_IGNORE; compoundDesc[A0+(E1-E0)*i].mode = DESC_IGNORE; compoundDesc[R0+(E1-E0)*i].mode = DESC_IGNORE; compoundDesc[C0+(E1-E0)*i].mode = DESC_IGNORE; compoundDesc[Z0+(E1-E0)*i].mode = DESC_IGNORE; } compoundDesc[GR].mode = DESC_IGNORE; compoundDesc[OR].mode = compoundDesc[AN].mode = fix?DESC_RO:0; compoundDesc[MN].mode = compoundDesc[NM].mode = compoundDesc[PN].mode = 0 /*DESC_NOREDRAW*/; compoundDesc[SC].mode = DESC_RO; compoundDesc[LY].mode = DESC_NOREDRAW; compoundDesc[PV].mode = 0; compoundData.pivot = DESC_PIVOT_FIRST; if (compoundData.epCnt >0) { for (int i=0; (i minLength && compoundData.epCnt > 1) { compoundData.grade = fabs( (compoundData.elev[0] -compoundData.elev[1])/compoundData.length )*100.0; } else { compoundData.grade = 0.0; } if (GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) == 0) { compoundDesc[LT].mode = 0; } else { compoundDesc[LT].mode = DESC_IGNORE; } DoDescribe(trackType, trk, compoundDesc, UpdateCompound); if ( compoundDesc[LT].control0!=NULL) { wListClear( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0 ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("Solid"), NULL, I2VP(0) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("Dash"), NULL, I2VP(1) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("Dot"), NULL, I2VP(2) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("DashDot"), NULL, I2VP(3) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("DashDotDot"), NULL, I2VP(4) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("CenterDot"), NULL, I2VP(5) ); wListAddValue( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, _("PhantomDot"), NULL, I2VP(6) ); wListSetIndex( (wList_p)compoundDesc[LT].control0, compoundData.linetype ); } } void DeleteCompound( track_p t ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(t, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); FreeFilledDraw( xx->segCnt, xx->segs ); if (xx->segCnt>0) { MyFree( xx->segs ); } xx->segs = NULL; } BOOL_T WriteCompound( track_p t, FILE * f ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(t, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); EPINX_T ep, epCnt; int bits; long options; // long position = 0; drawLineType_e lineType = 0; BOOL_T rc = TRUE; options = (long)GetTrkWidth(t); if (xx->handlaid) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_HANDLAID; } if (xx->flipped) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_FLIPPED; } if (xx->ungrouped) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_UNGROUPED; } if (xx->split) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_SPLIT; } if (xx->pathOverRide) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_PATH_OVERRIDE; } if (xx->pathNoCombine) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_PATH_NOCOMBINE; } if ( ( GetTrkBits( t ) & TB_HIDEDESC ) != 0 ) { options |= COMPOUND_OPTION_HIDEDESC; } epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(t); lineType = xx->lineType; bits = GetTrkVisible(t)|(GetTrkNoTies(t)?1<<2:0)|(GetTrkBridge(t)?1<<3:0)| (GetTrkRoadbed(t)?1<<4:0); rc &= fprintf(f, "%s %d %d %ld %ld %d %s %d %0.6f %0.6f 0 %0.6f \"%s\"\n", GetTrkTypeName(t), GetTrkIndex(t), GetTrkLayer(t), options, GetCurrPathIndex(t), lineType, GetTrkScaleName(t), bits, xx->orig.x, xx->orig.y, xx->angle, PutTitle(xtitle(xx)) )>0; for (ep=0; epspecial ) { case TOadjustable: rc &= fprintf( f, "\tX %s %0.3f %0.3f\n", ADJUSTABLE, xx->u.adjustable.minD, xx->u.adjustable.maxD )>0; break; case TOpier: rc &= fprintf( f, "\tX %s %0.6f \"%s\"\n", PIER, xx->u.pier.height, xx->u.pier.name )>0; break; default: ; } rc &= fprintf( f, "\tD %0.6f %0.6f\n", xx->descriptionOff.x, xx->descriptionOff.y )>0; rc &= WriteCompoundPathsEndPtsSegs( f, GetPaths( t ), xx->segCnt, xx->segs, 0, NULL ); return rc; } /***************************************************************************** * * Generic Functions * */ EXPORT void SetCompoundLineType( track_p trk, int width ) { struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); switch(width) { case 0: xx->lineType = DRAWLINESOLID; break; case 1: xx->lineType = DRAWLINEDASH; break; case 2: xx->lineType = DRAWLINEDOT; break; case 3: xx->lineType = DRAWLINEDASHDOT; break; case 4: xx->lineType = DRAWLINEDASHDOTDOT; break; case 5: xx->lineType = DRAWLINECENTER; break; case 6: xx->lineType = DRAWLINEPHANTOM; break; } } EXPORT track_p NewCompound( TRKTYP_T trkType, TRKINX_T index, coOrd pos, ANGLE_T angle, char * title, EPINX_T epCnt, trkEndPt_p epp0, PATHPTR_T paths, wIndex_t segCnt, trkSeg_p segs ) { track_p trk; struct extraDataCompound_t * xx; EPINX_T ep; trk = NewTrack( index, trkType, epCnt, sizeof (*xx) + 1 ); xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, trkType, extraDataCompound_t); xx->orig = pos; xx->angle = angle; xx->handlaid = FALSE; xx->flipped = FALSE; xx->ungrouped = FALSE; xx->split = FALSE; xx->descriptionOff = zero; xx->descriptionSize = zero; xx->title = MyStrdup( title ); xx->customInfo = NULL; xx->special = TOnormal; SetPaths( trk, paths ); xx->segCnt = segCnt; xx->segs = memdup( segs, segCnt * sizeof *segs ); // trkSeg_p p = xx->segs; CopyPoly(xx->segs, xx->segCnt); FixUpBezierSegs(xx->segs,xx->segCnt); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); SetDescriptionOrig( trk ); for ( ep=0; ep=3 && paramVersion <= 5 && trkType == T_STRUCTURE) { strcpy( scale, curScaleName ); } TempEndPtsReset(); pathCnt = 0; if ( !ReadSegs() ) { return FALSE; } if ( trkType == T_TURNOUT ) { if ( TempEndPtsCount() <= 0 ) { InputError( "Turnout defn without EndPoints", TRUE ); return FALSE; } if ( pathCnt <= 1 ) { InputError( "Turnout defn without a Path", TRUE ); return FALSE; } } if (paramVersion<6 && strlen( title ) > 2) { cp = strchr( title, '\t' ); if (cp != NULL) { cp = strchr( cp, '\t' ); } if (cp == NULL) { UpdateTitleMark( title, LookupScale(scale) ); } } trk = NewCompound( trkType, index, orig, angle, title, 0, NULL, pathCnt > 1 ? pathPtr : NULL, tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0) ); SetEndPts( trk, 0 ); if ( paramVersion < 3 ) { SetTrkVisible(trk, visible!=0); SetTrkNoTies(trk, FALSE); SetTrkBridge(trk, FALSE); SetTrkRoadbed(trk, FALSE); } else { SetTrkVisible(trk, visible&2); SetTrkNoTies(trk, visible&4); SetTrkBridge(trk, visible&8); SetTrkRoadbed(trk, visible&16); } SetTrkScale(trk, LookupScale( scale )); SetTrkLayer(trk, layer); SetTrkWidth(trk, (int)(options&3)); xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, trkType, extraDataCompound_t); xx->handlaid = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_HANDLAID)!=0); xx->flipped = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_FLIPPED)!=0); xx->ungrouped = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_UNGROUPED)!=0); xx->split = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_SPLIT)!=0); xx->pathOverRide = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_PATH_OVERRIDE)!=0); xx->pathNoCombine = (int)((options&COMPOUND_OPTION_PATH_NOCOMBINE)!=0); xx->lineType = lineType; xx->descriptionOff = descriptionOff; if ( ( options & COMPOUND_OPTION_HIDEDESC ) != 0 ) { SetTrkBits( trk, TB_HIDEDESC ); } if (tempSpecial[0] != '\0') { if (strncmp( tempSpecial, ADJUSTABLE, strlen(ADJUSTABLE) ) == 0) { xx->special = TOadjustable; if ( !GetArgs( tempSpecial+strlen(ADJUSTABLE), "ff", &xx->u.adjustable.minD, &xx->u.adjustable.maxD ) ) { return FALSE; } } else if (strncmp( tempSpecial, PIER, strlen(PIER) ) == 0) { xx->special = TOpier; if ( !GetArgs( tempSpecial+strlen(PIER), "fq", &xx->u.pier.height, &xx->u.pier.name ) ) { return FALSE; } } else { InputError("Unknown special case", TRUE); return FALSE; } } SetCurrPathIndex( trk, position ); return TRUE; } void MoveCompound( track_p trk, coOrd orig ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); xx->orig.x += orig.x; xx->orig.y += orig.y; ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); } void RotateCompound( track_p trk, coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); Rotate( &xx->orig, orig, angle ); xx->angle = NormalizeAngle( xx->angle + angle ); Rotate( &xx->descriptionOff, zero, angle ); ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); } void RescaleCompound( track_p trk, FLOAT_T ratio ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); xx->orig.x *= ratio; xx->orig.y *= ratio; xx->descriptionOff.x *= ratio; xx->descriptionOff.y *= ratio; xx->segs = (trkSeg_p)memdup( xx->segs, xx->segCnt * sizeof xx->segs[0] ); CloneFilledDraw( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, TRUE ); RescaleSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, ratio, ratio, ratio ); } void FlipCompound( track_p trk, coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); EPINX_T ep, epCnt; char * mP, *nP, *pP; int mL, nL, pL; char *type, *mfg, *descL, *partL, *descR, *partR, *cp; wIndex_t inx; turnoutInfo_t *to, *toBest; coOrd endPos[4]; ANGLE_T endAngle[4]; DIST_T d2, d1, d0; ANGLE_T a2, a1; #define SMALLVALUE (0.001) FlipPoint( &xx->orig, orig, angle ); xx->angle = NormalizeAngle( 2*angle - xx->angle + 180.0 ); xx->segs = memdup( xx->segs, xx->segCnt * sizeof xx->segs[0] ); FlipSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, zero, angle ); xx->descriptionOrig.y = - xx->descriptionOrig.y; ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk ); epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk ); if ( epCnt >= 1 && epCnt <= 2 ) { return; } ParseCompoundTitle( xtitle(xx), &mP, &mL, &nP, &nL, &pP, &pL ); to = FindCompound( epCnt==0?FIND_STRUCT:FIND_TURNOUT, GetScaleName(GetTrkScale(trk)), xx->title ); if ( epCnt!=0 && to && to->customInfo ) { if ( GetArgs( to->customInfo, "qc", &type, &cp ) ) { if ( strcmp( type, "Regular Turnout" ) == 0 || strcmp( type, "Curved Turnout" ) == 0 ) { if ( GetArgs( cp, "qqqqq", &mfg, &descL, &partL, &descR, &partR ) && mP && strcmp( mP, mfg ) == 0 && nP && pP ) { if ( strcmp( nP, descL ) == 0 && strcmp( pP, partL ) == 0 ) { sprintf( message, "%s\t%s\t%s", mfg, descR, partR ); xx->title = MyStrdup( message ); return; } if ( strcmp( nP, descR ) == 0 && strcmp( pP, partR ) == 0 ) { sprintf( message, "%s\t%s\t%s", mfg, descL, partL ); xx->title = MyStrdup( message ); return; } } } } } if ( epCnt == 3 || epCnt == 4 ) { for ( ep=0; epangle ); Rotate( &endPos[ep], xx->orig, -xx->angle ); endPos[ep].x -= xx->orig.x; endPos[ep].y -= xx->orig.y; } if ( epCnt == 3 ) { /* Wye? */ if ( fabs(endPos[1].x-endPos[2].x) < SMALLVALUE && fabs(endPos[1].y+endPos[2].y) < SMALLVALUE ) { return; } } else { /* Crossing */ if ( fabs( (endPos[1].x-endPos[3].x) - (endPos[2].x-endPos[0].x ) ) < SMALLVALUE && fabs( (endPos[2].y+endPos[3].y) ) < SMALLVALUE && fabs( (endPos[0].y-endPos[1].y) ) < SMALLVALUE && NormalizeAngle( (endAngle[2]-endAngle[3]-180+0.05) ) < 0.10 ) { return; } /* 3 way */ if ( fabs( (endPos[1].x-endPos[2].x) ) < SMALLVALUE && fabs( (endPos[1].y+endPos[2].y) ) < SMALLVALUE && fabs( (endPos[0].y-endPos[3].y) ) < SMALLVALUE && NormalizeAngle( (endAngle[1]+endAngle[2]-180+0.05) ) < 0.10 ) { return; } } toBest = NULL; d0 = 0.0; for (inx=0; inxparamFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && to->scaleInx == GetTrkScale(trk) && to->segCnt != 0 && to->endCnt == epCnt ) { d1 = 0; a1 = 0; for ( ep=0; ependPt, ep ); d2 = FindDistance( endPos[ep], GetEndPtPos(epp) ); if ( d2 > SMALLVALUE ) { break; } if ( d2 > d1 ) { d1 = d2; } a2 = NormalizeAngle( endAngle[ep] - GetEndPtAngle(epp) + 0.05 ); if ( a2 > 0.1 ) { break; } if ( a2 > a1 ) { a1 = a2; } } if ( eptitle, toBest->title ) != 0 ) { xx->title = MyStrdup( toBest->title ); } return; } } xx->flipped = !xx->flipped; } typedef struct { long count; char * type; char * name; FLOAT_T price; DynString indexes; } enumCompound_t; static dynArr_t enumCompound_da; #define EnumCompound(N) DYNARR_N( enumCompound_t,enumCompound_da,N) BOOL_T EnumerateCompound( track_p trk ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx; INT_T inx, inx2; int cmp; long listLabelsOption = listLabels; char * index = MyMalloc(10); if ( trk != NULL ) { xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_NOTRACK, extraDataCompound_t); if ( xx->flipped ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_FLIPPED; } #ifdef LATER if ( xx->ungrouped ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_UNGROUPED; } if ( xx->split ) { listLabelsOption |= LABEL_SPLIT; } #endif FormatCompoundTitle( listLabelsOption, xtitle(xx) ); if (message[0] == '\0') { return FALSE; //No content } for (inx = 0; inx < enumCompound_da.cnt; inx++ ) { cmp = strcmp( EnumCompound(inx).name, message ); if ( cmp == 0 ) { EnumCompound(inx).count++; sprintf(index,",%d",GetTrkIndex(trk)); DynStringCatCStr(&(EnumCompound(inx).indexes),index); MyFree(index); return TRUE; } else if ( cmp > 0 ) { break; } } DYNARR_APPEND( enumCompound_t, enumCompound_da, 10 ); for ( inx2 = enumCompound_da.cnt-1; inx2 > inx; inx2-- ) { EnumCompound(inx2) = EnumCompound(inx2-1); } EnumCompound(inx).name = MyStrdup( message ); if (strlen(message) > (size_t)enumerateMaxDescLen) { enumerateMaxDescLen = (int)strlen(message); } EnumCompound(inx).type = GetTrkTypeName( trk ); EnumCompound(inx).count = 1; DynStringMalloc(&(EnumCompound(inx).indexes),100); DynStringPrintf(&(EnumCompound(inx).indexes),"%d",GetTrkIndex(trk)); FormatCompoundTitle( LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_DESCR|LABEL_PARTNO, xtitle(xx) ); wPrefGetFloat( "price list", message, &(EnumCompound(inx).price), 0.0 ); } else { char * type; for ( type="TS"; *type; type++ ) { for (inx = 0; inx < enumCompound_da.cnt; inx++ ) { if (EnumCompound(inx).type[0] == *type) { EnumerateList( EnumCompound(inx).count, EnumCompound(inx).price, EnumCompound(inx).name, DynStringSize(&(EnumCompound(inx).indexes))?DynStringToCStr(&(EnumCompound( inx).indexes)):NULL); } DynStringFree(&(EnumCompound(inx).indexes)); } } DYNARR_RESET( enumCompound_t, enumCompound_da ); } MyFree(index); return TRUE; }