/* \file cprofile.c
 * Track profile

/*  XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <math.h>

#include "custom.h"
#include "cselect.h"
#include "cundo.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "shrtpath.h"
#include "track.h"


(use 0testprof.xtc - 6 tracks connected 0:0:1 1:0:1 2:0:1 3:0:1 4:0:1 5:0:1 6:0:1)

		PreCond Action  PostCond

/ empty -> creating single pt
A1      -  -    10      10 -
A2      -  -    20      20 11
A3      -  -    11      11 20

/ single pt -> delete
B1      10 -    10      -  -
B2      20 11   20      -  -
B3      20 11   11      -  -

/ single pt at EOT - extend
C1      10 -    11      10 11 {1}
C2      10 -    20      10 11 {1}
C3      10 -    41      10 41 {1234}
C4      10 -    50      10 41 {1234}

/ single pt at mid track - extend
D1      31 40   11      31 20 {32}
D2      31 40   20      31 20 {32}
D3      31 40   51      40 51 {45}
D4      31 40   61      40 61 {456}
D5      31 40   10      31 10 {321}

/ length=2, delete end
E1      30 41   30      40 41 {4}
E2      30 41   21      40 41 {4}
E3      30 41   41      30 31 {3}
E4      30 41   50      30 31 {3}

/ length=1, delete end
F1      30 31   30      31 -
F2      30 31   21      31 -
F3      30 31   31      30 -
F4      30 31   40      30 -

/ length=1, extend
G1      30 31   11      20 31 {23}
G2      30 31   10      10 31 {123}
G3      30 31   51      30 51 {345}
G4      30 31   60      30 51 {345}
G5      30 31   61      30 61 {3456}

/ length=2, extend
H1      30 41   11      20 41 {234}
H2      30 41   10      10 41 {1234}
H3      30 41   51      30 51 {345}
H4      30 41   60      30 51 {345}
H5      30 41   61      30 61 {3456}

static wDrawColor profileColorDefinedProfile;
static wDrawColor profileColorUndefinedProfile;
static wDrawColor profileColorFill;
static wFontSize_t screenProfileFontSize = 12;
static wFontSize_t printProfileFontSize = 6;
static BOOL_T printVert = TRUE;
static wMenu_p profilePopupM;
static track_p profilePopupTrk;
static EPINX_T profilePopupEp;
static wMenuToggle_p profilePopupToggles[3];

static int log_profile = 0;

#define LABELH (labelH*fontSize/screenProfileFontSize)
#define PBB(FS) (2.0*(labelH*(FS)/screenProfileFontSize+3.0/mainD.dpi))
#define PBT (10.0/mainD.dpi)
#define PBR (30.0/mainD.dpi)
#define PBL (20.0/mainD.dpi)
static FLOAT_T labelH;

track_p pathStartTrk;
EPINX_T pathStartEp;
track_p pathEndTrk;
EPINX_T pathEndEp;

#define PASSERT( F, X, R ) if ( ! (X) ) { ErrorMessage( MSG_PASSERT, F, __LINE__, #X ); return R; }
#define NOP

typedef struct {
		track_p trk;
		EPINX_T ep;
		DIST_T elev;
		DIST_T dist;
		BOOL_T defined;			/* from prev PE to current */
		} profElem_t, *profElem_p;
static dynArr_t profElem_da;
#define profElem(N) DYNARR_N( profElem_t, profElem_da, N )

typedef struct {
		DIST_T dist;
		char * name;
		} station_t, *station_p;
static dynArr_t station_da;
#define station(N) DYNARR_N( station_t, station_da, N )

struct {
		DIST_T totalD, minE;
		int minC, maxC, incrC;
		DIST_T scaleX, scaleY;
		} prof;
static void DrawProfile( drawCmd_p D, wFontSize_t fontSize, BOOL_T printVert )
	coOrd pl, pt, pb;
	int inx;
	DIST_T grade;
	wFont_p fp;
	static dynArr_t points_da;
#define points(N) DYNARR_N( coOrd, points_da, N )
	wDrawWidth lw;
	station_p ps;
	coOrd textsize;

	lw = (wDrawWidth)(D->dpi*2.0/mainD.dpi);
	fp = wStandardFont( F_HELV, FALSE, FALSE );
	DYNARR_RESET( coOrd, points_da );

	pb.x = pt.x = 0;
	pb.y = prof.minE; pt.y = GetDim(prof.maxC);
	DrawLine( D, pb, pt, 0, snapGridColor );
	pb.x = pt.x = prof.totalD;
	DrawLine( D, pb, pt, 0, snapGridColor );
	pb.x = 0;
	pt.x = prof.totalD;
	for (inx=prof.minC; inx<=prof.maxC; inx+=prof.incrC) {
		pt.y = pb.y = GetDim(inx);
		DrawLine( D, pb, pt, 0, snapGridColor );
		pl.x = -(PBL-3.0/mainD.dpi)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		pl.y = pb.y-LABELH/2/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
		sprintf( message, "%d", inx );
		DrawString( D, pl, 0.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
	if ( profElem_da.cnt <= 0 )

	for (inx=0; inx<profElem_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
		pt.y = profElem(inx).elev;
		pt.x = profElem(inx).dist;
		DYNARR_APPEND( coOrd, points_da, 10 );
		points(points_da.cnt-1) = pt;
	pb.y = pt.y = prof.minE;
	if ( points_da.cnt > 1 ) {
		DYNARR_APPEND( coOrd, points_da, 10 );
		pt.x = prof.totalD;
		points(points_da.cnt-1) = pt;
		DYNARR_APPEND( coOrd, points_da, 10 );
		pb.x = 0;
		points(points_da.cnt-1) = pb;
		DrawFillPoly( D, points_da.cnt, &points(0), profileColorFill );
		DrawLine( D, pb, pt, lw, borderColor );

	pt.y = prof.minE-(2*LABELH+3.0/mainD.dpi)/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
	for (inx=0; inx<station_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
		ps = &station(inx);
		DrawTextSize( &mainD, ps->name, fp, fontSize, FALSE, &textsize );
		pt.x = ps->dist - textsize.x/2.0/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		if (pt.x < -PBR)
			pt.x = -(PBR-3/mainD.dpi)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		else if (pt.x+textsize.x > prof.totalD)
			pt.x = prof.totalD-(textsize.x-3/mainD.dpi)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		DrawString( D, pt, 0.0, ps->name, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );

	pb.x = 0.0; pb.y = prof.minE;
	pt = points(0);
	DrawLine( D, pb, pt, lw, borderColor );
	sprintf( message, "%0.1f", PutDim(profElem(0).elev) );
	if (printVert) {
		pl.x = pt.x + LABELH/2.0/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		pl.y = pt.y + 2.0/mainD.dpi/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
		DrawString( D, pl, 270.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
	} else {
		pl.x = pt.x+2.0/mainD.dpi/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		pl.y = pt.y;
		if (profElem_da.cnt>1 && profElem(0).elev < profElem(1).elev )
			pl.y -= LABELH/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
		DrawString( D, pl, 0.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
	pl = pt;

	for (inx=1; inx<profElem_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
		pt.y = profElem(inx).elev;
		pb.x = pt.x = profElem(inx).dist;
		pt = points(inx);
		pb.x = pt.x;
		DrawLine( D, pl, pt, lw, (profElem(inx).defined?profileColorDefinedProfile:profileColorUndefinedProfile) );
		DrawLine( D, pb, pt, lw, borderColor );
		if (profElem(inx).dist > 0.1) {
			grade = fabs(profElem(inx).elev-profElem(inx-1).elev)/
			sprintf( message, "%0.1f%%", grade*100.0 );
			DrawTextSize( &mainD, message, fp, fontSize, FALSE, &textsize );
			pl.x = (points(inx).x+points(inx-1).x)/2.0;
			pl.y = (points(inx).y+points(inx-1).y)/2.0;
			if (printVert) {
				pl.x += (LABELH/2)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
				pl.y += ((LABELH/2)*grade/prof.scaleX + 2.0/mainD.dpi/prof.scaleY)*D->scale;
				DrawString( D, pl, 270.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
			} else {
				pl.x -= (textsize.x/2)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
				pl.y += (textsize.x/2)*grade/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
				DrawString( D, pl, 0.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
		if (units==UNITS_ENGLISH) {
			if (prof.totalD > 240)
				sprintf( message, "%d'", ((int)floor(profElem(inx).dist)+6)/12 );
				sprintf( message, "%d'%d\"", ((int)floor(profElem(inx).dist+0.5))/12, ((int)floor(profElem(inx).dist+0.5))%12 );
		} else {
			if (PutDim(prof.totalD) > 10000)
				sprintf( message, "%0.0fm", (PutDim(profElem(inx).dist)+50)/100.0 );
			else if (PutDim(prof.totalD) > 100)
				sprintf( message, "%0.1fm", (PutDim(profElem(inx).dist)+5)/100.0 );
				sprintf( message, "%0.2fm", (PutDim(profElem(inx).dist)+0.5)/100.0 );
		DrawTextSize( &mainD, message, fp, fontSize, FALSE, &textsize );
		pl.x = pb.x-(textsize.x/2)/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
		pl.y = prof.minE-(LABELH+3.0/mainD.dpi)/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
		DrawString( D, pl, 0.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
		sprintf( message, "%0.1f", PutDim(profElem(inx).elev) );
		if (printVert) {
			pl.x = pt.x + LABELH/2.0/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
			pl.y = pt.y + 2.0/mainD.dpi/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
			DrawString( D, pl, 270.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
		} else {
			pl.x = pt.x + 2.0/mainD.dpi/prof.scaleX*D->scale;
			pl.y = pt.y;
			if ( inx != profElem_da.cnt-1 && profElem(inx).elev < profElem(inx+1).elev )
				pl.y -= LABELH/prof.scaleY*D->scale;
			DrawString( D, pl, 0.0, message, fp, fontSize*D->scale, borderColor );
		pl = pt;

static void ProfilePix2CoOrd( drawCmd_p, wPos_t, wPos_t, coOrd * );
static void ProfileCoOrd2Pix( drawCmd_p, coOrd, wPos_t*, wPos_t* );
static drawCmd_t screenProfileD = {
		{0.0,0.0}, {0.0,0.0},
		ProfilePix2CoOrd, ProfileCoOrd2Pix };

static void ProfilePix2CoOrd(
		drawCmd_p d,
		wPos_t xx,
		wPos_t yy,
		coOrd * pos )
		pos->x = (xx/d->dpi+d->orig.x)/prof.scaleX;
		pos->y = (yy/d->dpi+d->orig.y)/prof.scaleY+prof.minE;

static void ProfileCoOrd2Pix(
		drawCmd_p d,
		coOrd pos,
		wPos_t *xx,
		wPos_t *yy )
		wPos_t x, y;
		x = (wPos_t)((((pos.x*prof.scaleX)/d->scale-d->orig.x)*d->dpi+0.5));
		y = (wPos_t)(((((pos.y-prof.minE)*prof.scaleY)/d->scale-d->orig.y)*d->dpi+0.5));
		if ( d->angle == 0 ) {
			*xx = x;
			*yy = y;
		} else if ( d->angle == -90.0 ) {
			/* L->P */
			*xx = y;
			*yy = -x;
		} else {
			/* P->L */
			*xx = -y;
			*yy = x;

static void RedrawProfileW( void )
	wPos_t ww, hh;
	coOrd size;
	int inx, divC;
	DIST_T maxE, rngE;
	profElem_t *p;
	wFont_p fp;
	POS_T w;
	coOrd textsize;

	wDrawClear( screenProfileD.d );
	wDrawGetSize( screenProfileD.d, &ww, &hh );
	screenProfileD.size.x = (ww)/screenProfileD.dpi;
	screenProfileD.size.y = (hh)/screenProfileD.dpi;
	screenProfileD.orig.x = -PBL;
	screenProfileD.orig.y = -PBB(screenProfileFontSize);

	/* Calculate usable dimension of canvas */
	size = screenProfileD.size;
	size.x -= (PBL);
	size.y -= (PBB(screenProfileFontSize));
#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (printVert) {
		size.x -= PBR/4.0;
		size.y -= PBT;
	} else
		size.x -= PBR;
		size.y -= PBT;
	if ( size.x < 0.1 || size.y < 0.1 )

	/* Calculate range of data values */
	if (profElem_da.cnt<=0) {
		prof.totalD = 0.0;
		prof.minE = 0.0;
		maxE = 1.0;
	} else {
		maxE = prof.minE = profElem(0).elev;
		prof.totalD = profElem(profElem_da.cnt-1).dist;
		for (inx=1; inx<profElem_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
			p = &profElem(inx);
			if (p->elev<prof.minE)
				prof.minE = p->elev;
			if (p->elev>maxE)
				maxE = p->elev;

	/* Calculate number of grid lines */
	prof.minC = (int)floor(PutDim(prof.minE));
	prof.maxC = (int)ceil(PutDim(maxE));
	if ( prof.maxC-prof.minC <= 0 )
		prof.maxC = prof.minC+1;
	divC = (int)floor(size.y/labelH);
	if ( divC < 1 )
		divC = 1;
	prof.incrC = (prof.maxC-prof.minC+divC-1)/divC;
	if ( prof.incrC < 1 )
		prof.incrC = 1;
	prof.maxC = prof.minC + (prof.maxC-prof.minC+prof.incrC-1)/prof.incrC * prof.incrC;

	/* Reset bounds based on intergal values */
	prof.minE = GetDim(prof.minC);
	rngE = GetDim(prof.maxC) - prof.minE;
	if (rngE < 1.0)
		rngE = 1.0;

	/* Compute vert scale */
	prof.scaleY = size.y/rngE;
	sprintf( message, "%0.2f", maxE );
	fp = wStandardFont( F_HELV, FALSE, FALSE );
	DrawTextSize( &mainD, message, fp, screenProfileFontSize, FALSE, &textsize );
	w = textsize.x;
	w -= PBT;
	w += 4.0/screenProfileD.dpi;
	w -= (GetDim(prof.maxC)-maxE)*prof.scaleY;
	if (w > 0) {
		size.y -= w;
		prof.scaleY = size.y/rngE;

	/* Compute horz scale */
	if (prof.totalD <= 0.1) {
		prof.totalD = size.x;
	prof.scaleX = size.x/prof.totalD;

#ifdef LATER
	D->size.x /= prof.scaleX;
	D->size.x -= D->orig.x;
	D->size.y /= prof.scaleY;
	D->size.y -= D->orig.y;
	D->size.y += prof.minE;

	DrawProfile( &screenProfileD, screenProfileFontSize,
#ifdef WINDOWS

static drawCmd_t printProfileD = {
		{0.0,0.0}, {1.0,1.0},
		ProfilePix2CoOrd, ProfileCoOrd2Pix };

 * This is the print function for the track height profile. The paper
 * orientation is based in on the orientation of the display windows.
 * Eg. is the windows is wider than high, the printout will be in
 * landscape.
 * \todo Rework the layout of the printout
 * This function is (at least for me) hard to comprehend with all the
 * fiddling around with the ccordinates. Also the filled area is a
 * waste of toner or ink.
 * \param junk IN
 * \return

static void DoProfilePrint( void * junk )
	coOrd size, p[4];
	int copies;
	WDOUBLE_T w, h, screenRatio, printRatio, titleH;
	wFont_p fp;
	coOrd screenSize;
	coOrd textsize;

	if (!wPrintDocStart( _("Profile"), 1, &copies ))
	printProfileD.d = wPrintPageStart();
	if (printProfileD.d == NULL)
	printProfileD.dpi = wDrawGetDPI( printProfileD.d );
	wPrintGetPageSize( &w, &h );
	printProfileD.orig.x = -PBL;
	printProfileD.orig.y = -PBB(printProfileFontSize);
	printProfileD.angle = 0.0;
	screenRatio = screenProfileD.size.y/screenProfileD.size.x;
	screenSize.x = prof.totalD*prof.scaleX;
	screenSize.y = GetDim(prof.maxC-prof.minC)*prof.scaleY;
	screenRatio = screenSize.y/screenSize.x;
	printProfileD.size.x = w;
	printProfileD.size.y = h;
	sprintf( message, _("%s Profile: %s"), sProdName, GetLayoutTitle() );
	fp = wStandardFont( F_TIMES, FALSE, FALSE );
	DrawTextSize( &mainD, message, fp, 24, FALSE, &textsize );
	titleH = textsize.y + 6.0/mainD.dpi;
	if (screenRatio < 1.0 && w < h ) {
		/* Landscape -> Portrait */
		printProfileD.angle = -90.0;
		printProfileD.orig.x += h;
		size.x = h;
		size.y = w;
	} else if (screenRatio > 1.0 && w > h ) {
		/* Portrait -> Landscape */
		printProfileD.angle = 90.0;
		printProfileD.orig.y += w;
		size.x = h;
		size.y = w;
	} else {
		size.x = w;
		size.y = h;
	size.y -= titleH+(printVert?PBT*2:PBT)+PBB(printProfileFontSize);
	size.x -= 4.0/mainD.dpi+PBL+(printVert?PBR/4.0:PBR);
	printRatio = size.y/size.x;
	if (printRatio < screenRatio) {
		printProfileD.scale = screenSize.y/size.y;
		size.x = screenSize.x/printProfileD.scale;
	} else {
		printProfileD.scale = screenSize.x/size.x;
		printProfileD.orig.y -= size.y;
		size.y = screenSize.y/printProfileD.scale;
		printProfileD.orig.y += size.y;
#define PRINT_ABS2PAGEX(X) (((X)*printProfileD.scale)/prof.scaleX)
#define PRINT_ABS2PAGEY(Y) (((Y)*printProfileD.scale)/prof.scaleY+prof.minE)
	p[0].y = PRINT_ABS2PAGEY(size.y+(printVert?PBT*2:PBT)+0.05);
	p[0].x = PRINT_ABS2PAGEX((size.x-textsize.x)/2.0);
	if ( p[0].x < 0 )
		p[0].x = 0;
	DrawString( &printProfileD, p[0], 0, message, fp, 24*printProfileD.scale, borderColor );
	p[0].x = p[3].x = PRINT_ABS2PAGEX((-PBL)+2.0/mainD.dpi);
	p[0].y = p[1].y = PRINT_ABS2PAGEY(-PBB(printProfileFontSize));
	p[1].x = p[2].x = PRINT_ABS2PAGEX(size.x+(printVert?PBR/4.0:PBR));
	p[2].y = p[3].y = PRINT_ABS2PAGEY(size.y+(printVert?PBT*2:PBT));
	DrawLine( &printProfileD, p[0], p[1], 0, drawColorBlack );
	DrawLine( &printProfileD, p[1], p[2], 0, drawColorBlack );
	DrawLine( &printProfileD, p[2], p[3], 0, drawColorBlack );
	DrawLine( &printProfileD, p[3], p[0], 0, drawColorBlack );

	DrawProfile( &printProfileD, printProfileFontSize, printVert );
	wPrintPageEnd( printProfileD.d );

 *  Window Handlers

static wWin_p profileW;

static BOOL_T profileUndo = FALSE;
static void DoProfileDone( void * );
static void DoProfileClear( void * );
static void DoProfilePrint( void * );
static void DoProfileChangeMode( void * );
static void SelProfileW( wIndex_t, coOrd );

static paramDrawData_t profileDrawData = { 300, 150, (wDrawRedrawCallBack_p)RedrawProfileW, SelProfileW, &screenProfileD };
static paramData_t profilePLs[] = {
	{	PD_DRAW, NULL, "canvas", PDO_DLGRESIZE, &profileDrawData },
#define I_PROFILEMSG			(1)
	{	PD_BUTTON, (void*)DoProfileClear, "clear", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("Clear") },
	{	PD_BUTTON, (void*)DoProfilePrint, "print", 0, NULL, N_("Print") } };
static paramGroup_t profilePG = { "profile", 0, profilePLs, sizeof profilePLs/sizeof profilePLs[0] };

static void ProfileTempDraw( int inx, DIST_T elev )
	coOrd p0, p1;
#ifdef LATER
		p0.x = profElem(inx).dist*prof.scaleX;
		p0.y = (elev-prof.minE)*prof.scaleY;
		screenProfileD.funcs = &tempDrawFuncs;
		if (inx > 0) {
			p1.x = profElem(inx-1).dist*prof.scaleX;
			p1.y = (profElem(inx-1).elev-prof.minE)*prof.scaleY;
			DrawLine( &screenProfileD, p0, p1, 2, borderColor );
		if (inx < profElem_da.cnt-1) {
			p1.x = profElem(inx+1).dist*prof.scaleX;
			p1.y = (profElem(inx+1).elev-prof.minE)*prof.scaleY;
			DrawLine( &screenProfileD, p0, p1, 2, borderColor );
		screenProfileD.funcs = &screenDrawFuncs;
		p0.x = profElem(inx).dist;
		p0.y = elev;
		screenProfileD.funcs = &tempDrawFuncs;
		if (inx > 0) {
			p1.x = profElem(inx-1).dist;
			p1.y = profElem(inx-1).elev;
			DrawLine( &screenProfileD, p0, p1, 2, borderColor );
		if (inx < profElem_da.cnt-1) {
			p1.x = profElem(inx+1).dist;
			p1.y = profElem(inx+1).elev;
			DrawLine( &screenProfileD, p0, p1, 2, borderColor );
		screenProfileD.funcs = &screenDrawFuncs;

static void SelProfileW(
		wIndex_t action,
		coOrd pos )
	DIST_T dist;
	static DIST_T oldElev;
	static int inx;
	DIST_T elev;

	if (profElem_da.cnt <= 0)

	dist = pos.x;
	elev = pos.y;

#ifdef LATER
	if (recordF)
		RecordMouse( "PROFILEMOUSE", action, dist, elev );

	switch (action&0xFF) {
	case C_DOWN:
		for (inx=0; inx<profElem_da.cnt; inx++) {
			if (dist <= profElem(inx).dist) {
				if (inx!=0 && profElem(inx).dist-dist > dist-profElem(inx-1).dist)
		if (inx >= profElem_da.cnt)
			inx = profElem_da.cnt-1;
		sprintf(message, _("Elev = %0.1f"), PutDim(elev) );
		ParamLoadMessage( &profilePG, I_PROFILEMSG, message );
		oldElev = elev;
		ProfileTempDraw( inx, elev );
	case C_MOVE:
		if ( inx < 0 )
		ProfileTempDraw( inx, oldElev );
		if (profElem_da.cnt == 1 ) {
			sprintf(message, _("Elev = %0.1f"), PutDim(elev) );
		} else if (inx == 0) {
			sprintf( message, _("Elev=%0.2f %0.1f%%"),
				fabs( profElem(inx+1).elev-elev ) / (profElem(inx+1).dist-profElem(inx).dist) * 100.0 );
		} else if (inx == profElem_da.cnt-1) {
			sprintf( message, _("%0.1f%% Elev = %0.2f"),
				fabs( profElem(inx-1).elev-elev ) / (profElem(inx).dist-profElem(inx-1).dist) * 100.0,
				PutDim(elev) );
		} else {
			sprintf( message, _("%0.1f%% Elev = %0.2f %0.1f%%"),
				fabs( profElem(inx-1).elev-elev ) / (profElem(inx).dist-profElem(inx-1).dist) * 100.0,
				fabs( profElem(inx+1).elev-elev ) / (profElem(inx+1).dist-profElem(inx).dist) * 100.0 );
		ParamLoadMessage( &profilePG, I_PROFILEMSG, message );
		oldElev = elev;
		ProfileTempDraw( inx, oldElev );
	case C_UP:
		if (profileUndo == FALSE) {
			UndoStart( _("Profile Command"), "Profile - set elevation" );
			profileUndo = TRUE;
		if (profElem(inx).trk) {
			UpdateTrkEndElev( profElem(inx).trk, profElem(inx).ep, ELEV_DEF|ELEV_VISIBLE, oldElev, NULL );
		profElem(inx).elev = oldElev;
		ParamLoadMessage( &profilePG, I_PROFILEMSG, _("Drag to change Elevation") );
		inx = -1;

#ifdef LATER
static BOOL_T ProfilePlayback( char * line )
	int action;
	wPos_t x, y;
	coOrd pos;

	if ( !GetArgs( line, "dp", &action, &pos ) ) {
		return FALSE;
	} else {
		x = (wPos_t)(((pos.x*prof.scaleX)-screenProfileD.orig.x)*screenProfileD.dpi+0.5);
		y = (wPos_t)((((pos.y-prof.minE)*prof.scaleY)-screenProfileD.orig.y)*screenProfileD.dpi+0.5);
		PlaybackMouse( selProfileW, &screenProfileD, (wAction_t)action, x, y, drawColorBlack );
	return TRUE;

static void HilightProfileElevations( BOOL_T show )
	/*if ( profElem_da.cnt <= 0 ) {*/
		HilightElevations( show );
	/*} else {

static void DoProfileDone( void * junk )
#ifdef LATER
	HilightProfileElevations( FALSE );
	wHide( profileW );

static void DoProfileClear( void * junk )
	profElem_da.cnt = 0;
	station_da.cnt = 0;
	if (ClrAllTrkBits( TB_PROFILEPATH )) {
	pathStartTrk = pathEndTrk = NULL;

static void DoProfileChangeMode( void * junk )
	if (profElem_da.cnt<=0) {
		InfoMessage( _("Select a Defined Elevation to start Profile") );
	} else {
		InfoMessage( _("Select a Defined Elevation to extend Profile") );
 *  Find Shortest Path

static BOOL_T PathListEmpty( void )
	return pathStartTrk == NULL;

static BOOL_T PathListSingle( void )
	return pathStartTrk != NULL &&
		   ( pathEndTrk == NULL ||
			 ( GetTrkEndTrk(pathEndTrk,pathEndEp) == pathStartTrk &&
			   GetTrkEndTrk(pathStartTrk,pathStartEp) == pathEndTrk ) );

static int profileShortestPathMatch;
static DIST_T profileShortestPathDist;

static int ProfileShortestPathFunc(
		SPTF_CMD cmd,
		track_p trk,
		EPINX_T ep,
		EPINX_T ep0,
		DIST_T dist,
		void * data )
	track_p trkN;
	int rc0=0;
	int pathMatch;

	switch (cmd) {
		rc0 = 1;

		if ( EndPtIsIgnoredElev(trk,ep) )
		if ( PathListSingle() ) {
			if ( trk == pathStartTrk && ep == pathStartEp ) {
				pathMatch = 2;
			} else if ( trk == pathEndTrk && ep == pathEndEp ) {
				pathMatch = 3;
			} else {
		} else if ( ( trkN = GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep) ) == NULL ) {
		} else {
			epN = GetEndPtConnectedToMe( trkN, trk );
			if ( trkN == pathStartTrk && epN == pathStartEp ) {
				pathMatch = 1;
			} else if ( trkN == pathEndTrk && epN == pathEndEp ) {
				pathMatch = 2;
			} else if ( trkN == pathStartTrk && trkN == pathEndTrk ) {
				pathMatch = 2;
			} else if ( trkN == pathStartTrk ) {
				pathMatch = 1;
			} else if ( trkN == pathEndTrk ) {
				pathMatch = 2;
			} else {
		if ( profileShortestPathMatch < 0 || profileShortestPathDist > dist ) {
LOG( log_shortPath, 4, ( " Match=%d", pathMatch ) )
			profileShortestPathMatch = pathMatch;
			profileShortestPathDist = dist;
		rc0 = 1;

		rc0 = -1;

		if ( EndPtIsIgnoredElev(trk,ep) )
			rc0 = 1;
		else if ( (GetTrkBits(trk)&TB_PROFILEPATH)!=0 )
			rc0 = 1;
		else if ( (!EndPtIsDefinedElev(trk,ep)) && GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep)==NULL )
			rc0 = 1;
			rc0 = 0;

if (log_shortPath<=0||logTable(log_shortPath).level<4) LOG( log_profile, 4, ( "    ADD_TRK T%d:%d", GetTrkIndex(trk), ep ) )
		SetTrkBits( trk, TB_PROFILEPATH );
		DrawTrack( trk, &mainD, profilePathColor );
		rc0 = 0;

		rc0 = 1;

	return rc0;

static int FindProfileShortestPath(
		track_p trkN,
		EPINX_T epN )
LOG( log_profile, 4, ( "Searching from T%d:%d to T%d:%d or T%d:%d\n",
		GetTrkIndex(trkN), epN,
		pathStartTrk?GetTrkIndex(pathStartTrk):-1, pathStartTrk?pathStartEp:-1,
		pathEndTrk?GetTrkIndex(pathEndTrk):-1, pathEndTrk?pathEndEp:-1 ) )
	profileShortestPathMatch = -1;
	return FindShortestPath( trkN, epN, TRUE, ProfileShortestPathFunc, NULL );

 *  Main Window Handler

#define ONPATH_NOT		(1<<0)
#define ONPATH_END		(1<<1)
#define ONPATH_MID		(1<<2)
#define ONPATH_BRANCH	(1<<3)
static int OnPath( track_p trk, EPINX_T ep )
	track_p trk0;
	if ( GetTrkBits(trk)&TB_PROFILEPATH ) {
		trk0 = GetTrkEndTrk( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp );
		if ( trk0 && (GetTrkBits(trk0)&TB_PROFILEPATH) ) {
			return ONPATH_MID;
		if ( ( trk == pathStartTrk && ep == pathStartEp ) ||
			 ( trk == pathStartTrk && ep == pathStartEp ) ) {
			return ONPATH_END;
	return ONPATH_NOT;

static BOOL_T PathListCheck( void )
	track_p trk;
	if (PathListEmpty() || PathListSingle())
		return TRUE;
	if (!(GetTrkBits(pathStartTrk)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_PST_NOT_ON_PATH );
		return FALSE;
	if (!(GetTrkBits(pathEndTrk)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_PET_NOT_ON_PATH );
		return FALSE;
	trk = GetTrkEndTrk(pathStartTrk,pathStartEp);
	if (trk && (GetTrkBits(trk)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_INV_PST_ON_PATH );
		return FALSE;
	trk = GetTrkEndTrk(pathEndTrk,pathEndEp);
	if (trk && (GetTrkBits(trk)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_INV_PET_ON_PATH );
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

static void RemoveTracksFromPath(
		track_p *Rtrk,
		EPINX_T *Rep,
		track_p trkEnd,
		EPINX_T epEnd )
	EPINX_T ep2;
	track_p trk = *Rtrk, trkN;
	EPINX_T ep = *Rep;

	PASSERT( "removeTracksFromPath", trk, NOP );
	PASSERT( "removeTracksFromPath", !PathListSingle(), NOP );
	while (1) {
		DrawTrack( trk, &mainD, drawColorWhite );
		ClrTrkBits( trk, TB_PROFILEPATH );
		DrawTrack( trk, &mainD, drawColorBlack );

		if (trk == trkEnd) {
			pathStartTrk = trkEnd;
			pathStartEp = epEnd;
			pathEndTrk = GetTrkEndTrk(pathStartTrk,pathStartEp);
			if (pathEndTrk)
				pathEndEp = GetEndPtConnectedToMe(pathEndTrk,pathStartTrk);

		ep2 = GetNextTrkOnPath( trk, ep );
		PASSERT( "removeTracksFromPath", ep2 >= 0,NOP );
		trkN = GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep2);
		PASSERT( "removeTracksFromPath", trkN != NULL, NOP );
		ep = GetEndPtConnectedToMe(trkN,trk);
		trk = trkN;
		if (EndPtIsDefinedElev(trk,ep)) {
			*Rtrk = trk;
			*Rep = ep;

static void ChkElev( track_p trk, EPINX_T ep, EPINX_T ep2, DIST_T dist, BOOL_T * defined )
	profElem_p p;
	station_p s;
	EPINX_T epDefElev = -1, ep1;
	int mode;
	BOOL_T undefined;

	mode = GetTrkEndElevMode( trk, ep );
	if (mode == ELEV_DEF) {
		epDefElev = ep;
	} else if (mode == ELEV_STATION) {
		DYNARR_APPEND( station_t, station_da, 10 );
		s = &station(station_da.cnt-1);
		s->dist = dist;
		s->name = GetTrkEndElevStation(trk,ep);
	undefined = FALSE;
	if (epDefElev<0) {
		if ( (trk == pathStartTrk && ep == pathStartEp) ||
			 (trk == pathEndTrk && ep == pathEndEp) ) {
			epDefElev = ep;
	if (epDefElev<0) {
		if (ep == ep2 ||
			GetTrkEndElevMode(trk,ep2) != ELEV_DEF )
		  for ( ep1=0; ep1<GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk); ep1++ ) {
			if ( ep1==ep || ep1==ep2 )
			if (EndPtIsDefinedElev(trk,ep1)) {
				epDefElev = ep1;
				dist -= GetTrkLength( trk, ep, ep1 );
			if (GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep1)) {
				if (!EndPtIsIgnoredElev(trk,ep1))
					 undefined = TRUE;

	if (epDefElev>=0) {
		DYNARR_APPEND( profElem_t, profElem_da, 10 );
		p = &profElem(profElem_da.cnt-1);
		p->trk = trk;
		p->ep = epDefElev;
		p->dist = dist;
		if (GetTrkEndElevMode(trk,epDefElev) == ELEV_DEF)
			p->elev = GetTrkEndElevHeight(trk,epDefElev);
			ComputeElev( trk, epDefElev, TRUE, &p->elev, NULL );
		p->defined = *defined;
		*defined = TRUE;
	} else if (undefined) {
		*defined = FALSE;

static void ComputeProfElem( void )
	track_p trk = pathStartTrk, trkN;
	EPINX_T ep = pathStartEp, ep2;
	BOOL_T go;
	DIST_T dist;
	BOOL_T defined;

	profElem_da.cnt = 0;
	station_da.cnt = 0;
	dist = 0;
	defined = TRUE;
	if (PathListEmpty())
	ChkElev( trk, ep, ep, dist, &defined );
	if (PathListSingle())
	go = TRUE;
	while ( go ) {
		if (trk == pathEndTrk) {
			go = FALSE;
			ep2 = pathEndEp;
		} else {
			ep2 = GetNextTrkOnPath( trk, ep );
			PASSERT( "computeProfElem", ep2 >= 0, NOP );
		dist += GetTrkLength( trk, ep, ep2 );
		ChkElev( trk, ep2, ep, dist, &defined );
		if (!go)
		trkN = GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep2);
		ep = GetEndPtConnectedToMe(trkN,trk);
		trk = trkN;

static void DumpProfElems( void )
	track_p trk, trkN;
	EPINX_T ep, ep2;
	BOOL_T go;

	trk = pathStartTrk;
	ep = pathStartEp;

	if (pathStartTrk==NULL) lprintf( "s--:- e--:-" );
	else if (pathEndTrk == NULL) lprintf( "sT%d:%d e--:-", GetTrkIndex(pathStartTrk), pathStartEp );
	else lprintf( "sT%d:%d eT%d:%d", GetTrkIndex(pathStartTrk), pathStartEp, GetTrkIndex(pathEndTrk), pathEndEp );
	lprintf( " { " );
	go = TRUE;
	if (!PathListSingle())
	  while ( trk ) {
		if (trk==pathEndTrk) {
			ep2 = pathEndEp;
			go = FALSE;
		} else {
			ep2 = GetNextTrkOnPath( trk, ep );
			PASSERT( "computeProfElem", ep2 >= 0, NOP );
		lprintf( "T%d:%d:%d ", GetTrkIndex(trk), ep, ep2 );
		if (!go)
		trkN = GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep2);
		ep = GetEndPtConnectedToMe(trkN,trk);
		trk = trkN;
	lprintf( "}" );

static void ProfileSelect( track_p trkN, EPINX_T epN )
	track_p trkP;
	EPINX_T epP=-1;
	int rc;

if (log_profile>=1) {
		lprintf( "  @ T%d:%d ", GetTrkIndex(trkN), epN );
		if (log_profile>=2) lprintf("\n");

#ifdef LATER
	if (!EndPtIsDefinedElev(trkN, epN)) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_EP_NOT_DEP );

	trkP = GetTrkEndTrk( trkN, epN );
	if (trkP)
		epP = GetEndPtConnectedToMe( trkP, trkN );

	if (!PathListCheck())

	HilightProfileElevations( FALSE );

	if ( PathListEmpty() ) {
		pathStartTrk = trkN;
		pathStartEp = epN;
		pathEndTrk = trkP;
		pathEndEp = epP;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ("Adding first element\n") )

	} else if ( PathListSingle() &&
				( ( trkN == pathStartTrk && epN == pathStartEp ) ||
				  ( trkP && trkP == pathStartTrk && epP == pathStartEp ) ) ) {
		pathStartTrk = pathEndTrk = NULL;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ("Clearing list\n") )

	} else if ( (trkN == pathStartTrk && epN == pathStartEp ) ||
		 (trkP && trkP == pathStartTrk && epP == pathStartEp) ) {
		RemoveTracksFromPath( &pathStartTrk, &pathStartEp, pathEndTrk, pathEndEp );
LOG( log_profile, 2, ("Removing first element\n") )

	} else if ( (trkN == pathEndTrk && epN == pathEndEp) ||
		 (trkP && trkP == pathEndTrk && epP == pathEndEp) ) {
		RemoveTracksFromPath( &pathEndTrk, &pathEndEp, pathStartTrk, pathStartEp );
LOG( log_profile, 2, ("Removing last element\n") )

	} else if ( (GetTrkBits(trkN)&TB_PROFILEPATH) || (trkP && (GetTrkBits(trkP)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) ) {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_EP_ON_PATH );
		HilightProfileElevations( TRUE );

	} else if ( ( rc = FindProfileShortestPath( trkN, epN ) ) > 0 ) {
		if (!(GetTrkBits(trkN)&TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
			PASSERT( "profileSelect", trkP != NULL, NOP );
			trkN = trkP;
			epN = epP;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ("Invert selected EP\n") )

		switch (profileShortestPathMatch) {
		case 1:
			/* extend Start */
			pathStartTrk = trkN;
			pathStartEp = epN;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ( "Prepending Path\n" ) )
		case 2:
			/* extend End */
			pathEndTrk = trkN;
			pathEndEp = epN;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ( "Appending Path\n" ) )
		case 3:
			/* need to flip */
			pathStartTrk = pathEndTrk;
			pathStartEp = pathEndEp;
			pathEndTrk = trkN;
			pathEndEp = epN;
LOG( log_profile, 2, ( "Flip/Appending Path\n" ) )
			AbortProg( "findPaths:1" );

	} else {
		ErrorMessage( MSG_NO_PATH_TO_EP );
		HilightProfileElevations( TRUE );

	HilightProfileElevations( TRUE );
	DoProfileChangeMode( NULL );
if (log_profile>=1) {
		lprintf( " = " );
		lprintf( "\n" );

static void ProfileSubCommand( wBool_t set, void* pcmd )
	long cmd = (long)pcmd;
	int mode;
	coOrd pos = oldMarker;
	DIST_T elev;
	DIST_T radius;

	if ((profilePopupTrk = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, TRUE )) == NULL ||
		(profilePopupEp = PickEndPoint( pos, profilePopupTrk )) < 0)
	if (profileUndo==0) {
		profileUndo = TRUE;
		UndoStart(_("Profile Command"), "Profile");
	radius = 0.05*mainD.scale;
	if ( radius < trackGauge/2.0 )
		radius = trackGauge/2.0;
	pos = GetTrkEndPos( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp );
	mode = GetTrkEndElevMode( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp );
	if ( (mode&ELEV_MASK)==ELEV_DEF || (mode&ELEV_MASK)==ELEV_IGNORE )
		DrawFillCircle( &tempD, pos, radius,
	if ( (mode&ELEV_MASK)==ELEV_DEF )

	DrawEndPt2( &mainD, profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp, drawColorWhite );
	elev = 0.0;
	switch (cmd) {
	case 0:
		/* define */
		ComputeElev( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp, TRUE, &elev, NULL );
	case 1:
		/* ignore */
	case 2:
		/* none */
		mode = ELEV_NONE;
	UpdateTrkEndElev( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp, mode, elev, NULL );
	if ( (mode&ELEV_MASK)==ELEV_DEF || (mode&ELEV_MASK)==ELEV_IGNORE )
		DrawFillCircle( &tempD, pos, radius,

static STATUS_T CmdProfile( wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	track_p trk0;
	EPINX_T ep0;
	coOrd textsize;

	switch (action) {
	case C_START:
		if ( profileW == NULL ) {
			profileColorDefinedProfile = drawColorBlue;
			profileColorUndefinedProfile = drawColorRed;
			profileColorFill = drawColorAqua;
			DrawTextSize( &mainD, "999", wStandardFont( F_HELV, FALSE, FALSE ), screenProfileFontSize, FALSE, &textsize );
			labelH = textsize.y;
			profileW = ParamCreateDialog( &profilePG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Profile")), _("Done"), DoProfileDone, (paramActionCancelProc)Reset, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE, NULL );
		ParamLoadControls( &profilePG );
		ParamGroupRecord( &profilePG );
		wShow( profileW );
		ParamLoadMessage( &profilePG, I_PROFILEMSG, _("Drag to change Elevation") );
		HilightProfileElevations( TRUE );
		profElem_da.cnt = 0;
		station_da.cnt = 0;
		if ( ClrAllTrkBits( TB_PROFILEPATH ) ) {
		pathStartTrk = NULL;
		SetAllTrackSelect( FALSE );
		profileUndo = FALSE;
		InfoMessage( _("Select a Defined Elevation to start profile") );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_LCLICK:
		InfoMessage( "" );
		if ((trk0 = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, TRUE )) != NULL) {
			ep0 = PickEndPoint( pos, trk0 );
			if ( ep0 >= 0 ) {
				ProfileSelect( trk0, ep0 );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_CMDMENU:
		if ((profilePopupTrk = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, TRUE )) != NULL ) {
			profilePopupEp = PickEndPoint( pos, profilePopupTrk );
			if (profilePopupEp >= 0) {
				int mode;
				mode = GetTrkEndElevMode( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp );
				if (mode != ELEV_DEF && mode != ELEV_IGNORE && mode != ELEV_NONE ) {
					ErrorMessage( MSG_CHANGE_ELEV_MODE );
				} else {
					wMenuToggleEnable( profilePopupToggles[1], TRUE );
					if ( OnPath( profilePopupTrk, profilePopupEp ) & (ONPATH_END|ONPATH_MID) )
						wMenuToggleEnable( profilePopupToggles[1], FALSE );
					wMenuToggleSet( profilePopupToggles[0], mode == ELEV_DEF );
					wMenuToggleSet( profilePopupToggles[1], mode == ELEV_IGNORE );
					wMenuToggleSet( profilePopupToggles[2], mode == ELEV_NONE );
					wMenuPopupShow( profilePopupM );
#ifdef LATER
		InfoMessage( "" );
		if ((trk0 = OnTrack( &pos, TRUE, TRUE )) == NULL)
			return C_CONTINUE;
		ep0 = PickEndPoint( pos, trk0 );
		if (ep0 < 0)
			return C_CONTINUE;
		if (profileMode == 0) {
		} else {
			ProfileIgnore( trk0, ep0 );
		DoProfileChangeMode( NULL );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_OK:
		return C_TERMINATE;
	case C_CANCEL:
		HilightProfileElevations( FALSE );
		if (ClrAllTrkBits(TB_PROFILEPATH)) {
		return C_TERMINATE;
	case C_REDRAW:
		if ( wWinIsVisible(profileW) ) {
			HilightProfileElevations( wWinIsVisible(profileW) );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	return C_CONTINUE;

static void ProfileChange( long changes )
	if ( (changes & CHANGE_UNITS) && screenProfileD.d )

#include "bitmaps/profile.xpm"

EXPORT void InitCmdProfile( wMenu_p menu )
	log_profile = LogFindIndex( "profile" );
	ParamRegister( &profilePG );
#ifdef LATER
	AddPlaybackProc( "PROFILEMOUSE", (playbackProc_p)profilePlayback, NULL );
	AddMenuButton( menu, CmdProfile, "cmdProfile", _("Profile"), wIconCreatePixMap(profile_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_LCLICK|IC_CMDMENU|IC_POPUP2, ACCL_PROFILE, NULL );
	profilePopupM = MenuRegister( "Profile Mode" );
	profilePopupToggles[0] = wMenuToggleCreate( profilePopupM, "", _("Define"), 0, FALSE, ProfileSubCommand, (void*)0 );
	profilePopupToggles[1] = wMenuToggleCreate( profilePopupM, "", _("Ignore"), 0, FALSE, ProfileSubCommand, (void*)1 );
	profilePopupToggles[2] = wMenuToggleCreate( profilePopupM, "", _("None"), 0, FALSE, ProfileSubCommand, (void*)2 );
	RegisterChangeNotification( ProfileChange );