/** \file cstruct.c * T_STRUCTURE */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "compound.h" #include "cselect.h" #include "cundo.h" #include "custom.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "layout.h" #include "param.h" #include "cselect.h" #include "include/paramfile.h" #include "track.h" #include "ccurve.h" #include "common-ui.h" EXPORT TRKTYP_T T_STRUCTURE = -1; EXPORT dynArr_t structureInfo_da; static wIndex_t pierListInx; EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * curStructure = NULL; static int log_structure = 0; static wMenu_p structPopupM; static drawCmd_t structureD = { NULL, &screenDrawFuncs, 0, 1.0, 0.0, {0.0,0.0}, {0.0,0.0}, Pix2CoOrd, CoOrd2Pix }; static wIndex_t structureHotBarCmdInx; static wIndex_t structureInx; static long hideStructureWindow; static void RedrawStructure( wDraw_p d, void * context, wWinPix_t x, wWinPix_t y ); static wWinPix_t structureListWidths[] = { 80, 80, 220 }; static const char * structureListTitles[] = { N_("Manufacturer"), N_("Part No"), N_("Description") }; static paramListData_t listData = { 13, 400, 3, structureListWidths, structureListTitles }; static const char * hideLabels[] = { N_("Hide"), NULL }; static paramDrawData_t structureDrawData = { 490, 200, RedrawStructure, NULL, &structureD }; static paramData_t structurePLs[] = { #define I_LIST (0) #define structureListL ((wList_p)structurePLs[I_LIST].control) { PD_LIST, &structureInx, "list", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_DLGRESIZEW, &listData, NULL, BL_DUP }, #define I_DRAW (1) { PD_DRAW, NULL, "canvas", PDO_NOPSHUPD|PDO_DLGUNDERCMDBUTT|PDO_DLGRESIZE, &structureDrawData, NULL, 0 }, #define I_HIDE (2) { PD_TOGGLE, &hideStructureWindow, "hide", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, hideLabels, NULL, BC_NOBORDER }, #define I_MSGSCALE (3) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0, I2VP(80) }, #define I_MSGWIDTH (4) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0, I2VP(80) }, #define I_MSGHEIGHT (5) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0, I2VP(80) } }; static paramGroup_t structurePG = { "structure", 0, structurePLs, COUNT( structurePLs ) }; /**************************************** * * STRUCTURE LIST MANAGEMENT * */ EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * CreateNewStructure( char * scale, char * title, wIndex_t segCnt, trkSeg_p segData, BOOL_T updateList ) { turnoutInfo_t * to; #ifdef REORIGSTRUCT coOrd orig; #endif if (segCnt == 0) return NULL; to = FindCompound( FIND_STRUCT, scale, title ); if (to == NULL) { DYNARR_APPEND( turnoutInfo_t *, structureInfo_da, 10 ); to = (turnoutInfo_t*)MyMalloc( sizeof *to ); structureInfo(structureInfo_da.cnt-1) = to; to->title = MyStrdup( title ); to->scaleInx = LookupScale( scale ); } to->segCnt = segCnt; to->segs = (trkSeg_p)memdup( segData, (sizeof *segData) * segCnt ); CopyPoly(to->segs,segCnt); GetSegBounds( zero, 0.0, to->segCnt, to->segs, &to->orig, &to->size ); #ifdef REORIGSTRUCT GetSegBounds( zero, 0.0, to->segCnt, to->segs, &orig, &to->size ); orig.x = - orig.x; orig.y = - orig.y; MoveSegs( to->segCnt, to->segs, orig ); to->orig = zero; #endif to->paramFileIndex = curParamFileIndex; if (curParamFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM) to->contentsLabel = MyStrdup("Custom Structures"); else to->contentsLabel = curSubContents; to->endCnt = 0; SetParamPaths( to, NULL ); if (updateList && structureListL != NULL) { FormatCompoundTitle( LABEL_TABBED|LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_PARTNO|LABEL_DESCR, to->title ); if (message[0] != '\0') wListAddValue( structureListL, message, NULL, to ); } to->barScale = curBarScale>0?curBarScale:-1; return to; } /** * Delete a structure definition from memory. * \TODO Find a better way to handle Custom Structures (see CreateNewStructure) * * \param [IN] structure the structure to be deleted */ BOOL_T StructureDelete(void *structure) { turnoutInfo_t * to = (turnoutInfo_t *)structure; MyFree(to->title); MyFree(to->segs); if (to->special) { switch(to->special) { case TOpier: MyFree(to->u.pier.name); to->u.pier.name = NULL; break; case TOpierInfo: for(int pierInx=0;pierInxu.pierInfo.cnt;pierInx++) { if (to->u.pierInfo.info[pierInx].name) MyFree(to->u.pierInfo.info[pierInx].name); to->u.pierInfo.info[pierInx].name = NULL; } MyFree(to->u.pierInfo.info); to->u.pierInfo.cnt = 0; break; default:; } } MyFree(to); return(TRUE); } /** * Delete all structure definitions that came from a specific parameter * file. Due to the way the definitions are loaded from file it is safe to * assume that they form a contiguous block in the array. * * \param fileIndex parameter file. */ void DeleteStructures(int fileIndex) { int inx = 0; int startInx = -1; int cnt = 0; // go to the start of the block while (inx < structureInfo_da.cnt && structureInfo(inx)->paramFileIndex != fileIndex) { startInx = inx++; } // delete them for (; inx < structureInfo_da.cnt && structureInfo(inx)->paramFileIndex == fileIndex; inx++) { turnoutInfo_t * to = structureInfo(inx); if (to->paramFileIndex == fileIndex) { StructureDelete(to); cnt++; } } // copy down the rest of the list to fill the gap startInx++; while (inx < structureInfo_da.cnt) { structureInfo(startInx++) = structureInfo(inx++); } // and reduce the actual number structureInfo_da.cnt -= cnt; } /** * Check to find out to what extent the contents of the parameter file can be used with * the current layout scale / gauge. * * If parameter scale == layout we have an exact fit. * If parameter scale == layout scale +/15% we have compatible track. * * \param paramFileIndex * \param scaleIndex * \return */ enum paramFileState GetStructureCompatibility(int paramFileIndex, SCALEINX_T scaleIndex) { int i; enum paramFileState ret = PARAMFILE_NOTUSABLE; DIST_T ratio = GetScaleRatio(scaleIndex); if (!IsParamValid(paramFileIndex)) { return(PARAMFILE_UNLOADED); } //Loop over all entries until an exact fit is found if none return if compatibles were found for (i = 0; i < structureInfo_da.cnt; i++) { turnoutInfo_t *to = structureInfo(i); if (to->paramFileIndex == paramFileIndex) { SCALE_FIT_T fit = CompatibleScale(FIT_STRUCTURE,to->scaleInx,scaleIndex); if (fit == FIT_EXACT) { ret = PARAMFILE_FIT; break; } //Within 15% of scale if (fit == FIT_COMPATIBLE) { ret = PARAMFILE_COMPATIBLE; } } } return(ret); } static BOOL_T ReadStructureParam( char * firstLine ) { char scale[10]; char *title; turnoutInfo_t * to; char * cp; static dynArr_t pierInfo_da; #define pierInfo(N) DYNARR_N( pierInfo_t, pierInfo_da, N ) if ( !GetArgs( firstLine+10, "sq", scale, &title ) ) return FALSE; if ( !ReadSegs() ) return FALSE; to = CreateNewStructure( scale, title, tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0), FALSE ); if (to == NULL) return FALSE; if (tempSpecial[0] != '\0') { if (strncmp( tempSpecial, PIER, strlen(PIER) ) == 0) { DYNARR_RESET( pierInfo_t, pierInfo_da ); to->special = TOpierInfo; cp = tempSpecial+strlen(PIER); while (cp) { DYNARR_APPEND( pierInfo_t, pierInfo_da, 10 ); if ( !GetArgs( cp, "fqc", &pierInfo(pierInfo_da.cnt-1).height, &pierInfo(pierInfo_da.cnt-1).name, &cp ) ) return FALSE; } to->u.pierInfo.cnt = pierInfo_da.cnt; to->u.pierInfo.info = (pierInfo_t*)MyMalloc( pierInfo_da.cnt * sizeof *(pierInfo_t*)NULL ); memcpy( to->u.pierInfo.info, &pierInfo(0), pierInfo_da.cnt * sizeof *(pierInfo_t*)NULL ); } else { InputError("Unknown special case", TRUE); } } if (tempCustom[0] != '\0') { to->customInfo = MyStrdup( tempCustom ); } MyFree( title ); return TRUE; } EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * StructAdd( long mode, SCALEINX_T scale, wList_p list, coOrd * maxDim ) { wIndex_t inx; turnoutInfo_t * to, *to1=NULL; structureInx = 0; for ( inx = 0; inx < structureInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) { to = structureInfo(inx); if ( IsParamValid(to->paramFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && (FIT_NONE != CompatibleScale( FIT_STRUCTURE, to->scaleInx, scale )) && to->segCnt != 0 ) { if (to1 == NULL) to1 = to; if ( to == curStructure ) { to1 = to; structureInx = wListGetCount( list ); } FormatCompoundTitle( mode, to->title ); if (message[0] != '\0') { wListAddValue( list, message, NULL, to ); if (maxDim) { if (to->size.x > maxDim->x) maxDim->x = to->size.x; if (to->size.y > maxDim->y) maxDim->y = to->size.y; } } } } return to1; } /**************************************** * * GENERIC FUNCTIONS * */ static void DrawStructure( track_p t, drawCmd_p d, wDrawColor color ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(t, T_STRUCTURE, extraDataCompound_t); d->options &= ~DC_NOTSOLIDLINE; switch(xx->lineType) { case DRAWLINESOLID: break; case DRAWLINEDASH: d->options |= DC_DASH; break; case DRAWLINEDOT: d->options |= DC_DOT; break; case DRAWLINEDASHDOT: d->options |= DC_DASHDOT; break; case DRAWLINEDASHDOTDOT: d->options |= DC_DASHDOTDOT; break; case DRAWLINECENTER: d->options |= DC_CENTER; break; case DRAWLINEPHANTOM: d->options |= DC_CENTER; break; } DrawSegs( d, xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segs, xx->segCnt, 0.0, color ); d->options &= ~DC_NOTSOLIDLINE; if ( ((d->options & DC_SIMPLE)==0) && (labelWhen == 2 || (labelWhen == 1 && (d->options&DC_PRINT))) && labelScale >= d->scale && ( GetTrkBits( t ) & TB_HIDEDESC ) == 0 ) { DrawCompoundDescription( t, d, color ); } } static BOOL_T ReadStructure( char * line ) { return ReadCompound( line+10, T_STRUCTURE ); } static ANGLE_T GetAngleStruct( track_p trk, coOrd pos, EPINX_T * ep0, EPINX_T * ep1 ) { struct extraDataCompound_t * xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_STRUCTURE, extraDataCompound_t); ANGLE_T angle; pos.x -= xx->orig.x; pos.y -= xx->orig.y; Rotate( &pos, zero, -xx->angle ); angle = GetAngleSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, &pos, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( ep0 ) *ep0 = -1; if ( ep1 ) *ep1 = -1; return NormalizeAngle( angle+xx->angle ); } static BOOL_T QueryStructure( track_p trk, int query ) { switch ( query ) { case Q_HAS_DESC: return TRUE; case Q_IS_STRUCTURE: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } static wBool_t CompareStruct( track_cp trk1, track_cp trk2 ) { struct extraDataCompound_t *xx1 = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk1, T_STRUCTURE, extraDataCompound_t ); struct extraDataCompound_t *xx2 = GET_EXTRA_DATA( trk2, T_STRUCTURE, extraDataCompound_t ); char * cp = message + strlen(message); REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "Orig", xx1, xx2, orig ) REGRESS_CHECK_ANGLE( "Angle", xx1, xx2, angle ) REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Flipped", xx1, xx2, flipped ) REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Ungrouped", xx1, xx2, ungrouped ) REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Split", xx1, xx2, split ) /* desc orig is not stable REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescOrig", xx1, xx2, descriptionOrig ) */ REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescOff", xx1, xx2, descriptionOff ) REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescSize", xx1, xx2, descriptionSize ) return CompareSegs( xx1->segs, xx1->segCnt, xx1->segs, xx1->segCnt ); } static trackCmd_t structureCmds = { "STRUCTURE", DrawStructure, DistanceCompound, DescribeCompound, DeleteCompound, WriteCompound, ReadStructure, MoveCompound, RotateCompound, RescaleCompound, NULL, GetAngleStruct, NULL, /* split */ NULL, /* traverse */ EnumerateCompound, NULL, /* redraw */ NULL, /* trim */ NULL, /* merge */ NULL, /* modify */ NULL, /* getLength */ NULL, /* getTrkParams */ NULL, /* moveEndPt */ QueryStructure, UngroupCompound, FlipCompound, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CompareStruct }; static paramData_t pierPLs[] = { { PD_DROPLIST, &pierListInx, "inx", 0, I2VP(50), N_("Pier Number") } }; static paramGroup_t pierPG = { "structure-pier", 0, pierPLs, COUNT( pierPLs ) }; #define pierL ((wList_p)pierPLs[0].control) static void ShowPierL( void ) { int inx; wIndex_t currInx; wControl_p controls[2]; char * labels[1]; if ( curStructure->special==TOpierInfo && curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt > 1) { if (pierL == NULL) { ParamCreateControls( &pierPG, NULL ); } currInx = wListGetIndex( pierL ); wListClear( pierL ); for (inx=0;inxu.pierInfo.cnt; inx++) { wListAddValue( pierL, curStructure->u.pierInfo.info[inx].name, NULL, NULL ); } if ( currInx < 0 ) currInx = 0; if ( currInx >= curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt ) currInx = curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt-1; wListSetIndex( pierL, currInx ); controls[0] = (wControl_p)pierL; controls[1] = NULL; labels[0] = N_("Pier Number"); InfoSubstituteControls( controls, labels ); } else { InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL ); } } /***************************************** * * Structure Dialog * */ static void NewStructure(); static coOrd maxStructureDim; static wWin_p structureW; static void RescaleStructure( void ) { DIST_T xscale, yscale; wWinPix_t ww, hh; DIST_T w, h; wDrawGetSize( structureD.d, &ww, &hh ); w = ww/structureD.dpi - 0.2; h = hh/structureD.dpi - 0.2; if (curStructure) { xscale = curStructure->size.x/w; yscale = curStructure->size.y/h; } else { xscale = yscale = 0; } structureD.scale = ceil(max(xscale,yscale)); structureD.size.x = (w+0.2)*structureD.scale; structureD.size.y = (h+0.2)*structureD.scale; return; } static void structureChange( long changes ) { static char * lastScaleName = NULL; if (structureW == NULL) return; wListSetIndex( structureListL, 0 ); if ( (!wWinIsVisible(structureW)) || ( ((changes&CHANGE_SCALE) == 0 || lastScaleName == curScaleName) && (changes&CHANGE_PARAMS) == 0 ) ) return; lastScaleName = curScaleName; //curStructure = NULL; wControlShow( (wControl_p)structureListL, FALSE ); wListClear( structureListL ); maxStructureDim.x = maxStructureDim.y = 0.0; if (structureInfo_da.cnt <= 0) return; curStructure = StructAdd( LABEL_TABBED|LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_PARTNO|LABEL_DESCR, GetLayoutCurScale(), structureListL, &maxStructureDim ); wListSetIndex( structureListL, structureInx ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)structureListL, TRUE ); if (curStructure == NULL) { wDrawClear( structureD.d ); return; } maxStructureDim.x += 2*trackGauge; maxStructureDim.y += 2*trackGauge; /*RescaleStructure();*/ RedrawStructure( structureD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); return; } static void RedrawStructure( wDraw_p d, void * context, wWinPix_t x, wWinPix_t y ) { RescaleStructure(); LOG( log_structure, 2, ( "SelStructure(%s)\n", (curStructure?curStructure->title:"") ) ) wDrawClear( structureD.d ); if (curStructure == NULL) { return; } structureD.orig.x = -0.10*structureD.scale + curStructure->orig.x; structureD.orig.y = (curStructure->size.y + curStructure->orig.y) - structureD.size.y + trackGauge; DrawSegs( &structureD, zero, 0.0, curStructure->segs, curStructure->segCnt, 0.0, wDrawColorBlack ); sprintf( message, _("Scale %d:1"), (int)structureD.scale ); ParamLoadMessage( &structurePG, I_MSGSCALE, message ); sprintf( message, _("Width %s"), FormatDistance(curStructure->size.x) ); ParamLoadMessage( &structurePG, I_MSGWIDTH, message ); sprintf( message, _("Height %s"), FormatDistance(curStructure->size.y) ); ParamLoadMessage( &structurePG, I_MSGHEIGHT, message ); } static void StructureDlgUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void * valueP ) { turnoutInfo_t * to; if ( inx != I_LIST ) return; to = (turnoutInfo_t*)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].control, (wIndex_t)*(long*)valueP ); NewStructure(); curStructure = to; ShowPierL(); RedrawStructure( structureD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); /* ParamDialogOkActive( &structurePG, FALSE ); */ } static void DoStructOk( void ) { NewStructure(); Reset(); } /**************************************** * * GRAPHICS COMMANDS * */ /* * STATE INFO */ static struct { int state; coOrd pos; ANGLE_T angle; } Dst; static track_p pierTrk; static EPINX_T pierEp; static dynArr_t anchors_da; #define anchors(N) DYNARR_N(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,N) void static CreateArrowAnchor(coOrd pos,ANGLE_T a,DIST_T len) { DYNARR_APPEND(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,1); int i = anchors_da.cnt-1; anchors(i).type = SEG_STRLIN; anchors(i).width = 0; anchors(i).u.l.pos[0] = pos; Translate(&anchors(i).u.l.pos[1],pos,NormalizeAngle(a+135),len); anchors(i).color = wDrawColorBlue; DYNARR_APPEND(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,1); i = anchors_da.cnt-1; anchors(i).type = SEG_STRLIN; anchors(i).width = 0; anchors(i).u.l.pos[0] = pos; Translate(&anchors(i).u.l.pos[1],pos,NormalizeAngle(a-135),len); anchors(i).color = wDrawColorBlue; } void static CreateRotateAnchor(coOrd pos) { DIST_T d = tempD.scale*0.15; DYNARR_APPEND(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,1); int i = anchors_da.cnt-1; anchors(i).type = SEG_CRVLIN; anchors(i).width = 0.5; anchors(i).u.c.center = pos; anchors(i).u.c.a0 = 180.0; anchors(i).u.c.a1 = 360.0; anchors(i).u.c.radius = d*2; anchors(i).color = wDrawColorAqua; coOrd head; //Arrows for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { Translate(&head,pos,j*120,d*2); CreateArrowAnchor(head,NormalizeAngle((j*120)+90),d); } } void static CreateMoveAnchor(coOrd pos) { DYNARR_SET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,anchors_da.cnt+5); DrawArrowHeads(&DYNARR_N(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,anchors_da.cnt-5),pos,0,TRUE,wDrawColorBlue); DYNARR_SET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,anchors_da.cnt+5); DrawArrowHeads(&DYNARR_N(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,anchors_da.cnt-5),pos,90,TRUE,wDrawColorBlue); } static ANGLE_T PlaceStructure( coOrd p0, coOrd p1, coOrd origPos, coOrd * resPos, ANGLE_T * resAngle ) { coOrd p2 = p1; if (curStructure->special == TOpierInfo) { pierTrk = OnTrack( &p1, FALSE, TRUE ); if (pierTrk != NULL) { if (GetTrkType(pierTrk) == T_TURNOUT) { pierEp = PickEndPoint( p1, pierTrk ); if (pierEp >= 0) { *resPos = GetTrkEndPos(pierTrk, pierEp); *resAngle = NormalizeAngle(GetTrkEndAngle(pierTrk, pierEp)-90.0); return TRUE; } } *resAngle = NormalizeAngle(GetAngleAtPoint( pierTrk, p1, NULL, NULL )+90.0); if ( NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( p1, p2 ) - *resAngle + 90.0 ) > 180.0 ) *resAngle = NormalizeAngle( *resAngle + 180.0 ); *resPos = p1; return TRUE; } } resPos->x = origPos.x + p1.x - p0.x; resPos->y = origPos.y + p1.y - p0.y; return FALSE; } static void NewStructure( void ) { track_p trk; struct extraDataCompound_t *xx; wIndex_t pierInx; if (curStructure->segCnt < 1) { AbortProg( "newStructure: bad cnt" ); } if (Dst.state == 0) return; if (curStructure->special == TOpierInfo && curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt>1 && wListGetIndex(pierL) == -1) { return; } UndoStart( _("Place Structure"), "newStruct" ); trk = NewCompound( T_STRUCTURE, 0, Dst.pos, Dst.angle, curStructure->title, 0, NULL, NULL, curStructure->segCnt, curStructure->segs ); xx = GET_EXTRA_DATA(trk, T_STRUCTURE, extraDataCompound_t); switch(curStructure->special) { case TOnormal: xx->special = TOnormal; break; case TOpierInfo: xx->special = TOpier; if (curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt>1) { pierInx = wListGetIndex(pierL); if (pierInx < 0 || pierInx >= curStructure->u.pierInfo.cnt) pierInx = 0; } else { pierInx = 0; } xx->u.pier.height = curStructure->u.pierInfo.info[pierInx].height; xx->u.pier.name = curStructure->u.pierInfo.info[pierInx].name; if (pierTrk != NULL && xx->u.pier.height >= 0 ) { UpdateTrkEndElev( pierTrk, pierEp, ELEV_DEF, xx->u.pier.height, NULL ); } break; default: AbortProg("bad special"); } SetTrkVisible( trk, TRUE ); SetTrkNoTies( trk, FALSE); SetTrkBridge( trk, FALSE); DrawNewTrack( trk ); /*DrawStructure( trk, &mainD, wDrawColorBlack, 0 );*/ UndoEnd(); Dst.state = 0; Dst.angle = 0.0; } static void StructRotate( void * pangle ) { if (Dst.state == 0) return; ANGLE_T angle = (ANGLE_T)VP2L(pangle); angle /= 1000.0; Dst.pos = cmdMenuPos; Rotate( &Dst.pos, cmdMenuPos, angle ); Dst.angle += angle; TempRedraw(); // StructRotate } EXPORT STATUS_T CmdStructureAction( wAction_t action, coOrd pos ) { ANGLE_T angle; static BOOL_T validAngle; static ANGLE_T baseAngle; static coOrd origPos; static ANGLE_T origAngle; static coOrd rot0, rot1; switch (action & 0xFF) { case C_START: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); Dst.state = 0; Dst.angle = 00.0; ShowPierL(); SetAllTrackSelect( FALSE ); return C_CONTINUE; case wActionMove: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if (Dst.state && (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL)) { CreateRotateAnchor(pos); } else { CreateMoveAnchor(pos); } return C_CONTINUE; break; case C_DOWN: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if ( curStructure == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE; ShowPierL(); Dst.pos = pos; rot0 = pos; origPos = Dst.pos; PlaceStructure( rot0, pos, origPos, &Dst.pos, &Dst.angle ); Dst.state = 1; InfoMessage( _("Drag to place") ); CreateMoveAnchor(pos); return C_CONTINUE; case C_MOVE: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if ( curStructure == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE; PlaceStructure( rot0, pos, origPos, &Dst.pos, &Dst.angle ); CreateMoveAnchor(pos); InfoMessage( "[ %0.3f %0.3f ]", pos.x - origPos.x, pos.y - origPos.y ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_RDOWN: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if ( curStructure == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE; if (Dst.state == 0) { Dst.pos = pos; // If first, use pos, otherwise use current } rot0 = rot1 = pos; CreateRotateAnchor(pos); origPos = Dst.pos; origAngle = Dst.angle; InfoMessage( _("Drag to rotate") ); Dst.state = 2; validAngle = FALSE; return C_CONTINUE; case C_RMOVE: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if ( curStructure == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE; rot1 = pos; if ( FindDistance( rot0, rot1 ) > (6.0/BASE_DPI)*mainD.scale ) { angle = FindAngle( rot0, rot1 ); if (!validAngle) { baseAngle = angle; validAngle = TRUE; } angle -= baseAngle; Dst.pos = origPos; Dst.angle = NormalizeAngle( origAngle + angle ); Rotate( &Dst.pos, rot0, angle ); } InfoMessage( _("Angle = %0.3f"), Dst.angle ); Dst.state = 2; CreateRotateAnchor(rot0); return C_CONTINUE; case C_RUP: case C_UP: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); CreateMoveAnchor(pos); Dst.state = 1; InfoMessage(_("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel")); return C_CONTINUE; case C_CMDMENU: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); menuPos = pos; wMenuPopupShow( structPopupM ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_REDRAW: wSetCursor(mainD.d,defaultCursor); if (Dst.state) DrawSegs( &tempD, Dst.pos, Dst.angle, curStructure->segs, curStructure->segCnt, 0.0, selectedColor ); if (anchors_da.cnt>0) { DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &anchors(0), anchors_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); wSetCursor(mainD.d,wCursorNone); } if (Dst.state == 2) DrawLine( &tempD, rot0, rot1, 0, wDrawColorBlack ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_LCLICK: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if ( curStructure == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE; CmdStructureAction( C_DOWN, pos ); CmdStructureAction( C_UP, pos ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_CANCEL: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); Dst.state = 0; InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL ); HotBarCancel(); /*wHide( newTurn.reg.win );*/ return C_TERMINATE; case C_TEXT: if ((action>>8) != ' ') return C_CONTINUE; /*no break*/ case C_OK: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); NewStructure(); InfoSubstituteControls( NULL, NULL ); return C_TERMINATE; case C_FINISH: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if (Dst.state != 0) CmdStructureAction( C_OK, pos ); else CmdStructureAction( C_CANCEL, pos ); return C_TERMINATE; default: return C_CONTINUE; } } static STATUS_T CmdStructure( wAction_t action, coOrd pos ) { wIndex_t structureIndex; turnoutInfo_t * structurePtr; switch (action & 0xFF) { case C_START: if (structureW == NULL) { structureW = ParamCreateDialog( &structurePG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Structure")), _("Close"), (paramActionOkProc)DoStructOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE, StructureDlgUpdate ); RegisterChangeNotification( structureChange ); } ParamDialogOkActive( &structurePG, FALSE ); structureIndex = wListGetIndex( structureListL ); structurePtr = curStructure; wShow( structureW ); structureChange( CHANGE_PARAMS ); if (curStructure == NULL) { NoticeMessage( MSG_STRUCT_NO_STRUCTS, _("Ok"), NULL ); return C_TERMINATE; } if (structureIndex > 0 && structurePtr) { curStructure = structurePtr; wListSetIndex( structureListL, structureIndex ); RedrawStructure( structureD.d, NULL, 0, 0 ); } InfoMessage( _("Select Structure and then drag to place")); ParamLoadControls( &structurePG ); ParamGroupRecord( &structurePG ); SetAllTrackSelect( FALSE ); return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case wActionMove: DYNARR_RESET(trkSeg_t,anchors_da); if (Dst.state && (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL)) { CreateRotateAnchor(pos); } else { CreateMoveAnchor(pos); } return C_CONTINUE; break; case C_DOWN: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RDOWN, pos ); } /* no break*/ case C_RDOWN: ParamDialogOkActive( &structurePG, TRUE ); if (hideStructureWindow) wHide( structureW ); return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_MOVE: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RMOVE, pos ); } /*no break*/ case C_RMOVE: return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_RUP: case C_UP: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RUP, pos ); } if (hideStructureWindow) wShow( structureW ); InfoMessage( _("Left drag to move, right drag to rotate, or press Return or click Ok to finalize") ); return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_LCLICK: CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_CANCEL: wHide( structureW ); /*no break*/ case C_REDRAW: case C_TEXT: case C_OK: case C_FINISH: case C_CMDMENU: return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); default: return C_CONTINUE; } } static char * CmdStructureHotBarProc( hotBarProc_e op, void * data, drawCmd_p d, coOrd * origP ) { turnoutInfo_t * to = (turnoutInfo_t*)data; switch ( op ) { case HB_SELECT: CmdStructureAction( C_FINISH, zero ); curStructure = to; DoCommandB( I2VP(structureHotBarCmdInx) ); return NULL; case HB_LISTTITLE: FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, to->title ); if (message[0] == '\0') FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels|LABEL_DESCR, to->title ); return message; case HB_BARTITLE: FormatCompoundTitle( hotBarLabels<<1, to->title ); return message; case HB_FULLTITLE: return to->title; case HB_DRAW: //origP->x -= to->orig.x; //origP->y -= to->orig.y; DrawSegs( d, *origP, 0.0, to->segs, to->segCnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); return NULL; } return NULL; } EXPORT void AddHotBarStructures( void ) { wIndex_t inx; turnoutInfo_t * to; for ( inx=0; inx < structureInfo_da.cnt; inx ++ ) { to = structureInfo(inx); if ( !( IsParamValid(to->paramFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && (FIT_NONE != CompatibleScale( FIT_STRUCTURE, to->scaleInx, GetLayoutCurScale())) ) ) /*( (strcmp( to->scale, "*" ) == 0 && strcasecmp( curScaleName, "DEMO" ) != 0 ) || strncasecmp( to->scale, curScaleName, strlen(to->scale) ) == 0 ) ) )*/ continue; AddHotBarElement( to->contentsLabel, to->size, to->orig, FALSE, FALSE, to->barScale, to, CmdStructureHotBarProc ); } } static STATUS_T CmdStructureHotBar( wAction_t action, coOrd pos ) { switch (action & 0xFF) { case C_START: //structureChange( CHANGE_PARAMS ); if (curStructure == NULL) { NoticeMessage( MSG_STRUCT_NO_STRUCTS, _("Ok"), NULL ); return C_TERMINATE; } FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels|LABEL_DESCR, curStructure->title ); InfoMessage( _("Place %s and draw into position"), message ); wIndex_t listIndex = FindListItemByContext( structureListL, curStructure ); if ( listIndex >= 0 ) structureInx = listIndex; ParamLoadControls( &structurePG ); ParamGroupRecord( &structurePG ); return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case wActionMove: return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_RDOWN: case C_DOWN: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RDOWN, pos ); } return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_RMOVE: case C_MOVE: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RMOVE, pos ); } return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_RUP: case C_UP: if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) { return CmdStructureAction( C_RUP, pos ); } InfoMessage( _("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel") ); return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); case C_TEXT: if ((action>>8) != ' ') return C_CONTINUE; /*no break*/ case C_OK: CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); return C_CONTINUE; case C_CANCEL: HotBarCancel(); /* no break*/ default: return CmdStructureAction( action, pos ); } } #include "bitmaps/building.xpm" EXPORT void InitCmdStruct( wMenu_p menu ) { AddMenuButton( menu, CmdStructure, "cmdStructure", _("Structure"), wIconCreatePixMap(building_xpm[iconSize]), LEVEL0_50, IC_WANT_MOVE|IC_STICKY|IC_CMDMENU|IC_POPUP2, ACCL_STRUCTURE, NULL ); structureHotBarCmdInx = AddMenuButton( menu, CmdStructureHotBar, "cmdStructureHotBar", "", NULL, LEVEL0_50, IC_WANT_MOVE|IC_STICKY|IC_CMDMENU|IC_POPUP2, 0, NULL ); ParamRegister( &structurePG ); if ( structPopupM == NULL ) { structPopupM = MenuRegister( "Structure Rotate" ); AddRotateMenu( structPopupM, StructRotate ); } } EXPORT void InitTrkStruct( void ) { T_STRUCTURE = InitObject( &structureCmds ); log_structure = LogFindIndex( "Structure" ); AddParam( "STRUCTURE ", ReadStructureParam); ParamRegister( &pierPG ); }