/** \file cturnout.c

/*  XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "ccurve.h"
#include "tbezier.h"
#include "tcornu.h"
#include "cjoin.h"
#include "compound.h"
#include "cstraigh.h"
#include "cundo.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "include/paramfile.h"
#include "track.h"
#include "trackx.h"
#include "utility.h"




EXPORT dynArr_t turnoutInfo_da;

EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * curTurnout = NULL;
EXPORT long curTurnoutEp = 0;
static int curTurnoutInx = -1;

static int log_turnout = 0;
static int log_traverseTurnout = 0;
static int log_suppressCheckPaths = 0;
static int log_splitturnout = 0;

static wMenu_p turnoutPopupM;

static drawCmd_t turnoutD = {
		{0.0,0.0}, {0.0,0.0},
		Pix2CoOrd, CoOrd2Pix };

static wIndex_t turnoutHotBarCmdInx;
static wIndex_t turnoutInx;
static long hideTurnoutWindow;
static void RedrawTurnout(void);
static void SelTurnoutEndPt( wIndex_t, coOrd );
static void HilightEndPt( void );

static wPos_t turnoutListWidths[] = { 80, 80, 220 };
static const char * turnoutListTitles[] = { N_("Manufacturer"), N_("Part No"), N_("Description") };
static paramListData_t listData = { 13, 400, 3, turnoutListWidths, turnoutListTitles };
static const char * hideLabels[] = { N_("Hide"), NULL };
static paramDrawData_t turnoutDrawData = { 490, 200, (wDrawRedrawCallBack_p)RedrawTurnout, SelTurnoutEndPt, &turnoutD };
static paramData_t turnoutPLs[] = {
#define I_LIST		(0)
#define turnoutListL    ((wList_p)turnoutPLs[I_LIST].control)
	{   PD_LIST, &turnoutInx, "list", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_DLGRESIZEW, &listData, NULL, BL_DUP },
#define I_DRAW		(1)
#define turnoutDrawD    ((wDraw_p)turnoutPLs[I_DRAW].control)
#define I_NEW		(2)
#define turnoutNewM     ((wMenu_p)turnoutPLs[I_NEW].control)
	{   PD_MENU, NULL, "new", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("New") },
#define I_HIDE		(3)
#define turnoutHideT    ((wChoice_p)turnoutPLs[I_HIDE].control)
	{   PD_TOGGLE, &hideTurnoutWindow, "hide", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, /*CAST_AWAY_CONST*/(void*)hideLabels, NULL, BC_NOBORDER } };
static paramGroup_t turnoutPG = { "turnout", 0, turnoutPLs, sizeof turnoutPLs/sizeof turnoutPLs[0] };


EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * CreateNewTurnout(
		char * scale,
		char * title,
		wIndex_t segCnt,
		trkSeg_p segData,
		wIndex_t pathLen,
		PATHPTR_T paths,
		EPINX_T endPtCnt,
		trkEndPt_t * endPts,
		DIST_T * radii,
		wBool_t updateList )
	turnoutInfo_t * to;
	long changes=0;

	to = FindCompound( FIND_TURNOUT, scale, title );
	if (to == NULL) {
		DYNARR_APPEND( turnoutInfo_t *, turnoutInfo_da, 10 );
		to = (turnoutInfo_t*)MyMalloc( sizeof *to );
		turnoutInfo(turnoutInfo_da.cnt-1) = to;
		to->title = MyStrdup( title );
		to->scaleInx = LookupScale( scale );
		changes = CHANGE_PARAMS;
	to->segCnt = segCnt;
	trkSeg_p seg_p;
	to->segs = (trkSeg_p)memdup( segData, (sizeof (*segData) * segCnt ));
	seg_p = to->segs;
	for (int i=0;i<segCnt;i++) {
		seg_p[i].bezSegs.ptr = NULL;
		seg_p[i].bezSegs.cnt = 0;
		seg_p[i].bezSegs.max = 0;
	GetSegBounds( zero, 0.0, segCnt, to->segs, &to->orig, &to->size );
	to->endCnt = endPtCnt;
	to->endPt = (trkEndPt_t*)memdup( endPts, (sizeof *endPts) * to->endCnt );

	to->pathLen = pathLen;
	to->paths = (PATHPTR_T)memdup( paths, (sizeof *to->paths) * to->pathLen );
	to->paramFileIndex = curParamFileIndex;
	if (curParamFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM)
		to->contentsLabel = MyStrdup("Custom Turnouts");
		to->contentsLabel = curSubContents;
	if (updateList && turnoutListL != NULL) {
		if (message[0] != '\0')
			wListAddValue( turnoutListL, message, NULL, to );

	to->barScale = curBarScale>0?curBarScale:-1;
	to->special = TOnormal;
	if (radii) {
		to->special = TOcurved;
		for (int i=0;i<to->endCnt;i++) {
			DYNARR_N(DIST_T,to->u.curved.radii,i) = radii[i];
	if (updateList && changes)
		DoChangeNotification( changes );
	return to;

 * Delete a turnout parameter from the list and free the related memory
 * \param [IN] to turnout definition to be deleted 

DeleteTurnout(void *toInfo)
	turnoutInfo_t * to = (turnoutInfo_t *)toInfo;
	if (to->special) {
		DYNARR_FREE(DIST_T, to->u.curved.radii);


 * Delete all turnout definitions that came from a specific parameter file. 
 * Due to the way the definitions are loaded from file it is safe to 
 * assume that they form a contiguous block in the array.
 * \param [IN] fileIndex parameter file

DeleteTurnoutParams(int fileIndex)
    int inx=0;
    int startInx = -1;
    int cnt = 0;

    // go to the start of the block
    while (inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt &&
            turnoutInfo(inx)->paramFileIndex != fileIndex) {
        startInx = inx++;

    // delete them
    for (; inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt &&
            turnoutInfo(inx)->paramFileIndex == fileIndex; inx++) {
        turnoutInfo_t * to = turnoutInfo(inx);
        if (to->paramFileIndex == fileIndex) {

    // copy down the rest of the list to fill the gap
    while (inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt) {
        turnoutInfo(startInx++) = turnoutInfo(inx++);

    // and reduce the actual number
    turnoutInfo_da.cnt -= cnt;

 * Check to find out to what extent the contents of the parameter file can be used with 
 * the current layout scale / gauge. 
 * If parameter scale == layout and parameter gauge == layout we have an exact fit.
 * If parameter gauge == layout we have compatible track. 
 * OO scale is special cased. If the layout is in OO scale track in HO is considered 
 * an exact fit in spite of scale differences.
 * \param paramFileIndex
 * \param scaleIndex
 * \return 

enum paramFileState 
GetTrackCompatibility(int paramFileIndex, SCALEINX_T scaleIndex)
	int i;
	enum paramFileState ret = PARAMFILE_NOTUSABLE;
	DIST_T gauge = GetScaleTrackGauge(scaleIndex);

	if (!IsParamValid(paramFileIndex)) {

	// loop over all parameter entries or until a exact fit is found
	for (i = 0; i < turnoutInfo_da.cnt && ret < PARAMFILE_FIT; i++) {
		turnoutInfo_t *to = turnoutInfo( i );
		if (to->paramFileIndex == paramFileIndex ) {
			if (to->scaleInx == scaleIndex ) {
				ret = PARAMFILE_FIT;
			} else {
				if (GetScaleTrackGauge(to->scaleInx) == gauge &&
					// handle special cases
					// if layout is OO scale, HO scale track is considered exact
					char *layoutScaleName = GetScaleName(scaleIndex);
					char *paramScaleName = GetScaleName(to->scaleInx);
					if (!strcmp(layoutScaleName, "OO") &&
						!strcmp(paramScaleName, "HO")) {
						ret = PARAMFILE_FIT;
					//if layout is in Japanese or British N scale, N scale is exact
					if ((!strcmp(layoutScaleName, "N(UK)") ||
						!strcmp(layoutScaleName, "N(JP)")) &&
						!strcmp(paramScaleName, "N")) {
						ret = PARAMFILE_FIT;

EXPORT wIndex_t CheckPaths(
		wIndex_t segCnt,
		trkSeg_p segs,
		PATHPTR_T paths )
	if ((segCnt == 0) || !segs) return -1;
	int pc, ps;
	PATHPTR_T pp = 0;
	int inx;
	static dynArr_t segMap_da;
	int segInx[2], segEp[2];
	int segTrkLast = -1;
	// Check that each track segment is on at least one path
	int suppressCheckPaths = log_suppressCheckPaths > 0 ? logTable(log_suppressCheckPaths).level : 0;
	if ( suppressCheckPaths == 0 ) {
		char trkSegInx = 0;
		for ( int inx = 0; inx<segCnt; inx++ ) {
			if ( IsSegTrack( &segs[inx] ) ) {
				PATHPTR_T cp = paths;
				while ( *cp ) {
					// path is: 'N' 'A' 'M' 'E' 0 1 2 0 3 4 0 0
					// skip name
					for ( ; *cp; cp++ );
					// check each path component 
					for ( ; cp[0] || cp[1];  cp++ )
						if ( abs(*cp) == trkSegInx )
					if ( *cp )	// we broke early
					cp += 2;; // Skip 2nd 0
				if ( !*cp ) {	// we looked and didn't find
					InputError( "Track segment %d not on Path",  FALSE, inx+1 );
					return -1;;

typedef struct {
	trkSeg_p seg;
	int indx;
} segMap_t, * segMap_p;

#define segMap(N) DYNARR_N( segMap_t, segMap_da, N )
	segMap_p sg;
	DYNARR_RESET( segMap_t, segMap_da );
	// Don't reshuffle segs, but build an offset map instead just of the tracks
	// Use the map to set up the paths to point at the correct segs in the Turnout
	for ( inx=0; inx<segCnt; inx++ ) {
		if ( IsSegTrack(&segs[inx]) ) {
			DYNARR_APPEND( segMap_t, segMap_da, 10 );
			sg = &DYNARR_LAST(segMap_t,segMap_da);
			sg->seg = &segs[inx];
			sg->indx = inx;

	for ( pc=0,pp=paths; *pp; pp+=2,pc++ ) {
		for ( ps=0,pp+=strlen((char *)pp)+1; pp[0]!=0 || pp[1]!=0; pp++,ps++ ) {
#ifdef LATER
			if (*pp >= '0' && *pp <= '9')
				*pp -= '0';
			else if (*pp >= 'A' && *pp <= 'Z')
				*pp -= 'A' - 10;
			if (*pp < 0 || *pp > segCnt) {
				InputError( _("Turnout path[%d:%d] out of bounds: %d"),
						FALSE, pc, ps, *pp);
				return -1;
			//Rewrite the Path to point to the nth Track seg using the Map
			int old_inx;
			EPINX_T old_EP;
			if (pp[0]!=0 && ps==0) {  // First or only one
				GetSegInxEP( pp[0], &old_inx, &old_EP );
				if (old_inx<0 || old_inx>= segMap_da.cnt) {
					InputError( _("Turnout path[%d] %d is not a valid track segment"),
						FALSE, pc, ps );
					return -1;
				SetSegInxEP( &pp[0], DYNARR_N(segMap_t,segMap_da,old_inx).indx, old_EP);
			if (pp[0]!=0 && pp[1]!=0 ) {
				//Rewrite the Path to point to the nth Track seg using the Map
				GetSegInxEP( pp[1], &old_inx, &old_EP );
				if (old_inx<0 || old_inx>= segMap_da.cnt) {
					InputError( _("Turnout path[%d] %d is not a valid track segment"),
						FALSE, pc, ps );
					return -1;
				SetSegInxEP( &pp[1], DYNARR_N(segMap_t,segMap_da,old_inx).indx, old_EP);
				/* check connectivity */
				DIST_T d;
				GetSegInxEP( pp[0], &segInx[0], &segEp[0] );
				GetSegInxEP( pp[1], &segInx[1], &segEp[1] );
				if ( !IsSegTrack( &segs[segInx[0]] ) ) {
					InputError( _("Turnout path[%d] %d is not a track segment"),
						FALSE, pc, pp[0] );
					return -1;
				if ( !IsSegTrack( &segs[segInx[1]] ) ) {
					InputError( _("Turnout path[%d] %d is not a track segment"),
						FALSE, pc, pp[1] );
					return -1;
				coOrd p0 = GetSegEndPt( &segs[segInx[0]], 1-segEp[0], FALSE, NULL );
				coOrd p1 = GetSegEndPt( &segs[segInx[1]], segEp[1], FALSE, NULL );
				d = FindDistance(p0,p1);
					InputError( _("Turnout path[%d] %d-%d not connected: %0.3f P0(%f,%f) P1(%f,%f)"),
						FALSE, pc, pp[0], pp[1], d, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y );
					return -1;

	return pp-paths+1;

static BOOL_T ReadTurnoutParam(
		char * firstLine )
	char scale[10];
	char *title;
	turnoutInfo_t * to;

	if ( !GetArgs( firstLine+8, "sq", scale, &title ) )
		return FALSE;
	DYNARR_RESET( trkEndPt_t, tempEndPts_da );
	pathCnt = 0;
	if ( !ReadSegs() )
		return FALSE;
	CheckPaths( tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0), pathPtr );
	to = CreateNewTurnout( scale, title, tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0),
					pathCnt, pathPtr, tempEndPts_da.cnt, &tempEndPts(0), NULL, FALSE );
	MyFree( title );
	if (to == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	if (tempSpecial[0] != '\0') {
		if (strncmp( tempSpecial, ADJUSTABLE, strlen(ADJUSTABLE) ) == 0) {
			to->special = TOadjustable;
			if ( !GetArgs( tempSpecial+strlen(ADJUSTABLE), "ff",
					&to->u.adjustable.minD, &to->u.adjustable.maxD ) )
				return FALSE;
		} else {
			InputError(_("Unknown special case"), TRUE);
			return FALSE;
	if (tempCustom[0] != '\0') {
		to->customInfo = MyStrdup( tempCustom );
	return TRUE;

EXPORT turnoutInfo_t * TurnoutAdd( long mode, SCALEINX_T scale, wList_p list, coOrd * maxDim, EPINX_T epCnt )
	wIndex_t inx;
	turnoutInfo_t * to, * to1 = NULL;
	turnoutInx = 0;
	for ( inx = 0; inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) {
		to = turnoutInfo(inx);
		if ( IsParamValid(to->paramFileIndex) &&
			 to->segCnt > 0 &&
			 CompatibleScale( TRUE, to->scaleInx, scale ) &&
			 /*strcasecmp( to->scale, scaleName ) == 0 && */
			 ( epCnt <= 0 || epCnt == to->endCnt ) ) {
			if (to1==NULL)
				to1 = to;
			if ( to == curTurnout ) {
				to1 = to;
				turnoutInx = wListGetCount( list );
			FormatCompoundTitle( mode, to->title );
			if (message[0] != '\0') {
				wListAddValue( list, message, NULL, to );
				if (maxDim) {
					if (to->size.x > maxDim->x) 
						maxDim->x = to->size.x;
					if (to->size.y > maxDim->y) 
						maxDim->y = to->size.y;
	return to1;
 * Adjustable Track Support

static void ChangeAdjustableEndPt(
		track_p trk,
		EPINX_T ep,
		DIST_T d )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	coOrd pos;
	trkSeg_p segPtr;
	ANGLE_T angle = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep );
	Translate( &pos, GetTrkEndPos( trk, 1-ep ), angle, d );
	SetTrkEndPoint( trk, ep, pos, angle );
	if ( ep == 0 )
		xx->orig = pos;
	for ( segPtr=xx->segs; segPtr<&xx->segs[xx->segCnt]; segPtr++ ) {
		switch (segPtr->type) {
		case SEG_STRLIN:
		case SEG_STRTRK:
			segPtr->u.l.pos[1].x = d;
	ComputeBoundingBox( trk );
	DrawNewTrack( trk );

EXPORT BOOL_T ConnectAdjustableTracks(
		track_p trk1,
		EPINX_T ep1,
		track_p trk2,
		EPINX_T ep2 )
	struct extraData * xx1;
	struct extraData * xx2;
	BOOL_T adj1, adj2;
	coOrd p1, p2;
	ANGLE_T a, a1, a2;
	DIST_T d, maxD, d1, d2;
	BOOL_T rc;
	coOrd off;
	DIST_T beyond;

	xx1 = GetTrkExtraData(trk1);
	xx2 = GetTrkExtraData(trk2);
	adj1 = adj2 = FALSE;
	if (GetTrkType(trk1) == T_TURNOUT && xx1->special == TOadjustable)
		adj1 = TRUE;
	if (GetTrkType(trk2) == T_TURNOUT && xx2->special == TOadjustable)
		adj2 = TRUE;
	if (adj1 == FALSE && adj2 == FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	a1 = GetTrkEndAngle( trk1, ep1 );
	a2 = GetTrkEndAngle( trk2, ep2 );
	a = NormalizeAngle( a1 - a2 + 180.0 + connectAngle/2.0);
	if (a>connectAngle)
		return FALSE;
	UndoStart( _("Connect Adjustable Tracks"), "changeAdjustableEndPt" );
	maxD = 0.0;
	if (adj1) {
		p1 = GetTrkEndPos( trk1, 1-ep1 );
		Translate( &p1, p1, a1, xx1->u.adjustable.minD );
		maxD += xx1->u.adjustable.maxD-xx1->u.adjustable.minD;
	} else {
		p1 = GetTrkEndPos( trk1, ep1 );
	if (adj2) {
		p2 = GetTrkEndPos( trk2, 1-ep2 );
		Translate( &p2, p2, a2, xx2->u.adjustable.minD );
		maxD += xx2->u.adjustable.maxD-xx2->u.adjustable.minD;
	} else {
		p2 = GetTrkEndPos( trk2, ep2 );
	d = FindDistance( p1, p2 );
	rc = TRUE;
	if (d > maxD) {
		d = maxD;
		rc = FALSE;
	FindPos( &off, &beyond, p1, p2, a1, 10000.0 );
	if (fabs(off.y) > connectDistance)
		rc = FALSE;
	if (adj1) {
		UndrawNewTrack( trk1 );
		d1 = d * (xx1->u.adjustable.maxD-xx1->u.adjustable.minD)/maxD + xx1->u.adjustable.minD;
		ChangeAdjustableEndPt( trk1, ep1, d1 );
	if (adj2) {
		UndrawNewTrack( trk2 );
		d2 = d * (xx2->u.adjustable.maxD-xx2->u.adjustable.minD)/maxD + xx2->u.adjustable.minD;
		ChangeAdjustableEndPt( trk2, ep2, d2 );
	if (rc) {
		DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep1, wDrawColorWhite );
		DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk2, ep2, wDrawColorWhite );
		ConnectTracks( trk1, ep1, trk2, ep2 );
		DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep1, wDrawColorBlack );
		DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk2, ep2, wDrawColorBlack );
	return rc;
 * Draw Turnout Roadbed

int roadbedOnScreen = 0;

void DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( drawCmd_p d, wDrawColor color, coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle, trkSeg_p sp, ANGLE_T side, int first, int last )
	segProcData_t data;
	if (last<=first)
	data.drawRoadbedSide.first = first;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.last = last;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.side = side;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.roadbedWidth = roadbedWidth;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.rbw = (wDrawWidth)floor(roadbedLineWidth*(d->dpi/d->scale)+0.5);
	data.drawRoadbedSide.orig = orig;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.angle = angle;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.color = color;
	data.drawRoadbedSide.d = d;

static void ComputeAndDrawTurnoutRoadbedSide(
		drawCmd_p d,
		wDrawColor color,
		coOrd orig,
		ANGLE_T angle,
		trkSeg_p segPtr,
		int segCnt,
		int segInx,
		ANGLE_T side )
	unsigned long res, res1;
	int b0, b1;
	res = ComputeTurnoutRoadbedSide( segPtr, segCnt, segInx, side, roadbedWidth );
	if (res == 0L) {
	} else if (res == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, &segPtr[segInx], side, 0, 32 );
	} else {
		for ( b0=0, res1=0x00000001; res1&&(res1&res); b0++,res1<<=1 );
		for ( b1=32,res1=0x80000000; res1&&(res1&res); b1--,res1>>=1 );
		DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, &segPtr[segInx], side, 0, b0 );
		DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, &segPtr[segInx], side, b1, 32 );

static void DrawTurnoutRoadbed(
		drawCmd_p d,
		wDrawColor color,
		coOrd orig,
		ANGLE_T angle,
		trkSeg_p segPtr,
		int segCnt )
	int inx, trkCnt=0, segInx=0;
	for (inx=0;inx<segCnt;inx++) {
		if ( IsSegTrack(&segPtr[inx]) ) {
			segInx = inx;
			if (trkCnt>1)
	if (trkCnt==0)
	if (trkCnt == 1) {
		DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, &segPtr[segInx], +90, 0, 32 );
		DrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, &segPtr[segInx], -90, 0, 32 );
	} else {
		for (inx=0;inx<segCnt;inx++) {
			if ( IsSegTrack(&segPtr[inx]) ) {
				ComputeAndDrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, segPtr, segCnt, inx, +90 );
				ComputeAndDrawTurnoutRoadbedSide( d, color, orig, angle, segPtr, segCnt, inx, -90 );

track_p NewHandLaidTurnout(
		coOrd p0,
		ANGLE_T a0,
		coOrd p1,
		ANGLE_T a1,
		coOrd p2,
		ANGLE_T a2,
		ANGLE_T frogA )
	track_p trk;
	struct extraData * xx;
	trkSeg_t segs[2];
	sprintf( message, "\tHand Laid Turnout, Angle=%0.1f\t", frogA );
	DYNARR_SET( trkEndPt_t, tempEndPts_da, 2 );
	memset( &tempEndPts(0), 0, tempEndPts_da.cnt * sizeof tempEndPts(0) );
	tempEndPts(0).pos = p0;
	tempEndPts(0).angle = a0;
	tempEndPts(1).pos = p1;
	tempEndPts(1).angle = a1;
	tempEndPts(2).pos = p2;
	tempEndPts(2).angle = a2;
	Rotate( &p1, p0, -a0 );
	p1.x -= p0.x;
	p1.y -= p0.y;
	segs[0].type = SEG_STRTRK;
	segs[0].color = wDrawColorBlack;
	segs[0].u.l.pos[0] = zero;
	segs[0].u.l.pos[1] = p1;
	Rotate( &p2, p0, -a0 );
	p2.x -= p0.x;
	p2.y -= p0.y;
	segs[1].type = SEG_STRTRK;
	segs[1].color = wDrawColorBlack;
	segs[1].u.l.pos[0] = zero;
	segs[1].u.l.pos[1] = p2;
	trk = NewCompound( T_TURNOUT, 0, p0, a0, message, 3, &tempEndPts(0), NULL, 22, "Normal\0\1\0\0Reverse\0\2\0\0\0", 2, segs );
	xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	xx->handlaid = TRUE;

	return trk;

static coOrd MapPathPos(
		struct extraData * xx,
		signed char segInx,
		EPINX_T ep )
	trkSeg_p segPtr;
	coOrd pos;

	if ( segInx < 0 ) {
		segInx = - segInx;
		ep = 1-ep;

	if (!IsSegTrack(segPtr)) {
		fprintf( stderr, "mapPathPos: bad segInx: %d\n", segInx );
		return zero;
	pos = GetSegEndPt( segPtr, ep, FALSE, NULL );
	REORIGIN1( pos, xx->angle, xx->orig );
	return pos;


static void DrawTurnout(
		track_p trk,
		drawCmd_p d,
		wDrawColor color )
	struct extraData *xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	wIndex_t i;
	long widthOptions = 0;
	DIST_T scale2rail;

	widthOptions = DTS_LEFT|DTS_RIGHT;
	scale2rail = (d->options&DC_PRINT)?(twoRailScale*2+1):twoRailScale;
	DrawSegsO( d, trk, xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segs, xx->segCnt, GetTrkGauge(trk), color, widthOptions | DTS_NOCENTER );  // no curve center for turnouts

	for (i=0; i<GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk); i++) {
		DrawEndPt( d, trk, i, color );
	if ( (d->options & DC_SIMPLE) == 0 &&
		 (labelWhen == 2 || (labelWhen == 1 && (d->options&DC_PRINT))) &&
		 labelScale >= d->scale &&
		 ( GetTrkBits( trk ) & TB_HIDEDESC ) == 0 ) {
		DrawCompoundDescription( trk, d, color );
		if (!xx->handlaid)
			LabelLengths( d, trk, color );
	if ( roadbedWidth > GetTrkGauge(trk) &&
		( ((d->options&DC_PRINT) && d->scale <= (twoRailScale*2+1)/2.0) ||
		  (roadbedOnScreen && d->scale <= twoRailScale) ) )
		DrawTurnoutRoadbed( d, color, xx->orig, xx->angle, xx->segs, xx->segCnt );


static BOOL_T ReadTurnout(
		char * line )
	if ( !ReadCompound( line+8, T_TURNOUT ) )
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

static ANGLE_T GetAngleTurnout(
		track_p trk,
		coOrd pos,
		EPINX_T *ep0,
		EPINX_T *ep1 )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	wIndex_t segCnt, segInx;
	ANGLE_T angle;

	if ( ep0 && ep1 )
		*ep0 = *ep1 = PickEndPoint( pos, trk );
	coOrd pos0=pos;
	double dd = 10000.0;
	int found = -1;
	//Cope with tracks not being first
	for (segCnt =0; segCnt<xx->segCnt ; segCnt++ ) {
		if (IsSegTrack(&xx->segs[segCnt])) {
			double d = DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, 1, &xx->segs[segCnt], &pos0, NULL );
			if (d<dd) {
				dd = d;
				found = segCnt;
		pos0 = pos;
	if (found>=0) {
		pos.x -= xx->orig.x;
		pos.y -= xx->orig.y;
		Rotate( &pos, zero, -xx->angle );
		angle = GetAngleSegs( 1, &xx->segs[found], &pos, &segInx, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		return NormalizeAngle( angle+xx->angle );
	} else return 0.0;

static BOOL_T SplitTurnoutCheckPath(
		wIndex_t segInxEnd,
		PATHPTR_T pp1,
		int dir1,
		PATHPTR_T pp2,
		int dir2,
		trkSeg_p segs,
		coOrd epPos )
	wIndex_t segInx1, segInx2;
	coOrd pos;
	DIST_T dist;

	GetSegInxEP( pp2[0], &segInx2, &segEP );
	if ( dir2 < 0 ) segEP = 1-segEP;
	pos = GetSegEndPt( &segs[segInx2], segEP, FALSE, NULL );
	dist = FindDistance( pos, epPos );
	if ( dist>connectDistance )
		return TRUE;
	while ( pp2[0] ) {
		GetSegInxEP( pp1[0], &segInx1, &segEP );
		GetSegInxEP( pp2[0], &segInx2, &segEP );
		if ( segInx1 != segInx2 )
		if ( segInxEnd == segInx2 )
			return TRUE;
		pp1 += dir1;
		pp2 += dir2;
	return FALSE;

static BOOL_T SplitTurnoutCheckEP(
		wIndex_t segInx0,
		coOrd epPos,
		PATHPTR_T pp1,
		int dir1,
		trkSeg_p segs )
	while ( pp[0] ) {
		pp += strlen((char *)pp)+1;
		while ( pp[0] ) {
			if (!SplitTurnoutCheckPath( segInx0, pp1, dir1, pp, 1, segs, epPos ))
				return FALSE;
			while ( pp[0] )
			if (!SplitTurnoutCheckPath( segInx0, pp1, dir1, pp-1, -1, segs, epPos ))
				return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

EXPORT EPINX_T TurnoutPickEndPt(
		coOrd epPos,
		track_p trk )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	wIndex_t segCnt, segInx, segInx0;
	PATHPTR_T cp, cq, pps[2];
	coOrd pos;
	DIST_T dist, dists[2];
	int dir;
	EPINX_T ep, epCnt, eps[2];
	BOOL_T unique_eps[2];

	for ( segCnt=0; segCnt<xx->segCnt && IsSegTrack(&xx->segs[segCnt]); segCnt++ );
	DistanceSegs( xx->orig, xx->angle, segCnt, xx->segs, &epPos, &segInx0 );
	Rotate( &epPos, xx->orig, xx->angle );
	epPos.x -= xx->orig.x;
	epPos.y -= xx->orig.y;
	epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk);
	cp = xx->paths;
	eps[0] = eps[1] = -1;
	unique_eps[0] = unique_eps[1] = TRUE;
	while ( cp[0] ) {
		cp += strlen((char *)cp)+1;
		while ( cp[0] ) {
			while ( cp[0] ) {
				GetSegInxEP( cp[0], &segInx, &segEP );
				if ( segInx == segInx0 ) {
					for ( dir=0; dir<2; dir++ ) {
						for ( cq=cp; cq[dir?-1:1]; cq += (dir?-1:1) );
						GetSegInxEP( cq[0], &segInx, &segEP );
						if ( dir==0 ) segEP = 1-segEP;
						pos = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[segInx], segEP, FALSE, NULL );
						dist = FindDistance( pos, epPos );
						if ( eps[dir] < 0 || dist < dists[dir] ) {
							dists[dir] = dist;
							pos.x += xx->orig.x;
							pos.y += xx->orig.y;
							Rotate( &pos, xx->orig, xx->angle );
							for ( ep=0; ep<epCnt; ep++ ) {
								if ( FindDistance( pos, GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep) ) < connectDistance )
							if ( ep<epCnt ) {
								if ( eps[dir] >= 0 && eps[dir] != ep )
									unique_eps[dir] = FALSE;
								eps[dir] = ep;
								dists[dir] = dist;
								pps[dir] = cq;

	for ( dir=0; dir<2; dir++ ) {
		if ( unique_eps[dir] && eps[dir] >= 0 ) {
			GetSegInxEP( pps[dir][0], &segInx, &segEP );
			if ( dir == 0 ) segEP = 1-segEP;
			epPos = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[segInx], segEP, FALSE, NULL );
			if ( ! SplitTurnoutCheckEP( segInx0, epPos, pps[dir], dir?1:-1, xx->paths, xx->segs ) )
				unique_eps[dir] = FALSE; 

	if ( unique_eps[0] == unique_eps[1] ) {
		if ( eps[0] >= 0 && eps[1] >= 0 )
			return ( dists[0] < dists[1] ) ? eps[0] : eps[1] ;
	if ( unique_eps[0] && eps[0] >= 0 )
		return eps[0];
	if ( unique_eps[1] && eps[1] >= 0 )
		return eps[1];
	if ( eps[0] >= 0 && eps[1] >= 0 )
		return ( dists[0] < dists[1] ) ? eps[0] : eps[1] ;
	return eps[0] >= 0 ? eps[0] : eps[1] ;

static PATHPTR_T splitTurnoutPath;
static PATHPTR_T splitTurnoutRoot;
static int splitTurnoutDir;

static void SplitTurnoutCheckEndPt(
		PATHPTR_T path,
		int dir,
		trkSeg_p segs,
		coOrd epPos,
		coOrd splitPos )
	PATHPTR_T path0;
	wIndex_t segInx;
	coOrd pos;
	DIST_T dist, minDist;

	path0 = path;
	GetSegInxEP( path[0], &segInx, &segEP );
	if ( dir < 0 ) segEP = 1-segEP;
	pos = GetSegEndPt( &segs[segInx], segEP, FALSE, NULL );
	dist = FindDistance( pos, epPos );
	LOG( log_splitturnout, 1, ( "  SPTChkEp P%d DIR:%d SegInx:%d SegEP:%d POS[%0.3f %0.3f] DIST:%0.3f\n", *path, dir, segInx, segEP, pos.x, pos.y, dist ) );
	if ( dist>connectDistance )
	minDist = trackGauge;
	while ( path[0] ) {
		GetSegInxEP( path[0], &segInx, &segEP );
		if ( dir < 0 ) segEP = 1-segEP;
		pos = splitPos;
		dist = DistanceSegs( zero, 0.0, 1, &segs[segInx], &pos, NULL );
		LOG( log_splitturnout, 1, ( "  - P:%d SegInx:%d SegEP:%d DIST:%0.3f\n", path[0], segInx, segEP, dist ) );
		if ( dist < minDist ) {
			minDist = dist;
			splitTurnoutPath = path;
			splitTurnoutDir = -dir;
			splitTurnoutRoot = path0;
		path += dir;

EXPORT BOOL_T SplitTurnoutCheck(
			track_p trk,
			coOrd pos,
			EPINX_T ep,
			track_p *leftover,
			EPINX_T * ep0,
			EPINX_T * ep1,
			BOOL_T check,
			coOrd * outPos,
			ANGLE_T * outAngle )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData( trk );
	wIndex_t segInx0, segInx, segCnt;
	EPINX_T segEP, epCnt, ep2=0, epN;
	PATHPTR_T pp, pp1, pp2;
	unsigned char c;
	char * cp;
	int negCnt, posCnt, pathCnt, dir;
	segProcData_t segProcDataSplit;
	segProcData_t segProcDataNewTrack;
	track_p trk2=NULL;
	static dynArr_t segIndexMap_da;
#define segIndexMap(N) DYNARR_N( int, segIndexMap_da, N )
	static dynArr_t newPath_da;
#define newPath(N) DYNARR_N( char, newPath_da, N )
	coOrd orig, size, epPos;
	ANGLE_T epAngle;
	PATHPTR_T path;
	int s0, s1;
	trkSeg_t newSeg;

	if ( (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_SHIFT) == 0 ) {
		if (!check)
			ErrorMessage( MSG_CANT_SPLIT_TRK, _("Turnout") );
		return FALSE;

	 * 1. Find segment on path that ends at 'ep'
	epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk);
	epPos = GetTrkEndPos( trk, ep );
	for ( segCnt=0; segCnt<xx->segCnt && IsSegTrack(&xx->segs[segCnt]); segCnt++ );
	Rotate( &pos, xx->orig, -xx->angle );
	pos.x -= xx->orig.x;
	pos.y -= xx->orig.y;
	Rotate( &epPos, xx->orig, -xx->angle );
	epPos.x -= xx->orig.x;
	epPos.y -= xx->orig.y;
	splitTurnoutPath = NULL;
	pp = xx->paths;
	LOG( log_splitturnout, 1, ( "SplitTurnoutCheck T%d POS[%0.3f %0.3f] EP:%d CHK:%d EPPOS[%0.3f %0.3f]\n", trk?trk->index:0, pos.x, pos.y, ep, check, epPos.x, epPos.y ) );
	while ( pp[0] ) {
		pp += strlen((char *)pp)+1;
		while ( pp[0] ) {
			SplitTurnoutCheckEndPt( pp, 1, xx->segs, epPos, pos );
			if ( splitTurnoutPath != NULL )
				goto foundSeg;
			while ( pp[0] )
			SplitTurnoutCheckEndPt( pp-1, -1, xx->segs, epPos, pos );
			if ( splitTurnoutPath != NULL )
				goto foundSeg;
	if (!check)
		ErrorMessage( _("splitTurnout: can't find segment") );
	return FALSE;

	 * 2a. Check that all other paths thru found segment are the same
	GetSegInxEP( splitTurnoutPath[0], &segInx0, &segEP );
	LOG( log_splitturnout, 1, (" Found Seg: %d SEG:%d EP:%d\n", *splitTurnoutPath, segInx0, segEP ) );
	pp = xx->paths;
	pathCnt = 0;
	while ( pp[0] ) {
		pp += strlen((char *)pp)+1;
		while ( pp[0] ) {
			while ( pp[0] ) {
				GetSegInxEP( pp[0], &segInx, &segEP );
				if ( segInx == segInx0 ) {
					pp1 = splitTurnoutPath;
					pp2 = pp;
					dir = (pp2[0]>0?1:-1) * splitTurnoutDir;
					while ( pp1[0] && pp2[0] ) {
						if ( splitTurnoutDir * pp1[0] != dir * pp2[0] )
						pp1 += splitTurnoutDir;
						pp2 += dir;
					if ( pp1[0]!='\0' || pp2[0]!='\0' ) {
						if (!check)
							ErrorMessage( MSG_SPLIT_POS_BTW_MERGEPTS );
						return FALSE;

	 * 2b. Check that all paths from ep pass thru segInx0
	if ( !SplitTurnoutCheckEP( segInx0, epPos, splitTurnoutRoot, -splitTurnoutDir, xx->paths, xx->segs ) ) {
		if (!check)
		return FALSE;

	if (check) {
		segProcDataSplit.getAngle.pos = pos;
		SegProc( SEGPROC_GETANGLE, xx->segs+segInx0, &segProcDataSplit );
		*outAngle = NormalizeAngle(segProcDataSplit.getAngle.angle+xx->angle);
		*outPos = segProcDataSplit.getAngle.pos;
		(*outPos).x += xx->orig.x;
		(*outPos).y += xx->orig.y;
		Rotate( outPos, xx->orig, xx->angle );
		return TRUE;

	 * 3. Split the found segment.
	segProcDataSplit.split.pos = pos;
	s0 = (splitTurnoutPath[0] > 0) != (splitTurnoutDir > 0);
	s1 = 1-s0;
	SegProc( SEGPROC_SPLIT, xx->segs+segInx0, &segProcDataSplit );
	if ( segProcDataSplit.split.length[s1] <= minLength ) {
		if ( splitTurnoutPath[splitTurnoutDir] == '\0' )
			return FALSE;
		segProcDataSplit.split.length[s0] += segProcDataSplit.split.length[s1];
		segProcDataSplit.split.length[s1] = 0;
		segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s0] = xx->segs[segInx0];
		epPos = GetSegEndPt( &segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s0], s1, FALSE, &epAngle );
	} else if ( segProcDataSplit.split.length[s0] <= minLength ) {
		segProcDataSplit.split.length[s1] += segProcDataSplit.split.length[s0];
		segProcDataSplit.split.length[s0] = 0;
		segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s1] = xx->segs[segInx0];
		epPos = GetSegEndPt( &segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s1], s0, FALSE, &epAngle );
		epAngle += 180.0;
	} else {
		epPos = GetSegEndPt( &segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s1], s0, FALSE, &epAngle );
		epAngle += 180.0;

	 * 4. Map the old segments to new
	DYNARR_SET( int, segIndexMap_da, xx->segCnt );
	for ( segInx=0; segInx<xx->segCnt; segInx++ )
		segIndexMap(segInx) = segInx+1;
	pp = splitTurnoutPath;
	if ( segProcDataSplit.split.length[s0] > minLength )
		pp += splitTurnoutDir;
	negCnt = 0;
	while ( *pp ) {
		GetSegInxEP( *pp, &segInx, &segEP );
		segIndexMap(segInx) = - segIndexMap(segInx);
		pp += splitTurnoutDir;
	for ( segInx=posCnt=0; segInx<xx->segCnt; segInx++ ) {
		if ( segIndexMap(segInx) > 0 )
			segIndexMap(segInx) = ++posCnt;
	DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, posCnt );
	for ( segInx=posCnt=0; segInx<xx->segCnt; segInx++ ) {
		if ( segIndexMap(segInx) > 0 ) {
			if ( segInx == segInx0 ) {
				tempSegs(segIndexMap(segInx)-1) = segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s0];
			} else {
				tempSegs(segIndexMap(segInx)-1) = xx->segs[segInx];

	 * 5. Remap paths by removing trailing segments
	DYNARR_SET( char, newPath_da, xx->pathLen );
	pp = xx->paths;
	pp1 = (PATHPTR_T)&newPath(0);
	while ( *pp ) {
		strcpy( (char *)pp1, (char *)pp );
		pp += strlen( (char *)pp )+1;
		pp1 += strlen( (char *)pp1 )+1;
		while ( *pp ) {
			while ( *pp ) {
				GetSegInxEP( *pp, &segInx, &segEP );
				if ( segIndexMap(segInx) > 0 ) {
					c = segIndexMap(segInx);
					if ( *pp<0 )
						c = -c;
					*pp1++ = c;
			*pp1++ = '\0';
		*pp1++ = '\0';
	*pp1++ = '\0';

	 * 6. Reorigin segments
	GetSegBounds( zero, 0, tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0), &orig, &size );
	orig.x = -orig.x;
	orig.y = -orig.y;
	MoveSegs( tempSegs_da.cnt, &tempSegs(0), orig );
	epPos.x += orig.x;
	epPos.y += orig.y;
	cp = strchr( xx->title, '\t' );
	if ( cp ) {
		if ( strncmp( cp+1, "Split ", 6 ) != 0 ) {
			memcpy( message, xx->title, cp-xx->title+1 );
			strcpy( message+(cp-xx->title+1), "Split " );
			strcat( message, cp+1 );
		} else {
			strcpy( message, xx->title );
	} else {
		sprintf( message, "Split %s", xx->title );

	 * 7. Convert trailing segments to new tracks
	int trks = 0;
	path = splitTurnoutPath;
	if ( segProcDataSplit.split.length[s1] < minLength )
		path += splitTurnoutDir;
	while ( path[0] ) {
		GetSegInxEP( path[0], &segInx, &segEP );
		s0 = (path[0] > 0) != (splitTurnoutDir > 0);
		if ( segInx0 != segInx ) {
			newSeg = xx->segs[segInx];
		} else {
			newSeg = segProcDataSplit.split.newSeg[s1];
		MoveSegs( 1, &newSeg, xx->orig );
		RotateSegs( 1, &newSeg, xx->orig, xx->angle );
		SegProc( SEGPROC_NEWTRACK, &newSeg, &segProcDataNewTrack );
		if ( *leftover == NULL ) {
			*ep0 = segProcDataNewTrack.newTrack.ep[s0];
			*leftover = trk2 = segProcDataNewTrack.newTrack.trk;
			ep2 = 1-*ep0;
		} else {
			epN = segProcDataNewTrack.newTrack.ep[s0];
			ConnectTracks( trk2, ep2, segProcDataNewTrack.newTrack.trk, epN );
			trk2 = segProcDataNewTrack.newTrack.trk;
			ep2 = 1-epN;
		path += splitTurnoutDir;

	 * 8. Replace segments, paths, and endPt in original turnout
	xx->split = TRUE;
	Rotate( &orig, zero, xx->angle );
	xx->orig.x -= orig.x;
	xx->orig.y -= orig.y;
	xx->segCnt = tempSegs_da.cnt;
	xx->segs = (trkSeg_p)memdup( &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt * sizeof tempSegs(0) );
	CloneFilledDraw( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, TRUE );
	xx->pathLen = pp1-(PATHPTR_T)&newPath(0);
	xx->pathCurr = xx->paths = memdup( &newPath(0), xx->pathLen );
	epAngle = NormalizeAngle( xx->angle+epAngle );
	epPos.x += xx->orig.x;
	epPos.y += xx->orig.y;
	Rotate( &epPos, xx->orig, xx->angle );
	SetTrkEndPoint( trk, ep, epPos, epAngle );
	ComputeCompoundBoundingBox( trk );

	return TRUE;

static BOOL_T SplitTurnout(
		track_p trk,
		coOrd pos,
		EPINX_T ep,
		track_p *leftover,
		EPINX_T * ep0,
		EPINX_T * ep1 )
	return SplitTurnoutCheck(trk,pos,ep,leftover,ep0,ep1,FALSE,NULL,NULL);

static BOOL_T CheckTraverseTurnout(
		track_p trk,
		coOrd pos )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	coOrd pos1;
#ifdef LATER
	int inx, foundInx = 0;
	DIST_T d, foundD;
	DIST_T d;
	PATHPTR_T pathCurr;
	int segInx;

LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "CheckTraverseTurnout( T%d, [%0.3f %0.3f])\n", GetTrkIndex(trk), pos.x, pos.y ) )
	Rotate( &pos, xx->orig, -xx->angle );
	pos.x -= xx->orig.x;
	pos.y -= xx->orig.y;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "After rotation = [%0.3f %0.3f])\n", pos.x, pos.y ) )
#ifdef LATER
	for ( inx=0; inx<xx->segCnt; inx++ ) {
		switch ( xx->segs[inx].type ) {
		case SEG_STRTRK:
		case SEG_CRVTRK:
			pos1 = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[inx], 0, FALSE, NULL );
			d = FindDistance( pos, pos1 );
			if ( foundInx == 0 || d < foundD ) {
				foundInx = inx+1;
				foundD = d;
			pos1 = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[inx], 1, FALSE, NULL );
			d = FindDistance( pos, pos1 );
			if ( foundInx == 0 || d < foundD ) {
				foundInx = -(inx+1);
				foundD = d;
	if ( foundInx == 0 )
		return FALSE;
	for ( pathCurr = xx->pathCurr+strlen((char*)xx->pathCurr)+1; pathCurr[0] || pathCurr[1]; pathCurr++ ) {
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "P[%d] = %d ", pathCurr-xx->paths, pathCurr[0] ) )
		if ( pathCurr[-1] == 0 ) {
			GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
			pos1 = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[segInx], segEP, FALSE, NULL );
			d = FindDistance( pos, pos1 );
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "d=%0.3f\n", d ) )
			if ( d < connectDistance )
				return TRUE;
		if ( pathCurr[1] == 0 ) {
			GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
			pos1 = GetSegEndPt( &xx->segs[segInx], 1-segEP, FALSE, NULL );
			d = FindDistance( pos, pos1 );
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "d=%0.3f\n", d ) )
			if ( d < connectDistance )
				return TRUE;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( " not found\n" ) )
	return FALSE;

static BOOL_T TraverseTurnout(
		traverseTrack_p trvTrk,
		DIST_T * distR )
	track_p trk = trvTrk->trk;
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	coOrd pos0, pos1, pos2;
	DIST_T d, dist;
	PATHPTR_T path, pathCurr;
	trkSeg_p segPtr;
	EPINX_T ep, epCnt, ep2;
	int segInx;
	segProcData_t segProcData;

	d = 10000;
	pos0 = trvTrk->pos;
	Rotate( &pos0, xx->orig, -xx->angle );
	pos0.x -= xx->orig.x;
	pos0.y -= xx->orig.y;
	dist = *distR;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "TraverseTurnout( T%d, [%0.3f %0.3f] [%0.3f %0.3f], A%0.3f, D%0.3f\n", GetTrkIndex(trk), trvTrk->pos.x, trvTrk->pos.y, pos0.x, pos0.y, trvTrk->angle, *distR ) )
	pathCurr = 0;
	for ( path = xx->pathCurr+strlen((char*)xx->pathCurr)+1; path[0] || path[1]; path++ ) {
		if ( path[0] == 0 )
		GetSegInxEP( path[0], &segInx, &segEP );
		segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
		segProcData.distance.pos1 = pos0;
		SegProc( SEGPROC_DISTANCE, segPtr, &segProcData );
		if ( segProcData.distance.dd < d ) {
			d = segProcData.distance.dd;
			pos2 = segProcData.distance.pos1;
			pathCurr = path;
	if ( d > 10 || pathCurr == 0 ) {
		ErrorMessage( "traverseTurnout: Not near: %0.3f", d );
		return FALSE;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "  PC=%d ", pathCurr[0] ) )
	GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
	segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
	segProcData.traverse1.pos = pos2;
	segProcData.traverse1.angle = -xx->angle+trvTrk->angle;
	SegProc( SEGPROC_TRAVERSE1, segPtr, &segProcData );
	dist += segProcData.traverse1.dist;
	//Get ready for Traverse2 - copy all Traverse1 first
	BOOL_T backwards = segProcData.traverse1.backwards;
	BOOL_T segs_backwards = segProcData.traverse1.segs_backwards;
	BOOL_T neg = segProcData.traverse1.negative;
	int BezSegInx = segProcData.traverse1.BezSegInx;

	// Backwards means universally we going towards EP=0 on this segment.
	// But the overall direction we are going can have two types of reversal,
	// a curve that is flipped is negative (the end points are reversed) which Traverse1 handles,
	// and a path can also be reversed (negative path number) and will have segEP = 1
	BOOL_T turnout_backwards = backwards;
	if (segEP) turnout_backwards = !turnout_backwards; //direction modified if path reversed

LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 2, ( " SI%d TB%d SP%d B%d SB%d N%d BSI%d D%0.3f\n", segInx, turnout_backwards, segEP, backwards, segs_backwards, neg, BezSegInx, dist ) )
	while ( *pathCurr ) {
		//Set up Traverse2
		GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
		segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
		segProcData.traverse2.segDir = backwards;
		segProcData.traverse2.dist = dist;
		segProcData.traverse2.BezSegInx = BezSegInx;
		segProcData.traverse2.segs_backwards = segs_backwards;
		SegProc( SEGPROC_TRAVERSE2, segPtr, &segProcData );
		if ( segProcData.traverse2.dist <= 0 ) {
			*distR = 0;
			REORIGIN( trvTrk->pos, segProcData.traverse2.pos, xx->angle, xx->orig );
			trvTrk->angle = NormalizeAngle( xx->angle+segProcData.traverse2.angle );
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 2, ( "  -> [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f D%0.3f\n", trvTrk->pos.x, trvTrk->pos.y, trvTrk->angle, *distR ))
			return TRUE;
		dist = segProcData.traverse2.dist;			//Remainder after segment
		pathCurr += (turnout_backwards?-1:1);		//Use master direction for turnout
		//Redrive Traverse 1 for each segment for Bezier - to pick up backwards elements
		if (pathCurr[0] == '\0') continue;          //
		//Set up Traverse1 - copy all of Traverse2 values first
		GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
		segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
		ANGLE_T angle = segProcData.traverse2.angle;
		coOrd pos = segProcData.traverse2.pos;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( " Loop2-1 SI%d SP%d [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f D%0.3f\n", segInx, segEP, pos.x, pos.y, angle, dist ) )
		segProcData.traverse1.pos = pos;
		segProcData.traverse1.angle = angle;
		SegProc( SEGPROC_TRAVERSE1, segPtr, &segProcData );
		// dist += segProcData.traverse1.dist;	               //Add distance from end to pos (could be zero or whole length if backwards)
		backwards = segProcData.traverse1.backwards;
		segs_backwards = segProcData.traverse1.segs_backwards;
		neg = segProcData.traverse1.negative;
		BezSegInx = segProcData.traverse1.BezSegInx;
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( " Loop1-2 B%d SB%d N%d BSI%d D%0.3f\n", backwards, segs_backwards, neg, BezSegInx, dist ) )

	pathCurr += (turnout_backwards?1:-1);
	pos1 = MapPathPos( xx, pathCurr[0], (turnout_backwards?0:1) );
	*distR = dist;
	epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk);
	ep = 0;
	dist = FindDistance( pos1, GetTrkEndPos(trk,0) );
	for ( ep2=1; ep2<epCnt; ep2++ ) {
		d = FindDistance( pos1, GetTrkEndPos(trk,ep2) );
		if ( d < dist ) {
			dist = d;
			ep = ep2;
	if ( dist > connectDistance ) {
		trk = NULL;
		trvTrk->pos = pos1;
	} else {
		trvTrk->pos = GetTrkEndPos( trk, ep );
		trvTrk->angle = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep );
		trk = GetTrkEndTrk( trk, ep );
	dist = FindDistance( trvTrk->pos, pos1 );
LOG( log_traverseTurnout, 1, ( "  -> [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f D%0.3f\n", trvTrk->pos.x, trvTrk->pos.y, trvTrk->angle, *distR ) )
	trvTrk->trk = trk;
	return TRUE;

static STATUS_T ModifyTurnout( track_p trk, wAction_t action, coOrd pos )
	struct extraData *xx;
	static EPINX_T ep;
	static wBool_t curved;
	DIST_T d;

	xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	if ( xx->special == TOadjustable ) {
		switch ( action ) {
		case C_START:
			ep = -1;
			curved = FALSE;
			return C_CONTINUE;
		case C_DOWN:
			ep = PickUnconnectedEndPoint( pos, trk );
			if (ep == -1)
				return C_ERROR;
			UndrawNewTrack( trk );
			tempSegs(0).type = SEG_STRTRK;
			tempSegs(0).width = 0;
			tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = GetTrkEndPos( trk, 1-ep );
			tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
			InfoMessage( _("Drag to change track length") );
			return C_CONTINUE;
		case C_MOVE:
			d = FindDistance( tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0], pos );
			if ( d < xx->u.adjustable.minD )
				d = xx->u.adjustable.minD;
			else if ( d > xx->u.adjustable.maxD )
				d = xx->u.adjustable.maxD;
			Translate( &tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1], tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0], GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep ), d );
			tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
			if (action == C_MOVE)
				InfoMessage( _("Length=%s"), FormatDistance( d ) );
			return C_CONTINUE;
		case C_UP:
			d = FindDistance( tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0],tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] );
			ChangeAdjustableEndPt( trk, ep, d );
			return C_TERMINATE;
			return C_CONTINUE;

	return ExtendTrackFromOrig(trk, action, pos);

static BOOL_T GetParamsTurnout( int inx, track_p trk, coOrd pos, trackParams_t * params )
	struct extraData *xx;
	xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	params->type = curveTypeStraight;
    if (inx == PARAMS_TURNOUT) {
        params->len = 0.0;
        int epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk);
        if (epCnt < 3) {
            double d = 10000.0;
            params->centroid = zero;
            //calculate path length from endPt (either to end or to other end)
            segProcData_t segProcData;
            trkSeg_p seg;
            int segInx;
            int segEP;
            trkSeg_p segPtr;
            PATHPTR_T path,pathCurr;
            //Find starting seg on path (nearest to end Pt)
            for ( path = xx->pathCurr+strlen((char*)xx->pathCurr)+1; path[0] || path[1]; path++ ) {
                if ( path[0] == 0 )
                GetSegInxEP( path[0], &segInx, &segEP );
                segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
                segProcData.distance.pos1 = pos;
                SegProc( SEGPROC_DISTANCE, segPtr, &segProcData );
                if ( segProcData.distance.dd < d ) {
                    d = segProcData.distance.dd;
                    pathCurr = path;
            GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
            seg = xx->segs+segInx;
            d = 0.0;
            //Loop through segs on path from endPt adding
            while (pathCurr[0]) {
                GetSegInxEP( pathCurr[0], &segInx, &segEP );
                seg = xx->segs+segInx;
                SegProc(SEGPROC_LENGTH, seg, &segProcData );
                d += segProcData.length.length;
                pathCurr += segEP?1:-1;
            params->len = d;
        } else {
            double x, y;
            x = 0; y = 0;
            for (int i=0;i<epCnt; i++) {
                coOrd cpos = GetTrkEndPos(trk,i);
                x += cpos.x;
                y += cpos.y;
            params->centroid.x = x/epCnt;
            params->centroid.y = y/epCnt;
            params->len = FindDistance(params->centroid,pos)*2;  //Times two because it will be halved by track.c
        return TRUE;
	if ((inx == PARAMS_CORNU)  || (inx == PARAMS_EXTEND)) {
		params->type = curveTypeStraight;
		params->arcR = 0.0;
		params->arcP = zero;
	    params->ep = PickEndPoint(pos, trk);
		params->circleOrHelix = FALSE;
		if (params->ep>=0) {
			params->angle = GetTrkEndAngle(trk,params->ep);
			params->track_angle = params->angle + params->ep?0:180;
		} else {
			params->angle = params-> track_angle = 0;
			return FALSE;
		/* Use end radii if we have them */
		//if (xx->special == TOcurved) {
		//	params->type = curveTypeCurve;
		//	params->arcR = fabs(DYNARR_N(DIST_T,xx->u.curved.radii,params->ep));
		//	if (params->arcR != 0.0)
		//		Translate(&params->arcP,pos,params->track_angle-90.0,params->arcR);
		//	else
		//		params->type = curveTypeStraight;
		//	return TRUE;
		/* Find the path we are closest to */
		PATHPTR_T pathCurr = 0;
		int segInx, subSegInx;
		trkSeg_p segPtr;
		double d = 10000;
		struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
		/* Get parms from that seg */
		wBool_t back,negative;
		coOrd segPos = pos;
		segPos.x -= xx->orig.x;
		segPos.y -= xx->orig.y;

		params->track_angle = GetAngleSegs(		  		//Find correct subSegment
							&segPos, &segInx, &d , &back, &subSegInx, &negative );
		if (segInx ==- 1) return FALSE;
		segPtr = xx->segs+segInx;
		switch (segPtr->type) {
			case SEG_BEZTRK:
				if ( negative != back ) params->track_angle = NormalizeAngle(params->track_angle+180);  //Bezier is in reverse
				segPtr = xx->segs + segInx;
				trkSeg_p subSegPtr = (trkSeg_p)segPtr->bezSegs.ptr+subSegInx;
				if (subSegPtr->type == SEG_CRVTRK) {
					params->type = curveTypeCurve;
					params->arcR = fabs(subSegPtr->u.c.radius);
					params->arcP = subSegPtr->u.c.center;
					params->arcP.x += xx->orig.x;
					params->arcP.y += xx->orig.y;
					params->arcA0 = subSegPtr->u.c.a0;
					params->arcA1 = subSegPtr->u.c.a1;
				return TRUE;
			case SEG_CRVTRK:
				params->type = curveTypeCurve;
				params->arcR = fabs(segPtr->u.c.radius);
				params->arcP = segPtr->u.c.center;
				params->arcP.x += xx->orig.x;
				params->arcP.y += xx->orig.y;
				params->arcA0 = segPtr->u.c.a0;
				params->arcA1 = segPtr->u.c.a1;
				return TRUE;
        params->arcR = 0.0;
		params->arcP = zero;
		params->ep = PickEndPoint(pos,trk);   //Nearest
		if (params->ep>=0) {
			params->angle = GetTrkEndAngle(trk,params->ep);
		    params->track_angle = params->angle + params->ep?0:180;
		} else {
			params->angle = params-> track_angle = 0;
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
	if ((inx == PARAMS_1ST_JOIN) || (inx == PARAMS_2ND_JOIN))
		params->ep = PickEndPoint(pos, trk);
		params->ep = PickUnconnectedEndPointSilent( pos, trk );
	if (params->ep == -1)
				 return FALSE;
	params->lineOrig = GetTrkEndPos(trk,params->ep);
	params->lineEnd = params->lineOrig;
	params->len = 0.0;
	params->angle = GetTrkEndAngle(trk,params->ep);
	params->arcR = 0.0;
	return TRUE;

static BOOL_T MoveEndPtTurnout( track_p *trk, EPINX_T *ep, coOrd pos, DIST_T d0 )
	ANGLE_T angle0;
	DIST_T d;
	track_p trk1;

	angle0 = GetTrkEndAngle(*trk,*ep);
	d = FindDistance( GetTrkEndPos(*trk,*ep), pos);
	if (d0 > 0.0) {
		d -= d0;
		if (d < 0.0) {
			return FALSE;
		Translate( &pos, pos, angle0+180, d0 );
	if (d > minLength) {
		trk1 = NewStraightTrack( GetTrkEndPos(*trk,*ep), pos );
		CopyAttributes( *trk, trk1 );
		ConnectTracks( *trk, *ep, trk1, 0 );
		*trk = trk1;
		*ep = 1;
		DrawNewTrack( *trk );
	return TRUE;

static BOOL_T QueryTurnout( track_p trk, int query )
	switch ( query ) {
	case Q_CAN_GROUP:
	case Q_ISTRACK:
	case Q_HAS_DESC:
		return TRUE;
		return TRUE;
		return TRUE;
		if( GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk ) == 2 && fabs( GetTrkEndAngle( trk, 0 ) - GetTrkEndAngle( trk, 1 )) == 180.0 )
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
		return ( GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) > 2 );
		return FALSE;
		return FALSE;

EXPORT int doDrawTurnoutPosition = 1;
static wIndex_t drawTurnoutPositionWidth=3;
static void DrawTurnoutPositionIndicator(
		track_p trk,
		wDrawColor color )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	PATHPTR_T path = xx->pathCurr;
	coOrd pos0, pos1;

	if ( xx->pathCurr == xx->paths ) {
		for ( path=xx->pathCurr+strlen((char *)xx->pathCurr); path[0] || path[1]; path++ );
		if ( path[2] == 0 )
	for ( path=xx->pathCurr+strlen((char *)xx->pathCurr); path[0] || path[1]; path++ ) {
		if ( path[0] == 0 ) {
			pos0 = MapPathPos( xx, path[1], 0 );
		} else if ( path[1] == 0 ) {
			pos1 = MapPathPos( xx, path[0], 1 );
			DrawLine( &tempD, pos0, pos1, drawTurnoutPositionWidth, color );

EXPORT void AdvanceTurnoutPositionIndicator(
		track_p trk,
		coOrd pos,
		coOrd *posR,
		ANGLE_T *angleR )
	struct extraData * xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk);
	PATHPTR_T path;
	traverseTrack_t trvtrk;
	DIST_T dist;

	if ( GetTrkType(trk) != T_TURNOUT )
		AbortProg( "nextTurnoutPosition" );

	path = xx->pathCurr;
	path += strlen((char *)path)+1;
	while ( path[0] || path[1] )
	path += 2;
	if ( *path == 0 )
		path = xx->paths;
	xx->pathCurr = path;
	if ( angleR == NULL || posR == NULL )
	trvtrk.trk = trk;
	trvtrk.length = 0;
	trvtrk.dist = 0;
	trvtrk.pos = *posR;
	trvtrk.angle = *angleR;
	dist = 0;
	if ( !TraverseTurnout( &trvtrk, &dist ) )
	if ( NormalizeAngle( trvtrk.angle-*angleR+90.0 ) > 180 )
		trvtrk.angle = NormalizeAngle( trvtrk.angle+180.0 );
	*posR = trvtrk.pos;
	*angleR = trvtrk.angle;

 * Create a parallel track for a turnout.
 * \param trk IN existing track
 * \param pos IN ??
 * \param sep IN distance between existing and new track
 * \param newTrk OUT new track piece
 * \param p0R OUT starting point of new piece
 * \param p1R OUT ending point of new piece
 * \return    always TRUE

static BOOL_T MakeParallelTurnout(
		track_p trk,
		coOrd pos,
		DIST_T sep,
		DIST_T factor,
		track_p * newTrk,
		coOrd * p0R,
		coOrd * p1R,
		BOOL_T track)
	ANGLE_T angle = GetTrkEndAngle(trk,1);
	struct extraData *xx, *yy;
	coOrd *endPts;
	trkEndPt_p endPt;
	int i;
	int option;
	DIST_T d;

	if ( NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( GetTrkEndPos(trk,0), pos ) - GetTrkEndAngle(trk,1) ) < 180.0 )
		angle += 90;
		angle -= 90; 

	 * get all endpoints of current piece and translate them for the new piece
	endPts = MyMalloc( GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk ) * sizeof( coOrd ));
	for( i = 0; i < GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk ); i++) {
		Translate( &(endPts[ i ]), GetTrkEndPos( trk, i ), angle, sep );

	 * get information about the current piece and copy data 

	if( newTrk ) {
		if (track) {
			endPt = MyMalloc( GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk ) * sizeof( trkEndPt_t ));
			endPt[ 0 ].pos = endPts[ 0 ];
			endPt[ 0 ].angle = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, 0 );
			endPt[ 1 ].pos = endPts[ 1 ];
			endPt[ 1 ].angle = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, 1 );

			yy = GetTrkExtraData(trk);

			DIST_T * radii = NULL;
			if (yy->special == TOcurved) {
				radii = MyMalloc(GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) * sizeof(DIST_T));
				for (int i=0;i<GetTrkEndPtCnt( trk );i++) {
					radii[i] = DYNARR_N(DIST_T,yy->u.curved.radii,i);

			*newTrk = NewCompound( T_TURNOUT, 0, endPt[ 0 ].pos, endPt[ 0 ].angle + 90.0, yy->title, 2, endPt, radii, yy->pathLen, (char *)yy->paths, yy->segCnt, yy->segs );
			xx = GetTrkExtraData(*newTrk);
			xx->customInfo = yy->customInfo;

			/*	if (connection((int)curTurnoutEp).trk) {
				CopyAttributes( connection((int)curTurnoutEp).trk, newTrk );
				SetTrkScale( newTrk, curScaleInx );
			} */
			xx->special = yy->special;

			xx->u = yy->u;

			SetDescriptionOrig( *newTrk );
			xx->descriptionOff = zero;
			xx->descriptionSize = zero;

			SetTrkElev(*newTrk, GetTrkElevMode(trk), GetTrkElev(trk));
			GetTrkEndElev( trk, 0, &option, &d );
			SetTrkEndElev( *newTrk, 0, option, d, NULL );
			GetTrkEndElev( trk, 1, &option, &d );
			SetTrkEndElev( *newTrk, 1, option, d, NULL );

			MyFree( endPt );
		} else {
			tempSegs(0).color = wDrawColorBlack;
			tempSegs(0).width = 0;
			tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
			tempSegs(0).type = track?SEG_STRTRK:SEG_STRLIN;
			tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = endPts[ 0 ];
			tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = endPts[ 1 ];
			*newTrk = MakeDrawFromSeg( zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0) );
	} else { 
		/* draw some temporary track while command is in process */
		tempSegs(0).color = wDrawColorBlack;
		tempSegs(0).width = 0;
		tempSegs_da.cnt = 1;
		tempSegs(0).type = track?SEG_STRTRK:SEG_STRLIN;
		tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = endPts[ 0 ];
		tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = endPts[ 1 ];

	if ( p0R ) *p0R = endPts[ 0 ];
	if ( p1R ) *p1R = endPts[ 1 ];

	MyFree( endPts );
	return TRUE;

static wBool_t CompareTurnout( track_cp trk1, track_cp trk2 )
	struct extraData *xx1 = GetTrkExtraData( trk1 );
	struct extraData *xx2 = GetTrkExtraData( trk2 );
	char * cp = message + strlen(message);
	REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "Orig", xx1, xx2, orig )
	REGRESS_CHECK_ANGLE( "Angle", xx1, xx2, angle )
	REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Handlaid", xx1, xx2, handlaid )
	REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Flipped", xx1, xx2, flipped )
	REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Ungrouped", xx1, xx2, ungrouped )
	REGRESS_CHECK_INT( "Split", xx1, xx2, split )
	/* desc orig is not stable
	REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescOrig", xx1, xx2, descriptionOrig ) */
	REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescOff", xx1, xx2, descriptionOff )
	REGRESS_CHECK_POS( "DescSize", xx1, xx2, descriptionSize )
	return CompareSegs( xx1->segs, xx1->segCnt, xx1->segs, xx1->segCnt );

static trackCmd_t turnoutCmds = {
		NULL, /*redraw*/
		NULL, /*trim*/
		NULL, /*merge*/
		NULL, /* getLength */
		CompareTurnout };

 *   Turnout Dialog

static coOrd maxTurnoutDim;

static void AddTurnout( void );

static wWin_p turnoutW;

static void RescaleTurnout( void )
	DIST_T xscale, yscale;
	wPos_t ww, hh;
	DIST_T w, h;
	wDrawGetSize( turnoutD.d, &ww, &hh );
	w = ww/turnoutD.dpi;
	h = hh/turnoutD.dpi;
	xscale = maxTurnoutDim.x/w;
	yscale = maxTurnoutDim.y/h;
	turnoutD.scale = max(xscale,yscale);
	if (turnoutD.scale == 0.0)
		turnoutD.scale = 1.0;
	turnoutD.size.x = w*turnoutD.scale;
	turnoutD.size.y = h*turnoutD.scale;

static void TurnoutChange( long changes )
	static char * lastScaleName = NULL;
	if (turnoutW == NULL)
	wListSetIndex( turnoutListL, 0 );
	if ( (!wWinIsVisible(turnoutW)) ||
	   ( ((changes&CHANGE_SCALE) == 0 || lastScaleName == curScaleName) &&
		  (changes&CHANGE_PARAMS) == 0 ) )
	lastScaleName = curScaleName;
	//curTurnout = NULL;
	curTurnoutEp = 0;
	wControlShow( (wControl_p)turnoutListL, FALSE );
	wListClear( turnoutListL );
	maxTurnoutDim.x = maxTurnoutDim.y = 0.0;
	if (turnoutInfo_da.cnt <= 0)
	curTurnout = TurnoutAdd( LABEL_TABBED|LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_PARTNO|LABEL_DESCR, GetLayoutCurScale(), turnoutListL, &maxTurnoutDim, -1 );
	wListSetIndex( turnoutListL, turnoutInx );
	wControlShow( (wControl_p)turnoutListL, TRUE );
	if (curTurnout == NULL) {
		wDrawClear( turnoutD.d );
	turnoutD.orig.x = -trackGauge;
	turnoutD.orig.y = -trackGauge;
	maxTurnoutDim.x += 2*trackGauge;
	maxTurnoutDim.y += 2*trackGauge;

static void RedrawTurnout()
LOG( log_turnout, 2, ( "SelTurnout(%s)\n", (curTurnout?curTurnout->title:"<NULL>") ) )

	wDrawClear( turnoutD.d );
	if (curTurnout == NULL) {
	turnoutD.orig.x = curTurnout->orig.x - trackGauge;
	turnoutD.orig.y = (curTurnout->size.y + curTurnout->orig.y) - turnoutD.size.y + trackGauge;
	DrawSegs( &turnoutD, zero, 0.0, curTurnout->segs, curTurnout->segCnt,
					 trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
	curTurnoutEp = 0;

static void TurnoutOk( void )

static void TurnoutDlgUpdate(
		paramGroup_p pg,
		int inx,
		void * valueP )
	turnoutInfo_t * to;
	if ( inx != I_LIST ) return;
	to = (turnoutInfo_t*)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].control, (wIndex_t)*(long*)valueP );
	curTurnout = to;
/*	ParamDialogOkActive( &turnoutPG, FALSE ); */

static wIndex_t TOpickEndPoint(
		coOrd p,
		turnoutInfo_t *to )
	wIndex_t inx, i;
	DIST_T d, dd;
	coOrd posI;

	d = FindDistance( p, to->endPt[0].pos );
	inx = 0;
	for ( i=1; i<to->endCnt; i++ ) {
		posI = to->endPt[i].pos;
		if ((dd=FindDistance(p, posI)) < d) {
			d = dd;
			inx = i;
	return inx;

static void HilightEndPt( void )
	coOrd p, s;
	p.x = curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].pos.x - trackGauge;
	p.y = curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].pos.y - trackGauge;
	s.x = s.y = trackGauge*2.0 /*+ turnoutD.minSize*/;
	wDrawSetTempMode( turnoutD.d, TRUE );
	DrawHilight( &turnoutD, p, s, FALSE );
	wDrawSetTempMode( turnoutD.d, FALSE );

static void SelTurnoutEndPt(
		wIndex_t action,
		coOrd pos )
	if (action != C_DOWN) return;

	curTurnoutEp = TOpickEndPoint( pos, curTurnout );
LOG( log_turnout, 3, (" selected (action=%d) %ld\n", action, curTurnoutEp ) )

static struct {
		int state;
		coOrd pos;
		coOrd place;
		track_p trk;
		ANGLE_T angle;
		coOrd rot0, rot1;
		} Dto;

static dynArr_t vector_da;
#define vector(N) DYNARR_N( vector_t, vector_da, N )

typedef struct {
		DIST_T off;
		ANGLE_T angle;
		EPINX_T ep;
		track_p trk;
		} vector_t;

 * PlaceTurnoutTrial
 * OUT Track 	- the Track that the Turnout is closest to
 * IN/OUT Pos	- Position of the Turnout end
 * OUT Angle1   - The angle on the Track at the position
 * OUT Angle2   - The angle of the Turnout (can be reversed from Angle 2 if the point is to the left)
 * OUT Count	- The number of connections
 * OUT Max		- The maximum distance between the ends and the connection points
 * OUT Vector   - An array of end points positions and offsets
static void PlaceTurnoutTrial(
		track_p *trkR,
		coOrd *posR,
		ANGLE_T *angle1R,
		ANGLE_T *angle2R,
		int *connCntR,
		DIST_T *maxDR,
		vector_t *v )
	coOrd pos = *posR;
	ANGLE_T aa;
	ANGLE_T angle;
	EPINX_T ep0, ep1;
	track_p trk, trk1;
	coOrd epPos, conPos, posI;
	ANGLE_T epAngle;
	int i, connCnt = 0;
	DIST_T d, maxD = 0;
	coOrd testP = pos;

	if (*trkR && (GetTrkDistance(*trkR,&testP)<trackGauge)) {   //Have Track, stick with it unless outside bounds
		trk = *trkR;
		pos = testP;
	} else *trkR = trk = OnTrack( &pos, FALSE, TRUE );
    if ( (trk) != NULL &&
		 !QueryTrack(trk,Q_CANNOT_PLACE_TURNOUT) &&
		 (ep0 = PickEndPoint( pos, trk )) >= 0 &&
		 ! ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT &&
			 (trk1=GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep0)) &&
			 GetTrkType(trk1) == T_TURNOUT) &&
		 ! GetLayerFrozen(GetTrkLayer(trk)) &&
		 ! GetLayerModule(GetTrkLayer(trk))) {
		epPos = GetTrkEndPos( trk, ep0 );
		d = FindDistance( pos, epPos );
		if (d <= minLength)
			pos = epPos;
		if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT ) {				//Only on the end
			ep0 = ep1 = PickEndPoint( pos, trk );
			angle = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep0 );
		} else {
			angle = GetAngleAtPoint( trk, pos, &ep0, &ep1 );
			if (ep0==1) angle = NormalizeAngle(angle+180);      //Reverse if curve backwards
		angle = NormalizeAngle( angle + 180.0 );
		if ( NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( pos, *posR ) - angle ) < 180.0 && ep0 != ep1 )
			angle = NormalizeAngle( angle + 180 );
		*angle2R = angle;
		epPos = curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].pos;
		*angle1R = angle = NormalizeAngle( angle - curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].angle );
		Rotate( &epPos, zero, angle );
		pos.x -= epPos.x;
		pos.y -= epPos.y;
		*posR = pos;			//The place the Turnout end sits
LOG( log_turnout, 3, ( "placeTurnout T%d (%0.3f %0.3f) A%0.3f\n",
				GetTrkIndex(trk), pos.x, pos.y, angle ) )
		/*InfoMessage( "Turnout(%d): Angle=%0.3f", GetTrkIndex(trk), angle );*/
		track_p ctrk = NULL;
		int ccnt = 0;
		DIST_T clarge = 100000;
		for (i=0;i<curTurnout->endCnt;i++) {
			posI = curTurnout->endPt[i].pos;
			epPos = AddCoOrd( pos, posI, angle );
			epAngle = NormalizeAngle( curTurnout->endPt[i].angle + angle );
			conPos = epPos;
			if ((trk = OnTrack(&conPos, FALSE, TRUE)) != NULL &&
				!GetLayerFrozen(GetTrkLayer(trk)) &&
				!GetLayerModule(GetTrkLayer(trk))) {
				v->off = FindDistance( epPos, conPos );
				v->angle = FindAngle( epPos, conPos );
				if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT ) {
					ep0 = ep1 = PickEndPoint( conPos, trk );
					aa = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep0 );
				} else {
					aa = GetAngleAtPoint( trk, conPos, &ep0, &ep1 );
					if (ep0) 					//Backwards - so reverse
						aa = NormalizeAngle(aa+180);
				v->ep = i;
				aa = fabs(DifferenceBetweenAngles( aa, epAngle ));
				if (QueryTrack(trk,Q_IS_CORNU) ) {			//Make sure only two conns to each Cornu
					int k=0;
					v->trk = trk;
					for (int j=0; j<i;j++) {
						if (vector(j).trk == trk) k++;
					if (k<2) {						//Already two conns to this track
						if (v->off > maxD)
							maxD = v->off;

				} else if (( IsClose(v->off) && (aa<connectAngle || aa>180-connectAngle) &&
				  !( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT &&
						 (trk1=GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep0)) &&
						 GetTrkType(trk1) == T_TURNOUT )) ) {
					if (v->off > maxD)
						maxD = v->off;
	} else {
		trk = NULL;
		*trkR = NULL;
	*connCntR = connCnt;
	*maxDR = maxD;

static void PlaceTurnout(
		coOrd pos, track_p trk )
	coOrd p, pos1, pos2;
	track_p trk1, trk2;
	ANGLE_T a, a1, a2, a3;
	int i, connCnt1, connCnt2;
	DIST_T d, maxD1, maxD2, sina;
	vector_t *V, * maxV;


	pos1 = Dto.place = Dto.pos = pos;
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "Place Turnout @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
	if (curTurnoutEp >= (long)curTurnout->endCnt)
		curTurnoutEp = 0;
	DYNARR_SET( vector_t, vector_da, curTurnout->endCnt );
	if (trk) trk1 = trk;
	else trk1 = NULL;
	PlaceTurnoutTrial( &trk1, &pos1, &a1, &a2, &connCnt1, &maxD1, &vector(0) );
	if (connCnt1 > 0) {
		Dto.pos = pos1;		//First track pos
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( " trial 1 @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
		Dto.trk = trk1;		//Track
		Dto.angle = a1;		//Angle of track to put down
		if ( ((MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_SHIFT)==0) && (connCnt1 > 1) && (maxD1 >= 0.001) ) {  //Adjust if not Shift
			maxV = &vector(0);
			for ( i=1; i<connCnt1; i++ ) {		//Ignore first point
				V = &vector(i);
				if ( V->off > maxV->off ) {
					maxV = V;
			a3 = NormalizeAngle( Dto.angle + curTurnout->endPt[maxV->ep].angle );
			a = NormalizeAngle( a2 - a3 );
			sina = sin(D2R(a));
			if (fabs(sina) > 0.01) {
				d = maxV->off/sina;
				if (NormalizeAngle( maxV->angle - a3) > 180)
					d = -d;
				Translate( &pos2, pos, a2, d );
				trk2 = trk1;
				PlaceTurnoutTrial( &trk2, &pos2, &a2, &a, &connCnt2, &maxD2, &vector(0) );
				if ( connCnt2 >= connCnt1 && maxD2 < maxD1 ) {
					Dto.pos = pos2;
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( " trial 2 @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
					Dto.trk = trk2;
					Dto.angle = a2;
					maxD1 = maxD2;
					connCnt1 = connCnt2;
	if ( connCnt1 > 0 ) {
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, curTurnout->title );
		InfoMessage( _("%d connections, max distance %0.3f (%s)"),
				connCnt1, PutDim(maxD1), message );
	} else {
		Dto.trk = NULL;
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, curTurnout->title );
		InfoMessage( _("0 connections (%s)"), message );
		p = curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].pos;
		Rotate( &p, zero, Dto.angle );
		Dto.pos.x = pos.x - p.x;
		Dto.pos.y = pos.y - p.y;
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( " final @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );

static void AddTurnout( void )
	track_p newTrk;
	track_p trk, trk1;
	struct extraData *xx;
	coOrd epPos;
	DIST_T d;
	ANGLE_T a, aa;
	EPINX_T ep0, ep1, epx, epy;
	wIndex_t i,j;
	wIndex_t titleLen;
	typedef struct {
		track_p trk;
		EPINX_T ep;
		} junk_t;
	static dynArr_t connection_da;
	static dynArr_t leftover_da;
#define connection(N) DYNARR_N( junk_t, connection_da, N )
#define leftover(N) DYNARR_N( junk_t, leftover_da, N )
	BOOL_T visible;
	BOOL_T no_ties;
	BOOL_T noConnections;
	coOrd p0, p1;

	if (Dto.state == 0)

	if (curTurnout->segCnt < 1 || curTurnout->endCnt < 1) {
		AbortProg( "addTurnout: bad cnt" );

	UndoStart( _("Place New Turnout"), "addTurnout" );
	titleLen = strlen( curTurnout->title );

	DYNARR_SET( trkEndPt_t, tempEndPts_da, curTurnout->endCnt );
	DYNARR_SET( junk_t, connection_da, curTurnout->endCnt );
	DYNARR_SET( junk_t, leftover_da, curTurnout->endCnt );

	for (i=0; i<curTurnout->endCnt; i++ ) {
		coOrd posI;
		posI = curTurnout->endPt[i].pos;
		tempEndPts(i).pos = AddCoOrd( Dto.pos, posI, Dto.angle );
		tempEndPts(i).angle = NormalizeAngle( curTurnout->endPt[i].angle + Dto.angle );

	AuditTracks( "addTurnout begin" );

	for (i=0;i<curTurnout->endCnt;i++) {
		AuditTracks( "addTurnout [%d]", i );
		connection(i).trk = leftover(i).trk = NULL;
		connection(i).ep = -1;
		leftover(i).ep = -1;
		/* connect each endPt ... */
		epPos = tempEndPts(i).pos;
		if ((trk = OnTrack(&epPos, FALSE, TRUE)) != NULL &&    //Adjust epPos onto existing track
			(!GetLayerFrozen(GetTrkLayer(trk))) &&
			(!GetLayerModule(GetTrkLayer(trk)))  &&
			(!QueryTrack(trk,Q_CANNOT_PLACE_TURNOUT)) ) {
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "ep[%d] on T%d @(%0.3f %0.3f)\n",
					i, GetTrkIndex(trk), epPos.x, epPos.y ) )
			DIST_T dd = 10000.0;
			int nearest = -1;
			for (int j=0;j<curTurnout->endCnt;j++) {
				if (j<i && (connection(j).trk == trk)) {
					nearest = -1;
					goto nextEnd;  //Track already chosen in use
				if (dd>FindDistance(epPos,tempEndPts(j).pos)) {
					dd = FindDistance(epPos,tempEndPts(j).pos);
					nearest = j;
			if (nearest != i) continue;    //Not this one
			d = FindDistance( tempEndPts(i).pos, epPos );
			if ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT ) {
				ep0 = ep1 = PickEndPoint( epPos, trk );
				a = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, ep0 );
			} else {
				a = GetAngleAtPoint( trk, epPos, &ep0, &ep1 );
			aa = fabs(DifferenceBetweenAngles( a , tempEndPts(i).angle));
			if ((QueryTrack(trk,Q_IS_CORNU) && (d<trackGauge*2)) ||
				(( IsClose(d) &&  ( ((ep0!=ep1) && (aa<=connectAngle)) || ((aa<=connectAngle) || (aa>180-connectAngle)) ) &&
				 ! ( GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT &&
				   (trk1=GetTrkEndTrk(trk,ep0)) &&
				   GetTrkType(trk1) == T_TURNOUT )) ) ) {
				/* ... if they are close enough to a track and line up */
				if (aa<90) {
				   epx = ep1;
				   epy = ep0;
				} else {
				   epx = ep0;
				   epy = ep1;
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "   Attach! epx=%d\n", epx ) )
				if ( (epx != epy) &&
					((d=FindDistance(GetTrkEndPos(trk,epy), epPos)) < minLength) &&
					((trk1=GetTrkEndTrk(trk,epy)) != NULL) ) {
					epx = GetEndPtConnectedToMe( trk1, trk );
					trk = trk1;
				/* split the track at the intersection point */
		AuditTracks( "addTurnout [%d] before splitTrack", i );
				if (SplitTrack( trk, epPos, epx, &leftover(i).trk, TRUE )) {
		AuditTracks( "addTurnout [%d], after splitTrack", i );
					/* remember so we can fix up connection later */
					connection(i).trk = trk;
					connection(i).ep = epx;
					if (leftover(i).trk != NULL) {
						leftover(i).ep = 1-epx;
						/* did we already split this track? */
						for (j=0;j<i;j++) {
							if ( connection(i).trk == leftover(j).trk ) {
								/* yes.  Remove the latest leftover piece */
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "   deleting leftover T%d\n",
										GetTrkIndex(leftover(i).trk) ) )
		AuditTracks( "addTurnout [%d] before delete", i );
								UndrawNewTrack( leftover(i).trk );
								DeleteTrack( leftover(i).trk, FALSE );
		AuditTracks( "addTurnout [%d] before delete", i );
								leftover(i).trk = NULL;
								leftover(i).ep = -1;
								leftover(j).trk = NULL; //Forget this leftover
								leftover(j).ep = -1;

	AuditTracks( "addTurnout after loop" );

	 * copy data */

	newTrk = NewCompound( T_TURNOUT, 0, Dto.pos, Dto.angle, curTurnout->title, tempEndPts_da.cnt, &tempEndPts(0), NULL, curTurnout->pathLen, (char *)curTurnout->paths, curTurnout->segCnt, curTurnout->segs );
	xx = GetTrkExtraData(newTrk);
	xx->customInfo = curTurnout->customInfo;
	if (connection((int)curTurnoutEp).trk) {
		CopyAttributes( connection((int)curTurnoutEp).trk, newTrk );
		SetTrkScale( newTrk, GetLayoutCurScale());
	xx->special = curTurnout->special;
	if (xx->special == TOcurved) {
		for (int i=0;i<curTurnout->endCnt;i++) {
			DYNARR_N(DIST_T,xx->u.curved.radii,i) = DYNARR_N(DIST_T,curTurnout->u.curved.radii,i);
	xx->u = curTurnout->u;

	/* Make the connections */

	visible = FALSE;
	no_ties = FALSE;
	noConnections = TRUE;
	AuditTracks( "addTurnout T%d before connection", GetTrkIndex(newTrk) );
	for (i=0;i<curTurnout->endCnt;i++) {
		if ( connection(i).trk != NULL ) {
			if (GetTrkEndTrk(connection(i).trk,connection(i).ep)) continue;
			p0 = GetTrkEndPos( newTrk, i );
			p1 = GetTrkEndPos( connection(i).trk, connection(i).ep );
			ANGLE_T a0 = GetTrkEndAngle( newTrk, i);
			ANGLE_T a1 = GetTrkEndAngle( connection(i).trk, connection(i).ep );
			ANGLE_T a = fabs(DifferenceBetweenAngles(a0+180,a1));
			d = FindDistance( p0, p1 );
			if (QueryTrack(connection(i).trk,Q_IS_CORNU)) {
				ANGLE_T a = DifferenceBetweenAngles(FindAngle(p0,p1),a0);
				if (IsClose(d) || fabs(a)<=90.0) {
					trk1 = connection(i).trk;
					ep0 = connection(i).ep;
					if (GetTrkEndTrk(trk1,ep0)) continue;
					DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep0, wDrawColorWhite );
					trackParams_t params;
					GetTrackParams( PARAMS_EXTEND, newTrk, GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,i), &params);
					SetCornuEndPt(trk1, ep0, GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,i), params.arcP, NormalizeAngle(params.angle+180.0), params.arcR);
					DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep0, wDrawColorBlack );
			} else if ( d < connectDistance && (a<=connectAngle)) {
				noConnections = FALSE;
				trk1 = connection(i).trk;
				ep0 = connection(i).ep;
				DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep0, wDrawColorWhite );
				ConnectTracks( newTrk, i, trk1, ep0 );
				visible |= GetTrkVisible(trk1);
				no_ties |= GetTrkNoTies(trk1);
				DrawEndPt( &mainD, trk1, ep0, wDrawColorBlack );
	if (noConnections)
		visible = TRUE;
	SetTrkVisible( newTrk, visible);
	SetTrkNoTies(newTrk, no_ties);
	SetTrkBridge(newTrk, FALSE);

	AuditTracks( "addTurnout T%d before dealing with leftovers", GetTrkIndex(newTrk) );
	/* deal with the leftovers */
	for (i=0;i<curTurnout->endCnt;i++) {
		if ( (trk=leftover(i).trk) != NULL && !IsTrackDeleted(trk) ) {
			/* move endPt beyond the turnout */
			/* it it is short then delete it */
			coOrd off;
			DIST_T maxX;
			track_p lt = leftover(i).trk;
			if (QueryTrack(lt,Q_IS_CORNU)) {
				leftover(i).trk = NULL;
			EPINX_T ep, le = leftover(i).ep, nearest_ep =-1;
			coOrd pos, nearest_pos = zero;
			ANGLE_T nearest_angle = 0.0;
			DIST_T nearest_radius = 0.0;
			coOrd nearest_center = zero;
			trackParams_t params;
			maxX = 0.0;
			DIST_T dd = 10000.0;
			a = NormalizeAngle( GetTrkEndAngle(lt,le) + 180.0 );
			for (ep=0; ep<curTurnout->endCnt; ep++) {
				FindPos( &off, NULL, GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,ep), GetTrkEndPos(lt,le), a, 100000.0 );
				pos = GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,ep);
				DIST_T d = GetTrkDistance(lt, &pos);
				if ((d<dd) && ( d<trackGauge/2)) {
					ANGLE_T a = GetTrkEndAngle( lt, le );
					ANGLE_T a2 = fabs(DifferenceBetweenAngles(GetTrkEndAngle(newTrk,ep),a+180));
					if (GetTrkEndTrk(newTrk,ep)==NULL) { //Not if joined already
						if (a2<90 && QueryTrack(lt,Q_IS_CORNU)) { //And Cornu in the right direction
							GetTrackParams( PARAMS_EXTEND, newTrk, GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,ep), &params);
							nearest_pos = GetTrkEndPos(newTrk,ep);
							nearest_angle = NormalizeAngle(params.angle+180.0);
							nearest_radius = params.arcR;
							nearest_center = params.arcP;
							nearest_ep = ep;
						dd = d;
				if (off.x > maxX)
					maxX = off.x;
			maxX += trackGauge;
			pos = Dto.pos;
			if (QueryTrack(lt,Q_IS_CORNU)) {
				if (nearest_ep >=0) {
					SetCornuEndPt(lt, le, nearest_pos, nearest_center, nearest_angle, nearest_radius);
				} else {
			} else {
	AuditTracks( "addTurnout T%d[%d] before trimming L%d[%d]", GetTrkIndex(newTrk), i, GetTrkIndex(lt), le );
				wBool_t rc = TrimTrack( lt, le, maxX, nearest_pos, nearest_angle, nearest_radius, nearest_center );
	AuditTracks( "addTurnout T%d[%d] after trimming L%d[%d]", GetTrkIndex(newTrk), i, GetTrkIndex(lt), le );


	SetDescriptionOrig( newTrk );
	xx->descriptionOff = zero;
	xx->descriptionSize = zero;

	DrawNewTrack( newTrk );

	AuditTracks( "addTurnout T%d returns", GetTrkIndex(newTrk) );
	Dto.state = 0;
	Dto.trk = NULL;
	Dto.angle = 0.0;

static void TurnoutRotate( void * pangle )
	if (Dto.state == 0)
	ANGLE_T angle = (ANGLE_T)(long)pangle;
	angle /= 1000.0;
	Dto.pos = cmdMenuPos;
	Rotate( &Dto.pos, cmdMenuPos, angle );
	Dto.angle += angle;
	TempRedraw(); // TurnoutRotate

static dynArr_t anchors_da;
#define anchors(N) DYNARR_N(trkSeg_t,anchors_da,N)

void static CreateArrowAnchor(coOrd pos,ANGLE_T a,DIST_T len) {
	int i = anchors_da.cnt-1;
	anchors(i).type = SEG_STRLIN;
	anchors(i).width = 0;
	anchors(i).u.l.pos[0] = pos;
	anchors(i).color = wDrawColorBlue;
	i = anchors_da.cnt-1;
	anchors(i).type = SEG_STRLIN;
	anchors(i).width = 0;
	anchors(i).u.l.pos[0] = pos;
	anchors(i).color = wDrawColorBlue;

void static CreateRotateAnchor(coOrd pos) {
	DIST_T d = tempD.scale*0.15;
	int i = anchors_da.cnt-1;
	anchors(i).type = SEG_CRVLIN;
	anchors(i).width = 0.5;
	anchors(i).u.c.center = pos;
	anchors(i).u.c.a0 = 180.0;
	anchors(i).u.c.a1 = 360.0;
	anchors(i).u.c.radius = d*2;
	anchors(i).color = wDrawColorAqua;
	coOrd head;					//Arrows
	for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {

void static CreateMoveAnchor(coOrd pos) {
 * Process the mouse events for laying track.
 * \param action IN event type
 * \param pos    IN mouse position 
 * \return    		next state

EXPORT STATUS_T CmdTurnoutAction(
		wAction_t action,
		coOrd pos )
	ANGLE_T angle;
	static BOOL_T validAngle;
	static ANGLE_T baseAngle;
	static coOrd origPos;
	static ANGLE_T origAngle;

	switch (action & 0xFF) {

	case C_START:
		Dto.state = 0;
		Dto.trk = NULL;
		Dto.angle = 0.0;
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case wActionMove:
		if (Dto.state && (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL)) {
		} else {
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_DOWN:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		PlaceTurnout( pos, NULL );
		Dto.state = 1;
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_MOVE:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		if ( curTurnoutEp >= (long)curTurnout->endCnt )
			curTurnoutEp = 0;
		Dto.state = 1;
		PlaceTurnout( pos, Dto.trk );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_UP:
		InfoMessage( _("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel") );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_RDOWN:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		if (Dto.state == 0) {
			Dto.pos = pos;      // If first, use pos, otherwise use current
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "RDOWN @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
		Dto.rot0 = Dto.rot1 = pos;
		Dto.state = 2;
		origPos = Dto.pos;
		origAngle = Dto.angle;
		Rotate( &origPos, Dto.rot0, -(Dto.angle + curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].angle) );
		validAngle = FALSE;
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_RMOVE:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		Dto.rot1 = pos;
		if ( FindDistance(Dto.rot0, Dto.rot1) > 0.1*mainD.scale ) {
			angle = FindAngle( Dto.rot0, Dto.rot1 );
			if (!validAngle) {
				baseAngle = angle/* - Dto.angle*/;
				validAngle = TRUE;
			Dto.pos = origPos;
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "RMOVE pre @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
			angle -= baseAngle;
			Dto.angle = NormalizeAngle( origAngle + angle );
			angle += 180.0;
			Dto.angle = angle - curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].angle;
			Rotate( &Dto.pos, Dto.rot0, angle );
LOG( log_turnout, 1, ( "RMOVE post @ %0.3fx%0.3f\n", Dto.pos.x, Dto.pos.y ) );
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, curTurnout->title );
		InfoMessage( _("Angle = %0.3f (%s)"), PutAngle( NormalizeAngle(Dto.angle + 90.0) ), message );
		Dto.state = 2;
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_RUP:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		Dto.state = 1;
		InfoMessage( _("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel") );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_LCLICK:
		if ( curTurnout == NULL ) return C_CONTINUE;
		if ( MyGetKeyState() & WKEY_SHIFT ) {
			angle = curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].angle;
			if (curTurnoutEp >= (long)curTurnout->endCnt)
				curTurnoutEp = 0;
			if (Dto.trk == NULL)
				Dto.angle = NormalizeAngle( Dto.angle + (angle - curTurnout->endPt[(int)curTurnoutEp].angle ) );
			PlaceTurnout( Dto.place, Dto.trk );
		} else {
			CmdTurnoutAction( C_DOWN, pos );
			CmdTurnoutAction( C_UP, pos );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_REDRAW:
		if (Dto.state) {
			DrawSegs( &tempD, Dto.pos, Dto.angle,
				curTurnout->segs, curTurnout->segCnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlue );
		if (anchors_da.cnt>0) {
			DrawSegs( &tempD, zero, 0.0, &anchors(0), anchors_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		if (Dto.state == 2)
			DrawLine( &tempD, Dto.rot0, Dto.rot1, 0, wDrawColorBlack );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_CANCEL:
		Dto.state = 0;
		Dto.trk = NULL;
		/*wHide( newTurn.reg.win );*/
		return C_TERMINATE;

	case C_TEXT:
		if ((action>>8) != ' ') 
			return C_CONTINUE;
		/*no break*/
	case C_OK:
		Dto.trk = NULL;
		return C_TERMINATE;

	case C_FINISH:
		if (Dto.state != 0 && Dto.trk != NULL)
			CmdTurnoutAction( C_OK, pos );
			CmdTurnoutAction( C_CANCEL, pos );
		return C_TERMINATE;

	case C_CMDMENU:
		menuPos = pos;
		wMenuPopupShow( turnoutPopupM );
		return C_CONTINUE;

		return C_CONTINUE;

static STATUS_T CmdTurnout(
		wAction_t action,
		coOrd pos )
	wIndex_t turnoutIndex;
	turnoutInfo_t * turnoutPtr;

	switch (action & 0xFF) {

	case C_START:
		if (turnoutW == NULL) {
/*			turnoutW = ParamCreateDialog( &turnoutPG, MakeWindowTitle("Turnout"), "Ok", , (paramActionCancelProc)Reset, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE|F_RECALLSIZE, TurnoutDlgUpdate ); */
			turnoutW = ParamCreateDialog( &turnoutPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Turnout")), _("Close"), (paramActionOkProc)TurnoutOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE|F_RECALLSIZE|PD_F_ALT_CANCELLABEL, TurnoutDlgUpdate );
			InitNewTurn( turnoutNewM );
/*		ParamDialogOkActive( &turnoutPG, FALSE ); */
		turnoutIndex = wListGetIndex( turnoutListL );
		turnoutPtr = curTurnout;
		wShow( turnoutW );
		if (curTurnout == NULL) {
			NoticeMessage2( 0, MSG_TURNOUT_NO_TURNOUT, _("Ok"), NULL );
			return C_TERMINATE;
		if (turnoutIndex > 0 && turnoutPtr) {
			curTurnout = turnoutPtr;
			wListSetIndex( turnoutListL, turnoutIndex );
		InfoMessage( _("Pick turnout and active End Point, then place on the layout"));
		ParamLoadControls( &turnoutPG );
		ParamGroupRecord( &turnoutPG );
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case wActionMove:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_DOWN:
	case C_RDOWN:
		ParamDialogOkActive( &turnoutPG, TRUE );
		if (hideTurnoutWindow)
			wHide( turnoutW );
		 if (((action&0xFF) == C_DOWN) && (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL))
			return CmdTurnoutAction(C_RDOWN, pos);     //Convert CTRL into Right
		/*no break*/
	case C_MOVE:
		if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL)
			return CmdTurnoutAction (C_RMOVE, pos);
		/*no break*/
	case C_RMOVE:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_UP:
	case C_RUP:
		if (hideTurnoutWindow)
			wShow( turnoutW );

		InfoMessage( _("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel") );
		if (((action&0xFF) == C_UP) && (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL))
						return CmdTurnoutAction (C_RUP, pos);
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_LCLICK:
		CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_CANCEL:
		wHide( turnoutW );
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );
	case C_TEXT:
		CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );
		return C_CONTINUE;
	case C_OK:
	case C_FINISH:
	case C_CMDMENU:
	case C_REDRAW:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

		return C_CONTINUE;

 * Event procedure for the hotbar.
 * \param op   IN requested function
 * \param data IN	pointer to info on selected element	
 * \param d    IN
 * \param origP IN
 * \return   

static char * CmdTurnoutHotBarProc(
		hotBarProc_e op,
		void * data,
		drawCmd_p d,
		coOrd * origP )
	turnoutInfo_t * to = (turnoutInfo_t*)data;
	switch ( op ) {
	case HB_SELECT:		/* new element is selected */
		CmdTurnoutAction( C_FINISH, zero ); 		/* finish current operation */
		curTurnout = to;
		DoCommandB( (void*)(intptr_t)turnoutHotBarCmdInx ); /* continue with new turnout / structure */
		return NULL;
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, to->title );
		if (message[0] == '\0')
			FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels|LABEL_DESCR, to->title );
		return message;
		FormatCompoundTitle( hotBarLabels<<1, to->title );
		return message;
		return to->title;
	case HB_DRAW:
		DrawSegs( d, *origP, 0.0, to->segs, to->segCnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack );
		return NULL;
	return NULL;

EXPORT void AddHotBarTurnouts( void )
	wIndex_t inx;
	turnoutInfo_t * to;
	for ( inx=0; inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt; inx ++ ) {
		to = turnoutInfo(inx);
		if ( !( IsParamValid(to->paramFileIndex) &&
				to->segCnt > 0 &&
				CompatibleScale( TRUE, to->scaleInx, GetLayoutCurScale()) ) )
		AddHotBarElement( to->contentsLabel, to->size, to->orig, TRUE, FALSE, to->barScale, to, CmdTurnoutHotBarProc );

 * Handle mouse events for laying track when initiated from hotbar.
 * \param action IN mouse event type
 * \param pos IN mouse position
 * \return    next state of operation

static STATUS_T CmdTurnoutHotBar(
		wAction_t action,
		coOrd pos )

	switch (action & 0xFF) {

	case C_START:
		if (curTurnout == NULL) {
			NoticeMessage2( 0, MSG_TURNOUT_NO_TURNOUT, _("Ok"), NULL );
			return C_TERMINATE;
		FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels|LABEL_DESCR, curTurnout->title );
		InfoMessage( _("Place %s and draw into position"), message );
        wIndex_t listIndex = FindListItemByContext( turnoutListL, curTurnout );
        if ( listIndex > 0 )
                turnoutInx = listIndex;
        ParamLoadControls( &turnoutPG );
        ParamGroupRecord( &turnoutPG );
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case wActionMove:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_DOWN:
		if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) {
			return CmdTurnoutAction( C_RDOWN, pos );
		/*no break*/
	case C_RDOWN:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_MOVE:
		if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) {
			return CmdTurnoutAction( C_RMOVE, pos );
		/*no break*/
	case C_RMOVE:
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_UP:
		if (MyGetKeyState()&WKEY_CTRL) {
			return CmdTurnoutAction( C_RUP, pos );
		/*no break*/
	case C_RUP:
		InfoMessage( _("Left-Drag to place, Ctrl+Left-Drag or Right-Drag to Rotate, Space or Enter to accept, Esc to Cancel") );
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

	case C_REDRAW:
			return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );
	case C_TEXT:
		if ((action>>8) != ' ')
			return C_CONTINUE;
		/* no break*/
	case C_OK:
		CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );
		return C_CONTINUE;

	case C_CANCEL:
		/*no break*/
		return CmdTurnoutAction( action, pos );

#include "bitmaps/turnout.xpm"

EXPORT void InitCmdTurnout( wMenu_p menu )
	AddMenuButton( menu, CmdTurnout, "cmdTurnout", _("Predefined Track"), wIconCreatePixMap(turnout_xpm), LEVEL0_50, IC_WANT_MOVE|IC_STICKY|IC_LCLICK|IC_CMDMENU|IC_POPUP2, ACCL_TURNOUT, NULL );
	turnoutHotBarCmdInx = AddMenuButton( menu, CmdTurnoutHotBar, "cmdTurnoutHotBar", "", NULL, LEVEL0_50, IC_WANT_MOVE|IC_STICKY|IC_LCLICK|IC_CMDMENU|IC_POPUP2, 0, NULL );
	RegisterChangeNotification( TurnoutChange );
	ParamRegister( &turnoutPG );
	log_turnout = LogFindIndex( "turnout" );
	log_traverseTurnout = LogFindIndex( "traverseTurnout" );
	log_suppressCheckPaths = LogFindIndex( "suppresscheckpaths" );
	log_splitturnout = LogFindIndex( "splitturnout" );
	if ( turnoutPopupM == NULL ) {
		turnoutPopupM = MenuRegister( "Turnout Rotate" );
		AddRotateMenu( turnoutPopupM, TurnoutRotate );

EXPORT void InitTrkTurnout( void )
	T_TURNOUT = InitObject( &turnoutCmds );

	/*InitDebug( "Turnout", &debugTurnout );*/
	AddParam( "TURNOUT ", ReadTurnoutParam);
#ifdef TEST

wDrawable_t turnoutD;

void wListAddValue( wList_p bl, char * val, wIcon_p, void * listData, void * itemData )

void wListClear( wList_p bl )

void wDrawSetScale( wDrawable_p d )
	d->scale = 1.0;

void wDrawClear( wDrawable_p d )

void GetTrkCurveCenter( track_p t, coOrd *pos, DIST_T *radius )

#ifdef NOTRACK_C

track_p NewTrack( wIndex_t index, TRKTYP_T type, EPINX_T endCnt, SIZE_T extraSize )
	return NULL;

track_p OnTrack( coOrd *pos )
	return NULL;

void ErrorMessage( char * msg, ... )
	lprintf( "ERROR : %s\n", msg );

void DeleteTrack( track_p t )

void ConnectTracks( track_p t0, EPINX_T ep0, track_p t1, EPINX_T ep1 )

main( INT_T argc, char * argv[] )
	FILE * f;
	char line[STR_SIZE];
	wIndex_t lineCnt = 0;

	/*debugTurnout = 3;*/
	if ((f = fopen("turnout.params", "r" )) == NULL ) {
		Perror( "turnout.params" );
	while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, f ) != NULL ) {
		ReadTurnoutParam( &lineCnt );